All Sanvers (Alex and Maggie) kisses | 2.06 - 2.14 | + Maggie comforting Alex (2.14) (HD)

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okay Maggie hammers hey I was hoping you turn up any interest in a game so actually I was wondering if you were still good for that drink you promised me you told Cara can you did so happy for you I'm buying all night what do you have [Music] Wow I am wanting to do that and I can tell was that not okay I didn't do anything wrong that something is wrong well we're at really different places and everything is changing for you and everything's going to feel really heightened and shiny and we should experience that for yourself not supposed to be with me I shouldn't get involved with fresh salsa poses which relationships never really work out I'm here for you but I befriended Nicole John yeah I know no work for course Alice don't go I'll see you [Music] hey hungry best come in please ignore the pajamas they're kids yeah it's late you got a case or something oh god I could really use a good old-fashioned murder right now you know I mean I didn't come here for work I really needed to see you and talk to you is everything okay here's the thing I almost died yeah no I would not have liked that way I know that but um it got me thinking that I I was so stupid I thought said it and I just was kind of right but you came out for me and that scared me I some my life is too short and be who we are and she kissed the girls that we wanna kiss and I really just I I want to kiss you [Music] ah [Music] and you like me when I got a break I'm gonna go crazy on the area probably yeah [Music] you're wearing my t-shirt yes but okay that's amazing I mean like you're in my apartment and it's it's morning and you slept in my apartment and now you're wearing my t-shirt and making coffee and I can't believe this is happening and everything coming in - very cliche it's called being a saint get used to it than any I am getting used to it we're late for work I don't care if I ever go to work again I mean can we just quit and stay here in this apartment forever I don't know about forever but maybe we can just settle for the morning we could call him and the last time I saw them I think I was in college how about you what oh I remember you know for a superfan you're not that excited no I am I comment really because I've seen your face when you defeat a bloodthirsty alien I know what excited Alex tanzic looks like in this group - you know this is it's perfect all of it I just um cook with Cara I think I hurt her feelings I'm sorry and I don't want you to be sorry I just wanted you to have friends and right now something's eating at you no no I am just distracted so now I'm gonna forget about it for the rest of the evening I note the days of you pushing down your feelings are officially over so go good health to your sister yeah how many there you bagi [Music] Wow you're breathtaking Aggie what do you thought your belated Valentine's Day prom hey I'm sorry so sorry I was too busy nursing my old wounds and I forgot to look at the gorgeous woman in front of me he considered her feelings he deserves all of this of a girl the pump in the fuss and you deserve an amazing romance the woman who is absolutely crazy about you don't you hate Holden and like you're the one woman that could make me like Alan today [Music] I have a stamp [Music] [Music] hey I heard there's my mom dad this is my girlfriend Maggie things have changed there's no man on earth good enough for Alex Danvers so it would have to be someone like you Oh flattery and you're right Alex does deserve the best oh you brought tequila okay she's family you want to show the kids how margaritas are done let's do it all right honey kills ones crazy happy how crazy happy are you I can't sometimes I can't even but right now I cannot even yeah hey what's wrong [Music] how was your dad birthday good huh whoa was he harmed no hey I'm here okay you can tell me anything Hey look at me what happened to your dad Hey
Channel: MariaCallizonaFAN
Views: 191,764
Rating: 4.8191376 out of 5
Id: GoiFowhh3Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2017
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