Akhi Ayman ROAD 2 REPENTANCE | Masjid al-Humera

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at five years older house cleaning shoes the reason why me and my brothers jumped on road actually my enemies bro my enemies new you can't catch us on any block bro our block was the Masjid so big up to them in it because a lot of gunshots for them you know what I'm saying alhamdulillah you blame it you always want to find a reason to blame something else take the blame bro accountability so shout out to the drug dealers bro you're a Dusty little guy bro while 90 of our beef is because we helped others I'm already Brave like this outside the house I was always praying we never left the salon there's certain things that I went through that gave me a wake-up call one of the things was when it comes to repenting and this is an eye that I recited over and over and over again when I was in prison Allah gave me the opportunity to at least come back to him the sweetness of repenting to Allah so this dream my mother came to me I don't recall seeing her face my mother came to me and goes yeah amen this is the reality of the roads act wake up act time to change Act thank you I'll try my best you're good to go yeah the most gracious the most merciful the most powerful it's only him we worship and only him we bow down to and only him we turn to one way in need and also like to send peace and blessings upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam I'd like to give thanks to the message for inviting me here again alhamdulillah it's a great turnout and I would say this before we carry on my dear respected Brothers wallahi renew your intentions right now we knew your intentions man you didn't come here to try and take some clips for tick tock or Instagram or Facebook or unless unless you're old man you're on Facebook but not seriously on a serious level man renew your intentions we're not here to have little Clips on point online and this is what it has come to the omo of the Prophet Muhammad has come to an um of attention Seekers people where they like to video things in order for them to get the likes and the shares and you already know why I'm on Pro because it happens everybody is clout chasing for the wrong reasons bro we are in competition with one another because of views we should be in competition with one another due to what Baraka blessings are giving charity whatever it may be advised your brother is sitting next to you and Allah upset me that while we were praying you got Brothers that were talking where's the Atticus of a Muslim as the Sheikh mentioned there's certain people here it's their first time coming into the Masjid bro first time what's going on we're better than this Ark the prophet Muhammad sallallahu Allah is better than this bro we've come a long way food for 1400 years after that Islam hasn't changed Paul nor has the Quran nor has the Sunnah nor has the following and the teachers of the companions so why are we trying to put our little twists and turns into the D now why there's people Muslims they take stuff from Rivers they become Muslims then they lose their way you know why because of the characteristics and the ethics of another Muslim in our communities bro is it fair imagine just imagine that someone leaves Islam because of you or because of me and this is what's happening day in day out you've got brothers and sisters constantly beefing on on social media let alone the road just before I came here we see a drunken Brotherhood drunken brother the brother wants to see me down in a barber shop okay let me tell you how hard my life is why do why have we come to a stage in our life where bro we want people to feel sorry for us but I don't want no one to feel sorry for me bro sometimes I go on comments on videos about me oh I feel sorry for him he's gone through a lot alhamdulillah I've gone through Allah it took me to go through that to get close to Allah some people can't even walk a mile in my shoe what Allah they can't but yeah people come and this is something that is disturbing amongst our communities bro every single Community I go to there's prophets that come up to me and goes bro I've done this after that this is the amount of man after this is the really you're a Dusty little guy bro why since when since when was you thinking you're a Gambino and I do my ruler I do my little researchers what about them they turn out to be a good person from a good home bro a good background why are people coming from a good home actually I was on the way here with a brother he went in the car we're talking about Tower hamlets knew him and Hackney are the poorest boroughs if not in the UK but they're the poorest Brothers in London a majority of the people in these Barbers are who Muslims so shout out to the drug dealers bro because you've made your life but you claim that this is a life that's worth um living but your parents are living in a council flat you're chasing this lifestyle hardly any of you making your own brother rounds bro you all send outs all the demand that's out there telling you to go and do your runarounds okay you're getting peanuts and you think this is a life to Chase a life to be like there's Brothers around me bro that's the life in job the brother came with here brother is the life in Joe you're asking me regret everything he hardly saw his father he already saw his mother looked up for 17 18 years and he regrets every single second of it but alhamdulillah he went to jail he wasn't even practicing bro he hated the word his name which I'm not going to State it's a big name islamically and he hated it until he found out the true meaning of his name what is he trying to do now he's trying to live up to that name so should we some of us our name is Hamza the lion of Allah live up to that name Khalid say for Allah the man that's never been defeated even the battles he had before before Islam he never he never lost and when he did become a Muslim Allah there wasn't one battle he lost bro and people told him do you not fear that you may lose he got given the title of faithful Lord the sword of Allah how can they start to be broken this is our role models not Dusty guys like me don't take no Dean from me bro learn from my mistakes and I wish I could go back in time when I can be in your position bro where I can adapt myself to be a bad Muslim and how did I learn that I have come from Iraq bro I was born there mosul the lost city to fall in Iraq I left there when I was about eight then we went to Surya and while we was living in Iraq he will live the struggle lifestyle bro we was in The Riches of rich at five years older house cleaning shoes the above is telling me 13 years old telling me bro I made this money while wearing them on clear Jackie 13 years old you Dusty little spinner since when are you okay how can you afford that and this person has the audacity to put pressure on his parents to say what Mom you need to get me the clothes so I can feel with the rest of the guys the guys that I'm in school with it's just is this really worth it you don't see me wearing bang clothes bro I don't jump on the bandwagon like everyone else does people are jumping on this bandwagon for what to get a few likes and shares nowadays everyone Muslims are taking pictures at this or without me to think is up what's that all about bro you we have lost our Islam and because of ourselves we blame ourselves bro you can't blame no one else Society doesn't pour a gun to your head bro until you do this you're not in the Middle East where there's certain countries are going for war and even though they're in a Muslim country you would die because you live upon Allah and this is the reality be grateful for where you are bro we're Muslims Allah I'm saying this now bro I'm saying this now yeah look at the friend that's around you man is he really doing something to make you become a better Muslim and if he is the person then alhamdulillah then now you have to question yourself are you the person that's been in this person around you closer to the Deen of Allah upon the Quran and Sunnah upon the understanding of the companions and people want to jump on this bandwagon where they're gonna what do what always like to point fingers or others and I say this now Brothers wallahi stop being around people that find false in another Muslim stop being around them if you know them to have some burn the line online yeah I don't care where he is man in this God dead username decides to go and comment on every single person's video keep away from these people bro this is not from the Atticus of a Muslim the prophet of Allah 13 years 13 years and then and only then the rules of Regulation came into play with the iron with the eye of hijab came down women were running actually running to grab anything just to cover their hierarchy you've got our sisters that are leaving the house well if I say this all the time with their convertible hijabs yeah well the Superman are buyers and so on and so forth I can't blame them bro I blame the older brothers or their fathers and this is something that a lot of parents are not taking into accountability bro your parents are the reason why a lot of people are going astray bro there's no Dean in the household brother on Friday you lose your message a brother came to me for my background the Kurdish Iraqi he came to me he goes I fear I fail to pray in front of my parents because his parents come from a Muslim background do not like the fact that he's praying now this is what he's come to bro and alhamdulillah at the age of 14. he wants to make an impact so if you are the first person in your household that's really trying to make a difference islamically I could go ahead as long as you're not displeasing Allah you have to obey your parents use your wisdom the wisdom's Allah has given you if it means you pray in secret in another room do it our 13 or 14 years years old today what are they doing bro what are they doing they're making Tick Tock videos of dancing you're jumping on this trend of dancing you got a tripod or you attach it to a call wherever it may be for you to record a video no but look at your desires that is the biggest Jihad bro fighting your desires your desires of Kim was smoking food man don't call it food smoking weed your desires of getting closer to girls or commands you know those desires your desires of what you do behind closed doors pornography has become normal let's not be around the bush now bro it's easy anybody can get access to it where's the etiques of a Muslim God bro I wish I was in your position so I can make a difference be the reason why someone falls in love with Islam you've got no Muslims here today bro first time in a Masjid where's our etiques and our manners who even gave them Salam who even gave them Salaam someone came to the prophet Muhammad when two people come clear two people come across who should be the one to give salaam first replied the one that is closest to Allah today no worries bro if there is something that's uplifting you no worries up you see your Muslim brother whoever it may be give him Salaam even if you don't feel right within yourself I know a lot of man that came here today he didn't even give the salaam to the brother sitting next to them this is reality so for the next few seconds right now I can give salaam to the brother next to you bro give Salam to the Bible next year sincerely oh my buddy this is what Islam is foreign this is the dean of Allah my God and this is look look around you as well bro every single person is a different shade I look at the beauty of Islam some of us have two nationalities within us Islam didn't come just for the Arabs or the Africans or the Asians or the Europeans it came for mankind itself and we have a big illness within our hearts and the illness of our heart is broke we are trying to please anything other than Allah you see this heart that we have it's not here to just try and fulfill every single person's right or if you feel every single person's need your heart was designed Every Beat was designed to worship Allah alone so do not connect with any sister and a noble we live at that time and age my dear respected prophets I know there's a failure the faint of women we see the girl I understand men that's our weakness the brother said alhamdulillah is you're in the wrong place you feel me but this is our weakness I understand my brother if you're being serious about even getting married to a sister do it the right way bro you're destroying another man's daughter another man's sister by setting them false dreams don't lie to me telling me that bro I have good intentions bro you are lying to yourself bro you're lying to yourself we need to grow up we need to smoke the coffee as the English people say oh we need to turn back to Allah bro forget about pleasing our parents and our brothers and our sisters and our and our teachers and our bosses at work wherever maybe firstly be obedient to Allah and this is the fit about me and my family but we come from Iraq and we've always lived a lifestyle where we were connected to the Masjid why is it that the Masjid is this pact because of a speaker bro why come to the Masjid bro you got problems with a girl come to the master ball you got problems with your mother or your wife come to the Masjid you got a problem with your boss come to the master that connect with this house because other than my house that I've slept in I connected with the message my enemies bro my enemies knew that if they were to come and Link I'll come and buck the akis from losing Masjid we will link them at the Masjid you can't catch us on any Brook bro our block was the Masjid our house was the message bro where we prayed where we slept where we did Islamic Studies what's the Masjid Brothers only come to the master for what for Salah why is that 35 prayers that he 35 prayers in a week and you come and choose to do one in the week which is yoga it's become a work he must be will bro it's become a a youth club Aid as well man them are dressed their best their ew I understand a lot more better your men too dress your best spray some perfume do it some brothers I hope you're not doing your nails too hear me but you're meant to be well equipped hear me come to the master that he come to the aid in the park whatever it may be but at the same time this is something that hurts me every single Aid we spend more time with our companions with the girlfriends with the boyfriends other than our families and this is the reality of it bro Stratford Westfield it's a dis it's a disturbing placebo I see Muslims walking through there shaytan will be confused what's going on I understand sit down trying to get to us privately but we're doing things publicly bro why is that because there is no fear of Allah anymore this is what we're lacking we're lacking knowledge in our community you want to fall in love with this Dean open the Quran follow the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam follow his companions that were around him these are our role models then that's when you fall in love with this Dean some people say to me I open the Quran and I gain nothing for me I read one or two pages a day I gain nothing from it why is that Paul because we're doing it for the wrong intentions that could be one of the reasons distracted our mind is going at 100 miles per hour constantly to the level we don't have time for Allah so when you open his book man them come to the Masjid open the Quran the prophet can't even read Arabic he's just moving his lip around are you doing it for Allah are you doing it for Abdullah let's be real this is the reality but alhamdulillah like I said this and I say this many many times my day respected brothers and sisters yeah there's no sisters here yeah no Undercovers yeah some Prophet said yeah like you're the sister so we give thanks to Allah let me tell you something one of the reasons why we jumped on road why it is nowhere near the reason why people are jumping on road today the reason why me and my brothers jumped on road actually because when we came to this country we were in other words getting bullied for not speaking English we were in Surya when 9 11 happened we witnessed 9 11. on top of that when we came to this country we lived in an area called Southeast London Southeast London someone said yeah there's nothing too big up about that the best thing about Southeast London so big up to them you know what I'm saying alhamdulillah but that was the biggest blessing in southeast London and when we came to this area he like I said to you before when people were doing their sets to get into Secondary School in year five in year six I am learning this is cat this is dog imagine that it was very difficult man they were blaming us for 9 11. ask Muslims from Iraq during a playground that he driven playground driven break a lunchtime me or my brothers and my little sister in primary school we used to rush to try and find each other in order to spend time with one another this was the reality you don't have that struggle man them are quietly now on their teachers and their fellow people in school and who do you play I got ADHD bro shut up man you blame it you always want to find a reason to blame something else take the blame bro accountability it says upon a Muslim to take accountability for your wrongdoing man they want to blame every single prescription in the pharmacy except for himself your prescription in this Dunya is the Quran is the prophet Muhammad it is the companions these people that fool for you bro and I'm not talking about fighting for you physically by fighting within themselves to try and spread this Deen so what do they do they gain knowledge there was a man listen to this my dear respective Brothers Here There was a man that had an ill mother he wanted to travel to see the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam solely because he wanted to be what he's companion he wanted to be labeled as the sahaba of rasool Allah Justice so he made the promise to his mother he's gonna go there for a few days with or without the prophet saws or without seeing him time was taken but he wanted to have this title of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but he knew look at this this is the greatest man that ever lived but he knew that albany's parent his mother was more important than having that title of being the companion of rasool Allah so when time was right the brother left and decided to go back towards his mother without ever having this title you know why because he put his mother first this is who we should try to be like bro this is who we need to be like this is who we need to be following amateur respect the brothers and sisters like I said I keep saying sister I'm so used to it yeah but we come from a background where we jumped we jumped on this road feeling solely because of what 90 of our beef and some of the brothers that know us 90 of our beef is because we helped others so because we come from a background of Iraq and we were very we were very close as brothers we liked helping others so when people used to come to us with their problems what did we used to do was to jump on the bandwagon of helping them so our house was too soft So Soft to the level where people used to use and abuse us so to the time when our beef got big proper proper serious with that both sides are being stepped up and sure and some people are dying while alhamdulillah no one died from my side but when some people were dying from the opposition what tend to happen bro we only found ourselves becoming in more of a target from people that we didn't even have beef with you know why because of jealousy because people wanted a piece of you Paul people wanted a piece of Acts not the actions that you see today people that you're beefing each other we didn't do that back then I remember when I went to John 12 2012 some of you wasn't even probably born then yeah anybody that tells me they're born in 2000 and and there's an ant there's a problem human don't know the struggle Act 2012 when I was in Joe there was a brother by the name of Khalid ariva brother he was in jail for 11 years straight do you know when two Muslims had beef with each other in Joe in hmp hide them you know what he used to do he used to put them in the cell because YouTube beefing each other on Road is where it is so the prophet Khalid used to say and would say to them if you don't squash your beef right now for the sake of Allah I'ma smack both of you man up and you're gonna get rushed by the rest of the Muslims in the job because we're Muslims we have this character of betraying this image about us but we don't care we really don't care if you're gonna go down that path of killing each other on road but actually we're Muslims in jail there's people that have become closest to Allah in Joe and I'm one of them and I'm not saying to you Bob for you to go and do a crime to go to Joe and now you're going to be obedient and this is a coming I see a lot of line yeah not Allah but it comes from Dusty people yeah and the common is why is this guy only went down the path of being turned into a victim and then he turned to Allah my dear respected brother you Dusty little spinner let me tell you something I was always praying we never left the Salah from back on road we never neglected the Salah we delayed it yes we did but we never neglected because we come from a good home our parents used to pay for us to go madrasa we did the Quran studies and the Islamic Studies and the Arabic we did it so we were always praying but there's certain things that I went through that gave me a wake up call one of the things was seeing my mother come to prison when I was in prison seeing her coming and getting searched by the govs to get searched a hijabi woman bro your mother my mother being searched told her to go to a side room in order for her to check underneath her hijab this is the reality of our mothers when I saw that I said never again never again am I going to allow my mother to come and see me in this disgusting place that's when I made the oath of Allah that day I said Ya Allah I am never ever gonna go back to my old sick and twisted ways the ways where I used to oppressed people where man them used to ride out actually your mother would get clapped your baby mother if I'm seeing you you whoever maybe there was no mercy on the road back then and this is one of the reasons why I hated the fact that we could never go shopping with my parents because I never wanted people to know what my parents look like mandem asked me do you still look over his shoulders of course I look over my shoulders bro just because I moved on do you think they've moved on just because I came closer to Allah do you think they haven't got closer to shaytan of course they're gonna come for me one way or another but I make my ascar every morning and evening and leave the rest to Allah and this is something we neglect and this is what made me jump on the roads and you know what I'll take that back here we were never on Road we did things to survive problems came to us we dealt with it like men face fights if it needed to be weapons were being used but in reality it was mainly fist fights and there was a story of two brothers in London stuff full of two family members in London listen to the story they both had the intention of walking out of the house bellied up carrying a knife both of these family members they were cousins by the way they left the hood where we buried up they decided to ride out on their enemy's area but guess what happens they both came across each other without realizing who they are both of them started stabbing up each other they both ended up running away one of them that went and he spoke to me about this yeah and I met him in Joe the guy said to me when I was in the hospital being attended to I see the same person that I stabbed up coming on a stretcher one day took off his mask I realized that I just killed my own cousin mothers or sisters sisters bro they went out there they just please the Lord they never put things in the hands of Allah they wanted to act upon their desires who did they know they were riding out and they were there with the intention of killing their enemy and one of them died this is the reality of the world's Act wake up act time to change Act because everybody likes to be called Act act like a brother no one wants to act like upon this this beautiful Deen that was allocated to you and this is why I gotta give a big shout out to the rivers because we came into this life by being Muslims by default because our families are Muslims but the rivers Allah subhanallah directly guided them they did their research they did their research and then what happened they found the dean of Allah they found the love for this Dean above in my own keys friends he wasn't there about God told about this guess what happened heck he memorized Surah Fatiha before he became a Muslim before he became a Muslim what's going on with us bro you ask a man to recite fighting her brother looks like he's beatboxing let's be real you can't even recite the Quran properly bro man they want to go and make a difference with the ummah because I will almost suffering you want to go and do something about it fix yourself first little boy leave the rest to Allah because Allah doesn't need your ibadah Allah doesn't need your prayer Allah doesn't need your charity Allah doesn't need you to worship Him in order for him to be glorified because guess what some people wake up a Muslim and dies they careful and some people they wake up as a disbeliever and Allah guides them and they die upon this team so the dean of Allah moves forward with or without you non-muslims are contacting me saying bro I want to become a Muslim my family are so against it if they turn if they see that become a Muslim do we have this issue we don't have this issue bro so where's our gratefulness respect the Bible said this is something I'm gonna listen to me carefully bro there's an Ayah that comes to mind when it comes to repenting and this is an eye that I recited over and over and over again when I was in prison and I remember this Ayah Bismillah all my servants Allah is talking to you bro he's not talking to you about old servants he goes yeah o my servants he's letting you know you belong to him ah if you drive a nice car and man them are walking past and you know that's your car what do you say he said that's my car I have pride arrogance you say it because it belongs to you it belongs to your hard work right people do this bro that's my car nowadays we've got Allah if in our community uh bro who's that sister yeah man that's my wife have no shame in exposing their wife online but look at the pride they have in telling people this is my wife so what does Allah say yeah I buy these talking to you is one of like like you belong to him for those of you that has to Ingress against themselves the bunny that we used to do the girls we used to be with the money we used to chase the robberies we used to commit the man we used to stab the man we used to shoot wherever it may be under the sun Allah is telling you do not lose hope in my Mercy shaytan Whispers In Your Ear telling you Bro you've committed too much sins don't worry Allah will never forgive you but Allah told you in this Ayah do not give up on or or do not give or do not despair on the house of Allah do not do not neglect Allah's Mercy and this is something we keep talking about every single time someone commits a sin we as the Muslim Community would like to talk about the punishment ah bro you know what the punishment is severe the punishment there's the punishment what about talking about the mercy of Allah your brother that's with you smoking or doing vaping how could he tell him to turn around the moment I said mention vaping some brothers already wanted to expose their friend by looking at them don't do that leave it to Allah and if you do but they're respective of if you do do a serious serious sin such as smoking or zinner or whatever maybe or even listen to music do it with yours by yourself because the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam stated and listen to this very very carefully every single person in my ummah that's every single one of us here will be forgiven except except for the one that sins publicly and openly so my dear respect the brothers for the listeners for those online for those at home for those who Wherever You Are if you're committing a sin do not do it openly and publicly already and this is the reality of a Muslim where we are openly sinning where's our fear of gunman where's our fear of Allah gone I don't know what that was that sounded like you know that chicken that you squeeze Allah so my day respective bothers yeah anybody could fall into the traps of the shaytan and this is innocent people around you here people that have no experience on the roads you yourself could fall into this trap bro why because you want to fit in on Friday again people like to come to me and this I don't know they just like to talk to me about the issues yeah one brother said to me I am 15 years old the closer I get to Allah by reading Quran or coming to the message more often my own friends are telling me bro what are you doing Muslim friends why are you why are you always going to the machine well that's my uncle girlfriends why don't you have a girlfriend this is what your bad company is telling you ack this is the situation but you have to always tell yourself bro you need to take away I'm not telling you to cut tires with your brother because this is not from Islam what I'm telling you to do my dear respective Brothers is do what is keep away from them take a step back because these brothers don't give a damn for your and this is what we neglect a good companionship and something I'm going to touch up upon the law as well I know some of you I'm burning up in here it's a sauna today I'm not going to lie to you I want to give a big shout out to the master once again man their man there they did they did their best yeah I think every single one of us here is going to leave here today with some links and I'm talking about the dojo not links are on the roads on that you know what I'm saying Every Man's boiling right now Allah Mubarak but something I wanted to touch up upon in their respect the brothers and sisters yeah sisters again there's one of the reasons why I repented back to Allah because Allah gave me the opportunity you see I miss my mom bro all of us and put your hands up right now if you still got your parents around half off yeah Allah for those of you that have lost their parent may Allah grant them the highest level in Jannah may Allah why didn't their grave and shower them with their men with his Mercy Allah I mean my dear respected Brothers for those of you that still have a parent around bro do above and beyond for them go home do not neglect them and something I mentioned because for a very long time my mother with them you know will shower her with his mercy and so on and so forth and actually there was a dream that came to me and this was a few weeks ago yeah because when we get distracted in this Dunya we need we started to neglect the people that we love so this dream my mother came to me I don't recall seeing her face my mother came to me and goes yeah amen and the closer I got to my mother the more she was moving back so I was walking closer to her and she kept on moving back but she goes to me yeah amen have you forgotten about me already have you forgotten about me already it's only been seven eight months ago bro that I lost my mom and I'm already forgetting about making to Alpha and every single Salah but this is the destruction of this Dunya and this is what we're gonna regret Brothers turn to Allah man because guess what Allah gave me the opportunity Allah gave me the opportunity to at least come back to him you may not fall into that situation where you're like me bro Allah may not give you the opportunity to repent back to him bro some people are dying upon committing zinner some people are dying upon driving and doing balloons in the car Act they're dying and they're killing the people with them in the car but I'm grateful because Allah gave me the opportunity he gave me the opportunity to turn back to him to ask him for forgiveness because wallahi now that I've tasted the sweetness of repenting to Allah I can never go back on my old ways I can never go back to smoking bro sometimes I might joke around about a second wife a third wife don't worry this is just the desires talking bro but I can never do it bro I'm already Brave like this outside the house in front of the wife but this is the reality bro this religion this religion it's not here to be a burden on you bro if you do everything as the religion tells you to do wallahi you would see the fullness of it you would taste the fruitness of it so for the brothers they are having sisters that are going down this part bad path bro blame yourself Zack regardless if you don't go older than her she's only picking up on you she's only picking up on your footsteps because you're not doing your part as a brother you're not doing your part as a Muslim every single person want to change the ummah understates what we are in what we need to do my brothers what we need to do is we need to change the conditions of ourselves first we need to change the conditions of ourselves first so where do you stop what's on my what is my advice to you Lord yeah my advice is I'll give you three fins work on your relationship with Allah whatever comes with the Deen of Allah leave everything aside if it's your work if you really truly love Allah you will get out of your way today you will send a text message saying oh I I can never know will I fulfill my this nor will I fulfill my desires in being with you because these are the desires of the shaytan so I can't be with you what's she gonna do cry yeah just shut up man I'm trying to get to gender bro you understand I'm trying to get to John the ACT I'm trying to die upon being obedient to Allah so what comes with the Deen of Allah and I'm going to ask you something Brothers there are three questions I want every single one of you to shout this out from your heart with your passion like these hooligan these football Hooligans and the first question is who's your lord man who's your lord I like you I like it what's your dean who's your prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam these three questions that you're going to be asked in Your Grave and we ask Allah that it is as easy as what we just recited here in the mission because now if I ask you the same questions I'm going to ask you the same questions but do not open your mouth who's your loot what's your Deen [Music] and who's your prophet [Music] your Harmony ain't gonna get you nowhere bro you're harming ain't gonna get you nowhere because if you lived by the rules and the regulations of Allah these questions will be easy for you if you lived by the Quran then these will be easy for you if you lived by the prophet Muhammad means teachings and his companions as well these questions will be easy for you inshallah these questions will be easy for you so when I told you what he answered these questions but without opening your mouth you already know the struggles already you already know the struggles so what do you do you work on these free relationships in your life your relationship with Allah whatever comes with it that's the Quran that's the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad that is the teachings of the companions that's the first relationship your second relationship who do you work with is your family your mother if you still go around your father your uncle your auntie every single one of us every single one of us do what we go down the path actually our parents are now beefing each other because they got a divorce or my father's not talking to his brother which is my uncle therefore they're telling us we can't talk to someone so cousins and so on so forth actually you're not here Allah forbid you for cutting ties yeah if it means you still have to talk to your family members that your your mother and your father ties with behind their back you still have to do it because this is this pleasing to Allah work on the relationship your relationship with them that's your siblings make them go up upon the dean of Allah but act like a role model for them to fall in love with and your thirdly which is more important than the second one but I mentioned it lasts as a respect for the family is your relationship with yourself know your worth Ark are you the clown of your circle or are you the man that brings people closer to Islamic are you the person that reminds the people around you of Salah time worked in construction a non-believer an atheist my good friend by the name of Craig Englishman big up to you bro yeah 44 years older 44 years old do you know what Craig used to do to me during during work times eamon's time to pray one Lord guide him I mean he used to remind me to pray but guess what but while I was working with a Muslim now he used to say to me Aki together reality bro reality imagine that man's telling me to do this Muslim up on the Right tickets as well and to the level that will lie because I got back on my stomach when I was to work sometimes my back used to leak so you know what my managed to do to me because sometimes I used to change my back three four times a day during work hours bro so sometimes when I used to change it I have to sit down for like 10 minutes because I used to put pressure on my back he used to say to me y'all aiming you need to take that off your break bro where's your mercy towards your Muslim brother is this it's the money that we're chasing this is Dunya and there's a staff Allah azim there's a lyric that I used to say back in the day yeah yeah and I'm gonna say this lyric and I want you to try and [Music] decision see that brother was good for me not everyone else is here may Allah bless you are here it's getting too hot in here still um no and the lyric used to be yeah which which it's very bad to see but now I try to adapt it in the Islamic Manner and the lyric is here time be the money so is Money On My Mind if you waste my second I'll be coming for your time Raw yo yo that's jahelia bro s clapping it was a um now look at this time be the money so it's money on my mind every single one of us have money on our minds and this is the reality of people but if you waste a second I'll be coming for your time are you wasting bro apart from yourself because when the angel the death come to visit you bro he's not going to give you another secondary and something that hurt me and the angel gave him an alternative the angel the death gave an alternative wasallam would you rather be amongst your companions in this Dunya or would you rather be with your companion the most high I have dreams of dislike like I am there and the prophet Muhammad sallam States with my companion the most high with my companion the most high with my companion the most high so for the prophets they are here Prophet know who you are know the six people or eight people that's gonna bury you and lower you down into your grave bro because these people that are going to lower you into your grave are going to be the brothers are either going to make a legacy out of you after your death or they're going to make a curse out of you after your death so remember those three conditions that I told you those three relationships bro your relationship with Allah your relationship with your family your relationship with yourself know your worth give your rights to yourself act sleeping at the right time and not spending too much time on social media all of these things and do not and do not follow the rappers everyone's jumping on this bandwagon of these rappers some of the rappers that are around me and very good close friends with but it don't mean I can answer for them most recently a tune came out do not mention no names our tune recently come out every single person decides to tag me bro why are you taking me bro go and turn to Allah make Dua for the brother then she's trials and tribulations bro you could be worse than uh you could be more worse than him behind closed doors and brothers know who I'm talking about to guide him and guide you I'm the Angel that's gonna come and put him in a straight path from how far from that because guidance only comes from Allah not you no your Dua no you are ibada it comes from Allah alone so for the brothers I love you all for the sake of Allah
Channel: Masjid Al-Humera
Views: 446,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, Allah, Quran, Tafsir, taraweeh, hd, Muhammad, Ramadan, Makkah, Madinah, halal, shaykh, qari, ustadh, raad al kurdy, al ossi, Hasballah, Alafasy, Mansour Salimi, Awaz, One Ummah, Zakir Naik, mufti menk, omar suleiman, nouman ali khan, fatih seferagic, yasir qadhi, Mohammed Hijab, Ali Dawah, Mohammed Hoblos, Wahaj Tarin, Eman Channel, The Daily reminder, Free Quran Education, Prophet's Path, Merciful servant, smile to jannah, One path network, Ilmfeed, one message foundation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 49sec (3289 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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