AITA For Exposing My Cousins Lies? [Reddit Relationships Advice]

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hey guys check out our new channel for more addict relationship stories relationship hunt link in description enjoy the video am i the antagonist for asking a nun if she's pregnant this happened a few days ago and i just had a sit down with my supervisor i work in the medical field and it's my job to ask medical relevant questions the answers will lead to which therapy can be used and which would harm the patient and for that reason it's required to ask every person that could be pregnant if they are pregnant or nursing rn because some kind of medication can harm the unborn or newly born baby i will not give medical background it is irrelevant and against law if i mention it but the woman that came to me was around 25 35 i know the exact age but i can't specify here she had an older companion around 60 70. they were wearing a religious habit so it was clear that they are nuns despite the fact that i know it's forbidden for them to have children i asked her if she the younger woman as the patient is pregnant the younger woman looked shocked and the older nun immediately blew up towards me how i could disrespect her religion like that and if that was my way to say i think they would betray god in their rules she said i would call them a sinner their voices attracted a lot of attention and my supervisor came to see what happened i quickly explained and he didn't say a word and just continued the questionnaire with the patient without having an answer whether she is pregnant or not yesterday my supervisor said that next time i should not ask this question if it interferes with religious beliefs and if it happens again it would be fired i don't feel like i'm the [ __ ] because this question was required but every other person i talked to said i shouldn't have asked and i disrespected these women so am i really the [ __ ] now for the top comments nta seemed a very reasonable response would have been sorry sister that wasn't meant to offend or question her beliefs it's simply standard to ask of women in her age group apostrophe women who have taken holy vows are not immune from rape and abuse but everybody acts like a vow of chastity equals a suit of armor a nun who fell pregnant would be feeling a unique terror and would need professional support more than just about anyone i can think of i hope the op continues to ask this question until the end of time as an hours professional i just want to take her supervisor out to the witch and subject them to 90 days of here's how not to be a total jerk with videos complete with fluorescent lights bad catering and uncomfortable chairs i seriously consider this a fireable offense for the supervisor i actually knew knew none who was raped she's a family member they her fellow nuns discussed what would happen should she conceive and made sure she got the help she needed she didn't end up pregnant also some nuns do break their vows or leave to become pregnant the older nun in this post is just one of those cranky ones that makes the religious look like arseholes yeah and if the patient were raped slash broke her vows she wouldn't want to say so in front of the older nun meaning that in that situation she or the baby could be in danger because she would feel pressured to lie the older nun probably should have stayed outside with questions like that they should but they can be allowed in the room if the patient wants nta and you should talk two hours to get this incident on paper since your supervisor threatened to fire you if she were pregnant you'd be on the hook for not asking that's precisely why you were instructed to ask this of anyone in a certain age range it is also unreasonable to expect you to know the rules of people's religions i agree with this talk two hours there are so many religions out there you can't say possibly know which to ask and which not to and if reddit has taught me anything get it in writing people lie and your supervisor can say he never said that and the religions within religions also didn't the new testament kind of start with a virgin woman being pregnant virgin birth aside a nun could be sexually assaulted and choose not to abort you should check out the french film the innocence it's based off real events and so incredibly sad you asked a medically relevant question to a patient not asking it could endanger the patient depending on where you're located it could actually be considered medical malpractice not to ask this question just because it's forbidden in their religion doesn't mean that it doesn't happen as rules are broken all the time it's not like we've never seen a muslim eater burger first i would request that this new rule of not asking people dressed like this questions about pregnancy black on white ml or physical would do this will cover you in case you'd ever get in trouble for not asking the question then i would go over the supervisor's head and ask further up the chain if this is a rule are sure they want to enforce especially with the very serious threat of firing i'm fairly sure that this is not and cannot be an official rule and that the people higher up will tell you this your supervisor is playing with people's lives here do not [ __ ] around escalate immediately nta obviously ninja edit also consider consulting a medical malpractice and or unemployment lawyer seconding this the supervisor is very much in the wrong here there is a reason you are supposed to ask anyone with a uterus if there is any chance they are pregnant the only nun i ever had to ask this was named something like sister mary and shook her head laughed and said not if god didn't decide to act on my name roughly translated sry conversation wasn't in english what a great sense of humor that none had am i the antagonist for erupting in anger over food i 25 pay rent to my mom my sister 23 does not she pays for food instead but claims nobody can eat it but her her boyfriend 23 who is also staying rent-free and my mom my mom does not buy food i have a disability and cannot work so everyone blames me for that if i eat food my sister spins up an argument did you pay for that i respond without you paying rent she responds with did you pay when you were my age i will when i'm your age she can so easily get everyone on her side and cut me off whenever i try to speak until i'm fuming with anger and erupt into a yelling match i logged my food i eat i've ate maybe 40 70 of food she claims i should pay every cent i make from my disability to pay for food they make a massive mess every day with meals and tell me i should contribute with cleaning up despite not eating any of it they try to tell me i'm eating one thousand dollars in food each month this ear ups into a huge back and forth yelling match until everyone is against me telling me that if i wasn't paying rent they'd make more claiming me as a dependent i had aspenger i'm bipolar with severe anxiety i have adhd and ocd i'm receiving odsp they tell me i don't contribute enough that i should just deal with the disabilities and figure it out like everybody else today it blew up so much everyone wants me to leave i'm clearly a burden to them and i agree i should probably leave but i have no idea what to do edit that was highly unexpected for my sister to respond but cathartic to get that off my chest i'll find somewhere else to live now for the top comments ita you're missing the a lot there you scream at us every day you literally screamed for hours because your ear hurt you don't have a discussion you just scream at us you stand in the kitchen and scream while we try to talk to you and you do not get out of our face you throw temper tantrums like a toddler you literally whipped a water bottle at us today and you were hitting the cupboards trying to break them too yes you have a disability but that doesn't stop you from cleaning up after yourself and doing your own dishes yes the kitchen is a mess but you've never cleaned a single thing in your life we cleaned the kitchen it's not like we make a mess then make you clean it up we always clean up after ourselves and after you you sleep during the day when we make food and that makes dishes then you're up all night eating everything you eat piles of cheese do you even know how much a bag of cheese costs you go through a few of them a week you leave cupboard doors open the microwave open the freezer open and when anyone asks you to close it you scream at us you leave your window wide open all winter then scream at us when we ask you to close it because you're wasting heat you pay rent and do absolutely nothing to help anyone or anything you make a mess then blame it on everyone else you have never cleaned up after yourself everyone is sick of cleaning up after you no other landlord in the world will supply you food do your dishes wash all the towels you use pay your utilities internet and drive you around you also never ever thank anyone for taking you to town or buying you food ever i pay for food not because i want to but because mom cannot afford it i don't pay rent because i'm 22. you just started paying rent in october at the age of 24 before then you've been living rent-free you've never paid for food utilities anything i've been paying for food and house supplies since i was 20 i do not need to be supporting you when you have an income you keep saying you found apartments that will pay for your food and utilities for 400 a month and we are telling you to move there you refuse to move out even though you said you have a bunch of places to go to mom even offered to help move you you stress everyone out by screaming at us not cleaning up after yourself and by causing problems the argument today was because you ate the one thing i went out and bought yesterday for myself you could have literally ate anything else but you ate the one thing i went out specifically to buy you're the [ __ ] you're only telling a tiny portion of the story also you're 25 grow up edited to add he's only on odsp because armor made him he didn't want to get any money because before that prior to october 2020 armond was supporting him 100 i suspected there was a lot more to his story than this woe is me cinderella type victim nonsense that was written same this post was screaming missing reasons based on your sister's update you're the a-hole eater upon further reflection everyone sucks but sister there's no way it deteriorated to this point without some level of mom enabling eater too after reading ops reply to sister's comment mom really sucks she is allowing this mad house to continue and letting her two adult children bully each other i believe your sister you can't constantly explode at people and expect them not to bite back once in a while fair but i'm not exploding randomly at just anything she is constantly starting small arguments 20 x a day and going out of her way make my life harder i get irrationally angry when she laughs at me like that they will turn any conversation into a three-way laughing match at what i have to say before i start yelling over top i empathize with you a lot i have many of the same disorders it can be so hard to just survive the inside of your own mind i lived with my parents until i was 22 and i got in screaming matches with them daily sometimes i started it sometimes they started it sometimes they were right sometimes i was right sometimes none of us were right things even got physical a couple of times i'm saying this to you or someone who has been in your shoes you need to get the [ __ ] out of that house and get some space you need space and your family needs space if you have the disorders you say you have you need to be in treatment so assuming you are in treatment you sit leave a rigid leverage the care that you receive and make a plan to infer that house because it's clearly not working for anyone involved my parents and i aren't best friends now there's a lot of hurt on both sides and that doesn't heal overnight but we are in a place where we can actually start healing because we finally have the space we need if you want to talk feel free to dm me sorry but you're the a-hole your sister is under no obligation to feed you also you are specifically getting odsp to pay for your expenses like food granted odsp amounts are woefully low but they shouldn't mean you need to take food that belongs to other people [ __ ] off with that sister buys food for the house in lieu of rent while op has to pay your suggestion is [ __ ] buy food for the house instead of rent doesn't mean feed herself and her unemployed boyfriend and [ __ ] everyone else edited to add it's gonna be funny if we're not leaves and these abusive individuals suddenly can't support their household anymore without ops money curious how they'll make it ops fault but you can bet they will it sounds to me like the sister has an agreement with the mom that she buys food for her mom instead of paying her rent if that's the arrangement the ops out of luck and the op doesn't pay rent out of her own pocket the ontario government pays it and then gives her an additional amount to pay for her food eater i agree that if the mom really does require the sister to pay for ops food as part of their agreement the sisters being tar but it doesn't sound to me like that's the case dude you may not realize it but you're that's not ops money it's ontario's money smacks of ableism it straight does not matter where it came from info do you have a social worker that helps you and do you live in the us there's a lot of programs that help people with disabilities so they can live on their own am i the antagonist for exposing my cousin's lies a couple months ago my cousin suddenly left his allegedly successful law practice in another state completely out of the blue he called his parents said he wanted them to drive up there and pick him up he said he wanted to do some volunteer work and be a better person fine whatever since then he has dedicated his life to doing nothing but sitting on his ass according to my aunt and uncle who he has been living with he is in his mid-40s btw but he has been telling all of us how fulfilling his life has been since has dedicated his life to representing the repressed population pro bono he then berated my husband for only volunteering his medical services at the homeless shelter twice a month and told him that our lives would be so much better if we didn't have kids and just worked improving the community again according to his parents he can't even be bothered to get off the couch let alone volunteer his law services the whole story about him leaving his law practice sounded sus to me so this is where i may be an [ __ ] i took it upon myself to do some minor snooping i went to the state bar website from the state he was practicing in and found he had his license to practice suspended for some pretty serious issues hence the move second despite what he has told the family he has not passed our state bar exam my grandparents live in our mother-in-law apartment and he came over to brag about all of his good deeds again and to tell us what [ __ ] we are so i took the opportunity to call his ass out my mom thinks i'm an [ __ ] because i was petty enough to look into his business i don't really think i am because he was being rude and lying and it's too bad for him he got called out so am i the antagonist now for the top comments nta he was acting better than you guys and embarrassing you in front of people which wasn't really okay so i feel like this is fair punishment idk will this have drastic consequences in terms of his relationships with his parents i doubt it this cousin has always been one of those people who thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else and we are all just a bunch of morons my husband is a urologist and he even tried telling my husband about some medically impossible idea he had to remove kidney stones then got mad when my husband explained to him why it wouldn't work my uncle thinks this cousin is just an idiot in general because this is just par for the course as far as his son does and my aunt thinks the sun shines out of her son's [ __ ] so i don't think he could do anything to make her think less of him so your husband knows a dick when he sees one then haha sorry couldn't resist definition not the a-hole ah yes yes he does well he was standing real tall on his self-made pedestal there glad you knocked him off he lied and worse he shoved his lies in everyone's face demanding praise so no op you are not the a-hole he deserved to be called out yup a round of applause for opus nta not only did he lie about some pretty big things he also tried to make others feel bad so he could feel better he pretended to have some moral high ground which he didn't i think it's good that his lies are now all on the table he might not see it now but it's for the best eventually these lies won't just be like a bowl and chain for him i wonder if he wanted to get caught he told me he is working with a lawyer here that grew up in our town in fact this lawyer graduated high school with his brother and me we grew up in a small town so if he was going to lie why would he name olivia we all know i can't tell if it's because he has gotten away with lying for so long he lies about everything that no one would question him or find out or if he genuinely did want to get caught also he should have known better because i sometimes get hired by private investigators to do genealogy work as a side hustle so it's not like i'm new to snooping just my two cents but i don't think he wanted to get caught i think that since he's created this huge self-inflated slash important image of himself he has to keep the pretense up he belittles others as a defensive mechanism by putting them on the defensive before they can ask the hard questions about him best defense is a good offense if he stops it all comes crashing down and he'd have to admit his whole life has been [ __ ] he then figures his charm not to mention his parents protection keeps him invulnerable to criticism edit totally not the a-hole if he didn't put down other people it's kind of a don't ask don't tell but everyone knows what's up situation but since he went after your husband he gets what he deserves nta i'm shocked he was able to finish law school if he's dumb enough to tell such easily provable lies he is so damn dumb he took off for six months once and told us he was hiking the appalachian trail we asked four pictures when he got back and he said he forgot to take any but he is also a huge narcissist so he can charm a lot of people into believing his [ __ ] i used to my mom still does and so does some of our family but most of us just think he is a blowhard am i the antagonist for refusing to get rid of my train collection in my own apartment i started collected trains while in middle school my dad was a conductor for the mta and used to have his own collection set up he got very ill when i was around 13 from cancer and ultimately passed away i kept our passion of trains alive so that i can always remember him last may after graduating college i moved into my own apartment my girlfriend of three years helped me with this and she knows of my train collection i had in my bedroom at home too she always joked that i would need to get rid of it but i never took her seriously fast forward to yesterday she was talking about moving in with me once she graduated college i was fine with this but now she said i must get rid of my train collection she said it was juvenile to collect trains and that i can collect something more mature such as old vinyls or coins i really do not want to get rid of my train collection though i guess it can be kind of juvenile and i do not even have my trains placed all over just one shelf dedicated to them with a picture of my dad and i while he was in his uniform at work now she's upset and saying i'm prioritizing my toys over her and went home am i the antagonist here should i just pack them away for her now for the top comments choo choo choo choo someone else and keep the trains if the connection to your deceased dad doesn't move her to tolerate your collection she is complete trash nta indeed op's girlfriend is way off track op should keep chugging along and have her leave before he reaches his final destination seems like the train has left the station at this point her pettiness derailed the relationship any conductor would tell her to take her caboose to another stop nta lots of warning signs here why would she insist on getting rid of your trains considering the sentimental value consider if you have a future with someone who'd take aim at something clearly important to you whilst telling you what you're allowed to collect it's always a red flag if someone makes you choose between something dear to you over them it is nice of her to wave it so vigorously nta collecting something you enjoy is not juvenile nor is it ridiculous to want to remember your dad this way i'm sorry your girlfriend sucks she is definitely tough or refusing to honour your collection and the meaning behind it do you really want to continue a relationship where someone belittles you and your hobby do me a favor and google model train collector clubs you will see that this immature hobby has so many adult collectors all of whom really enjoy the hobby maybe join one of these local clubs i would think they are meeting virtually right now finding so many other who enjoy your hobby will help you stand up to your girlfriend the woman for op is one who will look at his trains and say wow that is so cool even without knowing about the connection to his dad she'll give him train gear for gifts and brag about his collection to her friends and family current gf is dismissive and manipulative and doesn't deserve him so much this i have a lot of rocks including one very large 70 pounds one when i was moving in with my partner now husband i was worried about what he would think of my very large rock he took one look at it and said i have just the spot for this he carried it into the house and set it on the corner of the fireplace half it has lived there for the last 20 years i told him i knew then that he was the one nta you can keep whatever you want but ask yourself this what kind of person demands there so get rid of the one belonging that is their connection to their late father this is a huge red flag as to what your future will be like if you stay with this girl i live in new york city and in these parts square footage is scarce i immediately approached this post from a space optimization perspective however op actually never mentions space nor does he suggest her objection is they are in the way i suspect op has some cool trains he sounds awful and yes he should choo choo choose another girlfriend op in fact says they are all on one shelf with a photo of good dad so it doesn't sound like space is the issue nta this is a hobby that you not only enjoy but it has ties to your father jose are two very important things if your gf has a problem with that she can find somewhere else to live it isn't like this was a surprise collection
Channel: Reddit Hunt
Views: 2,269
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: r/amitheantagonist, r/, amitheantagonist, reddit, cringe, who is in the wrong, reddit cringe, r/aita, aita, reddit stories, advice, stories, reddit hunt, am i the antagonist, reddit am i the antagonist, AITA, r/AITA, r/AmITheAsshole, amitheasshole, am i the asshole, reddit am i the asshole, reddit amitheasshole
Id: 8dLPn6reWho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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