Why The Power Scaling In One Piece Is INSANE

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is mihawk stronger than Shanks and is Whitebeard stronger than Roger power scaling in one piece is not only incredibly controversial but also close to Impossible in other words a lot of fun which is exactly why today we're going to rank every single of hundreds of One Piece characters from the absolute weakest to the truly strongest person in all of One Piece well at least all the characters who at least have a name and have actually engaged in combat at some point in the story we're not exactly gonna try and power skill Makino or wood slap here or anything but if you have picked up a weapon to fight with consider yourself a part of this ultimate power scaling list starting with the weakest character in the whole series Saint Charles now he's not a fighter so he should have known better than to shoot hachan and he rightfully got the color punched right out of him he's the very first character in our F tier list but wouldn't it be great if we could actually quantify the power levels in one piece as well like it was some kind of a official system for giving a number to how strong a character is oh right well as we learned in the endoslobby arc the official power ranking system for one piece that definitely matters and Oda definitely didn't just mate up on the spot and then drop immediately after its first mention is actually called doriki in other words starting off with the doriki of one we got Saint Charles but with him out of the way we'll now head to the weakest of the seats the East blue home to notably weak characters like Luffy Roger and GARP uh even weaker than these characters though are the weakest characters in the entire series The Uso Pirates I can hear you now really Manu you're gonna pick on some poor innocent children playing Pirates which I say well if the Uso Pirates did want to be part of this power scaling here they shouldn't have taken that shovel right here to Django's unmentionables in doing so these literal children solidified themselves as the weakest characters in one piece and next up is gaimon who does have some ability with a pistol but is unable to do much in combat being completely confined to his treasure chest and after that is a character most readers have probably completely forgotten this Alabaster Bandit who kidnapped Vivi as a child and was taken out by another child ouch then comes the mayor of orange town that was ready as he was to put on his armor and protect the town from buggy unfortunately he was a little bit out of his League here which does say a lot it was buggy and next in the mayor tier is Iceberg oh Iceberg you are a 10 out of 10 mayor but despite having a pistol you barely had a chance to use it before being dispatched by zp9 then we also have hero look he's a doctor not a fighter and even though he's got plenty of explosives and Firearms he should probably stick to Medicine even though he's not very good at that either on the other hand the mountain Bandit here that kidnapped Luffy in chapter 1 is also incredibly weak despite his high and mighty attitude regarding his Bounty he picked a fight with the wrong yonko slash seeking but after that we actually already have Zorro's Bounty Hunter colleagues Johnny and yosaku now their true power lies not in combat but in giving us expositions about the seven Warlords so good job doing that but in fact those two and everyone else on this list could be defeated by another literal child kawina that's because thanks to kuina swordsmanship training from her father she would have easily been able to defeat two bit Bandits and bounty hunters if we're being honest however she might not have been able to beat Isa of the Champions now Isa doesn't exactly engage in combat in the series but does have a weapon and is capable to defend herself moreover she does demonstrate use of Mantra or observation hockey which is pretty op for kids and rounding out the little girls here though is otama now did she have an extremely useful devil fruit power for fighting the Beast Pirates specifically yes will she be a true force to be reckoned with once she grows up to be a kunoichi absolutely but for now you know she gets to be right here now back to the east blue though we have genzo now he couldn't handle arlong but given his Battle Scars and Prof efficiency with pistols and the blade this Sheriff of kokoyashi Village can handle himself in a normal standard fight I think kokoro here is next on our list and she is not much of a fighter but was plenty strong enough to send photo Marines flying anyways also an elderly just like kokoro is the late nifatari Cobra who didn't have the strength of his youth when we met him but as a young man he was easily able to help igaran here to fight off Bandits and right around him though is another Alabaster residence Koza and I think you've gotta at least be moderately strong to lead a revolutionary Army but not as strong as the average line cook a quick detour back to the baratia brings us to the baratier chefs right here sanji's co-workers who are no strangers to rough housing but do have trouble holding their own against big name Pirates and while we're still hanging around in the East blue how about a couple of catboys who faced off against Zorro in Serb Village after then we have gats here now we didn't see this gladiatorial announcer in a real fight but was able to keep rallying the crowd after getting impaled by Flamingo and that should count for something in my book at least Queen odohime here is also no pushover with her great speed and Feats of observation hockey after her we've got some lower ranked but still named Marines full body and Django wait didn't they get owned by the beginning of the series by usop and Sanji yes they did but they have really gotten their act together ever since and did some heavy duty training in the Marines ever since so we'll bring them up just a little bit they're so strong now that they could be right under the weakest of crocodiles Baroque work members Mr nine and his baby mama Miss Monday really bless Oda for the cover stories in the manga because in what other series would we learned that these two are married with a kid now it's a good thing that they opted for The Quiet family life because it really weren't cut out for the whole criminal underground thing if we're being honest and after that we have the weakest crewmates of the weakest of the yonko buggies Entourage Moji kabaji and alvida now these were among the first people ever wrecked by Luffy and the crew in the story so they get to hang out right here at the bottom of the list even if they're technically yonko commanders now I guess and right after we'll have a character that you definitely knew had a name bunny Joe aka the Revolutionary officer that freed Robin from her cell in Tequila wolf and just above him we have the officers of dunk Creek who help with his assault on baratia Pearl and gin now maybe gin will climb higher on the list when he finally will definitely re-enter the story as he promised but until then here you are above them we're putting someone who was a contender for the weakest characters in the entire series for a while spandom now he's actually officially confirmed to have a Dori key score of nine with 10 being the average father Marine strength oh wait just like Oda actually forgot about doriki as a concept you better remember to keep giving these characters power level so why does such a weak character beat the others on his list well toriki doesn't factor in things like devil fruit powers or special weapons it only accounts for raw physical power and spandom has his special sword Funk freed and in Maya esteemed opinion the other characters so far in this list below could probably not overpower an actual elephant X and Morgan here though could probably take down an elephant you know with his ex-hand now the average Fishman is also stronger than that being 10 times stronger than a normal human being so here we have the crewmates of the arlong Pirates our friendly takoyaki sales minhachan and his comrades oh and while we've met some stronger fishermen than them later on vendor Deccan the creep who tried to marry princess Shira Hoshi can stay on this level as well and just above them we can actually put Dodd on and her fellow Mountain bandits from the Goa Kingdom I think Garb wouldn't have entrusted his precious grandsons to someone who couldn't at least take down some jungler animals but now as we've moved more solidly into the grand line we're going to leave the F tier and slowly enter the D tier with devil fruits and superhuman strength are a whole lot more common like Dalton with his Ox devil fruit who's our first candidate for the d-tier however without the straw Hat's help he probably wouldn't have been able to defeat Walpole and his Royal Guard so will place waffle and all the subordinates that he fused with right here and Waffle's doriki has to be at least like I don't know hundreds this is a real power scaling system that is consistent and makes sense um I'm not taking anything else now next we're going to have our friends from Jaya montblan cricket and his friends who are for some reason Apes I mean are these guys minks or what's what's the deal here anyway speaking of Mings we're going to put the non-combatant minks all in this tier list here most Mings have some degree of strength and can use Electro punches but the ones like this nice doctor and this cute little monkey aren't going to strike heavy fear into the hearts of their opponents after these more low-grade Mings though are the foxy Pirates not foxy himself will come a little bit later but all of the various subordinates that he's won through daily backfights we will be slotting in right here and here's the first controversial take of this video that you've all been waiting for because right here after them I'm going to place Captain Kuro and Don Creek where they beaten by East blue Luffy yeah but they were also fearsome pirates in their own right I think we all just forgot how strong is blue Luffy actually started out compared to an average pirate of his sea and also their Dory key is probably like 200. above them though are the legions of zombies from Thriller bark as well as morya subordinates like Hawk back or Absalom and following them are the Galileo ship rides of water 7 as well as the Frankie family and will actually place the miscellaneous non-cp9 related people from Anna's Lobby here too people like this three-headed judge guy and this weird noodle man it's a noodle man we're also going to make an educated guess here and plays nami's adoptive mom belmare here as well while she couldn't overpower arlong she was clearly a capable fighter and we don't know her exact rank but she was a marine officer as we can tell from her jacket here and around the same level we can toss in this guy who is sanji's former look alike and after this level come the majority of the fighters from skypea I think like the shandians the cloud army guy and I think even nl's priests after that we have another tier of Baroque works we already talked about Mr nine but on this level we've got Mr five all the way up through Mr three galdino and we can say with a lot of certainty and not a guess at all that historiki is a fitting three hundreds and right up here with him are the heads of alabaster's Royal Guards igaram Chaka and Pell but you could make an argument for Pell being ranked a little bit higher due to his explosion survival skills also with him is technically our first straw hat on the list nefatari Vivi and while she's clearly not as strong as the other straw hats so far at least people forgot that this princess is surprisingly capable in battle and just above them we will also put the lowest ranking imple down jailers such as Domino Josef and under the wardens and up next is a character who let's let's be honest brownbeard is for sure the weakest of all the Pirates whose name are a color and a beard I mean Brown beards had to go somewhere on the list so here he is and I think you're curious about his story key it's obviously 400. and since we all know size isn't all that matters in one piece up next is the majority of the tontada military forces now these dwarves of greenbit are surprisingly strong for their size individually they're probably right around lower donkey shot officers such as the lady who guarded the smile Factory and Viola whose power was really more suited to Observation than combat and right above them is no hey that can't be right it's Caribou no not Caribou this is actually his little brother he's got to be at least strong enough to make it through the Grand line to Saba ODI and he has a real reputation for killing Marine so he is right up there near the top of the D tier but finishing off the deer tier itself is everyone's favorite group of One Piece villains the new fisherman Pirates now it's a little bit hard to place these guys anywhere since they were just juicing on steroids while they fought the straw hats but simply the fact that the Post Time skip straw hats were still wiping the floor with them even while they were taking these energy steroids to me means that these guys kind of get to round out the d-tier I feel like that's fairly reasonable and along with these guys are also the royal family of Fishman Islands who probably could have handled the new fisherman Pirates themselves if it weren't for those energy steroids but now starting off with the CTR we have the The Fearsome female warriors of Amazon Lily now the Warriors of this island are able to use Armament hockey and even Infuse haki into their arrows making Fighters like Margaret formidable opponents especially to any non-hockey user also right here we're going to throw in boa Hancock's Serpentine sisters and slightly above the Warriors of Amazon Lily are pretty much everyone from the dressrosa Coliseum excluding some fighters who became captains of the straw hat Grand Fleet did the tournament at the Coliseum feature a ton of Fighters all with unique skills abilities and levels of strength well that's what you might think but actually for the purposes of this video only being an hour long instead of like 10 hours long everyone from King Riku to Rolling Logan all have a doraki of exactly 500 exactly don't argue with me over this one and more powerful than the average Colosseum Contender are kaido's gifters now these smile fruit users make up the lower ranks of of the Beast Pirates being stronger than the average Soldier but far far weaker than any of the crew's actual Executives all of these strange human animal hybrid Pirates like Holden and the infamous Batman live right here in the bottom of sea tier and will also throw in old man hyogoro as well now it's one of Luffy's old man mentors this guy was probably a lot stronger when he was younger but right now he just gets to stay around here and very similarly ranked at the lower end of seat here are soldiers of another yonko crew which is the big mom Pirates homies like Randolph are right around the gifter's level as well as the weaker big mom children such as Lola or chiffon I mean to be on a yonko crew I figure you've at least gotta have a Dory key of 600 and and while we're talking about lowland chiffon we might as well include the father of the year pound here as well there you go and I think the more mid-tier minks are actually right above them meteor makes them sound kind of mid but I mean they're better than the low tier minks if you get me now they're not as strong as the musketeer group here but minks like blackback or Giovanni are plenty strong in a fight I think stronger than them though are some of the vice Admirals from the Marines now obviously there are some Vice Admirals who might as well be Fleet Admiral looking at yugar but some of them are just a lot lower than average I think for instance poor one for our dearly departed T-Bone may he rest in peace here in seat here and solidly in the seat here also are some other people that we got to see in action at marineford along those Vice Admirals and that's every single pirate Captain allied with Whitebeard that's right all 19 of those captains whose name and positive you all remember and so we don't even need to list them all here because they're all at the same level and uh two more fishmen also get to hang out in this tier as well Cody Jones who at the very least is much stronger than his crewmates and jimbei's right-hand man Aladin now one of the hardest things about about power scaling in one piece is factoring in the progression of characters that they have made during their first appearance in the series and so while these Baroque work agents definitely couldn't have held their own at marineford at their current strength level that they had during the alabaster Arc I'm gonna Place Mr two bonkure Mr Wanda's bones and Miss Double finger right here I mean by now their Dory key must be at least 700 and honestly it would take literal Giants to take on these powerhouses so here are a bunch of giants like such as the Marines giant Squad and speaking of the Marines let's get some more of them in here as well mid tiers like this guy with the terrible chin or the cage lady and this dude from imple down seems like he's a good fit for this as well might as well put him in here as well and let's not forget about their good friends cp9 no wait wait a minute does this mean that we finally get characters with canonical official doriki levels I've been waiting for the entire video for this no guesswork just official Oda confirmed power levels and first off we have Khalifa with a donkey of 630 except now that she's in zp0 it's probably a lot higher but you can just ignore that that's for sure 630 still and this round guy here is 800 with the pink man following at 810 in our all-time favorite doorman Bruno at 820. now the rest of the cipher pole agents will have to wait for a little bit because their power level is way higher than that at least and have they all gotten stronger since then as well yeah probably but he didn't come here to do math you came here to see the strongest characters in all of One Piece but right around zp9's power levels are some of the Supernova super subordinates like pages mathiosos and the Heart Pirates however claiming sweet victory over these guys are the middle tiers of big mom's children Fighters like Sherlock pudding though as a yonko child we figure her doriki must be at least nine hundreds Scotch here another one of kaido's Fighters is actually so Mitch that he lost to karibu on a cover page and as for the final member of seat here well we're sorry but Chernobyl you just didn't quite make the cut here but believe me if this was the bewitching kunoichi tier list you would be right on top promise but next we have arlong and he is honestly one of the hardest characters to power scale in the entire series now on the one hand he was an important member of the sun Pirates and said to be close in strength to jimbei himself on the other hand instead of growing in terms of strength and power he did hide in the East blue and evidently let himself go there because he was defeated by East blue level Luffy it's really hard to reconcile this massive disparity in power so we're going to average out the two extremes here and place this shark fisherman at the very bottom of the beat here which continued right away by the doflamingo family now disregarding the executives for now of course however these fighters from just Rosa gave the straw hats and an entire country worth of people the fight of their lives Virgo doflamingo spy inside the marines has full body Armament hockey that was strong enough to shatter sanji's leg Senor pink the most hard-boiled character in one piece so far gave Frankie a run for his money even though Frankie's cybernetic abilities made him one of the powerhouses of the straw hat crew and sugar well sugar was one of the hardest characters to place on this entire list I mean is she strong now she's just a little girl so why isn't she down in the little girls tier with otama well sugar doesn't need to be strong because one touch it all it takes for her to win nearly any fight instantly this little girl who's actually really enough a lot older than she looks has one of the most overpowered devil fruit abilities in the entire series one touch allows her to turn someone into a toy under her commands and removes all the memories of them from all other people now arguably it's recently been hinted at that sufficient haki could allow you to break free from an ability like this as we saw with Trafalgar law when he broke free from the effects of Doc Q66 fruit however as we never saw anyone break free from suga's power through sheer force of will she does get to be in beat here at least and actually another person with a wildly overpowered ability gets to be right here with sugar as well and we're talking about perona one of the warlord gecko moria's commanders on Thriller bark because Corona's Hollow fruit gives her the ability to summon these negative ghosts that completely drain positivity from her opponents robbing them off the will to fight or live and if it weren't for the brilliant joke by Oda that usob was already negative and therefore immune to her powers the straw hats would have been pretty much decimated by morya really usab truly was the heart counter to this ability but it safe to say that perona could handle her fair share of powerful opponents and Wow since usop defeated both perona and sugar Oda really seems to like having the originally weakest member of the crew defeat characters who have the most OP broken abilities in the story and again we have a bit of a controversial one here but unfortunately for usob as arguably one of the weakest members of the straw hat still gonna have to place him here in the beat here but I do believe that you will be ending up in the a or S tier very soon I mean usab you've beaten some overpowered characters but you wouldn't do too well in most other matchups I think pop greens are cool and all but let's hope you get a even bigger power up on l-bath that will bring you all the way up to the S tier for now though your Dory key is precisely one thousand and sadly usop isn't just the weakest straw hat on this list we're actually placing him below all of the other captains of the grand Fleet yeah I know I know sorry but hey some of the strongest fighters in the dressrosa Coliseum swore their allegiance to Luffy forming the straw hat Grand Fleet Fighters like the Giant Warrior hyrujin the number one strawhead superfan bartolomeo and the pirate Prince Cavendish they're all in B tier many of them being fearsome captains in their own right the average dodike of this group is at least 1 500. wow now that we're in beat here the doriki levels are really going to start to escalate and right around this level is another indispensable Ally to Luffy haribu and love or hate him probably hate him without this creep's infinite meat storage Luffy probably would have ultimately lost to kaido making karibu kind of sort of a hero of wano as powerful swamp swamp logia fruit would probably put him even higher on this list if it wasn't for his Achilles heel which is barrels above karibu though are another batch of characters who technically have overpowered abilities but in spite of their potential they're pretty weak I'm going to call this group clowns here because inside this group are two actual clowns buggy and Caesar now both of these clowns and the clowns here have crazy devil fruit abilities that if used properly could make them truly terrifying but they are not terrifying unfortunately they're pretty much just a joke and along with Caesar Clown we have his fellow scientist Dr vegapan now with his scientific knowledge and his devil fruit vegapunk could easily be considered one of the top five most powerful characters in all of One Piece it's just he's not really interested in combat or fighting as much as he is in scientific advancements he's a thinker not a fighter and lumped together with these silly guys is another pushover with a fruit much better than he deserves which is kuruzomi Orochi who despite his lack of makeup still exudes very strong big clown energy and you know who could probably take all of them out germa 66 and I know that's weird to say that German 66 is stronger than vegapunk but this isn't a battle of science it's a battle of strength so here we are with Sanji siblings aka the Nazi Power Rangers and one of the worst fathers in anime history which if you're a real anime fan you will know is a true feat and I would truly like to express my deepest apologies that judge is not gonna make it into the top five here and right above germa we get to the crew that nearly killed all of them the big man Pirates minus the heavy hitting commanders that we'll see again in the eighth year now here we see the real power of their combat and shine with Fighters like Charlotte oven or daifuku with some truly unique paramecia fruits this tier of big mom's children can easily hold their own against exceptionally strong foes which uh when you think about it makes it kind of ludicrous that we're still very solidly in the beat here I mean these Fighters have a dorky of precisely 2000 putting them around the levels of Kaku and Jabra at the same time of the Lobby art now this might seem strange but we have to remember that doriki doesn't factor in devil fruit abilities just raw power and we also have to remember that doriki is not a reliable measure of power levels so much so that Oda never brought it up again after I mean no it's very important we're gonna keep doing it at the level of these big mom Fighters though is our second straw hat of the list which is Nami now this might come as a bit of a surprise since Nami has long been thought as part of the weakling Trio she would rather avoid fighting altogether especially when she's up against a powerful enemy however every time that nami's back is against the wall and she does get into a fight she is able to use her strategically brilliant mind to come out on top and now that she's received a power up in the form of big mom's homie Zeus she should be able to defeat many of big mom's kids just like she defeated Heavy Hitters like Miss Double finger or Khalifa and right here along with nami we have the final member of the so-called weakling tree Yo which is Tony Tony Chopper Now by utilizing his Rumble ball Transformations the straw head doctor is able to become strong enough to trade blows with Queen one of kaido's strongest subordinates however the rumble balls that include Chopper's monster Point have a strict time limit and result in huge drawbacks when the transformation ends and due to the side effects we can't really put him that much higher than Nami honestly but next above these two straw hats is a surprising pick I'd say wiper of the shandians now now I mean some people might scoff at me for having a character from Sky Pia this high on the tier list but this was a man who was able to kill God despite NL having been effectively Untouchable to anyone other than Luffy wiper was actually able to deal a fatal blow with his rejectile really if it hadn't been for an old smart move of using his electric abilities to restart his own heart he would have just been finished here and Pedro and shishilian are also 2 fearsome Warriors in the beat here as the leader of the Ming Guardians and Musketeers respectively they do outclass most of the other mink Warriors however right along with them are the king Birds Servants of both rulers of zou which include Wanda and the new leader of the Minx carrots and next coming in with a exact doriki of 3 000 are the doflamingo family Executives these three playing card themed leaders of resrosa don't mess around when it comes to fighting which is why it takes a warrior like Kiros to take out any of them the supernovas would absolutely wipe the floor with Kiros and the doflamingo executives though which is why we're putting the two weakest members of the worst generation right here and in my esteemed opinion the two weakest are the ones who gave up their dreams to become subservient to kaido and the Beast pirates in other words Hawkins and scratchman a poo with their unique devil fruit abilities they can harm unsuspecting opponents who are unaware of how their powers work I mean Hawkins straw fruit allow allows him to avoid damage to himself while having it affect others while a poo can physically damage people through their sense of hearing and we're also gonna toss in jewelry Bonnie around this level at least until we get another Display of Power that proves us wrong here x trick I would argue is a cut above those two members of the worst generation haven't made it onto the flying six and with his powerful allosaur Zone fruit this sword member was able to infiltrate the upper echelons of the Beast Pirates and I would say that the other members of the flying six are also roughly at this level we're going to say that they're at a dirty key off exactly 4 000 which this time is actually an educated guess instead of a random number I mean they were all exact numbers uh 4000 was Lucy's power level at the time of Anna's Lobby since who's who one of the flying six was formerly a member of cp9 we can take that as a reference and during his time as a government agent he was considered to have potential equal to Rob Lucci so we feel comfortable playing placing the flying six exactly here at four thousand roughly at the same level as Rob Luchi during and his Lobby and even though he's one of kaido's All-Stars Jack is also still in this tier I mean since the members of the flying six reserve the right to challenge an All-Star at any time for the position and who's who was planning to do just that we figure he can't be much stronger than the rest of the group and while we are talking about the fighters on onigashima we're still missing one fraction here now our best guess is that the zp0 agents are also roughly here in the higher B tier including newly added zpz agents such as Kaku and Jabra and that means we're also assuming that they've grown at least twice as powerful during the time skip roughly in line with the straw Hat's growth as well which would put them at being around the strength where Luffy was during the pre-time Skip and I will place another significant World Government fighter here as well who is santol Maru who's the personal guard to Dr vegapunk and I mean while we're at it along with the government agents we'll throw in another group of Marines are I guess technically the Marines that should have submitted their resignations because that's right we're talking about sword and Fighters like Captain Kobe now as garb's Prodigy Kobe has been hailed as the new hero of the Marines and right in this tier with him we're going to throw in some non-sword members like momonga and tashiki Inazuma though could cut clean through any of these characters at least that's what we're guessing I mean as one of the top fighters of the Revolutionary Army Fighters like him along with koala Hawk and the vice captains of the Revolutionary army they have to be able to at least go head to head with the government's top agents I think momonosuke and his retainers the nine red scabbers are I guess not quite nine anymore are next on our list now that Momo isn't a child anymore and has better control of his Dragon form he gets to be all the way up here and while these Warriors of wano couldn't harm kaido we shouldn't take their feet slightly I mean diesel was a division commander of the white Bay Pirates as doji made Jack look like a joke and Nicoma Mushi took out one of big mom's oldest children pero spero who is also here in the upper BT here while we're at it and also for the purpose of this list conjuro still counts as one of the scabbards even though he is a dirty Trader so we'll put all of their power levels at exactly six thousand and while we're talking about the citizens of wano let's add ryuma to the mix as well and I mean yeah chill we're talking as a zombie because ryuma was still super strong so this legendary Samurai gets to go right here with his descendants along with Gekko Moria whose Shadow abilities made him a formidable member of the shichibukari and it's practically a thriller Park reunion because we think that after the time skip Brooks increase and Powers will put him slightly above the warlord who once stole his shadow though when you think about it it's actually kind of hard to scale broke since his fight against one of the new Fishman Pirates is one of the only one-on-one fights he's ever had a against a named character though arguably since he was able to wound one of big mom's homies we're comfortable putting him above someone like Moria who has not exactly been having the best shows since Thriller Bart then diamond jozu and flowers Vista two of whitebeard's commanders are next on the list now they are very close to the top of the beat here but don't white have the same strength as other Top members of his Fleet this I think is evident because they were defeated during the time Skip by our next combatants most of the Blackbeard Pirates now with their new devil fruit upgrade some of Blackbeard's 10 Titanic captains edged out the competition to stand at the very top of B tier you wouldn't know it by looking at them but their average dodiki is at least eight thousand but now moving on to the a tier which begins with yet another member of the straw hat crew the demon child Nico Robin and we have now off officially achieved a power level of over 9 000 after seeing how Robin's demonio Fleur power-up was able to absolutely brutalize one of kaido's top forces now she would probably rather not spend her time fighting but don't get on her bad side because she is a certified a tier one piece character in The honestly very unlikely case that you haven't already started typing your very angry comment of this agreement yet I mean you probably have but get ready now because up next is Princess shirahoshi now yeah yeah she does often live up to her nickname of wimpy Hoshi but the fact remains that shirahoshi is literally an ancient weapon there aren't too many characters in the series who are easily going to tussi with someone who has complete commands over all the sea Kings capone-based though we feel has enough fortification and the military strength to fight your Hoshi I mean his elaborate strategies during the whole cake Island show that he's probably not foolish enough to fight shirahoshi in the middle of the ocean where the sea Kings live and with his castle fruit he has great defensive capabilities not to mention practically a whole Army inside of him which sounds so so wrong now tsuru sengoku and Kong the older Marines are next on our A-list now yes once upon a time they were among the strongest of the Marines forces probably in the top 20 or so earning them a well-deserved retirement now admittedly Kong himself is really just a guest since we've yet to see him in action but sengoku's powerful Golden Buddha fruit and turo's legendary exploits see them a high spot on the list of one piece's strongest characters Kong isn't technically part of the Legendary Marine Trio along with Zulu and zengoku that would be a certain Monkey D garpa spoiler alert it'll be a little bit later on this list but before that I would argue that these old retirees can't quite keep up with some of one piece's end game Fighters the commanders of the Revolutionary Army are crazy strong enough so that they can even put up a fight against absurdly powerful characters like the Marine Admirals we figured out to go Toe to Toe with an admiral your power level has to be at least 12 000 and that's why the five commanders of the Revolutionary armies will be right here in the a tier but wait aren't there only four revolutionary Army commanders though karasu Marley Lindbergh and Bello Betty right each having command over one of the four blues well don't forget about the commander over the grand line Emporio ivankov and as they would say hee haw but moving on Frankie is one of the stronger members of the straw hats ever since the time skip Oda has loved showcasing his fighting ability even while some crewmates have hardly even gotten a proper one-on-one fight but especially factoring in awesome power-ups like the Frankie Shogun his technological Weaponry can't be denied did I technically just imply that that means that Frankie can put up a fight against the Marine Admiral yeah could Oda immediately decide to make this opinion look terrible in retrospect also yes but I mean we're talking about the man who ran over big mom's face with a motorcycle now that is super and worth a doriki of 15 000. I'd say that Boa Hancock could probably easily dispose of Frankie considering that he and most of the characters in the series would be turned to stone five seconds into the fight but even for people who can resist her devil fruit Powers using their Mastery of hockey or their apathy towards beautiful women let's not discount her powerful Armament and conquerors hockey like she said after the Marines decided to hunt down the former Warlords the shichibukai earned their spots because they are very very strong and that's why right above Boa Hancock we have yet another form of warlord crocodile and this is most definitely going to be the most controversial placement on this entire list so far because in the same way that it didn't make any sense for East blue Luffy to be able to defeat arlong a former member of the senpai whether it's a pre-gear Luffy somehow managed to take out sir crocodile now two Crooks credit let's not forget that he also nearly killed Luffy twice and would have succeeded if it weren't for that Madeleine Robin and since crocodile is now in the good company of dracul mihog in the cross Guild we can only guess that he's gotten a lot stronger since the time skip placing him in the eighth year with a doriki of at least 16 000. and just etching him out of the way is smoker another very controversial pick I know now this vice admiral of the Marines hasn't exactly had the best showing after the time skip getting bodied by Virgo and doflamingo but hey so did Sanji and nobody is going to argue that he should be lower on this list right right and smoker is the kind of character to take his defeats very seriously and much like the straw hats seek to get stronger you can only guess that smoker will have a role to play during the end of the story and at that point he'll most likely be able to fight on par with the top tiers I think and you can't say anything because this is my video now The Mad Monk rosh is a supernova who hasn't gotten that much Spotlight so far but we do know that this guy Islander was able to defeat one of big mom's sweet commanders and his devil fruit that allows him to absorb kinetic energy and turn it into raw strength which really is no joke Don Quixote Flamingo is one of the strongest of the seven War it literally took gear for Luffy to even stand chance against him but let's also not forget the day that though Flamingo had been having before that fight he's been gamma knifed and had to use his fruit to stitch his own organs together he had utterly defeated law he had been maintaining a string clone for who knows how long and on top of it he had activated The Birdcage an attack so powerful that somehow even Master Swordsmen like Zorro kinemon or fujitora somehow couldn't cut through it and on top of that he used his devil fruit Awakening to fight Luffy till the very end I have a feeling that a peak condition though Flamingo would have been able to put up an even more intense fight against gear 4. and so very close to the flamingo we have three of the sweet commanders smoothie cracker and the ever mysterious snack now technically a Rouge did defeat snack but since we've never actually seen this character we're still just gonna throw him in with the others cracker though we've seen in prolonged battle with Luffy and while doflamingo struggled against gear 4's immense speed and strength kraka was able to keep up just with his army of biscuit soldiers but even stronger than these three is another yonko commander and the most funky one as well Queen now Queen already comes packed with the power of an ancient Zone type devil fruit that grants him the raw strength of a Brachiosaurus however it's of course his scientific knowledge and cybernetic enhancements that make Queen the plague a real Force to behold Queen was able to Grant himself the individual powers of each of the germa 66 members in an effort to show his superiority over sanji's father Vin smoke judged sadly did not make it into the top five of this video and with Queen also comes King kaido's right-hand man and as the last known lunarian King has Incredible strength and endurance enough to bring Zorro within an inch of his life and on top of his lunarian abilities his paternathon devil fruit gives an even greater strength as well as the ability of flight and so as one of the strongest yonko commanders out there King's doriki comes in at 18 000 and I really wish I wouldn't have to say paternathon anymore I really don't like saying dinosaur names in English now above King though come two more yonko commanders shidiu and Jesus Burgess as the two of the strongest members of the black Bay Pirates these guys will be some of the straw Hat's final enemies city of the rain's reputation precedes him when we first meet him in imple down this sadistic former Jailer is a supremely strong swordsman and on top of that he has the ability to turn invisible now and with his new strong strong fruit Jesus Burgess is going to be able to master some incredible Feats off strength and around Studio's level of strength as well is his old comrades the former Chief Warden of imple down Magellan now during the imple down Arc Magellan was an Unstoppable force of nature because his Venom basically incapacitated nearly everyone it touched if it hadn't been for the inmate's teamwork and Mr two's Noble sacrifice Magellan might have single-handedly stopped the escapees including Luffy and Blackbeard meant with a power like that his dorky breaks the 22 000 point mark but now we go from a warden of imple down to someone who was recently sent to prison Edward Weevil now the idea that Weevil is in fact the real biological son of Whitebeard is suspect to say the least but if he does have strength to rival the world's strongest men then clearly Vivo is absurdly strong more clues for this are the fact that his Bounty before becoming a warlord was the highest of any of the warlord's previous bounties not that bounties are power levels I mean we have dodiki for that which is way more accurate and portas the ace is up next as the second division Commander for Whitebeard the former wielder of the fire fruit is quite formidable although we have seen him suffer some defeat in the series one of them quite fatal but only at the hands of true top tier characters like Akainu and Blackbeard and if it takes that sort of caliber of a character to topple Ace then he truly is one of the series strongest not quite as strong I'd say though as another flame wielder the straw hat Chef Sanji and as a member of the monster Trio Sanji is one of the straw Hat's most reliable and Powerful Fighters now that he's awakened his latest Vin smoke abilities for Wally increased speed and durability he is solidly in the yonko commander level and if I had to guess which I don't have to sanji's doriki is nothing less than 25 000. and just ever so slightly beating Sanji with a power level of 25 000 and one is jimbei the Knight of the sea and helmsmen of the straw hats and honestly it's amazing they've ever made it so far with someone who actually knows how to steer a ship now at this point in the series we'll say that jimbei is slightly stronger than Sanji because I mean just look at this man of a Fishman he's the former captain of the sun Pirates and a former warlord and his reputation isn't just all talk either jimbei is strong and fearless enough to face down a yonko like big mom without a moment's hesitation with a feeling that by the end of the series Sanji will reclaim his place as the third strongest straw hat but for now we're gonna have to give it to jimbe here an even stronger than jimbei are some characters that we met very early on in one piece Dory and bragi the captains of the giant Pirates now these two friends of shang's fought one another for nearly a century on little garden likely training and becoming stronger throughout all that time we know this because at the end of the arc they absolutely obliterated this massive Island sized goldfish with the same attack that big mom and kaido use together as well and they recently used the same technique to obliterate kids and his ship but wait there's more the one piece world is host to even bigger and stronger Giants than Dorian froggy the ancient Oni race like the legendary Warrior Oris and his ancestor little ores Jr that's because even in ors's zombified state it took a team effort between all of the straw hats and stuffing Luffy full with a ridiculous amount of powerful Shadows to create nightmare Luffy for them to even stand a chance though as they say size isn't everything also in one piece so next we have the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army the flame Emperor Sabo who has an estimated Dory key of thirty thousand now when he obtained the powers of Ace's flamethrowed he was already a proven Warrior having been brought up by Dragon however with his brother's fire abilities now he was able to easily fight on par with Marine Admirals and completely washed Jesus Burgess one of Blackbeard's top fighters though to our knowledge that was before he actually had a devil fruit of his own and then of course we have the red hair Pirates Who possibly are the strongest crew in the entire Series right now now we don't have a ton of Feats of any of these characters so we're going to mostly go on reputation here but up next are the prominent members of shanks's crew such as yasop and lucky Roo and since lucky Roo for some reason is supposedly the fastest character of the series he clearly belongs in the upper ranks of the a tier and just slightly above them we have the old crew members of shanks's former Captain characters like Rayleigh and scopper Gabon really in his prime would obviously be higher on this list but according to the man himself in his old age he probably wouldn't be quite able to fight against characters like Blackbeard however as members of the Roger Pirates these characters are among the strongest in the entire verse still at their current age and Rob Luchi is next with a Dory key of 40 000. now we're going to say that with his new devil fruit Awakening he's 10 times stronger than he was at in his Lobby which isn't too crazy considering this agent of zp0 is able to withstand the awesome powers of gear 5 Luffy honestly of course the fight in Anna's Lobby against Luffy remains one of the best in all of One Piece pushing Luffy to his absolute limits and now this rival of Luffy has kept pace somehow becoming one of the strongest assets to the world governments however he's not quite as strong as Stussy who was able to immobilize both Luchi and Kaku nearly instantaneously now you can make the argument that they were both caught off guard by her betrayal but Luchi isn't exactly the type of character to put his trust into anyone and with his observation haki he should have been able to at least defend himself but he was rendered completely unconscious with a single bite up next are the most powerful children of kaido and Big Mama respectively Yamato and katakuri now they have both inherited a big portion of their parent strength our guess is that their dodiki must be exactly 50 000 each during the wano art Yamato was actually able to hold off her father while Luffy was recovering and thanks for mythical dog food Yamato has increased strength and ice powers that make her a top-tier fighter being able to fight kaido one on one which is a real feed reserved for truly only the strongest characters katakuri on the other hand gave Luffy one of his hardest fights in the series one that in a way Luffy didn't even technically win really it was more of a tie and in the end katakuri just lets him leave without continuing the fight and ultimately Luffy earns katakuri's respect even more than he truly defeated him in combat so with his incredible future sight observation hockey and complete Mastery of his special paramecium fruit katakuri is one of the strongest yonko commanders out there but speaking of observation hockey Mastery though it's quite a fee to see into the future but it is also a feat to be able to be aware of all the happenings of an entire Island in other words enter NL our boy an enemy that Luffy was only able to defeat due to the luckiest devil fruit matchup ever also this ammo arguably have some type of future sight or was his prediction about how only five people would be left in the battle after three hours this was just a really lucky guess I mean granted we've never seen NL fight any fellow logo users but given that he had a great Mastery of observation hockey before we even knew what that was it's very likely that he has picked up other types as well our guess is that someone who claims the position of a God is a shoe in for conquerors hockey at the very least but up next quickly approaching the top of the eighthier are used as kid and killer and they haven't exactly had the best time in recent memory being instantly obliterated by one of the strongest characters in the entire series but let's not forget that these two were present for roof piece these two members of the first generation were able to engage in combat against big mom and kaido and kit even helped to bring down big mom along with the next person on our list which is of course Trafalgar law of the heart Pirates now the opioid me is fittingly one of the most OP fruits in the entire series some might question his position here since he was defeated by doflamingo but since he's awakened his devil fruit and has even been strong enough to take out big mom with kids help of course he is not the most physically powerful character but using his strategic Brilliance in coordination with his broken devil fruit makes him a more than deadly fighter after all it's easy to beat people when you can just remove their heart but just above law though and at the Pinnacle of the a-tier is the right-hand man of the World's Strongest Man Marco the Phoenix with a doriti of 60 000. I personally think that this pineapple-shaped man is in another league as a yonko commander being able to fight king and queen kaido's top two subordinates simultaneously at in his restorative devil fruit abilities and you're dealing with a seriously strong mythical Zone user which now drum roll please for the first member of the S tier golden is roronoa Zorro the future strongest swordsman of the world and the right hand of the future pirate king and as the very first swordsman since Odin who was actually able to cut kaido Zorro is solidly in yonko Commander level and is rapidly approaching yonko level himself as we're being honest if he's not already there and as the story barrels towards his inevitable fight with mihawk we only see him climbing the ranks of this list even faster however there is one more yonko commander on this list which is of course the first Maid of the red hat Pirates Ben Beckman in other words the man that kizaru took one look at and said no not today despite having no problem scrapping with Rayleigh on Saba Odie archipelago also I know that's not literally what kisado said and it was more surprise or Intrigue than fear but just let me cook please okay after him we've got Bartholomew Kuma now I feel like Kuma gets left out of a lot of power scaling discussions but this is a man who has never not once taken an L unless you count the complete removal of his personality and Free Will as an L but we don't his papa fruit is another one of the most broken fruits of the series allowing him to teleport his opponents anywhere in the entire world and even expelling intangible Concepts like pain and memories in other words I have no doubt that this cyborg could hold his own against some of the strongest characters in the story though I'd say he'd have less of a great time against the Marine Admirals yokugyu fujitora and kizaru and for good measure we're including aokiji here as well they all have insanely powerful devil fruits and complete Mastery over them they command Elemental forces of nature they're the greatest powers of the world government and the Marines and don't sleep on these absolute units because after all their average toriki is at least 75 000 and after the Admirals you know it's only going to be crazy names from here on out and next is the Giga chat himself kozuki Odin a member of Rogers and whitebeard's crew and the former Shogun of wano now this man was able to fight on the same level as kaido and if it hadn't been for the trickery of the kurozumi clan he likely actually would have defeated the emperor of the sea however slightly above taking the W was kaido and along with him his fellow former rocks crewmate Charlotte Lin Lin big mom herself now most Fighters even with proficient Armament hockey can't even lay a scratch on either big mom or kaido in fact it takes Elite level techniques like advanced conquerors hockey or awaken devil fruit abilities to even stand a slight chance against any of these yonko but as if that wasn't enough on top of this big mom and kaido both have absolutely insane devil fruit abilities and honestly between big mom's homies and the ability to rip the literal soul from anyone who fears her and kaido's giant dragon form and Mastery of flame clouds powers are said like they're nearly unlimited if we're being honest but let's not forget about big moms in kaido's former crewmate of the Rocks Pirates which is Shiki the Golden Lion now let's not forget that the Strong World movie is not canon so we can't consider his defeat at Luffy's hands as Sirius however we can look at his legendary status as a rival of Roger himself in his day this user of the float float fruit was one of the strongest pirates in the world and it took both GARP and sengoku to take him down and similarly at yonko level I plays the legendary hero of the Marines himself monkey D GARP I mean in his prime GARP would regularly fight against yonko level people like Roger Whitebeard but even now in his old age he can unleash devastating techniques like this punch right here and he may just be a vice admiral but let's not forget that he has repeatedly turned down promotion in favor of maintaining his own freedom from working directly under the celestial dragons and he was likely the strongest Marine in his day and continues to be among the strongest characters in the story even in his retirement and now it is time for the top 10 most powerful characters in one piece the strongest of the strong because from here on out every single character just reaches absolutely ludicrous levels of combat power and at number 10 with a crazy dirty key of 100 000 is sadazuki better known as the fleet Admiral akinu and uh checking my notes I see here that his Feats include the removal of kuzans like as the removal of whitebeard's face enter the removal of Ace's life sorry I had to and uh he's hotter than fire magma fruit is one of the most destructive abilities that we've seen in the entire Series in fact to be more destructive than the magma fruit which you probably need like two devil fruits so here at number nine we have Marshall D teach Luffy's greatest rival for the position of pirate king and we do know that Blackbeard has some some downsides to his power he feels pain more strongly than other characters thanks to his Darkness fruit we've seen him back down from several opponents refusing to fight characters like Shanks or Rayleigh and opting for a more strategic approach but still with his Darkness fruit and the earthquake fruit he can nullify other fruit users abilities as well as having the power potentially strong enough to break the planet itself and don't underestimate the power of his secret third devil fruit the off-screen off-screen know me which he uses to decimate Ace law and to steal whitebeard's devil fruit unseen by all which brings us to the eighth strongest character in all of One Piece which is currently its protagonist Monkey D Luffy with a power level of 120 000. yep above Blackbeard and akinu well we expect the future pirate king to climb all the way to the very top of this at the end of the series of course but for now let's put him at eight his immense willpower has allows him to master all three types of hockey to an advanced level at in his mythical Zone devil fruit the Nika fruit and he has the ability to do practically anything his Limitless imagination can think up he has come a very long way from the East blue and now after defeating kaido he's truly deserving of the yonko title but slightly above him adds number seven we go to Luffy's father Monkey D Dragon that's the leader of the Revolutionary Army and based on his family tree we can assume that he is very strong however we have yet to actually see him using any of his powers within the actual story so for now his placement is just based on Vibes and context but I honestly I mean I think we'd all be shocked if he isn't one of the strongest characters in one piece and so number six instead goes to Dracula mihawk as the strongest swordsman in the world mihawk is the ultimate Benchmark that Zorro hopes to catch one day and and since mihawk used to hold regular duels with the likes of Shanks we can reasonably assume that despite his status as a former warlord he is much closer to yonko level in reality and as the cross Guild makes their move towards the one piece we're excited to see what events will bring him and Zoro together in the end for the cataclysmic battle that we are all waiting for forever but even mihawk wouldn't have a chance for what is up next because now it is finally time for the top 5 strongest characters we'll call it like s plus plus plus tier or whatever where the duty is just really off the charts and for these last 5 characters we really don't want to set the internet Ablaze so the five strongest characters are really whoever you want them to be okay fine just kidding we'll rank them but hey just keep in mind the power scaling stuff it's really hard especially for a series with powers as crazy as one piece for example most series would have the World's Strongest Man as both of the world's strongest man and but not not this one Edward Newgate AKA Whitebeard is number five with a doriki of 150 000. now during the Paramount War Whitebeard showed no fear in facing down the full forces of the Marines he's powerful enough to strike fear Into the Heart of someone like Akainu all while having endless compassion for his crew who he considered his family as the original owner of the Quake Quake fruit he had the strength to make the world itself tremble to cause tidal waves and Scatter the ground itself as well as his opponent's bones and faces I guess but above him at number four I'm going to place another yonko in the same league as Whitebeard Shanks now he was the man who originally inspired Luffy to set sail and he was a cabin boy on none other than Roger's ship he is one of the world's most tearsome pirates but also is all but confirmed to be a descendant from the celestial dragons themselves he was able to One-Shot use this kit despite kid working together with law to bring down big mom Shanks even has conquerors haki so powerful that he knocked an admiral aramaki out of his Forest form and caused the Marine Admiral to retreat from wano even though Shanks himself was mild off the coast really shangs is at the Pinnacle of power today so for number three we have to actually go to the past and dig out an old person who's already dead the former pirate king Goldie Roger he was a man who single-handedly launched a great pirate era and the captain of the only crew to ever reach the end of the grand line we're going to place his power level at 200 000. I mean his prime before his execution he was a friend and rival to Garb the hero of the Marines and could easily fight Toe to Toe with insanely strong characters like Whitebeard his shadow is cast over the entire series and for very good reason because he is the one who achieved the most in the world of pirate accuracy and yet number two goes to another great pirate of Rogers era Rox D zabek now we still don't know much about rocks but we have big clues that his power was out of this world for starters he had three future yonko working under him as part of his crew Whitebeard big mom and kaido were all part of the Rocks pirates in addition to other significant ones like Shiki and moreover in order to stop rocks at the god Valley incident GARP and Roger had to actually team up this could imply that if neither of them could beat him alone that it required Two fighters of Roger and garb's level to contend with rocks meaning that he's likely stronger than either of them but finally we have the most powerful character in the world at number one with a dirty key of 250 000 which my experts by the way tell me that is the maximum level of doriki is imsama the secret ruler of the world's governments ooh controversial now not only does emo appear to wield some sort of insane transformation ability but on top of that they wield more power than any other individual in the one piece World they control the entire world government which has the entire planet firmly clutched in its grasp on top of that crazy Beast Forum imsama can also easily wipe out entire islands with a single wave of their finger using what we presume to be a copy of the ancient weapon Uranus made by DR vegapunk and you probably don't remember that we might have actually seen this insane weapon all the way back during the time skip in this mysterious panel with Capone beige as his ship gets sucked up into the sky and if you want to learn 100 more secrets in one piece that you probably missed you can watch that video right here thanks for watching the most uncontroversial video I've ever made on this channel
Channel: Ohara
Views: 884,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Id: HkUj72VyrEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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