Albedo's New Brother [Genshin Impact Theory and Lore Speculation]

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if you've ever followed the story of Albedo you will know that Albedo's story also goes with the theme of the four stages of the magnum opus negreto Albedo to turn to this and rubido these first stages are the processes to create the Philosopher's Stone but they also have a history within gentian impact so today we will investigate the significances of those stages and the potential of Rhine daughter's new creation and Albedo's new brother in Albedo's character story we receive mention of a woman named jarine daughter who in the 2.3 event we will learn as gold The Alchemist who allegedly caused the entirety of kanriya's fault The Alchemist gold or Ryan daughter was a woman of Science and creation a renowned practitioner of the art of life kemia she believed that in soil and chalk come the birth of the world and that is where life is created that is the heart of kemia it was through her mysterious art that she was able to create life beyond conventional and organic means negreto are the blackening is symbolic of her initial work the monsters during and the rift wolves each took a blackened color and was referred to as primitive or even inferior to her newer works the rift wolves would be known as altosol in our world alpha cells are moderately leech soils that have relatively High native fertility these soils have mainly formed under forests and have a subsurface Horizon in which Clays have accumulated Dorian would be known as an altercation from the rift wolves and even grander Visa they could never compare to durin is known as humus humis is dark organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matters Decay we know that durian was at some point a sentient creature capable of thought want and even speech while venti recounts its tail like a massive being of horrific power we learned that through the dragon spine spear in the festering desire it was nothing short of a child that simply wanted to go to monstat one who wanted to dance with the dragon of beautiful green and a lovely fellow was a liar but during was and will always be a fascinating creation even more so if you consider the analytical philosophy behind the word negredo The Dark Knight of the Soul when an individual confronts the shadow Within however we know that Ryan daughter is a strict individual hardly having time to entertain her family perhaps at some point she was a proper mother to Duran and the rift wolves given that the dragons refer to her as such but nevertheless she was a being with high standards for herself and her Creations after the creation of durin she would improve her craft and proceeded the second stage of her project she'd have many prototypes and failures along the way but she would not stop even after the fall of konria she kept going the next is Albedo a widening symbolized by the chalk Prince himself Albedo is formally labeled as Cretaceous which is most likely his scientific name under Rhine daughter the word Cretaceous refers to a geological period that lasted for 145 to 66 million years ago this period is most known for the extensive formation of chalk on the earth thus referencing Albedo's title Cardiff Prince Albedo's purpose was to be a homunculus a synthetic human incapable of both genetic growth and aging he was most likely created to be the perfect researcher someone who has time on his side to take in all the information of the world what's sad is if you put it into consideration Albedo was never given the name outside of the chemical process he was assigned to his name being said as Albedo instead of Albedo is most likely a deliberate choice to differentiate the person from the process but I digress it's actually even more possible that the Albedo stage never started with Albedo himself and that he was a byproduct of many failures while we are aware that there are multiple albedos that came out imperfectly and were thus thrown into during stomach for easy disposal there is a hint that the Albedo stage started with one horned White Horse a unicorn perhaps this is mentioned in the Cinnabar spindle Albedo's signature weapon you must pursue that which your elder brother a one-horned White Horse could not accomplish this creature could easily be the Prototype Albedo before the consideration to create a humanoid up until the process of the albedos all of Gold's Creations are animals during the rift wolves and now the Unicorn this is the only creature we know that is White Sands Albedo amongst Ryan daughters creations with most of her work especially 500 years ago considered as a shadowy army from the breeze amidst the forest it would actually even be fascinating that Albedo is considered a prince given that a prince needs a mighty seed but then we move on to the theorizing of everything Albedo is currently hailed as the greatest creation of gold by the concealed Talon but that doesn't mean he is the last according to Albedo the process needed for the Opus Magnum is negrero Albedo rubidou then to trinidus an obvious deviation from the original this in and of itself has a lot of implications given that if Albedo's order of creating the Opus Magnum is wrong that the results could be catastrophic to the degree an archon would need to intervene but let's assume that it isn't vivot has its own rules what or who would rubido be and would they even be conceived in the first place the answer to the second one is yes Ryan daughter left Albedo in monstat under the care of Alice but not before a certain experience in a domain the two Alchemists found an artifact known as the heart of nebarius after this incident Ryan daughter left him with nothing but a manuscript a recommendation letter and a final assignment the heart of neberius is a name derived from the Arts gowisha similar to Barbados morax Bal the Caribbean Mark chocius guaijong and orobashi these creatures are known as demon gods and they are the ones who fought in the war thousands of years ago or at least that's an assumption but given that Ryan daughter found the artifact less than 500 years ago it's safe to assume that this creature is a deity with what its heart being powerful enough to be considered an artifact and all my first theory is that should Ryan daughter create rubidou the reddening its label would be ultes ultrasols have a subsurface Horizon in which clay planes have accumulated often with strong yellowish or reddish colors resulting from the presence of iron oxides so we have soil chalk and now clay as artera allegory but where will the heart of nemarius play into all of this well niberius himself is a valiant Marquee showing himself in the form of a crow when he speaks with a horse voice he makes a man amiable and cunning in all arts and special in rhetoric he procures the loss of prelaces and dignities 19 Legions hear and obey him while this is only information we have of him so far I think we'll get more if we take into account his more contemporary Alias Cerberus in Greek mythology Cerberus often referred to as the Hound of Hades is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the underworld to protect the dead from leaving there are a lot of mythologies surrounding this massive dog but I do think this would be a fascinating creature for brain daughter to experiment with almost all of her Creations up to this point have a mystical undertone a dragon a wolfkin a unicorn and a prince her tampering with a mythological dog is in line with her character wait Cerberus red clay threatening servers would be a red dog Cerberus the Big Red Dog but why would she use the heart of nebarius if my guess is correct then the heart of nebarius would contain the power of a god at least hypothetically and potentially therefore neberius following its counterpart is an entity of the underworld while the underworld is not confirmed in genshin this could be parallel to the concept of death much like Albedo's seeming immortality perhaps Ryan daughter is considering an aspect of death that could be reconstructed plus if she's conrian then that would mean that she's Afflicted with the curse of immortality as well giving her all the reason to pursue this research but that's it for me today a shorter research in theory but nevertheless a fascinating Tale the fact that the order of the Opus Magnum considers the goldening as the ending cannot be a coincidence but we'll cross that bridge when we get there anyway my name is Austin thank you for chilling with me [Music]
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 42,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact story, genshin impact, genshin impact khaenriah, genshin 3.2, genshin impact 3.2, genshin impact 3.1, genshin impact lore, genshin 3.1, genshin lore, game, video game lore
Id: HYtMUkKtli8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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