American Ranchers Raise 30,1 Million Beef Cattle This Way - American Cow Farm

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hello my friends today we are going to some  cattle ranchers in the United States to see   how the process of raising millions of cattle  happens currently in the United States there   are more than 700 000 cattle ranchers  in particular Texas Nebraska Kansas and   Oklahoma are the states with the largest  number of cattle ranchers in the country cattle industry has existed in  Texas for more than 300 years   as a place with a favorable climate conditions  and large grasslands herds thrive in this state   currently in the United States there are  more than 70 different breeds of cattle   the most popular cattle breeds include the  beefmaster longhorn Hereford and anguses   amongst them the Angus breed is easily the most  seen cattle breed in the grasslands of Texas foreign every year about 35.8 million cars are   born in the United States and up to  11 million of them are born in Texas at Birth these calves typically  weigh between 60 and 80 pounds   on some Texas Farms calves will live with their  mother for about three months before weaning at the age of one to three months these calves  will have to go through a branding process   branding helps ranchers easily identify their  cattle when they get lost in another herd whilst   grazing in the pasture today many Texas ranchers  still use cattle branding in the traditional way   to mark their herds just as they did in the 1800s  it's part of the history of grazing cattle here   thank you currently most cattle in  Texas are considered fully mature   and eligible for meat consumption when  they reach the ages of two to three years in the morning these Cowboys will release their  cattle to the grasslands to let them feed freely   foreign to statistics released in 2020 the  United States has about 614 million acres of   land used for cattle grazing in which the state  of Texas has a grazing area of a 130 million   Acres accounting for 21 of the country's area on  January 1 2022 the United States Department of   Agriculture said the number of cattle in the  United States was 91.9 million heads foreign addition to feeding freely in  the grasslands millions of these   cattle also fed other foods such as corn and  grain to increase the quality of their meat   it is reported that the amount of corn  and grain consumed by cattle in the   United States could be used to feed  800 million people each year foreign   thousands of cattle will be driven back to   the farm by Cowboys to rest  and avoid Predators at night thank you this is what happens when these cattle are  eligible for meat Harvest thousands of cattle   will be sent to the Beef Processing plants in  2020 the number of cattle slaughtered in the   United States is around 33.3 million heads and  total meat production was 27.3 billion pounds in the next part of the video we will  go to the cow farms in Australia to see   how the process of exporting thousands of  cattle goes on there each year cattle farms   in Australia export about 1.3 million head  and 80 percent of that is shipped to China first these herders will use helicopters to drive  thousands of cattle back to the Gathering area   foreign next these cattle will be  transported by a truck to the port foreign and this is what happens at the  harbor thousands of cattle will be   loaded onto ships and exported to other countries hello my friends today we are going to dairy  farms in the states of California and Texas in   the United States to see how caring for thousands  of dairy cows and harvesting billions of pounds   of milk happens currently the United States is  the fourth largest country in the world in terms   of dairy cows with about 9.4 million heads and  an annual milk production of 220 billion pounds after birth these calves are separated  from the mother cow and the workers   here act as their mother according  to statistics of the United States   Department of Agriculture each year about  8 million carves are born and about 500   000 calves die soon after in addition  450 000 cows die in the lactation process carves with health problems will also  be kept separately for medical care   for the first month of their life the  carbs will be kept entirely indoors   currently California Wisconsin Idaho and Texas  are the four states with the largest number   of dairy cows in the country of which  California alone has 1.7 million cows cows are considered mature when  they reach 13 to 15 months of age   many people believe that dairy cows have a special  diet with lots of grains however the reality is   that more than 60 percent of dairy feet in  the United States is grass and corn silage   annually cattle ranches in the United States  consume about 315 million tons of silage   this is the process of harvesting corn silage on a  farm in Texas there are currently 351 dairy farms   in Texas with about six hundred thousand cows and  an annual milk production of 15.1 billion pounds at this Farm dairy cows are fed twice  a day in the morning and evening   in addition thousands of dairy cows  are also massaged to relax so that   they are always in the best spirit this also  greatly affects the ability to produce milk cow dung here will also be  cleaned with this machine   we advise that you not eat  while viewing these images if only milking cows with a small number  of individuals this machine will be used   in the U.S the average dairy cow produces more  than 7.5 gallons of milk per day if she was only   producing enough to feed her calves a dairy cow  would only produce about a gallon of milk per day when it is necessary to milk cows in  large quantities hundreds of cows will   be brought into this Factory they look like  Spectators sitting at a football stadium foreign   process is complete thousands of gallons  of cow's milk are sent to milk processing   plants or cheese factories this is  what happens at a couches Factory   do you like to eat cow cheese in 2020 total U.S  cheese production was around 13.25 billion pounds   Wisconsin is the nation's leading state in terms  of cheese production with 3.36 billion pounds   in second place is California  with 2.5 billion pounds   currently the United States is also the country  with the largest cheese production in the world   the next countries in position are  Germany France and Italy respectively thank you foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign thank you how do you feel about dairy cow care and  cheese production in this video let us   know what you think in the comments section of  this video goodbye and see you in the next video
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 6,386,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, cattle farm, cow farm, cows, cattle, beef, beef farm, farming documentary, documentary, agriculture, harvesting, farm, farm life, america farm, rancher, agriculture technology, modern agricultural technology, #tony98discovery
Id: GMyj6rM00qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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