What If Upper Moons Were The Demon King Instead of Muzan (Kokushibo, Doma, Akaza...)

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kabutu Chim muan is by far the most ruthless and self-centered character in the world of Demon Slayer but naturally being the demon king not many people could do something about it however what if that was not the case what if in the place of muan there were other demons in that position what would akaza do different or what would Doma change and don't even get me started on kokushibo this set of what if scenarios is as exciting as it gets in each case we will assume that muan is no longer part of the story and in each scenario a demon moon is the first human to be turned into a demon over a thousand years ago all new demon Kings kill the doctor as soon as they are administer the experimental treatment and thus none of them has conquered the sun each and every single one of them is looking for either the blue Spider Lily or a demon that has conquered the sun in order to consume and thus be able to step out in the sun without disintegrating into dust and with that out of the way let's get to the exciting part of this video who should we start with well let's spin the wheel to find out beginning with the upper Moon 2 Doma as we all know Doma is a psychopath that feels absolutely no emotions he is often portrayed laughing just so he can show that he feels something and thus hide the fact that he is completely empty on the inside a thing however that makes even domma crack a genuine smile is when people press that subscribe button after all this means you get the best anime content there is on YouTube anyone would be happy with that right but seriously now the most vital and pivotal trait of Doma in this scenario is the fact that Doma loves eating women because of that two exciting changes happen first and foremost akaza is either killed or never becomes an upper moon in the first place Doma would either kill him for his mindset of refusing to hurt women Oraka would simply refuse to continue serving under this Maniac as a result there are two empty spaces in the upper Moon ranks both domas and ala's places are empty for the taking and thus they are covered by new characters we did not see in the original story of Demon Slayer when it comes to kan's death we will assume that she still dies because after all even though domma is the Demon King now he still craves the Flesh of women and thus goes after Kane on rang Goku's case now he might still die if the new Demon King taking the place of akaza follows the same path as akaza or this might just not be the case and thus rokku makes it out alive during the mugan train Arc another important change would have to do with doma's relationship with kokushibo you see in the original story muan and kokushibo were something like partners in crime mostly because their goals and ideals matched but in this version of the story kokushibo absolutely refuses to play by doma's rules you see is an absolute Savage that hunts and eats women simply for the fun of it even though this somewhat bothers kokushibo the thing that absolutely infuriated him was the fact that domma had everyone in his ranks worship him after all domma has the tendency of wanting people to worship Him in order to cover the void he feels inside his heart kokushibo absolutely refused to do that and thus why the rift between them was created but since kokushibo is arguably the strongest weapon Doma has in his ranks he allows him to do as he pleases without further arguing with him another sign significant change compared to the original story is the fact that Doma even has a cult with women worshiping him he seeks this validation and thus instead of trying to hide in the shadows like muan was doing Doma is much more careless which further infuriates kokushibo when it comes to doma's new Strength on the other hand being the Demon King means that all of his powers would Skyrocket but most importantly his blood demon art would be even more broken doma's ice output would be much greater to a point that no one would even be able to get close to him without freezing to death the only count to this ability and the only way for humans to get close is through sun breathing that's the natural enemy of the ice thus the only major characters who could finish off Doma would be yoriichi and tangero for the sake of the story we will assume that yoriichi fails to fully defeat Doma just like it happened with muan in the original story because of that we still have a final battle in the end of Demon Slayer in which the demon Slayers still win but in this timeline tangero plays a much bigger role due to his Sun breathing let's move to the next upper Moon nakim despite being stoic and calm nakim is actually cruel and ruthless she does not really speak much so in terms of the upper Moon ranks and whether someone would not join because of her nothing really changes plus she herself became an upper Moon only after guto DOI Yoko and hangu were killed so once again the original upper Moon 6 we had in episode 1 remained the same in the scenario as well when it comes to we encounter with yoriichi around 1,000 years ago nakame even manages to escape from yoriichi relatively easier than M on that's because her blood demon art that normally creates an infinite castle that she can control and rap as she wants is now even crazier she can forcefully take people inside her dimension in the blink of an eye because of that when yoriichi encountered her as soon as yoriichi went for the neck she manages to create the infinity castle and forcefully takes yorichi inside as well even if that were to happen yoriichi would obviously not even receive a scratch from her no matter how many tricks nakime would try but the purpose this serves instead is that because of this ability nakim can now escape from yoriichi much easier than muan and thus makes it out alive in this encounter onto the infinity Castle Arc where the Demon King makes her move in order to go after nzo who has just conquered the Sun the important difference in this version of the story is that nakime can escape the attacks that are thrown her way much easier than muan as her manipulation of her own Dimension offers an easy way out whenever she sees fit because of that nakime manages to reach nzo without much trouble nakame eats nzo and thus the demon Slayers are now defeated moving on the next upper moon is akaza akaza is basically the polar opposite of Doma he refuses to kill women and even more than that now that he's in a position of power he even commands the upper moons to never kill women again unless they have to AKA being attacked by a strong hashira aasa is now much stronger faster and more agile during his encounter with yoriichi he barely manages to escape due to his enhanced agility and speed even though yoriichi is still faster than him the difference is not that big and thus akaza manages to barely Escape when it comes to Doma he does not listen to waka's command of staying away from women and even though he managed to restrain himself for quite a few years he cannot hold back against enos's mother as Not only was he in love with her she also figured out that domma is a demon AKA at let to go by as her Escape could blow the identity of Doma as a demon in os's story is developing in the same way it did in the original story but Doma is not done yet he also gets a pass with killing Kane and this is among the rules of akaza with his demon moons being able to kill strong female hashiras to protect themselves however akaza is pissed with Doma and the next thing he does would be his last Doma having tasted women's flesh cannot restrain himself and goes on a killing spree killing and consuming women akasa being connected to all of his demons he instantly sees that he gets Furious and immediately kills Doma meaning that similarly to the case when domma was The Demon King two positions are now opened in the upper moons one of them is the Demon King while the other is killed when it comes to waka's relationship with his upper moons kokoso respects his ideals and his mentality of wanting to be the strongest as a result the two of them have a good understanding standing between them in this version of the story in the final Arc now akua similarly to doma's Demon King case is also defeated as his new enhanced blood demon art does not really allow him to make the difference and find nzo before being killed let's spin that wheel again this time around we have guto if guto becomes the new Demon King that would naturally mean that doy would receive a special treatment as well she gets extra blood and grows many times stronger over the years in this version of the story DOI is the upper Moon 2 overtaken only by Kush with guto becoming the Demon King his blood demon art becomes many times stronger his blood manipulation becomes so Advanced that he regenerates way better and even faster than muan he can use his own blood to attack and within a split second replenish the used blood meaning that in this version utero does not have any limitations with how much blood he can use in his encounter with yoriichi however his set of abilities mean little against the Demon Slayer God yorichi in the previous case we analyzed all demons had a unique ability that let them Escape From The Reach of yoriichi not not only that but uo's mentality does not allow him to escape and thus stays to fight even if he tried to escape yoriichi would still catch him the two of them collash and as you would expect uto stands no chance yoriichi defeats him and the story of Demon Slayer never actually happens but moving on how about if his sister doy was The Demon King similarly to guto's case doggy's sibling would get special treatment and thus receive additional blood from The Demon King if doy were to live longer guto would get to be the upper Moon too well the sure thing is that if doy were to remain The Demon King Doma would again be killed in this version of the story as well I mean think about it the thought of a woman telling him to do what would surely not sit well with him and would probably drive him insane he would most likely do something stupid and doy would kill him but will doy actually make it that far in the story or not you see her blood demon art normally allows her to create flower pattern Obe sashes from her flesh as well as freely manipulating them at a whale even if that ability gets strengthened and powered up it would still be no match for yoriichi and it would in no way help her Escape yoriichi defeats her and the Demon Slayer story does not even progress further down the line spinning the wheel again to see our next Demon King this time we have anangu on tangu becoming the demon king would mean that his already overpowered blood demon art becomes even more insane you see being able to split yourself into clones is not to be taken likely if he were to be the Demon King this move would become even crazier possibly allowing hangu to create more and even stronger clones when it comes to the upper Moon ranks either nakim or another unknown demon is promoted into the ranks of the upper moons in the place of henu that is now the Demon King in his encounter with yoriichi he makes it out alive due to his ability to split himself into many clones even though yoriichi has access to the transparent world and thus this makes it very difficult for henu to hide being the Demon King the additional strength he receives on top of the fact that yoriichi needs some time to understand how hang's abilities work and thus what it takes to completely finish him off gives henu the vital opening to make his Escape not many changes happen in the normal story with the exception that during the swordsmith village Arc hangu does not bother to join gyoko after all now he's the demon king and could command others to do his bidding so he sends another demon along with Yoko and pretty much the same things happen with the two demons being defeated in the swordsmith village the most important change that happens in this version of the story though is during the final Arc you see here the demon Slayers have no idea why no matter how hard they try to kill him no matter how many times they slash his neck hangu keeps coming back you see in order for hangu to Die the demon Slayers need to kill the small version of him the only one who can pinpoint that fact is tangero due to his sharp nose however with the help of nakime hanga was very well hidden and protected at all times only after nakame is defeated the Demon Slayer stand some chance even so this observation comes very late in the battle and most of the demon Slayers are already defeated hangu comes out Victorious and manages to eat nzo thus conquer in the sun on to the last three upper moons we now get gilko together with being the Demon King his power also drastically increases the range in which he can teleport becomes much wider his pots are much more durable to attacks and do not break easily it takes even Elite demon Slayers much effort to even break one of them Yoko also becomes much faster and more agile a trait that as we will analyze shortly proves to have saved his life on two separate occasions when guoko is faced against yorichi his teleportation with the help of his pots proved to be crucial this ability gave the necessary Split Second for guoko to escape as soon as guoko teleports in one pot yuichi goes in Demon mode and starts breaking his pots but Yoko manages to move just in time after all no matter how quick yorichi is teleportation will always be faster than normal movement right even if that movement is executed by the strongest and fastest Demon Slayer in history next not many changes happen in tangero Era but a thing that does change is the fact that Demon King Yoko is Untouchable similarly to hang's Demon King case Yoko does not go to the swordsmith village and instead another demon is sent there we will assume that both hangu and this other demon are defeated in the final Arc Yoko not only manages to escape all attacks from the demon Slayers attacking him he can also teleport to we bigger distances allowing him to scan the area quicker and locate nz's position without much trouble Yoko eats nzo and the Demon King has now become truly Immortal get ready because we are getting closer to the most epic one will we get to it now well not yet because we got another exciting what if scenario this time kyaku kyaku being the Demon King means that jigaro is no longer his master and thus he does not end his life when Kaku becomes a demon in this version of the story kyaku and zenitsu despite having similar abilities don't know each other but wait because a small question mark arises from the situation you see kyaku was normally a demon able to use breathing forms but in this version of the story kyaku was born and turned into a demon before yoriichi was born and thus creating the breathing techniques but for the sake of making the scenario more exciting we will assume that kyaku learns to use Thunder breathing after yoriichi develops the technique someone might ask if it were that simple why didn't muan learn to use breathing forms then well that might purely be due to the pride and ego of muan not wanting to use a power that humans rely on to fight but for kyaku to make it that far and learn how to use breathing techniques he needs to First survive against yoriichi since kaku's blood demon art is electrokinesis this means that his speed is no joke for this ability alone we will assume that he manages to escape against yor after the fight Kaku gets a human on his side and has him to teach him breathing forms the Demon King can now use Thunder breathing the plot during tangero era pretty much Remains the Same but how about the final Arc well in the final Arc a demon king being able to use breathing forms surely takes the demon Slayers by surprise however if we compare him with the likes of muan and his biokinesis blood demon art we believe that kyaku is still weaker than him kyaku is faster but overall weaker or in the very least around the same strength as muan because of that he also loses in in the final fight just like it happened with muan finally the moment you all waited for kokushibo was The Demon King how would this turn out hear me out for this to make sense we will assume that yoriichi is born in the same era as kokushibo after all the two of them are twin brothers kokushibo similarly to the original story is envious and jealous of his brother's strength shortly after becoming the new Demon King kokushibo strength skyrockets plus he can obviously use his Moon breathing techniques as well as the mark and transparent world that he learned how to use as a human a few years after polishing his new powers kokushibo and yorichi come face to face here kokushibo has no intention to run the two brothers clash and this time around the Gap in their strength is much smaller compared to the original story where yoruichi was able to destroy kokosa with one or two slashes even if kokosa was now much stronger than he used to be we believe that yoruichi is still stronger than him this fight is the definition of insane with a high degree of difficulty yoriichi manages to kill his brother and thus the demon king is no more even though we stated that yoriichi is stronger than Demon King kokushibo at the end of the day this might be debatable do you think that yoriichi or demon king kokoso is stronger let us know in the comments down below well if kokoso manages to come out on top something very unlikely in our opinion then that means that the demon Slayers are done for kokoso completely annihilates the demon Slayers and Demon King kokoso remains alive for all eternity check out this video for more Demon Slayer content come on don't wait click it it's
Channel: Domain Aniki
Views: 274,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if demon slayer, demon slayer domain aniki, domain aniki, demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, tanjiro kamado, hashira, yoriichi, domain aniki demon slayer, hashira react to, tanjiro react to, what if doma, what if inosuke, demon slayer facts, imoto, yeagerists, anime balls deep, anime power scale, demon slayer power scale, demon slayer power levels, anime power levels, demon slayer strongest, demon slayer who is stronger, demon slayer who is strongest
Id: r7nAoo65zEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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