Bleach Did it AGAIN

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you can't keep getting away with it well bleach did it again I guess the first part of the Thousand-Year blood War was not a fluke as Studio Pau continues to knock it out of the park you're saying I get another 13 episodes of practically nothing but fight scenes with a ton of abilities we've never seen before and even some that weren't even in the manga I guess I'll watch our boy Greg is up to his usual Antics but this time he has recruited Sasuke formerly of the Hidden Leaf to become a successor instead of just invading normally this time he reveals he's got a godamn shadow City he's just been hiding in the shadows and from this point on we get like 23 and a half fight scenes that are just as good if not better than part one obligatory spoiler warning since part two is like 90% fights we will in fact be talking about the fights the first episode is probably the only time where we get a chance to breathe and kind of assess all the stuff that's taking place as I mentioned Greg is planning his next attack on the soul society and names Ishida as his successor everyone's pissed this dude gets cut in half from the power of cleavage and Ishida drinks blood all incredibly normal occurrences don't suck your dick of blood at the same time Ichigo renji Rukia and byakuya are finishing the recovery at the squad zero barracks renji and Ruki are standing still byakuya has been in the bath for about four episodes and Ichi B is making Ichigo complete a sobriety test by walking in a straight line we got urahara and myori doing some obviously sketchy [ __ ] and Chad and inaway are still vibing in huo mundo with what we assume is the goat Grim Jou I know this like whole Shadow City thing isn't exactly ideal for the soil Reapers but it looks pretty sick the contrast between like this ice Ry buildings in the red sky is a perfect backdrop for the darker aesthetic that we've seen this Arc I know the Quincy's orders were to annihilate the enemy instantly but the Soul Reapers ain't going to go down without a fight sure they may have lost the first battle by 50 points like the Broncos and be at a disadvantage yet again but I'm expecting a comeback wow look at that cool sports reference you should totally follow me for sports related things now was Sports of course before fighting can actually begin you have to show up directly in front of your enemy for the mandatory [ __ ] talking session and no one is better at talking [ __ ] than myori this dude pop out the lab with the snuggy is bright as the Sun but more importantly nemu our first actual fights are toshiro versus Busby baz BBY you know I'm just going to keep it a buck terrible at remembering most of the Quincy names so I'm just going to nickname them toshiro versus fingerman and soyon versus robot gun now visually the fights still look sick but Loki toir and soyon got their ass beat oh damn this to me just seemed like a transitional fight used to set up the distribution of the hollowed Bankai pills naturally we transition to someone who we have not seen use Bankai yet Shinji now while it looks dope can we just talk about how unnecessarily hard his music [Music] is or it get it's like clean ass Loi hip hop track with the shamien and flute as he casually makes people murder their comrades and then he gets this like baby making R&B when he uses a [Music] sheiky as is stated by the other quincies Bambi is stupid so she just blows everything up around her as a means to counter Shinji this causes the goat or rather the dog sjin to show back up now this fight right here hit different from an emotional standpoint this might be the most impactful of the series so far sjin took the death of Yamamoto especially hard and was going to do whatever it took for Revenge he sacrificed his heart for the Jena technique to gain temporary immortality and a means to take revenge which is the very thing that he had tried to stop tosen from doing at the end of it he lost all that was human about him and became nothing more than a beast he wanted nothing more than to knock the stupid mustache clean off this [ __ ] face but even as a vessel with no heart he still Ste in to save his comrades I was already feeling down for my boy but then hearing Eva reiterate [ __ ] like you haven't done anything wrong while carrying his limp body that hit me harder than I expected there was something else along with the emotion that made this fight fantastic and this one might surprise you the CGI why would you say something so controversial yet so brave try recalling a time you watched a scene and thought yeah the CGI really makes this better this was that exact moment for me even how it was presented initially was very clever showcasing the normal looking Koka Joo tangim and then breaking off into the dangai joy this thing is [ __ ] terrifying what you supposed to do when something that's hundreds of feet tall starts sprinting at you and you hear this sound it face is terrifying The Sounds it makes are terrifying it's pure intimidation the CGI just gave it this otherworldly presence it is a power that looks worthy of staking your life on it already thought the CGI used in Thousand-Year blood War was pretty solid but this [ __ ] was actual nightmare fuel in the best way possible the next fight was by far the longest we've had so far there's so much stuff that happens in the span of like one and a half episodes but first thing I got to mention all right I am getting sick and tired of ikaku and yumichika being stupid and getting their ass beat that's stupid you're stupid stop being stupid they are much stronger than what we've gotten to see in this Arc so I'm hoping they don't get beat again without at least trying nacho libbre is both a really cool and really eh enemy fighting style and moves used are top tier but the character itself pretty annoying to me and then you add in James who's just like the amalgamation of an annoying sports fan makes the dialogue of this fight probably my least favorite I didn't think I would be excited to see a strange bald baby man get killed multiple times but here we are d as I said though the fight itself is insane and the concept of a superstar getting buffed by a fan is actually quite unique after a couple of our Gamers get gamed upon we get to see Rose and Ki spring into action I was happy to see these two of the captains we've probably seen them in action the least since they weren't in most of the original anime what did he say due to their holic I'm pretty sure we got to see kensei's Bon Kai but I could be completely wrong I've been known to be an idiot in the past I like how his is more of a physical based hand-to-hand combat Bank Kai and he matches up well against you know I was going to look up a wrestler turns out there was literally a masked Superstar perhaps that's who this was based off of unfortunately kensei is a victim of the you can do it buff and receives the flying knee of all time Rose might have had the most unexpected moment for me in part two and what do you know it was with another CGI Bankai obviously he manipulates music but I thought the concept of the three programs with the finale being a hero's life was cool as hell but unfortunately Rose suffers from a different disease and that is I must tell the enemy what my power does before I've defeated them and it turns out behind that mask the dude is actually kind of smart and ruptures his eard drums to stop the sound oh you're dead oh okay well you have yourself a blessed day okay you too you mother then kind of just blast my man with the star Hyper Beam that kind of went hard not going to lie just when you think the quincies have won this battle the boy the legend renji drops in absolutely drip the [ __ ] out as soon as I saw the fit I knew there was no chance that that this dude was losing just look at how unconcerned he is even when the enemy is punching him through [ __ ] buildings we do not care the snake had bonai revealed through the smoke was clean AF even though I personally do not like snakes if this man is getting his equivalent of ichigo's theme during this fight you know that that enemy is screwed and again just so unconcerned disintegrates this man [Music] got I'm not sure if it's just me but seeing the Zago reminded me a lot of reng Goku's reng Goku ability in Demon Slayer I figured everyone who went up to Squad zero would be stronger but this is pretty ridiculous seeing how two captains and three other strong Squad members were already defeated at this point Ichigo finishes his training and leaves the Royal Palace and we are reaffirmed that Mr Greg is in fact not a chill dude well I say with a magnificent pair of bananas oh great Heavens if you lose as a Quincy you just get merked and your powers are absorbed then we swap our Focus to Rukia who encounters oote after transferring roseen kensei for medical care oote is 100% my favorite Quincy we've interacted with the dude just eminates creepiness in the goat Yoshi matsuoka [ __ ] killed the voice acting [Music] performance oh oh scary oh oh oh I'll shiver my Timbers the range of characters this man can pull off is honestly remarkable the concept of fear as a weapon is done so well and it's probably one of the only times I've actually enjoyed when someone explain the basis of their power basically as long as you're alive fear will always have an effect too bad Rukia hits him with the Kyrie Irving revealing that the true version of her Zak though essentially kills her Rukia has in fact become too cold making her incapable of feeling fear kind [Music] [Applause] of oh this scene was absolutely fantastic and the visuals alone are better than 99% of what you see in actual horror animes asot has experienced all forms of fear pain and suffering in his past life but now that that suffering is gone the only thing he fears is being rebuked by his majesty the amount of tonal changes in his voice plus like the added elements of body horror make this even more memorable of a fight the cuts to silence the wall of eyes the swarm of flies leading into a truly perilous scream from Rukia it is [ __ ] fantastic thankfully big bro byakuya is there to assist and remove any fear that Rukia may have had remaining in her heart realizing that as not's power is an actual manifestation of his own fear Rukia is able to use her Bankai for the first time you know if that outro song starts playing in your fight it's going to be filth the shit's like a godamn ice nuke and the form she takes is beautiful dear God it's beautiful being able to remove that lingering fear and increase her bond with byakuya while also having one of the biggest power glow ups and using it against an actual interesting Quincy made this one of the most memorable fights in all of bleach for me now if you thought we were going to go through part two without a little bit of Kachi action you were surely mistaken of course it was cool to see yiro use her shikai for what I believe was the first time but the hype for kimachi is insane what this man had to go through killing Uno Hana to unlock his full potential we finally get to see it on display are you crawling am I crying no I'm not crying you're crying and of course in typical Kenpachi fashion he faces the most [ __ ] busted stupid Quincy in existence the power to make anything you imagine into reality is in theory unbeatable but if anyone was to beat the unbeatable it' be Kachi I don't know if grmy is just stupid but his imagination kind of sucks if I was him I'd just be like hey I imagine you're dead and then poof yo holy [ __ ] he dead my first reaction would not be to immediately go and summon the MLG gun green screen he kept summoning dumb things and eventually Kachi got him to question his own imagination that makes him create an even more stupid and busted power creating a second version of himself and thus doubling the power of His imagination unlocking the move death 2 Electric boal this move is in the form of a meteor now I was expecting kimachi to remedy this somehow but the dude literally cuts a [ __ ] meteor in half with only his shikai and his eye patch still on that's why he's the goat the go it's got to be one of the coolest animation sequences we've seen in Bleach so far Grammy virt kills himself when trying to imagine that he's stronger than Kachi and then just makes a bunch of excuses yeah Kachi is pretty much the definition of an anomaly but your power is the most busted of busted you're lost cuz you're dumb so dumb it's brilliant no it's just dumb I am quite curious as to where yiru went off to perhaps she felt that Kachi won't need her anymore because of his newly discovered power but you can tell immediately how worried he appears especially given how injured he is seems only natural after cutting a meteor in half and being sent into deep space that kimachi would be attacked by four more people get him let him get up let him get up let him get up thankfully our boy Ichigo decides to finally make an appearance and like I thought renji looked unbothered while fighting dude hits him with the boom bam b b boom pow n if you unleash a powerful attack and the only thing the enemy does is smile at you you know you [ __ ] up personally I wouldn't take that kind of disrespect but when Ichigo releases a getsuga juji show creating an explosion as big as that meteor with virtually no effort most people are going to lose the thing I remembered most about this fight wasn't even anything to do with Ichigo it's the fact that they use the most goofy a sound effects for GG's little skeleton dudes we're talking the stock Hannah Barbara runin ZIP sound effects I lost all comp you're watching this but that kind of strange comedic relief was actually welcomed so no head of course another four so Quincy want to piece it at Ichigo ass but the gang steps in and allows him to pursue Greg this is where we have our faded encounter Naruto see Sasuke but is a member of the akatski truly tragic Chad also shows up looking drippy and in a way is pulling off her best tier harri Bell cosplay that outfit simply cannot be combat efficient so now no sooner than leaving the Royal Palace Ichigo has to in fact go back to the Royal Palace oh look yaku and yumka certainly they'll redeem themselves and use their full power I'm hoping they don't get beat again without at least trying I like to call this next battle how [ __ ] up is [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up and that's [ __ ] up and I'm [ __ ] up the battle between myori and Gigi at who is the best at performing unethical experiments I was honestly more sad to see how gigg zombies reacted I honestly kind of felt bad for Bambi no one comes close to creating [ __ ] as effective as meeri dude is also unmatched when it comes to [ __ ] talking also I was pleasantly surprised to see Charlotte make a return I don't know if I'm in the minority here but I really enjoyed the first encounter they had with yumka the fight itself isn't super notable but the most thought-provoking thing is the fact that not only koshiro but Ki Rose and rangiku are turned into zombies I know gii said that they can do this to Soul Reapers before they die but I'm not like 100% sure if they're all actually dead Remy said that he killed kensei and Rose when they were getting treatment but I I don't know I can't really be sure I'm sure myari does some weird Houdini [ __ ] and they'll be fine okay so they're not fine but they're more fine since they aren't under Gigi's control anymore yeah I don't know the rest wasn't super interesting byaku bodies people and there's Pepe the baby weird ass character but he's got a banging [Music] soundtrack the final few episodes of part do add to be my favorite I was incredibly hyped to see Squad zero in action because it said they're stronger than all 13 Court squads combined we do get some interesting and strange flashbacks involving Osho and Greg and all I really got out of it was that these two got eyes where they shouldn't have eyes and that the soul King is Greg's father you're not my dad I guess he's just pissed at what the soul King has become or something and that's why he's targeting the Royal Palace and I'll go ahead and say this now I have no idea why KIRO is the one making all the food because sanjum Maru did nothing but cook for these final few episodes she's so smug and passive aggressive easily becoming one of my favorite characters in this new arc some of the first encounters are just testing either side strengths she absolutely Merks double tongue Timmy over here before taking a 50 c to the head and being squashed by a final fantasy Mage my neck my back my neck and my back that is pretty damn gruesome exchange but of course it is but a ruse to trap everyone in the cage once the actual Royal Palace is safe and secure the rest of squad zero can start contributing specifically atsu while he's doing that Greg manages to use an ender pearl to escape the womb and confront Ichi Bay or perhaps I should not say his name so lightly you know maybe we'll just give him give him a little nickname we'll go with Bob Ross you know less hair but he do be painting God I love cocaine how can this man simultaneously look like the least threatening and most threatening person in the show these two battles go on side by side and honestly was starting to look bad for Squad zero but discount Eisen has to go ahead and describe his power exactly allowing atsu to create a method to counter it tenjiro bodies hasal senjumaru calls Ishida a [ __ ] and Bob rosby slapping Greg silly now obviously Greg has some countermeasures mainly sacrificing a majority of his comrades so their powers can be distributed to his Royal Guard I'm not sure why so many quincies were surprised by this he's never actually shown that he really cares about any of them and they just follow him blindly because of the power they've received just doesn't seem that out of the ordinary that he would take all that power back eventually and redistribute it you badman you very very badman but perhaps that just shows that Greg is a master of manipulation but also that the quincies are dumb as [ __ ] they should have known if they weren't standing on that stage back in the first episode that they weren't really that important this makes these select few Quincy significantly stronger and they're able to put up a good fight against Squad zero since they are all actually too strong their lives are linked together so killing themselves breaks the seal and allows some of their true power to be revealed and oh boy I have never felt so privileged to be an anime only consumer than this moment my time has come cuz we get an anime only Bank Kai from senjumaru and it's filthy I don't know the translation and in fact the name is long as hell but to me it seemed as like a thread prison or the threads of Fate each person succumbing to a different prison before being sealed off for eternity perhaps this was something kuo wanted to do originally but I am very glad we got to see it now I also know there were a few other moments in part two that were anime only but this was the only one I knew specifically however as dope as this bonai was I can't see it working at least for every Quincy member I doubt Ishida dies right here and hasal hasn't really shown much of any power but as a b itself very sick just as cool is ichimi used by Bob Ross ichim Lord have mercy I'm about to bust controlling black allows him to overwrite the name of anything that is covered and anything without a name has no power in this world this got to be one of the most disrespectful things I've seen completely eliminates Greg's name and then gives him a new name of black ant that [ __ ] sucks and effectively squashes him just like one again I can't see this being the end and the way ooso looks at the seal makes me think he's going to let us guard down and remove it allowing for a Counterattack and that's the end of part two we do get a 4 to 5 minute summary from con of some of the major events so far but I didn't really watch any of it we're already condensing a lot of the content which I do think helps the show but I think if we were able to extend those fights in this episode by like another four or so minutes it would have been a perfect end to part two part three is scheduled for sometime in 2024 my guess would be either in spring or summer I'm assuming we'll get to see some true powers of the quincies revealed with a lot more of Ichigo and isida just like part one I don't really have any major criticisms for the Thousand-Year blood War its dark themes and serious nature have continued to impress and seeing a bunch of abilities for the first time is going to make any bleach fan happy the animation is still god tier and the music somehow is even better maybe the fights could have been a little bit longer to learn a little bit more about the characters kind of establish that connection or maybe those characters just didn't matter and that's why they were fast now while I think the initial invasion of the quincies had more of an impact and the plot was better explained you're looking at a difference of 02 on Mal Piro is putting out their best animation to date and Kubo is making sure that his work finishes how he truly wants it to this was a bit of a long-winded video but as most of part two was fight scenes and showcasing of new abilities I figured we should at least talk about my initial reactions if you had a chance to watch Thousand-Year blood War part 2 let me know what you thought about it in the comments if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like And subscribe I want to thank little PK Pepe jeel Nicholas Gutierrez Tech Robb shaky pants and Chupa for their continued support that's all for this one hope to see you [Music] again
Channel: ToekneeTalks
Views: 319,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime recommendations, new anime, bleach, bleach anime, bleach thousand year blood war, bleach tybw, best bleach moments, fall 2022 anime, seasonal anime, new bleach, shonen anime, anime review, anime essay, best anime moments, best anime, best new anime, anime openings, best shonen anime, bleach anime review, bleach review, bleach ichigo, thousand year blood war part 2
Id: rSbso44ZKlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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