All 12+1 Shadows of Sung Jin Woo Ranked & Explained

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I can't believe I'm actually saying this but solo leveling is finally being animated and all I'm going to say is damn it was worth the wait one of the most iconic moda in existence is receiving an anime adaptation with the fandom going absolutely crazy so far and rightly so if you ask me but do you know what the most iconic moment will be when s Jin Wu finally says the long awaited legendary first arise and thus starts creating his incredibly overpowered and hyped Shadow Army of the dead but which of the main summons are the strongest is awakened full power egis stronger than beru or not as the perfect Shadow Monarch s Jin Wu has access to more than 130,000 Shadow soldiers and by the end of the series he has access to over 10 million but which of them are the strongest among the main Shadows we saw in the story let's explain and rank all 13 major shadows in s Jin wo's Army number 13 ant Queen the useless Shadow but why exactly useless after all she was the boss of an incredibly powerful s-rank gate that needed the joint efforts of multiple s-rank hunters from all over the world in order for humans to even stand a chance against them right plus we can confidently say that if s Jin Wu was not present and the operation on jju island surely would have failed well hear me out the ant Queen cared greatly for her children as displayed by how she grieved over how they were being forced to resort to cannibalism in order to survive she was also somewhat strategic as she deliberately bred the ant king baru into a soldier strong enough to take down s-rank hunters even as powerful as goto ryuji but a quick recap of the jedu Island history is in order for us to understand just how this ant Queen came to be the weakest of the main Shadows of Sun Jin Wu you see about 4 years before the events of the main story line the ant Queen took over jedu Island as her new home after the Korean s-rank Hunters fail to eliminate her following the evacuation of the island the Korean government attempted to take back jetu three times over the next 3 years to no avail as the ant Queen and her children were able to successfully repel them every time when the colony eventually began to run out of food the ant Queen gave birth to the ant king and bred him to lead the colony and wipe out anyone who stood in their way plus the fact that the ants kept evolving which resulted in them obtaining wings and thus the ability to fly posed a worldwide threat to multiple countries near jedu Island during the fourth jedu island raid the Japanese srank Hunters were successfully able to draw out the ants by using themselves as bait allowing the Korean srank Hunters to sneak into the Queen's chamber undetected although the ant Queen put up a fight she was eventually overpowered by the Korean s-rank hunters and ultimately pushed to the brink of death when Choy jong-in engulfed her in a massive Inferno with his Flames out of options the ant Queen called for help prompting her children including the ant king to return turn to the nest before they can make it back however Jahin decapitated the Y Queen with her sword killing the creature instantly but hold on because that was far from the end of it the Korean team was unable to leave the chamber in time before the an king showed up upon seeing his mother's corpse he flew into a furious rage and brutally overpowered the Korean as rank Hunters grievously injuring them and killing their healer Min bongu after Jin Wu killed the ant king and extracted a shadow which he named Baro he went on to extract the an Queen Shadow as well truth be told while alive she did have some noteworthy traits I mean as the boss of an s-rank dungeon and the queen of the ant colony on jju island the ant Queen was considerably powerful and had the strength to hold her own against an s-rank strike squad for an extended period of time plus the ant Queen was able to spray a large volume of purple poison from her mouth it was potent enough to severely injured Big yunho And madong wuk even though they were both as rank Hunters with battle armor equipped for protection however after learning from baru that the ant Queen's most notable trait was that she was meant for reproduction and thus she was not a shadow excelling for her battle strength Jin Wu decided to terminate the extraction causing the ant Queen's Shadow to evaporate into particles some Jin Wu believed that she would just take a spot of a warrior more capable than her and because of that decided to send her to nothingness instead thus the nickname useless Shadow number 12 Mong Yu The Reluctant Shadow about a year before the first double dungeon incident biong Yu participated in the third jedu island raid alongside Yun and his best friend big yunho unfortunately the raid went badly and Bong Yu was so traumatized by yuno's death that he chose to retire and pursue other career options instead about 5 days before the fourth jju island raid was scheduled to launch biong Yu went out drinking with b and told the latter that he was planning on becoming a history teacher at the same time however he also made it clear to Big that there was no way he was ever going back to jedu Island despite his initial decision to sit out of the fourth juu island raid yungu ultimately changed his mind and joined the jju island raid party the next day during the raid itself he assisted his teammates by giving them stat Buffs and quickly healing them whenever they got injured unfortunately their killing of the ant Queen attracted the attention of the ant king that ferociously attacked him upon discovering the Queen's corpse grievously injuring them with one strike each knowing that his teammates couldn't survive the an King's assault without his healing magic Yong Yu activated his disguise skill and tried to heal them as best he could unfortunately the ant king was able to track bong Yu's presence and brutally attacked him last impaling him through his chest from the backside realizing that he was a goner bongu yelled at bck to run just before the an King devoured his head killing him instantly and absorbing his powers after Jin will kill the an King he revived beong Yu as a shadow in order to heal Jahin who was on the brink of death due to the severity of her injuries once biong Yu had done his job and Sav Cha's life Jin Wu decided to honor Big's request to allow buong Yu to rest in peace and terminated the extraction allowing the latter soul to pass on peacefully as an s-rank healer bongu was a master at healing magic and could almost instantly heal his fellow hunters even from severe wounds according to himself he also had the combat ability of an A- rank bongu was able to instantly heal big and M wuk back to Prime condition after the ant Queen spit poison all over them he was also able to quickly grow back Ma's arms after the ant king ripped them off and easily heal Hunter cha back to full health from the brink of death not only that Yong was also able to buff the stats of his fellow Hunters through his spell book last but not least Yong was able to blend in with his surroundings and hide all traces of his presence essentially turning himself both physically and magically invisible however he was unable to move whenever he had this skill active making him an easy target if the enemy was able to track his position overall if he had remained by sonin Wu as a shadow he could have surely become way stronger as time passed after all while s Jin Wu was leveling up so did his Shadows however since the extraction was canceled shortly after the summit this Shadow never fulfilled his true potential number 11 tank the ice bear Shadow tank is a shadow bear about the size of an army tank and has a light purple glow visible scratch marks on his left eye a thin flaming strip of hair along his head and back and a large x-shaped scar on his chest as an ice bear tank typically behaves in an animalistic manner plowing through enemies with Brew Force and ripping them apart with his teeth and Claws however he does have intelligence as displayed when he successfully worked together with Iron to kill one of car galan's generals as a night gr Shadow tank is about as powerful as an a rank Hunter he was also strong enough to plow his way through a horde of demons like they were bowling pins and kill a naga in one hit tank was part of a Redgate dungeon with its rank being anything between a high a rank or even s-rank despite not being the boss of this dungeon tank was still a significant addition to S Jin Wu's Army and by staying by his side for a long period period of time he managed to level up greatly to the point that he would acquire the rank of a knight in the army of the Shadow Monarch number 10 kaisel the flying Shadow kaisel is a large dragon with black scales sharp teeth a glowing purple neck and underbelly glowing purple wings glowing purple horns and a long black tail after he killed baren Jin Wu extracted the Shadow from kaelin's Corpse and named it kaisel as he didn't remember the wyvern's original name unfortunately due to the fact that kaiso was only good for flying and not fighting Jin Wu rarely ever used him as the story progressed and only ever s the wyvern whenever he needed to travel somewhere by air and couldn't use Shadow exchange even though kaiso was not a fighter himself he helped the shadow Monarch greatly by flying him around at times when his instant Shadow exchange needed a cool down and because of that we rank him higher than Shadows like tank and M number nine gima the neglected Shadow Jima is a giant Naga AKA a Divine or semi- Divine race of half human half serpent beings with black scales sharp claws glowing purple shoulder fins and a glowing purple underbelly before being turned into a shadow Shima was was the boss of a high B rank or even A- rank gate but naturally he stood no chance against son Jin Wu as a result he was defeated and later turned into a shadow Jima wields a pair of large black Trident and as an elite Knight great Shadow Jima is on the level of the average s-rank Hunter if not higher he possesses enhanced strength as Jima was able to strike down a giant in one hit as well as size manipulation as let's not forget that Jima can grow drastically in size using Mana but all in all it is true that we did not really see much of the Shadow despite being an A- rank Beast well alive thus this earned him the title of the neglected Shadow number eight iron the first human Shadow you see Iron is the shadow of Kim Chu an a rank Hunter but how did this Hunter end up being a shadow in s Jin Wu's Army well during one of his Guild's training exercises Chul was appointed as the leader of the raiding party and was annoyed by the fact that anang Min had allowed some e- rank Outsiders to participate once he and the rest of the rating party walked through the designated gate its entrance suddenly closed up behind them and they found themselves stranded on a frozen snow covered landscape realizing that they had walked into a Red Gate CH decided to have the party split in two based on their ranks and lead the stronger Squad to clear the gate and kill the dungeon boss while the weaker Squad led by Jin Wu remained behind in the forest for their safety however due to his poor leadership skills jeel and his Squad spent the next few days suffering from starvation and Frostbite and thus were in no shape to fight when they ran into a pack of Yetis as a result the beasts easily slaughtered everyone of the squad except for CH who only survived by running off in Terror while he was running through the forest CH stumbled across the weaker Hunters who had stayed behind and was stunned to find out that they were still alive and healthy with all the supplies they could ever need as he was already unstable from witnessing his entire Squad get killed off jeul incorrectly assumed that they had hidden the supplies from the rest of the team and angrily attacked them before even giving them enough time to explain fortunately before he could hurt them Jin W appeared and slapped him from behind flinging him into a nearby tree and knocking him out cold now completely insane je regained Consciousness grabbed his sword and attacked Jin wo from behind while the latter was fighting baruka the dungeon boss this proved to be a big mistake as Eris emerged from Jin Shadow and impaled Chu on his sword realizing that Jin Wu had saw him coming from a mile away CH cursed him before finally succumbing to his wounds and dying on the spot enabling Jin Wu to revive him as one of his shadow soldiers under the name iron as a shadow iron is a Loose Cannon and has a tendency to go overboard and battle usually causing excessive destruction with his Antics he also takes pride in his kills and gets easily frustrated when his opponents prove to be immune to his taunt skill although Jin Wu regards iron as a dunce he still keeps him around as the latter always gets the job done well in battle his strength is so massive that iron was able to kill a giant with a single well-placed strike to its head yeah the Giants W exhausted from fighting multiple Shadows at the same time while they also did not die to the Regeneration granted to them due to the shadow Monarch's ability but still this feat is indeed quite impressive plus he was able to effortlessly drag the head of a lifeless Vulcan with one hand so yeah this dude is really strong not only that but iron also possesses a special ability as well the shout of provocation iron is able to taunt his enemies prompting them to attack him without thinking it should be noted that this skill does not work against enemies who were stronger than him even though iron used to only be an A- rank Hunter while being a human since he was among the earliest Shadows of s Jin Wu he remained by his side for an extended period of time and thus leveled up tremendously to the point that he earned the grade of an elite Knight number seven greed the avenging Shadow greed is the shadow of hang dongu a korean-american s-rank hunter and the younger brother of hang dongu hang was a selfish and murderous Meathead with little respect for human life he was consumed by overconfidence as displayed by how genuinely believed that he stood a chance against opponents who were obviously far stronger than him such as s Juan and S Jin Wu and never even considered the possibility of losing against either of them Wang was also a bully who enjoyed abusing his power and targeting those who were weaker than him an attitude that he shared with his brother despite his despicable personality Wang respected power as displayed when he nervously backed off after Thomas Andre intimidated him into keeping his mouth shut with a show of force he could also be cunning if he wanted to and deliberately abducted jinho despite having been warned not to as he knew that Thomas would step in on his behalf and let him evade the consequences of his crimes if Jin Wu tried to kill him several years after his defection to America Wang's brother was suddenly murdered in a raid gone wrong correctly deducing that either Jin Wu or Jin ho the two survivors of the raid were responsible for his brother's death hang then flew all the way to Korea to hunt them down and kill them unfortunately for hang by the time he finally caught up to Jin Wu the ladder was stuck inside a Redgate that had been brought out by the White Tiger Guild believing that Jin Wu was as good as dead and that he'd come all the way to Korea for nothing Wong nearly got into a fight with B after deducing that one of his employees knew something about Jin Wu and refused to spill realizing that he wouldn't be able to get what he wanted without causing a scene hang ultimately decided to give up and return to America the very next day when word got out that the Korean government was launching a fourth raate on jedu island Wang sent a request to the Korean Hunters Association to allow him to join the jedu island raid party so that he could get his revenge on Jin Wu for killing his brother unfortunately for hang the association knew what he was really up to and subsequently denied his request forcing him to remain behind in the states when the USA found Jin Wu's father hang was tasked to speak with him as a translator from Korean to English but when hang figured that IL Juan was Jin Wu's father he tried to register him as a monster and thus be justified for him to kill him uh well never mind Juan got hacked by jinwoo's dad so now I guess he can get his revenge on the son instead right yeah not even close when it was announced by The Bureau that Jin Wu would be representing Korea at the upcoming International Guild conference Thomas summoned hang to his office and warned him not to mess with Jin Wu although Hong seemingly agreed to the request in reality he had already hatched a plan over the past month to get his revenge for his brother's death by targeting Jin ho instead as a result while Jin Wu was away at the bureau Wang kidnapped Jin ho from his hotel and brought him to an abandoned Factory on the outskirts of the city however thanks to his shadow soldiers Jin Wu found hang rather easily and used Shadow exchange to teleport to his location despite being clearly outmatched hang refused to back down and attempted to attack Jin will when the ladder attacked him first and refused to answer his questions unfortunately this amount Ed to nothing as Jin Wu easily swatted his punches aside and brutally pbl him in the ensuing Skirmish before Jin Wu could kill Hong the latter was seemingly saved by Thomas who arrived at the factory shortly afterwards and ordered Jin Wu to let him go however Jin Wu refused and simply flung hang into the distance to deal with later after jinwu defeated Thomas he killed Wong and extracted his shadow which he named greed to add to his army Wang really managed to get packed by both father and son on two separate occasions well the second time he paid for it with his life as a shadow Reed received the ra of a general and was considered among the main Shadows of sh Jin Wu's Army number six Shadow Giants you see these monsters came to Earth due to a dungeon break in Japan Yuri orof was a Russian s-rank Hunter who specialized in support magic specifically in barriers when the s-rank Gat suddenly spawned in Tokyo orloff was one of the first foreign Hunters to answer the Japanese government's please for help he offered to block off the gate in exchange for a ridiculous fee of 10 million US dollar per day a deal to which the Japanese quickly accepted as they had no other choice when the dungeon break finally occurred or activated his signature barrier but a massive giant emerged from the gate and cleaved it in two with a single swing of a sword showcasing that these monsters were nothing that even an s-rank Hunter like Yuri had ever seen before orof then desperately attempted to reactivate his barrier but before he could another giant tossed him into the air and swallowed him whole without Jin Wu's intervention this dungeon break could literally destroy the entirety of Japan as Shadows these Giants become even stronger due to Jin Wu's leveling up all their stats as well as granting them a NeverEnding regeneration through the con assumtion of his mana and now we get into the top five number five Tusk the high orc Shadow you see Tusk is the shadow of carala a high orc Shaman and the boss of the hunter guildgate as an elite night grade Shadow Tusk is on the level of an s-rank Hunter as a testament to this he was able to slaughter hundreds of demons with a single fire spell and kill a giant in one hit and yeah his abilities were surely no joke as well I mean listen to this ability to use gravitation magic and literally levitate a Target he could also use this spell offensively by throwing a Target around and smashing into the ground repeatedly until their bodies break from the repeated strain when using him of protection Tusk conjures a shield around himself or around a Target when using him of the fire dragon Tusk shoots a massive beam of fire from his mouth with the orb of avarus this skill is so enhanced in strength that it was able to completely negate barin's breath attack and blast a giant hole right through halison when using him of the Blazing fire Tusk shoots off a wave of fireballs when using him of Agony Tusk curses a target with intense pain when using him of frenzy Tusk weakens a Target defense increasing the amount of damage they take from attacks him of blindness Slumber lethargy rage strengthening Giants and even combustion it's fair to say this Shadow is indeed insanely overpowered now for these next two Shadows some debate was in order but the water pretty much cleared with the release of the solo leveling Side Stories what do I mean by that full power igis without his power being sealed Against full power baru well as Sun Jin Wu son goes through and fights against the shadows of his father egis is put first before baru even after defeating egis and having leveled up susuo was still having many difficulties fighting baru and we even saw baru holding back while crying because he had to fight his Lord's son and because of that at number four we have igis the loyal Knight igis was the first major Shadow sunin Wu manages to extract he was there since the beginning and he is by far the shadow that remained by S Jin wuai the most igis is loyal respectful and chivalrous to the point that he tends to kneel to his master every time he finishes a battle for him the running gag with his character is that he always brings the head of his kills back to gen which ultimately becomes a problem when iron started to copy him much like Jin Wu igis also does not approve of Iron's dumb Antics and typically gets irritated whenever iron goes overboard in battle under the previous Shadow Monarch egis was on the left side of ashborne showing that when he had his power unsealed he was way stronger than what he was when he fought s Jin Wu you see igis once served the shadow Monarch ashborne during his war with the rulers eons ago after ashborn decided to retire and find a human successor he tested igis with testing his successor in battle when the time was right after obtaining the shadow extraction skill Jin Wu successfully used it on egis by appealing to his loyal personality although he was the first major shadow that jinwu ever extracted igis initially played a minor role in the storyl line and his position as Jin Wu's strongest Shadow was eventually taken by baru however after jinu was reborn as the new Shadow Monarch egis obtained his true powers and jumped two grades from Elite Knight to Marshall as far as ability wise egis possesses both immense physical strength as shown by how he is able to hold off the frost Monarch on his own long for Jin Wu to return to the battlefield as well as telekinesis as egis is able to move and control objects from a distance to a limited extent number three baru the strongest drama queen in history baru is the shadow of the ant king and by far the strongest creatures sonin Wu had fought up until that moment the ant king was an immensely powerful magical Beast and the hidden boss of the jedu island srank gate he was responsible for single-handedly massacring eight of the 16 s-ranks who attempted to clear the gate including goo ryuji and would have slaughtered the entire Korean raid team had it not been for sonin Wu who was able to kill the creature following a fierce fight due to having been born to kill baru rebels in his power and has an obvious blood lust for battle as such he is very brutal in combat rarely holding back unless order two and goes straight for his enemies weak spots he is also somewhat condescending towards his fellow Shadow soldiers as displayed when he started screaming furiously at them when they failed to follow his lead and break out of the frost Monarch's ice prison outside of battle however baru is fiercely loyal to his master and as a lighter side of his personality even complimenting him in the middle of a fight a running gag to his character is his strange hobby of watching Korean period dramas which caus him to develop an amusingly historic way of speech baru possesses immense physical strength as a testament to this he was able to effortlessly crush cha sword in his bare hand one shot an arch Lich break out of the frost Monarch's ice prison and slash off quara's fingers not only that beru possesses immense durability he was able to tank Jin Wu's attacks during their sparring session without much trouble and get back up after getting pulverized by Bellion and that was only the tip of the iceberg because beru can move at immense speeds he was able to effortlessly dodge Cha's attacks at Point Blank Range without moving his feet plunge his hand into an arch L's chest before it could even react and fly from judu and Busan in a matter of minutes he can both fly as well as use healing magic that is on par with a rank hunters and even spit an extremely concentrated poison from his mouth using his bladed tentacle esque tongue due to its magical nature this poison is exponentially Mor toxic than its original version and kills a Target in seconds last but not least baru is able to increase his strength at the cost of his agility and speed by grubbing in size and vice versa by compressing his body number two Kish the short-lived Shadow Kish was an immensely powerful magical Beast and the boss of the first srank gate that ever opened he was responsible for single-handedly devastating the American West Coast Area and massacring all but five of The s-rank Hunters who were fighting against him as a result Kish is regarded as Humanity's greatest calamity Kish had a fierce ego and an intense blood lust towards humans as displayed when he attempted to kill some with his breath attack after he was revived as a shadow at the same time however he was willing to listen to reason as he immediately halted his attack after learning that he was no longer being controlled by the rulers as a shadow Kish was loyal and respectful towards Jin Wu addressing him with honorifics and even comically wagging his tail when the human touched his nose however because the extraction was delayed by several years the shadow extraction failed shortly after completion with a result of cish being sent to nothingness other than his immense strength and durability Kish possessed other incredible abilities like dragon's fear with which Kish was able to release a Mana infused shout from his soul that would drive those weaker than him into a state of intense Despair and panic plus dragon's breath is no joke as well as with that Kish was able to shoot poking blasts of fire from his mouth number one Bellion the Grand Marshal Bellion was a servant of the previous Shadow Monarch ashborne and the strongest shadow in existence Bellion was born eons ago from the fruit of the world tree a mystical tree so large that that it could blanket the entire sky with its branches alone following this he became ashbourne's Lieutenant a position that he retained even after his death and was the first shadow soldier to ever be created from ashbourne's Power Bellion comes off as composed and does not show much emotion however he is deeply loyal to the shadow Monarch both past and present and has never once doubted their decisions he is also a warrior at heart as he argued with eg that suo should be learning how to fight instead of going to school and does not tolerate any kind of disrespect towards his master as shown by how he promised to discipline iron if he was ever to return to their ranks shortly after Jin Wu killed the three monarchs who came after him Bellon arrived in the human world with the rest of ashbourne's original Shadow Army through a gigantic gate and soul that was mistaken by the Korean Hunters Association to be a threat that needed all of the world's s-rank Hunters to handle he then proved himself worthy of his rank of Grand Marshall by easily defeating baru in a sparring match all of his strength durability and speed are absolutely on a different level compared to the other shadows in s Jin Wu's Army and because of that he right deserves the rank of Grand Marshall and the title of the strongest shadow in the shadow Monarch's Army check out this video where we present what would happen if Gojo saturo fought against some of the strongest characters from different anime series including the likes of sun Jin Wu go on check it out
Channel: Domain Aniki
Views: 379,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, sung jin woo, sung jinwoo, arise solo leveling, solo leveling edit, solo leveling facts, solo leveling shadows, igris, bellion, beru, iron solo leveling, greed solo leveling, hunter solo leveling, s rank solo leveling, manhwa solo leveling, domain aniki, domain aniki solo leveling, anime balls deep, yeagerists, solo leveling analysis, solo leveling anime balls deep, solo leveling vs, solo leveling episode
Id: VBprGVkDeFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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