Akai Force Quick Guide: Workflow Tips

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easy people it's been a bit of a time I've been having a bit at the time of it but not good time actually a really grim time told truth so I've been offline for a while since I've come back I'm gonna just go through like the basics of basic workflow for anybody who's ever killed in there any minefields yeah let's gets dyed no idea in here no idea in so if you don't like the sound of my voice you might hold stop now so I want to show you some things where I've learned about this all the buttons have two states they have the normal state where if you press them once they'll go to whatever each minute be so for example press articles to mixer recycles here whatever a cup of tea - iced cake right they have another function though is when you hold it it will only hold to the mixer until you let go it'll only hold to the make navigate till you let go so what's important about that quite a lot because what that basically means is you can put this in two different states without breaking the machine usually a Nankin on most of the things I have ever used if you try to do something while it's playing it just crashes usually stuff crashes not this this is built that you could probably put all your fingers all over it and it'll still run and what that means is you can do some really sophisticated things and create stuff in your quick amount of time I'm going to prove my point by doing this now so I'm going to load something and you know what app yeah I'll keep with these stuff and I mean go hip-hop I'm just gonna gain random round each of it here's what it is what's the time [Music] okay that'll do me so go down here I'm gonna bring that down to a speed that I like and we'll go yeah I'll do launch and clip so got me launching clip and then we'll press record so here we go that's in record mode all I have to do now because that's one week old that's from record mode I press Start it's gonna give me a four count and then I'm into playing so that that's what for me so why I can do is I can hold that down and get rid of them claps and I'll have a snare change the velocity of the snail that kick wasn't feeling that back as well [Music] so I saw all of that now I'd like to say because it's a temporary oh no I could hold my finger on here and I commute out stupid [Music] so I commute out anything that's plain that I don't like yeah I commute you out I can bring it back in and if I let go it's back to that and I'll just show that again just fruit goodbye if I go say I hold that so now I'm holding this and I hold mu and then I go still has that function still has that function right and as soon as I let go of that I'm back to the finger game still has that function [Music] as opposed to everybody helper it switches to us today so I wanted to show that so that means you can AK I could mess about with that really really quickly really really quickly so that's what wanted to say about the states of the buns all right then so let's do something else now to do we've workflow so because we know that's in two states I'm gonna choose another thing what's that top box I see what's our boxes like them I don't know okay so what I can do is there anyplace so that's a base what I could do is I can copy that base I want to freefall I could play that brace so let's see how many you sure do want to freefall for five to six in fact you should I do more than that yeah they just do far this is a little trick these are all little tricks why those you might be thinking that another stop let me demonstrate [Music] all of that here we go to breathe so I've got my little thing there then I'm gonna play some dots just it this is just a rhythm just to show you by tapping the rhythm as long as I'm in the ballpark it'll be alright so here we go so you're probably thinking what's all that about but here's the thing if I got a shift clip shift clip and I go I could do it while he's playing actually I'll do it while it's playing these headphones are crap made me look good though hey science Matt Lohr I'm gonna change this kid but hopefully if there's a baseline and this time I'll keep before doing so I'll go about that shift-click because I got the rhythm now I could just move notes you know that that sucks let's do enough warm and then I'm gonna do another warm will delete that we'll get something a bit more with but base like I've even had to hear that base on their seize this place bar that's better that's better already [Music] okay let's do that woman so we'll take that clap down a little bit [Music] quieter I'll do for me I said we'll do a Swiss beat type thing okay I'll help okay we go right so here's my bass now I'll copy that and then again just plain [Music] I'll do me we'll try that and here's a little tip this is really good for grime I should have really done a grain kind of UK stuff because it's really quick to get bass lines where anyway we'll do what we're doing so we've done them that's playing like that I'll keep that as that but I'll change this one change that one [Music] and then what I can do is I'll I'll put these all into a group so I'll go out here and I'll I'll say all of these into one group it's here in it because co-op how long haven't used this one right but back to there so now I've just got something there and then let's say I can't play in time I can hold that and I could go clap clap clap clap and I could use fingies [Music] now I'm gonna show you another trick game know the trick so I'm gonna undo that I house I'm gonna undo that hi-hats remember what I was saying about you can hold notes well if you're in a certain position you can use something else to her all notes so I'm in this position yeah but because I think use the knobs to say to see what quantizations I've got what I can do it I can hold nor again and this R is a time division so I might be able to change this time physician and the quantize here yeah and that's alright it's quick but remember what I was saying you can use more than one for night time so look at this so if I take my fingers and I say maybe just for the sake of argument I'll use free fingers in so I'll do it again I'll go put my finger on the hi-hat I put my finger here right but I what I'm like oh what I really want to do is I want to have quantization so now [Music] so for anybody who's been thinking well uh it would it be nice if the the time division was in there are you don't really need to there's only got three fingers so I could record that [Music] yeah that sounds sorry you know why I ain't reverb in class and you know what ice that's why yeah so yeah I think I think for coming back that's Pete all right well you tell me you are easily to help me in the comments like and subscribe I'm gonna think about some stuff remember mica says ask me questions and oh you know lies all right till then I catch you gain and pays
Channel: nicethings
Views: 2,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, akai mpc, filter, lfo, tutorial, beats, orignal, new, arrangement, bass, drums, chords, piano keys, music scale, melody, presets, synth, note repeat, arpeggiator, chord progression, beatmaking, akai pro, hip hop, r&b, soul, funk, ableton, ableton push, grime, inspiration, time saving, ideas
Id: vauDY47gTSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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