I Busted 15 Myths In Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom #2

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now when I uploaded the first tears of the Kingdom myth busting video I didn't expect it to do so incredibly well it completely blew up so I would like to thank all of you so much for that and in order to celebrate I got another one for you this time filled with even crazier claims and even some stuff that was suggested in the comment section by all of you yes I read the comments and respond to a lot of them so without further Ado let's look at 15 more myths from Zelda tears in a kingdom to see if they are real or not and believe me each time you think you have seen everything this game has to offer your mind is blown once again thank you number 15. now one problem a lot of players came across is the battery running out when using sonai machines usually this is annoying but not the end of the world it forces you to wait a bit or recharge your batteries using specific items however when you're up in the sky it can be a massive problem because all of a sudden you will fall back to Earth pretty quick so is there a way around this well multiple people online claim that there is and two tricks I came across involve recall and cooking apparently if you're on a wing or any other flying machine using recall on it allows you to recharge your batteries and this actually works however as you can imagine it has its problems if you use recall the whole time you're effectively going nowhere so it could be handy in some instances for example when you're fighting a boss like a glioc but aside from that it's pretty useless but luckily enough the cooking pot trick also works and it fixes this problem when I first saw this I was like nah uh impossible but it works if you add a cooking pot on your vehicle you can use it to recharge your battery just cook a meal and the game will kind of freeze in place but Meanwhile your batteries will recharge allowing you to get a lot further and personally I love that these claims are 100 true number 14. now in my last video I tested a myth that adding butter to a shield would improve your Shield surfing and after I released that video a lot of people in the comments section claimed that you could use other stuff to achieve this one of those was adding an ice sheet to your Shield but does this actually work well yes and it's quite logical ice is slippery in real life and even in the game because as we all know the game has realistic physics and so if you walk up to a body of water throw in a white chew jelly to freeze it and attach the newly created ice sheet to your Shield you can surf down Hills at incredible speeds with the added bonus they're replacing the sheet of ice is very simple all you need is some water and something that can freeze it so it's cool to see that people share some amazing stuff in the comment section that is actually very handy and true number 13. now when making vehicles in the game you sometimes run into the problem that what you created is anything but stable and so with every turn or heartbreak you will fall over and so you need to get back on it which can be a bit of a pain I have had this problem many times when making a simple Segway type vehicle but according to some there is a solution apparently if you add a stabilizer it will actually keep the vehicle in line and it's impossible to tip over or roll and after testing it in the game with this cool bike I can tell you it 100 Works hell sometimes it even works too well I ended up drifting way more than I normally would because I got almost no feedback from the vehicle itself that I was over steering so it almost works too well but at least now I will never fall over again and it barely uses any power number 12. now in my last video I tested a claim involving the monster eyeballs that can be found in the game these can be super handy when using an arrow because when you stick them on top they allow for auto aim as long as you shoot in the general direction it will always be a headshot which is handy in a lot of scenarios however people claim that adding one on a vehicle could replace a steering stick in a pinch but in the end that wasn't true at all adding an eye basically did nothing but then people in the comment section said the following if you added an eye to a vehicle or something else would it at least go in the direction of an enemy you know like the arrows do well after some testing with this homemade uh a drone that is completely safe I found out that it isn't a thing whatsoever no matter how hard I try the eye doesn't really change anything sure it adds some weight which influences the vehicle but it doesn't allow for Effective steering or some sort of auto aim or direct so sadly enough this myth remains completely false so just use them for your arrows number 11. with mechanics like the slow mode that you enter when drawing a bow in midair it is Handy to sometimes go high into the sky but how can you achieve this easily well I came across a claim on the internet that was very promising and also cost effective people again in my comment section claimed that adding a spring to your Shield works really well with some saying that it can be used again and again making it almost perfect While others said it was good but you can only use it once now after some simple testing I found out that it works and it's actually a great option in the game because they are easy to find and don't require many resources however after using them only one time they will disappear which doesn't make a whole lot of sense because normally they last a whole lot longer but I bet this was done to Nerf them a bit otherwise you could constantly jump around with barely any cost attached but hey at least it works number 10. in the game you have a couple of different loadouts when it comes to weapons three basically two-handed Spears other two-handed weapons like hammers or swords and a one-handed weapon combined with a shield however I came across claims that you could also dual wield two one-handed weapons but this is impossible right well yes it isn't in the game at all you can't do this no matter how hard you try but there is a way to sort of achieve this because if you combine a blade or something like that with your Shields you can deal damage with a Parry now personally I thought that this would be completely useless but actually it's great when you use Elemental weapon parts this way you have a shield that can freeze enemies with a simple Parry or electrocute and disarm them meanwhile you aren't exposing yourself to any kind of counter attack so it's a really safe strategy as well it's something I had never thought of before but you can't do it sure it isn't dual wielding but it's close so I would say that this one isn't true or false but some sort of plausible number nine now we've seen that combining Ultra hand and recall is incredibly useful in the game for example when you try to fly away using a wing or when fighting enemies in the game by using materials you find in the world however one claim I came across was quite interesting but I was also quite confused by it to be honest according to people online you can take a weapon Drop It On The Ground pick it up with ultra hand and spin it around and then you just use recall to ward off any enemies but does this really work well you would think so but no it doesn't damage enemies or link whatsoever however is there a way to make it work well yes weirdly enough if you add more weapons to it using Ultra hands then the added weapons actually do deal damage which doesn't really make sense but who cares because using this you can create a spinning weapon of death where you stand safely in the middle which can be handy when taking on a bunch of the goblins number eight now when I saw that the koroks returned in tears of the Kingdom I was quite happy actually I loved those small little puzzles that were seen in breath of the wild and in the new game they took it to the next level with those little travel quests although some people decided to torture them instead of helping them out but that's besides the point because I want to talk about the more simple puzzles specifically the one where you need to drop a rock in the right spot to create a circle these are seen all over the place but according to some you can also solve these in a different way just fuse a stone to a weapon and slam that rock in place but does that work well surprisingly enough yes I never expected this to be real but it is as you can see right here it's clear that it will work as long as a rock fills the Gap creating a circle so I bet there are many other creative ways of solving this puzzle and I'm curious what people will try down the road number seven now this next one we will look at was suggested by my buddy master of Hyrule on Twitter he asked me the following can you get a bookable into a sky island without them disappearing he tried this himself multiple times but could never pull it off so is this even possible at all well I tried this many many many many times because as you can imagine working with the coblins is Pretty Tough they aren't really willing to get on some sort of weird Airship after all so I had to freeze them now usually I failed completely but a couple of times I was able to actually get them into the air but each time I ran into the issue that either the goblin would mess up or my sonai tech would completely run out and I couldn't go high enough so while I never saw the mccoblin actually despawn or something it seems impossible due to the limitations of the Zona technology in the end I couldn't pull it off the only option that seems possible to me is using one of the rocks that fall out of the sky to transport the goblin up into the sky but even then getting him on one of the sky islands is impossible almost so while it might be possible theoretically in practice it will never really work number six now all of us at this point have probably seen the new bubble frogs they are often encountered in caves and finding them is quite fun actually and as some of you might know if you collect the gems they drop you get some really good rewards when you hand them in however one thing I personally always wondered about is can you actually get rupees from this as well I mean when you take out a bubble frog we can see that a bloopy spawns and runs away so if you shoot those do they drop rupees just like all the others found in the world of Hyrule well sadly enough no they don't drop anything when you shoot them which you can clearly see here which is a bit odd normally you always get rupees from them but not this time and I'm not really sure why number five now before the release of Tears of the Kingdom I made a video talking about what would be possible in the game specifically what items would do if you fuse them with an arrow and one that I talked about is the courser B honey in the game when you try to collect these you will always get harassed by the bees that live inside of it so if you combine it with an arrow Shield or melee weapon it releases be hell on your enemies right well yes this one is 100 true it works exactly as I expected before the game even came out now sure it isn't the most effective attachment but it could be useful to create some sort of distraction however aside from that I don't see any use for it to be honest but still it's cool to see that it's possible number four when running around the world of Hyrule you will quite quickly come across this guy Addison he can be found all over the world trying to place signs for the Hudson construction company and usually you get a small reward if you help him out by keeping the sign in place and in order to achieve this you have to create some sort of structure that holds it in place personally I find this a very fun Challenge and always do them if I come across him but recently I saw somebody claim that a lot of these can actually be solved quite easily using one little trick all you need is a link and a stable platform because if link stands underneath it he can actually support the sign using his own head and at first I thought nah this can't be but in a lot of cases it actually works although sometimes it doesn't as you can see right here there are two signs above each other and that won't really work the sign will still fall over clearly it doesn't always work so when it comes to this one I will label it as plausible number three like I mentioned in a previous video getting around Hyrule is very important and while we lost some stuff that was seen in breath of the wild we got a lot of new things as well mainly the zonai devices which can be used to travel both in the sky and on the ground which is great but at some point I got an idea what would happen if you attached a zonai wheel to a shield using fuse normally these allow you to get around really fast while using almost no energy and so you can travel really far but does it combine well with the shield well no no matter what you do it's attached sideways and so each time you Shield surf the wheel does activate but you will fall hard so yeah cool idea but it doesn't work because Nintendo made it so sadly enough number two one of the first things that I tried when the game released was combining an octo balloon with an arrow just imagine what you could do for example an enemy has a weapon in his hand and so you shoot it with this fused arrow and disarm him with his weapon flying away this would be incredibly useful but is this really a thing in the game or does it have no impact at all well yes and no if you shoot one of these arrows at an enemy it basically does nothing at all the balloon pops the enemy takes damage and then you aim for a fight however when you do the same thing on items found on the ground it does work the balloon will attach to it and the thing will float as you can see right here with this melon but at the end of the day this isn't very useful so this doesn't work which makes me very sad because I really hoped I could make up a goblin fly with this but no number one now another thing people suggested to me in order to improve my shield surfing is frozen food and personally I thought this was a very good suggestion and so I did but there was a problem it didn't work so I thought well this myth is fake when I fused a frozen drumstick to my shield things only got worse but then I decided to experiment more I mean I had to try other types of meat as well and at that point I realized something important you need a thick piece of meat on your Shield otherwise it won't improve Shield surfing whatsoever the thing to keep in mind is that the meat needs to have solid contact with the ground for it to work so while at first I thought it was fake I now label it as plausible because you need the right type of meat to pull it off and not all of them will work now these were my 15 myths but don't forget I have another video about this as well so go check it out if you haven't seen it yet thank you all so much for watching and thank you also much for the support the last video did really well the myth busting one I could see that people watched a lot of the video and people were very excited to click on it and all that stuff so that was very good and the comments overall were very positive and good feedback and whatnot so I hope this video is even better than the last one and I hope you enjoyed it be sure to subscribe click the Bell button leave a like and all that good stuff I love you all bye because from Papa
Channel: Dr.Wily
Views: 190,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zeltik, zelda, the legend of zelda, tears of the kingdom, tears of the kingdom review, zelda totk review, zelda totk before you buy, before you buy breath of the wild 2, breath of the wild 2 review, tears of the kingdom gameplay, zelda switch, nintendo switch, botw2 switch review, tears of the kingdom switch, tears of the kingdom performance, tears of the kingdom story, before you buy, zelda gameplay, totk building, zelda building, monstermaze, commonwealth realm, myths
Id: kY4ZxqvFrTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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