alex and maggie | their journey [+endgame au]

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Hey what the hell do you think you're doing on my crime scene anyone ever tell you while you feds on this thing who are you detective Maggie Sawyer NCPD Science Division spread you mine show me yours Alexandra Secret Service we'll take it from here the airport's within my jurisdiction your jurisdiction where I say this see around the adversity I found them as in Kryptonian where it looks like an abandoned warehouse in the arts district how'd you find this place a detective agent amber's I detect de ORM Danvers wanna see how was local cops do aliens [Music] ujong - she's my axe [Music] where's Maggie a couple hundred ways on my memory [Music] that woman kidnapped Maggie saw her a woman who risks her life every day fighting for your rights she cares about what happens to you the least you can do is return the favor [Music] you guys are fun you know I don't really do well with partners but I think we made it pretty good to Vegas we could you should really get some rest you can stay here if you want I can you got a hot date or something actually I do and I don't want to leave the lady waiting so around Anders [Music] Danvers and Sawyer want to see a dead body [Music] well seems like you do got a handle maybe you can go over this to the contacts in the streets I already made a few calls but I'll follow up though swear Danvers got a tip you went that was fast texting you the location oh and I almost forgot wear something nice you clean up nice I do you do too with the shoes and the hair and all that not all business but this is right I mean what are we doing here wait for it yeah [Music] should have planted something on her sometimes I wish I wasn't a good cop I think you're a great cop you getting soft on me no I know in crappy moments like this I could use a drink so what do you say first rounds on me can't hey baby [Music] naggy is such a terrible pool player I mean I even tried to let her win and she couldn't keep up Maggie the NCPD officer yeah well she's been kind of down her um her girlfriend broke up with her with the rate that you play we'd be here for hours your girl who won't have to put out an APB not likely we broke up oh my god what happened she dumped me she dumped you who would do that I don't know lately she just hasn't really been acting like Maggie no she's normally so tough and now she just seems so vulnerable I just wish I could help her I thought she was one look I appreciate the beer cool but I think I need to go drink something a little harder was my coal see you later and try to stay out of people's relationships like you stayed at a car installation oh okay now that was different I was in the car it's like you're into this Maggie person [Music] we'll go in now you don't have fun and then celebrate single them don't really feel like celebrating getting dumped maggot so that's not what I meant what do you mean I just thought that we could go and have some fun yeah keep each other company you and me yes why white words what's wrong with that nothing it just get Reggie wrong what do you mean I I didn't know you were in a girl I'm not my fence yeah no no I mean no offense Maggie I know I gotta you're not gay right you'd be surprised how many gay women I've heard that you know people just have to wait to figure out what works for them know who they are inside what they're meant to be I I'm sorry if I was too forward the other day that wasn't my place [Music] my whole life has been about being perfect but the one part of my life that I've never been able to make perfect was dating I just never really liked it I died I don't know I mean I tried you know I got I got asked out I just I never liked being intimate I just I thought maybe that's just not the way that I was built you know it's just not my thing I never I never thought that it was because of the other good thought yeah maybe yeah I know I mean I don't I don't know now and now I just I can't I can't stop thinking about about what [Music] and maybe there's some truth to what you said well what he said about me Danvers you're alive I just I don't know what to do now everyone's experience is different I can only tell you what I did just fine I came out to my family maybe it's just a phase you know maybe it isn't real it's real you're real and you deserve to have a real full happy life tell your family the biggest thing has ever happened to you and you shouldn't have to do it alone I have you yeah and I'm good for a drink when you come out you promise cross my heart it's about Maggie I started to develop feelings for her silence bye yeah those those those feelings I'm up all night just thinking about it I know you haven't been dating much like this isn't because I haven't found the right guy I never said it was I'm just I'm just trying to understand okay I think I owe you an apology for not creating an environment where you felt like he could talk about this with me so what about Maggie what's she like I like her so much hey Maggie manners she's smart she's tough and she's just beautiful you choked ara happy for you geez how are you I'll go get the alien you get a girl I'm buying all night what do you have [Music] Wow I haven't wanting to do that yeah I can tell I shouldn't get involved with someone who's just fresh off the boat those those relationships never really work out I'm here for you but as a friend yeah yeah I know no root beer frickle Alex don't go I'll see you I shouldn't have said anything I should have just kept my mouth shut what happened she doesn't like me like that humiliated no no Danvers it's been a hot minute Maggie this is some everyone miss James wind and Cara oh the sister yeah I've heard so much about you for my likes and I've heard all about you like I like you Alex is just in the situation it's nothing personal no I didn't think it was still friends of course come on Alex her friends know Maggie we're not friends you told me that my feelings were real and then I deserve to be happy and so I thought you meant that I deserved to be happy with you Alex and I'm not done I was sure about one thing and that was my feelings for you I was proud to come out it was about my feelings for this amazing woman but all I feel is pain because you don't want me well Alex that's not why you know what save it I care about you a lot you become really important to me and I hope that one day you and I could be friends because I don't want to imagine my life without you in it [Music] poor tamari wouldn't miss it [Music] thank you when you first suggested that I was gay uh yeah I denied it then I thought that it was just about you I mean how would I not like you and now I realized that it wasn't about you but it's it's about me living my life so thank you anytime I thought that you even came out for me and that scared me um my life is too short and you should be who we are and we should kiss the girls that we want to kiss and I really just I I want to kiss you [Music] so you're singing you like me that's that's what I got of course you're not gonna go crazy on me are you probably yeah I have plans unless you need me to cancel no no I need you to go be with your girlfriend I'm a girlfriend oh my you're wearing my t-shirt yes that okay that's amazing thank you you slept in my apartment and now you're wearing my t-shirt and making coffee and I can't believe this is happening and everything coming in my mouth is very cliche it's called being an Enka is to a damn we could call it look like you've been shot with a love Brahe oh do you I'm gonna come with you no no you just keep on going okay super girls missing if anyone can find her it's you I knew this was gonna happen I knew it are you talking about I was happy for like five minutes but you know I'm sorry this this was a mistake I'm sorry you have to go I'm sorry I can't got it see you Danvers I feel like that the universe is just magically smacking me down from being happy you got to give me more than that I have always felt so responsible like weight of the world responsible and then Supergirl went missing in and I just I blew a gasket because supergirls your sister what are you talking about it come on look I I know you the only person you get back torn up over is Cara [Music] plus the glasses don't help I always said that tails she kind of ridiculous I'm sorry I just I want to be happy with you Maggie surprised me with concert tickets to fair naked ladies tonight you were the best I happen to have taken me rather big romantic risk recently and I gotta say pays off good for you Alex hey hey hi well I just wanted to let you know that Maggie and I are dating Oh that was the thing okay I hate valentines day me too I knew we were right for each other Dammers Maggie hates Valentine's Day well us it's kind of a bummer I was just finally excited to be in a relationship where we could celebrate all the cheesy stuff couples celebrate why don't you create a tailor-made Maggie Valentine's Day and you can reinvent the holiday for the both of you I told you I hate valentines day what part of that got lost in translation okay I'm listening don't forget it I'm out of here hey no you don't get to just walk out Maggie this is a relationship you want to know yeah okay yeah fine when I told you that my parents were supportive of my coming-out I lied my dad isn't exactly known for his open-mindedness but he was pretty good and so was my mom I had this friend when I was 14 Eliza Wilkie she was the first girl that I knew that I liked in a way that was different so on Valentine's Day I put a card in her locker declaring my feelings and asking her to the dance well she gave that card to her parents and then they called my peppers and that's how I was up and then my dad kicked me out and I had to live with an aunt for three years why why didn't you just tell me the tricks I didn't want to scare you okay I wanted it to be better for you I gotta go Alex around I was looking for her too she's not here I was hoping I could see her I need to apologize I acted like an idiot that's my look I know Valentine's Day might not be happy for you but it means something to Alex to spend the romantic holiday with someone she cares about maybe you you might want to consider making some changes for [Music] you Wow you're breathtaking Maggie what is all this hey I I'm sorry I was too busy nursing my old homes and I forgot to look at the gorgeous woman in front of me and consider her feelings he deserved all of this as a girl the pomp and the fuss and you deserve an amazing romance and a woman who is absolutely crazy about you don't you hate all this Alex you're the one woman that could make me like Valentine's Day a I have the stamps [Music] if they told me but I didn't believe it flowers light out dad this is my girlfriend Maggie things have changed you betrayed everyone how could you hey I'm here you can tell me anything Hey look at me what happened with your dad [Music] you want to protect your dad that's what you need to do then you'll help me ride or die I wish I had what you two have we broke up she said that I didn't deserve to be happy she cheated on me I've thought a lot about this and your parents didn't accept you you stopped trusting people that are closest to you you don't like to talk about you I know the Maggie you don't have to be guarded with me okay I'm not here to judge you for things that happened in the past I am here to help you heal I don't think I'm a bad person no actually I always thought that you were perfect but it's really nice to see that you have problems too too I would have gotten them to free the hostages but you never look before you leap because I can fly oh hey obviously I've upset you Maggie really I just want you in car to get along Carly might get along great it's Supergirl but I sometimes have trouble with okay just keep trying okay okay for you yeah where are you going to catch up with Cara and tell her to try to she's just as stubborn as you are don't wait up for me I was just looking for Alex but when says she didn't check in last night or a report this morning what do you want he said he would kill Alex if I didn't break Peter Thompson out of Albatros Bay he's targeting Alex because she's my sister I know who you are the people that I work with they will find me and when they do you will be in a world of hurt can I get out of here I will end you all your system dies you know it'll be fun finding out which one of you those who are I want to get her as badly as you do but we can't punch our way out of this I'm not reading you're not the only one who cares about her [Music] Alex Maggie I'm right here [Music] everyone here is working hard and find you water is rising fast and there are things that I need to say don't start talking like this is the end I don't want it to be but in case that it's not you're a badass Danvers hold on so I find you magic listen to me please don't if we just started this it's not convened not today me for a long time which is that first Valentine's Day Gemma wanted to mourn with you I'm wiling first I wouldn't have a first vacation it's a name of first dog to a lifetime of first we're gonna do together so you hold on okay hold on until I get to you you promise promise me [Music] what happened I told you not to rush him now you made things worse I did what I thought was right I should have been hurt I should have been listened to I'm her girlfriend her sister and you think that trumps me but you know what's right for her I beat yourself Cara I guess talking about me at the end there yeah she said how lucky I'm happy it's just right I have just as much to lose as you care for the way you look at her the way here touches her and when you're walking down the street help us bring back the people we love that's good may I borrow this more awesome huh yeah right it's my girlfriend's she's Sam is there anywhere he would have taken her there's one place [Music] okay that was first that you talked about I don't have all with you I never want to stop having first with you I love you I love you Alex family yeah we both love her [Music] are you okay hey Maggie Maggie okay I'm so glad that when things look their worst it was thought to run straight to a bar you know what I just realized the first time we met was when the president got attacked makes this kind of a full circle thing for us excuse me [Music] Maggie and I figured it out I want the biggest gayest most tequila-soaked blowout in history I don't care about the princess crap wear Kevlar on boots you look beautiful I just I want to do it in front of the people I love because we deserve to be something readable we are going to have a really big wedding the biggest gayest wedding the National City has ever seen I love you YouTube forever you do my favorite couple [Music] this weekend is about happy matters of the heart and I did want to make a bridal board for you too Maggie but Alex said you have you have no childhood pictures no if you don't mind my asking how how long has it been since you've talked to your parents um since I was 14 my dad was there with a suitcase and he told me to get into the car I said probably what did I do and then he just looked at me with such contempt and said you shamed me that was the last thing that my father's that the only thing shameful about that story is how your father treated you Maggie I want to share everything with you Maggie and a good and the bad what if you invited them to the shower are you kidding you kicked me out because I'm gay but hey come to my gay shower it was a long time ago maybe the world has changed maybe they have to I don't think so babe look I love you just please drop it okay all the puppy soy a margarita I'm getting married her name is Alex anyway we're having a party a wedding shower see I'd like it if you came I got it done dad [Music] his mom doyoung your mother isn't coming [Music] I'm not gonna eat that there's no picture of you up here [Music] I want you to know that you are the greatest gift I could receive I love you Maggie what exactly have I done that is so offensive to you you spit in my face it in your face for loving somebody I am accepted for who I am the world is different now ah the only thing they hate more than a Mexican oh he's a homosexual the world is not different my dear that little girl so desperate to win her father's love you showed me that I'm not that scared little girl in that picture anymore I am an adult woman and I am happy in my own skin and I am so fortunate that I am surrounded by people who value and cherish me you're a good egg Sawyer I I don't need you to see me or to get me or to even like me I I don't need anything from you I'm a Renny good goodbye you're all the family I need [Music] I'm happy for you and I'm glad that you're getting closure it's good for you my feelings for you are deeper than anything I've ever known and I can picture our life together and it's full and rich and amazing you're all that I need Alex I love her so much I love you I love you back Maggie she's your girlfriend my fiancee [Music]
Channel: scrappymitchell
Views: 3,160,176
Rating: 4.8359494 out of 5
Keywords: sanvers, alex and maggie, maggie sawyer, alex danvers, chyler leigh, floriana lima, flyler, supergirl
Id: -twugwyo_-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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