Algorand Community Governance All Hands: Instructions for Would-Be Governors

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was kinda hoping the instructions of how to participate were going to be a 5 minute video not a 50 minute one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Top_Spud πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

How to use the TestNet site with Algorand Wallet:

  1. Download and install Algorand Wallet.
  2. Create a wallet, then copy the address of the wallet.
  3. Switch to TestNet and get algos in TestNet
    1. Switch to TestNet in Settings>Developer Settings>Node Settings.
    2. Go to Settings>Developer Settings>Algorand Dispenser or
    3. Click the checkbox.
    4. Enter the wallet address in the textbox.
    5. Click Dispense.
    6. Wait for the wallet to receive the algos.
  4. Connect to Governance site
    1. Go to
    2. Click Connect Wallet.
    3. Select your wallet.
    4. In the Algorand Wallet, click the folders, then the scan icon and scan the QR code that is displayed, then click Connect.
  5. Commit algos for Governance
    1. Click Use in the website.
    2. Click Commit Algos.
    3. Enter the amount of algos to commit. Max is wallet amount - 1.
    4. Click Commit Algos.
    5. Authorize the transaction in the wallet.
  6. Verify that the algos were commited in the list of Governors. You can search by your wallet address. Your wallet should say eligible with the number of algos you committed.
  7. Don't forget to set your wallet back to MainNet in Developer Settings.
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jiwhite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like they could have made that video alot shorter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FleshWhistle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish they would of showed how this is done on a mobile device, or do I have to use a computer? Also what is the link to the goverence page? I couldn't read it on my screen in the video thanks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Olddirty420 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Evening Guvnahs

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrBirdsReddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad they managed to get the UI done before the first governance session. It looks so clean and simple to do...especially using MyAlgo or AlgoSigner.

Big props to the team at Algorand for this. :4729:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UnknownGamerUK πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

When i connect my wallet it says i have 0.00 ALGO

Is this because it's currently on the testnet, or am i doing something wrong?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kreedee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for sharing! :4729:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/estantef πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheRumpletiltskin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello good morning welcome algorithm community members my name is autumn mas penulosa i'm the america's community lead for the algran foundation i'm joined today by shai halevi research fellow and ronan green digital marketing manager for the algran foundation we're so pleased you all could join us today for a packed house and the third community all hands call dedicated to the upcoming governance launch on the algorithm network today's call will feature detailed instructions overview and demonstration shai will cover for us how to participate in community governance and what will be required by you should you choose to become a governor and we hope you will instructions will include how to sign in and commit algos in the upcoming governance period and how to participate in all the voting sessions in this period this portion of the presentation should take no more than 15 minutes at which point we will open the floor to questions from participants please keep your questions focused solely on the mechanics of voting that we're covering today as we will only be answering questions related to this topic in this particular call so without further ado shai handing it over to you cheyenne sorry one moment and just to share with everybody em i'm just going to share and sha is done four videos for each of the three integrated wallets and the other wallet to show the simple instructions to connect your wallet and then commit your algo to participate and so i'm going to just play these momentarily and we'll start with i'll go sign or shy if that works for you sure so uh but pause it for just one second so that i can explain what is it that we're gonna see yep that's right thank you um so we prepared a dashboard uh for you to use as a governor so you typically the first thing that you need to do whenever you need to do anything at all as a governor is to head to that dashboard and start your uh actions over there and these videos show uses of this dashboard using several different uh wallets and systems behind it but all begin with the same dashboard so okay we can start now uh so as i said the first thing you want to do as a governor is head over to the dashboard uh and currently it's in staging and in test mode but in a couple of days it would be in production and it would be uh it would go and it will show you uh you said you'd click on startup and then it would pop up this window and would ask you which kind of wallet are you using and there are three wallets that are integrated and then another time for everything else and this video shows uh algo signer which is a chrome extension so if you use algossiner as your wallet then you would go and click that button and it would pop up this thing where the wallet asks you for the password and then you will put in your password and then the wallet would tell you that the algol and governance platform um he wants to access that wallet and you would grant access and it will if you have more than one address in that wallet then you can choose which one of them you want to use and here it's going to use the one at the bottom i believe yeah and so far that's it now the dashboard knows which uh address you want to use for governance and it tells you that you're on your way to becoming a governor uh what does that mean you still need to tell it how many algos you're going to commit to governing in the upcoming governance period and for that you would click the commit algos and it will pop up this window where it will show you again which address we're talking about and asks you how many hours you want to commit uh now this thing has some number of uh algos in the wallet but you should not commit all of them to governance because uh you're gonna have to send a few transactions during the governance period and pay the transactions fees for that so we highly recommend that you do not commit more than one algo less than what you have and indeed if you click max uh what it would put here is one algo less than what you have in the wallet but here we're just gonna commit a smaller number of algos so we put the number uh we click and then algo signer tells you that the algorithm government platform wants you to sign a particular transaction and you can click on details and you see the details of that transaction and in particular you can see what the notes field of that transaction is which is where we encode the number of algos that you want to commit once you click sign then you need to put in your password again for the wallet so let's do that and now the wallet is signing that transaction and sending it to the network and we're back at the dashboard the dashboard is now just waiting to see this transaction appears on the network so let's wait for a small number of seconds for this transaction to commit and good now we're all set we committed our 12 algos and when we're back at the dashboard uh it says that we're in good standing uh we committed 12 algos there is one voting session but you see it's upcoming you can't vote in it you can go and look at what the voting session is what are the measures what are the options but you cannot vote yet so this is how you would use the dashboard if um algo signer is your wallet and i'll go sign as i said it's a chrome extension and is integrated with the dashboard one moment try and i'll move on to my algo walla okay the uh just uh while ronan is preparing the clip the next one is my algo wallet which is a web wallet uh we will also show uh the official algorithm wallet which is a mobile one and then we will show an example of what happens if you use anything that's not integrated so again you start by heading to this to the dashboard which is currently at foundation and again you can participate in the algorithm governance which means that the sign up period is now open and you click get started and then it will ask you which address you want to use and what type of wallet you want to use so we're going to click that in a second there we go and again the same thing the three integrated wallets and everything else category so this time we're going to choose a my algo wallet which as i said is a web wallet and now the thing that pops up is my algo wallet asking for passwords so it's exactly the same mechanism except now we're using a different wallet um and if you have more than one address of my algo wallet you should click on this manage my accounts link at the bottom because then it would ask you which one do you want to use so once you click it you need to put the password again by the way if you don't click this thing then whatever whatever account you used last would be selected automatically so if you want to change you have to crest this thing you would click connect and now it shows you the two accounts that i have with my aggro wallet and i'm going to choose one of them for the government the one that's number two in this case and connect and there we go back in the dashboard it tells me it shows me this account and um can click use and now it's connected to that account you can see the account on the bottom right and again you're very close to becoming a governor meaning we already know what address you want to use but now you need to tell us how many argus you want to commit and we click it and it's exactly the same thing it shows how many algos i have in this wallet but i should not commit all of them if i click max it would give me one what i don't know if it's me was that me yeah you broke for a moment but you're back then okay and i'm committing the uh um again i if i could click max it's less than everything that i have in the wallet and i'm going to uh commit and again it tells me that uh the platform wants to sign a message i can click this transit signup transaction i can click this transaction and it will show me the details and in particular it shows the notes field where it's encoded how many algos i want to commit and then i can say go ahead and it will ask me for my password again so i will put my password again and it will sign that transaction and it will send it to the network and then the dashboard will just wait to see that transaction on the network before it comes back to me and that's it um it tells me that i committed i was at nine algos i think and we are all done you click okay close and it shows that you're in good standing and it shows that you have one vote that you can participate but as before the voting hasn't started yet so you can click and you can see what the uh voting options are and the measures and what you can vote on but you cannot actually vote you can just look at it here there are four measures and some number of options in each measure thank you i'll just showcase the i'll um wallet right so the next video that we have show what happens when you use the mobile uh wallet unfortunately sorry just for a moment yeah but let me just uh speak to it even before it shows up that video would only show the desktop part of this thing it will not show uh what you can see on your mobile device uh we will post a document in the coming day or two that shows everything and that thing will have the screen captures both from the desktop and your view when you're interacting with your wallet on your mobile device so again it's the same thing you start by heading to the dashboard you need to tell the dashboard uh what is it that you want to use for governor so you can participate meaning the sign up window is open you can click get started and then it will pop us into the same window that we already seen several times today uh and this time we're going to choose the aggregate wallet oh is is this not the one that does the other one wallet it is the one that does that okay is that the correct one choice sorry i think i think it is thank you let's play it for a minute we'll see sorry yeah okay what happens now is it pops up a qr code uh yeah qr code for you to scan you need to scan this qr code from within the wallet so on your mobile you open the with the world the mobile wallet and in the mobile wallet there is a way for you to scan a qr code and you need to touch that thing and then you scan it and you tell it on the mobile wallet which address you if you have more than one address you tell it which address you want to use for that and then when you authorize it from the mobile wallet it just automatically goes back to the dashboard and now we're back at what we were before now we need to uh commit some number of algos so same thing exactly same thing as before it tells you how many algos you have you cannot choose as many algos as you have the most you can do is one less for the same reason you're going to have to submit some transactions and pay the transaction fees for them so if you click max it would be one less and if you okay and and yeah and if you now go to sign then on the mobile wallet it would pop up a message saying the application wants to sign a transaction you can look at the details of the transaction you can authorize that transaction it would display whatever warnings the message the the wallet display saying please make sure that you tested this transaction that it works and then once it approves it uh we're again in the same place in the uh application in the dashboard where we're waiting to see the transaction on the network and again it's exactly the same as it was before the only thing that changed is the mechanism that we use to authorize and sign the relevant transactions to be sent to the network and that's done so i mean from all these things this is the one which is somewhat simpler because all you need is to scan a qr code but again it's the same thing on the on the mobile site on the desktop site it's exactly the same thing again it shows the uh voting session which is hasn't started yet but you can look at it you can look at all the options right and then the the last video that we have is demonstrating one particular way of using it when your wallet is not one of the one of the wallets that integrated uh so we're gonna see exactly the same thing but now the mechanism will be a little different because it's not integrated anymore so we have to do a little over a bit of a cut and paste between the dashboard and whatever wallet we want to use it should be there thank you so starting exactly the same way we headed up uh participate you you can participate meaning the sign up window is open you need to uh click get started so you click get started and then it pops up the exact same window as we've seen already several times before but now we're not going to choose any of the three integrated one we're choosing the other option and in that case the dashboard doesn't know anything about which kind of wallet it is uh so all it asks of you to do is to tell you what is the algorithm address that you're gonna use for governance so i'm just gonna paste the uh i'll go and address that is in uh in my other wallet into it and that's all i'm doing and once i click this uh you can see the address at the top right and we're still at the this you're very close to becoming governor which means now i know what address you're talking about now tell me how many hours uh now when we click about the the commit august button the window looks uh still the same uh still the same thing here is here is the address this is how many algos that address have how many of them do you want to commit still the same rule you shouldn't commit more than one algo less than what you have in the wallet um so let's decide on the number of algos that we want to use if you click click max it puts one less than what you had there and we click commit algos the thing that's happened now is different though now it doesn't know how to connect to that wallet because it doesn't know which wallet you're using so what it tells you is go to your wallet and send a payment transaction with zero algos to this address uh and put in the notes field of that uh transaction that text that you see at the bottom there this example i'm using the most primitive of wallets you can imagine it's actually a command line tool that arrives with an algorithm node so here is a command line these are the uh addresses that are listed in that wallet i'm going to use the second of them uh to uh for governance in this example and i already wrote the uh command line that you need to put so it's gold clerk send minus a the number of algos which is zero minus f the out the address that uh i'm using and then minus t the address that i need to send to and that i'm cutting and pasting from the dashboard into the wallet and then minus n which is the notes field and again i'm going to cut and paste the notes field to that wallet and in this case i'm just going to hit enter and it will send that transaction to the network on my behalf uh other wallets of course will have different mechanism of where do you specify who is you send this this transaction to this payment to and um how do you specify the nodes and now i'm telling this uh dashboard that i yeah i sent it and it tells me okay let me go ahead and and check if i can see it on the network and once i click yes it's already on the network and it saw it so now it knows that i'm signed up so this is all there is to signing up to becoming a governor all you need is to tell it which address which wallet how many out goes and if you're using something that's not integrated then you also need to cut and paste where do you want need to send the zero algo pay transaction and what do i where do i need to put what do you need to put in the notes so that's all there is to the uh to becoming a governor i think that the next thing we're going to do is showing you how to vote which is awfully similar to what you need to do in order to sign up it's almost it looks almost the same uh i believe that this is the next thing that i'm going to show you and i'll start shy with the algo signer voting right so you start exactly the same way you go to the dashboard uh the dashboard now is in uh can you pause for just one second yeah sorry the dashboard now is in a voting session it's in a voting mode so instead of telling you instead of telling you that you can sign up to be a governor it tells you that you can now vote but it still needs to know which address you're gonna use uh because well maybe you are using the same browser as for sign up maybe you're not so if you're not already connected to an address and in this example it's not then we're going to repeat the exact same process that we did before to connect to an address uh so in this case it's um i'll go sign or the chrome extension you can continue thanks one moment and it will ask the same thing i mean the the chrome extension asks for your password and i'm going to put the password in it will tell you that the application wants to connect and you're going to authorize that and you're going to choose if you have more than one you're going to choose which of them do you want to use and in this case this is an address that already committed before you can see how many algos it committed before and now it can participate in vote and in this case the vote is open so you look at the measure i think this is a different voting session than one that we saw before because it only have two measures there's one measure about asking about commitments and another one asking you whether you should turn left or right uh and there is this button that says vote with the foundation what this button do is pre-fill the entire ballot with the options that the foundation recommends uh so you can click that if you want to vote for the foundation then you can click that and again once you uh say submit my vote it would pop up this window where you sign a transaction to that effect and you can see the details of that transaction in particular you can see the notes field and the notes will record what are the choices that you made and once you hit sign it will ask you again to sign that transaction all you do is sending a transaction the only difference is now the notes field look different than it was uh when you signed up and it gets filled by the dashboard when you when you use the and that's it now you signed and you you're done you can go back now to your main uh governance page and you will see that uh you you participate in the voting session and now it sees the transaction on the network it succeeded you can go back and you see that you already voted and you will be eligible to collect the uh rewards once the governance period will be over so this is all there is to voting i think we have another example with uh mile gosigner we did not do the other two examples but it's exactly the same thing i mean the dashboard will construct the transaction ask the wallet to sign that transaction the notes field of the transaction encodes what it is that you want to do as a governor and once it sees the transaction on the network it reflects it in the um in the um dashboard so again exactly as this before we head to the dashboard we click the uh either connect wallet or get started which both lead to the same place uh we see this thing where we can connect the address that we want this in this case my algo wallet we click it we ask for the password same thing if you have more than one address then you want to click the link below so that you can tell it which of the addresses you want to use again choose one of them and and then you can connect back at the dashboard this is what we want to use we still need to participate in the vote the vote is now active so we can click on it and we go to the vote and the process is exactly the same you can look at the the description you can see what's in the vote what is it that you want to vote on uh the documentation will be available for ahead of time uh and there's a brief description of the things here you can vote with the foundation if you so choose by clicking this vote for the foundation thing but you can also change if you want to change it from right to left then sure and once you click submit my vote uh the transaction is sent to the uh to the wallet you can see the details of the transaction you can see the notes field that encodes the your choices in that vote and once you decide to sign this transaction uh the wallet just will sign the transaction and submit it to the network so you put in your password and the wallet will sign the transaction and submit it to the network and you can see that the dashboard is waiting to see the transaction on the network [Music] thanks shay and sure i've had a couple of questions you see in the chat here just in relation to hardware wallets and ledger integration if you could maybe talk to that right so let me talk about uh ledger integration so in some sense ledger sits behind the wallet so if you use one of the three supported uh integrated wallet and you use them with ledger then when you sign the transaction it will do exactly the same as when you sign any other transaction from the wallet with the ledger you would need to connect the ledger you would need to put in your pin to activate the ledger the wallet will send the same transaction back to the ledger on the ledger device you're going to have to look at the transaction and authorize it over there once it's authorized over there it will go back to your wallet which is submitted to the network which will then um go back to the dashboard and to look at the transaction and see it on the network so in some sense the integration between the wallet and ledger uh is from the dashboard point of view it doesn't know that it's a legend it only knows that the the wallet assign it and from your point of view however that you use it uh in any other way uh between your wallet and the uh and ledger that's you repeat the exact same process as you do normally uh again the thing if you use one of the three support oh there is one point that i want to make about uh some of these supported things some of these supported wallets i believe algoshainer both aldesigner and myalgo wallet if you have more than one address at the ledger it would only let you access the first one i haven't tested it because i don't have more than one address on my ledger but uh that's what i was told the official algo and wallet the mobile one does support more than one address at the ledger so if you have more than one address at the ledger you better use the official algo and wallet rather to communicate with the ledger device rather than the other two uh unless you only use the first one in which case no problem so this is one thing that i want to say and the other thing that i want to say is there are some wallets that support ledger with algorand but do not let you specify the notes field and unfortunately for those we ask that they would add support uh notes field and maybe they will do it one day but until they do you cannot use those wallets those uh implementation to participate in algorand governance uh but again you can take the same ledger device that you have and just connect it to the official argo and wallet the mobile one for example uh and access it this way so you can use your address just not via some wallets that don't support notes fit perfect and should i we had a couple of comments around expectation of you know the amount of algos that will be committed obviously we we won't know that until after the sign of window and closes but i just wanted to call it could you just show them maybe um you know the middle section there a committed stake so far a number of governors and show all governors uh oh yeah that's uh that's a point that i didn't uh talk to when the dashboards show you how many governors sign up so far and how many algos they committed so if you come midway maybe you have some idea of uh uh who all is already there of course this is our the first governance period we don't know who and how many will sign up we don't know whether people would uh hurry to sign up as soon as it opens on october 1st or whether they would wait until just before the windows closes on october 15 we don't know any of that so it would be a surprise for everybody including us uh but you will at least get to learn how many are already there and again as you remember the how many rewards you would get at the end of the period is just you know what your share is how many algos you committed divided by how many total were committed times the number of uh of total rewards that we give for that period perfect em tong long if the second governance period overlaps the first governance at the end does that mean you can't use the committed algorithm from the first governance for the second as that will mean we pulled out the committed algorithm for government sense i i tried anyway that's a great question so let me answer that uh the way it's going to it's going to work is the sign up window of the second period will open two weeks before the end of the first window however these algos never leave your wallet i mean yes you commit them and yes if you take them out beforehand you will not get your rewards but they sit there so it's perfectly okay with you to commit you have a wallet with 101 algos you commit a hundred of them to the first governor of the government period and then during the sign up thing for the second one you commit also the same hundred algos also the second the first the first period will close the second period will open immediately at the same time and your 100 algos will be used as your commitment for the first while the first one was in session and as your commitment to the second starting the end of the sign up period for the second so yes you can use the same august and i have a good question actually shall i can you update your commitment during the windows so obviously the window is open for the two week period and during that period you can go in and reduce or increase your commitment and yeah yes yes the answer is yes uh if you're using this there is one thing that you should know if you're going to use the uh the integrated version and the uh and the dashboard the dashboard will not let you i mean the ui of the dashboard will not let you commit to more than one algos less than what you have currently in the uh in the wallet but if you use some other wallet and you committed to something more than what you have currently in the wallet then the dashboard will just tell you well you're under fund underfunded right now and then if you fund the wallet before the sign up window closes then the dashboard says okay now you're okay so even that is possible it's not recommended because then it's going to lead to a lot of confusion uh but it is it will work and if you sign if you send more than one transaction the last one counts so if you send uh one at the beginning and then change your mind about how many algos and send another one at the end the last one will count perfect uh darlene how does one decide how many algos to commit it's purely a personal preference i feel um yeah i i don't know that yeah that's i suppose what you can afford to commit in a given period and will we know how much rewards we earn so that we can accurately compound our delegation to the next governance period and i think he slightly answered that but yeah so the but let me be very explicit about it you will have at the time will the government where the sign up window closes you will have some lower bound on how many rewards you will get because you will know how many you committed you will know how many were committed total you will know how many uh algos are in the rewards pool so you can do the math yourself this divided by that times this this is how many rewards you might get more rewards because other governors may not vote or not respect their commitment in which case they will forfeit their uh rewards and then the rewards pool that will now be distributed among a smaller set of governments so everybody will get a little more uh so it is possible that you'll get a little more rewards you will know for sure only when the governance period ends because this is when we will count uh how many governors are still compliant at that time these are all the governors that a kept their commitment and b participate in the vote and then we will compute how many rewards each one should get as a function of that great thanks shy thank you to the community for answering the questions regarding uh the exchanges specifically coinbase i'm seeing a lot of questions shy do you want to comment on that at all so oh let that's actually it's an important point and i want to say it in a very clear terms most exchanges or actually all the extensions that i know of don't let you have your own algorand address i mean everybody shares the same algorithm addresses and those addresses are controlled by some keys that the exchange has so you cannot use your exchange account to participate in governance now we are talking to exchanges and trying to let them uh have them let their users participate in algorand governance uh and that has two parts they will have to sign in to governance on behalf of that client and they will also have to vote on your behalf what might happen is that they would only give you the option to vote for the foundation or maybe they will have their own opinion of what you should vote on but you will not as an individual customer of the fund the exchange be able to use their account to express your preference in voting but you will if the exchange allows it you will be able to uh they will be able to participate on your behalf get the rewards and pass them on to you so if what you're looking for is getting the rewards uh i hope that some of the exchanges will uh will uh will support it we are talking to them and they seem to be trying to support it so i'm optimistic uh and you will be able to get the rewards this way you in all likelihood will not be able to express your opinion as a governor if you want to do that you need to manage your own algorithm address [Music] [Music] i'm sorry there was one yeah brian sorry if you would draw your governance committed i'll go after a vote before the end of the full period does your vote still count another great question we will have somewhat of a cooldown period after the um after the vote closes uh during which if you take your algos out your vote will not count so let's say that the vote is open for two weeks we would have a few days after the vote closes uh before we finalize the result and during that time if you take your algos out your vote will not count but once the vote is finalized the vote is finalized if you take your algos later uh your vote would still have counted but you will of course not get your rewards perfect um darren ciao what if we did the math slightly wrong we over commit is it possible to actually over commit um i'll go well not if you use the ui from the dashboard because it just won't let you uh but if you use some other uh wallet and just send the transaction and do it yourself yeah it's possible that you will over commit in which case you will be disqualified from the get-go you will not be able to vote and you will not get rewards at the end perfect and will all topics be available to vote at the same time or will they show up one at a time they will all be available at the same time our intention is to have a single voting session in every governance period uh and announce all the measures on that ballot already when we open the sign up window for that for that governance period and not have any more votes at all any more voting sessions definitely all the votes of a voting session will always be announced together uh and usually as i said we intend to have only one unless there are votes that we need to call in an emergency but we don't foresee that happening perfect i see a bit in the chat and just in relation to voting with the foundation and will we provide like a detailed overview of why we recommend voting and in a certain manner yes so in the the thing that you've seen in these demos where there was a voting page with a brief explanation of everything this is sort of the minimum thing that you need to know when you look at these voting measures we will publish on our website on the foundations website uh a much more detailed explanation of what is the topic that we want to vote on why do we think it's important to vote on it what are the pros and cons of the various options and what does the foundation recommend uh all of that will be uh made available and again our intention and it's definitely going to happen for the first governance period is that all of that will be available already when we open the governance period for a sign up so already when the signup windows open window opens uh we will have that explanation on our website perfect and there was a comment or two around the um i'll grand mobile wallet and where the qr scanner is and so within the actual account if you just see the account name and just across to the right hand side there's a button to the left of the three dots that sort of brings up your option to actually scan the qr code so um just on the right of account um it'll give you an option to scan the qr code um as well let me see if i can fold it again to the camera i don't know i don't know if it would be visible but uh you can see at the top of the screen there is a a little oops that's not what i wanted to show what else asia is 8 a.m thursday i estimate that we will be sharing sort of you know um pdf instructions of what you've gone through today so we'll have screenshots of each of the steps involved and and yeah at the top there is this little uh thing that looks like a trellis or something so that's the if you if you click that one it will yeah it's at the left of the plus isn't it yes cool [Music] and will we get to review the rewards in the dashboard once the government period shuts um i think yes yeah the dashboard will so will show for every governor and how uh governor how much rewards they say they're about to collect and whether or not they already collected it etc perfect sorry autumn i've been sort of have i missed anything glaring or um a couple good questions i'm seeing over and over um one is related to the ability to admit more algo if you on the same wallet as long as you're within the voting period or the uh commitment period yes you can commit you can again we you can send multiple commitments it's not cumulative it's just the last one is the one that counts so if i committed to 10 and then i send another commitment to 20 i'm committed to 20 not to 30. got it okay and then the other one that i'm seeing a few times is related to some of the defy projects and whether the algo can be used um basically in both places by and large i think the answer is no because defy project require that you send your algo to that default project in order to use it and governance requires that you keep it in the governance address so it can't be in two places at once so the answer is by and large no you know dfi is a strange and wonderful world if you can uh com if you can use algos that you don't have uh in d5 then sure but i don't know different projects like that let's see one or two ram puss sorry push notifications shy um reminders so we will have uh announcements going on on our website on social media and things every time there is something to be done soon uh we if you sign up for our newsletter then you will get uh these announcements as well i don't and of course if you go to the dashboard it will tell you but uh for that you need to go to the dashboard so i think these are the in terms of push notifications if you sign up to a newsletter then definitely i'm not aware of other places where we have that i i would just recommend as and when you see the release dates for sign up periods voting etc that you save it's your own personal calendar with little oh and also also it's sort of easy to remember because uh for this first governance period the sign up window open october 1st and it lasts for two weeks for every other governance period except the first the sign up window is always the two weeks before the beginning of the next one so the last two weeks of december uh for the next one the last two weeks of march uh after that the last two weeks of uh june if i'm counting correctly now the next one so it's always uh you know the government periods begin at the beginning of the quarter and the two weeks before that is always the sign up window so i see a question so do you have to commit and vote before 15th of october so no you just you commit to governance and by connecting your wallet and committing your algo and then the voting period will open later in the period i'm also seeing a few questions around whether this can be done on mobile phone i think it depends if you have a web browser yeah i mean i we didn't show it here it does work if you like to using your um browser on the mobile device then you can definitely do that if you have a mobile device with both the uh browser and the wallet on that mobile device then the integration would look a little different than what we showed here uh but yeah i seen one try is actually quite a good question and i'm just trying to find it again do we still get participation awards in real time during the first covenants period or do we have to wait until the end of the period that's a good question and uh let me be very clear about it governance reward and participation reward are completely separate not the same algos irrespective of each other governance rewards are claimed by the governor after the end of the period participation rewards stay exactly like they are now you get them automatically without having to do something but they would be phased out during 2022. so this first governance period you'll get your participation reward just as you would always and at the end of the period you'll claim also your governance rewards we will have double the rewards but come 2022 will slowly start in decreasing the amount on participation reward until we it reached just zero at some point and then the only type of reward that us the foundation will give you out the governance level um i have just a comment chai how has the three months decided to commit so at launch obviously we've committed to the three months but it might be a good just little intro for the first um no i didn't get the question sorry how was the three months decided to commit how was the three months decided as a governance period why did we decide on three months as opposed to other things yeah it's a good question i mean it's mostly pulling opinions from various parties it seemed that this is a short enough period so people would be comfortable committing their algos to so mostly we just thought that a lot of governors will show up if we do it three months we'll see if we were right about it but that was the main reason perfect [Music] and autumn have i missed anything glaring er lots of questions related to topics that we'll cover in a future session uh but otherwise i feel like we've answered most of the questions i'm seeing one thing let me just say one thing for the next day or two uh the test version of the system is still available at so if you want to try it out on testnet and see what happens i mean you do need to have a testnet account with some algos in it to do that but you can do that on the test thing just to see how things work there's a lot of comments um autumn looking for your jacket just as an f okay gotta talk to hr maybe we'll get that going in a future quarter thank you i love it too there was a question should i start to rely on the official wallet i'm just trying to find it again but if there's two addresses on the wallet which qr code to actually use when scanning no so there is it's the same qr code but when you when you scan it uh the wallet would actually allow you to choose which of the of the two addresses to use so there is an extra thing that you need to point to at the wallet maybe let's just make sure that when we publish the document with the uh screenshots of the mobile wallet we will also show that particular way of if you have more than one address what do you need to do in order to send it it's just one qr code that you're scanning but then on the wallet itself you need to choose which address you want to use yeah there's a question from luke it's like how long would it be governance rewards assuming there isn't an endless amount what will happen once the part runs out i think that's more an economic question but um i i think that might be covered in our faqs but i think any change to governance would require a vote from the community and that's how i would sort of position that answer maybe just something to call out i i john hill i connected the wildlife connect algorithm while on the governance website it shows my correct address but incorrect balance of zero i have because you're connected because you're connected to mainnet exactly right now right now this thing the system is in test net mode so for it to show any balance you need to have a bounce on that address on testnet i think that's pretty much it autumn from my side on this side yeah i think so um yeah so i suppose thanks and um stay tuned for um instructions as i said which will be shared um more than likely on thursday um and then the recording by the way will go out and the minute we hit end event it goes out to all the attendees and registrants and by default so you should have that in your mailbox and then later this evening and we'll have it up on youtube and on our chair across our social channels as well yeah thank you everyone for joining us today this is a really pivotal moment in the development of the of the algorithm ecosystem and we're really excited to embark on the journey with you all um so please stay tuned to our social channels because we will be publishing details on all of the governance milestones uh as they unfold so thanks again for being here and then sorry one last thing adam we'll be sharing sort of short little um videos as well um of each of the steps i went through on connecting your wallet and committing your algo in sort of snackable bite-sized social posts um towards friday and and during the two-week governance period as well shy thank you for the for the very informative uh walk through really thank you thank you thanks everybody thanks everyone have a great day wherever you are thank you
Channel: Algorand Foundation
Views: 13,999
Rating: 4.9590793 out of 5
Id: 1-pRquDVpxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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