AKs74u "Krinkov" to 500yds: Practical Accuracy

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this episode was brought to you by slate black industries for mlok grips and accessories visit slateblackindustries.com let's go [Music] cheeky okay okay ready all right hi uh by the bar impact impact okay so that one i had to hold under the plate and then just slightly to the right impact top left corner don't know where that one went impact okay so that one is truly at the base of the plate the previous one i had trouble because sometimes with these soviet holes when you have to hold at close range targets if it's a human you just come at the belt but at these they're because they're a smaller target i don't know exactly where it is and on top of that the windage is also and those two impacts at the 200 were at the top okay so i'll do that same thing after i would use the same hold at the 250 all right yeah okay uh left by about a quarter of a target the top half of the plate impact impact nice 300 300. okay short by about a half a target and you're on the right by about a full target okay okay good windage adjustment you're still short impact just off the left edge just short impact okay so that one was on the top quarter of the plate um at 300. interesting top court you're holding at the top quarter yeah are you going to wait is there a sight adjustment you're going to do to engage out a distance there's a 450 meter 400 and 450 me 400 a 500 meter target that you just flip up site that's it okay so should i just aim at the top of it at 350 you think yeah let's see let's see if that works because right now it's on the p the battle setting right that's what i was asking if you're already covering the target with it how are you going to shoot it at the further distances uh that is uh what the afghans would say inshallah all right 350 i'm on target ah that was short by more than a little i didn't didn't see that one left side was that a hit i heard a tink high okay that's better it's up at the bar right edge impact winded shifted between the first ones to this one impact so that last one do you feel it right now yeah yeah it's at the clock out of nowhere yep yeah it's out of the very top of the plate that i have to hold but but do you feel the wind's gone from yeah yeah i feel like now five o'clock to nine o'clock just hitting us yeah because previously um i was pushing off to the right side of the plate and then those last two i aimed i put the plate in the very center of the crosshairs not crosshairs the front side post yeah okay so that one was at the very top of the bar so at 400 yards shall i use the 400 to 500 meter setting and then i'll aim at the base all right let's see what we get just underneath perfect windage windage correction was good you're just underneath the target six o'clock not positive send one more i've lost these and i've got no vapor trail no no observation on any splash i'm guessing you're high if i can't see any splash right around the target okay okay just short just underneath six o'clock right edge impact maybe these are impacts that we're not seeing high by about half a target right by about half a target just under it six o'clock uh left edge okay that was high left up just under at six o'clock maybe i saw it from my eyes yeah maybe it might have just flexed just a touch man these are just not hitting anything i mean i think that's two though yeah that is two all right should we go to 450 let's go to 450. okay this is not making it easy my friend no kidding yeah short short uh full target short right edge impact dead center off the left edge a little bit high short by like two targets at the bottom right leg just off the right edge just underneath it six o'clock just over the top just short just short have we reached the limit i i guess but i've shot the 500 yard target in the past before for the viewer's sake shall i just tag the 500 you can try all right i have no idea how many rounds are in the bag but yellow well you're just gonna hit it on the first shot anyway so it's gonna be fine oh yeah no big deal pushing it to the right yeah just slightly above 4 clock impact not kidding i mean i mean yes of course my friend yes god wills it god does will it so as far as that one goes you see the on top of the target there's a black spot on top of the target on top of the 500 yard target you see the shade kind of dips to the right over it yeah i was using that shade as it bleeds over to the right as the actual aiming point that's my reference point oh very good so i wasn't aiming at the target i was aiming significantly on top of the target sure for that hit sweet well well done yes well that was uh easy peasy 500 yard rifle good to go and ladies and gentlemen we shall see you at the debrief so the crank off the crank off probably one of the most iconic kalashnikov variants that exists would you say oh yeah between the pop culture designations with call of duty the original modern warfare when we back when we were growing up having this as being one of the iconic guns to obviously one of the most infamous terrorists in the entire history of humanity rolling with one of these in all of his promotional content josh i've got to say though i mean he just proves that flexing on the pores in afghanistan is exactly the same in this instance of flexing on the pores here in the u.s indeed yes indeed so obviously the gun of ubl the kind of call of duty and one that i would say performed up to what we would have expected it was going to be able to do on the course it's an 8 and a half inch barrel 545 yeah and 545 is a great caliber for shooting a distance from what we've seen in other runs but it's also not moving at its optimal velocity in this particular setup look at the sights too yeah very crude very rough i'm actually pretty surprised that you're able to connect beyond like 350 to be honest it's not easy um quite frankly i mean its design its category is a submachine gun in the soviet arsenal right yeah people people have been saying that it's very difficult to connect past 100 i think i think you can go farther past 100 yeah and 100 seems like it's it's pretty short i mean 100 is handgun hittable range with a nine millimeter handgun yeah so these plates are sub sizes so about c zone size definitely connectable on on humanoid targets beyond you know the sites took a while to zero um i will say that um it took longer than the normal kalashnikov like aks the ak-74 that i that i zero at the same time as i zeroed this one i did that in half a mag and i was you know ready for the course right this particular one it took me a couple magazines yeah and then i had to true it on the course a couple 30 round magazines not long mags yes but uh i mean it's it's an iconic system um it shot farther than i thought i think we had issues at the 400 especially that's where we started to really feel it i had so much trouble seeing that not to mention to be completely fair like it sucked trying to spot for this because the impacts as we know from shooting 556 out of short barrel stuff and those were like ten and a half's or eleven and a half twelve and a half inch guns that's kind of hard to call because there's just not a lot of final energy or impacting on these plates this was even harder like these were really hard to call hits on and there were a couple that i'm sure i probably messed you up on as you're going but so one thing that people rumors these things to have accuracy issues comes stems from the barrel these arsenal slr 104s run the old soviet tdp so they used it's like a one in eight twist we'll put down in the description if it's not one in eight twists but it uses a longer twist so essentially that barrel length is barely one twist right so not enough not enough barrel to effectively stabilize with the twist rate that's the that's the suggestion that's what people are saying because the soviets later on put it made it like one to six point three or something six point something twists so it's really increase the twist rate on it so the conventional rumor knowledge in the ak sphere in the amer and the americas is that these arsenal 104 urs running the old russian tdp can't hit anything past 100. well today we hit 500 with it and i would wager to say if we were able to put an optic on it and i don't think an optic makes a rifle more accurate i think our an optic makes a rifle easier to spot and aim at targets right um i think we'll see even more performance out of it so is it ideal for the 545 uh no probably not right probably not in its context covering the one to 300 sphere um is it a pretty good thing to hold on to yeah i absolutely think so the recoil is minimal there's like there's no recoil to this yeah i'm trying to think of a situation where i would want something quite this small and quite that this compact if you were flying a hind yeah i would just say this is this is optimal for vehicle based stuff yeah you know i from a perspective of if if i wanted a rifle caliber in a vehicle this is this is what i was so are you are you suggesting that we should look into pdws josh well i mean it certainly starts going towards that pdw concept it definitely feels like it it falls more into that rum doesn't it yeah yeah because it's not it's not necessarily shooting a pistol round that loses steam at 100 despite what people say yeah um but it's not a rifle round to cover all the way up to four or five hundred right uh it's it's good enough for you to uh fight yourself out of a situation if you're let's say in the hills of afghanistan and a pistol a makarov isn't going to quite cut it yeah something quite i mean obviously if i was choosing between this and uh and a sub gun and nine millimeter even a subgun i would probably be selecting this in any sort of or um unless unless concussion is a big thing right and this is one one thing that that i think i will we're gonna go into this in a little bit more detail later on but a military pdw and a civilian nine millimeter pdw are different things a military pdw being able to use be used around armored vehicles helicopters aircrafts are not the same as something that you're expected to shoot from a civilian thin-skinned vehicle it's not something that you would expect to all of a sudden to have to be using in very tight quarters um as you might in a civilian based right yeah yeah so we're going into too far of a tangent but the one thing that sucks about this is if you're shooting it in a confined space yeah and the concussion is something that you would feel oh yeah it's the same it's not too dissimilar to touching off 10 and a half ars if you're western shooters and are familiar with doing that like it's in the same ballpark soft doesn't use suppressors on their mark 18s because it's a secret squirrel thing they use it because when you're clearing rooms with a mark 18 and you don't have a suppressor it is a horrible experience it turns out that kind of sucks it's a horrible experience because it also hinders team based communications if you're trying to work uh if you're trying to run radios if you're trying to shoot move communicate with your teammates and you've just got a constant couple of concussions hitting you in the face as you're going in it hinders you working as a team so i would say in that aspect these things are not ideal right however putting it into the 70s the 80s as a helicopter pilot because they used to have holsters yeah and i know i don't want to go into too much detail here because i know we're going to be working with somebody who's got a ton of expertise and knows a bunch of history around this particular setup and its use in the middle eastern regions to flex on the pores to flex on the pores so they're saying happy new year hey go tell them to be quiet so instead of instead of regurgitating some of the information i've learned and talking with him maybe we uh we will we pass that down the road and let him pick it up yeah we'll see you soon miles oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] do you enjoy arguing with other viewers on the internet on which rifle performs better on practical accuracy well we have a solution for you go to our patreon page and scroll down you'll find the practical accuracy scoreboard where we have ranked and compiled all the data of all the firearms we have tested on the practical accuracy course furthermore it's already separated into the different categories so you can go back to your argument as quickly as possible and whether you decide to support us via patreon subscription or just a normal viewer we thank you everyone [Applause] roger over two packs
Channel: 9-Hole Reviews
Views: 124,242
Rating: 4.9639511 out of 5
Keywords: Afghanistan, Kalashnikov, AK74, AK47, AK103, AKM, AK101, AK, AK104, Spetsnaz, charlie, viet cong, afghan, bagram, grand theft auto, china, russia, lord of war, battlefield, blood diamond, pubg, avtomat, long range, marksman, rainbow six, red dawn, ninja, dr disrespect, shroud, chocotaco, summit1g, TSMviss, Quân Đội Nhân Dân, iron sights, roof korean, Escape from Tarkov, 9 rota, brandon hererra, garand thumb, forgotten weapons, modern warfare, call of duty, inrange, batttlefield, aks74u, krinkov, stalker
Id: d7lEOX9YwWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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