UFOs and aliens: What's the truth? | WION Wideangle

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[Music] [Music] a close encounter with an unidentified flying object commonly known as UFO turned the life of an electric lineman in Indiana upside down the protagonist then began his quest for answers in the 1977 classic science fiction closing counters of the Third Kind [Music] another Classic this one from 1982 E.T the Extraterrestrial the iconic Steven Spielberg film a child befriends an alien and helps him Escape From Earth and return to his home planet [Music] more recently in the 2016 alien visitation drama arrival a professor is recruited by the military to assist in translating alien Communications foreign [Music] as we convene here UAP are in our airspace but they are grossly under reported these sightings are not rare or isolated they are routine military air crew and commercial pilots trained observers whose lives depend on accurate identification are frequently witnessing these phenomena a real-life drama is currently being played out in Washington DC the capital of the United States its Central character retired major David grush a former U.S intelligence officer he's now a whistleblower with a clear purpose I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access to those additional read-ons when I requested it I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my Superior superiors and multiple inspectors General and in effect becoming a whistleblower possession of alien craft and non-human biologics if what grush is saying is true aliens are definitely not the only things coming to our planet from Far Far Away [Music] King on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Spielberg who has directed many sci-fi Classics revealed that he too believes that aliens exist and that the U.S government is trying to cover up their existence Spielberg said and we quote I think it's mathematically impossible that we are the only intelligent species in the cosmos that's totally impossible it is exciting let's enter the world of UFOs and extraterrestrials as the United States hiding information about aliens and should we start taking unidentified anomalous phenomena seriously [Music] [Music] as you know I've suffered retaliation for my decision but I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency in the month of June this year David grush an American intelligence officer's Keen interest in UFOs made headlines across the globe he gave the U.S Congress and other authorities classified information about secret programs that according to him or in possession of the alien craft [Music] the U.S government along with its allies have been making recoveries of partial and fully intact vehicles for many decades he has said all these rumors are true the US government does have crashed UFOs and in some cases um apparently bodies of the pilots and in the second instance he says that there is a program to try and figure all this out run by elements in the US government and that program is improperly or illegally being withheld from Congress what I know will happen is that Congress will continue to work on this question to try to validate David crash's claims on the 26th of July David Rush testified to a subcommittee on the U.S Congress under oath claiming that the government is attempting to cover up evidence of non-human UFOs and that it may have alien bodies in its possession Rush claims that the country's government conducted a multi-decade program where it collected and attempted to reverse engineer uaps or unidentified aerial phenomena a term officially used by government for UFOs David Rush was a combat officer in Afghanistan and a veteran of the U.S national geospatial intelligence agency and the U.S national reconnaissance office or nro at nro he was employed as a representative of the unidentified anomalous phenomena Task Force at the Department of Defense he was tasked with identifying UFOs and thus he claimed that he had spotted unidentified objects off the Eastern Seaboard in the mid-2010s oh [Music] the U.S Department of Defense the Pentagon has denied all of Grocer's claims of a cover-up in a statement defense department spokeswoman sugao said investigators have not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently [Music] with the Pentagon denying the allegations grush does not seem to have much to back up his claims but he's not alone two former U.S native fighter pilots have also said they have seen unidentified anomalous phenomena parts of our government are aware of more about UAP than they let on the excessive classification practices keep crucial information hidden since 2021 all UAP videos are classified as secret or above this level of secrecy not only impedes our understanding but fuels speculation and mistrust as we look around we noticed that we saw some white water off our right side it's important to note the weather on this day was as close to perfect as you could ask for off the coast of San Diego clear skies light winds calm seas no White Caps from waves so the Whitewater stood out in a large Blue Ocean all four of us because we were an f-18f so we had pilots and wiso in the back seat looked down a small saw white Tic-Tac object with a longitudinal axis pointing North South and moving very abruptly over the water like a ping pong ball as we pulled nose onto the object within about a half mile of it it rapidly accelerated in front of us and disappeared our wingmen roughly 8 000 feet above us lost contact also we immediately turned back to see where the white water was at and it was gone also warning that these unidentified objects are a national security threat the two pilots called on the U.S government to be more transparent about uaps last week White House Tennessee spokesman John Kirby stated that uaps are having an impact on our training ranges and need to be treated as a legitimate issue do you concur with the statements that's for each of you yes yes yes the U.S government has some UFO related information which is classified and therefore which by definition is being hidden from certainly the media and the public generally speaking with the most highly classified subjects only maybe two people on the armed services committee or on the intelligence committee uh perhaps the chairman and the senior member from the other party maybe only a handful of people would have sufficient clearance security clearance to to be told some of this so yes we know there is some information that's classified and being hidden as expected a considerable crowd of UFO enthusiasts arrived on Capitol Hill for the hearing I mean there's two big questions in this world what happens when we die in are we alone and the Pentagon is talking about one of them right now so it's interesting as hell are we alone in the universe that's the question everybody wants answered have you faced any retaliation the testimony in front of Congress has opened up more questions than the answers it provided it could also act as an impetus for more investigations but how did the modern day sightings of UFOs first come about and what exactly are UFOs [Music] in 1952 the U.S Air Force coined the term UFO just five years after pilot Kenneth Arnold added Flying Saucer to the world's lexicon during the summer of 1947 Arnold flew past Mount Rainier in Washington state and found a flying disc on his property Northwest of Roswell Army Field the next day a public information officer at the army base released a news statement revealing that the U.S army recovered a flying disc from a man's Ranch although Arnold denied initially describing them as saucers the name by then had already made its Mark in popular culture [Music] according to the Air Force declassification office UFOs were initially defined as those objects that remain unidentified after scrutiny by expert investigators though today the term UFO is colloquially used to refer to any unidentifiable sighting regardless of whether it has been investigated U.S government entities have always been tight-lipped about UFOs the secrecy seems to have fueled conspiracy theories that aliens and their spacecraft are hidden by the government in area 51. foreign but what is Area 51 Area 51 is synonymous with Tales of UFOs government cover-ups Area 51 is the popular name for a United States Air Force Base it is located at Groom Lake a dry lake bed in the Nevada desert 135 kilometers north of Las Vegas [Music] what goes on inside this area is extremely secretive and guarded members of the public are kept Away by warning signs electronic surveillance and armed guards [Music] although the site is now visible on satellite images it is illegal to fly over area 51. Piercy theories surrounding the base suggest that it is used for the testing of alien technology recovered from supposed crash sites like the famous one we have just seen in Roswell New Mexico Area 51 references have seeped into pot culture with Imagination Running Wild one of the most widely viewed interpretations of Area 51 appeared in the 1996 Will Smith Blockbuster Independence Day where the base plays a crucial role in defeating an invading alien menace remember the stirring speech scene when the president of the United States played by Bill Pullman delivers a rousing message to fight alien attacks and then there was this incident storm Area 51 they can't stop all of us the Facebook event went viral in September 2019. 1.5 million people signed up for it to see for themselves if the government was hiding aliens but only about 150 people showed up at the two entrances to area 51. no one succeeded in entering the site the military responded with stern warnings that lethal Force could be used if people entered the Nevada test and training range despite the restrictions or perhaps because of them Area 51 has spawned more conspiracy theories than any other military facility in the world when I was investigating UFOs for the British government we did not liaise with the United States on that so I was privy to know official information so on that aspect of it I've really only heard the same stories that that the media and the public have heard if the United States does have crashed UFOs or even intact ones as some whistleblowers now coming forward claim then Area 51 is exactly the kind of area where you would take it because you would need somewhere remote where the public can't get access [Music] so why was it built in the first place [Music] Area 51 was created during the Cold war between the US and the Soviet Union as a testing and development facility for aircraft including the U2 and SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance planes although it opened in 1955 the U.S military only acknowledged its existence in 2013 after a formerly classified Central Intelligence Agency or CIA document detailing the history of the U2 spy plane was obtained by the National Security archive four months after the cia's disclosure President Obama became the first U.S president to mention Area 51 publicly it's been dubbed America's most infamous UFO incident the 1947 Roswell incident became the center of a conspiracy theory involving UFOs and extraterrestrials between 1947 and 1969 had the height of the Cold War more than 12 000 UFO sightings were reported to a top-secret U.S Air Force Team [Music] it was called Project Blue Book its mission to scientifically investigate the incidents and determine whether they pose a national security threat so what were some of the most famous sightings in 1950 an issue of Dublin's teenage times claimed that these mysterious objects were flying saucers in the same year another picture of a flying saucer was photographed by farmer Paul Trent over his farm in Millville New Jersey in 1963 The Amalgamated Flying Saucer Club of America with headquarters in Los Angeles released this photo taken by a member reportedly showing a flying saucer from the year 1989 to 1990 around 13 500 people claimed that they witnessed large silent low-flying black triangles this Belgian photograph became a worldwide hit but more than 20 years later one of the creators of the photograph revealed that it was fake a piece of polystyrene was used to create the effect in 2010 New Yorkers froze and kept gazing Skyward at the mysterious objects that hovered above the iconic Manhattan skyline for several hours the New York Police Department said it received dozens of calls about the unidentified flying objects they were just kind of like more recently in 2021 a mystery triangular UFO was spotted over a California base videos of the incident have now been debunked as flares [Music] in June 2021 a U.S intelligence report on the mysterious and identified flying object sightings said that most incidents could not be explained it had not rule out the possibility that some of them could be alien spacecraft the unclassified report said researchers could explain only one of the 144 UFO sightings by U.S government personnel and sources between 2004 and 2021. this also brings us to the question why do a staggering number of all reported UFO sightings only take place in the U.S clearly UFO sightings have become an American Obsession an intrinsic part of urban legends of the 21st century and now claims from whistleblower David grush have reignited the interest in these so-called non-human entities history surrounding UFOs continue remember foreign [Music]
Channel: WION
Views: 251,175
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Keywords: aliens, alien, aliens video, are aliens real, ancient aliens, ancient aliens clips, aliens theory, do aliens exist, pentagon aliens, facttechz aliens, aliens and giants, alien pilots, watch ancient aliens, ancient aliens giants, ancient aliens history, alien invasion, ancient aliens season 19, ancient aliens full episode, u.s. congress hearing on aliens, alien and ufo encounters, what does the government know about aliens, ancient aliens: alaska's bizarre ufo hotspot
Id: Jx8ccunMeug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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