ALIEN - PRESIDENT CONNECTION | Alien Chronicles: Alien UFO Encounters (S1E13)

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the aspects i'm going to add is the presidential involvement in in the roswell thing and the first president i'm going to talk about is harry truman and his involvement and i've spent a number of years trying to track where work truman was at the time where how he knew what all this sort of stuff and very little because the presidential records weren't kept the same as they are now there's a lot of blank spots a lot of stuff wasn't recorded and it basically when i came to this convention i learned learned a lot of stuff that i really hadn't known yet about the the timelines uh following the generals and the one story i've sort of added which is i think sort of a critical story is the fact that uh there was a number of people roswell witnesses who were claimed that they were sworn to secrecy by the president so what i'd do with each of those i'd take the name of the person and i would check it against the presidential record and with the presidential record if you've met with the president if you've spoken with the president on the phone or if you've corresponded with the president that's all recorded you can take your name and you can see how many times this person and none of these people were really checking then what happened was a reporter out of florida who does the ufo stories billy cox did a story about ben games and ben games was a guy who had a phd was a major in the air force very prominent type guy had come forward and told him a story that he had flown in uh general craigie who was a development of all the new aircraft in that time out of wright-patterson and and he's claimed that he had flown craigie into roswell at at that particular time when this was going on and that craigie had got into one of blanchard's uh cars and had taken off and said make yourself scarce i'm going to be busy and really didn't tell what's going on so games went to the uh officer's mess heard the story of people telling about this crash that had just taken place in bodies and this sort of stuff and uh so when craig comes back a number of hours later he said well fly me to bowling air force base he's going to meet with the president and according to games craigie never told him what had happened what he had been involved with but his boss was was general lemay and there's always rumors that general may actually maybe have been at roswell was very involved in this whole thing so anyway he uh when i got this then i was really curious like all these people are being sworn to secrecy by the president but the presidential record really didn't show any involvement by the president they had shown that the president had been asked a ufo question and there's only two presidents who have actually been asked a ufo question in a news conference and one of them occurred two days after the roswell news release on july the 10th and the problem was they asked the wrong question they asked him uh have you got any insights and he said only what i've read in the newspaper and the press dropped it so when i i i want to find out so what i did is i contacted tom carey who is one of the people on the the latest roswell book and their research is just incredible uh i saw their lecture yesterday and only twice in 35 years have i ever had a feeling that this thing may actually break open that this thing may there may be enough evidence to actually end the cover-up and yesterday i had that feeling the other time i had that feeling was in 1978 when i saw len stringfield lecture in dayton ohio when the first mentions of dead alien bodies when he started to talk about dead alien bodies but very impressive site i contacted tom carrey and i said well there's these witnesses who are saying that the president swore them to secrecy but i can't find any record in the presidential library that these people ever had any contact with the president so tom wrote me back and said well it wasn't the president it was secret service that was swearing people to secrecy so i said well have you got any names so he gave me two names and i still remember i went and i know how to check this i went to the presidential records and i started to check and i can still remember when i found it and it was like the shivers went up my back it was unbelievable it was the name they had given me was gerald mccain mccann mcc a double n gerald mccann had been swearing people to secrecy in roswell at the time on behalf of the president of the united states and sure enough gerald mccann was a secret service agent from 1944 until truman left office now you to find out after that whether he was with eisenhower you'd have to go to eisner but it just was unbelievable that no witness would have been able to make up and guess a name like that so that kind of that's one of the stories i'm telling here is is this story uh the truman story that that you get uh even 60 years after you can find a lot of material that really was never around that shows that we are on the right track that this this this actually did happen the second president i talk about when i'm here uh in connection with roswell was ronald reagan and ronald reagan was was fascinated with the ufo subject he had that i documented two ufo sightings ronald reagan was the type of guy who liked he was an actor he knew where to stand he knew how to do things with backdrops and stuff like this and if you remember he went to the berlin wall to make the speech gorbachev tear down this wall and when he was uh president he asked steven spielberg to come to the white house and in the white house theater they screened e.t the extraterrestrial and one of the stories and i checked this i went to the library and got one photograph that only released one photograph uh during that brie that that um screening according to a producer by name of jamie jamie chandray steven spielberg told him in japan that near the end reagan had leaned over and said i bet you there aren't six people in this whole room know how true this whole thing is and spielberg was shocked and then since then a number of people billy cox myself numerous people have tried to contact spielberg to get him to confirm the story did reagan tell you this and it's only in the last year that i've got a second confirmation from and i haven't told her the name but a major hollywood producer who claims yes he saw my website they went to it and they said yes steven spielberg told me the same story so anyway steven spielberg shows this movie e.t the extraterrestrial this is in june of 1982. three months later and the you have to remember the roswell book came out in 7980 by moore and burlitz so the roswell story was pretty popular back then and here ronald reagan three months after seeing e.t suddenly appears at the roswell airport and right in front of hangar 84 he makes a speech and he's on he's he's speaking with uh schmidt who was the uh harrison schmidt who was apollo 17 astronaut and he makes an e.t joke he makes a joke about e.t at the beginning of the speech and uh cause colonel um or colin powell had numerous times told stories and he told to a presidential biographer that reagan was always trying to talk about et's in speeches and his job as as security advisor was to try to keep the the stuff out of the speeches and this is this is in writing where he he said this so reagan makes the speech in front of the hangar 84 and it's typical reagan he gets it out there and was fascinated and bill clinton if he he had uh a meeting a discussion with paul davids the producer of roswell and paul davis he told paul david straight to his face i'm fascinated in this stuff and his his involvement was was kind of lengthy uh what had happened there was at the beginning of his administration he he was interested and i had given a lecture in eureka springs arkansas and i had a woman come up to me at the end of the lecture and it was one of these things where i said can you promise to write me she was an older lady a very respectable older lady and she said i can tell you why the clintons are interested in ufos and i said well tell me she says well my sister owns the famous restaurant that the clintons hung out in and i said yeah and she said well what happened was and i'm not sure whether it was bill and hillary or somebody very close to bill and hillary but when they were at the restaurant they saw something so bill had this bill and hillary had this interest in in ufos and they got into the white house and as the stories have been told uh they got webster hubble who was uh worked with hillary clinton and at the rose law firm in little rock and he said if i put you over there in justice he made him assistant attorney general he said if i put you over there in justice i want you to do two things for me find out number one uh who killed jfk because he was fascinated with jfk he thought he was the second jfk and he said uh are there ufos so he had this he had this thing started where he was trying to get the the information i had one researcher told me that he would drag admirals into the into the room and say uh tell me what you know about ufos and the abram would sort of look on like what planet are you from like i don't know what's going on and uh so clinton was interested and then what happened was lawrence rockefeller who was a a billionaire uh and he was sort of the rockefeller brother who was the humanitarian he he was the guy who was uh he had a philosophy degree from princeton was very much into uh the ecology he was into paranormal phenomena this sort of stuff and he decided whoever the next president is going to be whether it's bush or whether it's uh clinton he's going to go and get this guy to disclose so when clinton gets elected rockefeller makes his way to the to the white house and as he told um uh researchers like bud hopkins he's just gonna go tell the president and bud hawkins says well that's not how it works you can't just go and tell the president to disclose and what happened was he was cut off at the pass by the science advisor they stuck him with the science advisor who was john gibbons dr john gibbons and so he went into john gibbons he says i think we need disclosure and john gibbons because he's a big uh democrat fundraiser you know he's got lots of money you can't just sort of slough this guy off so they said okay well what do you want us to do and he said well it's a massive conspiracy all this is going on and you got to get to the bottom of this and so gibbons and and what happened was during the clinton administration i filed a free information act request with the office of science and technology policy which is the office of the science advisor to the president and because one other researcher had filed bruce mcabee and he'd gotten 500 pages so i said well i'm doing the president's i want to see these 500 pages so when my request come back i had a thousand pages and so this whole story of what is now called the rockefeller initiative is detailed in these thousand pages of documents so uh in this story is told in the documents about rockefeller coming in and and describing the fact this massive cover-up and gibbons writes back to him and talks to him and says well if the conspiracies is as deep as you say it is and as classified as you say it is we'll have no chance to get to the bottom of this thing what we should do is let's just take one case let's get that case declassified and then we'll go out to the rest of it and so rockefeller i guess thinks about it and writes back and says yeah okay we'll take roswell and that's why in the clinton administration when it first started the clintons put out the order and a lot of people say it was the air force or it was through schiff but clinton had a lot of power to green light this study so the u.s air force was told out to go and reinvestigate roswell so they start the investigation and they go and they do their their thing and one of the things that rockefeller had asked for was clemens or like clearance for anybody who was going to talk that they wouldn't be prosecuted and there is in 1994 there was actually a document put out which said that anybody a witness from roswell could bypass their security clearances and could talk about it and they wouldn't be prosecuted so they they get the report a preliminary report for the roswell study was put out in 1994. the final report was put out in late 1995. so the report comes back and clinton gets the report now this we know by sort of putting pieces together he goes to belfast northern ireland and he makes a speech and he's lighting the christmas tree this is november the 30th 1995. and in this speech there's a a letter writing competition in ireland for kids to write letters to the president now the two kids who won the letter writing competition were sitting on the stage with bill clinton but he didn't read their letter he read a letter and i went to the clinton library when they released the files about a two years ago and i asked where's this letter and they can't find it which makes me wonder whether the letter actually was made up by by the president and what is important to note is anything goes into a presidential speech is there for a reason i've studied enough presidential speeches i know every single word is checked it goes a state of the union address will go through 30 different drafts every agency have to sign off on that presidential so if it's in the speech it's there for a reason and if you see the actual clip when when when clinton releases this he's reading it very carefully he's reading it from a script he's not off top of his head and what happens was they don't read the letter from the two kids who won the letter writing competition we're sitting on the stage with clinton they read a letter from ryan and what clinton says is ryan if you're out there in the audience tonight here's the answer to your question no as far as i know a ufo did not crash in roswell new mexico but if they did recover bodies they didn't tell me about it and i want to know now the reason he said that and this this clip came out nobody really picked it up was the first roswell report released in 1995 didn't talk about the bodies had no mention of the bodies and what clinton is doing is he's saying i read the study and you didn't talk about the bodies you explained to me what happened what's with the bodies so the air force goes out and does a second roswell report and that's why there's two roswell reports so in 1997 they released a second roswell report called case closed and there's the one where they talk about dropping the dummies out of the plane and this the people misidentified they got the the date screwed up and that's the explanation to the body so this report goes back and it sort of says to clinton here it is here's the answer to your question here's the answer to the bodies and so uh clinton sort of just sort of gives up on it although rockefeller does go to the uh the clintons and he he's sort of getting frustrated he's he's going back and forth to the science advisor and was one of the interesting things to note is he he's always got this letter that rockefeller's drafting and it's a letter on disclosure to the president it basically outlines what what he wants to to get across and a number of people helped him edit the letter one was john gibbons who's a science advisor and there's actually in the presidential file there's actually you can see the handwritten notations from gibbons on the on the columns making recommendations changes do that whatever one of the people that he'd asked for to edit it was billy graham and billy graham didn't really want to get involved because he said i've got a you know i've dealt with a lot of presidents and i really don't want to i agree with your issue but i really don't want to get into it but the other person who helped edit the letter and we actually have a document that that verifies this was hillary clinton hillary clinton looked over this document so here's hillary clinton the the first lady editing a letter on ufo disclosure to the president and rockefeller is getting sort of very upset every time he wouldn't get what he wanted he would say okay i think it's time to write the letter to the president then they'd go oh no no hang on and they would do whatever he wanted to do and so they tried to help him so in 95 i guess rockefeller gets upset and he decides he's going to the president he wants a meeting with the president so the president goes to rockefeller's ranch and this is in 1995 before the 2006 campaign and what happens is clinton is seen as a sort of an elitist type guy you know he hangs out martha's vineyard for his holidays and stuff like this and so what they do is they agree to send them to the rockefeller ranch because it's back country wyoming and he's going to go whitewater rafting and he's got to go camping and clinton said like dick morris talks about he hated it he absolutely hate he didn't want to go there he had no intention of camping and stuff like this it just wasn't his lifestyle but because they saw the swing voters in 1996 as being people who were techie people or people who were into the environment he had to appeal to those people those will be the swing voters and that's how he had to win the election so they sent him there and rockefeller sits down with him and he he does a personal briefing it's not a briefing but it's a citizen and he goes through a pile of material that was provided to him by stephen greer documents and stuff like this and bill and hillary both sit and listen to the whole thing they really don't say anything and then according to rockwood rockefeller told whitley strieber the next morning hillary came up and said okay we've listened to you don't ever bring up the subject again and so the the subject sort of dies out there but uh clinton has talked about rockefeller about roswell a number of times and a couple of times he's talked about when the question really didn't have anything to do with uh with uh ufos he was asked on a on a radio talk show out of out of houston and the the more famous one is one that's just been put on the internet and it's still not public this was the one that we got uh neil gould who out of uh hong kong i've been trying to get this for a number of years this uh conversation or it was answered to a question he had been i think was through a bank he had been doing giving a speech to a bank in hong kong and he had answered this this question about ufos and i had gone to the clinton library and they'd sent me to the foundation and the foundation really was answering my letters and i was trying to go and so this thing is not public it was sort of gotten neil gould went found somebody who was there and they provided him a copy but it's still not public and in this the guy asked him the question i guess he must have been one of the powerful people who set the thing up and he said well as as i have the position to do this i'm going to ask you the question he said uh do presidents actually pass secrets from one president to another like you and jimmy carter or you and bush is there a set of secrets that get pressed from one president to another for example where's jimmy hoffa's body or what happened at roswell and clinton starts laughing and he starts talking about this and he said yes i'll tell you he said in do you remember roswell do you remember the the the big anniversary that happened in 19 he hasn't he says 1998 was 1997. uh there's you know thousands of people follow the world came there and people were fascinated with this and he says i'll admit i actually tried to look into this and i i tried to get the documents and stuff and then he starts talking about area 51. and he doesn't mention area 51 because they're still not supposed to use the term but what he said was there's a lot of people in my administration who thought that roswell was garbage that it wasn't true but a lot of them really believed that there was actually an alien and a spaceship at this military base in nevada and he's talking about area 51. so he said i actually sent someone there to check it out and he said uh that we found out it was just a military establishment where they're doing top-secret air force work and then he goes again to talk about roswell that he really doesn't think roswell happened that he thinks there's uh explanations for it but on another a couple other occasions it still shows that he doesn't he does know and he's still very interested for example this is the famous story about uh paul davis has had a a long involvement with clinton and paul david's involvement was that his father was a professor at georgetown university and taught bill clinton so what happened in 19 this would be in 1996 paul davids took all the roswell material he took his roswell movie and he took a bunch of different stuff the roswell book and the first roswell book and he sent it to the president and he said he got an overnight letter back from the president saying thank you for the material didn't mention what the material was thank you i really appreciate it you know i liked your father and this sort of stuff so this goes and then what happens is the monica lewinsky thing breaks out in late 96 97 or whatever and the fbi does a study and uh the study they do an investigation and what they're doing is they're looking for a book called vox and this is the phone sex book that monica lewinsky had sent to the president so they're looking for this book and they go to the pres and they they get i guess a search to go into the president's personal library inside the oval office and they pull all the books and they put out the inventory of the books that were in the library and they do find the vox book and the strange thing was the book right next to the the vox book was ufo crash at roswell so clinton had it in his personal library and then so what happened was paul david's this is this is going back to just last year hillary clinton's running for president and the latest roswell book by carrie and schmidt is out so he decides the president's got to read this book i've got to him before and he decides there's a there's in in the hamptons there's a fundraising breakfast for hillary clinton and he decides i'm going to this fundraiser and i'm going to give this book to to clinton and i'm going to talk to him about this so he he doesn't know whether the secret service are going to stop him at the door because he's carrying a package of course and security and stuff and he said it was very strange he walked right in and he takes pictures of himself with hillary in the background and to prove that he was actually there and the the it was a 15 million dollar state and and paul davis when he told me the story and he's told it publicly said that they told him he said i want to speak with clinton and he said okay here's what you what you do bill will speak first bill will stand up and talk and once bill's finished talking uh hillary is going to come up and talk and as soon as hillary's finished talking bill will be sitting at the back along these windows then you go and talk to bill because everybody's going to be going after hillary and asking her questions and it'll be distracted so that's exactly what he does he waits hillary finishes the applause starts and he goes and he sits down beside bill clinton and he pulls out the roswell material and he puts the roswell book in front of uh bill and he says here's the and it had the cover-up and he said he can still remember bill looking down at this roswell book and looking at this this subtitle about the cover-up and he just looked up and he said you know i'm fascinated in this stuff and i'm going to read this and so we know he was fascinated in it he he for whatever reason and he greenlighted a number of studies the other thing that he greenlighted that a lot of people don't know is his first cia director was james wosley and james woesley and this is according to stephen greer and we're trying to check this but james woolsey isn't talking anymore he and his wife who's a very high-ranking scientific person in washington in the late 1960s had a daylight ufo sighting in maine was it maine it was maybe on on the east coast there somewhere and stephen greer had spent three hours with the ci director at a dinner party and had been told this and this sort of stuff and stephen greer is is pressing the ci director now a lot of people say it wasn't a significant meeting greer distorted it whatever and i i personally have requested because we have a book i personally requested interviews with these various people and one of them was the ci director and i got a phone call back from somebody in the cia office saying well very interesting project we wish you well but we're not going to do an interview so i know anybody sits down with a cia director for three hours i don't care if you're talking about knitting or what you're talking about if you start with a ci director for three hours that's important so the ci director said to him greer said we need this release we need you to have disclosure and wosley made a very important statement he said how can we disclose what we don't control and so woesley puts out a request for a new cia study and this is in greer meets with him in december of 1993 and this study did come out now woesley didn't stay around very long he i think he left in late 94 early 95. he's only there for a couple years he he resigns but this study does come out in 1997 and it's a study on a new ufo study by the cia and it talks about the 50 years of ufo investigations and it's the one that comes out and says that most of the ufos people are seeing were misidentifications of u2 or sr-71s and stuff like that so they whitewashed the study but it was a study that was initiated by james wosley and i think clinton as well greenlighted this because there's a lot of different people in the clinton administration who seem to be involved and seem to be sort of pushing different issues and different things were coming out and clinton was very interested in in openness he did have a close association with john podesta who was his chief of staff and under the clinton administration with john podesta's help they actually went into an openness thing where they said um any uf not in a ufo document and the rumor was that they were trying to get the ufo documents and by pushing all the documents out the ufo documents would come up with it and what they said and this was an executive order in 1995 by clinton that basically said to the intelligence agencies that if if if the document is more than 25 years old it has to be released and unless you've got a really good reason and the the the onus was on them and that if there was a question as to whether they should release it or not release it it should be released the the the the public should get the the upper hand so they they disclose this and what a lot of people don't know is that the clinton administration declassified 800 million pages of files during their administration so it's a situation and the problem was that none of the ufo files came with it there's a lot of stuff and clinton uh one of the stories was that clinton had tried to get it and it hadn't got it and one of the stories was that it was his psychological profile that he had uh he had evaded the vietnam war he'd been going to school in in uh great britain and that uh he had the first issue he had when he got into the white house was to uh put gays in the military which caused an insurrection in the joint chiefs of staff and one of them actually spoke to him you know and said that he totally disagreed with this so clinton was seen as sort of a left-wing guy that you really couldn't trust him and that was always the story that they wouldn't tell clinton because he couldn't keep his mouth shut and one of the things that clinton did when these files were coming out is he actually did open his mouth about another incident and that was the the uh plutonium thing where they were putting radioactive material in food and stuff like this and this this story sort of broke that the intelligence agencies had been doing this kind of stuff so clinton was the type of guy he was very open and even now when people ask bill clinton a question about ufos he doesn't walk away from most presidents most high ranking people will slough the question off bill clinton will actually talk about it but if you listen very closely to him uh you get the idea that he's still not telling the truth for example when he was in hong kong part of the answer to his question was the guy said when he answered the question the guy came back and said well is there a list or isn't there a list and he said well you know if if there was i'm probably not the first president they lied to or that bureaucrats have waited out and he said if there is some bureaucrat holding these files somewhere if they if they evaded me and i'm almost embarrassed to say i tried to get to the bottom of it so clinton is an interesting guy and i think if he if somebody uh respectable were to get clinton and to actually confront him and do a half hour interview i think you'd get a lot of material because bill is pretty open even larry king had stated this in 1994 and we haven't found out what the answer to it was larry king had a ufo sighting in 1972. he was working for the for the minnesota or the miami dolphins had had a ufo sighting and he had been at roswell in 1994 and or at area 51 he was and they were doing a show on area 51 he did an interview with mufon and in that interview he had said he told about his sighting and then he also said that i'm friends with bill clinton and bill clinton doesn't like secrecy and i'm going to ask bill clinton but we've never been able to get to larry king to ask him did you ask clinton and what did clinton tell you so uh it's a very interesting presidency and he's one of the guys that tried to get to the bottom and wasn't able to the other one that tried to get to the bottom of the whole thing and wasn't able to was jimmy carter now as you know jimmy jimmy carter his involvement came from the fact that he had a ufo sighting and the date given was 1969 but i've talked to an archivist at the uh carter library who went to school with jimmy carter's son and he said it was earlier he said he his his his son had told him the story and he was sure it was earlier anyway because he had this interest in in he had had this sighting in 1970 1973 he actually filed a ufo form where he detailed what had happened signed the form and it went a camera was a group out of oklahoma that he filed with so when it comes to him being president he's running for president and on two different occasions he talks about the fact that if he becomes president he will release the ufo files and so once he gets into the white house and i went through his files and a lot of people have been through his files to try to detail this there are a number of initiatives that he does for example most people may not realize the the foia material that we have the ufo material almost all of the material that we have was released i know the carter administration the fbi files the cia files the uh defense intelligence files thousands and thousands of pages of files were released and jimmy carter had the same sort of uh uh stance as bill clinton that if if the if there was a toss-up as to whether to release it it should be released so a lot of this material was released under him and he sent a bunch of people to try to figure out what was going on his press secretary who was jody powell went to the fbi and tried to find out from the fbi how do you file ufo sightings what do you have all this sort of stuff and the other one he had he went to nasa and frank press i think was the uh the science advisor had gone to nassau and they wanted a new investigation they wanted nasa to take up a new investigation of ufos the same as blue book had done and of course what had happened some of the background was that carter had come in and he'd done some things he probably shouldn't have done and one was he cut i think five billion dollars from the nassau budget so in one hand he's cutting their budget and the other hand he's given him this pr nightmare to take on the ufo thing and nasa was very hesitant but there's a lot of correspondence going back and forth about whether they were going to do this or study and then there was a document a letter a letter or whatever it was came from the cia to nasa which basically said do not touch it said don't touch it and then they they called it off and went back to the president and said no nassau does want to do the study but jimmy carter had his problem i think was that he came in and like bill clinton he wasn't really interested in uh intelligence and he fired a bunch of cia people and he was in a situation where he really wasn't trusted and i think it's almost like bill clinton there was sort of a group that was always trying to get him out and i even heard this when i went to the to the library to the carter library they told me the story that when carter went in and the same thing happened to bill clinton they came from the south and they ran as outsiders in washington so jimmy carter for example were short sleeves when he was campaigning which presidents never did you always had your suit on you take a suit off you have short sleeves he wanted to be the outside guy you take his tie off i'm one of you i'm not a washington insider the same as clinton had done and so the problem was and i've always said if you're a washington outsider and you win the election don't be surprised if you go to washington and you find out that the people who have the power the money and the knowledge don't talk to you and that's what happened to to carter and even the archivist told me that there was a lot of comments it was sort of like who does this guy think he is these people walk around and bare feet knee with their hands referring to people that come from georgia and this this guy's the president and so there was this backlash plus they would bring all their people in from from georgia in terms of carter and clinton brought all his people in from arkansas so and and these washington insiders really didn't like it in fact you remember you probably recall uh when bill got into a lot of trouble with the monica lewinsky thing hillary clinton was walking around talking about the vast right-wing conspiracy that was trying to get rid of her pres the president and i remember at the time i sort of laughed about it and then after i'm thinking maybe she had something maybe she was talking about this inside group these powerful people who are actually try sabotaging the president on every initiative so carter had the problem the same as as bill clinton that he was a washington outsider and he really couldn't get to the bottom of the thing and there was there's a number of stories about a briefing that he was that he was given there was a uh it was a secret service agent he was a secret service agent there was a a researcher who had been told the story by the secret service agent that jimmy carter had been briefed and that jimmy carter was totally broken up by what by what he'd heard in the briefing and uh that uh even one part that he'd been crying and so i i heard the tape and but this guy is still around and he was actually appointed by bush as a top uh person going into iraq so he was still a guy that was pretty powerful they went back to him and he denied the story he said no he told stories about things that had happened but no i don't no that didn't happen i wasn't in this briefing with jimmy carter so it's always been very hard because the records have always been kept very secret as to which presidents have been briefed and which presidents haven't the only thing i know for sure i've i can guess at a lot of stuff that truman knew and that that eisenhower knew the only thing i know and and and i still haven't released the name of the guy but i had a close friend who talked to me until i talked about this and uh he said can't keep your demo shot and i said well you know like you know whatever because it was supposed to be confidential but people do in ufology they'll send you stuff and then tell you not to to keep it quiet but it was an important thing and that was that he had talked to two presidents and he had come to me looking for jimmy carter's phone number and he had already talked and he was tracking one of the big stories i've always tracked is the holloman air force base film and the rumored story was and this was part of the story that had been told by jimmy carter by this secret service agent was that part of the briefing for jimmy carter was a was a 15-minute color film of the hulliman air force base landing and it was very important and it seemed to back up the fact that this guy was telling the truth even though he denied it later because this friend of mine had told me he's looking for jimmy carter's phone number he'd already talked to ford and he talked to bush senior and they had both confirmed to him he'd asked him about briefings and they'd both confirmed to him that they'd seen the holloman air force base film and the hall of ernest air force base film is a story that bob aminager and i know bobby angler very well i've talked to him been with him numerous times heard the story 20 times is a story that happened in the nixon administration where they were green lighted a study and they were basically given access to everybody everybody talked all the blue book people talked and they were given a film and they had it in their possession they had this film and it was purported to be a landing there was three crafts had come in the the the film cameras were all set up at hollom air force base they knew these things were coming in and the the one came down the other two stayed up and it landed on the tarmac and a bunch of high-ranking officials came these aliens came out of the the spacecraft it was all being filmed and then they walked down the tarmac to a building on mars avenue at holland air force base and they they had a meeting or whatever they did there and so bob emeniger had this film and uh these two presidents claimed to have seen this film and this is what this fellow was actually researching so he asked for example he asked ford and that's the key thing is the briefing he asked for it he said well when were you briefed and ford says i'm not going to tell you don't even go there i'm not telling you when i was briefed and that's the whole thing is if you give the briefing date then you've got something to work with and you know what room they're in because the presidential record is all there and you can tell who was in the room you know the people to press and you can force the briefing out but until you know when the briefing is so it's always been hard to determine who got briefed and and who didn't get briefed now when it comes to barack obama barack obama has faced the ufo question on three different occasions and the first occasion that barack obama faced the question was after one of stephen bassett's x-files conferences the washington post went to all the different campaigns when barack obama was campaigning and asked them are you going to end the you the et embargo on information and uh obama's spokesman said we're more interested in ending the the uh embargo on information coming out of iraq that was the first time the second time was in october of 2007 barack obama was at a uh a debate in philadelphia this is the famous one where kucinich has asked the ufo question and kucinich confirms that yes he did see a ufo at shirley maclaine's house and it was a ufo what's the big deal the very next question they go from him from the asking question of kucinich to obama and asking the question all the astronauts of apollo 11 all have said that they believe there's life outside of earth what's your position and barack obama says i really don't know and i don't pretend to know what i do know is there's life here on earth and we're not taking care of it and then he goes into the whole speech about the people that have to be taken care of so he avoids the question then he's asked and we believe we haven't tracked it down we have the video but we believe it's a chicago reporter asks him the question says mr mr obama if you get to the white house and you discover that there are et's and the people haven't been told will you tell the people and he says well it depends what the aliens are like whether they're republicans or democrats so he basically evaded it and then i guess there's one other story a lot of people stephen bassett had done a campaign to send letters to the uh to the white house and a lot of different issues and and barack obama put up this site where people were asked questions and stuff so a lot of people asking ufo questions and they now have a website the pr the white house so what's website where people can give their opinion what they want and so a lot of people are asking ufo questions now the woman that's running the the website is uh beckya camera last name but is running the site and she actually does describe the fact that uh people who are asking ufo questions or other questions can talk among each other which kind of amazes me it's like the reason we're putting on here is for you to read we talk among each other all the time you know we don't need to talk about each other and the one thing that she said which is very discouraging because the two big issues that would that have been brought up people asking questions are the legalization of marijuana and the other one is where's barack obama's birth certificate so this woman she's out of the white house said uh the the most popular issues aren't potentially the most important which basically says even if ufo people write millions of letters and it gets there just because you have the most number of requests doesn't mean it's an important issue and we're going to answer it so that's where it goes barack obama is kind of a a guy who's more interested in other stuff there's a very interesting connection with john podesta who was the x-files guy in the uh clinton white house and i know from from people who knew who talked to john podesta and and the main one being leslie kane who says that she does not believe that john podesta has brought it up and will not bring up the issue that they've got other things to do and so it sort of dies there that you think well they're it's not an issue that they're really going to look at i saw a number of ufos i was involved in a flop of ufo sightings in carmen manitoba canada in 1975 two weeks after the end of the vietnam war i had my first sighting this was near missile silos in north dakota the minutemen three missile silos and i had believed that the missile styles had been on alert because of the vietnam war and the ufos suddenly appeared because i'd ask people in a town like why are they coming to our little town in canada it was middle of nowhere and i had a number of sightings and what i did was i wrote a manuscript called tales of charlie redstar and i'd put it out and really the publishers some of them read it and i remember the local publisher who should have done it because it was a big story where i came from said you may believe in this kind of stuff count me among the unbelievers and that was my rejection letter to my manuscript so i had the manuscript and i said well this this is something that i i got to get you know i i've seen it i know what it is and this is the the the sort of the um the title of james fox's new movie i know what i saw and i've told people that 150 times over the last 35 years i know what i saw don't argue with me about your voice i know what i saw i was i was 50 feet away at one point of one of these objects but anyway so i knew what i saw and i knew that it was probably extraterrestrial that this was something my father's a pilot my son's a pilot i'm not stupid i know what i saw and i want to get an answer to this thing so when i got all these rejections on the manuscript and everybody just sort of listened to my sightings and said oh it's kind of interesting so what else is new i decided to go off to the canadian government and i went after the work of wilbert b smith who had run the canadian government program from 1950 to 1954 i talked to him i pulled all the documents from and he had hidden the documents away when before he died he told his wife hide the files the government's coming and the russians came the americans came and the canadians came all trying to get the documents started breaking into the house i recovered the documents i found out where they were filed the documents and we came up with the the famous document that david rudy i could talk to you about top secret document ufos are flying saucers he never used the word ufos he knew it was a term used developed by the us air force to throw people off he always called them flying sauces flying saucers exist it's two points higher than the hydrogen bomb in classification it's the most highly classified subject in the united states and there's a group headed by vanvar bush who's looking into it and i went there and i found out that he was a contactee that he actually claimed to be talking to them he we went through all this stuff there was a bunch of other people that were involved in contacting them and particularly a woman in maine who had been contacted by the fbi navy intelligence air force white house and the same woman that he was using and they all had contact with the alien by the name of alpha so anyway i filed all that material put it all sort of away and it was very fascinating a lot of people were very fascinated to find out the canadian government was really into this and actually believed that this was going on and that the guy in charge of it was was actually claimed to be talking to them and that material led to uh um his correspondence his meeting at the at the um canadian embassy in washington where he got all this material and the guy he got it from was dr robert sarbacher who was a ma uh sort of a military advisor to the pentagon and uh later years later stanton freeman went back and found this guy was still alive this is 1982 1983. so stanton talked to to uh saubacher and said did you give this material to wilbur smith and saul blocker says yeah i recall giving it to him and so he said well why was it classified i have no ideas i have no idea why they classified it so high and he said well how did you know about this he said well there was a series of briefings at wright patterson air force base something had crashed in the west and we were a bunch of scientists and i was invited to go out there to briefings that they were giving to the the top military people or the scientists they were basically scientists and engineers and so stanton says we'll name the guys who who went you didn't go because he he said he had been busy up in canada working on the dewline uh radar and he couldn't go but he said well who went who went and he would name off vandavar vadovar bush and he said well he's dead and bronc and he would name all these different people and stan says well can you name anybody who's still alive and says well there's this one guy from pennsylvania i don't remember his name but he's real arrogant he thought he knew everything and a bunch of research was done and came up with the doc name of dr eric walker now this material i was my second book which was published the first book that mufon published and it didn't go anywhere because mufon it was an internal book you couldn't buy it on the street so mufon published a thousand copies a thousand copies was sold it really didn't go anywhere and what it basically is is this guy we tracked him down and his name was dr eric walker he was former president of penn state university the ivy league engineering college at state college pennsylvania he'd been president there for 17 years the president before him who had appointed given him the job as president was milton eisenhower who was the president's brother who went left state college or penn state to go and work for the president to advise the president and walker took over and walker knew everything and basically he was the type of guy that when we phoned him couldn't hang up the phone so what we would do is there was a bunch of research i was sort of ahead of a team of researchers who contacted walker from all over the world and everybody said i can get him to talk and that wasn't my thing so i okay fine and i would get all the transcripts of people talking to him and send him letters and stuff and walker was the type of guy who wanted to sort of play with the subject he didn't want to talk to you about it and he couldn't hang up the phone people get him on the phone and he would try to talk around it but when you put all these transcripts and all these letters together you could actually determine what he was talking about and a lot of times he did confirm for example we asked him about mj-12 he confirmed yes i've known of them for 40 years look you're up against the windmills leave it alone there's nothing you can do about it and that was like days after the mj-12 document came out he basically confirmed i've known of them for 40 years that was 1987 and you take it back it's 1947. so we put all this material in the book and walker um was contacted by a reporter we figured this was going to break the cover up because it was so dramatic this material and this was such a highly respected guy he had been actually an assistant secretary of defense at one point in the united states so the reporter went and for the first time walker hung up the phone he said i deny it didn't i i i it's not true and sorry i'm busy and hung up the phone so i said to my co-author who was a journalist there i said well is she going back what's going to happen he said no she's not going back and that was it nobody ever interviewed him again and the story sort of died so what happened then was i was looking for his files from he was he was the assistant the executive secretary of the research and development board which david riddick have been talking about this is this top level uh group that developed weapons in the united states and he was the executive director so when the director wasn't there he was the head guy on developing weapons at the pentagon he was at the e-ring he was in the major part of the the main part of the pentagon and he had promised those files to the truman library so that's how i got into the presidential thing i was going after walker's files so i went to the truman library and they didn't have the files and so while i was there i said well what have you got on ufos and they said well we've got a couple of documents and they named a couple of pages whatever and i thought this is kind of strange you know this is uh pretty important stuff and about maybe 150 miles down the road is the eisenhower library in kansas so i was down there and i'm a long way from anything so i just thought i'd go to the eisenhower library i went to the eisenhower library and you actually have to do an interview to to research there so they were doing the interview with me about what you're going to research whatever and so went into ufos and they pulled the files and there was five documents it's 30 000 30 million pages of files and five documents and at that point i said this is the most important subject in the world this is the most powerful guy in the world the two have to go together there has to be a connection and i started at that point saying what is the president what is the most important powerful guy in the world know about the most important subject and that's what led me going from library to library to library and what i basically found in a lot of cases is there's really nothing there which either means nothing happened or the president didn't know or they're able to keep the the file secret they're there but they're keeping him secret which i don't think is one of the possibilities because over the years as i've been to the presidential library i've gotten to know a number of the archivists and i don't think the archivists are covering the thing up because for example the one guy at the carter library had heard the jimmy carter story in 1967 was extremely interesting we stat we sat in the archives two hours after the archives closed talking about ufos so these people were very interested and he would actually send me material that i hadn't even requested he'd say i found this and he would send it to me but the thing was that there's very little in the in the in the libraries which leads to the question that bill clinton i'm probably not the first president to lie to or that bureaucrats have tried to keep in the dark which leads to the thing is there a second government one of one of the main stories that that's very interesting about the the inner government is the story that stephen greer says that sarah mcclendon told him and sarah mclennan was a long time white house reporter from the 1940s on and she was took steve baskets or not sea bass but stephen greer she was close with him she was trying to help him and so she went to the president she went to clinton she said why don't you do what these people are asking why don't you disclose what's going on and sarah and and according to sarah mcclendon bill clinton leaned over and said sarah there's a government inside the government and i don't control it and that sort of fits in with what hillary clinton was saying there's a vast right-wing conspiracy that's trying to get rid that's giving bill problems with all this these scandals and that's what's behind it so there is this issue and it is sort of supported in presidential files that either nothing happened or the president doesn't know what's going on because in the presidential library not only do you have millions of pages of files you also have the more important thing is the oral histories and oral histories is things something like what you're doing they have a guy that's going to film or tape anybody leaves the white house you're the cook in the white house okay what was it like to be the cook in the white house did you ever meet the president do you ever have you know and go through this sort of stuff and these people would just talk off the record about what it was like to work in the white house what it was like to be secretary of defense oh did they have these what this major event that happened to you what was the inside story and they would talk and for example at the lyndon johnson library there's a thousand oral histories and some of these for example at the truman library you can actually word search them and there's no discussion of ufos so you can cover up the records you can cover up the documents but can you cover up people in just open talk talking about this kind of stuff because there is one and that was truman's uh air aid the guy who was sort of the head of air force one before they called it air force one it was his his aid to to the air force uh was brought in and he tells the story that he had seen ufos uh he was at the eighth air force in hawaii during world war ii and that they had had these uh foo fighter like things appearing on radar that they had seen and he talks about when he got to the white house he was called into the white house by truman and truman says i want you to go to the cia and i want you to gather all the stuff in the cia and i want you to brief me orally not in writing but orally on what's going on with this flying saucer thing and according to landry general landry he said he briefed the president every three months and we figured out from 48 in february of 48 when he took over to the end he probably had 16 17 briefings on on ufos but landry talks openly about it so why wouldn't people in the clinton administration or the johnson administration talk about oh you know johnson was interested in ufos and this happened that happened and it doesn't which means it really unless they're very secretive it really didn't get talked about it's not an issue and that's the problem with this situation with barack obama they're so busy people don't realize how busy the president is he's up at six o'clock in the morning and it's like photo op and then it's make these phone calls to push for a bill to get this across and then you gotta you got a cabinet meeting and then you've got this and then you've got that and it's like it's minute by minute the presidential record that they go through they haven't got time why and that's why the briefing is so important they don't have time to read anything they're briefed by people someone will come in and they know there's a question coming on a certain subject they'll go and give a 15-minute briefing to bring the president up to speed because he hasn't got time to do anything so it's a very sort of uh interesting place to to research to see and to see that uh that the records are important if we if we get a lead for example i uh the famous story that i talked to dick cheney that was in the bush bush administration where they had claimed that they were going to release the ufo files charles huffer who was a researcher been told by bush on a number of occasions yes i'm going to release the ufo files here's dick cheney he's secretary of defense he knows he he's he's a smart guy and then he said it'll be the first thing cheyney does when he gets to the white house so of course when he got to the white house nothing happened then a couple months later he was on the diana reim show a washington talk show that sometimes has high ranking people hillary clinton's been on there uh all these people have been on there and i decided i'm gonna phone in and i actually got on his first caller on and i said mr cheney in all your jobs in government have you ever been briefed on the subject of ufos and if so when was it and what were you told and it was sort of a pause and cheney said if i'd been briefed on that subject it would probably be classified and i wouldn't be talking about it and he'd been caught off guard because nobody ever asked him the question and so what happened was then diana rheem came but by then he sort of caught his footing she said well mr vice president have you had any ufo meetings since you got to the white house and he said no i've had no ufo meetings since i got to the white house so he'd sort of caught himself and in the end then he got a bunch of halliburton questions and he was furious at the end of the interview he said well you got some real wild callers today he was he was not happy about what he'd gotten and i don't think he really appeared on a talk show for years after that he was so upset and that to me is the the critical thing is if a person gets a high-ranking official whether it's a four-star general like david rudiak talked to or whether it's a vice president or a president you don't want to ask them what do you think about ufos you don't want to ask them uh you know did they see a ufo you only want to ask them one question were you briefed when were you briefed and what were you told because the briefing is the official thing that we're all looking for if you're the president of the united states the most powerful guy if they they know there's a question on on ufos coming they're going to set the president down and they're going to say they're going to bring in the top intelligence people are going to gather all the best information they have on the subject they're going to bring that people into the room that guy into the room and he's going to say mr president here's what we know about ufos and that's what you want that's the only truth the rest is all disinformation what you want is what to tell the president unless they're lying to the president which is another possibility speaking of paul hellyer there's a very interesting story and this ties in with the the wilbur smith research and this is uh we knew about paul hellyer years ago we were bugging him about ufos long before he became public and the two people are rebugging was arthur bray he was a researcher in ottawa canada and he was the guy who got control of the smith files they were trying to hide the smith files and they gave it to him and he was a guy who had a navy he was a navy guy he had a security clearance so some of the stuff that was in the files he had already seen the top secret memo before it was declassified because smith had double copied it and it was in the files so he knew about this and anyway arthur bray and i were after a story that happened in 1967. canada in 1967 was the 100th anniversary of the the country so they had a bunch of centennial projects all over the country and one of the projects that they had was in saint paul alberta which is just outside of edmonton alberta they built a ufo landing base a little tourist thing outside you know maybe 100 feet across and for the tourists to come and they built his landing base now paul hill at the time was secretary of defense in canada so he goes to this landing base to open the landing base and he's making his speech and he he gives the speech and he says you know this is not the first time we've had a landing base the canadians opened up a top secret base uh in 1954 for ufos to land and nothing landed therefore ufos don't exist so that's fine and it was across the the headlines or whatever i didn't see the story till the 1970s and suddenly i saw this story when i was working on the wilbur smith thing because i really didn't get involved until 1975. i had no interest in ufos whatsoever never even thought about ufos before then and so when when i saw this story uh we started trying to contact pelo hillier and we weren't really interested in in in much except where did the story come from and about this landing base that they had built so when i went and i interviewed uh wilbur smith's wife and she was about a week before she retired she was very upset in the canadian government because there was a we have the french english problem and she was english and the french were starting to take over the government they were you had to be able to speak both languages she was very upset about a lot of things in the government so she was ready to talk and she told me all these different stories about wilbur and about the what was going on and what just stuff that would just blow you away so i and one of the stories so then i gave her the newspaper heading from my 1967 from the winnipeg free press and i showed her this story and it said ufo base opened whatever it was for ufos to land and i said i handed it to her and i said did wilbur have anything to do with this so she sat there and she read the story and she said yeah that was wilbur and i said so what happened she says well wilbur went to the prime minister of canada and he went to the rcmp which is the federal police force and he went to the secretary of the defense department and he said in wilbur openly in his speeches talks about this we got to quit trying to shoot these things down and if we would shoot them down we would you know we could have contact with them and so he'd gone to these three different people and he'd said if you don't shoot down the ufo i will get alpha which is the name of the alien to land so they went into a meeting and they said uh uh and and and you can't do anything to them so they they went into this meeting and the three people agreed yes they would allow him to land without shooting them down so then wilbur said they wanted to guarantee that once whoever was going to talk to him and that the base was suffield alberta which is the area 51 of canada they've done a lot it's got a restricted fly zone over it it's a highly top-secret base in alberta and so um wilbur wanted to guarantee that when the ufo landed at suffield that it would they would talk to it do whatever they wanted and then it would be allowed to take off and they went back and i can't remember exactly which one of the three agencies didn't agree that they would they would go along with that that they would necessarily let the thing take off again and sober says okay that's it we're calling it off nobody's gonna land so the whole story was told that it's true helya had this story from summer so we went after hillary and we said so where'd the story come from where'd you get the story because we knew the the inside story of what had happened and hellyer said well there was an expert inside the department of defense that told me the story but i can't remember the guy's name and i think this is maybe what got me in trouble with helya and i went doesn't make any sense malcolm you know i remember the top official in your department and he said there was a far the guy had the file so when when helya retired he said that he was going to go to the archives in ottawa and he was going to try to find this this file then he came back and said no he couldn't he couldn't find the file it wasn't there or whatever but bray and i for years were writing letters to hell here trying to get him to who is the guy who told you the story where'd you get it so this goes back to last year at the x conference and i i guess i put on my website that you know i how can you believe this story that helya didn't remember who this this was so i remember helya and he's a big guy you've met him he's a fairly impressive large guy he wanted to have breakfast so i said okay fine so we come down he's got these files under his arm and so he says to me you know mr cameron i made me many things but one of them is i'm not a liar and i went oh well i'm immediately thinking like what the heck did i write you know so we sat down and he plops these files open to me and they're from 1967 and they're from the national research council and stuff and and i said wow this is 67 i mean we've got all this stuff this is uh you know this is nothing unusual i mean it's it's not the stuff the thing i was interested in was your your speech in 1967 where you talked about the fact that it opened the ufo ways to land and we've got the other side of the story and we wanted to know who the official was and what this is all about he says i don't even remember giving the speech it was written for me by somebody i don't remember giving the speech and after that conversation with hellyer and we had breakfast for maybe 25 minutes i was thoroughly convinced that he was absolutely telling the truth that he really didn't remember that he really didn't have any knowledge and that's one of the things about helya that he really didn't have any knowledge there was maybe stuff coming across his desk ufo sightings or whatever but it was something that he just pushed aside so here's a secretary of defense who really is out of the loop as well in canada and the stuff is going somewhere but here's a guy who had the chance and if he had the interest he had now he would have got something done but at that time he really didn't have any interest but it was very impressive to have this vision that some government official is covering up and then to actually sit down with that government official for half an hour and go i was wrong the guy really doesn't remember does didn't really know
Channel: Extreme Mysteries
Views: 779,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ufo documentary, ufo news, ufo sightings daily, ufo sightings 2022, ufo series, ufo sightings, aliens caught on camera, ufo sighting, top ufo sightings, alien sightings, ufo videos, ufo video, alien life, alien encounters, alien and ufo encounters, ufo encounters, ufo aliens, ufos, aliens, history channel, documentary, alien documentary, ufo movies, ufo chronicles, president alien connection, alien presidents, alien contact, ancient aliens, alien president movie
Id: 0zh_upDvvZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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