Alan Wake [Part 2] (Stream)

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hello hey everybody back more Alan Wake tonight so I have a major announcement before we get started major announcement so last night I was playing this game and I got really into finding all the thermoses and really the only point of getting the thermoses is if you get all 100 and you get all of them and so before the stream say I went to see if I had missed any and I did so unfortunately I will not be going out of my way to get any more thermoses in tonight's stream I know this is a big it's a big disappointment for many of you some of you came for the thermoses but just no point 5 min I'm not gonna I'm not gonna catch them all I'll just have to do it some other time so we're just gonna have to try to get the pages that's gonna be my main collectible now if there are thermoses that's fine I'll just let them go I don't have to get all of them I don't have to get all of them so that's my major announcement let's go ahead and continue okay say Barry from the birds what I did this last night alright did this alright we gotta do this again now something we just start up episode three but I guess not okay we gotta save Barry from the birds again pick up the list name batteries thank you come on come at me time to shoot the flare gun at them I don't write [Applause] okay I got him I will try dude I will try [Applause] okay Oh what they went through the house they went through the house that mean what the [ __ ] added to flares I don't really get this part to be honest like I understand wanting to kill all the birds but it's like they take up a little too long to die in my opinion like I'm out of I'm out of flares so I am back I'm busy trying to kill the birds I feel like I'm not doing it right there let me in sorry for thinking you were having a psychotic episode man yeah sure thanks Masonic for the eerie to the six-month sweet sound about a man fitting the kidnappers description he'd go through the archives a local paper perhaps he could learn something anything about the island and the cabin that had disappeared the man wanted a manuscript I had to try to write him one to get Alice back for me the supernatural had always been nothing but a metaphor for the human psyche a tool to use in writing fiction now it was happening for real and I couldn't put a single word on paper writer's block relatable Barry wheeler speaking Rose sweet brilliant girl we'll be there in less than an hour see you soon have a great day hope you come back soon well good [Music] [Music] No No no I cannot yeah I'll say something shut the [ __ ] up okay alright guys so that was the end of episode 2 that's where we ended last night stream so we're gonna start 3 now previously on Alan Wake Alice has been kidnapped I can't tell anyone except my agent Barry the ransom is a manuscript I supposedly wrote it's coming true before my eyes it happened just the way it was on that page so dark I found only a few scattered pages so three wins how the hell did she get her hands on the manuscript anyway I don't know she's resourceful I told you you were too hard on her listen I found out all sorts of interesting stuff while I was digging around yeah okay I'll be right over sheriff let's make this quick huh damn help you folks I'm the manager hi I'm looking for rose works as a waitress down at the diner Rose sure nice girl who wants to know I'm Ellen Wake the writer huh I heard on the radio you were visiting well I'll show you her trailer that Rose she's a nice girl always pays her rent on time nice sorry guys we have to fix something real quick ah okay as I was saying ow I found all sorts of weird stuff from the local newspapers archives this place is crazy disappearances miss serious deaths urban legends come true and get this most of this stuff takes place around cauldron Lake interesting you ain't wrong mister the Indians thought the lake was a doorway to the underworld I'm the god-fearing type myself I don't hold what that sort of thing yeah okay anyway there was an island there owned by a guy called Thomas zing now some of the articles I found about him make him out to be a famous writer but I ran a bunch of searches couldn't find a single thing he wrote Zane was heavily into diving so much so that the place came to be called divers Isle but the volcano under the lake erupted in 1970 and Zane went down with the island interesting we found a bunch of books by Thomas Zane interesting hey I just realized I haven't looking out for manuscript pages oh this will not do I was just playing the game casually we are lucky aren't we well hang on a second yeah if there was I'm wondering if there's a manuscript page somewhere that we haven't seen yet oh wow well I'm getting barked at Wow look all these cinder blocks and other palettes palettes mm-hmm that's the new blocks man what a walking simulator this game is so far right guys I saw somebody the other day brace yourself for this one I saw somebody the other day call evil within to a walking simulator they weren't being ironic they weren't trolling their comment had thumbs up I just want to throw that out there because I was in stunned disbelief they're like I think that I think they're full comment was like cuz somebody was talking about how he looked into was a decent game and they're like from an outsider perspective looks like a boring walking simulator with bad voice-acting and I was like what the [ __ ] there's literally guns in it there's guns there's stealth there's crafting it's a game that's a it's a textbook game right there oh boy people slap that label on anything that they don't like though anything maybe they feel as an action-packed enough okay it looks like there's no manuscript pages which I'm a little low upset about you know like dear Esther is a walking simulator because that's that's that's all you do that's that's literally all you do so that's what it is but games we do things besides walking are just called games yeah I think I'm just wasting my own time here Barry is wasting his time too he's walking around with me though you can like dear Esther but it is a walking sim it's not inherently a bad thing I kind of don't like the term anyway cuz it like reduce it like removes the game's story from consideration it's like all you're doing that game is walk it's like yeah and there's also a [ __ ] story though story is kind of really important it does though come on this place don't run itself it's individual homes as like saying a neighborhood doesn't run itself yeah individual scratchin hag comes for you in the dark childish stuff like that anyway oh I'm just getting to the best part all of the articles about this stuff were written by Cynthia Weaver really and she's that crazy the hemp ladies she knew both Jagger and Zane before they both died and she had some kind of a breakdown her lamp knows do we have to ask her lamp what it knows why are you looking in the dumpsters your weirdo Oh give me a break mister can we just get a move listen this game has collectibles okay it's not that simple also I'm ahead of you yeah but I just go knock on our door with that I'm just gonna go knock on it ah yeah look who's waiting on who now oh dear mister wake I'm I'm so glad you're here Rose you have my manuscript oh oh yes yes please come in oh no it's a trap hey this is really good rose yes my manuscript I really need it I understand I know what you need whom used to inspire you Oh for Barry she doesn't have anything yeah yeah Oh Oh Barry what it's coming for you hiding in my Barber's skin my do we decide that you must turn the lights on and your lovely wife you must finish what you started I insist it was her Louis on I felt nauseous hungover only anger kept me going whoa I can't tell reality from dream anymore but it seems I have an imaginary editor to help me she's an old woman in a funeral dress I call her Barbara Jagger she's very strict I'm running faster and faster my manuscript is being heavily revised the edits are getting very aggressive in each day there's less of me and more of her I hate it but I know she's right she promises me I can save Alice this way she knows more of this than I do about the complex incantation I'm attempting about this place she's worked with another writer under similar circumstances Thomas Ain well now I wonder if the story seems to be shifting it's turning into a horror story I'm getting close I can feel it take a look at this room come on this guy really okay no accounting for taste I guess believe in change look that terrible book cover that guy's face photoshopped on it almost took a day for me I had less than 12 hours left to meet the kidnapper all I could do was get Barry into the car work something out once I got on the road let's get that thermos Berry was out of it he was way too heavy to carry and we got Rose in the fetal position all right he really is dreaming so are we so we gotta do like Ewan and flashlight were gone I'd have to find a way to get berry into the car as quickly as possible there was no time to waste all right Allen there's plenty of time to waste okay mr. Randolph like Rose that little smile she had how she was still sweet when life had tried so hard to make her better it wasn't any of his business what she did in her trailer but those strangers the writer and his smartass sidekick looked like trouble and they've been in there for hours way past her normal bedtime he reached for the phone had called the sheriff's station brother oh brother mind your own business Randolph and they go in the back way oh that was exciting oh I can't go around that way get to the car oh I'll do what I want okay come on dude you can't climb over a little fence it sounds like somebody's partying in there dude so you gotta get all the way back to the car there's nothing on the way okay it's a radio I just stepped outside to catch a breath of fresh air and let me tell you the weather's getting heavy nice like this makes me especially glad I'm here talking to you and not home in bed once once the weather takes a turn like this I can't sleep at all it's all tangled bed sheets and dark thoughts punctuated by the occasional plunge into nightmare is it just me well perhaps it is but I hope I can make the night a little bit easier to get through calmer you're on KBS what's on your mind [Music] well yeah sound like a man with a problem of course looking up at the sky above our broadcast tower thinking the same thing what are you waiting for walls well good luck to you Walt hang in there let's take a little break folks this way there's really something else that's like the first it's like the first hint of something dark on the radio show cuz it's all it's been all really nice things so far wait was there a page I missed what do you guys say there was a page I gotta get all the pages okay how many do I need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 21 so that's a lot okay my page senses tingling I mean I didn't see one but some I've missed like a couple of them before it was one in the mill that you guys saw that I didn't and there was one at that rock that you guys saw that I didn't but otherwise I've gotten them all so I'd like to try to keep it that way I don't look at a guide or anything though so it's kind of a kind of a tough spot I never want to look at the guides for the collectibles but I want all the collectibles and usually like in cases with like get a hundred thermoses it's like well good luck cuz that's not gonna happen you're gonna have to look at a guide for those but I feel like for the pages we can do it they glow really heavy it's like an assassin's Creed finding all the flags that guy you're under arrest you move a muscle all alone right now goddamn face what I'm standing right here you goddamn maniac agent nightingale sahi leave Barry behind but there was no way I'd miss my appointment with the kidnapper [Music] come on mr. Lake give it up mister wait come on well I can't really explore here can I [Music] I'm not gonna stop you're crazy and what they lost me Oh oh damn what the hell well they're all from a distance thankfully oh I don't know I'm slippery in my flashlight and my gun escape the police okay I guess we'll just keep going this way as a page shut up for decades the darkness that wore Barbara Jagger skin slept fitfully in the dark place that was its home and prison it was hungry and in pain it dreamed of its nights of glory when the poet's writing had called it from the depths and given it a brief terrible taste of power and freedom the rockstars had stirred it from the deep sleep the poet had sunk it back to in the end well it since the writer on the ferry it opened its eyes hmm interesting Oh No we're gonna get a flashlight and a gun from a police officer there's nobody driving it Madonna kheh thank you for subscribing okay here we go Rose didn't know how the strange old lady got in her trailer and she looked wrong somehow the woman showed her teeth in an approximation of a smile and traced a finger down Rose's cheek pretty girl she said Rose felt as if she was falling asleep but her knees didn't buckle the chrome spoke in a whisper her words ice cold and dark and Rose's ear great writing Ellen I feel like I was there yeah yeah anywhere I'm supposed to go this way yet well this is where this is where he came from duh okay let's go inside are you okay calm down we got it we still gotta get our flashlights and our gun and our flares and our flare gun and our shotgun their hunting rifle drop hazard don't fall I haven't fallen yet in this game is that a thing they are still after me I feel like I'm playing Call of Cthulhu surd's the area it's right out that's what the Fishman used to say what the hell the dying out here [Music] and II the name from Twin Peaks this horror was everywhere I went circling me the cops didn't stand a chance they were after a writer not a monster yeah oh no I like this light that was here's everybody get back this is a generator or anything okay hey alt oh she's out she's not just over out totally out watch this guy's what's this I'm a daredevil well I'm supposed to die there that wasn't supposed to happen no no my god watch this guy's die again man they were throwing shade at my tweed jacket that's my first time dropping to my death this is that I feel like this is how I feel like most people played through the game like most people who play just Triple A games this time I played through it I'll be them for like a couple minutes this everywhere I would circle the cops didn't stand a chance they were after a writer not a monster yeah yeah yeah so this boring story junk let's go I can't sprint why can't sprint [Music] where's my gun oh my god I don't know what happened and I don't care do my gun let's go up here let's skip everything let's skip the entire story oh hey I'm done with that bit what am I looking at here anything fun wait wait I think I see a thermos I told you guys I saw one it's right there what did I tell you look at the lights one lights these lights who cares Wow there are lights there's a fire neat okay looks like there's a coffee thermos in here nothing i carrying it's like I'm playing fire watch pages and thermoses are very important interesting see if we can spend enough if we can if we can spit if we can spot another thermos huh I could see the lights at the radio station in the distance very cool very interesting Alan very neat okay well we're all done up here I didn't see any pages on the way up like there probably weren't any I imagine that the broadcast tower in the distance was part of the local radio station main seemed like a decent guy perhaps he could give me directions to the coal mine yeah maybe I guess that we want to go I want to go to the coal mine speak for yourself wait there's a light up there so probably have to shine it on the gate on natural shadows clung to the darkness that was after me was trying to stop me I wouldn't get through without light alright well give me a second wait this is generator right here yeah we started up nice and good we're gonna shine that light on that possessed gate here's that thermostat I saw I'd have to see if I could fix it and try again what you serious okay wait we got kick it huh it's funny I do like the Qt for the generator it's kind of fun like all the sparks it's a forest fire I did it destroy the gate I destroyed it all right now but [Applause] very scary oh we got flashlights that's about time that's all I got to say about it it's about freaking time I guess is it strong enough to defeat the possessed gate though did it so how do you concentrate the beam I guess it's like a little switch on the side that you push up or does he just squeeze it really hard flashbangs they were an ideal weapon for my situation cool our report tonight report tonight guys say I'm here hey it's me but I do this hope we don't run into any enemies not exactly equipped for it okay whoa that was awesome I like the flashbang light grenade you're right it is the perfect weapon for your situation got him got him good Who am I going okay we know cemetery now that guy that guy talks exactly like Andy from Twin Peaks like he's got exactly the same inflections swerte guy if I look over at chat makes me someone say like well no exactly ending the stream punish everyone well no exactly okay let's uh let's keep going what oh wow got him I was I'm gonna get all four of them oh well can't go up well not exactly he sounds a little different a little bit like I'm sorry it's not a hundred percent match like I think I can't say how many times it's happened I'll be playing a game and I'll be like this character kinda looks like another character and there'll be somebody like well oops well not exactly it's like yes it doesn't look like an identical twin okay okay wish I could wish I could kill him with the flashlight see if I can get them with another one give me that despair may I just pair toss it I was trying to group them up with another another couple shadow people but they never came so whatever I sort of got this light in here what did we just start trust no one in the dark okay ooop flares nice you can switch between players and the flashbangs okay you just press down twice well I could just turn this on then whatever big deal oh my god how's this guy not dead now what now what come on in the water's fine he doesn't want to come in here this guy I swear God gun cocking a gun yeah whatever there you go oh shoot I got all three of them right good good good good good good I'm going out one left so oh good ah okay let's go close it you can't follow me in here and could lend me a car to get to the cool that's what [ __ ] you Lorna just let them kill each other I don't see what the big deal is what is your granddaddy arriving here in 1911 I have to do with anything who gives a [ __ ] what so your life is more valuable than theirs the night owl the voice of Pat Maine all night every night Wow all night I don't know about that it's a little presumptuous I was never here okay oh I'm so glad you could find the time to do this mister wake [Music] whoa whoa well everyone Nikki calls me Hemingway tells me Dan Brown there's a civilian in there nightingale guys sucks Dan Brown wrote The Da Vinci Code yeah why is he calling Mandy cliffs it was ridiculous that's what you get for naming a book the sudden stop it was probably good I hadn't had the chance to tell Maine where I was going I'd have to lose the cops and find my own way to the mine really I think I've missed some pages cuz I feel like we should have more than three but I haven't seen any on the main road here's one right here like usually they're right in your path hmm Nightingale stared through the broken studio window into the dark woods he turned around started to walk out but Maine grabbed his arm young man you almost shot me you don't shoot off rounds at people like that what's the matter with you nightingale shook his arm free marched out his cheeks burned with rage and humiliation HP Lovecraft really nope like I wonder if there's a reason for it or if it's just like a character quirk you know what I mean I think this is a reason for it I think there's a reason that he's comparing Oh God these comparing Allen to other writers I think there's definitely a reason for that [Applause] oh my god I found a gun why are they let's go let's go let's dance oh no I've got a gun you guys what it scared anyone else want some of this huh shoot you ball day [Music] suck it flanked see dead said I only got six shots left I got hunting rifle ammo but I don't have the hunting rifle itself disappointing miss one I missed a shot that's not good probably not supposed to go all the way up there right yeah no sensible reason for the power company work likes to be here it was almost as if they'd been left for someone like me to use hi very good email and very good name indeed gonna turn off and light you can hurt them yes trust me I figured that out by now I'd be in big trouble if I didn't don't know why I have the Sun weird here we go here's the hunting rifle oh it's a shotgun oh my god haha I got an achievement for that one sound and fury that was cool got a bunch of them with a flashbang there and those guys they just appear on Nord the darkness controls the taken okay cuz um as a page over here I think there might be something up there too I'll to check because I think that to the left is the way that we are supposed to go the bulldozers engine roared to life mud and rocks flu is a fought for traction it crashed the concrete wall and landed heavily in the yard if it were an animal that would have shaken its head after the impact fixed its eyes on me and charged of course it had no head nor eyes uh it was crawled on its form twisting it into a monster its form it came for me its form who are you ash from the letter it's a niche joke Ashton Frey those name I can't remember her delicate form come on Alan Wow got him switch back to revolver okay cuz there there's something up here you think right like they wouldn't they wouldn't make it so where you could go all the way up here for nothing now might just be a therm house but no harm in checking yeah you go way up here wait is this the main path no it's not this is way out of the way this is way out of the way it's a waste of time some flares up here and a manuscript page Danny had stepped out but what stumbled back in was something else something alien a monster Walter tried to kill it first with his fists then a chair it wouldn't die instead it kept coming unaffected by the beating it had taken after Walter managed to kick it down the cellar stairs fear took over he ran got behind the wheel gun the engine the booze wouldn't make him forget but he knew we had to try so is de the guy that was drunk in the prison cell or white Walter right that was the guy that was in the prison cell Danny yeah cuz he said that he thought his friend was an alien and that he got drunk afterwards so that's his story that's interesting cuz you would totally miss that if he had just walked right by him right okay that's time to go all the way down actually let's take a look at the view come on this is neat imagine this is VR say okay actually if you have if you have an HTC vive one of the first things you can do with it if you have valves the lab [ __ ] mean [Applause] it the one of the first things you can do if you have valves the lab which is free for HTC vive game very cool by the way if you have one well the first things you could do it's blown up like a mountain level and like it puts you at the top of the mountain it's really neat [Applause] the actual [ __ ] why they've crows attacking me on the way down hello I just the price we pay for our collectibles am i right it's probably all for nothing because I'm probably gonna miss one probably gonna miss a page okay we're good you can get back in the light okay go this way now wait we're gone this way okay so up here I think we go to the left so we went to the right before and there was a page there so this time we'll go this way to the left now oh why not we'll pick it up I'm thermals thirsty there's different dermis Wow I almost missed that one Sarah trusted her gut and her gut said agent Nightingale was an [ __ ] he felt wrong and it wasn't just the smell of stale booze it was in the way he flashed his badge pulled rank the look in his eyes when he wanted answers where was Ellen wake what was this about an accident where was his wife and most importantly why did she let whit go he wouldn't answer her questions federal business was all he'd say okay so he's like a douche bag version of agent Cooper from Twin Peaks so I keep bringing Twin Peaks but like they clearly wants you to think about it if you've seen it there's so many clear oh ma jizz being made answer your phone hello Alice I'm here [Applause] the connection had been terrible but that wasn't the only thing that hadn't been right with the call she sounded wrong somehow but she had called me Oh Paige the pipe wrenched it self loosed from the bridges steel framework wrapped in darkness it floated in midair twitching for a moment I didn't understand what I was looking at the heavy object lurched at me with impossible force I threw myself out of the way but just barely when I turned my flashlight on it it shook in a dark rage before it flew at me again Oh interesting so not only people can be possessed by this thing but also objects we've seen that with the gate but that looks like we got a supply cache over here alright yeah that's a name well there's lots of stuff thanks batteries and three flares got it Wow [ __ ] I got achievement the six gun scribe I don't know what it's for I don't know why they appear in the upper right corner it's really weird yeah I don't think you guys can see them cuz it's like on an overlay that isn't being captured or streamed right now but yeah I don't think we'd last very long against the possessed Boulder head and a warehouse of some sort on the opposite shore I hoped I could find a car from there I really got this game looks when it's evening during the day it looks a little I mean it's it's supposed to like everything's kind of designed to look good with like you know heavy blues so it makes sense okay the dog is that was pursuing me was growing stronger and it was taking over everything in its path Oh now damn uh okay I could find a car from there try again well my thoughts on the game so far I like it I don't love it I like it though Cliff's not done with the Emily like about a third way through the game so I was saying last night three things this is like Silent Hill downpour of Silent Hill downpour didn't suck like yeah there's a couple different you know I tried to dodge it huh I guess you gotta watch out for those a little bit more than I've been doing I could find a car from there it's too bad but yeah let's say I like it I mean obviously this isn't it you know quite like a Silent Hill game there'd be some tweaks they would have to make but they could do it dang it I think it's not too much of a stretch it's a little more folksy than a Silent Hill game let's go oh come on whoa my god I'm not good at dodging these so far I slammed the door shut right in his smug face he pleaded for me to open the door true to form the [ __ ] actually thought I would obey I had no sympathy left no guilt either not for him I took a moment to savor the scream I bet I had a smile on my face it was all that I had time for the dark presence was inside the lodge with me who whose smug face played my agent Nightingale the time of the major just started to get interested in writing Stephen King had been a source of inspiration to me I thought about all the inanimate objects that had come to life in his books no one is safe in a good horror story certainly not the protagonist that's what makes them fun this was anything but the darkness could possess anything and it was getting closer heavy-duty flashlight well why would I not want the heavy-duty flashlight duty I mean I always have like a surplus of batteries so if its power that's the problem it's no problem look I'm maxed out on batteries now I've got 20 so we're good Dharma I still love you not as much as I used to but hey I still got like 30 of you or whatever okay I tried to end there we go okay go inside [ __ ] we're just sitting here waiting for me what do you do all day that that's what you do all day well didn't pan out so well for you did it in light you can hurt them yes who is writing these that's why I want to know is there someone who came before me Thomas Zayn perhaps oh good we have another another TV show is it night things or yes systems for tragic I like these delusion [Music] tonight's episode a family occasion but you have demonstrated the seriousness of your intent oh I am serious really just do your thing I'll stay out of your way and observe actually I thought you could assist us I'm afraid we are man short it would provide you with in intimate perspective and I really of course well guess that's the least I what would I have to do oh here let me show you what the kiss mmm [Music] [Music] that's cool like I like every one of those I've seen so far I think that's my third 100 how do you say it oh the darkness surged towards me sucking everything loose from the ground into its depths tugging at my clothes I saw the flare the kidnapper had dropped and threw myself towards it just as I felt my feet leave the ground the darkness embraced me with the force of a tornado somehow I managed to light the flare the darkness roared and cast me away I fell toward the dark waters of the lake far below fell huh wow this looks whoa what's that this looks bossfight e what's happenin here oh hey hang on supplies item limit reached okay we're maxed on vulvar ammo and on batteries excuse you holy [ __ ] okay whoa trying to beat it with light huh got it achievement unlocked heavy metal okay you what we tightening coming up the last second huh I don't think so that was interesting going up against a bull toe see what the hell gonna stock up on batteries now okay Alan you okay buddy yeah we're max on everything seems like I did use up a bunch of batteries MMX on that okay max max Bakst yeah you thought you could hide from me you're coming home with us I don't know it was like a perfect place to hide a page but hmm checkpoint you sure there's a checkpoint when you find the light like that please keep out authorized personnel only I mean I'm gonna authorize for [ __ ] sadly oh I thought maybe there's a ladder there no okay I think I think we're good here I don't think there's anything available yeah heck I could use some caffeine I might have to go get some in a second I had never been this glad to see the Sun Rise I had a couple of hours to get to the coal mine the coal mine wasn't far now [Music] to find not far where are we going where is it wasn't far now then you pan off into the mountains today I wouldn't meet the kidnapper and he would give me Alice I wouldn't give him any other choice a drowning man will clutch it a straw Wow coal mine museum ok hang on you know we gotta do this cuz you know they're [ __ ] without realizing it I'd come to believe that the story in the manuscript was coming true the current of its narrative it had taken me deeper and deeper into dark waters Alice had been taken from me Barry was probably in jail I was a fugitive from the FBI the whole world taken over by the dark presence was trying to destroy me it all felt real but it matched a textbook case of insanity even during daytime I was being stalked the bridge must have collapsed only moments after I'd crossed it then what we have heard it Ellen I'm surprised there's not a page or a thermos back here I really could I just say props to them for not hiding pages out in the freakin woods like this if I had to like pixel hunt in the woods I think I'd give up on it [Music] okay are you doing Wow this truck sounds like it sucks well if I want to drive it very far just one check out here real quick cuz this is out in the open okay good Wow don't want to fall down there go to the coal mine okay let's go and this tree looks okay turns out has nothing my mistake just looks different from every other tree around here okay I don't think we'll be able to drive much further than here anyway well we can drive this I can just drive other people's cars really I mean I did remember that one page that I found that was off the beaten path by a cliff that's why I'm paranoid about I'm paranoid they're gonna do that [ __ ] again yeah how are we able to just steal this car I gotta wonder right Falls light and power of course we did steal that one too right so we're just stealing pages cool we're a thief grand theft Alan all right well this isn't a path down oh I almost fell there put let's get in this cool Jeep that's better than this truck oh yes way better okay I don't seem like it but it is okay clear up it's definitely something over here and look at this come on are you serious cheeky bastards this thermos is just enjoying his time in the Sun golly it's the same tree [Music] taking up the stairs here you can also good um doesn't look important come down Ellen it's cabin up here radio is Batman and you're listening to KBS fm folks I want to apologize for kind of abandoning you to that looping music track last night but I was detained you see I encountered a big-shot g-man with an itchy trigger finger who could use it a lesson in manners and a boutonniere well Sara Lee in that order either now folks I know I'm not being very informative here and I apologize for that I really should just keep quiet but I'm just so peeved right now because some people just shouldn't be carrying badges I'm just glad that our sheriff breaker was there to straighten things out and if someone I met last night is listening let me just say I'm sorry if my mouth got you in trouble I'm pretty sure you're not the bad guy here Godspeed son I hope you know what you're doing now not a lighter note I'll be talking to dr. Nelson all morning but first dr. Nelson my favorite my favorite guest well I can steal this one too Hey look that's not why I wanted to show you I know if there was some z-fighting over here graphical glitch look it's right there it's right there you can see it it's a flickering in the background great job devs did you even test this game I'm just kidding just kidding of course I'm gonna be really annoying right now I'm sorry guys anyway that annoying dude I'm just gonna walk around it's just a lot of space over here that's a bunch of empty space so be it I think it is damn it I guess it is alright well we'll move on then I don't think I can hahaha I guess I could just got up here - it's not really a big deal oh yeah there's the there's the chair so the thermos was sitting in okay I'll catch up to the car well we'll move along stop good we'll get you back in the car privileged [ __ ] god forbid you have to lift a finger Windows wants me to update yeah okay I told it to [ __ ] off okay remind me tomorrow because there's no like canceled forever option like I wish there was I'll look at this car I want the car will go up in the fire Watchtower to porta potti okay I guess yeah this is the coal mine right down here cool welcome back to KB f FM hope you enjoyed that tune now doc you were talking about life and finding that special someone that soulmate well you were talking about that I was saying I don't buy it to me that's strange because I always pegged you as a hopeless romantic you got me to head back but I think love's where you look for it do a lot of look I'm sure but the idea that there's that one special person out there for you and if you miss that chance it's going forever and you're for every incomplete I mean there's about depressing or childish even there's plenty of fishing see and apparently a fisherman has a fishing analogy for everything but what you're saying isn't that a little harsh well no what I am saying is that your potential for finding that connection isn't limited to what's essentially a chance encounter how is that harsh yeah well I guess that's a nice thought but let me say something personal here okay no well I don't disagree with you exactly but I can't really fit that together with what I feel what I when I spelled for someone because she was the one she was and she I let her drift away from me maybe I didn't put in the work I don't know but well since then it was a long time ago but but since then there hasn't been anyone not like her and I'm not saying I dwell on her haven't moved on I like my life I not living in the past but I do miss the way she completed me you can't argue with the heart bat I'm sorry folks I had kind of a scary experience last night and let's just say is shaken a few things loose I like this guy I like the DJ he's on my side seems like a sensitive fellow I like him ow are you okay hmm names Ellen awake mmm Oh okay let's head back let's take that cool car class car let's take it sick of driving these clunkers yeah Pat main that's his name [Music] I didn't have to drive it very far did we just makes things a little faster hmm was my attempt well I hear something like creaking it's creepy geez this is awfully gray ah okay for not spying on the writer and the fairy had been a disappointment his boss had made wake out to be something was not but Maude hadn't been impressed he'd gotten a good long look at the wife though and he liked what he saw Maude had fantasized about goading wake into a fight but it hadn't happened still he'd get his chance to see if the writer had anything in him he'd been promised as much so this is the kidnapper [Music] he likely saw God what creep okay oh all my shins that was really freaking hurt and check this out oh it's all the way down there okay let's get back in can I Drive this hey yeah I don't think so all right yeah I broke my ankles shattered my shins all in the name of the page didn't happen guys didn't happen right Falls coal mine it almost looks like bright coal Falls by him visitor parking I'm not visitor I live here I was really I was supposed to meet the kidnapper at noon in the main building the coal mine was quiet it was a museum now I knew it freakin knew it while there was some earlier residents in the area the true genesis that the town of bright Falls came with the founding of the bright falls mining company and the opening of the bright falls coal mine in 1878 although the work was hard dangerous many immigrants Germans poles Italians Finn's and Swedes among others worked the mines great well lucrative at first the mining steadily declined in the 20th century the seams were rich but hard to get at and the volcanic activity in the area made the mine shafts particularly dangerous oh I guess some of those weapons please I think there's a page in the porta potties page you know I was pleasantly surprised the last porta potti I was in I walked in it didn't smell awful there was hand sanitizer wasn't that bad well hey with Nightingale gone in the night wind blowing in through the broken studio window main stared at Sara the sheriff looked away Maine's voice shook with barely controlled anger that boys doing more drinking than thinking I hope you know what you're doing Sara he's got a sickness in his eyes you take my word for it he wants wait for a reason and it's not for anything good Wow that's true thanks for sticking up for me dude what a stand-up guy museum entrance way hang on there's something I could read oh this in 1970 a volcanic eruption below caldron Lake well relatively minor cause ma minor I get it cause most of the deep mining tunnels to collapse or flood 32 miners lost their lives in the calamity and all mining around right Falls came to a final stop now many of the remaining buildings are protected as historical landmarks I didn't want to go outside cops had to be looking for me the news son turned the place into a sauna the day dragged on different scenarios ran through my mind ways of how I torture the kidnapper to get Alice back or the different horrible things he could have done to her I imagined her dead I had no way of knowing she was still alive it was killing me I was running on blind hope it was all a waste of time the bastard never showed up wait where the hell are you change of plans I'm through being jerked around I want to talk to Alice hello oh I'm gonna kill him or if he even has I had to get to mera peak oh I felt like the entire buying exploded close maybe closer than ever before like that was it no why am i am i going down here why am i doing that okay look well I'm maxed out thermos either missed you okay cousin cousin when Thomas Zayn fell for Barbara Jagger it happened fast she was young vibrant and beautiful full of life he had never been a very happy man and without any seeming effort she had changed all that Zayn felt good for the first time in his life everything she did was another piece of a jigsaw puzzle he hadn't even known he'd been missing and best of all she made the words flow strong and sharp she was his muse cool see how many were missing one two three four five six seven eight nine I don't like that one being missing we've gotten a couple out of order so far but I don't like it folks I don't like it Wow I'm maximum revolver ammo I was trying to get both of them trying out both of them with one shot oh wow damn the Dark Presence is out for blood Oh flashbangs thank you I've got 16 players 16 it's a lot they get them are you gonna I want to go in this place this place looks cool hey there's a Hey where is it Oh what the absolute [ __ ] I didn't realize that we're gonna smack me as soon as I came in jeez Thomas Zayn fell for Barbie alright alright okay this actually seems like a good point to get caffeine cuz I kinda need some I'm been kind of dragging all day so I'll be back in like like a minute or two also just it's good to take a stretch break it's been almost two hours so I'll be back in the second mods if you wouldn't mind doing that thing all right let's do this there we go and now we get all that ammo back wait wait okay we need to get hurt there ah ah it was there more there's more stuff there the flash banks can't forget those very important okay can we get them through the slits I guess not right okay cuz it's like it's like right here and it's not taking any damage okay maybe we can get them through the top got it how about this yeah got him that was neat dropping a flare in there worked out dropping flares it's me what does that possess tornado dark presence tornado dude the only way to reach the hillside ahead was to go through the building I had to find a way to avoid electrocution okay so we want me a drive oh my god achievement right of way that's funny and an in let's do this come on okay there we go got em all Check Point race and we got the flare gun yes I ran those guys over they didn't stand a chance [Music] don't tell me the cars possessed oh my god the car really looks kind of possessed though oh [ __ ] a lot of these guys yeah I get back in the car [ __ ] yeah yeah that's right get away let me get back in okay Oh [ __ ] let's do this come on guys oh my god damn get out there we go okay here this right here get it my gang it through the fence feel like I'm nine does it stuck back there you yeah okay so I can't drive this anymore huh yeah got damaged too much all right let's go I was kind of a crazy little segment I liked it achievement unlocked they're here I don't know I don't know what it's for but I got it okay we're good we did it let's go I made it yeah bunch of jerks reach the mirror peak look out okay I honestly don't know where the mirror peak look at is I mean I know that there's a waypoint but [Music] you [ __ ] why are they there you go all right let's do this come on there we go Maxon batteries again they are like a really generous with resources which I'm fine with just for the record now the objects gonna come to life press that one good why does he keep switching he keeps switching to the right side and I keep putting him on the left side and they keep switching right back to the right side I like him on on the left but it's like if I walk to the right side of the screen then it changes oh I guess does it the other way too all right some of the takin retained echoes of their former selves but these were just the nerve twitches of a dead thing nothing remained but a shell covered and filled with darkness in most cases these puppets were enough for the purposes of the Dark Presence but for anything more elaborate as with the writer it was different it needed his mind and so rather than taking him over completely it merely touched him hmm interesting okay we're out here now whoa that was targeted maxed out oops oops did I do that looks like there was no way the flashbang grenades were standard power company equipment oh yeah get rid of these environmental hazards okay I think we're supposed to go the right but I'm gonna go left obviously Oh and I was not rewarded for it it's fine it's fine I don't care how did he even care it's cool whatever oh yeah let's just focus it cuz I am max on batteries anyway what do I need more of them for hang on fellas we're gonna go in here no we're not this is a lie [Music] mr. screen 99 thank you for the house plants um Alan wait I don't know if you guys were playing that or or what you guys are doing but hello okay you know what this this is gonna yeah actually you know what I like using the shotgun the big guys I don't that was a just a host or a raid or what okay so many places to go look at this thick fog it's it only exists in certain areas of the map like the path okay every guy was a page I stared through the bars of the jail cell berry stood behind me swaying on his feet looking as ill as I felt agent nine Gail stood on the other side of the bars with sheriff breaker nightingale had a stack of manuscript pages in his hand he seemed unhinged as he gloated well I've got you now Raymond Chandler it's all here all the evidence including conspiracy to murder a federal agent so we do so I mean so we know that we get arrested so we know that that happens Raymond Chandler oh that's not an evil bird so it's not affected by the light interesting yeah Raymond Chandler is an odd one like the rest of them I can kind of understand like HP Lovecraft Wells's he throw out there Stephen King they say Stephen King right to the left to the left everything you own a box to the left we're going to that box we're doing it how could you miss this though realistically trust no one in the dark it says the same things every time three flash bangs I'll you know I'll take it Oh God okay nice there we go man they trapped me they tricked me though I want you going in here this is nice box of ammo and supplies and then they just ambushed me but now they're all dead so you know I was laughing now max thanks for the bits it's tonight video game night with Max John and tomb no max and tonight is Alan Wake stream night and don't think I can just switch the last the last second why is there a thermos way out here oh no era fine thanks for the bets though yeah I don't know if the box was worth it I mean they did give us three flashbangs and I only used two of them so I guess it was but oh my god wow they're loading us up with [ __ ] what does that mean okay so I think we're supposed to go that way which makes me think we should check out [Music] this path over here just you know for a little bit oh wait oh that's where I came and that's where the okay gotcha that's where the box was so this is the only way that we can go I had no real plan I was going to give the kidnapper all the manuscript pages I had for Alice if that wasn't enough I'd hold him at gunpoint like him talk pump-action shotgun what's the difference so so these you can use to kill them with a blast of light right am I reading that correctly I've been trying to figure out what the heck those things are let's try it let's try it let's try to lure one in front of them well they weren't in front of it anymore were they okay all let's try it again I had no real plan I was going to give the kidnapper all the manuscript pages I had for Alice if that wasn't enough I'd hold him at gunpoint and make him talk okay are they nice okay so doesn't kill them actually well it's weird because like I saw like a tip a while back that was like oh you don't have to shoot them to kill them you can use environmental hazards or whatever and I've been thinking about that since the last stream and like I don't know what they mean okay I like the pump-action shotgun but it's kind of I don't know like it takes two shots to take them out can't see I guess they're all dead yeah that's kind of neat yeah you know if you ask me Alan Wake is making out like a bandit this is a the hell cuz like he's getting his his wife and what's the other guy getting alright it's getting some pages okay you know [Music] these guys are everywhere over here lots of enemies wait is that Izmir peak up here cuz I was trying to take the side path just now but looking back I think it might be over here side path so I'm gonna go this way I don't know thanks for the house flare gun ammo coffee thermos of course so Paige over here you think hmm yeah this was definitely the side path but I don't think that there was anything there except a coffee thermos hard to tell where I'm like supposed to go I mean this is it right here right right there oh geez oh geez I got an achievement miss by a mile okay owl I thought I was gonna get a shot off before that I guess not okay that's definitely where I'm supposed to go so while we're on the other side of this crap okay so this is just an alternate route up this way I get it now okay okay we're all on the same page now it just makes a big circle not a big deal yeah I got my caffeine I'm good Check Point the hell's out there moving ahead of me in the same direction I was going a cold feeling settled itself in the pit of my stomach was it going for Alice maybe I don't know how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know Why ask some meat okay let's see I think I definitely missed a page that's one right there four five six my shift may cause cancer Oh why are you May's fast so fast jeez got it got gotten got gun however that was these dead now pain the ass it sound like a new enemy from now on or what it's like the first boss almost batteries what it's like blocking me you think if you block me right okay well cool got a full heal and the checkpoint so oh this place looks awesome I can't wait to get in there the place was dead a ghost town oh wow for decades everybody's a critic Cherie can we go in this way oh darn yeah we can't go in there what the [ __ ] don't you don't even think about it cross the ghost town apparently that's the objective here so I guess is oh I got it I got it this is just gonna have random [ __ ] come at us we could definitely go in here right where's the where's the front door we can't go into any of the buildings oh it's blocked damn the Brightside page up here things were never as simple in real life as in fiction I had lost count at the times I had wished there'd be a clear reason for my writer's block something to fight something to lash out on there wasn't I was filled with doubt I was nothing like the hero in my books Alex Casey had gone through his life with single-minded determination never wavering from his goal even now I was angry at myself angry at Alice angry at Barry I was fumbling and I had no plan cool great I'm in good hands with this character rather this character is in good hands with me what oh my god like that was perfect timing Wow the place was dead a ghost town had been for decades maybe it seems that's a cliff right there hey that's only like the second time that that's happened okay so I don't want to hear too much belly aching about it things were never simple alright I'm gonna say anything that time the place was dead a ghost town had been for decades maybe a century Wow things just in case just in case it doesn't count it okay so we know what to do now yeah Oh Oh God okay thought I was gonna fall for a second jeez thermos i thermos have it must have it caffeine caffeine is what kills writer's block okay this is the point that we can't go in most of the buildings we can only go in a couple of them likewise all these buildings I was like whoo I can explore urban exploration but nope no dice well my favorite sayings those are literally energizer batteries like they didn't even make a different name for them I mean usually they'll be like you know enter geezer or you know enter energies or something some other like knockoff brand but those literally say energizer that's a that's a product placement right there and Alan Wake what a weird place to have it cuz like I knew that the colors were right which a lot of times love to change the colors when they make you know fake ripoff products put in games I've never taken a closer look at it until now that's like a that's like a deal there were there were boardrooms of executives making a deal over Alan Wake in the background that's crazy like I know this was a triple-a game but just kind of weird seeing that I guess what no no it's the angry refrigerator out all right you know what you know what and so I thought okay we're fine guys I think we're only gonna have time to go through episode three today what a shame it's already almost roma already almost at the three hour mark some of the billboards are Verizon ads really I didn't notice that was badass I'm sorry but that was cool getting the midair and a flint with a flare gun like that that was neat I believe there are six episodes just from the pacing of everything like I think we're supposed to be around fifty thermos right now so it seems like there would be six but maybe there's five or seven I right there achievement unlocked Iron Horse okay I don't know what a lot of these achievements are I don't think I don't think I'm just saying if I were standing the way through the plot because I don't think that this guy is important this guy I think that we're gonna get done with this kidnapper storyline pretty quickly I think this is just like the very beginning oh of like main plot main plot happening cuz right now Alan like has no idea what's going on oh wow Wow I think I think maybe he'll learn some things from the kidnapper but I don't think I think the kidnapper probably won't outlive this episode is why I'm guessing because it there's like some big cheese above him and we have yet to know anything about them we don't really know anything about the Dark Presence we haven't even had like a confrontation with them or anything flare gun ammo don't mind if I freaking do in fact I'll switch to it right now anything outside of riding is a struggle I feel ill I managed to make my way downstairs there's a shoe box filled with books and papers by Thomas sane it's very hard to focus but I managed to read some of it he's a poet and a good one he writes of muses and creators so many fabulous things from a magic lake using his powers to shape the world of a realm of gods and dreams and demons dark things that wait for a chance to slip through wearing the flesh of man his disguise zayn writes about himself his girlfriend being taken over by a Dark Presence about growing scared of lank Zayn believes it's a mirror to the gaping void of darkness above or some Lovecraftian presence lurks I crawled back upstairs I'll borrowed these things for my story they ring true they fit hey Allen you're kind of losing it bud you're kind of losing it can I put notice you actually I'm really freaking weird switch to the hunting rifle uh yeah I mean I like the shotgun but hunting rifle yes okay one male I don't know this doesn't really mean anything does it I could see something I guess it was just that weird darkness tornado again don't fall don't fall on me the kidnapper had sent me a text the message was full of spelling errors and insults it was telling me to hurry up spelling errors such a writer okay but wait where is the okay it's this way it's this way wait but there's it's up there okay oh okay good flare gun and flare gun ammo propane and propane accessories let's go yeah I think we definitely missed some pages this episode which saddens me but can't catch them all listen on the first playthrough [Applause] ah Oh a there's way more of them it's like I gotta look away from them so they come after me they get them so I think were they doing this is the part about the birds I don't understand it's like okay alright bye they get them I didn't get it like it's like you get a certain number of them achievement unlocked energized okay you gotta let charge a little bit first I guess see it's like now they fly away once they make that noise it's weird danger do not enter I will in turn I'll have to worry about birds down here exit the silver mine I don't see any silver here place seems like a ripoff let's get the hunting rifle out actually tunnel tunnels go to cauldron Lake what this seems like okay mate maybe we won't go down here yet because I need to check out the rest of this first the waypoints telling me to go this way though this seems like the way you're supposed to go so I think I'm gonna go down actually yeah cuz that seems site pathy even though it's a really long side path very difficult sometimes to identify the site path I think this is it the headaches stabbed in my brain there is point to playing the end of the episode wait this seems like the main path now I like to keep things organized whoa get out of here plus we can start the next stream with like a last time on Alan Wake thingy the hunters were big thick-set men confident and at home in the woods they were feeling good running on beer and ghost stories and camaraderie late into the night it did them no good as they were taken by the dark presence sucked deep into a darkness far worse than any ghost story they ever told or heard that was really worth it that was really worth getting I mean we're not going down there checkpoint reach like I mean we're not supposed to surely we don't now we don't go down there right right well if we do though what if we do what we do yeah okay we don't we don't all right let's go sorry I know this is annoying it's a long way for us to go just for one page in a little flashback well I'm pretty sure it saves at the end of the episode I just I I quit right after I hit the end screen and I think it saves right after you hit continue so that was my fault I had to replay that but I didn't wanted to start the last time on Alan Wake and then you know even behind the closed doors and curtains of his grimy room at the Majestic the local motel Nightingale could feel the locals eyes on him the unrelenting pressure of their judgment he forced it out of his mind for all he knew they could all be under Wake spell already you do what you have to do to get the job done he took comfort from the bottle his hand please he thought just let me get through this hmm you say at the Majestic we were warned not to stay there under wakes spell was he think is going on there's a bright light over there oh hi what it's supposed to stun him there we go thermos wait wait wait to be oh okay this isn't another path Wow I'd have to make my way up this mineshaft in order to go on maybe the machinery could help me with that all right Tomb Raider let's get this over with move elevator Wow so that it while we did it we did it cool you call this an elevator I remember to jump up maybe we bring it up here next right al this is some water temple [ __ ] right here well it's hard to control him when he's jumping oh how I knock this down Oh so we kick that down and then we bring it up some more cool come on Alan let's get a move on you're making me Alan sleep right now hey just just an aside we have currently on the channel 420 told subscribers hey oh we we sometimes go up or down but we always come back always come back to 420 so this is a lift over there but I wonder what's up here I mean this isn't this isn't the place right excuse me Alan ah were you doing up here call man we're way up there lightning flash behind the windows of Calder Lake Lodge tour Anderson laughed and held the steel hammer above his head nurse Sinclair was trying to calm him down without success torque grinned madly and shouted my hammers up here's a friendly poke from molnar wench he brought the hammer down with all his might on Sinclair's head we're on a comeback to her baby Wow say hey is that peanut you pronounced it mole near I thought that was me ol near then why is there a gym by murasaki tan no you're subscribed oh wait it's still 4:20 well maybe just takes a second to fix but thank you for subscribing and I'll see reassess I was just kidding about the protesting there okay oh oh now it's 421 now oh no more subscribers oh oh I do not like that no stop I hate the crows in this game hate the crows just the really boring in my opinion which is great all right I would never jump on a cable car just to clarify that I would never do that oh it's two groups of them yeah [ __ ] off now I don't think so you can try it you'll fail you go away I think they yeah they left [Applause] okay okay [Music] okay great [Music] okay let's get going only two so I was supposed to fight against that thing get away get away okay I thought it was gonna fall special energizer batteries okay Oh oh my god I completely missed let's keep going we gotta be near the end of the episode now you'd think we're getting pretty close I mean the mere peek look out I don't know I feel like it's close I know that we saw like the peak itself but that's not the lookout okay solve that problem wasn't even a problem let's even scared for a second did break a sweat [ __ ] yeah I don't know who put those cans there but apparently they have no respect for the environment [Music] everyone dead is everyone dead good Wow I just got shitload of stuff the eighth deepest lake in the world Wow cauldron Lake is that caldera Lake formed an old volcanic crater the volcano itself could be considered to be active but as not erupt instances of volcanic earthquakes of 1970 but even then the underground activity was comparable mild despite some property damage there were no casualties cauldron Lake is one of the most beautiful spots in the Brite Falls area as well as a central figure and many local folktales it's a popular recreational area for the area residents great well not anymore cuz now it's full of evil spirits and [ __ ] very sorry everybody about your recreational area or whatever it's no longer usable so sorry alright there it is the throat of the world wait wrong game mirror peak Oh God you need to be careful you know what this really seems like it would be a qte game but it hasn't been so far and I've been very grateful for that how dare you [ __ ] gotcha all right now you get this over with yeah how's it feel huh tossin axes at me this whole time oh and you had a thermos he was hoarding the thermos says the missus so to speak I mean I'm looking for the missus but I'm really looking for the missus it's a really dumb joke that might be the worst one I've made in a while what the what the what the suck oh they there's a manuscript page over there getting it Alex really athletic for a frickin nerd mod had checked all of Stuckey's rental cabins there had been no sign of the wakes it was dark when he'd found their car parked at the end of the road by cauldron lake it made no sense they must have taken a wrong turn but there was no sign of them and the car had been there for hours already frustrated MOT stood on the rotten ruin of the footbridge that had once led two divers aisle before it sank beneath the waves years ago the boss wouldn't be you know I wondered about this because I didn't think that MOT the kidnapper and the Dark Presence were really related they seemed separate I don't know who his boss is but doesn't seem like it's the Dark Presence seems like it's somebody else you know I wonder if his boss is that author that we punched in the face at the cabin hmm I was wondering about this because we weren't even at the right cabin so how'd he know where to find us very odd okay we've got two missing pages and this one I don't think we're getting so really it's just one very sad sad with an exclamation point at the end didn't find all missing pages sad I can't guess we'll just go up here if I miss two pages who tell you what guys I'm not gonna be a happy camper and I'm not even camping what really okay that this doesn't I would not climb up this this does not seem safe oh this is it on across the mountain ruins this is a long-ass episode holy [ __ ] what if I want to go in here I'll go in there in a second oh now well there's a page [ __ ] Tom Tom CN n TZ so Thomas Zane CN CW Tom you talked to me on TV Tom I miss you Tom did you write this Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom you talked to me on TV whoa look at these Tom maybe she was just really into my space maybe that was it that's it that's a dated joke oh boy kids today are probably what's my space I don't even know what that is and now got the honey right flower right tons of flares - look at all these I've got tons of them yeah I think this game should be a little like you should be scrapping for resources a little more I think just my opinion I'm sorry but oh really yeah yeah achievement locked thunder and lightning okay so I got all these players got him okay now we can just focus on these guys I know this another there's another one geez trying to flight me what's your style there we go oh no I missed that's okay we got this what's up we got him guys we got him what's your style okay okay we're done with this place right I didn't see a manuscript page in there so I'm hesitant to move on but then we got to them I think it would have been very obvious if there had been a you don't you ever run away from home again I thermos you so much okay let's go I could see cauldron Lake I thought I could make out the spot where the island and the cabin had been there was a light near it it had to be a boat is that the mere peek look out look at that look at [ __ ] over there okay here we go I was close now I had to get there fast I dreaded what I would find yeah we missed one page I tried to hold on to Alice but her form melted away I was losing control dr. Hartman stood in a place I wanted to hit him but my arms were jelly he smiled it was a reassuring smile and I hated him for it I had to give you a sedative don't find it he went through another rough period right now it's very important that you stay calm we don't want you to have another episode you're a patient at my clinic I've been for a while now what the what the [ __ ] what trying to psychological thriller me right there yeah I'd Dark Presence [Applause] that's in the episode I missed a page damn it that means we can't get all of them so the next few episodes all just be playing it like normal oh well they read that mama with all right well then great all right so that's it for tonight so tomorrow night I'll be streaming co-op darkest dungeon as we usually do on Wednesdays me Craven Sinnoh and Jake will be playing through that it'll be the thirteenth stream so if you want to catch up on any streams I have them all archived here if you'd rather watch them on YouTube they're all on John 12th as well
Channel: John Twolfe
Views: 20,603
Rating: 4.9623351 out of 5
Keywords: Alan Wake, John Wolfe
Id: Dk3QrkiDELc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 6sec (11466 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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