Akai Force Tutorial | How to Lazy Chop Samples!!

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yo what's going on everybody man it's your boy marcus elbow welcome back to elbow media studios but if this is your first time i'm gonna go ahead and have you do something for me go ahead and hit that subscription button right now because i'm gonna tell you something you have just landed on one of the most dynamic channels on youtube as far as music making ios akai machines daws whatever you want to learn you can learn that right here man and guess what we also all we do over here is keep it crunk man let's go all right guys what's really going on man today we are going to learn how to sample inside of the akai force i'm just going to start teaching you guys a little bit of things here and there and real quick i'm just going to show you how to lazy chop and get some samples going real quick all right so let's go ahead and look at that real quick so first thing you want to do once you start your system up you already know you're going to start with it looking like this here and if you're new to the channel then i'm going to have to go ahead and tell you to go ahead i'm going to leave a a a link up here at the top so you can go back and watch my getting started with the akai force that way you'll know exactly what's going on with no questions asked you know what i mean but when you first start out you start out with two tracks if you want to you can go ahead and delete those tracks right off the muscle and in order for you to be able to do that all you have to do is hit the delete button right here on your left hit that track one again and hit it again and now you're clean you don't have any tracks up there as if you want but it starts with a plug-in and it starts with an audio track so if you want to actually start with those tracks that's fine that's that's cool but we also going to create some templates in the future so that we can get started with some different things very quickly that way you don't have to always kind of do what we're doing but anyway let's get to the sampling portion in order for you to get to the sampling section inside of the akai force you have to hit the menu here and once you hit that menu you will come to your menu here and you can see right here it says sample right there okay all you got to do is hit that button and just like the npc you got the same setup here okay you got your arm you got your your actual uh threshold here you want to keep that low so whenever you trigger uh whenever you trigger your sample it will once you hit arm and you hit it it will start automatically once some information is being provided you have your monitor here so all you got to do is hit that so that way you could hear the sample when it's coming in and that's going to be good so that you can make all your adjustments now your connections are in the back and you have two volumes in the back back there okay sometimes you got to work with those volumes to make sure you got the a good enough strong enough signal in order for you to be able to do what you got to do all right but also you can go right here and you can change the max length i always keep it at about a minute i don't ever think i'm a sample more than that but you know you never know you may want to sample a whole song i don't know it's up to you if you got the memory you can do that okay all right let's go ahead on and get to sampling y'all already know how we do this man i usually go to loop a man and grab my samples you know what i mean to demonstrate to y'all so right now i've already got a sample so i am going to let it play and then i am going to arm it and let it play and then imma chop the sample up so lets go ahead on and do that right now you know what im saying so im gonna hit the arm and then imma hit play here we go [Music] ah i wanted that second i wanted that second part so let's discard that and we gonna do it again all right here we go [Music] all right there we go all right so we already got the sample in and we are good to go all right so now that we have the sample as you can see here so we can go ahead on and name the sample right now so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead on and name it test you know what i mean i'm gonna name it test sample i'm gonna go ahead on and do it once we go ahead and do that we can jump straight into the edit mode so we can start editing it and once we get into the edit mode the first thing i'm going to ask you to do is i'm actually to go ahead and hit the knobs button and then hit the screen button okay that way whenever you're looking at all your knobs here they're going to correspond with what you need to get done as far as you chopping up your sample initially before you lazy chop okay so what i want to do i already know i want a second part of this sample okay so excuse me if i go ahead and only hit these little four uh this little menu bar up here at the top that's going to give me my triggers down here at the bottom i can hit that and it'll play okay but what i want to do is i want to go ahead on and squeeze that down a little bit because i know i want that second portion of that [Music] i think it's right there [Music] i like that right there [Music] all right let's get off some of that in [Music] all right i'm gonna head on and process that i'm gonna put this card what it did was it got rid of all the fluff that i didn't need okay and right now it's showing me that my tempo because it's trying to automatically read the tempo off the muscle okay but i know for a fact i know for a fact that that tempo is 95. okay so it came pretty close you know what i mean because that's what looper man looper man will tell you what your tempo is you know what i'm saying what's the tempo of the sample that they're using so that's pretty cool that they're able uh to do that so let's go ahead on and start really looking at what we can do with this sample off the muscle you can play the sample you can change the sample tune double stop to stop it you can change the tune that's kind of fast but it don't sound too bad though okay we can lower it [Music] i kind of like that right there all right so since i already know that i like that what i want to do now is i want to go ahead and start lazy chopping that so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hit this trim button right here right i'm sorry and that's going to bring me to the chop and once i get to the chop i can manually chop that let's go ahead and start chopping it right now we ready to go i kind of like that right there what that tempo is so now that we know we like that right there all we got to do is hold shift and hit convert and it's going to ask us do you want a new drum uh track using slices non-destructive yes i do boom so when we're going to the matrix now we have that track right there okay all we got to do is hit the clip button here go to four bars if that's what we want hit create all we got to do is hit our arm we're already armed here at the bottom as you can see and we ready to go all we gotta do is hit notes to bring back back and then we can play what we were playing let's see if we can drop that up in there y'all ready here we go i like that right there let's hit that record button and just that fast just that fast guys we can get samples and manipulate the samples if we want to we can go in and add some effects and all that we're not going to get off into that right now but yeah that's what i'm talking about right there let's go ahead and add some drums to that real quick we just over here chilling y'all already know how we do this all you got to do is hit that plus button right there hit that plus button it's going to actually what you want to create we're going to create some drums we're going to hit the low button here once we hit that low button we're going to go to drum kits and then we can pretty much go wherever we want if we want to we can hit trap in the search section and then that's going to bring up all our traps drums let me turn it down a little bit [Music] okay that sounds a little something something something we mess around we just playing around y'all know how we do it you know what i'm saying now that i know that those sounds are loaded i can test them out here [Music] let's hear that [Music] [Music] huh let's go ahead and drop something in there real quick remember you got to go to clip because you want to create a clip we're going to go fo balls we're going to hit create we already know what we want let's go ahead and do it let's mix this a little bit let's turn the sample down a little bit [Music] and what's really dope we can go ahead and create it what's really dope is we can go ahead and take this same sound and create a new sound all we got to do is hold copy hit that track four hit track five as you can see it created a new track hit clip we can go ahead and clear this clip out by hitting edit up here go to clear hit clear done now we can start thinking about [Music] symbols [Music] i like that let's put it in make sure let's make sure we create that clip clip already created we already ready to [Music] go [Music] yeah i like that [Music] all right i'm feeling that right there right let's go ahead and go back to the matrix so we can see what we're looking at let's delete these first two tracks we don't need those anymore so we gotta do is hold down delete hit one and hit two now we got that right there so now what we're to do y'all want to put a 808 in here before we get up out of here it's too easy all you got to do is hold down copy we already know it's track three copy track three hit track vote all we got to do is hit the clip because we're already in there let's get that information out of there we're gonna go ahead and clear that right and then we're gonna see if we got some 808 inside this track there it go [Music] let's go 16 levels in order for you to go 16 levels with the 808 you can do it two different ways you can go and hit the note again and then that's going to open up your entire 64 tracks and you're going to have some different things you can do your actual velocity is over here your actual filter is here and then you can actually have some different zones over here listen [Music] that's the original one right there let's hear it [Music] so let's go [Music] so all i just did was i just copied that lane down so i can start breaking it down a little bit you know what i mean delete these two y'all ready for dark mode [Music] that's what's up man yo check this out man she bring your boy marcus elbow this is how you sample inside of the akai force i hope y'all enjoyed that don't forget man hit that subscription button hit that notification bell so when videos come out like this you will be ready you know what i mean you will be notified all right so yeah man boy elbow man elbow media studios all we do is we keep it crunk baby y'all know how we get down right that's nice [Music] i'm out of here one piece
Channel: elbowMedia Studios
Views: 3,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 38rZZRA-vC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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