Qualcomm Smart Cities Accelerate 2021: Keynote with Cristiano Amon, Magic Johnson & James Reynolds

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the spaces where we live work and play are transforming evolving to meet the needs of modern society building on seamless infrastructure that will guide industries communities and entire cities into the future deployable scalable technologies virtually anywhere with intelligence at the edge it starts with qualcomm iot technologies and the digital transformation of connected spaces both small and large our smart cities accelerator ecosystem is designed to connect enterprises and municipalities with hardware and software developers end-to-end solution providers and everyone in between qualcomm iot services suite enabled by our ecosystem members creates and deploys smart applications as a service to digitally transform industries like education health care logistics transportation agriculture retail and so many others all of these smart verticals are building the foundation and momentum needed to soon realize that our favorite places businesses and services are part of something larger the connected industries and smart cities of tomorrow iot begins with qualcomm please welcome senior director business development and global head of smart cities sanjeet pandit [Applause] good morning ladies and gentlemen how about this i went in person all right first of all thank you very much for coming it's a really a proud moment to announce that this is our third annual smart cities accelerate event that we're hosting it's it's the right time for us and it's been a fantastic opportunity to work with the ecosystem actually what started in april 2019 was when we kicked off this or you know re uh purpose to reimagine this practice we realized that this was extremely fragmented space first thing we did was we brought everybody best of breed under our smart city accelerator program today we have more than 400 members representing right from bucket truck vendors all the way to ibm to google to accenture as a part of our membership we really take pride in this this is the age of digital transformation this smart cities practice has now morphed into more of smart cities and digital transformation practice i don't see don mcguire here or cmo but next year i'm going to make sure that we call this smart cities and digital transformation or smart cities and iot summit or something of that sort because iot starts at qualcomm and we've been first in doing something like this and if you're first you're first it's somebody else's job to come back and say they're better not our job and i think that's where we have really made a difference today what you're going to see is really an allegation of all the verticals that we have enabled through our ecosystem partnerships we are announcing today 30 verticals which are ready to be deployed with api integration done dashboards created ready to go best of breed that's going to be announced today and you'll be seeing it on stage and also between four and seven at building a z during the exhibitor's networking session we have everything from smart farming to smart warehousing to location to health care to education everything has been deployed and integrated the best part about this is we are not doing this all by ourselves we are taking people who are experts in this in this arena we are taking people who understand this better than us we're working together to ensure that this is a joint go to market for enabling technology sure but most important solving a use case you don't want to deploy technology for the sake of deploying it you want to deploy technology so you solve a particular use case and that is what is our main focus as a part of that you will see multiple uh people talk today fantastic panels we'll have some great demos tomorrow we have 222 in the as i checked this morning in the backstage 222 meetings set up from 11 to 3 between ecosystem members meeting everybody nobody does this except qualcomm we bring iot together iot starts at qualcomm now without any further ado i would like to introduce uh on stage a fantastic panel that's going to be very very unique first on stage i would like to bring in our ceo cristiano amon [Applause] so there you go next someone i've known since i was a kid he and i go a long ways back he's um he and i really we're tight and the best part about all this is you know we bounce ideas off each other he's in my bedroom when i was when his kid used to be in my bedroom all the time on the wall only problem is he doesn't know about it ladies and gentlemen urban magic johnson hello i know about it now next dear friend working very closely with qualcomm from jlc we've been really working hard to make sure that the cities the enterprises and most important the ecosystem benefits with the most important aspect which is financing ladies gentlemen jim reynolds [Applause] and finally and finally we have today really it's an honor and pleasure to have celebratory um anchor host from cnbc who's been kind enough to moderate this and be with us today ladies and gentlemen give it up for john 4. all right thank you have fun guys thank you well this is exciting um to to be at qualcomm talking about smart cities becoming a reality especially because of this time that we're in trying to come out of a pandemic when i think across the globe everyone has become acutely aware of the importance of digital in the economic process so cristiano start us off with your sense of just sort of the the levels the slices of of smart cities and how that ends up actually becoming a reality no absolutely and by the way very happy to have this panel here and actually to see people uh you know in person you know at the end of the day john it all starts with connectivity you know and we we have been thinking even a technology such as 5g and we're talking about 5g now it's about connecting not only everyone but everything to the cloud 100 of the time and uh it's it's as we're going to go you know forward in a few years we're going to think about what is not connected as the exception having the role of 5g when it's fully deployed is to connect everything and then that's the very first slice when you get everything connected then you unlock the power of having access to data the power of information and how you can really bring digital transformation about and what is interesting we had said uh early on i think early on in in when we think about 5g that we said look in the 4g era we saw that as we if developed broadband we saw the computers start to fit in the palm of your hand we saw the development of mobile computing in the 5g era we're going to see the development of artificial intelligence i think what we have right now in artificial intelligence is just the very beginning of it when you actually bring everything connected and you have contextual information you have all of the data that's going to get created you're truly going to see how artificial intelligence is going to develop and that's the second layer and and then you're going to make it into a reality of bringing this technology together into all those different applications that we see in cities for uh how you manage traffic how you create you know a smart infrastructure for lights how you think about uh first responder service how you think about education um and so forth and uh and we're very excited and i think the last part of my answer is how to make this a reality the very last piece is this that we're doing today which we're being we bring with this ecosystem you know which is one of the things that qualcomm always do we're good at creating ecosystems we we bring the best of breed of all of those different things you see in a city whether it's a lights whether it's uh healthcare providers and and then you connect that with technology in in the ecosystem and you get new products new ideas and we see all of this uh coming to life uh jim how do we do this so that this doesn't open up more economic divides doesn't open up more opportunity divides but actually closes them but you know john that's a great question and leadership matters um you know the leadership at the mayoral this is a mayoral thing and we talked about that earlier you know when you talk about a smart city you talk about the ceo of the city that's the mayor and that's where the buck stops on that desk and that's the person responsible for creating a community in that city i'll digress for just a second and i'll talk about the thing that that brought magic and i together when we decided to to launch jlc magix from lansing i'm from chicago we had already had our own career separately you know about five six years ago we we kicked around some ideas of investing capital in cities and a part of that when we were out raising capital and doing it was because we were from cities we knew cities we understood how mayors made decisions and we understood you know how to be bring in smart capital now john we did not know anything about a smart city you know they weren't doing this so you fast forward to where the opportunity is now and where we are now and and over now talking about this last night when we went through the crisis i mean the the the virus obviously and we're still going through it covet the economic divide the education divide the health divide became really laid bare it was just open like an open wound you saw it and even when we sat down with our leaders to talk about the rush to send kids to school i don't think a lot of people really grasped why they were in such a hurry to send the kids to school and it was these kids don't have wireless technology they don't have computing in their home the the kids from the elite schools actually learned more during that time the kids from the inner city schools learned they lost the year basically it's saying these kids lost the year we got to figure it out we have to bring them back yeah so when we think about the health care divide which was also laid bare the first responders typically black brown people first ones die so when we think about the technology that is going to be laid bare on this to sort of narrow you know the difference between those and this it's it's a sign it's probably the most significant part of it in addition to many of the economic and and and other uses we'll talk about yeah and irvin you're passionate about this and you've had a lot of success in business a lot of impact in cities as that has played out tell us how this lines up with that maybe even playbook wise strategically the way you're thinking about it how this is similar or different well you know this is very important and this is uh the biggest thing to date that we need when we think about smart cities we think about technology you think about connecting everybody not just the rich not just the middle class i'm talking about the poor now because jim was right minority students suffered during the pandemic and because of virtual learning and no access to the internet and so on and on and so we get pushed back and also rural america as well it wasn't just minorities it was poor white students suffered as well because they uh couldn't get connected as well in rural america so um it's very important for me because i've tackled the health side for minorities and the financial side which thank you for what you're doing in that arena as well but jim and i wanted to start this company so that first of all we could have minorities as an equity partner with inter in terms of infrastructure uh we've done that at laguardia airport matter of fact we're dealing with new orleans right now you guys are fixing laguardia yeah oh yes is that serious have you been through delta concourse i've been through a lot and laguardia the new what we did was amazing i mean so uh and then to sit here with christiana cristiano excuse me and to be here at this incredible company and to speak to all of you um i think we can do some great things together uh level the playing field for these young people but not for all people you know to have access to be connected that's very important and so yes i love making money but also i love giving back and trying to help those who are less fortunate and that's why we're sitting here today and i want to work with all of you in doing just that how do we make life better for those who are less fortunate than ourselves right right and cristiano the reason why i wanted to start with the framework is because i think lately in our society we've seen that connectivity is great and it brings advantages but it also often brings challenges right if it's not thought through and executed uh with with certain principles in mind in the beginning so can you talk about some of the principles that you're using as you invest as you innovate to make sure that smart cities have a and impact of empowering uh and empowering broadly uh not just segments no it's a great question and i think it's even a broad enough question that touches about you know the part of data and who owns the data and what you use the data for and and you know at the end of the day one of the uh key things we can do you know as as we look of how you put together an ecosystem of companies they're going to use this technology and abuse this data is really focused on what exactly the benefits that you bring to all the things we see in the city versus this is not about creating new business model uh to you know sell data so you have new revenue stream this is about making seats cleaner safer you know improve the quality of health care improve the quality of education and and that's the principle that's how the data should be used for that purpose and and that's that's the business model and that's kind of very important because one day um you know at the end of the day um you want people to feel that they're getting a real benefit and a classic example of this which is how often debated into a number of different cities looking at for example a technology that you can put in uh on intelligent smart cameras for uh for safety security or surveillance it's like you don't want you know people doesn't want to be just surveillance on them but you do see the real benefit of fighting crime if you see people um you know the lights become stronger becomes brighter you have intelligence in the camera to try to detect if this is not a normal situation and then just be focused on that principle can we make people's lives better and and i think that's an important part of the conversation john can i jump in because you said something very important virtual healthcare actually saved my father's life wow but for every life that was saved we lost a lot of people because they didn't have access right they was not connected but can you say a little bit about the scenario yeah so my father um he he was had pain and so we were able to connect with the doctor and he was saying you know my father what are the symptoms he was telling him and so um he said some something serious is wrong the doctor was telling my father you got to come to the hospital right now and he was absolutely right and if they did not um the blood was not flowing through his uh toe and feet and if he had to wait it the next day the doctor told him he probably had to cut his foot off because they jumped on it and they were able to give him the medicine at the hospital it saved his life and saved his leg and so but we have so many people who are not connected and they and a lot of doctors were not in their office right and they were going to the virtual healthcare situation and seeing their patients that way so i i only said it because you brought that up and i want to make sure that now everybody has a chance if this continues on this pandemic that we're in look like it is going to continue on uh making sure that they can have their physical over that screen and see their doctor on that screen and and make sure that they continue to get the proper health care that they deserve and they need so thank you for bringing that up because that's very important because i live through it myself so so let me just build on that i want to build on what he just said because to give you a practical example when we talk about some of the future uh you know use cases so we have a pilot in place that we did in in the uk within the city of london with british telecom which is we connected 5g to the ambulances and what happened is somebody has to go to the hospital right away you go into first responder come in you go to the ambulance you go to the hospital and then you go immediately to the triage so they connect 5g to the ambulance and then in the ambulance they put a lot of imaging equipment and the first responder from within the ambulance now is able to do a real image exam send high definition image as the image exam has performed the latence of 5g a doctor in the hospital can see the exam can point him go check this area because the other area when the patient gets to the hospital is already diagnosed and treatment is already so that's an incredible potential for technology as we think about all of those different use cases in the city and can you make it better yeah well what i love about that example is that it shows the infrastructure that's put in place but when we think about infrastructure we tend to think about equipment we think about software but also knowing how to use it and having a process is a part of infrastructure gym and so i wonder as you think about the economic development potential from smart cities but then also the efficiency and saving life-saving potential all the way down to healthcare and public safety for smart cities how do you build that cultural infrastructure that it takes for people to be able to use and improve be part of the feedback loop in the smart city that they're in i think john that is an amazing question and i think therein lies the challenges and the opportunities whatever and i do it as we're now pursuing new orleans the first thing we did was to in our proposal talk about how it's going to impact local business because local business remember mayors are like presidents of their city they are the ceos they're like chris uh at toqualcon they are the ceo of that city so they want to have businesses working side by side with us those black and brown businesses local businesses secondly we've got to make sure that the folks in the mayor's office understand the technology how to utilize that technology to make sure they're operating their city much more efficiently and much more responsibly to the citizens therein when we when irvin and i really looked at the infrastructure business and and when we were looking at it several years ago the thing that occurred to us was that in europe they were taking private capital into public assets decades ago virtually all airports in europe are private non-are private in the u.s and the services that you get in europe are private so they're used to it because here we've had this municipal bond market and it the cities borrowed low-cost funds to come in now to do what we do you have to do something a little bit extra and understand a little bit more and the advantage we had over the europeans the australians the latin americans that were coming in here was we understood how cities work we understood how mayors work we understand how a city council makes decisions and how they prioritize things which have nothing to do with dollars and cents it has to do with the public welfare and how it is that they that generally speaking the folks in their city benefits to to answer your question and we think about how technology can make the not just businesses work on implementing the technology and creating operating companies within the technology but the actual operating of the businesses and how those businesses communicate back with the city right and so it is it's it's it's right it's it's it's sort of hand in glove in that and then when you think about policing and crime which they have to think about and you think about how it is technology can help as we were talking about earlier usually police get there after the fact somebody got killed somebody got robbed somebody's car got well to have the technology there before it happens recognizing the bad guys before they do something capturing it as they do it telling the police which direction they headed in and what they were wearing what they were driving um and so it is really a game changer for for leaders of a city and for qualcomm to have developed you know the technology that they have and for us to be able to help them actually bring that in with the relationships uh that we have and the understanding that we have of how city operates john to the points that you're making and the christian touched on we are going to be looking at all those things point by point by point even down to um you know what rate you charge on your parking leaders at different times of the day i mean we're going to go through all of that well let's go deeper on that cristiano we have touched on global but it seems to me whether you're talking about china but let's not talk about china let's talk about singapore it's okay we're gonna talk about china like controlled um you know that airport beautiful right they're very focused on economic development and having all the pieces in place singapore is going to be able to roll this out in a lot more authoritative planned uh you know way than we do here in the u.s so what are you seeing in a place like that and how they do a smart city or plan for one and what are the opportunities challenges for society like ours that's less controlled but just as or maybe even more so in need of this technology this is a this is a very important question and it's probably at the heart of the reason we we have an event like this the reason we create the smart cities accelerator program the reason we're building this ecosystem and how excited we are we have 400 members and and i'll answer your question also uh building on what jim has said because the the key to this you have to start thinking in some aspects like you would in a private enterprise that's that's how you need to do this and um and and uh you know the reason i think this is a great uh question to to answer is yes the mayor is the ceo of the city the mayor's the ceo of the city but what you realize in i think there's probably exceptions i'm sure but the majority of cities in america they don't have a cto and and actually kind of what are the things that qualcomm is doing the role we're playing right now with this smart cities accelerator we're playing the role of the cto because the cto will need to understand the technology understand the problems they have in the use case and then you know like in in a cto and enterprise think of how you can use that technology for that use case and create with the plan and then people like jim and others will be able to show that there's a business case here and we can make this work and that's what's missing uh technology is here to stay it is it's here to to make a difference and cities were not prepared to deal with it so it starts with that understanding of the technology and how you can use it i like the same question you mentioned about you know when i talk about the example on the ambulance you need to understand the potential look at your individual case in your city and put it together and i i i feel going forward i expect the seniors to start to think about it who is who's my cto in the administration so i can i can make uh use of technology and have a technology plan john can i say something real quick it's really interesting that these same cities got some of the most state-of-the-art arenas and and uh football fields and uh stadiums and and baseball stadiums i mean 5g everywhere right and and the things that they're doing now is so different but then in their own city they have that but they don't apply that every day with the city right the stadiums have it and and they partner with the owners and to build these beautiful stadiums but why don't they say okay that could work for the stadium it can work every day in the city it's it's interesting and makes me think very often in cities especially if you only got one sports team the sports team isn't political right it's often i mean everything gets political these days but but very often traditionally it's like something that everybody can kind of have a connection to so how do jim you prevent technology from becoming political i mean you're from chicago [Laughter] right you see that you put his arms out like that i thought he was going to say something about that bears game this weekend but uh unfortunately something about that no no john we don't have to bring that back up again um you know i think that you come back to the way we look at it is these mayors are looking for answers they really are uh biden was a lifesaver um you know with the infrastructure package the money that they got and because covet had basically took their receipts down to the bare bones no hotel taxes no sales taxes how much property taxes can you do consumers stop spending so it was really tough and so when you look at okay now we're talking about something that can bring significant efficiencies throughout your entire city and that's what we talked about as we sat down we had a meeting with mayor suarez really helped organize with our partners at ignite george burciaga these guys are fabulous and all we did was sit and talk about in miami over one of the longest biggest lunches i've ever had three hours for lunch seven courses uh but we talked about how the technology was going to go from the you know from the rich all the way down to the folks who basically had nothing and his concern about how in fact we do that with wireless with broadband just making it available to folks don't have to pay for the internet it's there and and so it's not hard to do the technology in itself is not an elitist thing that only the rich can afford because what we're talking about is just basically bringing the cost down to free we're talking about capturing revenue streams within how we functions and to see how you you can operate and advertise on the kiosk that's a revenue source uh we talk about how the cities can provide services cheaper like we talked about earlier you don't pick up the garbage can every monday and thursday the garbage can will tell you hey i'm i'm not full today so you don't need to send the truck to get me well you save money on that operating the businesses maintenance on the on business and even equipment telling you uh it's time for me to be serviced now and so when irvin and i go down there we talk about the democratization of technology and what you can do with these savings you know for for the schools right for the police and for infrastructure needs so it is not an elitist thing and that shouldn't be an issue and all the mayor when you when you're a mayor in a big city and you get elected um there's a there's a there's a broad plethora of people that supported you it it usually isn't the rich because what i found especially in chicago the richest people in chicago actually don't live in the city a lot of them live in the suburbs they come in the city they don't vote but when you get elected in a city like chicago new york where you're from um la that's where you live and those are usually regular people and the mayors and the leaders of those cities are responsive to those people cristiano bring us home here how are you going to measure the success of smart city initiatives from from here whether it's in months in years and the types of benchmarks um it's it's really in years i think we're just the beginning of this and uh but i'm optimistic i you know i've i we're seeing that technology is accelerating so maybe not a lot of years i think we should start to see this uh within you know two to three years uh becoming uh important and cities will become iot hubs uh you know there's a there's two ways to answer a question about measure kpis there's obviously we're a public traded company of a business to run and that's uh one of the many aspects of how we think about the new iot segment of qualcomm one of the fastest growing segments we have right now and we expect that we'll will be reflected in new device sales and a new device with 5g but there are other ways to measure this i think i think companies have uh you know a social responsibility as well you know and i'll tell you this by telling a a story a small example early on in the pandemic and we all every you know dealing with this everybody kind of went home and we try to we put together a program and we didn't thought it would be as impactful as it was but it was basically the small business accelerator program and it was not about you know i'm just gonna i'm just using cliche uh i think but it's not it's not about just giving people fish i said can we can we teach these people how to fish so we put together qualcomm we got a carrier with verizon we'll get best buy and what we saw there was a lot of business in in that basically had family-owned restaurants family-owned stores have been for generation they had no digital capability they didn't have a web page they didn't have they would do stuff on paper right so so we could just give them technology so we gave them computers we we we sent best buy in to teach them how to program the computer we get verizon gave a connectivity we created we partnered with some of the cloud companies microsoft hosted you know uh their web page we talked we taught those people how to get online order and everything in was it saved their business and it was incredible so i feel there that's another way to measure success you know can we actually improve you know lives of people with technology and that's that's one of the greatest thing about being border qualcomm we know that everything we do uh you know our engineers work in something that you actually see the change in the society just think about the smartphone revolution we have today and that has always been part of the company culture that's how we measure success that's back to that infrastructure of culture and know-how the conversation continues you will continue the conversation we will continue the conversation backstage with that 25 minutes i got hopefully about dodgers beat the padres tonight wrong audience wrong audience no no i wanted to say that because i knew where i was now what i wanted to say is to you and your company this major major worldwide company and brand that you have thank you first of all one of the smartest guys on this planet sitting right over there john and then here we are myself and my partner jim the way things are going to change is we it starts today how many times three african-americans are sitting on this stage talking about smart cities that's that's how you bring about change and you being one of the biggest ceos in the world and saying hey we want to help how do we make things better starting this smart cities initiative so i want to say thank you and man keep doing what you're doing because for gemini you are the benchmark and we appreciate it and you know you this is serious and you're doing a great job so thank you and thank all of you too god bless everybody stay healthy
Channel: Qualcomm
Views: 10,487
Rating: 4.9809523 out of 5
Keywords: Smart cities, qualcomm smart cities enablement platform, smart city, smart city project, urban planning, future city, technology, future cities, digital cities, artificial intelligence, AI, smart cities of the future, internet of things, Iot, smart, cities, 5G, information technology, smart technology, city planning, automation, innovation, sustainable smart city, qualcomm smart cities, qualcomm
Id: XavyaqDv6iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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