The Mystery of Windfall Island (Zelda Theory)

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[Music] the wind waker takes place centuries after ganondorf's tyrannical of hyrule in ocarina of time after the beast was slain and sealed by the hero of time who then traveled back into his own timeline and after these seven long years of Darkness where castle town was burned to rubble and his people forced to seek refuge in Kakariko village the kingdom of hyrule slowly began to heal its wounds building a new hyrule castle and consigning the horrific crimes of Ganondorf to a painful memory but still shackled to the ancient curse of the demon king demise Hyrule was doomed to succumb again to evil and from the ashes of his defeat Ganon returned the king of evil seized control of the kingdom with ease and cowering in fear the people prayed for the return of the hero prayers that were in vain in the darkest hour that God saw fit to end the unanswered rampage of the demon king calling forth a colossal downpour from the heavens which flooded the kingdom drowning out the fires of Ganon and burying Hyrule beneath the waves centuries later on islands formed from the mountain peaks of the Lost Kingdom below the waves the people of Hyrule endure and prosper all memory of the ancient land below them faded into myth the truth behind the vast ocean lost to time the world of the Wind Waker is one of the most interesting with ever seen in a Zelda game the idea of people living on Islands formed from the mountaintops of a forgotten Kingdom is fantastic and builds one of the most creative over worlds in the series while most of these islands are unique to the Wind Waker some are clear references to locations from other Zelda games and more interestingly others could be iconic locations from ocarina of time after centuries have passed now islands on the Great Sea so today let's look at one of the most memorable Wind Waker islands and the evidence that remains of what it may have once been in the far north of the vast expanse of the Great Sea lies wind wakers bustling market town the sunny Isle of windfall link first reaches windfall island after being thrown from the forsaken fortress by the Helmerich King and picked up by the king of Red Lions and he's tasked with finding a sail somewhere in the paved streets of the town windfall island teams with life and business all below the iconic ferris wheel at first glance windfall seems to be a completely unique Island but the more we look the more evidence there is that there's more than meets the eye to this merchants town the first tale comes in the form of the islands theme it's actually just a remixed version of the Kakariko village theme which originated in a Link to the Past and then appeared again in ocarina of time if we speed up the Kakariko village theme a lot of the two towns themes are actually the same song [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the developers were definitely trying to evoke the same feelings from the peaceful Kakariko village in Ocarina of Time but bumped up the pace to match the nature of the busy market the same is true for the iconic landmarks of both towns the ferris wheel of windfall and the windmill of Kakariko and the secondary landmarks like the famous Kakariko village wooden sign gates and the windfall island stone gate deliberately similar features to link the two towns so it's obviously inspired by it but could windfall island actually be the very same Kakariko village from ocarina of time centuries after the apocalyptic Great Flood aside from the clear symbolic references is there any evidence that Kakariko village became windfall island over centuries the first place to look is windfalls location on the world map the Wind Waker takes place hundreds of years after ocarina of time but it's still meant to be the same Hyrule just flooded so if Kakariko became windfall island would expect it to sit somewhere near Death Mountain and we know that Death Mountain most likely became Fire Mountain a submerged volcanic peak situated not far from windfall dragon roost Island also is functionally win waker death mountain but hyrule encyclopedia confirms that it's somehow what became of Zoras domain so whatever it doesn't line up perfectly but I believe this was intentional one of Kakariko villages defining features is its ominous graveyard hidden behind the village in a clearing housing the graves of the royal family and those loyal to them including the graves of the composer brothers who were killed by Ganondorf due to their work on creating a song which could controlled the rising and setting of the Sun known as the sons song the son song actually appears in the Wind Waker - albeit under a slightly different name the song of passage it works exactly the same way turning night to day in day to night and is musically identical to the original and what's more interesting is it's learned from taught a dancing manner windfall island who can be found in front of a gravestone even his figurine notes that he's found in front of this strange monument a monument which features highly in text and if we translate this text we can read the words a great artist learning the son song from a man eternally dancing near a great artists gravestone isn't a coincidence this gravestone likely belongs to one of the composer brothers great musical artists of their time and creators of the sons song on this grave too we can see what appears to be a depiction of the goddess hylia which would further link this to the royal family this grave is found on a cliff edge meaning that it may have been part of a larger graveyard which is crumbled into the ocean over time elsewhere on the island we can find another interesting character mrs. Murray teacher of the school of joy I've got an entire video on mrs. Murray's secret checked out if you haven't already but this flamboyant headmistress has a really strange strong connection to the elusive sheikah tribe she features stylized sheikah eye symbols on a dress and in the original game will gift link her most prized possession a sheikah artifact known as the hero's charm the hero's charm functions similarly to the lens of truth from ocarina of time both are fashioned in the shape of the sheikah eye symbol and both allow the user to see what they couldn't before invisible objects for the lens and the health of enemies for their charm it makes sense for the lens of truth to be obtained in Kakariko village as it's the former home of the sheikah tribe but it seems bizarre for the heroes charm to be located in windfall island unless windfall island is Kakariko centuries after the flood counter arguments to this theory are numerous and the first and most important being the physical possibility of Kakariko village becoming an island it's not located on a mountaintop and wind wakers islands were formed from the varied peaks of Hyrule's mountains during ocarina of time which rise above the surface of the Great Sea and in ocarina of time Kakariko village isn't very elevated we can see from Death Mountain that the former sheikah town is a good distance lower than the volcanic peak found somewhere near the base of the mountain however Kakariko village is elevated a good distance above the central basin of hyrule field meaning that it's not impossible for it to have survived the flood the second geographical counter-argument would be its location on the world map while it fits in broader terms being found next to fire mountain and dragon roost is located west of these volcanic areas rather than South however Harold's geography is one of the least consistent things in the series with villages and mountains forests and lakes flying all over the place between games when Falls location isn't enough in my opinion to disprove this theory Hyrule encyclopedia helps shed a little bit of light on this theory claiming that the people from Castle Town and Kakariko settled on windfall island and this makes sense the windfall Island Theme a remix of the Kakariko theme sounds like it's played on similar instruments in a similar style to Ocarina of times castle town market theme suggesting it's a combination of both main Hylian settlements [Music] but there's still one detail which I don't think anyone else has mentioned one detail there helps this all make sense there helps to explain the mystery of windfall island the bomb shop I've always thought this little building was a bit out of place far from the main settlement of windfall outside the town's main entrance on a hill near the water it plays a small part of the games main quest where link has to sneak in through a secret back entrance when tetras pirates steal the shopkeepers bombs looking at this strange little building it doesn't seem too important except for its weird design a tall cylindrical tower with a discolored top with a small extension at the back this sort of building is almost identical to many older European Mills many of which have lost their sails and a repurposed as Holmes putting the to side to side is almost certain that the bomb shop was for whatever reason designed after an old mill and what other mill in the Zelda series can we connect to Kakariko village a mill which we enter through both the door in the front or a secret entrance at the back the central landmark of Kakariko the windmill hut yep I think the windmill hut in ocarina of time became the bomb shop in the Wind Waker centuries after its original purpose was long-forgotten linking these two buildings together results in some interesting similarities aside from the obvious fact that the bomb shop is an old mill the interiors of both are designed with almost identical wooden beams and both have a spinning mechanism in the center the mill in Kakariko and a ceiling fan in the Wind Waker if this bomb shop actually is the remains of the windmill hut then it makes sense why windfall island is this castle like stone structure while the windmill used to tower over Kakariko village the town of windfall is much higher up than the bomb shop suggesting that before the flood the people of Castle Town and Cocorico built a new settlement on the elevated cliffs surrounding their old homes we know that after ganondorf's destruction of castle town all of the settlements inhabitants either fled or moved to Kakariko village so if they constructed a new part of the town on a high cliff along with the inhabitants of Kakariko village it would match encyclopedias description of windfalls origins in front of both the windmill and the bomb shops it's both towns central greens which both feature an iconic lone tree under which characters are known to stand the two towns actually fit together incredibly well if these two buildings are matched up with a new castle like stone windfall building sitting on a high nearby cliff it's unclear if windfall island is the exact same location as Kakariko village after hundreds of years with new buildings and new people while its location has moved since Ocarina of Time I love the idea that when we play the Wind Waker we visit the very same sheikah town from the Nintendo 64 classic repurposed as a bustling market island on the Great Sea it's music landmarks and even its small secrets point to it being at the very least a strong reference to the original and I'd like to believe that they're one and the same but it's up to you to make up your own minds but windfall is just one island in the vast Great Sea and Wind Waker is one of the most dense games in the series when it comes to secrets and law so if you guys enjoy this video I'll follow up by looking at another iconic island in its possible history forest Haven and the counterpart forbidden woods so what do you guys think about windfall island could it be built on the remains of Kakariko village from ocarina of time let me know in the comments below if you liked this video leave a like or subscribe if you haven't already for more zelda content cheers guys and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 750,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, theory, legend of zelda, kakariko village, theme, music, wind waker, ocarina of time, breath of the wild, nintendo, switch, direct, e3, 2019, plan, super smash bros, top 10, zeltik, top 5, strongest, link, ganondorf, zelda, best, orchestra, majoras mask, links awakening, cadence of hyrule, mario maker 2
Id: xIeb6fK_gtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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