All 9 Rocks Pirates and Their Powers Explained! (One Piece Every Rocks Pirate)

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what do you think of when you hear of the Rocks Pirates if you're a one-piece fan then you probably think of the most powerful crew that ever existed it took Goldie Roger to parking himself teaming up with the Marine hero GARP who by the way earned his hero title in that battle to finally stop them and even so it was arguably their lack of chemistry and camaraderie that led to their downfall and not any lack of strength all the names of the members of The Rock's Pirates carry a lot of weight in fact three of the former four Yanko were underlings in this crew and another Yoko named his pirate ship after Rock Steve's epic and all that is just the tip of the iceberg so make sure to stay tuned since we'll be going deep into this the hypest of crews in the history of One Piece if you do enjoy these one piece videos and want to keep them coming trailer parking within and smash that like button until you see fireworks and if you haven't joined the nakama today make this the video by hitting that subscribe button and hitting that notification Bell to turn on all notifications so you don't miss future one piece videos and updates now I want to thank today's sponsor honkai star rail the brand new RPG made by hoyoverse the makers of gentian impact honkai star rail is now open for pre-registration just click the link in the description to do so honkai star rail is a free-to-play and cross-platform anime style game with a wide assortment of beautifully designed characters each with cool and unique weapons for example Herda uses a huge Hammer that can shatter the Earth Below in Epic fashion while Yan Ching serves on a sword to attack it just doesn't get cooler than that I love the costume designs too especially himekos you know Sanji would love this game throw in beautifully animated cutscenes and breathtaking backgrounds and you get an immersive experience with top-notch stories and music that make it feel like you're in an actual anime there are even four language voiceovers to choose from a detail which I love anime fans like me will be psyched to hear that there are a lot of familiar Japanese voice actors in this game as mentioned pre-registration has begun for this epic game so what are you waiting for check out the game and pre register now via my link below now let's start with some important background information about the crew before we get into the individual members initially people started panicking when kaido and big mom teamed up the two yonko teaming up led to worries of the return of rocks however at the same time more than a few of the Marine soldiers have never even heard of rocks according to sengoku sengoku describes them as a collection of individuals who came together on Pirate Island years ago to make one big score they were a fierce Bunch constantly killing one another within the group in addition to the captain Rox the zebek they also featured a young Whitebeard big mom and kaido sengoku makes it clear though that there were other rocks members besides the threeanko who went on to carve out a name for themselves The Golden Lion the silver ax Captain John Wang ji and more the crew got along so terribly that not one of the former members actually wants to tell the tale of the Rock's Pirates sengoku lets us know that the ambition of Captain rocks was to be king of the world and the crew opened hostile these directly against the world government like some kind of terrorist organization as the government tends to do it tried to cover up much of their deeds and to erase them from history but at the time everyone had heard of the threat they posed 38 years ago at an island called God Valley The Rock's Pirates known as the strongest crew in the world were wiped out according to the news reports at least a rampaging force of evil that none had been able to stop had been taken down by a Navy vice admiral by the name of GARP His Name Was Heard across the world and he was soon called a naval hero so yes his title hero of the Marines actually dates back to this incident sengoku lets us know that GARP never wants to talk about this incident one reason we're given and this wasn't reported is that GARP had to work with pirates and the other were given is that he protected Celestial dragons through his actions so in order to protect Celestial dragons and their slaves at God Valley Garb joined forces with Roger himself there at the island and together they broke apart the rocks pirates that is the god Valley incident as far as we know sengoku goes on to explain that you can't find God Valley on a map today and that it vanished Without a Trace recently we saw that imusama can erase Islands as he did with lolucia so God Valley may have been erased in a similar way so because rocks was so ambitious in his pursuit of being king of the world and he broke too many of the world's taboos and interesting detail there is no information in the public about The Rock's Pirates I definitely want to read that list of the taboos that rocks broke sengoku described Captain rocks who led three of the four former Yanko as Roger's first and perhaps greatest foe rocks these epic is also one of those rare pirates with the the initial to be fair sengoku does say that 38 years ago kaido and big mom were nothing like they are now implying that they've gotten considerably stronger this does make sense since kaido was still only an apprentice pirate at the time however Whitebeard 38 years ago was 36. so I feel like that sort of makes up for kaido and big mom being younger at the time some other detail Tales to keep in mind are that The Rock's Pirate Flag included a red skull with horns it has also been described as a burning skull and in a flashback people were in disbelief upon hearing that The Rock's Pirates lost and some even said it wasn't GARP or anyone else that overpowered them it was just that they couldn't stand each other no teamwork in the group was blamed and since the event is shrouded in so much mystery I think that's a valid possibility or at least a contributing factor another detail that must be mentioned is that despite not a lot of people knowing about The Rock's Pirates nowadays Blackbeard chose to name his ship the Sabra of zebic so although yonko Blackbeard was only two years old when the god Valley incident took place it's clear that there is a connection there in one way or another four yonkor connected to zebek and considering that Shanks was one year old at the time of the incident he's not in the clear either there have even been theories that he could have been zebek's son but for now it's enough to know that three yonko worked under him and another chose to name his ship after him and the other members of his crew were arguably no less special so whether people remembered The Rock's Pirates or not the legacy of The Rock's Pirates is very much alive in the world of one piece in other words the past is not dead it's not even past now let's jump into the nine known crew members number one ochoku also called Wang ji in the English translation Wang ji was actually a famous Chinese pirate lord in our world in the 16th century he was credited for spreading European Firearms throughout East Asia and for his role in leading the first Europeans to reach Japan in 1543 so the name alone carries weight but in one piece Wang ji is known as the previous ruler of hachinosu AKA Pirate Island also known as full lead in the English translation Pirate Island is famous as mentioned it was where the Rock's Pirates met so you know you got to be capable to rule over such a famous hub for Pirates Blackbeard overthrew him but that's not the surprising part we know Blackbeard has become a Powerhouse and is a sliver away from passing Shanks and becoming the current yonko with the highest bounty even the dark King silver Israeli himself said he'd lose nowadays against Blackbeard so it's not shocking that he'd take Pirate Island from Wang XI the shocking part is actually that he needed help it happened during the rocky Port incident which happened during the time skip it was perpetrated by law most of the details about the incident are unknown what we do know though was that Kobe became famous for being the hero who saved civilian lives in the Rocky Port incident furthermore Blackbeard mentioned that Kobe helped him out in that incident he says it was thanks to Kobe that he was able to topple Wang XI and make himself the boss of pirate island so to me this Hypes up Wang XI who is clearly a legend from all times and yet Blackbeard still needed a Marine's help in taking him down and of course when one member of the Rocks Pirates is hyped up the whole crew is as well keep that in mind as we move forward on a side note how crazy is it that Oda can build up so much hype around an event that didn't even involve our main characters if he ever came out with a side story that followed the incident from beginning to end I would be all over it but anyways that's all we know about wangji so far along with the fact that he was singled out by sengoku along with pirates like Shiki and Captain Jon as being worth mentioning number two Captain John Captain John went on to form his own crew after The Rock's Pirates and is notable for his legendary treasure collection he's deceased now but yonko buggy is desperate to find his fabled treasure cave and their riches within aside for the one piece itself which we still don't know the nature of this is the most hyped treasure in one piece and one that buggy ornami would no doubt be thrilled to find after his death John's corpse was sought after by Dr Hogback because he was seen as being worthy enough to become one of the general zombies for Gekko Moria Captain Jon's animated corpse makes quite the sight as he has two swords stuck in his stomach from when he died I'd love to get his backstory in manga form as well luckily in an SBS Oda did reveal at least part of his history Captain John was described as being greedy and hateable to the point that his own crew declared Mutiny and killed him for it the dude wanted to keep his large amount of treasure for himself and not to split her with his crew so you can guess why they would be upset still despite being taken down by multiple stab wounds to the chest since he was sought after for the zombie General position it can be assumed that he was a strong pirate in life notably Luffy found Jon's armband among morya's riches not knowing it was a map to Jon's treasure eventually he gave it to buggy for the clown yonko's assistance so buggy May well be the one to find Captain John's legendary loot in fact he previously thought it was on an island with a skull on it but they didn't end up finding it however another island with a skull on it is Pirate Island where the Rocks Pirates were formed and where Blackbeard currently rules so it could be that Captain John's treasure is there and with the armband buggy may even know it now but the fact that Blackbeard is on the island has prevented him from getting it so far number three silver ax for now we don't know much about silver ax aside from the fact that he was singled out by by sengoku as a member who carved out a name for himself along with the Golden Lion Captain John and Wang ji still based on the company we can assume he'll be brought up again in the story and we'll figure out why he was worth mentioning here for now though he's easily the member we know the least about however it speaks a lot that he could survive in this crew of monsters where killing each other was the norm it's actually quite similar to how Blackbeard Pitt the most dangerous level 6 prisoners against each other in order to recruit those strong enough to survive but more on that later number 4 Buckingham Stussy aka Miss buckin recent events in the manga as we'll get into have definitely served to Hype up her character at first we knew her as this old oddly shaped lady who was obsessed with Whitebeard she was 38 at the time of the god Valley incident and now she's 76. she claims that her 35 year old son and former warlord Weevil was fathered by Whitebeard this would mean that even if they met while being on The Rock's Pirates together it was around two years after the god Valley incident that they would have conceived Edward Weeble AKA Whitebeard Junior honestly as time goes on I'm starting to believe stussy's claims more and more I mean from the beginning it can be argued that weevil's mustache doesn't lie his hair is also the same blonde color as Whitebeard as well as back in the day however we also find out that Stussy is a self-styled scientist and is labeled by the narrator as a mads freeloader notably mads was an illegal scientific research institute led by vegapunk this connection does suggest that Weevil might have been created in an unorthodox and scientific way while using whitebeard's jeans however it was recently revealed that cp0's agent Stussy is a clone of Miss buckin and it must be said if Miss buckin used to look like her which is the implication it's not hard to believe that Whitebeard would have succumbed to her advances I mean we've already seen that Sanji definitely would have now from the looks of her clone we can assume that Miss buckin wasn't just attractive but used to be a force to be reckoned with as well we've seen her clone take out Lucy and Kaku effortlessly yes she used sea Stone lipstick to help incapacitate them but still it's impressive she succeeds needed in taking two awakened Zone users out like that the Clone also has vampire-like wings and appears to suck blood which in turn appears to drain victims of their energy and causes them to lose Consciousness this suggests that she might have some sort of vampire or according to my comment section succubus fruit of course as we saw with the seraphims it's possible that the Clone doesn't have the fruit but they just added these fruit-like powers to her because Miss buckin had the fruit if this were the case then miss buckin could have had these Powers while on The Rock's crew which would help explain how she survived in a crew full of monsters of course it's possible that as an attractive woman she was protected by Whitebeard or rocks but I think she could hold her own after all if she couldn't why would they choose to clone her maybe she wasn't as physically strong but her clone suggests that she more than made up for this by being strategic and ready to fight dirty against powerful men so although Marco doesn't fully buy the fact that she was whitebeard's lover I am believing it more and more Not only was it nice seeing Weeble protect his father's Hometown in chapter 1000 73 Stussy said vegapunk could prove that her son and Whitebeard are related Weevil before Admiral Greenville helped capture him was said to have monstrous strength which bodes well for him being the strongest man in the world's son either way this is a very interesting story thread and I hope Marco will accept Weeble as whitebeard's son eventually and help rescue him from the Marines Stussy is also determined for Weevil to inherit the late whitebeard's Fortune while Weevil really acts like a proud son unlike Ace and not only protected his father's Hometown at Great personal cost he also proclaimed with tears in his eyes that he would kill Blackbeard for killing his father while it was Stussy who told him that Vengeance was foolish and that what they need is money number 5 Captain rocks himself it's hard to talk about The Rock's Pirates without covering the captain so we went over a lot about him already while we were discussing the crew as a whole as mentioned he wanted to become king of the world he somehow got all of these monstrous people to follow him as their ruler and he was no doubt strong and not just a figurehead we know this because when kaido lot of the few people that could challenge him in strength he thought of Odin Whitebeard Roger Shanks and of course Captain rocks himself the great question is what happened to rocks these epic could a guy who could not only survive in a crew like The Rock's Pirates but even rule over it actually be killed at God Valley or did he survive one intriguing theory is that he succeeded in becoming king of the world and is actually imusama controlling things behind the scenes another popular theory is that he could be dragon's biological father this would mean that GARP is Luffy's maternal grandfather and that Dragon adopted his wife's last name like Ace adopted his mother's then there's a possibility that Shanks could be a son or the possibility that Blackbeard is in some way his successor whether that be in philosophy or in a more specific and scientific way I personally feel like rocks could have been the previous dark dark fruit user and that's one of the reasons Blackbeard wanted it so bad and yes I just mentioned a lot of theories and all of them may be off the mark But as fans we can't help but obsess over such legendary yet mysterious figure who was strong enough to rule over so many powerful and legendary Pirates he had his own era before the rise of the pirate king I mean imagine how strong you must be in order to make Marine hero GARP willing to team up with pirates in order to defeat you considering all this it's not at all surprising that sengoku said rocks could have been Roger's greatest Foe and if rocks truly died back there at God Valley then it begs the question would he have successfully toppled the existing world order if Roger and GARP didn't thwart his attack against the celestial dragons chances are he would have and that begs the question why did GARP who doesn't like Celestial dragons save them can't wait to find out but for now let's move on to number 6 Shiki the Golden Lion even though he was a subordinate in the screw Shiki was also great enough to be considered one of the pirate King's greatest Rivals when confronted with Shiki and his Fleet buggy despite being a Roger's crew begged for Roger to give Shiki what he wanted Sheik even wanted Rogers to be his right-hand man this clash between the two legends ended up being known as the Battle of Ed War sheiky had the largest pirate Fleet around at the time and Roger was in a desperate situation and was only saved by raging weather and even though the weather caused half of Shiki ships to sink the battle was still declared a draw showing how even a subordinate of rocks could later do this well with his own crew against the future pirate king during this battle Shiki got the iconic wheel stuck in his head Shiki was so mad when he heard Roger was captured later that he went to free him it took sengoku and GARP to stop him and the three fought until Marine Ford was half destroyed and he still turned out to be fine afterwards then two years later Shiki broke out of impel down by cutting off his own feet in other words he did what Zoro was prepared to do but to be fair it did make more sense for Shiki who has the float float fruit which allows him to make himself in non-living things he comes into contact with levitate he can make big ships or vast Island areas float and even make a large amount of water float around someone in order to drown them Rayleigh takes note of his escape from impel down and then Sheikh even goes to visit fellow former rocks pirate member Whitebeard he proclaims that this is whitebeard's age now but Shiki will lie low for a while and then show people what a real pirate is like Shiki felt convinced that with Rogers helped the two of them could have conquered the world together like his captain rocks wanted to do the movie with him is non-canon so we won't focus on that here but we'll see if he appears again in the main Canon story either way the dude is yet another legendary figure of One Piece up there with Roger and Whitebeard and as such he really serves to Hype up the Rocks Pirates and even more so to Hype out their leader who he too at one point served under number 7 Whitebeard and so we've arrived at the final three members of this legendary crew the three future yonko or past yonko depending on how you look at it yes Whitebeard 2 the man whose era Shiki said it was the man called strongest in the world and the man said to be closest to one piece also once served rocks as a member of The Rock's Pirates he was 36 years old at the time of the guy Valley incident he too was considered one of Roger's greatest Rivals like rocks and Shiki and man I gotta say Roger had some crazy Rivals makes sense for the pirate king I guess after Roger died Whitebeard was left with the highest Bounty at 5.046 billion which also happens to be the second highest Bounty of any pirate in history Whitebeard possessed the guragura no me aka the Tremor Tremor fruit UDA stated that this fruit was the strongest paramecia fruit sengoku proclaims at one point that with this devil fruit Whitebeard has the power to destroy the world the power lets Whitebeard produce shock waves that can travel through practically anything air water and land the shock waves can cause tsunamis and earthquakes the shock waves can be unpredictable so allies have to be cautious around the user and not get in his way Whitebeard was able to split an island in half creating a giant chasm to separate the Pirates on one side from the Marines on the other he uses the power to destroy the Navy headquarters but the power is not Limitless the Navy has created walls stronger than steel that won't shatter as a result of the guragura no me Whitebeard can create vibrations around himself to protect himself as well because of this ability aokiji can't freeze him Whitebeard can concentrate his power into a small orb or Quake bubble around his hand to increase his power he can create contained but powerful explosion type attacks he used this attack to beat a giant vice admiral with one blow he destroyed his helmet like it was nothing he can surround His spear with a quake bubble and use it to extend its reach he can mow down enemies far away in this fashion perhaps the most intriguing power is whitebeard's ability to grab the air and Pull It by doing this he tilted the entire Battlefield at Marine Ford notably when Whitebeard was younger and stronger his hockey was strong enough to match that of the pirate Kings without even touching the Clash of hockey alone created insanely strong wins and I haven't spoken about Conker's hockey yet because not a lot is known about a lot of The Rock's crew members but I wouldn't be surprised if the Rock's Pirates had the most conquerors hockey users in one crew ever we know Whitebeard possess conkers hockey same with big mom and kaido and it's hard to believe that they were the only ones in this star-studded crew even though it hasn't been confirmed roxd zebek has to be a user of Conker's hockey or at least I'd like to think so if he could rule over so many Conker's hockey users Whitebeard did eventually die at 72 years old but like a true boss he remained standing nonetheless he was old and sick so despite how impressive he was at Marine Ford we should keep in mind that this was not Whitebeard in his prime number eight big mom big mom was 30 years old during the god Valley incident but even at 24 years old she was a member of the famous rocks crew this is actually when she met a 15 year old kaido who was teaming up with the crew for the first time she comes off as a sort of protective big sister figure to him since at one point she said for him to just tell her if he has any trouble kaido also remembers her saying she was going to be king of the sea according to big mom kaido is indebted to her she gave him his epic mythical Zone fruit back during the god Valley incident anyways the now 68 year old big mom AKA Charlotte linland as a Yanko clashed evenly with the so-called strong creature in the world at the time title her own Bounty was 4.388 billion berries but I can't see it staying the same after her defeat to law and kid big mom and this goes for kaido 2 definitely doesn't come off as calculating and patient as someone like Blackbeard does she has been known to destroy entire countries over sweets almost everyone including her own children fears her when she's angry she was born powerful rather than trying to become powerful when she was five she accidentally killed a large Bear by smacking it she even broke the bones of a giant by trying to slap a mosquito her overpoweredness seemed more like an annoyance than a goal at least in the beginning even as a kid she could break a skilled giant sword with her fist and then defeat him I could keep going but you get the point she's very very strong and she was so from the beginning her devil fruit is a paramecia type called sorosoro No me AKA social fruit the fruit allows her to take the soul of whoever she touches and take years away from their lifespan obviously if she takes enough years the victim will die right then and there the ability is super overpowered on paper but there is a loophole if you have no fear of that death you will not be affected by the devil fruit Powers thus if you want to even hope to stand a chance against her you better have self-mastery over yourself and your fear she can also put Souls into inanimate objects or animals these newly anthropomorphized beings are known as homies and you could see them all around total land it's nowhere that big mom cannot put Souls into corpses or other people the fruit can also produce little incarnations of pure soul that go around collecting and distributing souls for big mom big mom used parts of her soul to create Three Special homies later for us we'll see that are far more powerful than the rest these homies include Zeus the Thundercloud and is summoned by her left hand Prometheus the Sun that is summoned by her right and Napoleon who takes the form of big mom's hat the sun can create Flames the cloud can create lightning bolts and together they can manipulate the weather it should be noted that recently Zeus who's been more associated with nami as of late than big mom has been replaced by a new Thundercloud homie called Hera big mom's hat can turn into a blade that she can wield and that can move in an attack by itself her hat can also relay information to her that it receives from the other homies homies like clouds can be written on and allow big mom to travel at high speeds Prometheus can also engulf Napoleon in Flames increasing the power of the sword furthermore the sword can release powerful destructive shock waves most recently during her fight against lying kid she used a year of her own lifespan to increase her power even further she gets even bigger more god-like as she dominates the panel compared to the now insect-looking kid in law it's an Ace in the Hole that she doesn't use often but as she mentioned it has been decades since she's felt pain like the painkit and law delivered to her so she feels it's warranted she also uses the master saber combination of Prometheus Hera and Napoleon to create misery and even more powerful homie the giant powerful homie can fly around quickly while launching fire or lightning attacks in short big mom and her powers are definitely Larger than Life big mom can also use conquerors hockey as mentioned however the combined awakened powers of lion kid were just too much for her I don't think she's dead but she Was Defeated and in a sense her fight was less Fair than kaido's because she was double-teamed while kaido at least at the end was fighting a one-on-one fight number nine Rock's Apprentice pirate kaido as covered kaido joined the Rocks Pirates at 15 years old it was actually Whitebeard who invited him to join the crew after witnessing kaido overpowering other pirates on Pirate Island then he'd meet big mom who'd become a protective older sister to him during the god Valley incident kaido was 21 and this was when big mom gave him no me model serial aka the fish fish fruit model Azure Dragon more on the mythical fruit in a bit even before The Rock's Pirates though like big sis big mom kaido stood out as being monstrously strong at 10 he was the strongest soldier of the Vodka kingdom kaido was so strong and confident in himself that he'd let himself be caught by the Marines so that he could eat their food and then he'd escape again when he felt like it more recently the 59 year old man was referred to as the strongest creature in the world at least he was before he fell to Yanko Luffy his Bounty was four point 0.6111 billion berries meaning he had the highest known Bounty of any living character before he was defeated by Luffy people often used to say that if it's a one-on-one battle kaido will win when Whitebeard was alive kaido actually tried to attack him but Shanks interfere clearly kaido was not only strong but Brave as well brave enough to go after Whitebeard that is but how Shanks got him to turn around has yet to be revealed he was first introduced to us as a man searching for a place to die we are told that he's been caught by the Navy or enemy ships no less than 18 times but now at least we know that some of those times if not all of them he was looking for food he was tortured time and time again we're told and lived as a prisoner when they tried to hang him the Rope snapped when they put him under the guillotine the blade cracked then he attempted to take his own life by jumping off from sky island but he survived not even kaido could take down kaido that's how Invincible he seemed and as with big mom I think he's still alive but more on that later anyways I don't know if there's been a better introduction to an OP character than this kaido isn't strong because he wants to be he practically views his overpoweredness as an annoyance which is pretty hilarious he has a reputation for being unable to die despite his best efforts the first fight against kaido and Luffy was a significant one we are used to protagonists fighting struggling But ultimately overcoming their opponents however this is not what happens during the Spurs fight Luffy hits kaido with many attacks and kaido is ultimately not hurt by it then kaido hits Luffy with his Club once and Luffy is out cold it's refreshing to see that pure willpower isn't enough to overpower a strong opponent sometimes it doesn't happen often in Shonen manga but kaido was able to brutally embarrass or show a protagonists and that shows how strong and special he was it took Luffy mastering a higher level of hockey specifically the ability to emit hockey rather than just coding his body in hockey and Awakening his godfruit to finally beat kaido and again I don't think he's dead but he was definitely defeated some people even say that kaido took a bunch of damage beforehand and that's the only reason Luffy won I'm not of that opinion personally but it's true that he did take damage from the scabbards Yamato Zoro and so on before Luffy eventually beat him with his awakened fruit now let's get into kaido's Dela crew which is definitely one of my favorites it's a mythical Zone type fruit as mentioned it's called the me model seryu aka the fish for fruit model Azure dragon as a fish for fruit it raises huge questions like was kaido unable to end himself because he could even breathe in the sea even if he may have been paralyzed like other fruit users also if you didn't know the reason kaido looks like a dragon despite having the fish fish fruit is because it's based on the Dragon Gate myth where if a carp made it up nearly an impossible to climb waterfall it would become a dragon think Magikarp and Gyarados from Pokemon the fruit allows him to transform into a giant and I mean giant blue Eastern Dragon he also has a hybrid form that he seems to use most often during the course of an intense battle he can shoot heat blasts from his Dragon mouth that can cause devastating damage he can create slices of wind that can cut off limbs tornadoes lightning and even hail in the video games his Ace in the Hole is a technique that allows him to surround his whole dragon body in fire so that he mounts everything that comes into contact with him the only known way to beat him in this case is through hockey Mastery if Luffy couldn't admit his hockey he would have had to touch kaido with his final attack in which case he would have certainly lost due to the intense heat we also saw kaido clashing with fellow yonko big mom as with Luffy they both use Conker's hockey when kaido and big mom Clash the heavens split open just like when Whitebeard and Shanks clashed that sort of seems like a sign of yonko hood when you can do that against the fellow Yanko interestingly enough kaido and big Mom seem to be pretty evenly matched in their battle they eventually decided to team up together and take over the world so in a way they wanted to finish what rock started you see that wish to take over the world in quite a few rocks Pirates it definitely seems to be a common theme and desire in the crew after that these two plan to finish their fight to the death however as we saw they were defeated by the combined forces of Luffy law and kid before that could happen so as you can see a lot of Rock's Pirates members came to power even after the crew was disbanded now some have fallen like kaido Whitebeard and big bomb and and yet The Rock's Pirates remain relevant literally just recently as of writing this it came out that Stussy who's very relevant in the story right now is a clone of The Rock's pirate member who herself is relevant now after her son got taken hostage by Greenville Weevil is like a rock's Pirate's child himself since he seemingly came from two members of the crew While others are probably connected in ways to the legendary crew that we still don't understand at the very least Oda made it clear that Blackbeard is carrying on The Rock's way you can see this in not only his ship being called the Sabra of zebek but as mentioned in the way he also prioritized the strength of his crew members and encouraged them to kill each other so only the strongest would join his crew and after going over all of these characters and their incredible Feats and Powers I hope everyone listening can fully appreciate how powerful The Rock's Pirates were and specifically how powerful roxd zebek must have been the man who ruled over all of these legendary monsters if you're curious about his successor Blackbeard and want to learn more about their connection then you don't want to miss my all 16 Blackbeard pirates in their powers explained video link in the description and on screen right now
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 133,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NZLnCeegkMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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