AKAI Force 3.0.5 - How To Make Your First Beat(beginners guide)

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on this episode of the sequence i'll show you how to make your first beat using the kai force trap tendo what is going on people's highly requested video the akai force and the version that i'm gonna use obviously is the new firmware update which is 3.0.5 and at the top right of the screen i have a playlist that i'm going to start for this because i'm going to talk about other features so i definitely want to hear from you guys in the comments section of other features that you want me to cover but what i do in this video is i cover the basics you know the natural workflow of this and you know other basic features so you can build your first beat and i might even dive into the arranger a little bit in this video since it's very good and easy to use but i'll cover the advanced stuff a little later so anyways let's begin here is the force in the flesh what i'm going to do is reach over here with my left hand and use the power button it's going to turn on gives you a little nice light show it's going to load up the os and after it loads up the os after about 15 to 20 seconds uh what it will show you is a template screen now here's the template screen you can actually demo these but i'm going to go from an empty track and we're going to start with the lesson here so what you see right in front of you is called the clip matrix all these right here are clips in launch mode but right now we're in lunch mode and i can launch clips if i had clips here they are also called scenes and if you are saying to yourself man this looks a lot like the push two's workflow with ableton live well guess what it is exactly that so what i want to show you is something very simple now in order to record into a track you you must arm it so this button right here is representing the arm and unarm button so if it's off like this that means that that track this matrix track is unarmed for recording so if you don't have it armed you cannot record in it so press that and make sure that it's on you'll also notice that i have an audio track right here and if you don't want that audio track guess what you can delete it so this is how you delete your tracks by holding delete and then pressing the corresponding track which is track number two now if you deleted it on accident well you have another button right here which is called the undo button you can bring it back but i'm gonna go ahead and delete it because i don't want that okay uh the next thing i want to show you is pretty simple too as well and that is setting up your bpm so at the top right of screen you'll see your bpm 99 bpm we're going to go a little lower and we're going to set it to 69 okay and you can also set up the project key and the scale that is in but we're not going to mess with that and also how the clips launch which is on one bar by default okay there's also another way where you can set up the tempo by doing this right here tapping and dragging at the top part of top middle part and then you can set up the bpm right here as well as your time signatures so the time correction is right there is at your access and you can set up you know swing and all this other stuff and we'll get into that right now we're gonna leave it on you can turn it off if you want something loose and such so let's close that and let's bring that back up you can go in your menu and by pressing that menu button and hitting this cog wheel and going to project defaults so you can set up your bpm and other things as well so that way every single time that you start your track or you turn this thing on you have your default bpm that's useful for people that are specifically in a genre of some sort so let's go over here press this matrix button and get back to it so we see that it says plug-in right here or at least i can because the screen is a little bright on your side and but i don't know what plug-in is so what i'm gonna do is hit edit and hit one and it brings up what's in that track so hitting the edit button and then hitting the corresponding track will bring up whatever is in that track so we see that it says plugin001 and it's hype synth which is exclusive to the chi force uh what you can do is you can select different plugins where you have baseline which is in the mpc software as well and you can use your data wheel right over here to scroll through different ones so i'm gonna electric let's see electric and i click down on it that's that sound that you just heard and that's electric which is also on the mpc then hype synth is exclusive on the akai force for whatever reason and then you have tube synth okay but i want hype synth because that's the good stuff uh the next thing i can show you here is by tapping on preset you will notice that it's default but i cannot play anything why can't i play anything because i need to hit the note button and now i bring up this matrix which is locked into the scale of c major right now and it's one note [Music] well this thing has some hidden features about it so if i hold shift and note it will bring up the different note configurations for this type of track so since it's a plugin track i have scales i have harmonized i have chords and a progression so i'm going to start with a progression i'm going to you can set up the root note which i want it to be b and it's on the progression i want but you can just click it down on the jog wheel and go into different progressions so i like the ballads so we're gonna go with ballot one okay well actually ballot two let's go into ballot too let's be adventurous here uh and then you know you have more things too as well that i can talk about but yeah let's go into progressions in which i can do one notes so the octave is very low and what i need to do is set up the octave it is right down here so pay attention to the bottom part of the screen you'll see my finger right here so i can go an octave up by holding shift and hitting this button to go octave up or octave down so i'm gonna go octave up though let's go octave up one more time so you can see that i'm going to go octave down all right now i can set up a preset here i'm going to go and pick a preset because i don't want the default preset uh you have bases and a whole bunch of presets here i'm going to go and grab a pad and grab this one right here smooth face of staccato so try that out with me i got a hit already baby or at least i think you can hit stop twice to stop that sound okay now let's record something so you know it'd be a difficult for me to go into the clip matrix and go back and forth but i can choose to go into clip mode right here and i can set it up to be a two bar so i'm going to set it up right here this way okay and now i'm at a four bar on that track so when i create a new clip oh i'm at the clip and the clip will allow you to do a few things here i can actually stretch it out using this gesture right here the pinch and pull gesture and i can go into grid here and this will be where the piano stuff where you can edit stuff uh using your different things like your pencil your eraser and then your you can select stuff and while you're in magnifying glass that's where you can move stuff around okay so that's important okay i want you guys to know that now let's record something in well what if i don't have a metronome let's uh go ahead and hold shift and then we're gonna hit this button right here and hold metronome and it will bring up your options here so it says i have a counting on record and i can enable the metronome on record and the rate that is that is a one four and then it's the force click that's the sound you can choose different sounds and different options okay and you can change the volume of it all right now as you know that the more you know let's go two three four hey and this is already recording i could add more notes and stuff in there but i'm not going to do that because it's in overdub mode to get out of that just hit record now you'll hear that the metronome is gone okay [Music] now that we have that let's go into the matrix and see something ah it's right there but how do i have access to it well the first thing you want to do is unarm that track okay and we're going to launch mode and now we'll see that this green little button right here is that clip though it is in yellow now if i hit play you'll hear it but if i hit this empty sign right here it will stop that okay but if i want to bring it back and if i hit stop and i press that clip it will launch that clip and it will start the progression okay [Music] now we got all that out the way and that's cool what can we do now well we can go to the next track over here and hit this plus sign on the touch screen and it's going to bring up an audio track a drum track a plug-in track a key group a midi track so if you use any outboard gear which i'll do in a separate video we'll do that later same thing with cb and gate you can do that all in one track okay so we're going to go ahead and select a drum track because that's what we want to do we want to do drums we want them drums right some drums hey now we have a drum track but there's no drums how do we load the drums by hitting the low button now when i hit the low button i can go into these kits right here which come with the akai force by default i want to trap drum kit i know guys i know you're going to get on me i'm going to type in trap right over here and hit do it and it's going to give me all the programs which this means programs midi now uh i have a drum track here and we can hear what we have if you don't want to hear these previews or if you want to hear them at higher volumes you can by hitting this little preview button right over here but i don't want to hear that at all so i can do that and turn auto off and you can even warp it or sync it to your bpm so now that you got that i'm just going to go ahead and turn it off and just load in this drum kit now we loaded that into that track here and now we need to go back into the matrix we got what we want but we need to play the drums so how do we get to the drum pads hit note again now there is something exclusive that i want to show you within a kite force 3.0.5 and that is if you hit note again it brings up another matrix of different things you could do 16 levels let's bring something in here you gotta select it [Music] so that's volume pitch and then filter okay but i don't need that for right now so i'm going to hit note again all right so let's go ahead and arm that second track and then hit record we're going to record a different way [Music] and hit record again [Music] all right i'm gonna stop it let's go on the clip here since i'm in track number two and you can see if i go over here to the clip it says loop lymph five bars so i obviously need four bars so i'm gonna go ahead and hit on that hit on that five bars loop sign right here and then go and adjust it okay and now let's play it back now with that being said i noticed the people that want those hi hats everybody always asks us for them right so i can just hit record to record into that same clip and it'll over dub okay it'll be an overdub this time now what i want to do is access this note mode here but there's another mode i can access too as well called art mode so from here i'm going to go into the matrix here and i'm going to press shift and arp and that's going to bring up the art function now once i did that note mode or whatnot that i showed you this is the new note mode i had to set it up right i had to set it up for success so let's turn it on enabled maybe i want to do that type of hi-hat let's turn lash notes off of course latch notes means that it will continue to play so i can do whatever i want now and i can set up different arms too as well and i'll show you that in a little bit so let's go ahead and record for now [Music] here's the volume here [Music] and now we have everything in here so there's a reason why i do trap pieces because trap beasts usually have different elements that i can show you of course and i can show off all the different features so uh now that we have that the next thing we need to do is create some bases okay so let's go in here and we're gonna go to track number three track number three was a plus sign and we're gonna go and select a key group so once we select that key group we need to go into load because there's nothing in here right now okay now let's load up a sound i need an 808 so i could just go over here and choose the wave sign and type in 808 and hope to find a decent 808 boom so now let's go ahead and addition those of course [Music] i'm going to use i'm going to use this one since it is tuned to c so let's click on the data wheel and it's going to load into that key group go back into matrix or whatever you want and now i need to go into and turn off art mode if you have to now let's go into edit and let's use a key group so from the key group here i need to go and find the sample so the sample that i need to load is over here so for you to see it i hit sample over here it says none and then i'm going to select that 808 boom now it's here but what i need to do is a few things to get this 808 to function correctly so the first thing i need to do is go into my master turn the polyphony down to one or mono boom [Music] i can also change the sample play to one shot instead of note on note on it will do it will play as long as it can with you holding it down or one shot it will okay now that we have that i can go back into the matrix here and now i can record my 808 but you might want to go into note mode again let's go and press shift note and now we're going to go over here to scale so it's going to be linked to natural minor and let's play it and just get something going so let's go ahead and lay that out so we're going to do record make sure the track is on [Music] uh one thing i did forget to say uh one you can hear the 808s are slightly off so i might have to do this again here uh what i did is i'm going to slide it since i was using the note repeat to do the the hi-hats i forgot to do this right here and that's set it back to the time division that is correct for us so 1 16 is what the way i want to lay it out now and that's cool because guess what i can show you how to delete something that you don't like so now i went back into the matrix mode here and i had to make this mode i can go and click and hold well just tap on the screen and hold and then select delete so i can delete that clip okay so that's important that you know that so let's go ahead and record that in again [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now we recorded it in our 808 and now you know how to use key groups to put in different sounds it don't necessarily have to be 808 but you know it is what it is uh we can go back into matrix here and let's add a new sound so you know from here it's pretty easy to do i'm just going to go ahead and kind of breeze through this thing here and and set it up so we can go to a next the next thing uh now i'm going to go ahead and hit edit here i'm going to select i select a plug-in here and let's go ahead and add i don't know bells so let's add bells here we're going to go into b basic here i see bells boom i messed with this before and boom [Music] all right i got something here so let's go ahead i'm going to do a clip i'm going to do a specific clip here i'm going to do four bars because i ain't going crazy here boom new clip record make sure it's on for recording [Music] hey [Music] all right [Music] now we already have something else to work with here and we go into the matrix here and we're going to look and see what we got so now that we're on the mixer screen i'm going to show you yet another way to record and we're going to set this up for success so i'm going to go back into my notes here and go back to my scales my progressions now i can use this and flip this into something different like so i'm going to go ahead and get back into the maker screen here and we're going to actually hit the screen and we're going to record a part [Music] all right now that we have that and a couple of finger fumbles there we can go ahead and go back into the matrix here i just want to show you that real quick and now you have a flip but what i i can do here is set it up and i can copy and paste what i like from that track into this track so let's paste that and now i'm gonna go over to this track copy that in and then i'm gonna paste that right over here to this track okay so this is what's cool this is what's really cool so now that we have these tracks here go ahead and go to record arm that's on that track and turn it off and i can launch it see what i'm see what i just did there for performances i can flip in between back and forth and and then go crazy you know and that's very useful trust me when i say that um what i'm going to do here is continue to copy and paste certain things now we're really about to talk about some stuff now let's go into menu and let's go into the arrange view now we can lay out our beat and this is where things get really cool so what our first thing i want you to do is turn off loop okay and this is what we're going to do since we have this track up we're going to press shift and record shift and record is going to allow me to record into this arranger here okay let's go ahead and record that in there so it's going to say record into a ranger and launch the track hey i just went to launch mode so i can see it [Music] it's recording in there i can do this in real time here and let's launch this next track here hey and it's recording everything in here and it's arranging the track let's track face stop the bass track here [Music] [Applause] see that all right all right let's flip it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right stop okay next thing i want to do is show you something in the arranger so first thing you need to do and learn is while you're on the arranger itself you can do this right here now back to the arranger is one of the options that will say so press that button and it will allow you to play from the ranger if not if that's not on then that means that you won't be able to play it when you press play and now we can hear what we just did [Music] and you can see [Music] uh you can also do other things too as well you know once you do the arranger you can press on one of those tracks you could do a clear track copy track copy event double speed half speed pitch quantize random events you can do bounce to sample bounce the audio track and so forth those are things that the options that you have here so what i want to do is go ahead and i'm going to cancel that out but what i want to show you is something that's really important if you want to bounce down your track so what you want to do is set up the bar so the bars right now it says 12 600 so the bar that you that we need is bar 29 so i'm gonna go over here i selected bars so i'm going to go ahead and erase that and put in 29 it's this is significant and relevant for when you want to export the track okay so if you don't do that then you will export a huge file so how do you save the track that you already did and how do you export the track it's really easy it is one button that says save you hit the save button and you get greeted with these options right here you get greeted with project project as a new project track etc etc plug-in program ask clip as audio clip as midi all clips and audio mix down so what i'm going to go ahead and do is just show you some of the options in the audio mix down before we save the track matter of fact let's save the track i think that'll be smarter okay let's hit save again and we're going to save project as okay so it's a new project you can name it right here hopefully that wasn't too fast for you uh if you have like your internal uh you can save on an internal or you can save on your sd card i'm gonna save it on my sd card so what i'm gonna do is create a new folder called akai force all right force projects okay boom and we're gonna hit do it and there i have a new folder here and then i can name the the track i'm going to name this trap tendo first beat i'll keep it in the tradition here face dash first beat boom all right now hit save it's going to save everything there now let's go and hit save again and we're going to go into audio mix down and now from here you see the start bar and then the end bar the start bar will start at the one the end bar will end wherever your track ends so make sure that you set it just the way i showed you earlier you can also do separate tracks okay guys you can do separate tracks if you don't want to audio tail at the end of it you can press you can hit zero or if you like to tell you can have it at one second two seconds or whatever whatever floats your boat you know but you can pre print out your stems nonetheless by hitting uh separate tracks export returns too as well and so forth last but not least i don't know why i didn't cover this maybe because i was so hyped but yeah you can also mix your tracks so how would you mix your tracks what if your tracks are too loud so let me go ahead and launch the track well you can mix your tracks with these q links here or you can go into the mixer right here and you can see what you're mixing to as well visually if you're one of those type guys [Music] [Applause] tell me how you feel about this video i just want to hear from you guys in the comments section what was your favorite feature that i covered in this video did you learn how to make your first beat was it useful and all that great stuff and you know just let me know of other features that you want me to cover and i will do so i know sampling is going to be one of them and it's gotten a whole lot better i got several reviews on this right now so make sure you check out the reviews they're very comical and you know in high spirits here and just let me know of any features that you might want to see on the akai force in the comment section that would be cool too [Music] crabtendo
Channel: Ave Mcree
Views: 24,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai, akai force, akai force beginners guide, akai force 3.0.5, force 3.0.5, akai force 3.0.5 how to make your first beat beginners guide, beginners guide, akai force how to make your first beat, akai force beat, how to make your first beat, how to make beats, avemcree, ave mcree
Id: 9PE841YIHog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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