Akai Force Tutorial | Getting Started After the 3.05 Update in 2020

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yo what's going on everybody man it's your boy marcus elbow welcome to elbow media studios and if this is your first time i advise you to go ahead and hit that sub button because all we do over here is keep it crunk man let's go all right today we're going to be taking a look as you can see at the akai force now i love akai products y'all already know this we already did a tutorial on the npc getting started but now we're about to talk about the force and if you don't know what the force is oh man this is a great machine it has a lot of the same elements that comes inside of the mpc ecosystem but it does some different things a little bit different it it has a arranger on it it has it has these all these knobs it has me oh man it has a lot but anyway if you're watching this video then evidently you just got one because of the brand new 3.05 uh update that added the arranger and a multitude of other things but so my job here is to help you get started right now since you just got your machine hopefully you've already got everything hooked up you've already updated your machine if you need me to do an update a video on how to update i will do that for you but all you need to do now is connect your headphones you can connect your headphones in the front here or you can connect to your speakers here of course your power is going to be on the left here and when you first boot up um the akai let me let me go head on and head to where you gonna be at but unfortunately what you're gonna see on my screen i'm sorry is not what you're going to see on your screen on your screen you're going to see a bunch of demos and that's fine because i have those demos right here uh i could show you how to change that in the settings but again we're not going to do that right now what you are going to see though is right here where it says empty project and once you do that you're going to already be greeted with two tracks you're going to have a plug-in track and you're going to have an audio track okay now i know what you're thinking you're like man mark all of these freaking buttons man i got buttons over here i got buttons on the left i got all these buttons that's fine i'm just going to walk you through a free of a few buttons real quick just so we can just get you familiar i'm not going to walk you through everything but i'm going to get you familiar with a few things right now so you can get started first of all right here is going to be your play button you have your start button you're going to have your record okay this is going to be your save that's going to be a very important button to you you got your load here right that's so that you can get your sounds inside we're going to do that in just a second you have your undo you have your matrix matrix is this board you're looking at or this interface you're looking at right now you have your navigate that helps you move around if you have a lot of tracks and you have your infamous shift that you're going to be using a lot of that shift i will admit that uh as we go over to the right of course you have your volume here as you look over here to your right uh you're gonna have here is one of your uh wheels that you can use to move around some of your parameters things like that you got your plus and minus you got your assign here for your actual fader which is your fader here okay these right here are your knobs and your macros okay let's not worry about those right now you're too young to be worried about that right now going down the left side here real quick you're gonna have your knobs right here so that if you hit that it can actually take you in the different states of the knobs you got your launch here which puts you in lunch mode right that way you can launch clips you have your note here that changes the way that the pads interact with you if you had like a kit or something here or you were doing some type of let's just say if you were doing 16 levels and things like that that's there you have your step sequencer here you have a few buttons here select edit copy delete you have your arpeggio here which is ended up it's going to end up being kind of like your note repeat you have your tempo mute select i'm sorry solo record and clip stop okay now at the bottom we need to get the bottom out of the way real quick at the bottom here is all your tracks so if you go here you got one through eight you have more than eight tracks that you can use but that is just what's represented in the pads right here one through eight okay the bottom here you have your record so this is how you tell uh the force which track you're trying to record on if you can see here every time i push that button it corresponds with the track on the screen and then if you hold shift you have a few different things down here at the bottom that you can do you got quantize quantize length you have double clear automation metrodome time correct octave up and down okay now everything on the right side has to do with your launch okay so you can use these buttons to launch your different lanes that's inside of each one of your clip lanes you have 64 pads remember that you got 64 pad so essentially you could have 64 clips you could have more than that but you could only be 64 on the screen at one time okay here and here okay so that's pretty much your buttons in a nutshell okay let's not get caught up in the buttons first thing i want to do is we're gonna get a sound loaded in that's the first thing we're gonna do the quickest way to do that is you can push this plus button right here at the top if you go ahead and push that button that's going to bring you up a screen that asks you what do you want to do do you want to audio track do you want a drum track plug-in which is force comes with its own synthesizers and some of those things key group midi or cv we're gonna hit drums okay now once you hit the drums then you can easily go ahead and hit the load and then you're gonna go to kits here and this is the load screen so this is the screen that you're gonna hit whenever you wanna look up some of your sounds you can look in your content you can check your expansions you can check places if you had like some hard drives or some different things hooked up that's pretty cool you all of that stuff is going to be available to you right here okay so what we're going to do since we're just trying to hurry up and get you started and get you going we're going to go ahead and go back to content we're going to hit drums and we're going to look for some drums what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn it down because it's going to audition the drums as you go through them and all i'm doing is turning my little jog wheel here right now if you want to stop that audition all you have to do is hit start two times let's just say you wanted something particular so if you want to just find something instead of having to go through that whole process all you have to do is hit the search here or you can do it in a different way you can actually hit the search magnifying glass here and then it asks you right here what are you looking for are you looking for vocals you're looking for synth you're looking for melodic what are you trying to look for so what we're going to do is we're going to look for trap then we can just go through these all right let's go ahead and load that and the way you load the tracks you can actually put the you hit the load that sits here on the screen itself or you can just click this button here okay once you click the button in then the track is loaded okay now all you have to do you can come out of that by hitting the matrix right over here to your left and then right now you're like okay where is the i don't see anything i understand that calm down all right what we're gonna do is all you have to do is hit the note once you hit the note right at first you got to make sure we're on the right track let's get to track three and once you hit that i mean i know it's a little light in here you can't really see the colors per se but they are there now we have our sounds let's test them out [Music] all right guess what you just loaded up your first set of sounds which is awesome okay so now what you need to do is you need to go ahead on and create your first clip which is your first pattern okay the way you do that all you have to do is hit the clip button right here once you hit that clip button it's going to ask you hey what do you want to do well how many bars you want to go if you click this button here and just go four bars two bars whatever you want and you click create now you're in clip mode okay now we got to figure out what is our tempo okay let me tell you something that somebody showed me and i think he's called uh easy people he uh i can't remember his name but i'll put him in the uh i'll put him in the description down below he's a great great guy he does a lot of kai stuff this guy's pretty good if you hold down the knob button right it's going to ask you what do you want your knobs to display i always start with screen the reason why is because if i go back to matrix i'm going to have a few things in front of me here i'm going to have my tempo i'm going to have my time correct the time division 116 113 whatever my swing my volume pan and some other things that's how i always start my beats right off the muscle okay so once you got all that done now we can go back into the clip because the clip is just sitting here waiting for us to do something we need to try to figure out what the tempo is so let's just find us a real quick tempo let me see all right so i like that i can tap my tempo in right and that's going to give me 200 up here but i think i'm gonna go down here to about one let's go somewhere around about 165 or something like that okay now since i'm ready to do that all i got to do is push record all right we've recorded our first clip i don't know what this is let's go ahead and delete that [Music] that's the audio track [Music] now just that easy we've already recorded our first clip right and what's good is we can overdub this at any moment if you push your clip button right let's go back to this hold up let's get out of that let's go back to our matrix i want to be on my clip here but i do not want to record what i want to do is i want to see my clip push play and you can actually see the information here and don't forget we are on the touch screen so if you want to touch it make it bigger you can do all that okay now we can go in and put our symbols in [Music] let's go ahead and record that [Music] we're already rocking the roller [Music] i got a couple of things in there that i didn't want in there i could go in there and edit it but i don't want to confuse you guys and have you moving too fast but since we already got that in there we know we're good right there okay let's go and grab us another sound real quick let's go ahead and hit that record because we don't want to continue to record we can turn the record off here at the bottom we can go back to matrix remember all we have to do is hit the plus button we can create a something else right or let me tell you something that's even cool we know that on this track right here we got a couple of sounds so what i can do here is i can go back here right if i hold down the delete button and i hit that track it will go away if i hit those first two that we did not want they will go away as well okay but i also can hit copy hit that first track hit the second one and now i have two instances of that same track very very quick now what i could do is just hold down the button hit delete and go ahead and delete that track create another clip by hitting the clip button hit two bars i want i want it to be four bars and hit create okay i can go back to the matrix if i if i want or i can just start recording right here but i like kind of looking at the matrix let's go ahead and push play and see what we got i kind of like that okay so all we got to do is hit record we already know we need to arm our track we just armed it right there [Music] yeah i'm feeling that all right so we go back to matrix we can do the same thing we did before but this time we're going to create a plug-in this time go ahead and hit the plug-in and go ahead and stop it now what's really cool about the plug-in excuse me is once you once you put it in even if you don't have a keyboard you can start actually recording right there but that's not what we're going to do right we want to look at the plug-in we want to see exactly what sounds we're looking at the way that you get to the plug-in you know we're on track three so all you have to do is hold edit and hit track three that's going to bring you directly into the plug-in this plug-in is hype but if you want to see more just click it in you can go to tube synth height electric and bass line okay let's go ahead and look at the tube set just for the heck of it all right what i just did was i just highlighted over on the default i clicked in and now i'm just going to go look for something like a lead or something that i want don't know really what i want so let's just click on one and then let's listen to it and then we can use our will just to uh our knob just to turn and keep going [Music] let's hear what we got [Music] let's go through it [Music] [Music] just something you know we're just going to add something in there so i guess since we like that let's go ahead and push stop remember same thing we already hit we already have it highlighted as you can see there all we have to do is hit clip right and we want that to be four bars it could be more than four bars if you want it could be eight bars whatever you want right now we just need to make sure that that track is armed right we know that that track is ready for record all we got to do is push record [Music] [Music] it's a little off a little bit that's fine now we can go in and hit the mixer let's go ahead and hit the mixer and go in here and we can actually go in and turn some stuff down you can use a touch screen to do it and if we wanted to we can go in the clip and find out where that problem is and it looks like it's about right there we can actually go in and edit that if we wanted to or we can actually edit the velocity or anything like that but really what i want to show you here real quick is that you could get started with the akai force very fast very quick and if you were thinking about what the lunch is the lunch let me show you that real quick so this is a lunch so i can hit this button [Music] and that will launch all the clips [Music] didn't launch the last one but i can launch it by hitting it now what's really cool is i can go in and i can copy that whole lane let me go on lunch as you can see i'm in the lunch right now i can hit copy hit lunch and then copy that down to the next one and if i want to take that lead out all i got to do is hit delete and delete that lead and then launch the second line [Music] and i can continue to keep doing this all the way down adding more sounds doing more things listen guys i love the akai forest i have fell in love with this guy uh i really hope that helped you kind of get started i'm going to do a lot more tutorials on this subject on this machine i just wanted to give you a quick start guide you just bought it you want to you know try to learn how to do some real things real fast that was my quick quick quick tutorial on how to get started in the akai force i really hope you enjoyed that if you found value in this video do me a big favor and hit that subscription button hit that notification bell so when videos like this come out you will be the first to be notified this your boy marcus elbow this has been elbow media studios i catch y'all in the next video all right all right man one piece [Music] you
Channel: elbowMedia Studios
Views: 13,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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