Kafka's Power Up is INSANE: How Kaiju No. 8 Became the STRONGEST! All 21 Abilities & Complete Story.

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capa's transformation Shook Japan and the entire Defense Force after training multiple times his power leveled up he's the only one who can save the country from falling into the hands of the most terrifying threat ever and it's all thanks to this little dude huh Kaiju number eight is Humanity's most powerful weapon but how strong is he actually well using our degree in anime bll science I'll break down his abilities attacks in every feat you can imagine as the child CF made a promise with the most special person in his entire life Mina ashiro but fast forward to kafra at 32 years old and yeah life hadn't gone quite to plan as Kafka found himself cleaning up the Kaiju just not in the way he always hoped but speaking of which H the fan as the very day he was assigned to intestine Duty with Leno a threat to their lives appeared Leno was not properly trained yet in combat and cfco was an average 32-year-old man so you know they both ended up in hospital as they both were getting treatment for their wounds Leno expressed gratitude to kafa suggesting that he should consider joining the Defense Force as the age limit had just been increased and just as Kafka agreed their conversation was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a small flying Kaiju with number eight stating I found you this was the first time KFA transformed into a humanoid Kaiju the sight of him alone was enough to shock of this old man clean out so let's add killing old man with one look to kafka's feets Kafka tried to check on the man but he did not know the incredibly overwhelming strength he now possessed with just one hand gripping the wall Kafka was able to shatter the entire room including the ceiling moreover when he tried to open the windows he completely tore them apart with just one stroke this strength is more ridiculous than you think as the total Force required on the contact area to perform this would range from 120,000 to 325,000 newtons equivalent to 73,000 and considering the average gripping force of a human is like 300 Newtons it would mean cfa's grip strength was more than 400 to 1,000 times that of a human already however since he had no control over this form whilst running from the hospital Kafka kept turning into weirdly shaped Kaiju this tells us that Kaiju number 8 also has an ability to change its appearance and use body parts in different ways such as this or uh yeah this get out of here get out of here man [ __ ] I'm saying but perhaps the biggest advantage that Kafka got from this slightly inconvenient transformation was the ability to detect the presence of other Kaiju that's right he informs Leno that he can send the yoju who attacked them previously approaching from the ground instead of running away Kafka decides to save a mother daughter pair from the yoju beating the crap out out of the monster with a single punch he was shocked at the incredible power he possessed with the yoa returning for round two kfka punched it again this time completely obliterating it not even a single part of the yoju was left as if it just evaporated Into Thin Air according to a study from the University of Leicester it takes around 3 gigles of energy to completely vaporize an average human body yoju are approximately the size of a house and at least four times the size of a normal human which means cfas pun in just chapter 2 of the manga had an output of at least 12 gig to put that into perspective this is around 3 tons of TNT KFA then rightfully admits that this is definitely something you should not be doing to the human However the fact that he could save a little child brings back his memories and hopes of one day standing next to Mina and is able to shed his Kaiju form after this incident Kafka tried to control how often this power jumped out but it would still slip without him realizing it moreover since he wanted to take the defense corpse entrance exam again he decided to use as little of this power as possible even by just transforming his hands before the exam Kafka was able to lift a van which is on average £5,000 this starts to put into perspective how much power Kafka wields since this is with just complete zero effort but the next time he transformed he had to face Kaiju number n's creation during the final phase of the exam whilst kokuru was thinking about how she did everything well and walking away like a to badass number nine said no no no no no where do you think you're going B immediately attacking her in fact back when Leno and kafa were resting the Kaiju the team destroyed came back to life whilst the same thing happened right in front of kiku's eyes even though number nine left Karu couldn't continue fighting because she was severely injured and going up against a massive Kaiju with a 6.4 fortitude would be impossible but at this time Kafka jumped in and transformed into Kaiju number eight with the fortitude of 9.8 according to the Defense Force this reading meant that kaiji number 8 would go down in history books as one of the greatest Kaiju to ever exist a DA Kaiju and in the fight Kafka took it upon himself to prove this he locked in flexing all his muscles and promising to end the Kaiju with one shot with just a single punch kfka skinned the monster first which later vanished Into Thin Air once again even the mere Force surrounding his punch was enough to be had another yoju after which kfka came back to his human form before the defense members could find him this gives me the perfect time to mention another ability of Kaiju number eight Kafka can power up an electrical energy that flows through his body and spine as seen in chapter 8 where it can paralyze those who come into contact with it and the sheer force of this shock wve energy can destroy buildings and everything surrounding them now for quite a while after this Kafka was able to hide his true identity meanwhile he kept training in his division progressing from being able to draw out none of the combat suits power to a massive and incredible 1% okay now like we might joke about this but kafka's body is noted to have ridiculous Feats of Strength without transforming at all even at just 1% power CFA leaps into the air where people comment that a human shouldn't be able to do that so it's not only in his Kaiju form where he can do these batshit insane Feats as jumping 50 m into the air isn't normal since hosino a Captain with 92% combat power notices that he runs way too fast for a normal person blitzing his attention two months later on his first official mission Kafka noticed one of the Dead yoju started to move also heard the karuga platoon call for Aid because they had lost Leno and iaru this made Kafka and Karu realize that the Kaiju who had attacked her during the exam was also present at the scene hence kfka knew he had to lock in once again and right before the monster could spill blood kfka show up in his kiju form with one of the coldest anime entrances of all time unlike earlier this time he was finally fighting kju number n directly but that did not phas kfka as he instantly took his Enemy by surprise and landed a huge punch to Nine's face this literally beheaded him but its head grew back and recognized kfka as the rumored Kaiu number eight thus it began its attack firing a projectile that pierced kafka's Kaiju skin as these shots were insanely powerful due to their speed and momentum but nine still remarked that he was tough so he had to launch a bigger attack to get rid of Kafka however this made him extremely angry as soon as number nine fired his shots kfka roared and turned a bunch of these projectiles to dust without even moving a single muscle that's why it's the goat that's basically tanking small missiles using just sound alone which means that the frequency of cfa's raw is so massive that it matches that of these projectiles and that human bodies would not be able to to endure it at all moreover before nine could even process this kfka moved close and punched his body hard enough that it had to create a barrier to protect itself number nine was shown to flick away supersonic bullets with his hands with ease against iaru and Leno but in a fist fight against Kafka it was extremely slow hence before it could even start healing itself Kafka destroyed this barrier as well shocking nine as it desperately wanted to get away number nine also noted that aside from the Relentless attacks from Kafka it could feel that something was off its regeneration abilities had taken a severe hit as it couldn't repair the damage Kafka was dealing it's possible that Kafka was damaging nine faster than its regeneration which is shown to be lightning quick making it a massive feat for Kafka as later on we see that this power had grown so high that although a Kaiju can recover its Limbs and anything else almost instantly number nine after 2 days was still suffering from wounds in their battle from around chapter 57 which means number eight possesses enough power to stop regeneration from occurring as efficiently as possible that's not all whilst number nine was trying to run away kafa punched a hole in its body warning it that his next punch would be at its core within just a punch Kafka managed to reduce nine to a little skeleton and completely expose its core which is another major achievement because it is the most durable monster in the series but call it kafka's bad luck or number n's awfully good luck but the final punch that would have ended the series right there never came that's right some members of the karuga platoon discovered kafa because nine had created a camouflage barrier that was broken the moment he was near death this was enough time for nine to make his Escape promising to kill Kafka next time and noting that for a Kaiju Kafka had very humanlike Behavior this also told us that n even nine the creator of many Kaiju in the series was aware that a human could exist in a symbiotic relationship with a Kaiju however Kafka had bigger problems to deal with whilst retreating through an alley none other than the Vice Captain of his division sosro hosha found him his intentions were clear he was going to destroy kaiji number eight and started attacking kfka at a speed that he couldn't even begin to comprehend after all hoso was the expert whilst fighting against miniature and midsize Kaiju to the point that Kafka almost [ __ ] his pants but it wasn't like he could fight back so he had to defend himself and look for a way to escape well well well how the turntables this fight was a great measure of how despite having his kiju form for 3 or 4 months now Kafka lacked in many areas for example his durable scales weren't able to protect him from H's blade made out of Kaiju body parts this was because his attacks were too fast for kfka to harden his body which I must mention is pretty strong remember in episode 1 when we saw kafka's friend have his hand melt due to the acid from aiju well it was confirmed by chapter 20 that the combat suits are made of Kaiju cells and muscle fibers which means kafa being symbiotic with number eight just puts them in a whole other level these suits alone can tank these acids which can melt bodies down to the bone as well as iron but that's not all the suits also allow you to withstand heat up to 213° F and the freezing cold power of Kaiju number six this puts into perspective that the armor that Kafka possesses is way stronger than you think because a sonic boom attack from nine did nothing and let's not forget that he literally tanked a 9.2 fortitude power level attack from number 13 and caught it with his hand as if it was nothing without even flinching everything was blown away which reminds me to tell you that even a weaker monster like number two could blow up an entire city on its own as it did in 1972 this lets us know that it's not only kafka's attack potency that can destroy mountains but even his defense can take it however moving back to the story knowing that the vice Captain's movements were on another level Kafka comments that he's completely inhuman within just a few seconds of sparring h even detected the core whil kafa was struggling with the fact that he didn't have enough stamina to regenerate the only way he could see a way out of this situation was to dodge when HOSA decided to use his big final move Kafka managed to read it and broke the vice Captain's sword with his teeth he then capitalized on hna being shocked to distract him and run away the last maneuver is proof that Kafka is incredibly skilled at reading and anticipating the moves of his enemies he had never seen hen a fight but still managed to tackle a three hit attack and Achieve his objective of escaping without harming the Vice Captain even keeping up with his mastered sword fighting well kind of barely but even though he's already so strong the story has just begun as Kafka kept training even admitting by chapter 46 that he wasn't drawing out number Eight's full power and potential he comes to know through Mina that sroy wanted to have him promoted from Cadet to an officer and that the Vice Captain had high expectations of Kafka this shows us that in a brief period of time kafka's growth and support was quite impressive even though none of the high ranking officers knew about his real achievements as Kaiju number eight at this point of the story it was mostly based on his Feats as a human during the trials as Kafka always displayed immense strategy teamwork and bravery during their training in chapter 14 SRO stated that most officers close out their careers with a combat power of 20 to 30% with only a handful moving pass this wall Kiko Shenia being the only one from this generation that has en Leno chawa having the potential to with this we start to understand everything because kfka obliterates all of these so-called walls and even the strongest defense officers whil transformed for example his abilities help him like no other Kafka was the first one to notice the attack of number nine aimed directly at division 3's tachikawa base he informed sosur about the Kaiju types in their weak spots and then partially transformed to Res aari from a huge Kaiju where he discovered another ability kfka was so fast that he surprised everyone he has built-in jet proportion in his arms and legs for super speed charges which can go Hypersonic everyone in the squad including Karu and Leno began fighting back the raid successfully as Soso cut down aiju however despite even the off-duty senior officers arriving to protect tachikawa base kafka's Kaiju senses started tingling he realized that the Kaiju SRO had just cut was about to trample him this showcased that kafka's assimilation with number eight was progressing very rapidly because his radar got activated even in his human form but it turns out that his bad feeling was correct because the Kaiju turned massive with a fortitude of nine in a shocking surprise before Kafka could act they all heard Mina's voice thanking everyone for their bravery as she shot the Kaiju in the shoulder with her Cannon Kafka watched as Soso Mina and Karo defe defeated the giant Kaiju and felt overwhelmed wishing to become as strong as them one day but is everyone cheered for victory in this raid the worst development unfolded a massive bomb made out of the wyver yoju appeared in the sky ready to blow up tachikawa base earlier during soso's fight number six had screeched out what he thought was a death rattle but it was the monster calling for this Abomination it was evident that all the members were either too far away too slow or too tght to fight this thing except for Kafka even though Leno advised against it Kafka rushed towards the bomb while SRO noted how the F did this guy get so fast he stated that someone with 1% combat power shouldn't be able to move like this as Kafka jumped and transformed into his full form it was announced he had a reading of 9.8 and SRO was in shock because his suspicion of Kafka had come true however my man was solely f focused on taking the bomb down before it killed every officer Kafka Unleashed energy that cracked and ripped up the streets of the city block causing a mini earthquake furthermore a massive shock wave was released across the cityscape and physically felt by everyone who had put up their Shields but with a single punch Kafka sent this small mountain or city block sized Kaiju blob into the stratosphere the impact was so strong that the blob exploded in the sky upon impact which destroyed po portions of the city this basically puts kafa by chapter 32 already capable of destroying mountains equivalent to 20 gigatons of TNT this punch crossed kafka's physical limit because it chipped away at his body he noted how his untray 32-year-old physique just couldn't handle it and his arms and legs were wrecked I'm too aul this [ __ ] however since his secret was now out in the open division 3 had no choice but to arrest and turn Kafka into the director general of the Defense Force is Sao Shoma he asked for the restraints to be released when he was interrupted he commented that despite being contained in a secure room with specialized shackles if Kafka wanted to go berserk he could have done easily just by breaking them after all he was a die Kaiju class threat which meant kfka was there out of his own will it's like that scene in Superman where he's in cuffs in prison basically and in fact like now that I think about it how stupid were these guys at least kaija number eight made sense of this situation but before he could plead his Humanity Isa shot him with a gun at Point Blank Range now to absolutely nobody's surprise Kafka was not affected these bullets didn't even pierce his skin as he caught them which gives me a great opportunity to explain cf's incredible speed number eight can already move way faster than the speed of sound so a mere bullet from a pistol going around 1400 kmph would be nothing to him in fact against number nine he dodged and dealt with speeds equal to Mac 5 to 10 which is around 3,800 to 7,600 kmph and as the projectiles were coming Kafka waited till they were close in range to react to them and even punched them practically no diffing this is why the general states that someone who can just stop bullets could never be considered human but as Kafka kept claiming his Humanity the general started attacking it this time using specialized Kaiju weapons a brutal battle ensued with kafa trying his best to not transform as long as he could save himself but it was his bad luck that he was up against the strongest soldier of the entire Defense Force within a single attack Isa managed to bring about a partial transformation however Kafka couldn't understand what was happening because his body was reacting on its own he had the same feeling when he faced a DA Kaiju like number nine which was correct because isa's suit was made out of number two who was an extremely destructive Dau in the past that had enough power to destroy an entire City on its own the aura being emitted was so suffocating and large that before Kafka could even process the pressure his arms and legs blew off the general showed the difference between an experienced Kaiju weapons wielder and a newbie like Kafka hence he landed a huge attack at his chest and rather than destroying kafka's core Isa unlocked his true form it was clear that he didn't have a chance so when he transformed something was different it was not Kafka using kyogen number Eight's power rather it was the monster itself who had taken over to survive with this in mind CFA was fighting another battle as he mentioned how he can't control his body because Kaiju number eight went rogue with its instinct to survive and kill all other monsters hence as it punched this out he noted that number eight was extremely fast but still a Savage Beast who had no clue how to defend itself but you know how we mentioned earlier about how Kafka has the ability to regenerate well it was taken to a whole other level number eight complet completely twisted and broke its own spine to land another surprise attack what's more is that it instantly regenerated and threw the general onto the floor disregarding all human logic without even stopping for a moment number eight started his Rampage ASA commented that he would be dead from these punches without Kaiju number two's Shield however one Force Blast punch from the director sent number rate flying because it was a sonic boom which means an immense attack power was delivered straight to C body which is why the general was successful in exposing ca's heart which was number Eight's core however number eight was smarter than his s thought as it sacrificed the body to this killing blow in order to regenerate via the core taking his regeneration feat to an even greater level the Kaiju managed to reconstruct a whole new body behind the general at a high speed so essentially if you don't destroy the core of number eight he pretty much won't die and can just regenerate everything but of course this was taking an insane toll on kafka's body because he was sure that he wouldn't last if the fight continued so as number eight was going punch for- punch with his S as their attacks met they caused massive damage to the two layers of military grade bunker keep in mind this bunker was said to withstand a fortitude up to 10 the fortitude of Kaiju are based on a logarithmic scale similar to tsunamis and earthquakes so number eight at a 9.8 fortitude would be 1 billion times stronger longer than a fortitude one Kaiju check out this graph from a 6.4 monster compared to 9.8 you can see the evidence for this claim and the power being scaled exponentially like even according to Kaiju number 15 in order to eliminate number eight it would require The Joint Forces of itself and its other fortitude n siblings implying that individually none of them can take him down which is proven to be true as a result number Eight's fortitude was surpassing the General's estimations and he had to unleash a beam to stop it number eight simply tanked this ball of pure energy blast though with a roar however even though it did cause some damage number eight went berserk and began breaking the area as well as slamming Isa onto the ground with no counter on the inside it seemed to Kafka like number eight was devouring him as he began to fall prey to his thoughts while the monster was about to deal the final blow but on the verge of giving up he remembered the promise to Mina and took back control stabbing himself with his bare hand de claim his human it before collapsing see guys this is what good [ __ ] is capable of no I can't say that it was ordered that CFA would be given a chance to prove his worth as a weapon of the Defense Force and shifted to division one this event caused great fear in kafka's mind though as he did not want to lose control over himself so when he was sent on a mission with karoo he tried to rely on just a partial transformation but quickly realized that he couldn't win however as he tried to kfu was shocked to see that he couldn't transform for some reason but this wasn't the worst problem he had whilst he was struggling out of nowhere Kaiju number8 appeared in front of him with an entirely new form number nine had upgraded itself with knowledge from their previous clash and even found a way to create its clones as soon as it identified Kafka as an opponent it shot a projectile that broke through his suit and promised to kill Kafka to take his great power for itself in kafka's own words number nine was too fast to even see making its attacks extremely hard to deal with but right before number nine could kill Kafka the power of friendship arrived Kiku asked Kafka to lend his strength and saved his ass you know the standard rule of Shonen right your friend in danger your help sunnday a all nice and needs your strength double help flashbacks for your character development get your ass over there and so Kafka unlocks his strength due to her words making nine reveal even more of its Evolution explaining that Kafka had developed his power since the last time they met and and Kafka literally blitzes through it before he can even react Kafka was aiming at number Nine's core but it was accidentally the ant's core with whom the monster had merged as they began an intense fight kafa noted that since number eight took over him he had learned how to use his body better and even realized that he hadn't drawn out number Eight's power at all meaning he had leveled up once again capka landed a huge punch at nine from the top that shattered its entire merged body a single punch from cfu caused nine to also recall its clone to fuse together to gain back its strength but both narumi and catha totally pulverized it however they realized that all of this was a distraction from number n's actual Target who was none other than Isa and the power of Kaiju number two as they hurried to rescue they only discovered the General's injured body but it was actually Kaiju number nine who had taken over leaving narumi and Kafka to protect their comrades number nine accomplished its Mission and escaped once again both Kafka and this Beast are paralleling each other after each Arc their power levels keep increasing to match CFA does it through training and understanding more about number Eight's abilities using human ethics whilst nine absorbs other monsters and is adapting his strategies everyone was left with a void and anger over number nine escaping naromi asked to Kafka to use his power to defeat the monster in the future to which Kafka promptly agreed however it also turned out that he was slowly turning into a kaiju for good as his hand didn't return back to human that evening kafa went for a jog around the base and encountered Soso he exed gratitude for his role in Saving the third division during the attack by number 10 he offered to train Kafka in combat so that he could rely as little as possible on number eight transformation hence they went to reune a shrine to spar that Kafka could gain a new power the Vice Captain praised his progress but warned him about his tendency to become overconfident as kij number eight leading to him fighting recklessly regardless receiving acknowledgement from someone as physically strongest sorero me that Kafka had actually deel veled plenty it's like getting Captain Levi to tell you something nice about you SRO claimed in chapter 14 despite having 4% less power output than the strongest officer Mina he's better at fighting medium and small-sized Kaiju which makes him the perfect Sensei for Kafka he continued to train his body using the basics of troop style hand-to-hand combat kfka was learning to channel the power generated by his lower body into his fists meaning he needed to follow five basic steps that the general Isa had developed and mastered after all he was the strongest his Defense Force officer this leads to Kafka saying sorry to all his friends as he had cut Communications with everyone thinking that they would treat him as a monster but he was just being a big dummy you idiot you're honestly an idiot I don't know what I don't know what's wrong with you as it turns out all of his friends were really supporting him in the end but speaking of which the general inside kyi number nine starts to fade away as his Consciousness dissipates he realizes that the war is about to begin stating that kafa and the others are the only hope for Humanity where they must save the future as he believes in them this leads to a 3-month Time skip when trouble shows up at their doorstep once again this time number nine released a huge bunch of specially trained kaijus to wreck havoc in the city Kafka was first assigned to rear guard duty to keep him as a special weapon to use against number nine but Kaiju 13 had other plans it targeted the main force of division 1 and defeated platoon leaders shinomi and tachibana just as shinan was about to get killed half was swooped in before 13 could even land the punch as he transformed every Kaiju in the area became aware of his presence this made 13 very enthusiastic and eager to fight Kafka instantly enhancing its muscles by running on the spot it then took the stance of a race bringing back how it was competing with the cars by running at high speeds for 12 km earlier it was merely charging its super speed and it was announced that its fortitude was rising to 9.2 before shinomi could even warn Kafka rushed towards him with a power packed punch which Kafka just stopped with a single arm he punched 13 into the roof at once killing instantly truly like an insect this made even Kaiju number 15 noted that Kafka was in an entirely different level according to their orders the Kaiju was supposed to join forces in order to eliminate him showing that number n's encounters with Kafka had left a huge impression it all comes into fruition with its divide and Rule strategy number nine had sent out all it could to weaken and exhaust the Defense Force in order to take over its main target to combine with Mina the strongest Defense Force officer with 96% Unleashed power when kurusu announced the number n's appearance in tachikawa Kafka immediately became concerned for Mina's safety he transformed without hesitation determined to not let another tragedy like director General shoma's death occur however number nine informed him that he would not reach her in time as the third wave had been Unleashed with the Kaiju launching a coordinated assault as he recalled his childhood promised to mina Kafka declared war on the new series of Da Kaiju killing them ruthlessly even though there were no match for Kafka number nine was sure that it was enough to stop him reaching minor and time as Kafka needed to protect of the civilians and officers with each passing moment Kafka was getting desperate and fighting at an insane Pace against the swarm of Kaiju however he suddenly sensed a very powerful and Sinister presence who turned out to be Leno and the others with their backing cka could finally face off against number nine and save Mina much to the Kaiju surprise its arm was immediately cut off with just a single bout the entire area was filled with shock waves causing Kafka to admit that he knew number nine was strong however he was no longer weak either as he came prepared over the months of grueling training he had learned the troop style hand-to-hand combat from soshiro kfka landed a massive punch so powerful it put the entire city at risk as just the two exchanging blows pushed the ENT entire infrastructure to its absolute limits seeing how strong kfka had become Kaiju number n thought he could hit him with the unaa reverse and fight back with Isa Shin's perfected combat style after all he had absorbed him but number nine didn't realize though that he wasn't him knowing that this moment would come HOSA passed on his family's secret combat technique to Kafka with this powerful fighting style heavily drilled into him he was finally able to surpass Isa and hit kju number n was something that even it didn't know about Squadron style combat technique number three variant modified twin blast this meant catha had now not only mastered isa's combat style but hosa's too now if you want to learn more about Peak fiction then make sure you click this video on your screen right now
Channel: Anime Balls Deep
Views: 293,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaiju no 8, kaiju no 8 episode 1, kaiju no 8 season 1, kafka hibino, how strong is kafka, kaiju powers, manga, anime, anime balls deep, kaiju no 8 powers, kaiju no 8 story, kafka, why was kafka chosen, kaiju no 8 explained, kafka hibino vs, strongest character in kaiju 8, kaiju no.8 manga, Kikoru Shinomiya, kaiju no 8 vs kaiju no 9, how strong is kaiju 8, kaiju no 8 chapter 106, how strong is kafka hibino, how strong is kaiju no 8, kaiju no 8 recap, kaiju no 8 full story
Id: R0ToRUJdckM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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