All 15 Numbered Kaiju and Their STRONGEST Weapons RANKED & EXPLAINED

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for over a thousand years Japan's people have battled creatures of nightmares kaijus we're all going to die these monsters come in all shapes and sizes each with their own destructive power that could destroy an entire city but you're probably wondering why is cfus called number eight and is his power literally left right good night and how do the humans in the Defense Force extract the Kaiju powers to create these bad boys well to understand everything about numbered kaijus we need to dive B deep into the LW he said it he said it each Kaiju possesses different abilities but all of them gained their powers from a body part called the uni organ they can do anything from teleportation shape shifting flight and even your favorite yapping they can actually now despite this nearly every Kaiju is unique with only a few similarities such as having a core that is like a heart however the location of this core is different between each of them hidden behind their extremely durable bodies in order to combat all of this the anti- Kaiju Defense Force assigned a scale to measure strength and classification which is called fortitude level the first category of kaijus within this is honu which is the largest and most powerful serving as the leader of all other smaller monsters in an army these creatures usually boast a fortitude level exceeding 6.0 and to put this in perspective a honu in chapter 7 with a fortitude level of 6.4 required an entire platoon of Defense Force soldiers to stop it and even then only a captain or Vice Captain could neutralize a Kaiju like it all alone the smaller kaijus have a name for themselves called yoju who appear in large numbers but despite having a lesser name for themselves some of these monsters can even surpass a 6.0 fortitude it just depends on their leader if they're immensely stronger making them look like pipsqueaks this is because the fortitude levels are exponential rather than linear which means a 9.0 monster would be multiple times stronger than even 8.0 or 7.0 so with that knowledge monsters that achieve a power of 8.0 or above have a special category assigned to them called D taiu I mean just look at them you know what I'm doing seeing that run run now unlike me who who would fold within a second according to records humans such as the hosha family is renowned for their swordsmanship dating back to the murachi period which was around 600 years ago The Souls of those who died killing Kaiju have been enshrined as seen in chapter 66 that means these dudes have been fighting monsters for centuries perfecting their combat Styles as gai Jews emerged as far back as the Marik era which span the years of 1655 to 1658 but putting the history lesson aside the power levels of these creatures doesn't depend on their size unlike what she tells you pause now this is true because even our boy kafa is a daai Jew as he boasts a fortitude level of 9.8 the reason he was immediately treated as a threat when his form was discovered was because diai Jew are usually capable of engaging in independent destruction according to ISA shom Mia the Defense Force had only about two dozen Elite officers capable of challenging them with fewer than 10 able to do so individually this number is extremely low because even within daai jeu the numbered are the most terrifying their abilities are unique and it takes multiple Captain level officers to defeat an identified number making their neutralization extremely difficult so how do humans keep up with this Insanity I mean some of us just want to enjoy Taco Tuesday well the Geniuses and the Defense Force figured out the answer with anime science the combat suit used by members of the Defense Force provided by isumo Tech work with the government neutralization Bureau the defense suit is a bioweapon Weapon made of Kaiju cells and muscle fibers and depending on the Unleashed combat power it Buffs the wearers physical attributes like strength speed precision and reflexes isumu Tech is the biggest anti-ku weapon manufacturer company in Japan once Dau are killed they are turned into even more powerful numbered weapons that give humans strength equal to them to combat future threats these are the strongest weapons Humanity has made which makes them the most precious asset to the Defense Force however the only way to wield these tools is to match them with a compatible user as they take a massive toll on the bodies when a compatible user synchronizes with the energy and cells of a daiju it stimulates their brains which leads to a surge in a neurotransmitter level this causes their basic human desire is and nature to surface sometimes to the point of risking death so if that doesn't sound like anime times what can I tell you f now because of the continued use of numbered weapons it can strain the users body and even shorten their lifespan on top of that the users can have visions of the Kaiju and access the memories of the weapons pass owners as ghosts are they sure that they not schizophrenic imagine you saw a ghost and people would be like you're right in the head mate for legal reasons that's a joke I'm kidding I need to stop joking around because this ghost is believed to be the memories of the previous user stored within the monster for example kikuro shamia could see her mother fighting with the same weapons as when she was alive however in the unique case of H's numbered Weapon made from Kaiju number 10's body it is considered a sentient weapon as it can speak and move partially on its own just look at how it was constantly yapping in his air telling him to face every monster head on instead of being a puss shut up but with the law out of the way let's begin with the 15 identified kaijus throughout history and their powers according to director General isau Shino Mia Kaiju number one was a ver a monster whose attacks were impossible to avoid because it had a special ability its retina could see through living things and find their weak points giving it enhanced Vision this also allowed it to predict its opponent's moves knowing what they would do in advance making Kaiju number one's attacks incredibly accurate yeah yeah yeah I can already see you typing it oh my God it's basically the Shing on they copy you're smoking crack stop but essentially number one was the first numbered weapon created from a neutralized Kaiju making it Japan's oldest numbered weapon it is currently used by the strongest Defense Force member Jen narumi who is the captain of squad number one his Unleashed combat power is 98% and he is capable of a full release which brings out the full power of kaijun number one however even though the weapon has the same power as the Kaiju genen created a more advanced form of foresight when he was facing Kaiju number 11 Jen narumi struggled to use the weapon's Powers because the monster had the ability to control water making it hard for him to operate effectively but this dude leveled up he evolved its abilities so that it could detect electrical signals and electron movements temperature changes and terrain alterations this insane power helped him easily overcome a die Kaiu of at least 9.0 fortitude however since this weapon lacks brute strength on its own genen cannot stop or block an extremely powerful attack from his opponent plus repeated usage of this weapon causes his eyes to bleed which makes me put Kaiju number one at a here moving me on to Kaiju number two as this one has unparalleled rule power this massive Kaiju was a disaster that appeared in 1972 and nearly destroyed the city of saporo the largest city in hokkaido's prefecture however once the Defense Force eventually defeated it its body was used to create the combat suit and gauntlets for the general himself isau Shino Mia number two's power made its weapon so strong that only a man of his caliber could handle its might the general created troop style focused on hand-to-hand combat this fighting style is derived from the lower body where they use a channels the power created with the legs into their fists the General's fighting style combined with his combat suit and number two's gauntlets allowed him to fight like da Kaiu it is so effective that hosino trained Kafka to use this power against number nine whom both are utilizing at full power everyone witnessing their fight states that with just a few blows the entire city won't last much longer with the fragility of civilization being exposed and just like the other monsters number two had an immense sense of Pride holding on to it until its very death but even still it had fully merged with the general to reach a formidable level of power as he even faced kafa going berserk in Kaiju number 8's form their battle was literally two Kaiju clashing their egos against each other with number two easily overpowering number eight for most of the battle even injuring its extremely durable body making it break its own spine and destroying everything just leaving its core this meant that even though the general was past his prime number two's weapons allowed him to reach a DA Kaiju level of fighting capacity the director himself commented that he will be dead from number Eight's punches without Kaiju number two Shields showcasing how durable it was as we know kafka's Monster possesses a fortitude level of 9.8 and this would explain why it took the defense for so long to kill number two in the first place before it destroyed an entire city in 1972 now one of its powers that allowed number two to perform such a crazy feat was its Sonic Boom a single Force Blast punch from the director sent number eight flying and as soon as their attacks met they caused massive damage to two layers of the military great bunker which could withstand a 10.0 fortitude however even then they still shatter the floor and walls but it gets even better at full Rel lease Kaiju number n claims that not even its powered up body could withstand the attack of the General's bur so since Kaiju number two could release incredibly destructive energy like electricity from its mouth the suit made from its body could also emit extremely high levels of electromagnetic energy making it clear as day that number two belonged in a because it was simply impossible to stand against and combined with the power of the general it was a whole different Beast together to prove this although number one's weapon user Jen holds the title as the strongest he has never once been able to beat his former mental the general shinoa the reason for this is because he acknowledged Jen narumi's level of skill and that it would soon surpass his own so he kept up with his training nonstop even in the late hour hours of the night to continue being a war that stood in Jen's way to overcome him one day this swiftly brings us to Kaiju number four it possesses several sets of wings on its back enabling it to achieve high speeds in Flight in fact number Four's weapons form is regarded as the fastest among all numbered weapons now considering how number 9 and 8 in the manga dealt with speeds equal to Mark 5 to 10 which is around 3,800 to 7,600 kmph we start to get an idea hence the weapon also grants the user Wings similar to Kaiju number four enabling them to fly through the air with unmatched speed it allows the user to effortlessly defeat Kaiju at speeds too quick for the human eye to even track we see a display of this speed in chapter 72 when kodo Shoma was able to cross the rest of the distance to the National Diet building from Cotto W of Tokyo in an instant at this speed breaking multiple sound barriers with Kaiju number four suit kodo moves too fast for the 40% and higher defense for soldiers to even keep track of her in battle and common she is lightning fast in fact we can scale Kaiju number Four's weapon to Mark 177 during a battle monster number 15 was in Shinjuku wall and Karo started in araki Coast she is fired from across the bay water and straight to the wall and what do you know once she shows up she slays the 7.04 Kaiju with ease even if we use a ballp park of 3 seconds to cross an 18 km distance Mark 17 would be reached which is almost 21,000 km per hour number Four's weapon being used by one of the strongest Defense Force members is proof of its strength hyi is not only the wife of General Isa but she was also a famous captain of the second division in other words she was like the mea asido of her time and served as a pillar of the Defense Force to the point that number four imprinted her memory within the weapon when kikuro her daughter began using the weapon she could see her mother's ghost appear as number four as it was very very judgmental wither like a typical Asian parent it didn't acknowledge kikuro to use the weapon efficiently until she achieved her mother's capacity of speed and fighting Powers after training with Jen narumi kikuro is able to release 84% of her suits power with the number growing to 88% in a stable form and 94% % at its highest thus far kiku's combat power percentage is the highest as a non-ap Defense Force officer this puts number four at a power level of B because it heavily relies on the users's combat ability hyrie and kikuro are both prodigies which is why they could make the monster appear so formidable with only 7.0 fortitude monsters being dealt with so far we are yet to see something higher as even hyrie had to sacrifice her life to stop number six and speaking of which it's next up the king of Kaiju when it was alive number six possessed a fortitude level of 9.6 making it the strongest da Kaiu after cfas number eight its appearance and title is a homage to Godzilla the king of monsters as number six was behind a great disaster That Shook Japan 10 years ago it orchestrated an unparalleled cataclysm alongside multiple honu resulting in one of the biggest catastrophes ever recorded this event led to the death of 200 defense officers and three captains with second division Captain haky Shoma being the most notable victim its attack in oara triggered a snowstorm solidifying its reputation as the symbol of Despair even after being converted converted into a weapon Kaiju number six remained unmatched in power being considered the most dangerous weapon in the Defense Force Arsenal in fact there wasn't anybody compatible with the weapon so it was abandoned in Cold Storage as a numbered weapon his strength was still formidable enough to defeat a skilled young officer like Leno ichikawa as it possessed ice related abilities its mere presence on the battlefield could induce a massive snow storm and the suit created from it can emit cold energy however Hino recommended Leno as a compatible user for this weapon which is how he used it successfully in battle against a mold type 67 Kaiju officially becoming the weapons wielder in the force currently whilst wearing weapon six Leno's full release Force has risen to 43% and he can further increase his suit's power to 51 he gains many abilities from the da Kaiju such as expelling large amounts of ice and freezing energy from his body mimicking Kaiju number six Powers Leno can also use it to stick to his surroundings by releasing ice from his feet which helps him maintain balance and the outfit also contains freezing rounds in his gun but he doesn't even need the gun because he can freeze his opponents with a single Touch of his hand after honing his skills even more Leno can now freeze an entire swarm of die Kaiu in a single attack which is absolutely ridiculously broken basically you have the power of cryokinesis the psychic ability to control and create ice and cold temperatures ice is pretty much at your fingertips that can be applied to your imagination for any power that you would need so even without Leno's skills number six is definitely a very solid and dangerous weapon and the fact that even hiky had no chance against it with her overpower number four it tells us that it's an easy s TI classification now I'm here to tell you to never judge a book by its cover because the most OP and strongest Kaiju on this list is actually this guy okay no actually you know what in this case do judge a book by its cover because this series is literally named after it nonetheless despite looking like it belongs in Australia this bug would go down in history as one of the greatest Kaiju to ever exist with a fortitude level of 9.8 I'm of course talking about none other than Kaiju number eight who searched for Kafka and forcefully made him its Host this makes their Duo the only known symbiotic and friendly coexistence of a human and Kaiju without either one of them being dead because of this though Kafka G gained the ability to transform into a powerful humanoid D Kaiju giving him incredible Powers over time he learned to control this overwhelming strength more effectively allowing him to transform specific body parts whilst maintaining a human appearance according to his needs most of the time however due to his Kaiju nature kfka can only access a fraction of his own power limiting his combat suits capabilities to just 1% but let's be it who needs a Kaiju suit when you can have a Kaiju form kafka's Kaiju transformation boasts unparalleled fortitude he can easily overpower other Kaiju including ones as formidable as number nine kafka's Mastery over his new form is such that he can even take on attacks from seasoned Defense Force soldiers like soshiro and disarm them without even causing harm however when facing Isa in his op Kaiju number two KFA struggled to control his transformation leading to an uncontrollable Rampage as the monster inside him had only one Mission kill Kaiju even though he retain his Consciousness kafka's body was completely in the hands of Kyu number8 who was zeroed out on completely destroying everything this is because whilst the origins of this little guy are mysterious we do know that its survival instincts are crazy and that he's got some serious beef with other Kaiju I'm talking like Kendrick and Drake level he he dropped another track on he doubled down on you another TR I finished with this one the only way kafa was was able to prevent it from killing Isa in his weapon number two was by momentarily grasping control so that he could impale himself in the chest after his recovery kafka's use of K number eight drastically improved as seeing how it fought against Isa made him realize he wasn't drawing out the full power of this creature so Kafka took inspiration and completely bodied number n's clone with absolute ease in terms of combat style Kafka has to adapt due to his limited ability to use the defense Force's standard equipment however after number n's absorption of number two Kafka learned the fundamentals of the Squadron style combat technique from sosro enabling him to channel power into his fists an ability which put the entire structure of the city at risk when he used it against Kaiju number n thus to compete with and Tackle number n's memory of aa's Mastery over this technique SRO took it upon himself to teach Kafka the secret hos family style and incorporate it into his Squadron technique this evolved version allowed Kafka to pass and produce a greater power output than Isa himself using his number three variant modified twist blast and so it goes without saying that kafka's raw power is immeasurable as just a single punch can destroy da Kaiju several times bigger than him his durability is also exceptional with thick skin that allows him to tank powerful attacks even if he does take damage like when hoso managed to slice into his torso by using its ability to shape shift Kaiu number eight simply broke the blade by growing a mouth in place of the cut we've also winess cka used this shape-shifting ability to buff himself and his power output as seen in chapter 8 this power can be used for various purposes such as creating tentacles or morphing his tongue into a capturing weapon what's more is that he can regenerate from injuries and even regrow limbs although this does drain a lot of stamina in addition to this though is that Kafka also has the ability to slow down the Regeneration of others as seen against kyogen number n whose crazy healing Factor was slowed down considerably to the point he had to flee luckily kyogen number Eight's speed and reflexes are fantastic helping it avoid the need of using its own regeneration by dodging high-speed attacks as well as covering great distances with its leaps I mean bro even dodged Hypersonic attacks from Kaiju number n he can also release a powerful energy beam which can enhance his strength and speed by emitting it from its body's pores and this is a big boost too is it made it so that even its Roar destroyed kiju number 's projectiles most importantly catha's transformation has also granted him a unique sense that allows him to detect nearby Kaiju and identify their types despite earlier working only in his Kaiju form now be it underground or several miles away kafka's Kaiju detection works even in his human form this also signals that the merging between number eight and Kafka is underway as after a certain number of Transformations his hand didn't go back to being human as this assimilation is completed we can't even begin to imagine the Beast Kafka will become meaning he easily goes into the S tier category but if you want to know more about this little guy and why he chose KFA I hear that there's a video floating around where it goes balls deep into the topic hm that being said we're not done as there are even more crazy ass Kaiju and none are more unhinged than Kaiju number nine with its creepy shape-shifting abilities where it can absorb and turn into any human such as this you see number nine is The Mastermind behind a series of disasters that hit Japan in recent times these aren't just your mindless Kaiu attacks though they are calculated acts of War yep Kaiu number n acts in the most evil human way possible which is what makes it so terrifying that's right as we said earlier the corpses of Kaiju are turned into powerful weapons but number nine is on a mission to bring them back to the Kaiju side in fact it is ruthless and focused on completing its Missions at any cost showing no hesitation in killing enemies who confront it the most terrifying power it possesses is its insane shape-shifting using it to blend in with humans and attack at the right time it first appeared during the final phase of the Defense Force examination to One-Shot karoo moreover it also displayed its power to revive dead Kaiu by resurrecting honu she had killed something which shouldn't have been possible months later number nine disguised himself as a human to do the same in the battle at sagamihara however when his true form was revealed by Leno and iaru he fought them aiming to capture a live Defense Force officer his goal was to become stronger until he could take back all these Kaiju and so what better way to do that than Devour the strongest soldiers to weaken their forces you heard that right number Nine's op ability is that he can merge anyone with himself be it Kyu or human in fact it can also access the memories and physical abilities of the people it merges with thus by absorbing a human with a Kaiju weapon number nine would become exponentially stronger with a whole range of new abilities it's killing two birds with one stone but despite Leno's powerful attack against it number nine effortlessly protected himself by manipulating nearby corpses to act as one giant meat Shield mocking Leno's efforts showcasing it was capable of emotion but at this moment it was not as strong as our boy Kafka despite his projectiles being able to p number eight armor is in an instant number nine was decapitated in fact the series was set to end there and then as CFA managed to expose his core nonetheless plot armor came to his side other soldiers arrived at the scene giving him the slightest opening to escape through but not before vowing to kill Kafka in the future it showcased its incredible speed and reflexes able to move so quickly that even Leno struggled to track it whilst it was deflecting bullets effortlessly additionally it is highly durable able as it took on several punches from Kafka in his Kaiju form but still did not die but most importantly is number Nine's intelligence and ability to adapt which sets it apart from all else making it the biggest disaster the world has ever faced the director General even called number nine a virus and Ki considered it a major threat using its big brain number nine outplayed the entire Defense Force to complete its primary objective to Target the director of the Defense Force Isa it was here number nine molted to level up this made it so that he could go toe to- Toe with a full release isy and weapon numbers two but two full power energy blasts headon and despite barely hanging on he did survive in fact he' become so strong that number n himself even had to ask if maybe he was actually too powerful now thus it's no surprise that Kaiju number n is among the strongest Kaiju in the series with a fortitude level of 8.5 at the very beginning how however after absorbing the power of number two in isau number nine is the new king of the monsters meaning its fortitude level must be through the roof what's worse is that by taking in the memory of the Defense Force General number nine then also had a complete and total understanding of all the Intel and isa's mastered abilities this is dangerous when you take into consideration how he has the ability to order and control hundreds of other Kaiju including ones of a fortitude level over 9.0 and it goes without saying that number n's overall ability also went to the Moon from its ability to create new and more advanced and numbered Kaiju to its overall strength whereas kfka had beaten him within an inch of his life before this time number nine was able to match his Punch's strength to block them with one hand whil also fighting the strongest officer naromi and his weapon number one something cka thought was just simply impossible to further emphasize this insane Boost number nine got after merging with the S and his weapon whilst naromi originally overpowered him with his foresight ability to literally see someone's movements before they happen after the merger number nine was able to react in time to naram's attacks that is how fast this man thinks and acts now whereas before he had to root himself into the ground to create a large bombardment of projectiles to destroy an entire city block after molting he was shown to do this with just a single attack all of this alone makes him an easy s tier Kaiju but we're not done as he can even pone himself create a field that stops all communication from entering almost like its very own pocket Dimension free from outside interference and finally fly at speeds that break the sound barrier a fun fact is that it was told that number nine has a base at the Philippine Sea which is a nod to the movie Pacific Rim kyi number nine and slaten a kyi from that film even Shar several similarities in their appearance such as Hammerhead like heads multiple eyes and a spiky scaly body additionally they are both considered the strongest Kyu in their respective worlds and cannot be easily killed by anti- Kaiu forces both also seem to have a leadership role amongst other Kyu acting as Alpha specimens Kaiju number n embodies this by being the parent of multiple Kaiju constructing to fight against the Defense Force officers this showcased his high level intelligence which adds weight to number n's easy classification in the S tier as using asa's memories he created specific Kaiju to counter each powerful officer's strengths starting with number 10 right after Kafka and the crew got done with their first mission they were faced with a massive threat an attack on the division 3 base at tachikawa this Kaiju attacks with a wyen type yoju aiming to capture the Defense Force members directly going for Soso hos the Vice Captain to everyone's shock it proved to be as powerful if not stronger than Kaiu number eight its punches were likened to meteorites one hit on sosro and he'd be dead is the air pressure of the strikes a own destroyed city blocks whilst defensively it was a cut up of the rest too as even its hide was stated to be stronger than Kaiju number eight number 10 is also incredibly quick capable of dodging even soso's rapid attacks and demonstrating remarkable reflexes this is notable because SRO is one of the fastest soldiers on the Defense Force when it comes to medium-sized kaijus despite damaging gate number three number 10's arm was severed by Soso before it could finish him off and it transformed its appearance to grow in size in this form it overpowered Soso with ease and prepared to kill him only to be one shot by Mina with help from SRO and kikuro they exposed number 10's core and destroyed it but not before it used a loud scream to order a bum strike from the wyver type Kaiju under its command nonetheless number 10's Consciousness remained intact after its defeat and was weaponized for SRO to use despite their fighting Stars clashing sosro had to let number 10 take control during the battle at kofu airport a battle which saw the airport annihilated as sosro and Kaiju number 10 matched blows with a fortitude 9 Kaiju they even executed a new technique the sword slay with 12 strikes that exposed and damaged number 12's core after the suit's full release number 10 initially had a fortitude level of 8.3 which increased to 9 when it transformed even when it was merely just a floating head in a tank it retained a fortitude level of 5.7 however number 10 revealed that it was created by number n as a failed prototype for number 12 which is why he was an outcast and chose to side with SRO to fight strong opponents thus he became the first ever Kaiu to ask to be turned into a weapon and the first ever sentient one as well because of this the author mat zamoto stated he gave the weapon a tail so that number 10 had something he could control outside of H's will symbolizing a dog chasing after their tail which is what hos and number 10's Dynamic is based on but giving that number 10's fortitude level is not as high as compared to other D Kaiju and only works well against mediumsized Kaiju whilst also being a prototype unfortunately for him he lands in the B tier now whilst number 10 was a failed prototype it didn't let that stop number nine from creating the perfect version Kaiju number 12 however whilst looking similar it was a quiet and indifferent creature unlike the aggressive number 10 and and though it was a miniature class Kaiju number 12 was specifically designed to combat and defeat Soso the defense Force's strongest Close Quarters combatant as it exhibited immense physical strength and speed far surpassing that of kiju number 10 it was capable of launching its opponents through the air and causing significant destruction with just one slash number 12 even managed to outmaneuver and eventually Corner the Vice Captain shattering his swords in a desperate move SRO switched to a backup Katana and adopted a different sword which allowed him to sever one of number 12's hands despite this setback number 12 did not get defeated showcasing its insane durability moreover number 12 not only survived but also adapted to sash's fighting style what it did this instantly by growing a new arm with a newly spawned blade of its own and mimicked sash's single blade technique however SRO devised a new technique on the spot along with number 10 managing to expose number 12's core nonetheless on the 12th and final strike the Kaiju blocked it where it even landed a major strike that severed the tail of the number 10 suit shockingly it could easily penetrate Defense Force equipment and even damage a numbers weapon 10 all whilst sosro was at full release nonetheless the tail he had earlier cut off came back to haunt him as number 10 still had independent control Landing the killing blow to the core from behind despite suffering this critical blow number 12 still displayed insane resilience regrowing an arm and attempting to continue the fight but at this point its core began to break down and even though number 12 attempted to push forward it collapsed and Faded Away SRO offered a gesture of respect and acknowledged it for its formidable fighting Spirits because after all the fact that it showed Mastery and swordsmanship even against SRO who was considered the best in the Defense Force was too huge of a feat to ignore Landing it in the a tier the third Kaiju created by number nine was first spotted on the tahuko expressway it raced alongside cars reaching high speeds for 12 km before Vanishing the idea for K number 13 was inspired by Urban yo-kai from Japanese folklore that is said to run at high speeds on highways and through tunnels therefore this competitive nature was the only personality K number 13 displayed and unlike some of its siblings it was unable to speak and showed no interest in its surroundings focusing solely on defeating its enemies quickly during the cataclysmic attacks number 13 appeared in aumi and was later targeted by the first division platoon leaders despite their efforts Kaiu number 13 gained the upper hand with no injuries nearly killing platoon leader tachibana after all number 13 started with the 4ud level of nine which increased to 9.2 when it powered up this makes number 13 the Kaiju with the third highest fortitude level known only behind number six and number eight in fact platoon leader rench inom fell into complete despair stating fighting it was useless as its offensive capabilities and Mobility far exceeded that of any kind you they had fought before when she fired at it with her machine gun number 13 easily swatted away the bullets and destroyed a weapon with a powerful punch showcasing its strength moreover when Ren attacked it with a freezing grenade and a rifle number 13 quickly closed the distance and knocked her down however before it could finish her off Kafka transformed and intervened this surprised 13 and it suddenly became excited at the thought of fighting Kaiju number eight hence number 13 enhan its muscles by running in place and charged at CF oh yeah just chook it into a tier and let's move on shall we now Kaiju number 14 is definitely the weirdest one created by number n i mean look at it look at this thing like what in the 2001 Space Odyssey is this no wonder people were freaked out when it randomly appeared in Sait prefecture's train line however despite its appearance this kiju actually has some insane power when number 14 appeared in tachikawa Captain Mina took charge of neutralizing it because the Kaiju was massive and floated in the air despite her efforts number 14 used its instant teleportation ability to evade her attacks which were purposefully designed by number n as a countermeasure to me's longdistance weapon skills moreover number 14 had the ability to destroy the City by projecting destructive energy beams from each mouth on its head in fact it even generated a force field that endured attacks of missile fire and standard Defense Force rifles however when number 14 launched a direct attack on Mina she managed to dodge and Counterattack to destroy it so I'll go ahead and say this is also a tier but that wasn't the end as despite number 14 being declared dead Kyu number N9 forcefully created a portal through its body connecting to its counterpart allowing nine to surprise gang Mina so that it could absorb her incredible power for itself the last specially manufactured Kyu from number 9's Factory was the opponent of karoo Kaiju number 15 was the most humanlike Kaiju creat Ed by number n which could be because of isa's memories since he wanted to take down Karo number n used his power to read the memories to create a replica with the only substantial difference between the two being black hair instead of blonde in fact the way it behaved including her arrogance was similar to karoo going as far as her daddy issues since its creation number 15 also sought number n's love and affection much like a human daughter would from her father however number nine manipulated 15's emotions using them to make it stronger for its own goals being oblivious to 15's feelings and seeing it only as a porn number nine told her that killing Karu would be the ultimate challenge for 15 if it wanted love from the monster which is why it later appeared in shabuya Ward where it observed its surroundings for 3 minutes before departing 3 months later the Kaiju disguised itself as a human being before attacking some bystanders in Koko and during the cataclysm it faced off against karoo even though it appeared like a little girl the kaija revealed its true nature as a cruel cunning creature as it was powerful enough to easily kill multiple Defense Force officers in chapter 78 but what truly made it a formidable opponent for Karo was its mental Powers because number n's aim with this was to attack kikuro where she was the weakest her mind its master plan was to work around her unparalleled strength and exploit her insecurities ver number 15 constantly mocked Karu throughout the fight showing off its abilities including moving freely in the air and superhuman physical strength allowing it to crack buildings and concrete with ease number 15 could also release extremely powerful energy beams from its mouth capable of scattering in different directions to take out various targets or releasing a single beam powerful enough to wipe out an entire Defense Force platoon and destroy a building in one blow thus it ridiculed Karo for not being able to take it down even with her axe showcasing its remarkable speed by evading and catching up to the fastest numbers weapon to put this into perspective karo's weaponized number four was said to be the the fastest kaija to exist scaling to Max 17 yet she was completely counted and evaded by number 15 however with the help of karo's Mom's ghost she finally managed to land a slight hit on 15's face and reach her maximum combat power to expose 15's core who was forced into retaliating with a psychological attack you see number 15 could manipulate the psyche of its victims connecting to their brains and control their minds forcing them to recollect memories and traumas from their life additionally it could read minds pinpoint specific events or emotions and create Illusions through the target's memory hence inside her subconsciousness number 15 questioned Kiko about her reason for wanting to become stronger and taunted her by stating that her parents were dead and that she could never be praised by them again this caused Kikar to fall into despair but she overcame this thanks to her memories of Kafka as Karu regained her resolve to prove herself as a worthy Defense Force officer she relentlessly attacked number 15 eventually delivering a fatal blow to this a tier Kaiju although number 15 was a Despicable monster Kiku was able to give its sympathy for being mistreated by number nine and vowed to one day pay it back now if you want to enjoy even more Peak Kaiju fiction check out this video on how Kafka became the strongest
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 15sec (2595 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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