Algorand vs Solana | Sentiment Analysis & Price Prediction

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I hope algorand flies 🚀

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/clarity-angel 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Watching that was a waste of time 😂

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Long-Antelope9296 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video was pretty much pointless to watch. Not once did they discuss anything of merit comparing the two different chains. I was especially surprised that they didn't mention AV or the upcoming governance changes on Oct. 1st

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MyFutureSelfAndMe 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

What the hell is this crap?

I thought we were going to get a detailed technical analysis of how pure proof of stake vs. proof of history/proof of stake works, with advantages and disadvantages.

Any idiot off the streets who isn’t illiterate can take a highlighter to some cointelegraph article, sit at a desk, show some sentiment charts, and “analyze” what went wrong with Solana by reading some reddit subs and saying “Whoa! Idk what happened there exactly. Some people are saying this, some people are saying that”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Longjumping-Tie7445 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
you guys asked for it today we're going to dive into algorand as the new contender may be looking at a position against something known as solana my name is paul barron welcome back to techpath what do you think about this lisa listen i'm back at it again with paul to to you know debate whether or not uh algorand is is giving solana a run for their money we'll talk about solano later because there's some words to be said about it's a you know algorand is one of those projects we've had and if you are a fan of our channel if you just watch what we're doing in terms of the number of interviews and the people that we bring on so we do a lot of deep dive research on projects and usually what we find is early adoption identifiers right and we brought down algorand many many months ago we've had them on the channel here a couple of times actually three times i think and our goal was to really identify and we've also done this with other projects i won't list them all but we've we've basically looked at some of the research and the depth of it and had you invested in an algorithm right now or back then when we we did this you would have been enjoying a nice little 3x run yeah yeah yeah that's kind of what the kids call a high key flex ball yeah yeah we flex them yeah but i mean the fact of the matter is that i think with algorand um you know lower transaction fees is always super appealing um you know it's a proof of stake so you know when you start to see how um when you start to see these elements kind of you know materialize and then of course just being champions for d5 and then liquidity right which is part of what the rationale in this 300 million dollar fund is about like super green yeah yeah we had them and the uh guys the carbon utility company our group out of europe that uh that project and the algo team were on to talk about it and it was in that era and that phase in bitcoin where we were seeing so much fun on you know green mining and all that kind of element and they had basically was their carbon net zero right they're negative carbon emissions in how they produce and basically they're proof-of-stake ecosystems yeah there's no mining involved let's jump to this story right here anthony scaramucci says i'll algo rand is going to be the winner in trade 5's blockchain that's a bold statement that is a bold statement yeah part of the efforts uh aimed at expanding its growing to dive in the crypto world sky bridge capital which is anthony scaramucci has secured a new blockchain partnership with trading platform nax which is a high-speed blockchain project on algorithm so i like the fact that he is in on it i do agree with him in the sense that i believe al goran right now is a very unrated underrated project even though it is still trading over the two dollar which is up almost double from just about a month ago sure um but the potential for what they've been able to do if you look at silvio and what he has done remember this is a computer scientist from mit that basically is the architect behind algorand if you really understand what his mission was for al goran it is impressive one of the podcasts i would recommend everybody to go check out is just go check out lex's podcast and look for that one on silvio mcauley who is the uh the guy behind algorand the mit super computer scientist that basically has created what i think could be an infrastructure that may be one of the best in crypto all around wow and i thought that scaramucci's comment was bold all right well tell us more paul yeah using the blockchain let's talk about it using the blockchain operation al grant at its base the partnership would also look into a nascent push of nfts and he announces that his salt thing yeah and um you know this is interesting too because this goes to show again the the kind of broad brush strokes yes associated with how the platform um and the utility associated with the platform right so uh but scaramucci's always been like super bullish on crypto and very progressive um there's a lot of things that came out of that salt conference which i don't know if we're ready to get into right now but uh definitely watch it and what you can on youtube so he noted that the partnership would be banking on the commercial support this goes back to next and it's expected to provide an augment to the institutional base that really kind of goes in for the fund of where skybridge is going with this and again this is skybridge capital being one i think of the more aggressive uh crypto currency and and blockchain investment houses out there because they're really going at it when you look at anthony we're going to try to get him on the show because he's going after the tech not necessarily the investment around and it's kind of like what if you look and you follow what kathy wood does in many of her etfs she goes around the tech first and then starts investing in those companies and i think that's where you know sky bridge is going i remember i saw i think it was kathy wood uh scaramucci and then uh peter schiff right uh we're going at it to basically try to debunk the valuation of gold and where that anyway that would be another one i mean but i also think that this is a testament to the viability of decentralized finance you know that is very much he's a huge proponent for for defy and wanting to be one of the front runners in the space so i think this is a testament to that commitment here was his other statement he ever however explained al grant is important to the industry it's going to be the winner in building the backbone for what institutions need and financial services company need in his statement so i still think that there's a lot of potential for algorand to do some bigger things i know banking is is really what everybody is is after right now and of course the ecosystem in which we look at monetary system shift and that does occur there is a lot happening around that but algorand in its core base its ability to transcend the banking ecosystem and move into traditional finance i think is one that's a big one right but two also its flexibility of being able to be utilized in other ecosystems because this could flow over into other things including entertainment medical real estate all those kind of things i think real estate's going to be a big one well i think that we should now uh that's a good kind of segue into the the sports arena there you go hence algorand what's coming next well they dropped in a investment in their drone racing and i want to see if i can pull that piece up because this was this is a fascinating story because i had no idea what uh what drone racing was didn't even know it existed like this was very interesting to to unpack drone racing lead snags 100 million sponsorship from crypto platform algorithm this was just 100 million dollars yeah 100 million so i i mean it's the point being is is that algorand i think is trying to maybe pull kind of an ftx uh angle on this in the sense of being able to get into that edge a gamer you know mentality and move into where maybe esports and or these kind of more aggressive sports could you imagine something if you were really going like some of these ultra sports you know if you were to win that kind of sponsorship i mean you can't afford you know something like ftx can where you put your name on an arena here in miami i mean my goodness yeah um but i think that what's also interesting about this is that you know the blockchain network that we were talking about as far as algorand is concerned like you know to see this kind of you know sporting um this sporting application and like you know creating these user experiences that are only accessible through these nfts they call it the tech setter yeah like they're they're they're definitely you know trying to create a um a presence in the space that shows dominance and that also shows innovation and they're front runners right well the point and this is something i have noticed even on our own channel is that you know they mention this in the article it says dlr says emerging blockchain with drone racing is a bull's-eye for this thing called the tech setter which is basically fans and early adopters of technology the one thing i've noticed and i've lived through trendsetter techcenter yeah not to date my age or anything but i've lived through a couple of big trends one was when basically the internet was born i was about to say and when we noticed at that era the there was a early adoption group that pretty much ran the show all right and it really kind of built the amazons the googles the you know you name it in terms of the what is now the big fang group in silicon valley right most of that was built off of the internet elite in the mid 90s when that evolution was occurring right those people are still running those companies there okay so i think al goran and others like that are looking at the crypto community in the same way but there's this very early adoption curve you are one of them because you're watching this show there's this early adoption curve and there's going to be a lot of people that are going to benefit financially big time because of them being at the right place at the right time and also too i think that like sports and crypto you know there's like this marriage between sports and crypto that we're starting to see you know you mentioned um uh ftx and the miami arena um there's also you know the mavericks you know mark cuban now is accepting um you know dogecoin um as currency so it's like there's a lot of different points of um integration within sports and it's coming it's i mean this is also to why i don't think that you know the bull run is is is going to decelerate over time like i do believe that the we're just getting that's a big argument there we've got to talk about in the bitcoin topic is will the bull run actually see a fall off like what we've seen in the past few cycles and i'm still of the camp that i think it won't there will be a fall off i just i'm not sure whether or not we'll see it in depth i just think that given the the you know scope of utility you know when you start talking about nfts when you start talking about these different use cases that just diversify the the you know that have diversified crypto like i just don't see how it can slow down given how extensive and expansive the reach is so this other story right here agaram foundation launches the 300 million dollar fund to support defy innovation the fund will fuel growth of decentralized exchanges money markets option markets synthetic apps asset applications and nft platforms all running on the best blockchain for the future of finance being outright and again i want to circle back to the fact that they are um so like they're indexing they're over indexing on liquidity they recognize that that's essential to drive dabs development etc and so they're putting their money where their mouth is i like their strategy because they've they've kind of been one of those groups that one are very forward thinking they're going after the first of all the way that they are essentially positioning algorand as a token is clean fast efficient traditional finance focused but has the ability to expand into other ecosystems what does that sound like to you um a bank well besides that salah i mean sounds just like it it's a very you know they're very similar but i think that um when you get the head nod from a scaramucci he's an extremely influential individual and those are you know that's an a that's an indication that there's start you're starting to see some um kind of deviation yeah so you know we'll see kind of how the market reacts to it but uh again this is very promising for algorithm so the question is al goran versus solana all right you're you're and i and i'll full disclosure own both love them like them and and see definite use cases in each one of them and algorithm has kind of come to the forefront here recently from you know for most people that are investing in moving in crypto spaces and looking at at all coins you know people have going been going on this for maybe the last 30 days really it's been moving in the last six months and we've seen a lot of activity there but if you look at what happened to solana here this week solano network says thanks now seeing intermittent instability yeah very unnerving for solano holders you know what do you attribute the uh the the network going down to well there are many people speculating here there's some people looking at the fact that one is it's still a beta right and a lot i i don't think a lot can we like can we say that one more time because i don't think that people understand it's still in beta so okay yeah and i think that and for it to move at the speed in which it has which is where you get a lot of people who look at this and say solana's overbought you know it is a position right now if you purchased in at maybe the above the 140 mark which is the the mark where i see is a very comfortable entry zone for solana based at the current state right but if you were buying after that then you may have been and could be in an overbought position and that's one that is a little scary especially with something like this happening on a beta project and i think it was a bad time for it to occur i mean you already had the light coin debacle with walmart right crypto was already at the front forma and then oh by the way solana crashed yeah i mean but you know what's interesting about that um you know even still like it's the price remains relatively intact you know and like i think that's also too a testament to believers you know like there's a very strong community um that solana has and i also think that you know the reality is this is tech like they're going to be issues they're going to be um you know technical challenges that need to be sorted especially when you're in beta so i keep that in mind so i'm going to agree with that in the sense that new projects are definitely going to get a little bit of a leeway in terms of you know things like you're going to have bumps in the room where you're going to have bumps on the road some of these projects though aren't they are vetting much further in advance this goes back to the team when you go do your research on these projects the key is understanding who that team is and if the team has depth in terms of dealing with rollouts project launches understanding kind of the the capability of what you're going to be facing right that is a paramount difference between a project that's being led by an individual or group of people that maybe this is their first project in blockchain that's why you have to from a fundamental analysis standpoint always look at the team and if the team is like you know mediocre yeah well then that might not be something that you want to hold long term always key let's jump to the charts here i want to look at solana this was something that we saw coming up we've been tracking it for a couple of months here and have been able to somewhat stay in the prediction zone these were different prediction points that we had done early on one of course i want to move it over here when we scored uh solana back in right here in august and was able to essentially predict out all the way to its next sentiment zone which we scored at 69.74 that was back in the end of august and then the next one was right here august 29th also following it up and pretty much intact all the way to this sentiment zone right here was 7210 and 7566 was the amp that was the indicator right here of what solana was gonna do and sure enough that's where it literally took off from about 90 bucks all the way up to 214 dollars before we looked at a new bubble the new bubble though does reveal a little bit of softening here you'll notice here sentiment has fallen dramatically to 65 18 and let me kind of just phrase that because 65.18 is still a very high sentiment score oh yeah uh but for it to fall off the 72 was a little concerning amplification also dropped and i think that's why we've seen kind of this downward sideways action but paul let's also acknowledge the fact that there's profit-taking you know like you can't have a run-up like that without taking you know gotta go profits but that's the whole point is when you are if these are long-term holders which they're not these are people that are going after it as a as an altcoin and riding it and looking at it so does that mean that they're vested into the project much like if you look at the cardano cult right the cardano cult out there those people are in it for like they i don't think they'll ever sell it it's like bitcoin maxis i know i know but i mean look i think that um price predictions like you know there are a school of thought that it'll run up to 500 by the end of 2021 so it remains to be seen if that's the case but i think that the fact that the mainnet went down and they still you know the price still had held helped rather um is an indication that uh there's a lot more upside definitely upside could it go back to 200 yes i do believe that we could see solana go back to 200 again this would happen during the bitcoin run-up uh which i'm still a big proponent of that that's going to happen jumping quickly over here to algorand because i know you're after that sentiment this was back here in a september uh sentiment was hovering around 68 72 and we call it ammo for algorand there and that was 6309 there and uh and then right here on september 12th this of course is when algorand kind of hit this new all-time high at about 250 and that sentiment jumped up a little bit more and even a little bit more in the amplification which started to send it a little bit sideways right here and this is kind of the zone we're looking at so i think where window right here is algorithm to maybe make it back up to around 230. yeah i think that if it breaks 220 it's gonna happen yeah 230 is kind of my my number and that's in the that's in the short term guys for you guys that are looking at some of these price predictions that's kind of the way we look at it is on a seven-day window we'll start to project out beyond that sometimes but in most cases the data gets a little bit mushy and is definitely much harder to read if you're listening to us over on the podcast make sure and of course give us some likes over there and if you're watching us on youtube hey i gotta call out the fact that we are almost at a hundred thousand subscribers thanks to you so keep doing what you're doing subscribing sharing and of course comment below let us know what it is that you'd like for us to cover let us know if you have any thoughts on any of the content that we're covering and um just let us know your thoughts in general we love to read what you have to say i mean at least i do yeah thanks for watching again we'll catch you next time right here on tech back [Music]
Channel: Paul Barron Network
Views: 52,781
Rating: 4.9306479 out of 5
Keywords: algorand price prediction, algorand coin, algorand news, algorand price, algo price prediction, algorand analysis, algorand technical analysis, algo crypto, crypto news, algo analysis, solana, solana crypto, solana price prediction, solana news, solana crash, solana price, solana coin, algo vs sol, algorand vs solana, algorand vs solana, algorand vs solana speed, algorand vs solana vs cardano
Id: vL_O01qsWTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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