Akai Force Tutorial | Lets Make a Beat from Start to Finish!

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let's make a b from start to finish double media studio first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go into the menu go to sampler let's play the sample i got okay i like that let's go ahead and hit the arm say play [Music] okay all right let's go ahead on and name the sample i'm gonna call it um we're gonna call it dark piano and we're not gonna accept the track for it the root is gonna be there we're going to go to edit let's listen to it no we don't want to do that let's make sure we don't have anything armed we're going to go ahead and hit these little uh pad buttons here so that way we can have a pad layout i think i may just want the front of it though i don't think i want to change so let's just go ahead and squeeze that on down hit the knobs button go to screen that way we could fine-tune this if we want let's go to end scroll where is it there it is let's hear it again okay i think we're in the right place here because i think this is where it changes yep so we are going to fine tune that to be about right there okay then what we're going to do is we're going to process that we're going to discard what we don't want and we'll bring that all back in and then what we're going to do now is we're going to chop that so let's go into chop and again if you have not seen my tutorial on getting started and chopping samples i will leave a card up here so that you can go check that out okay let's go ahead and chop it up all right we're chopped up it sounds okay [Music] what i'm doing now is getting rid of all the clicks [Music] can't get rid of all i mean the way you do that you just the way you do that you just change the uh the end point and uh the you know the start point to try to kind of get rid of that you also can go in and change the attack inside of the track edit so we may have to do that okay so now that we have the sample all we have to do now is hold down shift and push convert and we're going to change that into a new drum track using slices non-destructive and we're going to go yep and then now if we go back to the matrix we have a new track called dark piano and we can go excuse me we can go up here and all we have to do now is hit the note and then now we have all of those now what i'm doing is i'm looking for something that i like some type of cool little uh melody or something like that or a different type of way to chop instead of just playing it the way it is like that's the easy way to do it but that's not how you really get creative you want to chop it in your own way so now sometimes what i'll do if i haven't found a melody what i would do is i can go into the mixer and go into the effects and then i can add like a effect to i can add it to the pad or i can add it to the overall sound now in order to add it to the pad which you have to do is hold shift and hit mixer and then this is the actual one sound here if i go into effects i can actually affect just that one pad so let's see let's add a delay and see how i like that let's pull it down some sort of mix [Music] let's change the time signature to 1 4 [Music] let's go into back to the matrix and i want to change my tempo um maybe i'll make it a little slower let's try 90 let's try 95 [Music] okay we're going to go back into the mixer and we're going to hit shift mixer we're gonna go back in here [Music] i want that to last a little bit longer [Music] i kind of like that [Music] i want this one here let's go back [Music] it's out be number four let's go in and put that same delay on there and i think it was like [Music] let's try it down [Music] it's all about being creative i mean that's the whole thing that's the cool part about uh sampling is just trying to get [Music] creative [Music] just trying to do something creative so let's go ahead on and add that in so what we're going to do is we're going to go to the clip i think it's four bars i think that's fine we're gonna go ahead and create a clip for that it's gonna be four bars and then now we're gonna arm it so if i just hit this here i know it's track three i'm gonna go ahead and arm that and then we can go ahead and record [Music] i think i messed up right there let's undo that and let's do it again [Music] if i decide to change that we'll think about it in the future but right now i like it i like it let's see uh okay so let's go back to the matrix uh let's look at getting us another sound i guess i could start putting some drums in there so let's just go ahead and create another drum track and then what we're going to do is we are going to go find some drums so i'm going to turn it down a little bit i'm going to the browser i'm going to go into my actual drive and i'm gonna go into the drum section let me see here i'm going to my custom kits and let's go with num dum kit let's see what that sounds like okay now i got that loaded up i can go back to the matrix you can see that's loaded up [Music] all right let's look at this let's go into the mixer see if we can put some volume on that [Music] not too loud you don't want to distort okay i like that let's go ahead and stop it let's go and create a clip we already got four bars we are ready to go we're going to make sure that it's armed it looks like it's on because it's the fourth track let's go ahead and record [Music] i kind of like the 808 but i don't think it's in tune so let's go ahead and hit the note again then it's going to give me some more option here this is for my tune area [Music] i think i may revisit that away because i'm not really liking that 808 i make it a different 808 so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna look at maybe add my symbols i can add them to the track or i can just i can add it on top of here or i can just create another clip i'm not really sure how i want to do it uh let me look at the matrix it's really easy to do all i have to do is hold down copy hit track four and then go on track five it's gonna create another track uh the same track essentially then i can go into edit clip go into edit and then i can just clear that clip out then this way i can work on my symbols all right i like that i'm hitting note again because i want to be able to change the velocity of how i'm going to play my symbols and you can do that in the fourth fourth quadrant of the 64 pass okay i like that so let's go ahead and we don't have to create a clip now because we already have the clip created we just copied the new one over kind of gives it like that little bounce to it okay now if we want to add some triplets in there it's real easy to do all you have to do is hold down the arpeggio which is the note repeat now what we can do in order for us to change the way it uh what what signature it is i can go back to the matrix and then i can go here to time division you might not be able to see that but i can change that to 132 hold down that arpeggio yeah i like that so let's just go ahead and hit record we'll start it over [Music] i think i missed one now what i could do if i wanted to i could make these symbols even more creative just hit this other one over here [Music] change my division back to 16th i like that right there so let's add that in there i like that go look at my mix all right so now let's go into the plugin so in order for you to be able to see the plugin all you have to do is hold down edit and hit the track and then we're up in there and then this is the hype synth uh i'll just click in the data dial and let's see if we can find something in here they do have some bases in here we could try some bases or something [Music] they always got reverb and all that in there let's hear [Music] oh i kind of like that right there i kind of like that let me hear it let's create a clip and go full bars and we're ready to go okay i kind of like that look at the mix [Music] i did hear something in those drums go ahead and delete this track so hold down delete and then hit two it'll go away i did hear something in here so let's go ahead and copy let's go ahead and copy that number four to number five again we're gonna go back to the matrix we're gonna hit this bad boy we're gonna go in here and then it was something i heard in here [Music] i like that though if i turn it down some i think i like that oh [Music] i like that right there i like this as well i'm adding effect to it let's go uh i'm gonna go with delay for sure [Music] kind of give it a little hop to it [Music] kind of subtle too i may have some reverb in there too [Music] there you go that's what i've been looking for [Music] go back to the reader i need to be a little bit more pronounced [Music] there you go all right let's go ahead and record that let's uh we got number five go and arm that [Music] turn it down a little bit it's a little too much it needs to be subtle [Music] i'm ready to do something with that too though so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do another copy i'm gonna copy five and i'm gonna go to six and then i'll remember i'm gonna go into my matrix and i'm gonna hold this down i'm gonna edit clip i'm gonna go to edit and i'm gonna erase that and then i'm gonna go to note and i'm gonna go to velocity i mean tune [Music] so [Music] i like that though ah that ain't it though it's gonna be it's gotta be something like that [Music] that sound like is it i don't know [Music] kinda like it [Music] something has changed though what has changed something sounds different let me break it down let me see okay we start track one [Music] let's put something on that piano sounds a little rough [Music] that's not a filter too [Music] okay so i think i like what i got so far um i could work on it more but again for the sake of making this video not two hours long uh we're gonna go ahead on and just break it down real quick in the matrix and then we're gonna move on so i'm gonna hit the matrix and uh let's go ahead and play it i'm going to turn it down a little bit let's see here let's hit knobs let's hit matrix again play [Music] gonna hit launch mode over here so i can see what i'm doing real quick and uh yeah i'm gonna go ahead and break it down real quick so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to go ahead and hit the copy button i'm i'ma copy that first launch and i'm gonna copy it to the second one and then i'm gonna copy to the third one and then what i want to do is i want to start getting rid of some stuff so i know that let's delete uh i know those are my kicks [Music] i could delete that too started out like that and then go down and delete delete this one and then just bring it in right there have come in right here then when i'm ready for the lead to come in and if you want that to change to where as soon as you hit the button it doesn't jump right to it all you have to do is hold down shift and hit two bars down here at the bottom and now it's gonna you know it's gonna jump right angle just pop straight in let's see if we can do it see it's blinking okay that was two bars let's make it one bar [Music] all right we'll do one more there's definitely some more stuff i can do with that though add a riser in there some other stuff [Music] all right man well that was my quick tutorial or not so quick tutorial on how to make a beat from start to finish in the akai force my first one so i hope y'all enjoyed that man listen this your boy marcus level this has been evil media studios thank you for sitting around and watching me make a beat uh hopefully you enjoyed this and hopefully you learned something alright haven't if you haven't learned anything go back and check the playlist and uh you can definitely figure some stuff out and get to know your equipment all right all right man walk us up or elbow me studios i give it to you in the next one i i want peace [Music] you
Channel: elbowMedia Studios
Views: 4,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FlSnAsqzxC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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