10 Best Anime with no bad episodes

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anime has taken the World by storm captivating audiences with its diverse range of genres compelling characters and gripping story lines but what truly separates a great anime from the rest is its ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats episode after episode today we present the top 10 anime series that have mastered The Art of Keeping boredom at Bay get ready for a roller coaster ride through these thrilling worlds so without further chitchat let's get right into it so kicking off our list we have Batum this show Falls a 22-year-old main character who is one of the world's best patoon players an online multiplayer game where the objective is to seek out and destroy your opponents using bombs however things quickly change when she is thrown into a life or death scenario where players are trapped in a realworld version of the video game the show gives you that feeling that your life is so messed up that now you're in hell and your only chance of survival is to trust no one as simple as that this anime is a gripping survival Thriller that'll have you binge watching it till the very end and Batum is one of those survival type horror series that can be enjoyable but at the same time becomes very frustrating with its strange twists the Cliffhangers and occasional plot twists may become predictable especially in later episodes and at the same time there's a feeling of explosiveness when we watch the anime scenes see what I did there it's not intelligent but packs that feeling of survival horror where your life really is at stake in the world of a tomb It ultimately comes down to how you play the game if you play your cards right you win if not then that's game over for good no Second Chances almost like real life don't you think up next set number nine we have Drifters in Drifters historical figures from various eras are brought together to fight in a fantasy world Samurai archers and warriors unite against powerful foes it's basically a crossover and fun fact here they have their exact names and personalities and have some in ability associated with some element in their lives with its incredible action sequences in a plot that's as intense as it is intriguing this anime is a must-watch Drifters is the type of show that you'll quickly realize what it is from the start anyone familiar with helling will get a familiar Vibe with the style of the series if you fancy a fantasy story about extraordinary individuals coming together then Drifters will be quite a treat for you by the time I finished watching Drifters I was not only impressed by the overall content but also by its ability to entertain if you have a sense of humor then this will definitely be worth every minute if you take it to seriously though then Drifters will probably feel more like a drag I would definitely recommend Drifters even if you're not a fan of this type of work I can't say this enough but the show's ability to express its ideas is just too damn entertaining to ignore and after that we have a fan favorite at number eight it is none other than No Game No Life No Game No Life transports us to another world where everything is decided by Games The Sibling Duo take gaming to a whole new level as they challenge other worldly beings in Epic mind games this anime serves as an experimental way to deliver a fantasy Adventure the show often folks fun at itself whether it be cultures rules or just in general anything it can get its hands on while the show doesn't escape its dungeons of cliches it also finds a way to parody them all through very clever usage of humorous executions this anime is a masterpiece of strategy and wit with each episode leaving you craving for more I love pretty much everything about the show and that's not something I can say very often uh I take it back from start to finish I don't think there was a single moment that I didn't enjoy and that is something almost unheard of in anime it's so versatile in that way that it's funny original charismatic intelligent and just plain epic and awesome all working in tandem as a result everything ends up being immensely satisfying I'm just going to say though that this is without a doubt one of the most enjoyable anime you probably have seen to date one final thing I need to cover is the fan service it's almost like a hidden treasure in this show you will only find it if you are looking for it then at number seven we have assassination classroom the inescapable part of our lives where we spend a minimum of 12 Years Learning a wide array of subjects facts and topics that we most likely will never use for the rest of our lives so with another school anime what kind of anime would we get from something about a bunch of middle school students well how about one where the middle school students try and kill their teacher this anime is a roller coaster of emotions imagine a class of Misfit students assigned the task of assassinating their superpowered tentacle teacher before he destroys the Earth every episode is a blend of action humor and heartwarming moments you'll laugh you'll cry and you'll be on the edge of your seat now after hearing this much most of your reactions will probably be something along the lines of this show seems way too crazy Anam man and to be honest you're not wrong but as crazy as it seems it's a lot of fun with assassination school life and a cast of characters with how they spend their daily lives rather than adapting romantic Angels or diard drama we get this classic shown in comedy with a very stylish way of Storytelling each episode offers something new thanks to its themes in the performances of the characters the comedy is fresh and doesn't rely on cheap cardboard fan service to get to its point I highly recommend giving the series a try regardless of how unorthodox the premise may seem to sound there's a chance it could surprise you after all isn't life just full of surprises next up at number six we surprisingly have konosuba I am not going to say the whole title it's long as hell but make way for the actual OG anime what happens when a shut in gamer dies and is transported to a fantasy world he forms a hilariously dysfunctional party of Misfits if you're looking for Non-Stop laughs and outrageous Antics this eneme has got you covered kosa spews out pure joy and rainbows with other shows telling great stories or exploring philosophy and other themes kosa ignores all that crap and focuses on pure entertainment with genuinely hilarious comedy and no flaws this Series has been just parody to become enjoyable this show literally roasts the whole isekai genre if you want a show where you don't have to think about anything and you can just sit back and enjoy whatever is thrown at you the show's got you covered of course many watch anime expecting a plot that actually goes somewhere kosa is definitely not going anywhere but I implore that you at least give it a shot this show is literally too good to be just a comedy and comedy is entirely subjective not everyone will like it that's only natural but give this three or four episodes before deciding wait until all the characters are introduced after that at number five we have one of the most recent works of Studio mapa which is Hell's Paradise do you really wish to die or do you want to live on do you have the want to survive even if that may consider the idea of killing another human being there is so much to think about when it comes to the show's well done pacing and storytelling get ready for a trip to Hell's Paradise where the god of Shinobi no no not hashirama but the main character of the show Gabby Maru is given a chance for a pardon if he can locate a magical elixir of eternal life with stunning visuals intense battles and a unique premise this anime is a Hidden Gem you won't want to miss one of the standout features of Hell's Paradise is its excellent character development each character has a unique backstory and motivations making them easy to root for gabimaru in particular is a fascinating main character who has a dark past and emotional baggage that makes him relatable and intriguing this anime is neither the next sha Shank Redemption nor one of Christopher Nolan's mind-bending masterpieces but this show does have one of the coolest setups in recent history for me the idea of ex-criminals being thrown on an island with a bunch of Samurai and made to search for an Elixir while fighting weird monsters and gods just clicks for me personally the world feels alive and Rich mystery danger at every corner and the always looming threat of someone dying at a constant concern the brutality of the show and the gruesome reality of this island is just amazing and if you have been following this channel for a while you should know that I love gritty anime like this especially when it's delivered on a silver platter so I had to put it on this list next up on the list is Heavenly delusion for me this is probably one of the best shows this season maybe even this year and I still can't believe that people simply decided to ignore it if you like to think and feel when you watch something if you like it when a story is brave ask controversial questions makes you ask a lot of questions and does not give you straight answers then by golly this one's for you as you start watching you feel a sense of mystery a mystery that draws you into to keep watching and experiencing it from the early beginning this show was basically a mixture of Sony boy in the promised Neverland but it slowly makes its own name as The Show Goes On the theme of of finding hope in a seemingly hopeless or dark world has been done before in a slice of Life weigh in girls last tour in a horror form in made an abyss or in many other ways that I haven't seen before Heavenly delusions takes this theme but has a Sci-Fi mystery backdrop to it making it quite a unique experience and one I haven't really experienced personally it's almost a fact at this point that these type of animes are never going to be as popular as the other Headliners Heavenly delusions may not be aimed at everyone but certainly is a special anime of its own using ideas from post-apocalyptic themes and tying two story lines together always kept me on the edge of my seat with every episode I felt like the anime continues to build more and more into its Mystique so if you into any of these type of things please give it a try bringing us to the top three is none other than parasite the maxim you've probably heard of them in classic Sci-fi stories before the very idea of alien creatures who can snatch the bodies of people and impersonate a human and walk among our society bill building on the foundation of Science Fiction and body horror Kaiu also known as parasite takes full swing with its premise it's simple actually we have a case of an alien invasion by mysterious beings who can infect us through parasitic means by inserting themselves into a human's brain the parasites can take full control and transform you into a monster not only does it kill the victim but now it can even add more to its body count by consuming More Humans sounds terrifying right well the show follows a high school student who forms an unlikely alliance with a parasitic feature as they navigate a world of parasites infiltrating Humanity you'll be hooked by the suspense the action and the Deep philosophical questions this anime Rises parasite the maxim was a great anime to watch and if you're looking for something that's out of your comfort zone or just looking for something new to watch I would recommend this after watching this and reflecting on it it's clear that the anime was trying to illustrate the question can someone who does not display humanlike qualities be humanized the answer that the show gives you is I'm not going to going to tell you you goofy goober go watch the show but coming up at the runners up place for today's list is Doro older Classics from the history books getting back to Modern time seems to be one of maa's hobbies in recent years Doo's remake under maa's umbrella made an outstanding impression and gives more reasons to bring old classics back this anime takes us on a journey of Revenge and Redemption a young Warrior embarks on a quest to reclaim his stolen body parts from demons with its compelling characters and captivating World building this is a true Masterpiece it's a great mix between realism and old Japanese folk tale and a great mix between action drama and mystery as well the story is dark and uncompromising but not overly complex who the villain is and the objective for hiakim Maru is pretty clear from the get-go it's the journey that matters this is a pretty damn amazing anime that's a breath of fresh air from your run-of-the-mill action anime a must watch for all anime fans but coming to our first place spot is is none other than Death Note now before you guys start yelling about already watching this anime let me explain the reason I had to put this one on this list is that most of the newer anime fans just decided to skip Death Note only because it was released 17 years ago and that is clearly heresy wouldn't you agree and that's why I have to change their mind so now that that's out of the way let's continue thus takes us down a darker path as a high school main character gains the power to kill by just writing a name in a notebook it's a Battle of wit between the genius detective and the cunning Kira who's set on reshaping the world every episode is a cat and mouse game that'll keep you on the edge of your seat and Death Note is definitely one of the best anime series of all time it presents a deeply unique and compelling Story rivaled by few the suspense was amazing and it got me thinking anyone who finishes this anime will be forced to wonder about what they would have done with a Death Note many of them will question and argue about the actions of light it is this talkable complexity that makes the anime shine in addition to its ability to carve suspense and anticipation into its viewers you may hate it if you are brain damaged that is but it is definitely an anime you must absolutely try whatever genre of anime you like you should watch this and there you have it folks our top 10 with no boring episodes so don't forget to let me know your favorites in the comments down below and also let me know if I missed any anime that deserves to be on this list and on your way out of here don't forget to hit that like button and definitely don't forget to subscribe if you enjoyed this content and as for now I'll catch you later see you in the next one
Channel: Animan
Views: 133,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best anime to watch, best anime, anime, anime to watch, top 10 anime, best anime series to watch, animes to watch, anime for beginners to watch, top anime, watchmojo anime, best magic anime to watch, best anime movies to watch, best anime to watch for beginners, must watch anime, watch mojo, new anime, best anime series, anime recommendations, best anime of all time, anime tops, top 10 anime of all time, best anime series of all time, top 10 action anime
Id: Q4p7Bb_GuCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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