All About Aprons!!! Easy at Home Sewing Project from Jordan Fabrics

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm gonna show you how to make an apron so we're going to use this awesome panel it's an apron panel from Riley Blake now the panel comes with the front of the apron it's got some pockets it's got the straps and the ties and it's got all the directions here but I know that not all of you have that apron panel so I'm also going to show you how to make an apron from yardage that you have at home the first step is to cut around the edges of all the pieces so we're just cutting right along the edge of the printing there so here's all the pieces that are cut out if you're using the panel now if you're going to be using yardage let me show you how to cut out those pieces so pick out a nice print and you're going to need one yard let me draw out what we're gonna need to cut here here is my yard the first thing we're gonna get is a big rectangle and it's gonna be 22 inches wide and 32 inches tall so let's do the 22 first so the easiest way to do this is to fold it back up the way it came off the bolt and just cut a 22 inch piece so be sure to make a nice straight cut here at the beginning and then you're gonna want to measure over 22 inches and then get your cut so now we're going to open this up put it on a straight line here will make another fresh cut here so that we cut off the selvage then measure over 32 inches this way so this is gonna be the body of the apron and we're gonna set these scraps aside we will be cutting those but let's finish getting this cut first so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to draw two rectangles on the back of the apron so we need to draw them like this this is near the top and it's gonna be five inches wide and 11 inches long so I'm going to use a pencil because it will show up on the back of here so it's a couple ways of doing this you can draw it you can measure down 11 inches make a couple of lines at 11 inches here and then we're going to go over 5 inches so I'm just gonna draw like this until I get to the number 5 right here then I can just move my ruler over so I'm 5 inches over there and I'm going to draw up so I've got a rectangle there and I'm gonna do the same thing on the other side now I've got a rectangle on both sides of the apron but I don't want to cut at a hard angle here I want to curve it off a little here and I want to curve there so I'm gonna make a template to use I'm just gonna use a blank piece of paper here and I'm going to draw a quarter circle that's five inches so I'm just using my ruler and making some little dots at five inches across if you have a compass leftover from your school days you could just use that but if you do enough dots you can eventually then connect them all and we will get a nice five inch curve now I'm going to cut along the drawn line there and I'm going to use this to draw some more lines on the apron here so first we're going to line up the edge here and it's right where that 11 inch mark is basically what we're gonna do is we're going to round this off so I'm gonna draw along here and I just need to draw enough so I can cut it it doesn't have to be a full line and now we can cut right along here and get a nice smooth now we want to make this curved also so we're just gonna put the template right here so it's touching both edges there and draw one more line now we have a nice curve for our bodice and all we have to do is make those same lines and cuts on the other side there's the nice top now I'm going to curve off the bottom two corners as well because I think that will make the apron look nice and pretty now we're gonna take the scraps we had leftover and we're gonna cut some ties so we're gonna take the bigger piece and we're gonna cut two pieces and they're gonna be four and a half by 34 long I'm just gonna fold it in half here and cut four and a half four and a half and then chop it off at 34 now we're gonna take our smaller strap and we are going to cut a piece that is 21 by 4 inches to go around the neck and then we're going to cut two seven inch pockets so now we've got all the pieces we need for both aprons and the first thing we're going to work on is the pockets all we need to do is fold back a half inch it's got a little line on the panel pockets but on your black ones are on your own fabric ones you're still going to just fold back a half inch and iron it down so all four sides get folded back for the top or the opening of the pocket here we're gonna stitch it twice so that it looks nice and neat and our raw edge won't show so I'm going right near the edge and back popping and then I'm going to stitch it one more time 3/8 of an inch in from the edge and this way I'm near the raw edge on the backside and that will stay nice and secure to place in the pockets on the apron we're gonna go down to inches from this printed line and we're gonna go over to inches from the edge now for the black apron here I don't have pre-printed lines so I'm just going to go up 10 inches and I'm still going to come in two inches once you've got it exactly where you want it put a lot of pins in around the edges so that it won't move while we sketch the pocket down now we're going to top stitch around these three edges of the pocket and be sure that you back tack right here because it's always a lot of stress on the pocket right there at the top so do a lot of back stitching right there now we're ready to make the waist ties and this is the only place where we make the two aprons differently for the panel apron we're going to take two pieces and we're going to put them front to back and I'm gonna stitch around three sides on both these ties but for this apron I've got a bigger piece and I'm simply going to fold it in half and I'm going to stitch down one long side and across the bottom so I've left this one short side open here so I can flip it right side out now for the apron out of yardage here we're just going to stitch down this one long end and across the bottom now we want to turn the ties right side out so before you turn them clip off a little bit of excess in the corners here you carefully you don't cut your stitching and then we're gonna start at this end here the closed up end so if you can get the two layers apart and poke it in a little bit you can take a stick a yardstick I use a curtain rod and I'm just gonna poke this in here and you can slide this down over it and it will automatically turn it right side out as you go then we're gonna flatten it out and of course the corners aren't poked out yet so the easiest thing to do is to get a big needle that's not real sharp and just poke it in there and pull kind of push from the back side so you can get that nice pointy corner on there once they're all flipped smoothed out you want to steam press them nice and flat we've got the neck strap here and all we have to do on these is fold them in half stitch along this one long edge and turn it right side out there's the neck bands nice and flat so the printed apron here we're just going to fold it like this and pin it it's it's marked up here neck band so I'm going to pin these right where it says Nick man and then for the waist ties its marked again so these are actually lining up with the pattern that's printed there so we're going to carefully line that up and pin it now for the apron out of yardage here we need to take the neck and fold it and we're gonna pin it so it's about six inches apart so I'm gonna line this up with the edges pin there you do want to make sure you've got this centered and then pin both of those and for the ties we're gonna go down about 3/8 of an inch from this top edge here and pin both of those off now you want to stitch this on securely so I've got a back tack quite a bit because this is a spot you don't want to come apart you don't want your ties coming off with your apron we've got the whole front of the apron done and we do need to pick out a lining for it and I don't want to use something plain on the lining I want to use something that's really cute because their apron is actually going to be reversible so any of these would look good but I think this one will match the best and that way when the ties are showing from this side they look really good for the lining for the panel apron I'm gonna go with this nice dark purple because it coordinates really well now we're gonna take our apron front and we're gonna put it right sides together on top of the lining so you do want to make sure that your straps ties neck strap is out of the way then pin all around the edges now all I have to do is stitch around the outside perimeter here and leave an opening the easiest place to leave the opening is on one side here and you can leave about an 8 inch opening so I'm going to use about 3/8 inch seam allowance and go all the way around now all we have to do is trim off all of this extra lining so I'm just trimming it even with the top of the apron once you have all of that trimmed off you're going to want to snip off the excess in the corner here so that we can flip it nicely and it's also nice if you clip along these inside curves here so I'm clipping near the stitching now we will flip this right side out through the opening and flatten it all out once you've got it flattened out up iron all the way around the edges so here's the opening and I've got it ironed nice and neat there so we're just going to stitch that up near the edge and then I'm going to keep going all the way around to the outside edge of the apron it'll make a nice decorative top stitch I've got the apron all done here I really like how this turned out so you can bring these ties around to the front and of course if you want to wear it from the other side now we've got the ties showing from this side I actually like that side not better but just as well now we've also got the nice chickens here or roosters this one is really fun with the pink pockets and you can see it's kind of big on me I mean it fits fine on me but if you were taller you still can pull this up it's still gonna fit this one is really cute too so tell me in the comments which one you like the better I would love to know your opinion thanks for watching our tutorial today on how to make this apron it's really a fast project so if you're going to be doing any holiday baking like I'm gonna do with my granddaughter this is the perfect thing that you can make before you start making those cookies now there's one more thing we're going to have another giveaway you may have seen the tutorial where we made the x-factor cold so this is the one I made it's a nice boutique's nice and warm and it's very easy to enter the giveaways all you have to do is click that link below the video it says giveaway and put in your email address and your name and you might win this quilt now if you enjoy our tutorials and you'd like to support us the best thing you can do is to subscribe to our YouTube channel that really helps us out a lot happy quilting you
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 495,305
Rating: 4.9469752 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, clothing, clothes, apron, aprons, diy, how to, easy, fast, simple, wear, cooking, cook, food, kitchen, stitch, handmade, hand, made, make, buuild, strap, straps, seam, seams, holiday
Id: nfKM6yMS82A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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