All 23 Forms of Ichigo - BLEACH (HD)

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hey guys welcome to a new year in a new beginning hope this time it will be better than the last also i'm sorry my voice is not quite what it's supposed to be right now i'm just a tad sick not that i can't beat out right but anyways we all can admit with a straight face that this year will be great for lots of anime shows returning and new ones as well however the anime that is taking center stage this year is bleach with the news of its continuation and the teaser trailer that has us all jumping from our seats that is why for today we will be recapping the forms of ichigo and the powers these forms will be exclusive to the show and movies only so we won't include his other forms from the games or anything and i gotta tell you he has too many forms to count it could take his days to sort through the ball so before we start be sure to hit the subscribe button and pressing that bell icon as it is all to be notified about our latest videos and beware of the following spoilers [Music] coming in at number one is ichigo's human form all heroes got to start somewhere and this form is the weakest out of all of ichigo's modes for obvious reasons however even though he is just a human in this form ichigo proves to everyone how strong he is in the iconic scene where he uses the gang's leader's phone to call for ambulances for the other gang members and then proceeds in beating the living out of them freeing sado from his captors coming in at number 2 we have soul form or alma this is the form that all humans take after their death with a chain suspended all the way from their heart to the ground the chain in itself is like a timer it starts to deteriorate eaten by weird mouths appearing on it and if it reaches the end and the whole chain disappears a person turns into a hollow the only way to save a person's soul is to send it to the soul society using the blade of a shinigami in the process called console coming in at number three we have shinigami base form this was the iconic moment etched into our hearts that everything started from with ichigo taking the powers of rukia and stabbing himself with her zen pakkuto becoming a substitute shinigami and killing the hollow pursuing them ichigo in this form looks like any other shinigami in the shihaku show a pitch dark kimono that all shinigami wear and with a gigantic blade on his back signifying how immense his ratsu is and how low his control over it is as well coming in at number four we have the shikai form after his utter defeat at the hands of renji and kuchi ki biakuya and the events that took place afterwards ichigo began to train with kitsuki urahara underneath his workplace and home during this training ichigo learns of the existence of the sheikai form in bangkai form of azan pakuto and learns that to unlock his shiikai form he needs to learn the name of his blade which is later on revealed to be zangitsu and coming in at number five is zangatsu speak of the devil not like we just talked about him zengetsu is the spirit lying inside of ichigo and the embodiment of his blade he has the form of an old man in a black cape covering him from his neck to toe with long hair and eyeglasses on his face ichigo prefers calling him zagetsu osan translating to old man zengetsu coming in at number six is the monkey form after being so close from the tower where his beloved dear friend rukia was held captive ichiko went full throttle in order to rescue her only to be utterly destroyed once again by the crazy power and speed of kuchi ki viakia standing guard at the tower's entrance ichigo overwhelmed by his enemy fell conscious only to be carried to safety by yoruichi shion promising biakia to teach him bonkai in merely three days and she did in two days each girl learned to master his bonkai taking his powers to an even higher level something that no one before him was ever able to accomplish and for once he was able to fight against biakia on equal terms a bankai for a bonkai and speed for speed coming in at number seven we have halo ichigo palo ichigo as the name implies looks like ichigo but retains the white characteristic of a hollow as well with the best lines in the series and the most savage fighting style you can ever see a sword user apply this version is the complete opposite of ichigo and allows his killer instincts to go wild unhindered and unhinged by anything all he knows is blood thirst and his wish to fight coming in at number 8 we have hollowfication this form is to prove of hollow ichigo taking the reigns of the fight and finishing off what ichigo himself could not in this mode in form a hollow mass forms on the face of ichigo and his face is reminiscent of that of a hollow this form brings a lot of kick to it adding even more firepower to an already powerful gatsuka tensho rivaling even the ultimate technique of biakia and defeating him once and for all until ichigo was able to master that form however he would go completely out of control and fight over the reigns with halo ichigo coming in at number 9 is full hollow after ichigo loses complete control of his body he becomes a complete hollowed monster from head to toe with the scary creepy eyes the hole in his chest and of course the killer animal instinct theo are those who fought against his form and came out unscathed including the wizards who took turns fighting ichigo until he was able to take control of his form to the point they started to believe that ichigo is a lost cause it needs to be put down this form does not know how to hold back in anyone unlucky enough to be at the end of his taxes well coming in at number 10 is wizard after ichigo was successfully able to control his holification after kicking hollow ichigo's ass in the inside world he added yet another powerful skill to his list of powers and multipliers he mostly uses this hollow mask ability when in bankai form since his sheikai can't withstand its strain and power even his bankai forum struggled with holding the wizard form for more than mere minutes and it was thanks to this form that he was able to protect our rahimi and win against grim joe besting him even in his resurrection form delivering a gatsuka tensho right at his face swatting him like a bug from the sky coming in at number 11 is vasto lord this was and forever will be one of the most unexpected outcomes in a battle in this battle with alkira cipher ichigo actually lost and died even though his death didn't last the powerlessness he felt in the defeat at the hands of okira as well as the merciless attack he suffered from him that ripped a hole through his chest was more than enough to set the mood that the main character lost and all hope is gone in those few seconds of despair we felt that seemed like a century something awoken ichigo and revived him kinda the hole in his chest was still there so this could mean only one thing and the long hair and horns were more than enough to know what is coming next thing we knew he pulled a sword to his hand like thor calls mulmer and then it came the howl that shook hueco mundo and okira to their core right after it came acero oscuras that wrought destruction onto the battlefield in the true battle started between ichigo vastu lord and okira the battle was a swift one and okira found himself back into a corner especially after he tanked his serospear attack actually tanked isn't the right word here he freaking broke it with his bare hands and the next thing he did was fire an empowered cereal right at okira point blank just like he did to him oh my how the tables have turned it's just how freaking epic it was however with the return of ichigo to his senses he shed his tears and remorse that he couldn't fight okira on equal footing coming in at number 12 is kushinata the kushner are the guardians of the souls of the damned in hell and when a hollow that had committed heinous accidents life is defeated in the gate of hell appear a kushinata is what stabs it and drags it into the gate however it was until the movie came that we were able to witness the true form of those powerful gigantic beings governing over hell and those sinners in it these sentinels also have the ability to grant those they deem worthy the skull clad armor seeing their will fulfilled through them granting them the power of hell making their will absolutely to punish the sinners in whatever way they deem necessary after becoming a skull clad ichigo was easily able to win his battle however this power he gained had to be returned coming in at number 13 is tensa zangetsu after the defeat loss and confusion ichigo was left in after his encounter with eisen he had to find an even more powerful ability hidden within himself that would come with a heavy cost however he had no other choice as this was his only hope at defeating eisen and saving the town from him in order to gain that ability he needed to go once again into his inside world to learn his final technique from zangetsu only to be surprised that zaghitsu has reverted to a younger version of himself and that his world is now fully submerged underwater in this form zangitsu seems to be the exact age of ichigo with the same black robes and dead eyes coming in at number 14 is vasto lord hallo ichigo tensa zangetsu wasn't the only one that caught ichigo off guard the appearance of basto lord halo ichigo also came as a surprise to him and he couldn't believe that this is how he looked when he was saving rahimi from okira in this form halo ichigo looks uncanny to when he fought alkira however the colors this time are all black and white coming at number 15 is white sangitsu this form is the fusion of both tens of zangatu and hollow ichigo it is the culmination of all their powers and forms into one becoming the ultimate strength and hurdle that ichigo must defeat in order to advance any further and learned the final getsuka tensho ability in each blow they traded ichigo was being thrown from side to side like a piece of paper his strength was underwhelming and was being beaten back however he sensed sorrow and sadness in this battle it wasn't his however it was white zengetsu's the thing about the final getsuyuga is that it literally is the final getsuga since in order to execute it ichigo has to burn all of his riatsu using it in one last ditch attack that is all or none and the cost is spiritual powers of course coming in at number 16 is the dengue form after ichimarojin failed in destroying eisen and on his last breath ichigo emerged out of the dengai a new person and he even seemed older with longer hair as well standing face to face with eyes and ichimaru saw in his eyes the strength needed to complete what he couldn't in this form zagitsu chain is covering his whole hand and his hair is longer with a cold look in his eyes and complete demeanor to eisen to the point he holds him from his head and jumps away from the city with him add insult to injury he reveals that in this form he is the one pulverizing the mountains and to taunt eisen even more ichigo grabs his sword with his bare hand stopping his attack and proceeds at tanking and shattering his hatto number 90 kurohitsugi leaving eisen for once speechless and with no smug comeback in the end of it all he even tanked his final form blast harming only his left hand in the process coming in at number 17 is the final getsuga tencho when ichigo resides to use this form he proceeds to burn his riatsu in a gray dark mist enveloping him with waist-long black hair and bandages covering his whole body and his right arm up to his eyes with tattered and torn black remains of his kimono you see in this form ichigo becomes sega to himself on his left arm are the dark chains covering his whole arm this form grants him control in the ability to condense all of his riatu into a final attack that will burn his soul reaper powers with it donning the epic name of mugetsu on that final technique and it was thanks to that technique that they were finally able to stop eisen in his tracks and put an end to his assault after using the skill ichigo collapsed due to his fatigue and due to undergoing the process of burning up all of his riyetsu coming in at number 18 is full bring baseboard in the aftermath of the battle with eisen ichigo regains consciousness after a month or so and then another year and a half passes with ichigo having no powers and just concentrating like a normal human on normal stuff at his age like school going out with friends one thing leads to another and he finds himself invited by someone named kugo to their secret club called execution after an unknown individual targeted ichigo's friends they then begin to teach him how to harness the power of fullbring and how it is different than that of a shinigami and closer to that of a hollow to master fullbring one must pass through many stages of evolution and training but first one has to learn to channel his powers through something he holds an affection to in ichigo's case it was a soul reaper substitute badge forming a suba like that of tensa sangetsu that he was able to fire off like he used to do with katsuga coming in at number 19 is full bringing shinigami form and his rigorous training ichigo is set to fight against jackie inside the fish tank thanks to ryruka's abilities during this fight he gets his ass handed to him multiple times by jackie and in his moments of defeat his badge goes berserk engulfing his hand and unleashing crazy amounts of riatu jackie tries to abort the training but ichigo believes in his badge and knows exactly what it wants from him and that is to regain his powers as a shinigami as soon as possible in this form ichigo is clad in black reitsu shaped exactly like in shinigami shihakusho with a blade like riatsu prolongation in this form ichigo battles against tsukishima and shows a lot of promise when it comes to his progression in his training however his form dissipates from his left shoulder revealing that he has reached his limit in this unperfect form coming in at number 20 is full bring perfect form full bring perfect form is the third and last form ichigo takes on after the countless taunts of kugo like slashing ichigo's eyes and stabbing him in the chest only to continue his roost and play by taunting ichigo about wanting to kill orrahime and sato all this anger rage and helplessness awakened the powers that he once lost and completed his full brain form allowing him to see the ria2 of kugo even though he was blind this form grants ichigo a full body armor that even covers parts of his face with a blade smaller than that offensive zagatsu emerging from his badge as his new weapon this form proved to be able to fight tsukushima on equal footing even though he had the health and backing of a mind washed or rahime and sato the speed was just too much for any of them to handle and he even caught tsukushima unaware tearing off his hand orihime later on fixed it but still counts as a feat coming in at number 21 is full bring shikai after the betrayal of kugo and losing his full bring powers a broken ichigo stood in the rain crying and feeling remorse for being powerless unable to protect anyone only for a white blade to stab through him granting him his previous shinigami powers thanks to the work of kuchiki rukiya his father and kusuke urahara with his powers restored and adding to them the power up of the fullbring ichiko was more than ready to teach kugo a lesson about messing with him and the best way to make him piss his pants was to fire agatsuga tensho into the sky destroying the mansion and clearing the clouds from the sky leaving kugo speechless and terrified coming in at number 22 we have full bring funkai similar to his other skills of bonkai before the full bring ichigo was yet again able to go into his bankai form with a much more epic looking sensa sangetsu and even more power to his attacks poor kugo stood no chance against him in this form he was even able to block the sword beam of kugo with his bare hand and defeat him once and for all and coming in at number 23 is true zan pakuto after ichigo's blade broke in his bankai form he was sent off to meet with squad zero in order to reforge a new zangetsu and with the help and guidance of oetsu ichigo was able to reforge his weapon but the surprise here was that this time tenza zangetsu was two blades rather than one with a white longblade and a shorter black one signifying hishinigami and hollow powers and achieving the true form of his weapon and that is it for today's video thank you all so much for sitting through this with me and i hope you all enjoyed this video as much as i enjoyed making it for you guys i would like you all to comment down in the section below about your favorite form of ichigo and why and if you haven't subscribed yet why don't you it's free and with that said i hope you guys had a great time and as for now i'll catch you later see you in the next one
Channel: Animan
Views: 1,455,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ichigo Kurosaki All Forms, ichigo bankai, ichigo final form, ichigo hollow, ichigo vs byakuya, ichigo, bleach, ichigo kurosaki, ichigo all forms, bankai, anime, ichigo vs grimmjow, bleach power levels, shikai, ichigo evolution, hollow mask, ichigo power level, hollow ichigo, top anime, bleach reaction, bleach final arc, bleach 2022, bleach thousand year blood war, bleach brave souls, bleach return 2022, shinigami, strongest bleach characters, bleach tybw, op mc, bleach anime
Id: 0959NoEasDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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