ALL ACCESS: Spence vs. Crawford | Ep 1 | Full Episode | SHOWTIME PPV

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foreign the best Terence Crawford 39-0 me 28 no he has a title I have three titles and this is for the Undisputed so I feel like this is a legacy fight I'm happy that the fight is here but I'm not satisfied until my hand is raised July 29th I think it's gonna be a hell of a fight I think we're gonna fight out of each other this is my moment to shine I'm prepared to do whatever I have to do this is the old school fight this is what my dad used to talk to me about when he used to watch fights 40 years ago when you had Tommy Hearns and Ray Leonard and all the grace the Four Kings and people adored them because they're really competitive Fighters blood and guts Terence Crawford has their dog mentality I have that mentality and you put us together you're gonna have all our war action-packed fight old school just like the greats for anyone who hasn't noticed the super fight season has made a triumphant return but this this fight it stands alone two of the greatest boxers alive facing off in their primes who wins not even Vegas can predict all this screams vintage classic and to make it happen Spence and Crawford sealed the deal with a phone call how delightfully old school the first time we talked we talked probably like 30 minutes 35 minutes and I just let them know like hey what's up let's fight I've been calling these guys out since 2018. hey look who do you want next well you already know who I want I feel like I'm the guy that really made it happen I want to fight Terrence Crawford I don't want to fight anybody else on Saturday July 29th two undefeated Champions will Zone in our Legacy this error is the Terence Crawford area definitely not man you ain't fought nobody man what did I do to Sean Porter that you couldn't do we call itself the big fish right but what you do when the fish get took out the water you suffocating We're Gonna Roll him up and smoke him when Arrow Spence and Terence Crawford scrapped for an Undisputed welterweight Crown they'll have each other dance Partners in lockstep each offering to summon magic Artistry and Brilliance unlike ever before that's the old school part the enticing part boxing at its most compelling risk embracing Rock'em sock'em best the truth hurts when I win this fight it'll be no argument who's the best fighter in the world oh I feel as if I was made for this moment it doesn't get any bigger than this boxing doesn't come much better for this Clash have the history books ready because if those best selves can recall past Eris an old school will in a way be refreshingly new we know what's at state May the best man win [Music] [Music] a showdown like this Titan versus Titan pretty much sells itself still the camps descend on New York City to sell anyway leaving nothing to chance [Music] and it's obvious they're here for a fight hey keep your ass off there keep your ass out there what's up what's up what's going on it's all good I said what's going on stupid you stupid hey me man you about to get choked out or something well really it was like his boy on the outside was talking yeah I think they think I'm a pump I just got a suit on [Music] yeah this is a fight that's been marinating for years I've been preparing my whole life for this moment right here ain't no holding me back not error not Derek nobody this is gonna be a great fighting up on a great show imma show everybody why I've been breaking people make sure y'all tune in July 29th it's gonna be another man down in this draft season time all right let's please go face now [Applause] [Music] y'all ready for this y'all got your hot sauce [Laughter] hey oh no can I ask how the hell you know I didn't eat hot sauce Arrow Julie I don't I didn't know you didn't eat hot sauce so that's not me he said you don't even eat hot sauce I said you know that good inside information I didn't know you don't eat the hot sauce just like the old is wanna blame everything on both oh it feels good in here hey a long time no see yes sir yes sir thank you thank you all right yes sir yes sir you want a Jersey oh yeah where am I lying you up at I come out here a little bit put some Corners the rules we got to work in right now I can definitely not put you on and we'll get fined to lose three drafters man they're working you up you up you're taking it slow now we had a game about to go yeah you the man now [Music] Harold Spence Junior's favorite football team long ago elevated a simple star into a symbol of success but when Spence and his longtime trainer Derek James Popped by for a visit it's clear which star is most in demand even NFL icons see Spence and our Starstruck good luck bro appreciate it man appreciate it yeah bro I mean I've been a Dallas Cowboys fan my whole life it's kind of crazy and surreal just stepping up all the players and you know talking with them and having conversation with them no we've been talking like that oh yeah I already know oh yeah getting that type of respect from biggest franchise in the world this means a lot on the 29th and they win the Super Bowl for me later on in the year the fandom apparently is mutual as star pass rusher Micah Parsons plots a transition from fight fan to fighter anyone down for a Sports Swap I'm in championship fight wait right now what if I break your nose three rounds that's all I got he said three rounds let's go three rounds and all Gary Jones calling my team to talk about what I did to you friend my friend all right good to have you out of here sir yes sir I'm glad to be out here I have such an appreciation for what early is as a athlete when I think of the Dallas Cowboys I think he rises to that level of excellence in sports what it takes to go out there just you in the ring with one other and push through yes sir these guys have to learn how hard it is to push through to have success when I was growing up I wanted to be a football player so my dream was to play for the Dallas Cowboys well it's a big one coming up for us it's the last bet to get it at the weight class that I'm at and I can move up so I'm ready as Spencer's Cowboys know well building a meaningful Legacy takes time his quest to unify the storied welterweight division started way back in 2017 on another Champions hostile home turf the best fighting the best calpro canaro's fence putting it all on the line here he's taking a knee and the fight is over Errol Spence Jr has done it the truth hurts as Harold Spence Jr becomes ibf's Welterweight Champion the goat is Unified titles to come to Undisputed welterweight champion of the world [Applause] fight for drape that bad boy over an arm Spence aim for Kell Brook initially then Sean Porter then your Denny's ugas and in five years he arrived at the welterweight Summit only one belt away Spence Jr is one of the best boxers on planet Earth what's next everybody know who I want this I want Terence Crawford News man there is easy I know what time it is baby terriers are coming for their meal my motto's trash season man down so as you see the shirt that's the last door we even got the kale Sean oh guys and now we at Crawford Door so July 29th try to walk through some more doors it's rare for a champion to become Undisputed rare still to need five years for three belts but Spence is not normal and those years for him were about survival whether a life-threatening car wreck or a career-threatening eye injury that he still fought still one still marched towards Undisputed showcase the medal within everything that I you know been through especially in the last few years they can make a movie out of my career you know different trials and tribulations that you know I've been through he said that I'll get all his belts over here and go on some car accident in regardless of attached retina he was able to unify a champ at three belts and all he needs is one more Terence Crawford is the only fight that I want I couldn't think of a better scenario he's a great fighter I'm a great fighter this fight you know is happening now I think it's happened had a great time Terence is my dancing partner you know I feel like we're gonna make each other great it's gonna come down to fortitude he faced a lot of things that shows it as the mental fortitude that mental toughness and I think that that's going to play a big role in Arab becoming Undisputed champ of the world [Music] [Applause] Crawford [Applause] I'd like to thank everybody that took the time out to come to this event not only myself but for the community and the kids I appreciate each and every one of you y'all know what I'ma do y'all already know it ain't nothing new but today [Applause] [Music] normally I do a send-off with like a media family but this time we was just like let's get them community in into it and let's have a community event I'm a firm believer you got to give back to the community that raised me to be the man that I am today in Terence Crawford's hometown of Omaha instead of the star in Dallas there's only one star him hence the send-off rally one last hurray with supporters before departing for camp in Colorado Springs and where better to host than Omaha's boxing epicenter the academy Crawford opened as we started b b boxing Academy because it's a lot of crime in North Omaha and I was one of those kids that didn't have anything to do it's probably two options jail or dead What drew me to boxing was I was in a neighborhood fight what's his name Canelo my mom told me to go to college and try to do something else with my life because I wasn't going to be my dad he always told me I was gonna be a Million Dollar Baby as Crawford made the impossible routine he proved mom wrong and Dad right but don't mistake that for smooth the streets nearly swallowed young Bud who was shot and survived and saved by the sport that now defines him all right no disrespect but we frying fish [Applause] it's supposed to be here but he's not here I knew for a fact I should have been in the bed sleeping until they called me I swear stay in the bed Bernard don't rush stay in the bed you know how it is I know in order to not just box but conquer Crawford built an unbreakable team and today Bernard Davis red spikes Esau diegas and head trainer Brian bomack McIntyre are headed to the mountains to prep for the precipitous climb ahead those individuals know what the real Terence Crawford not just boxing Terence Crawford they family hi guys them the type of people that want the best for you bring it in y'all come on you got time we got to go when something like this happens it's like they accomplishing it as well amen there he is and we gonna watch him there you go catch him here oh Stand double hook give me a trip look right right in the hook hey Cole listen listen our whole thing today is they're trying to break them I want them to say I quit especially you I bet you I say I make you say I quit let me try to hit you in your mouth I bet you don't bet let's bet stop playing before you get hurt work time we've been coming out here just to get away getting away from all the distractions at home my mind is shifting from pre-camp and working out to actually the object at hand that's the reason why we come out here you can get a clear view of what's ahead of you make no mistake this bud is a badass he can switch stances moves like a dancer and those shots they thump after turning pro in 2008 Crawford fought 39 times recording 30 Knockouts and becoming the Undisputed super lightweight champion boxing's first floor Bell holder for more than 12 years spin's been on my mind ever since I moved up into the division the fans and the media wasn't calling for Sean Porter to fight Terence Crawford when Sean Porter had a title the fans wasn't calling for ugas to fight Terrence Crawford when he had a title they was saying oh fight Arrow you know keep going I trained my ass off to be where I'm at I deserve those fights huh Ring magazine champ two times it was frustrating but I had to take what I had to get [Music] ah boxing a sport where clamor doesn't always equal fights made but while Crawford eyed the big fish he took the fights available to him becoming a three division world champion and bludgeoning many a full [Applause] after we moved to 147 pounds to be honest with you man licking our chops from day one them guys is just getting us more prepared to step in the ring July 29th because this is the fight that we always wanted despite this light graduating from college it's like walking across the stage and grabbing that diploma come on come on hit you in your mouth wrestle around I'm 53 years old I got time for that you put my two weeks Arrow could easily moved up to 154 and said man I'm not fighting that dude I command them for staying at 147 and doing what he said he was going to do and that's fight Terence Crawford and I respect him for that we work backwards from his training so his output has to match his input especially we've got weight to lose he's about to go to the gym shortly after this so uh this is just fuel for that workout the nutritionist Who crafts his meal plan agrees with Spence's commendable Quest his stomach though might like a word in order to remain at welterweight the big fish must stay as lean as possible Outsourcing the scales to focus on the stakes he made a promise that he was going to get all those belts at 147 but as you get older it's not easy to keep making that way but I used to do it would be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then I put eggs inside of peanut butter and jelly sandwich before I met him two years ago he'd never had a camp house he'd done everything from home everything by himself killing himself from a147 please Smiler this is smarter and less stuff on it it's really essential for him to do it the right way the worst thing right now is to be to starving for the biggest night of his life it's a huge weight off my shoulders you know not worrying about a wrong way for breakfast Long East for lunch smoking you for dinner and just having somebody else do that I put hot sauce and everything I remember last time I made this Bolognese it took me like five six hours I was cooking it down all day and he picked up Asian hot sauce and went the heat as they say is on which is why after fueling Sven swaggers into the gym to ramp up for the most important Camp of his life [Music] I feel like Terrence Crawford he's a guy is gonna go for the kill especially if he if he smells blood who wants the lights turn off and the bell rings you know it's basically it's wartime I feel like that's a legacy to find a fight [Music] for a boxing champion it never hurts to have a takedown specialist in your corner for today's sparring session that's Micah Parsons Cowboys All Pro Edge rusher a man who admires Spence because he hits like him it's just a different game no one can save you out there you're on your own if I miss attack I got someone to get my bag you know if I drop the ball someone can pick me up you have Earl drops the ball that's over so put in the time I made up my mind taking the sign from the Divine better than ever I'll never resigned while his opponent seeks an edge high above sea level Spence hunts for his in the Searing Texas heat he knows in the pick 'em Blockbuster ahead the smallest of margins could tip the outcome [Music] it's just a tough gritty gym it's old school if you can get through being in 100 some degree jump sparring and training once you get in front of those Bright Lights it's pretty easy for me the conditions doesn't stop we spared like 12 or 13 Rounds today he's a worker he understands like what it's going to take to be successful that's why he's the best coach in Boston because he don't try to pamper me when I look like he's gonna say I look like I don't care how big you get and nobody get pampered within the uncle team me like I'm a grown man appreciate you man ain't got nobody telling you hey tighten up that's how you fall off that's how you get up there and drive in Heavenly Father we're just so for the moments that we get together together as family bless this food bless all the hands that prepared it amen all right all the kids come out [Music] Father's Day Spence shifts to the title he's most proud of family man thus the celebration relatives a feast and Errol Spence Jr and Senior admiring the life they've built while pushing towards an epic celebration they've pegged for Late July but now we kind of like brother and brother eat the whole head the brain I like it in soup I think our bond is unseparable I feel like our relationship is you know right on point I feel like it's super solid uh super genuine for a brood that's authentic true to its close-knit core no less than handmade gifts will do so Spence's daughter's Violet and Ivy prove nature and nurture presenting their creations and highlighting a super fight subplot two boxers who value family above all [Music] [Music] right here [Music] I hear the altitude is great it ain't nothing to do but train really it's definitely different than being at home being away from my family this is definitely frustrating you know but that's part of my job they gotta eat and you got to feed them so this is what you're doing it for every Camp my kids come out for at least a week it's just so comfortable having them there it's motivating that's right we working on Father's Day got my son with me gonna enjoy this day it's a beautiful day today why not work out right now it worked out [Music] thanks all my father's out there man throw it to be away from him and then to see their face and to have them yelling fighting arguing and being in Daddy Mode this is what I do it for when you look at me and arrow me and him do this for the fans and as well as for both of our families [Music] July 29th you're gonna see a new Undisputed welterweight champion of the world and he's going to be from Omaha Nebraska for years two dancers pursued ideal Partners while surviving tragedy and turmoil each came to believe with unflinching certitude that to ascend even higher they simply needed the right opponent Terence Crawford he's a mean fighter he's the guy that he gets you hurt he's gonna go for The Knockout when I met with Force I'm gonna give you before it's right back that's you know a match made in heaven I'm the same way it's gonna come down to determination and willpower and see who breaks first [Music] [Applause] Barrel Spence Jr and Terence Crawford the final steps in their Dance with Destiny won't be taken until they stand together guards up fists flying anything that I do I want to win I got a lot of tools to beat him these Champions having circled for years were defined by obstacles surmounted now though it's forward onward upward for those who stuck with them for legacy for boxing amid a remarkable era for both Saturday July 29th marks a pivot point soon they'll Dawn dancing shoes and move dance tangle Boogie the question is in which direction we finally got a future Undisputed chairman of the world July 29th myself on Saturday July 29th Errol Spence Jr will fight Terence Crawford for the Undisputed Welterweight Title [Music] category [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: SHOWTIME Sports
Views: 2,302,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime, shosports, sports, showtime ppv, Showtime boxing, boxing 2023 latest fight, boxing news, Errol Spence Jr, Terence Crawford, Spence, spence vs crawford, crawford vs spence jr, errol spence calls out crawford, errol spence jr vs terence crawford, errol spence jr highlights, terence crawford vs errol spence jr, terence crawford highlights, boxing big fights, Spence Crawford Press Conference, All Access, all access spence vs crawford, All access, all access full episodes
Id: w4JkMZtv8yA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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