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what is this thing - Oh everybody my name's Brian we're back we're playing fantasy Smith v I thought we played this game again make some more swords and stuff I've got a little bit of a hack this time - let me move around the VR world so we can make a little bit easier to like you know move back and forth inside of our workshop there look at that it's my Griffin awake your wake dude I can't I can't lock on that window but there's a cool as heck Bert over here look at that dude it's a little post bird alright let's go inside and do some work so I got quite a few comments on the last video people really seem to enjoy this game hey buddy so he wants that sword now I can I can pick this up right I can put this here could put that on the on my little board alright yeah I know you want a golden sword that's a pretty fancy looking golden sword dude could you calm down and please don't throw anything in my shop this time now before I couldn't grab those tools cuz that's my wall is right here but watch this hey I can pull the world across and just grab things how cool is that all right I'm gonna stick that stuff there I'm gonna move the world back a little war what there we go alright let's get the fire going don't you be throwing anything at me cheap is it golden it's golden sword okay where's the sword steep there it is shut that in there get that nice and hot I did actually leave some feedback for the developers about this game because I think this game is great it's just got a couple of really bad problems with it and that's it so hopefully they can fix that and then it will be an awesome game all right let's go like that grab this thing okay get the fire going oh god oh god it's the little slime dirty back what is he gonna eat no wait alright he just I yeah hit him whack the slum whack it alright it's dead I need to grab this metal this metals cooling down let's grab that hopefully it's still warm enough to hit to stop hitting me I'm trying to make you an awesome sword I'm just gonna whack this mantle into shape why is this floating away stop it doesn't make sense oh my god oh I bet you he hit it with like some kind of spell didn't you dude it was you you changed the gravity in here oh my god it's this it's flirtin all over the place okay okay whack it stop it dude okay I think that's about as good as it's gonna get because I can't actually like get it on the ground anymore or I can't put it flat you've completely ruined your own sword why would you do that it's your fault that this is gonna be a bad sword alright it's gotta be thin at the top what I'm gonna stab it stab the blue slime got him got to make it thin at the top like this just like the tiny little chicken wants it all right dude that's about as good as you're gonna get okay I make a little bit better we'll do this section this is what happens stuff around in my stool get a body sword okay here we go grab this now we need a gem on it oh God I dropped it I dropped it I'm just gonna move over here Oh stab the slime all right eager little bunny get you a gem on there was a gems gems are hiding in the drawer yeah that's a nice looking sword it actually looks somewhat like what he wanted it just looks all bent out of place hey I'm a little Griffin duty you're awake he's kind of awake there you go there she stood do you like it hey hello hello little Griffin has he got Kia Scratchy's neck hey he likes it he actually likes it okay oh thanks man get me some money cool you can pet him that is the best I'm gonna put my money in here we'll close that up yeah give him a pen it's another bird guy this one's different from the other one what do you want dude you want this that's a dagger okay what war where's my hammer huh got him dagger with a golden handle made with bronze okay yeah I can do that this one's gonna be a bit of a challenge but we'll try get the metal I dropped it dropped on the ground it's ruined now five-second rule okay uh needs to be somewhat big at the top all right yep that's it make it nice and pointy cuz it's a dagger they're bigger at the top this is actually looking pretty good nice get the little slime dude rip okay go to take the blade over to the water cool it down put it there now we just need to sharpen this thing just a little bit back into shape so it looks like just need to sharpen it down here I think the rest of its not are maybe a little bit up here too and tell you what that actually looks somewhat like what this guy wants just gonna go over this way grab the handle don't throw that on the ground okay what gem is he won a gold one this one is that it is this what you want dude this is awesome dagger I'm just gonna test it out for you all right I got him you go dude take that yes is that it are you happy with it yeah noise oh cool three gold I can't wait to go to the markets again and stick this gold in a pig's face isn't that the best bit just gonna eat some a sandwich and the bread that's some good sandwich come in oh hey hey it's been a while to the market yeah yeah let's go to the market grab the basket let's go all right here we are at the market now if you guys could improve this game what would you do what sort of stuff would you add to this game to make it better what does was this guy won gold I'm gonna stick this gold in your nose come on give me the egg give me the egg golden egg yes golden eggs are great huh whack it dude I got money okay go for it let's just get all the things Oh golden egg put that in there what do we got golden egg another golden egg a black egg great no no or you can smash them on Sony's yes can I put them on what are the Sun Easter sunglasses obviously put them on Feist do you wear oh I'm sorry don't do that what about you know pig doesn't want to okay they're mine I guess put them in the basket all right oh yes potions a black egg what's this one Oh bigger egg was inside who would have known that's unreal ah what it's a Russian doll egg this is great this is the best it's like Christmas over and over and yeah I got this thing yes the demon sword of Azkaban that's its name all right let's put that in there I made that up by the way should we buy some more stuff pull my pants up I'd hate to get it built I really need to get a belt oh this black pig I like this one let's go again cheap egg egg me all right black egg huh not bad I've had this one before I'm glad to have it back again though all right it's a rare one let's get some more cosmetics I think this is a pig of cosmetics bang or black one black one all right hmm I'm gonna set one of these three do we drink them damn I don't know let's put them in there all right and be done with it let's go that was a good shopping trip on your Pig on your little buddy I'm gonna stick my finger in his nose all right so it's night time what is that is that a snow globe where did this come from where did this awesome snow globe come from we don't even put this thing I don't I don't even know what's going on okay I'll just put that there oh hang on we're all right move the Oh God really okay let's put it there instead that is really fancy you shush I'll close what where's the rest of my stuff I don't know what these Sony's do oh we can dress up Griffin all right no I'm sorting it the rest of my shop shut up she repeats the same thing over and over again that doesn't fit in there all right good enough yeah I get some handles got my magic handle all my money my money bucks watch why are you taking my money are you going what is this thing - oh where am i what is this you serious what is this thing this is like a tutorial I could see the little bad guy on the roof cool man don't stick your face in that weird stuff happens all right I want to make a sword with that cool handle hey buddy what are you after he wants a golden dagger I'm not making a dagger with it that's for sure let's make this one golden dagger with a golden handle and a purple gem you're all right on the blade kind of goes out that way all right it's for a bit of an added challenge geez I wish this game had a tutorial sir confused please fix the game so everybody knows what's going on all right golden thingy Chuck that in there you can see the gym on the on the furnace there changes to red when it's getting hot enough where's the point that's the bottom beat yeah it's gotta go out that way like that and then also up this way so it's got to come to a point this is actually looking pretty good I thought it was looking good I think that looks all right I'm pretty happy with that I'm gonna pick this up and gonna cool down there we go just take it over to the sharpening stone let's see if we can sharpen this bad boy up into the shape that we need it to be that's about as close as like you get it dude but it's still a really cool looking dagger okay is it a purple gem you're after where's the purple one there's a purple one I'm just gonna test out the sword for a minute hang on wait all right instead give him a bit of a stab give me the money champ yeah three gold there we go Tudor Gold what hang on I've got two Griffins come on game sort yourself in hey big guy any knot can you don't freak me out like that the slime guys are actually quite frustrating they don't really add much of a fun challenge to the game because the game is already kind of difficult with holding everything properly oh hang on a sec oh we can dress this guy up as well surely we can if only there weren't two of them and it was super weird like that okay all right got ourselves some coins throw that over there I don't really want it yeah I want to go to the market let's go take that take your basket to the face see ya why are you wavering I'm going with you all right market day let's get some more cosmetics it's the best bit take that dude you're gonna go to here put some potions get a portion or two get another awesome handle I haven't noticed like any sort of magical like axe handles or anything like that yet alright let's smash it open smash it yeah I golden one on the inside go again hey Jim oh it's fire element I didn't have that before that's cool man the fine Jim alright sorry that in the bank this games great I love all like the rare and magical things you can find oh no I just smacked these together so this is the potion that allows me to pick up hot things out of the yeah at the furnace without you know the the tweezers or the tongs or whatever they call choices yeah money alright go again dude go again give us another egg smack it smack the egg golden one grab it yes Sunny's group money I'm getting so many eggs right now oh I've got two nice another one of them all right I've got a basket of goodies let's go back to the shop make some more stuff but Jim fell out I hope it's back here now did it make it did the Jim make it you dropped it out of the basket go back and get it there's more pictures here why can't I see him what is going on are nice now I can see I want to use some of these like handles on the next one I think I might do it even if it's a dagger I'll try it anyway I'm so bummed that the firegem didn't make it here I'm angry at that girl from dropping it hey dude we got the news so let me get the news out of the way so what happened the bear killed another bear all right so which is base that's murder we've got the bird kill the tiny met tiny mouse that's it just kill tiny mouse what is that you want me to make this this disgusting looking thing looks like a back scratcher grab it put it on the anvil just put my tongs back in there they'll be fine all right got to make a weird-looking blade yep that's about right a little bit pointy there what's this little guy going for what do you even want to eat tiny little slime thing huh this is jabbed him it's a very short blade but you get what you given dude that looks exactly like what you wanted grab the red thing I think that's fire but I don't think it is I don't know take it I'm gonna make a sword and just see what he does see fee even kiss okay this is actually looking all right bang yes yes nice I'm gonna stab this thing works okay what kind of gem should we put in this maybe a purple one or a blue one I just dropped it oops bang hey you just come to life what does this do does it do something can I can I drink these I don't know what the green bottles do Oh he drinks it what does that do what about that do you eat stuff do you eat it heat anything all right I know this is nothing like what you wanted but there you go have it anyway just take it what do you reckon no he takes it is he gonna pay me what poin you serious dude that was a rear handle right there yeah eat that eat the paper okay how's the nearest go I'll cool the little dog Fox thing killed a bear the other dog Fox thing was killed by a mouse that Mouse got revenge I'm gonna feed the news to my Venus flytrap plan here ya go dude a piranha plant it's called plant the guy that I made the epic sword for was murdered by a bat in the slime dungeon look at that it's the slime dungeon I don't know what this does it's another potion I don't get the potions oh the world is a little bird guy again a little bird guy what do you want to I II want to sort this time course he does cuz this bird is epic all right let's get him it's a silver blade I'm gonna put a fire gem in it for you what do you reckon because I got the fire gem again oh hang on need to stamp it alright yeah shut up I'm gonna make my hands blue there we go got blue hands now I can pick up hot stuff so I can go like this move over here and get the furnace going really hot please don't throw anything at me alright or else have to sit for you to you do the matches go in this it's gonna put a match there look at that see that I picked it up okay where's the hammer hammers over here all right pointy blades very pointy a little bit fatter on the edges a little bit wider at the bottom kind of not really like that but that's kind of what we'll we'll have to work with that he was about to throw something at me when he starts chirping like that like a madman he's basically gonna throw something at you I'm watching you try and make it look as symmetrical as possible that's the hardest bit getting the symmetry oh dude you just ate my tweezers now that y'all choices but he ain't my toms I take that okay yeah I think that's pretty good all right let's give him an epic handle right let's go for this oh yeah noise and let's get the foyer Jim where's that fly Jim here it is oh is that little boy with stab it yeah got it all right FOIA Jim bring oh that is cool as heck look at this awesome fire Blade I like that you just threw something at me dude oh who stabbed you with the fire blight do you like that what do you think I think it's pretty epic yeah he's happy of course he's happy all right take it get out of here how much do I get for that Oh stack of money he just paid me heaps for this like five gold that is so good I'm gonna leave the video here if you guys have ideas of cool swords and stuff you'd like to see me make let me know in the comments but thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these once and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 632,947
Rating: 4.8460579 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, blacksmith vr, vr smithing, smithing, blacksmith game, blacksmith simulator, family friendly vr game, fantasy smith vr, fantasy smith, vr fantasy game, download fantasy smith, vr games 2019
Id: zGs13YirEK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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