Alexander The Complete Story: Final Fantasy XIV Lore

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welcome to my channel where we cover the lore of final fantasy 14. we cover the stories both big and small the epic and the cute the silly and the tragic i hope you all enjoy the ride and welcome to the chronicler of lore while out in dravania ishtal and sia get to see firsthand as a group of goblins activate a giant machine that is not a machine at all it's actually a primal the two of them are still out there trying to learn more about the strange primal when the warrior of light shows up the goblins of idol shire are worried because the primal is big enough to crush their entire settlement but his stolen shows up right on time to tell slow fix to calm down did i mention how much i love the different goblin names ishtar is glad that you're there because the situation is pretty serious the shifting of the ether in the area proves that the big machine is in fact a primal the good news is it stopped moving when it had barely popped out of the river the bad news is there's no telling when it will start moving again or what it will do once it does the other problem is the thing is draining the ether from the surrounding area very fast and will leave the area uninhabitable in a few days if it's not stopped slow fix definitely doesn't want that since the goblins all only recently found a place to call home istola doesn't plan on letting them lose their home either so the signs of the seven dawn are officially on the job but since this mechanical primo is so big they can't just take over and deal with it alone attacking it will have to be done in two ways of course there's the warrior of light's usual stabby stabby boom boom method but ishtala also wants to try cutting off its ether supply by separating it from the land for that she plans on getting help from master montoya which will of course take time because the old woman wouldn't rush to do anything even if the world was ending which is why stoller has sid keeping an eye on the primal since it is a machine he'll probably be the best person to help you deal with it anyway as expected if the thing wakes up again istola wants you to do everything you can to keep it away from idolshire with the plan made if stoller heads off to talk to montoya while slofix sends the warrior of light to talk to backricks who should know where sid is you don't have to wait long to find sid because he shows up to talk to backricks as soon as you get there he knew the situation was bad but once the warrior of light tells him just how fast the primal is draining the land's ether he realizes that it's way worse than he thought from what he's learned from backricks it's very likely that the illuminati are behind this they know how to summon a primal and they're crazy enough to do it every story has some version of the illuminati and the group in final fantasy 14 is made up of goblins who want to control all of the world's technology and knowledge and they have no problem killing people to get what they want and since it seems like they're actually inside of the primal the odds of them killing a lot of people are pretty high destroying the thing won't be all that easy since you have to find a way inside deal with the illuminati then destroy the primo's engine which will only work if it's actually a machine and there's the problem of the barrier that's around the thing that has to be dealt with too from what backrick says the barrier was there long before the primal it popped up three years ago after a big earthquake round rocks another goblin was there and she saw the whole thing she slow fix his daughter and spends way more time collecting junk than the other goblins in short she's a hoarder young she may be but she remembers exactly what she saw the mechanical primal had rose up out of the water which caused the earthquakes which means this isn't the first time someone summoned that particular primal but they failed the last time so sid's question is was it the illuminati who had summoned it before or was it someone else entirely a goblin that you all know well who is apparently an expert on the illuminati bray flocks all talks shows up and sid decides to talk to her to get some information on your enemies while the warrior of light goes to help biggs and wedge find a way into the giant primal while you're all making your plans and i'll raw with the scar on her face watches you from a distance the berry is posing a problem for biggs and wedge but when the primal came out of the water it put one of its hands on shore through the barrier giving the two of them an entry point into the big machine of course it's locked and there doesn't seem to be a keyhole or anything so wedge tapped into the illuminati's communications and is trying to see if they'll mention a way to get into the thing he's getting a signal but it's just repeating a weird pattern over and over which is positive that it's a code and the illuminati came up with a crystal that they use to decrypt their messages all wedge needs is one of those and he's positive that he can figure out the message unfortunately he doesn't know where to find one but red bricks thinks that round rocks might have one in her pile of stuff wedges built a device that would detect the crystal if it's nearby so it gives it to you and sends you to go sift through round rocks and stash the goblin does have one of the crystals but it's her favorite treasure so she doesn't really want to give it to you but since you're doing something important you can have it as long as you bring it back so the warrior of light brings it to which and the message is immediately decoded they're talking about some nonsense but that's clearly another code apparently they made a fail safe just in case someone got their hands on one of their crystals the scarfaced alright shows up and she says that she can crack the code if you're willing to make a deal with her her name is miday and she's a treasure hunter she wants something that's inside of the giant and she'll help you get inside if you help her make it out with the item she's well aware of the fact that the illuminati are inside of the primal which is why she came to you strengthen numbers and all that none of you have any reason to object so she tells biggs how to open the hatch into the machine and it actually works the fact that the illuminati were announcing the code to enter the play seems a bit weird to see it but it opened the door so he'll go with it unfortunately bray fox didn't know all that much about the illuminati's plan or the primal which means you'll just have to learn about it while you explore since the thing is technically a giant machine if the warrior of light and his team follows the pipes and wires they should be able to reach the core midi doesn't care as long as she gets to come with you sid would join you but he has one thing to do first so the warrior of light heads into the giant primal to deal with the illuminati the path into the primal is guarded by some very large and heavily armed machines that the warrior light makes short work of which opens the way forward for midae and an unexpected round rocks who couldn't help but to sneak in after you in hopes of finding new treasures the machine bits aren't what midae is looking for so she doesn't care if the goblin takes them apparently what she's after wasn't in the area at all something that's pointed out by a group of newcomers who show up it's the illuminati and their leader quick thinks all thoughts that has to be the best goblin name ever mede pulls a gun on them but one of the goblins says that they all have explosives on their backs so shooting them isn't a good idea another of the goblins taunts you all saying that the enigma codex is gone and they've already started the alexander initiative which is way more than he was supposed to say since none of you had a clue what they were planning at all it's very likely that quick things was going to kill the blabbermouth goblin but mede takes the opportunity to shoot at them causing their packs to explode and since they're so far away from you the explosions only hurt the goblins which gives you all time to run but not before round rocks asks what is the enigma codex it turns out that's the treasure that media is after but you'll have to try for it at a safer time back safe and sound at your camp you let biggs know what happened after you tell him about your running with the illuminati he figures that alexander might actually be the primal's name and since you didn't find its core that means you have to do more searching but at least you all managed to make it out of there alive biggs is ready to take another crack at finding the core whenever you are and you should probably get started soon since wedge is hearing chants about death to the uplanders coming through the link pearl seems like you may have started a war with the illuminati after your last encounter so it'll probably be more guards blocking your way the next time as expected when the warrior of light continues his trip into the court the path is blocked by an army of goblins and their deadly tech that takes a lot of sword swipes to bring down a lot of explosions later the battle is done and sid meade and round rock show up to admire your handiwork we all knew that sid couldn't avoid seeing the place for himself so it was only a matter of time before he showed up in person sid's curious about what mita is searching for and she doesn't even try to hide it she wants the enigma codex which is a book that holds the work of one of the greatest masses of technology from a little over 100 years ago it has plans inside for everything from machines that can run for a century to things that can make better cheese even selling a single page from the book would be worth millions the most important bit of info in the book however is a plan for a walking citadel that's the form that the illuminati's primal took since they used the book's knowledge to summon it a fact that media already knew since she'd both seen and read from the enigma codex the citadel was meant to be a fully self-contained city with places to live and grow crops so the people who lived there would never have to leave add to that the fact that the place was nearly impregnable and able to move back and forth it became the perfect fortress one that was meant to take the world's best and brightest to all the corners of the world so they can learn the mysteries of creation all from inside of the fortress named alexander the illuminati are hoping to use the fortress to gather knowledge in the same way but this version of alexander is actually a primal which means walking it around the world would leave a trail of etherless wastelands in his wake which adds to the extreme need to stop the illuminati as soon as possible there seems to be a problem on the alexander front but sid's already working on fixing it the communications that wedges been picking up have been bugging them for a while because something about them just don't make sense the illuminati have already made a base inside of alexander which means they had to have found a way through the barrier so why did they need to use the hatch that's sticking outside of the barrier at all and why are they sending out coded messages on how to unlock a door that they both don't need and should have already unlocked the answer is simple the illuminati must have a spy in idle shire that was using the hatch to go back and forth the spy probably knows that you've all broken the code which means he or she won't be able to use the hatch for a while that means the spy will need to make contact with the illuminati soon so sid had everyone clear the area around the entrance so you all could watch for the spy then follow him before the words are fully out of his mouth wedge gets a call from red bricks saying that brave locks went inside of alexander but there's no way that she's a spy for the illuminati so someone had to be pretending to be her whatever the case you all race off to find out what exactly is going on you all chase the goblin through more of the giant primal fortress fighting your way past monsters and what looks like a human-shaped capri sun which has to be the strangest security guard ever before the warrior of light sid meade and round rocks catch up to the spy quick thinks all thoughts and a few of the illuminati members arrived to give the spy a chance to report that whatever the illuminati was searching for has been found then they shoot him that's not really the best way to inspire loyalty in your subordinates but quick thinks isn't really worried about anything other than completing his mission of bringing the world into harmony by weeding out the useless parts he knows that alexander will suck the life out of everyone outside of it but those the illuminati choose will be safe inside its walls they will get to live on as masters of knowledge who will rebuild the world better than it was before he figures that the smartest uplanders will join him and the stupid ones don't deserve to see his perfect world anyway instead of killing the goblin like he should have the warrior of light just watches quick things leave sid is convinced that the goblins are insane but mide doesn't see it all so black and white as that they are following the plans laid out in the enigma codex but they are rushing the process which is why it seems so bad that part doesn't make the illuminati crazy the fact that they're crazy makes them crazy but anyone can do a lot of harm in an attempt to do good if they aren't careful and that doesn't necessarily make them crazy she's clearly not talking about the goblins but whatever or whoever she's thinking about she's not interested in saying more at the moment but she does think that she can stop alexander if you can get her to the core from what she read in the enigma codex she knows that the core is nearby but she's not sure how close you are to it round rocks has been paying more attention to the path that you've traveled and since the core is in the chest she's able to point you all in the right direction but it definitely won't be unguarded so you all head out to get prepared to charge into the core you don't have long because if the illuminati fully wake alexander they will be all but unstoppable so the warrior of light repairs his gear and heads into the core with midae it's guarded by yet another very sturdy machine one that takes a lot more punishment before it's taken down but after hitting it enough it explodes just like everything else with the way clear bix and wedge joined the warrior of light and media at the very large heart of alexander true to a word media climbs on top of the core and opens it with a few button presses but quick thinks all thought shows up admitting that maybe you're all smarter than he gave you credit for but he doesn't seem all that upset about what you've done from what wedge sees the goblin rise deeper into alexander talking like he actually won almost like he wanted you all to deactivate the core what's even more odd is quick think shows up alone like he'd sent his honor guard off to do something more important even than watching his back the thought hits wedge that the goblin might have sent his minions off to idle shower while you were all away so you all race out of the primal only to find that the illuminati did attack the place it was a strange attack according to red bricks because they only took useless junk junk that they stole from round rocks which means what they took probably was anything but useless and they made it a point to take everything that she'd gathered they may have even taken her if she hadn't been out looking for more stuff during the attack it's sitting bigs to the rescue they show up with one very unconscious goblin thief as well as round rocks possessions biggs had figured that the thief might be in the area and with a little searching they found him but the question is what exactly were the illuminati looking for in round rock's stash they clearly hadn't found it otherwise they wouldn't have still been hanging around which makes the little goblin wonder if what they were after was the stone that she loaned to you she'd never taken it out of wedge's machine so it wasn't in her stash she'd found it by the charlene ruins when alexander first appeared something that miday was completely unaware of when she takes out the stone and it glows media recognizes it as a piece of the enigma codex which means the only reason the illuminati hasn't proceeded with their plan is because they don't have the completed codex meaning they will definitely be back and you and the mysterious midday will have to deal with them after doing a bit of thinking round rocks after realizing that the glowstone is the thing that media has been searching for this entire time decides to give it to the aura and since there aren't many people who could take it from the warrior of light the goblin gives it to him so he can give it to midei the treasure hunter is usually staring at alexander from nearby so it isn't hard to track her down midae is flattered that the goblin is willing to give away her most precious possession and at first she wasn't gonna accept it but she decides that it would be better in the hands of someone who could actually keep it safe round rocks isn't exactly what you'd call a fighter so media decides to hold on to it even though to her the piece of the enigma codex is nothing more than any other rock when round rocks held it the stone had let out a flash of light but that hadn't happened when anyone else touched it not even the worry of light the codex is protected by magic that keeps it from being read by anyone who doesn't believe in what it says down to their very core it's very rare to find a person that can actually read it which means if the illuminati find out that round rocks can they'll take her mite figures that the best way to keep round rock safe would be for her to lure the illuminati away with the piece of the codex that they want so much they'll be hunting for her and won't be thinking about round rocks but mide still wants you to watch out for the little goblin just in case while she's away backricks comes to get you because apparently something's been bothering wedge so you head back to camp to see what's bothering the lalafell apparently the illuminati are getting ready to do something big because estoela sent a message saying that alexander is starting to draw a lot more ether from the area not to mention the fact that the goblins are gathering a lot of explosives and other stuff likely to build another big weapon in short things are pretty bad so you all need to attack them before they can finish and wedge already has a plan one that of course has the warrior of light leading the assault biggs has already scouted out the area that he wants to attack from so you and wedge head there to get things started biggs was expecting sid to show up but he hadn't thought that his stole would come too since the ether is being drained at a super high rate she obviously needed to be there to help from what she can see alexander has absorbed a whole lot of ether already but there's a different kind of energy coming from inside of the barrier figuring out what this new energy is will have to wait for now whatever the illuminati are doing needs to be stopped before they can get it fully started and wedges built a device that should help with that he calls it the electro jammer number three which is weird since it's apparently the first of its kind if it works the way that he says it will it should disrupt all of the illuminati's communication devices making it a lot harder for them to organize a defense when you all attack the device has a little more kick to it than everyone expected and the explosion that it makes either causes alexander to lift its other hand or it was about to do that anyway and wedge's timing was just a coincidence either way wedge refuses to take the blame for the primal moving the good news according to estola the primal is still asleep even better it moving created a new way for you all to head inside which means it's time for the warrior of light to do his thing while he does that sid and stoller are going to go and tell montoya what just happened while you all get ready to make your move quick thinks all thoughts watches from above saying that everything is playing out exactly how it was written the illuminati weren't all that unprepared for your attack and apparently their experiments don't stop at modifying just machines one of the goblins who manages to take the title of best name goblin in the game rat thinks twinkle dinks has done quite a few modifications to himself that makes him very not fun to fight but the warrior of lightness crew of adventurers bring down the goblin and his minions with the attack being a success the warrior of light meets back up with bigs and wedge at the base camp only for them to let him know that there's another problem while they were patrolling the area they saw miday talking to the illuminati not only that she gave them the piece of the enigma codex before going into alexander with them it all looks really bad but it starts to look a lot less like media is actually a traitor when quickly shows up to the camp talking about how your new friend had been working with them from the very beginning him trying so hard to convince you that meade is a traitor does the exact opposite but after the illuminati leave backrick says that there is some truth to what the goblin said backricks had looked into what had happened three years ago and found out that a group of our treasure hunters had gone to explore the ruins near the thaliak river only to die during the earthquakes that had come as a part of alexander's first summoning it's likely that miede was one of those treasure hunters but that doesn't necessarily mean that she had something to do with the summoning except for the fact that backricks did some reading from a book that he got from a charlene and it said that the person who had written the enigma codex 100 years ago was a blue haired zela just like miede she can't be the only blue haired zela out there and instead of speculating round rocks runs off to find the woman to get answers straight from her wedge chases after the goblin to keep her safe while the warrior of light continues his attack on the illuminati so it's back in the alexander we go the goblins are definitely ready for your next attack and they put together a much more deadly defense but that doesn't stop the warrior of lightning his crew when he makes it back to the camp after the battle miday is there and she admits that she did meet up with the illuminati but what she gave them was just a rock that she found not the codex but quick things hadn't been lying about what he said miday had not only been working with the illuminati she had taught them how to summon the primal in the first place she had planned on using them to complete our own goal the same way she was planning on using all of you the author of the enigma codex had been an ancestor of hers and the goal of creating a perfect world had been a mission for some of her tribe for years they had worked in secret to bring it about and those ideals in some corrupted fashion have taken over the illuminati the leader of midi's group had been very charismatic and media had fallen in love with him which made her even more eager to make his dream come true that's why she didn't hesitate when he wanted to summon a primal and three years ago they had tried to do it the summoning went horribly wrong alexander killed most of miede's friends and dragged the man she loved into the core of the machine not knowing what else to do miede made the barrier to seal alexander away but while she was doing that the codex exploded and the promo disappeared one of the pieces cut her across the face which is how she got that scar and that moment showed her just how stupid their plan had been it only took the loss of all of her friends for her to learn that lesson but it still doesn't explain why she decided to help the illuminati summon the thing again or help you all get inside of it for that matter her reasons are simple and kind of insane she did it all because she hopes it will let her see the man she loves again she thinks his soul is still inside of the primal telling her how dumb her plan was is not the best idea so biggs decides to find out just how bad things would get if the codex was made whole if the codex is repaired it would in fact be able to completely control the primal but you need the complete codex and someone who can read it with both of those alexander could instantly take anyone to wherever they wanted to go likely draining the life out of the place in the process miday used to be able to read the codex but since that day three years ago she's lost the ability only round rocks has the gift as far as she knows meaning that the child is the key to controlling the primal and right on cue wedge runs up to say that the little goblin's been taken by the illuminati with round rocks being captured the warrior of lightness allies race back into alexander to find her quick thinks decides to deal with you himself and he uses a lot of tech to do it but he's still no match for you so he tries to fly away but his damage machine explodes it's highly unlikely that he didn't survive and there's still a lot more stuff you have to fight your way through to free the goblin so you all head back to camp to get more supplies for the next fight while you fought quick thinks meade mapped out the rest of alexander's interior so she knows where you need to go but backricks doesn't trust the woman since she was involved with the original summoning of alexander bakrix doesn't know if she's trying to help you all or simply finish her own mission the goblin has a point and mede understands why some of you might not fully trust her but even though she's the last of her group the whole build-a-perfect world mission was never really her dream she was willing to put that same amount of effort into any cause as long as she was able to do it with the people she cared about she honestly can't understand why she had ever been able to read the enigma codex in the first place since she wasn't all that dedicated to his teachings in short the dream of a perfect world died with her leader as for alexander the part you've been exploring is called midas named after an ancient king who had asked the gods for the power to turn whatever he touched in the gold they gave him what he asked for and he liked it until he accidentally turned the woman he loved into a statue what he wanted the most ended up costing him everything that same story can be applied to media and her people the hunt for what they wanted most ended up costing them everything now all she wants is to talk to the man she loved just one more time nothing else now that she's told you all her goal she wants to get back to the important mission of saving round rocks and she has a plan alexander has three main sections each with their own core the warrior of light has cleared a path to the core of midas but the illuminati definitely has set up a strong defense to keep you from destroying it round rocks is most likely being kept in alexander's upper body but the illuminati have the path there locked so you have to destroy the core to shut down the primal if you break the primal the illuminati will have to fix it before they can use round rocks which will give you all more time to savor especially since they'll probably have to gather more crystals to get the primer back up and running with the plan made it's time to get back into the primal and fight the illuminati they have indeed put together a powerful set of machines to bar your path but the warrior of lightning's adventurer allies take them down clearing a path to the core like before meat a shuts it down only for quick thinks and a lot of goblins to show up wedge taunts him for not fighting you alone again since he lost the last time but quick thinks claims that he lost on purpose just like he let you shut down the core on purpose because according to him he knows the future and he knows that one of you have the piece of the enigma codex that he wants biggs and wedge both pretend to have it while the warrior light me they hop on the elevator to escape with the codex but proving that he might actually know a bit about the future quick things parks his hover platform in the perfect spot for it to fall into his lap when your platform lurches and makes the enigma codex fall right out of midday's pocket with what he wanted in hand the illuminati leave you all to ponder just how quick things got the better of you all and now you have to figure out how to get the codex and round rocks back back at the camp things get even more strange backricks is confused about why you're all back so soon he just saw you all leave a few moments ago and you shouldn't have had time to even reach alexander let alone do all of the stuff you claimed and he's not the only one that's confused everyone outside of alexander says that you all just left a moment ago it's almost like time stopped when you step through the barrier around the primal and if that's the case quick things seen into the future might not be all that crazy meade thinks that there may be a simpler explanation at least when it comes to how quick things predicted your moves there's a machine inside of alexander that's made to do very complicated math problems and using it to determine the probability of something happening isn't that far-fetched but that only worked for simple events it actually makes a lot more sense that there are some time shenanigans going on for now it's all only a theory but wedge thinks that it's possible that alexander has distorted time inside of the barrier and it's possible that the illuminati know that and they're using it to their advantage they may even be using the primal to somehow bend time to their will if they're doing that then your mission was destined to fail from the very beginning the doom and gloom speculation starts to bother biggs and he decides that it might be a good idea to call sid and see what he thinks might be going on it's hard to explain over a link pearl so sid and the stoller head back to the camp to chat before anyone can fill them in alexander causes the land to shake so you all race off to see what the prime was doing from what a stolen can see without its core the primal is starting to break down but it's doing it very slowly using our goggles sid sees something even stranger the ether that was leaking out of the damaged primal started flowing in reverse like time started passing backwards something that should be impossible but since none of you know much about the primal there's no telling what it can actually do and to make matters worse it could be undoing everything you did to shut down the cores if the illuminati can simply reset your progress on a whim beating them will be all but impossible and to make matters even worse with round rocks in hand and the final piece of the codex quick thinks in the illuminati gain full control of alexander all that's left is for them to wait for the final quarter power up then they'll be able to unleash alexander's full potential that won't just give them the power to remake the world as it currently is they'll have control over time and that'll give them the ability to rewrite history itself mi day's been extremely worried about round rocks which has a pacing back and forth a lot during one of her random walks she saw something out of the corner of her eye that looks a lot like the cat chanoa that's always been hanging around quick things if the cat's there then it's likely that the illuminati aren't too far behind so naturally the two of you go to track it down the two of you find the cat and sure enough an illuminati spy isn't far off sidney stella take him out but not before he starts bragging about how once they activate the final core of alexander they'll be able to travel through time and be unstoppable the whole thing sounds crazy to sid but the goblin seemed positive that quick thinks was a profit from the future sent to fix history what makes this situation even worse is he claims that the battle for the future has already been won at least according to the enigma codex it's depressing to think about it but it would explain why quickthink seems to already know what you were going to do and if it is true it will make your entire fight with the illuminati pointless backricks thinks all of this talk is nonsense and he's more interested in hearing your plans on dealing with the current situation ishtala and sid had been getting things set up for their final assault with the help of montoya of course when the cat media had been following had came into the cave and acted like it wanted them to follow it they had and it had led them right to the illuminati spy it was a happy coincidence but since the tiny cat's been with quick things constantly sid refuses to believe that it turned on its master at random either it switched sides or quick thinks is setting you all up if the thing could talk sid would want to question it and since it can't really hurt to try he tells the captain meow twice for yes and once for no then he asks if it's quick thinks his cat it actually answers yes so media asks if it wants to go back home and it answers no that makes sid start to think that it really can't understand them however that doesn't mean that she's not still working for quick things while that may be true backwards remembers round rock saying that she had saw a black cat watching her three years ago when she had first found the piece of the enigma codex that had seemed like useless information back then but now backricks is starting to wonder if shinoahe is the exact same cat but if it had been then it would be full grown by now unless it somehow jumped through time it all sounds ridiculous even to ishtala who suggested it but it can't be ruled out and if that's the case it could mean that quick things has been manipulating things as far back as media's first summoning of alexander which means you're all likely screwed talking about the problems not really doing anything to fix it so sid thinks that your best option is to just head back into alexander and see what you can find and wedge being wedge he's made something that should help you get through the barrier and back into the primal he's running the last test on the device now so the warrior of lighting the others head off to meet him wedge knows that he went a little overboard with the last invention but he's positive that his next one will work exactly how it's supposed to the plan is simple you'll be attacking the primal from two angles again ishtal is working on cutting off alexander's ether supply while the warrior of light's going to go and rescue round rocks without her the illuminati won't be able to control time so that'll even the playing field hopefully you'll be heading in through alexander's head with the help of wedge's new device something that he's named barrier be gone which is supposed to you guessed it remove my day's barrier the problem is once the barrier is gone alexander will be free to move so you'll need to do what you're doing fast or things are going to go wrong very very quickly see it's gonna fly you as close as he can to the top of the primal then you're gonna go in and clear the way for the rest of them once you've done that you need to get back to the ship so wedge can turn the barrier back on all of that needs to be done before alexander can move so no pressure this is hardly the most dangerous thing that the warrior of light's done so he and his adventurer buddies head in once the barrier drops they all rush in fighting against swarms of goblins as they make their way to the top of the primal and inside where even more of the illuminati's toys try to bar their way toys that the warrior of light takes great pride in destroying with the passing to the top of the primo clear sid and the others reactivate the barrier leaving the top of alexander's head outside which gives you a way back in to make your next attack once you're ready ishtal is glad to see that at least one of your missions was accomplished cutting off alexander's ether supply didn't work at all and she thinks midday might be able to help her understand why since she summoned the thing all primals constantly draw ether from the surrounding land both to make themselves stronger and to keep their physical forms she and matoya had figured that they could create a barrier between the lands ether and alexander using some device called arcanama that she has sid put around the area the devices are working fine but for some reason alexander isn't being hindered by them at all mide may know why but she can't fully see how it'll matter all that much when she was younger a man that she didn't know came up to her and told her that anything she wanted could be hers if she listened to him a grown person telling a random kid that should be a big old red flag but not all kids are given the stranger danger talk they definitely should be especially with all the crazies running around now if meade's parents had told her not to talk to strangers we probably could have avoided dealing with the cult in their time traveling primal but they didn't so here we are she didn't understand what the man was talking about but he had told her to reunite the shards of the enigma codex and perform the sacred right before the ruins that stand against the river's flow then her hopes and dreams would all become a reality after that he gave her a horn to use as a catalyst for the summoning and told her that it was a gift from travanche then he left ishtala's had some run-ins with the man before and as you may have guessed he's an asian the horn was supposedly a relic with the power to manipulate ether in the air the scions had hunted it for a while since it could be deadly in the wrong hands and if it's being used by alexander's third core to draw ether then there's no way to stop it from drawing ether from anywhere on the star that means you'll just have to break the core the old-fashioned way but that won't stop the illuminati from simply rewinding time to undo everything you've done all in all nothing's changed your only course of action is to save round rocks the circle of knowing had given his stolen the mission of recovering the horn and not only did she fail it was her failure that caused it to fall into travonchae's hands she feels that this incident is as much her fault as anyone else's so she's more than willing to help in any way that she can which means it's time to rescue round rocks or at least to try from above quickthinks is watching you all like he still knows what you're planning and oddly enough backricks notices that his tiny black cat is still with him which means that the one that's standing next to you all couldn't be his so he decides to rename it schrodinger that's a very on the nose thing to name the cat and if you don't know why it's a little bit of real world lore that i guess i will go into trotting schrodinger's cat in simple terms is a thought experiment done by erwin schrodinger where you hypothetically put a cat in a box with radioactive material that may or may not be released after a certain amount of time after a while as long as the box isn't open the cat exists in two states at the same time it's both alive and dead it'll stay like that until someone opens the box to definitively prove that the cat is in one state or the other now you can figure out on your own what that means in regards to this story regardless of how weird the cat situation is biggs and the others did get a good look around the inside of alexander which let them figure out where round rocks is being kept she's in the central core and from what bigs can see all you need to do is ride one of those floating platforms there of course they'll be guarded so the warrior of light will head back in through alexander's head while the others travel through midas to make sure the illuminati don't have any traps waiting to ambush you once you've gotten your hands on one of the platforms bigs and wedge will do what they do best and cause a distraction with all the talking done you all get to work as expected there's no small amount of goblins working hard to stop you from interfering with their plans and their tech and fighting skill makes things a little bit difficult but after taking down the mercenary name lane brick strike box the warrior of light has a clear path to round rocks ich stoller said midei had to deal with a few goblins of their own but it wasn't too much trouble and you all find round rocks safe and sound sitting in a chair right next to the enigma codex directly above the third core of alexander the amount of ether is stolen can see pumping through the core is outright terrifying and all that power has been being used by round rocks which has made the little goblin a little unstable but it has given her the ability to alter time hearing that it really is true miday wonders out loud if she genuinely could fix her mistakes from three years ago so ron rocks trying to be a good friend decides to help and activates alexander spending time backwards despite everyone telling her not to biggs wedge and backricks get a front row seat for the trip since they're on top of the primal and they're pretty shocked when sid tells them that they're being sent back in time they appear along with alexander right at the moment when media and her friends were summoning the primal they're excited because they think that what they're doing worked but it's short-lived because alexander activates and the illuminati shoots midi's friends alexander starts trying to suck media inside but dan pushes her out of the way getting sucked into the primer in her place bakrix finds the whole thing fascinating and he's writing it all in his book until schrodinger knocks it out of his hands and both the cat and the book fall off of the promo right as media of the past activated her barrier whatever round rocks did ends and you're all snapped back to your own time and quickthink shows up to brag about how once again you've done exactly what was written ironically enough it seems like sid and the others still haven't figured things out so quickthinx decides to break it down for them time is a circle or a wheel and everything you've done or will do has already happened and you're just completing the loop in other words when media and her friends summoned alexander three years ago what they had actually seen were you all traveling back through time hearing that makes me they realize that what had happened to her and her friends was destined to happen and there was never anything she could have done to fix it more goblins show up so ishtala decides that it's time to retreat since you do have round rocks but knowing that everything she's done is pointless media decides to stay behind there's nothing you can do about it right now so you all head out before you get captured or killed biggs and the others are happy to see round rocks but now that meat is with the illuminati round rocks wants to go back for sid had never planned on leaving the woman there but first you all need to make a plan so they called jesse to pick them up the day brought a lot of painful revelations especially since the illuminati had planned out everything from the incident three years ago to now and they had used all of you to do it but worst of all the one thing that had kept me day going was a hope of seeing dan again and now she knows that'll never happen because there's definitely nothing left of the man this whole mission has been going poorly but it's not a complete loss you saved round rocks and without her the illuminati can't turn time backwards which means it's time to destroy alexander's final core and this time it should be permanent with the risk of everything you do being undone dealt with the warrior of lightness allies head to alexander's final core the defenses that the illuminati have put in place are top notch complete with the cruise chaser which is the illuminati version of the transformers starscream and a mount that really should have been a reward for this fight instead of something that's put on the mock station after destroying the illuminati's very expensive machine in a fight that's sitting the other's watch from a safe distance away you all get an up close look at alexander's third core and sid sees just how massive it is for it to get that big it must have been drawn in ether at a super fast rate and with the power that is stored up it'll probably be able to regenerate itself even faster than you can break it instead of wasting time trying sid figures that since the control room has a way to control the primal it should have a way to turn it off too of course that'll mean bringing round rocks back since she's the only one who can use the enigma codex it's not something that any of you really want to put her through again but quick things needs to be stopped and you can't really think of another way speak of the devil and he will appear and sure enough quick think shows up with his book and cat in tow claiming that the future shows that things are going to end very badly for you all regardless of your plans all other passages to the control room are blocked so to get there you'll have to go right where quick things want you to and his predictions say that you all die on your attempt he goes to float away but as he does his cat knocks the book out of his hand and falls down in front of you all similar to what happened with backricks bakrix picks up the book that quick thinks has been carrying around and he realizes that it's actually his journal the one that had been knocked out of his hand when you all took a trip to the past so the entire time the only reason quick things has known what was going to happen was because he had the book that backricks had written about your whole mission in other words he's not a prophet at all all of his predictions came from the book granted this book thing is a big time paradox in itself since quick things couldn't have gotten the book until after backricks wrote the book but the things that backricks wrote in the book were a direct result of what quickthinks did after having the book but since thinking like that would give all of us a headache we're just gonna let this little time snafu slide what's even more confusing than the book is why shinoah who is also schrodinger set all of this nonsense into motion for starters the catch should have died from falling off of the primal but fall damage has only killed like three people in the game so far so i can let that part slide too quick thinks must have found the cat when he found the book and he decided to take her in but that still doesn't explain why the cat is causing all of these time shenanigans by knocking the book around so much figuring that out won't help with dealing with alexander's core and that's the only thing that sid is concerned about at the moment and since the pages in the journal don't say anything about you all dying on your trip to the control room city is ready to get things set up to destroy alexander for good so you all head out to get prepared things are not as good as you may think however even though quick things lost the book in round rocks he's apparently had the power to use the enigma codex all along and he activates it so he'll be ready for when you come back once you're all as prepared as you can be the warrior of light sid biggs and wedge head back into the primal to attack the core quick thinks is ready for you all and he stops time summons a smaller version of alexander and sets it to fire on you all while you can't move time restarts giving you all just enough time to avoid taking a point blank kamehameha to the face which would have definitely murdered you all since the sneak attack failed the mini alexander vanishes into a rift in time one that stays open instead of waiting around for it to reappear and hit you all with another sneak attack one that you might not be able to dodge the warrior of light heads into the rift to fight it while sid and the others clear a path to the control room fighting this thing that's the embodiment of alexander's power is not something easily overcome the primal takes this fight as a test to determine whether or not you deserve to have a future which if you fail i'm pretty sure that you'd be dead so you don't really have a choice but to win which of course you do when the warrior of light pops back out of the rift is stolen and round rocks both have joined sid and the others so with the way clear you all head into the control room where quick thinks is more than happy to reveal that he has always been able to control the primal so nothing can stop him from rewinding time a surprisingly still alive midday makes her entrance by shooting quick things guards and since he revealed that he can control the codex without round rocks she understands why he had used the girl instead of doing it himself from the start controlling the primal at full power could very likely destroy the person who tried so he hadn't wanted to risk his own life until he didn't have a choice but he is controlling it now and he thinks that nothing can stop him so amide proves him wrong by shooting him in the head with him down that gives round rocks the chance to undo what quick thinks has started and shut down the primal's final core without it constantly drawing in ether alexander has started burning through what it had stored pretty fast and it won't be long before it shuts down and fades away entirely something none of you want to be around for but before you head out round rocks wants to know how did mite survive after you all left she's not all that sure herself the place had started shaking and she'd gotten thrown somewhere dark she had been unconscious there until a few minutes ago she had probably gotten knocked down a garbage shoot or something but all that really matters is that she's okay with the mission of success it's past time for you all to head home but of course things can't possibly be that simple and what should have been a very dead quick thinks reaches out and activates the enigma codex again apparently he had done a lot of tinkering on his own body and what you had thought was a weird-looking mask turns out to actually be his head a head that can survive a point-blank gunshot the goblin reactivates the core and attempts to use alexander's power to go back to the past but the problem decides not to obey him something that it's apparently been able to do all along it also does something that you failed to do and finishes off quick things it makes sid think that the promo has a mind of its own which it does and just like media had thought that mine belongs to dan he's really been in there the whole time watching over but the two of them only get to talk for a moment before the core overloads and starts to draw in ether so fast that his stroll stroller's afraid that it'll drain aorzi a dry in a few minutes if it's not stopped with it being in the state that it's in she doesn't think that any of you can stop it now but media thinks that this was all part of dan's plan and she realizes what he wanted her to do and that is throw herself into the core she merges with it and she tells you all to leave as she's drawn into what dan calls alexander's dream it's a place outside of time where alexander watches the past present and future seeing each and every possible outcome for every situation and since he's a part of the primal dan sees it all too since alexander was born from the desire to create a perfect world it's watched everything unfold to see what path would give the result that it wanted it saw everything from the illuminati ruling things to what would have happened if he had stepped in and stopped dolomo and after studying every possible outcome it realized that the only chance there was for a perfect world to be born was if alexander himself ceased to exist so it decided to erase itself since the amount of ether that it consumes by just existing would eventually destroy everything so instead of taking that risk it decided to leave the fate of the world in the hands of the warrior of light having seen him in action miede can understand why knowing that he would eventually be the source of a major calamity alexander sent the kat shanoha out to put time back on the right path with that done there's only one task left since the horn was a part of the third core of alexander it would be able to regrow itself instantly by drawing in ether from all around the world the only way to stop it is to seal it away in a moment in time that would loop forever and ever and that will trap media and dan as well something she's perfectly fine with outside biggs and wedge noticed that everything inside of alexander's barrier has stopped moving like times frozen in place round rocks and the others have made their way back to idleshire and while none of them are happy about media's fate she did stop alexander so that's a good thing at least round rocks is of course taking this hard and she runs off somewhere so you all go to track her down it's not hard to find her since she isn't exactly hiding she just wanted to be alone to think when you all were running out of alexander she had found the glowstone in her pocket but it won't glow for her anymore she thinks it's because the experience that she had with the illuminati changed her view of the world the enigma codex was made from one man's desire to build a perfect world and its knowledge is sealed off from anyone who doesn't fully believe in what it promotes both quick thinks and me day when she was younger never questioned the teachings of the codex but after what happened round rocks can't really blindly follow anything anymore the glowstone staying dark in her hands is a sign of her growing into adulthood that doesn't mean she has to quit dreaming of a better world but it's time for her to start working on building it with our own hands since she was working on that anyway she's perfectly fine with that she just wishes she could give the glowstone back to mede since the woman had liked it so much but with time being frozen inside of the barrier that would be impossible except for the fact that the cat shinoa shows up again and she's been able to come and go freely within alexander with no problems since it can't really hurt to try ron ross gives the cat the stone and lets her take it to a friend while you all wonder if meade will ever find a way out of alexander they do have access to every moment in time so they may find one where they can step out and live their life without alexander potentially destroying the world but for now stolen sid both have their own stuff to do so they head off but not before stolen hands you a book that bakrix has been looking for since you like delivering stuff she figures that you won't mind the goblin's happy to get the book but he's surprised when he reads about a tribe from a long time ago founded by two people who stepped out of a giant machine with a glowing stone in their hands and their names were dan and miday so apparently they found their perfect world somewhere deep in the past and they managed to get round rocks as gift too this concludes the story of alexander if you enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe and donate to the channel so i can keep bringing you guys new content until next time guys later [Music] you
Channel: Chronicler of Lore
Views: 7,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Lore, The Story of, Chronicler of Lore, Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, Alexander, Complete Story, Heavensward, Raid
Id: lk03ifGUQUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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