ALL 49 Wind Waker Islands - RANKED from Worst to Best

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the sequel to breath of the wild got delayed until spring next year so to get my Zelda fix I replayed my favorite title The Wind Waker there's 49 different Islands to sail to in the game and while playing I thought to myself man I'd swab the poop deck to go to some of these islands but others just are the poop deck so I decided to rank them all here are all 49 Islands In The Wind Waker ranked from worst to best in my humble opinion of course now let's go oh I mean oh laughs number 49 the starbell archipelago this island comes first but finishes last same for real though this Hound sucks it's pretty much just seven rocks they're in the shape of the constellation Orion which like cool but also not at all the five star aisles are basically the number five version of the seven rocks the last one they're only above because to me less rocks equals less suck plus they sound like a fancy hotel which uh neat Crescent Moon Island leaves nothing to the imagination it's an island or more like a rock sure do be shaped like the moon though five eye reefs the first of six islands called dice Islands they're all pretty similar but like in Every Family the least favor has to stay behind to take the pictures you know who I'm talking about on episode 2 of less rock equals less suck we have the three-eyed Reef that is all Eastern fairy Islands number 44 and the worst of the fairy Islands why is this island so bad you might ask Olivia all my homies hate Olivia number 43 is the southern triangle Island these islands are pretty boring and the only purpose is to put down the three pearls nehru's Pearl doesn't have a dungeon connected to getting it so there's Islands at the bottom and you know I like a little chase a little fight back the Eastern triangle Island's basically the same but for furora's Pearl which has a dungeon attached to it so small victories the northern fairy Island's probably the first fairy Island will go to so it gets some Merit there plus it's shaped like a little heart how cute the southern fairy Island's basically the same island just flipped on her belly but lets you be creative with the ability to bomb or burn your way in the western fairy Island gets a slight Edge because it gives me the opportunity to use the skull hammer enough said Hammer hardly nowhere The Thorn fairy Island also uses the skull hammer to enter which is always a plus for bringing the cool Thorn one though I declare this the best fairy fountain at 37 I chose the northern triangle Island this is a bit higher than the other others because it's the first you'll likely go to and feels a little bit more magical than the other two Cyclops reef is the one eye dice Reef it has a cool name congratulations I I applaud you Bird's Peak Rock is the negative reason for wanting to even do this video to any birds here while controlling the seagull are so annoying and if you're bad at video games like me there especially annoying heading out of the negative and into the myth is Overlook Island at number 34. you get a hook shot up little towers and also get the secret cave chart here pretty cool Stone Watcher island is the island that resonates with me most it's incredibly average but still gets head the cliff Plateau aisles have a somewhat interesting layout and also house a jump flower for reef is another Dice Island and sixes on dice are awesome except this is not really a dice and it's not that awesome shark island is shaped like a shark and that is dope as angular Isles finally has something to do there's a little Block Puzzle that tremendously challenges the mind and I will go into no further detail the Seven Star Isles is like the worst on the list except it looks like the Big Dipper which is a lot cooler than Orion also lots of bonus points for a big octo fight I'm not sure why but I love fighting them I think they're so fun go in for the whole family 2i Reef has another big octo fight which is way cooler than all of the bomb turrets at the other dice Islands bomb island has a piece of heart and a traveling Merchant bomb island is also shaped like a bomb and that is dope as Star Island is shaped like a star and that is not as dope as a bomber shark but it's still pretty rad also Oaken lives here and I mean come on look at this dude the eyelet of Steel is purely here because it sounds cool and looks cool this island rounds out the myth and into the pretty good at number 23 is Horseshoe Island you can probably tell but the shaped islands are fun so they all get extra points for it like bombs and sharks this island also has a golf minigame not necessarily my shoe size but things to do on the island is what I'm looking for when I'm exploring them so here you go Rock Spire is pretty much just a straight line the whole line is a linear puzzle to get a treasure chart at the end cheddar charts are honestly kinda lame prizes to me but I think the little challenge is fun enough tingle island is just tingle Island it's home to tingle and David and David is dope ass but also oppressed we should probably just move on now I think great fish aisle is finally an island that's pretty important to the story it's destroyed and there's not much to do here but it does provide plot and backstory as to why it's destroyed very cool paw print aisle is shaped like a paw so it takes the cake on most of the other shaped Islands it also has two different caves to explore which is awesome but unfortunately my girlfriend said I'm only allowed to explore one Needle Rock aisle has a lot going on it has an interesting shape and reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on you can also get a heart piece using a Shoei pair and calling a seagull which is always charming and fun except for when it's not and there's also a golden warship here to defeat in battle and get a Triforce Chart which I gotta say is the only time I really want to fight one of these guys maybe an unpopular opinion I don't know but also I don't care diamond step island is just pretty it gets pretty points I want to actually go here there's a fun maze too and a waterfall and oh just sign me up number 16 isn't even called an island it's just the boating course obviously there's a fun boating Mini-Game here which is pretty fun to play but the main reason this is so high is loot the Sailor oh I'd loot loot's booty from Port to starboard if you know what I mean speaking of loot The 4i Reef tops all the dice Islands at number 15 because of its awesome Treasures you can get the Great Fairy chart here and a treasure chart that allows the finding of the piece of heart chart both very good finds plus my OCD enjoys this Square spectacle island is a nod to all of the spectacle formations throughout the Zelda series so I had to have it as the highest shaped island not to mention it houses Salvatore and the barrel shoot minigame ice ring aisle is a real mini dungeon rather than just a small puzzle finally this island gives a five minute timer to navigate and retrieve the iron boot plus the dragon head looks super awesome the mother and child aisles are much bigger and more important than all of the fairy fountains you get the Fire and Ice arrows here which aren't only necessary but also super fun to play around with the creepy queen of fairies is here too as a memorable character and the fact that you have to come back here after getting the ability to fast travel is a cool natural roadblock the flight control platform just barely doesn't make it in the top ten people might argue that there's no way this is the most fun mini game Island but my Nostalgia disagrees I remember so vividly spending hours trying to win the prize for this game I realize now that it's pretty easy but things were different back for me in the day bottom Moon out the top 10 is the Forsaken Fortress you come here twice the first time being a stealth Mission and the second time coming back to wipe out all the enemies which is a super cool premise the helmerok king and Phantom Ganon fights are awesome and I can see why this would be some people's favorite location in the game for me having played Wind Waker so young though this place used to scare the living dookie out of me and I am seriously not a fan of spooky things it's not as scary now obviously but those old emotions of just being so scared kind of hamper my experience still today upon a small Oasis island with a shack that you cannot enter later after giving a teacher a ton of presents you get to now own this island it's a nice break from Battle kind of in the middle of the game in happy places like this just tend to charm me at number 9 the private Oasis Fire Mountain is kind of like ice ring Isle it's a puzzle with a five minute timer and you get a prize that being the power bracelets instead of the iron boots but this one oh my God just look at it it's a volcano in the middle of the ocean just look at it it's so cool dare I say it it's dope as sorry I got excited a much more calming place up next the Forest Haven the koroks live here and I just love the koroks they're so cute the Deku Tree yeah not as cute but we don't shame around here you get the boomerang which is a classic item and the Deku Leaf which is a wind waker exclusive but they're both super fun to use in this game the actual dungeon is very mystical and I like it a lot I don't know something about jungles Terraria does it really good too at number six is headstone Island which houses the Earth Temple the Earth Temple is as spooky As It Gets In This QT game needless to say this dungeon scared me more than the Forsaken Fortress did when I was a kid but there's a reason it's higher up when I beat this game when I was young I never actually played through this dungeon myself my mom beat it for me because I was just that scared she played all the way up to the boss and then I beat it because well this dude ain't scary I have played it myself by now though and the command Melody can be a little annoying but besides that this is a fun dungeon Gail isle is number five and hides the entrance to the wind Temple the wind Temple uses the command Melody like the Earth Temple but I get to control my car which is undoubtedly the better sidekick fight me I also just love the wind Gods Arya it hits spots in my ears I didn't even know were there in the moguera boss fight music is more epic than it has their right to be I also prefer the brighter atmosphere to the darker atmosphere of the Earth Temple because as I have now revealed I am a wimp proud of it the Tower of the Gods is a cool place in its own right with the build up and the Epic rising of the Tower and the godon boss fight is the end result of the first half of challenges the game threw at you but the Tower of the Gods kind of cheats its way all the way up to the fourth spot because it also allows you to go underneath the sea and you know what's down there you get the master sword fight a bunch of Frozen dudes that aren't Frozen anymore and eventually fight the final boss and stab the angry guy in the face if you like cool places this is your number one and I like cool places but I like happy places more as you'll see shortly very shortly in fact number three outside Island this is where it all begins and I'm a sucker for Beginnings I'm a weirdo I play through just the beginnings of so many games so many times just because I really do prefer the happy Vibes at the start of Adventures compared to the threatening ones like 75 through games I like my world ones and my first gyms and my Green Hill zones they're just so nice an outset island is nice I feel at home here Grandma's Here old men are here snot boys here big pig is here the following Adventure is great don't get me wrong but this is where it all starts the outset the runner-up Island today is Dragon Roost Island this is the first real Dungeon with a key item emboss and stuff in the Wind Waker and is my favorite one the first thing I have to say about this island is the music the music is just something else it's the epitome of a tropical island adventure and will never fail to put a smile on my face I'm having trouble actually saying stuff about the island itself and I apologize for the lack of details but I just love it I love the environment I love the volcano and lava and I love that the end goal is to save a dragon the boss fight with Goma is as epic as it gets swinging over lava on a rope I love climbing around the outside of the volcano and being super high up and dungeon aside even I love the Rito I love the male game I even like the little wind shrine thing down in the water this island just screams tropical atmosphere and it's the perfect uh first dungeon for an ocean-based Zelda game I just I just love it that I I just I just love it finally number one is Windfall Island this island isn't the beginning of the adventure nor is it the first dungeon of the adventure but just a small town with a lot of Personality why do I love it so much I'm not even sure to be honest I have a theory though let me set it up you're me Domino you're like five this dungeon forsaken Fortress is literally making you cry you're so scared of it you're so scared of getting caught by moblins you barely make it through you get caught by a giant bird and flung into the ocean what could be next I mean I'm basically playing a horror game at this point aren't I I arrive in a small Cove somewhere I leave the cove and boom there's this bustling town with friendly faces there's kids running around there's a guy dancing the music is Jolly what a relief everything is okay I think in the roots of my brain there's a calming sensation whenever I think of Windfall Island that goes back to when I was a kid playing this for the first time there's a lot to do here too there's people to talk to and side quests to enjoy you're far from home but you're not alone you've grown up a little bit this is the big city to outset Island's small town this is the Hub where you spend a ton of your time at least I did so much time that it becomes your or my favorite island in the game what's your favorite island let me know in the comments below and if you're still watching thank you obviously you enjoyed yourself if you made it this far so hey leave a like And subscribe to see if I ever upload again but with that mwah bye
Channel: domidoodle
Views: 24,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: domidoodle, zelda, legend of zelda, wind waker, ranked, islands, zelda ranked, top 10, loz, loz ww, domdoodle, doodle, dom
Id: YYqkelOcu-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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