ALL ACCESS: Spence vs. Ugas | Epilogue | SHOWTIME PPV

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[ Conversing in Spanish ] ♪♪ ♪ Black smoke and heavy eyes ♪ ♪ The secrets and the lies ♪ ♪ This night is our disguise ♪ Hey, where my kids at? Narrator: There's clarity in the cruelty that is a boxing match. Immediately afterward in contrasting locker rooms, one man's face bruised and broken, the other smiling, unmarked. But to know the full truth, it helps to first look back. ♪ Hold your breath ♪ ♪ We're not turning back ♪ Man: We back at home, baby! Narrator: There are moments in the careers of the greatest champions, fights that announce their eminence to wider audiences and larger followings, fights made greater by the contexts that surrounds them, fighters adding reverence to their legacies by what they have overcome. As Errol Spence Jr. prepared to collide with Yordenis Ugas, the boxer known as The Truth confronted a series of nagging questions from a life-threatening car crash to a career-threatening eye injury to an opponent with nothing to lose. What Spence wanted, what he needed was to end all the questions about a career interrupted and put a legacy back on an immortal track... I got a third chance, and it's up to me to fulfill my dream. ♪ Hold your breath ♪ Narrator: front of his hometown fans inside a legendary stadium on a night to remember one way or the other. Whatever he needed, whatever it took. ♪ Hold your breath ♪ ♪ We're not turning back ♪ [ Indistinct conversations ] Man: Spence, yo, Spence. You fine. You at home. Do your thing. This where we at right here. Yeah, this where we at. I'm excited about this fight. I don't know what to do. This about to be off the chain. Ranallo: Just under 40,000 fans have congregated here at Jerry World... Let's go, boy! at Jerry World, the home of the Dallas Cowboys, AT&T Stadium. Ebony: I'm like overloaded on excitement. I'm like ready to get this show on the road. Trying to save my voice before I lose it. Definitely gonna lose our voice tonight. ♪♪ Errol Spence Jr. taking on Yordenis Ugas. The winner will walk out of the ring with three of the four belts. ♪♪ Lennon: And now making his way to the ring, The current WBA welterweight champion, Yordenis Ugas! Bernstein: You know, when this man stepped away from the sport for two years, that man, Ismael Salas, his trainer, helped him get back on the stick. He is excited about this opportunity. And now, boxing's pride of Dallas. Woman: Let's go, baby! "The Truth" Errol Spence Jr.! Yes, sir! Man: We about to bust him up. Bust him up real bad. Lennon: It's showtime! [ Bell dings ] Ranallo: The bell and Round 1 of the 12th welterweight unification fight in history. For Errol Spence, he's involved in his second. Gonna send that ass back home. We caught that. Watch the right, watch the right. Ranallo: And of course, Ugas known for that high guard. Boy, that [bleep] like this. Ranallo: Ugas Going to the body with a right hand, and both of them love to rock the body. Their body work is exceptional. Ugas launches that right hand to the head of Spence. Watch him, baby! Watch him! Straight shots down the middle! To the head, there we go. Ranallo: Spence now beginning to unload with the left hand. Bernstein: When Errol Spence punches in combination, he has a tough man to deal with. And that's what he's doing right now. Bell dings ] Time! So, he invest to the body, the body. Start breaking down his body. Don't be a head hunter. Go to the body. [ Bell dings ] Referee: Box! ♪♪ Ranallo: Wow. Things are heating up. Close it up, close it up! Ranallo: Again, Spence leading with the left. Bernstein: Getting off first on almost every occasion, and not being countered too much. Oh, right hand by Ugas. Oh [bleep] Ranallo: Left hand lands, another left and another left. There we go. Good job, EJ. It's your house, baby! Ranallo: Ugas gets popped as Spence splits the guard. Ugas fires back with a combination, and throws a thunderous right hand. And another right hand that bounced off the face of Errol Spence. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, watch the right, watch the right. Ugas and Spence going toe to toe. Shoot the jab, step around him, boom, the middle shot. 'Cause he ain't gonna fall off one shot. Gotta keep breaking him down. Ranallo: Show me someone who loves his job like Yordenis Ugas. That smile still on his face. But Spence beginning to really find a rhythm here. Clarity, baby. Clarity. Bernstein: And the lack of a jab for Ugas a big issue right now. Ranallo: Left uppercut, right hook, and again, Errol Spence with some sweet combinations. There it go! There it go! Come on, EJ! Bernstein: Yeah, This has been a very good round for Errol Spence. Bernstein: Spence high work rate, the potent body punching. And Ugas absorbing these shots. Oh, there's a right hook and a left uppercut, and Ugas finally backing up. Spence digs to the body. Now Ugas tries to fire back, and does so to the body. Fantastic. Bell! You got that [bleep] shaking in his [bleep] shoes. ♪♪ Ranallo: Errol Spence in rhythm, fully focused. Break him down! He gonna quit! He gonna quit! And they're just standing right in front of each other. That right hand hurt Spence. Spence is sent into the ropes! Oh! Oh, no! [ Cheers and applause ] Ranallo: A momentary lapse in judgment, and Spence smiling. But the ropes could very well have saved him. The mouthpiece was knocked out. Keep your head on the goal. Yeah. Then don't say yeah, do the [bleep] -Wow. -That was... -Some drama from Yordenis Ugas. -Oh, yeah. And really the first time we have seen Errol Spence in that kind of adversity in a long time. Yeah's, he's never been down. Never been down. Wow! The ebb and flow of two of the best. [ Bell dings ] Referee: Time! [ Chanting "Ugas" ] I'm ready for this [bleep] to be over. [ Laughs ] I know what you mean. Ranallo: Well, the first half of this fight has been fantastic. What do they have in store for us for the second half? Oh. Oh. ♪♪ Errol Spence is delivering some uppercuts and some left hands that are bothering Yordenis Ugas. The crowd erupting here at AT&T Stadium. Still smiling, but, boy, his face beginning to swell up due to the offense onslaught of Errol Spence Jr. Wow, look at his face. Beat him down, back him down! Ranallo: Spence continues to work the body. And now Ugas staggers him momentarily with the right, but Spence going back to the body with the left. Errol Spence Jr. showing Showing explicitly why he was able to put this kind of crowd in a venue this size. He is putting on a show. Stop! Stop! Neutral corner. [ Crowd booing ] ♪♪ Can you see? And the doctor has advised the referee that Yordenis Ugas can continue. But for how much longer with this kind of assault? Throbbing right hooks by Spence, left down the middle. Mares: It just comes natural really for Spence. -He's showing up, backing up. -He is. Ranallo: And Errol Spence Jr. intends on shutting down the title reign of Yordenis Ugas. You gotta check it out, man. You gotta check it out, man. [ Cheers and applause ] Errol Spence Jr. is one of the best boxers on planet Earth. [ Cheers and applause ] Man: Great job, man. Great job. Listen. Yeah, gotta work. yeah. Lennon: He is the winner by way of technical knockout. He is now the WBC, WBA IBF unified welterweight champion of the world. "The Truth" Errol Spence Jr.! [ Bell dinging ] [ Cheers and applause ] [ Speaking in Spanish ] ♪♪ [ Indistinct shouting ] ♪♪ [ Indistinct conversations ] I love you. [ Indistinct ] Yordenis, keep your chin up. ♪♪ Man: Keep your head up, champ. [ Indistinct conversations ] ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Siren wailing ] Man: I'm gonna see you in the room in a minute, right? That's awesome, man. [ Indistinct conversations ] [ Indistinct talking ] Oh, my God. I'm so proud of you, bro. You did -- Hey, bro. You taught me how to do some [bleep] Just keep punching [bleep] Just keep punching [bleep] Man: Tell him. Put his ass in the dirt. You put him in the dirt. Man: Put his ass in the dirt! Hey, good job. Have a good time, my boy. You're the best, man. Champ, let me tell you what I told them. Yeah. I told them all any man can beat a man. It takes a [bleep] man to break a man. Oh, yeah. Dude. Come on, you know we get our picture. We've been waiting! Errol: I feel good. Man: Is he as tough as you thought? Yeah, he definitely tough. He got a lot of heart. Baby. Come here, baby girl. ♪♪ You see my fight? Huh? You liked it? Yes. You good? You see me win? Yeah. Hey, baby. Hey, baby. How you feeling? Daddy! Hey, baby! You won! You won! You seen it? Yes! I put on a show? Yes, you won! Oh, girl, you so pretty. Both of y'all pretty. Y'all going hard. -We won. -Hey, mama. Oh, yeah. [ Indistinct conversation ] [ Both laugh ] You crazy. Man: You gotta put it on first. ♪♪ [ Chickens clucking ] Girl: It's trapped! Get away. -Come here. -No. Errol: I've seen his face start getting messed up. I was like, "Yeah, I got him now. This is pretty much over. I'mma get him." It showed he was warrior. He ain't stop at all. [ Indistinct talking ] Beginning of next round, whole 'nother fight. I respect him on that. It's a balance with everything. Yeah. Hot [bleep] bro. I'm in great spirits. It was a good fight, very entertaining from, you know, the feedback I got from my family and friends. And I even fought better than what was expected, shut all the doubters out. ♪♪ Narrator: It's fitting that Spence's latest triumph took place in Texas -- a star in the Lone Star State in a stadium packed with supporters. And more importantly, the few who matter most. Questions answered, doubts removed. It's time to celebrate. For now. Lennon: Errol Spence Jr.! Narrator: If beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder, consider another symphony of strikes from a boxing virtuoso, each laced with deeper meaning, the kind that can change fortunes, narratives, careers. Errol Spence Jr. fights with elegance and grace. He dazzles while he destroys. While all of boxing turned his way, the pride of Texas sharpened his sport's future. And closing one eye opened countless more across the world. ♪♪
Channel: SHOWTIME Sports
Views: 1,585,495
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Keywords: showtime, shosports, sports
Id: dZVo4FRrwcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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