Airstream 27FB International Tour 🏠 Big Enough to Full Time? — Full Walk Through + Our Modifications

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who is it it's me youtube oh hey youtube come on in hey everyone this is cameron wilde and i'm victoria wilde today we're going to give you a tour of our 2015 airstream international it's a 27 front bed and we're gonna try to help you answer two questions one can you go full time in an airstream like this and is this the right model for you but before we get started make sure to hit that subscribe button we put out a new video for you every saturday morning and we've got a good one coming up next yeah so we're going to show you what we've been up to around leavenworth washington and the disaster we had yeah a little bit of a toilet disaster so we'll show you that in our next video and if you love airstreams go ahead and hit that like and let us know in the comments what your favorite model of an airstream is all right without further ado let's start the tour [Music] so we live full time in this little space here so we went from about a 2000 square foot house down to 200 square feet and i know when we were making the transition i really wanted to know how people put all of their lively possessions into such a small space um there's actually a lot of space in the airstream and so we're gonna kind of show you guys today um how we pack it and just give you a general tour we're gonna start with the dinette area and the couch and all of that what's cool about this trailer is it really has four distinct living areas even though the whole thing is only 27 feet long it really does feel like you have separate spaces that sort of break up the day a little bit especially if you're spending a lot of time inside so this is where we'll spend most of our work day here at the dinette um it's a great place to work set up our computers there whatever we're doing one of the big reasons we chose this trailer is you've got this gorgeous panoramic window out the back so we can back it up to you know a lake a beautiful mountain vista or a desert or whatever and the whole time we're sitting there or even when we're eating we can look out that window and really appreciate the view and don't feel like we're missing out just because we're in the camper so we really love that feature and then over on this side here you've got this whole um it's probably about an eight foot couch and you know it's something that's nice just to stretch out and stretch out now and then and read a book or you know just work on the computer differently that kind of thing most of the time that's where lola sleeps she really likes spending her day there but under this we've got a lot of room as well so just real quick we've got all of our shoes and some weights down here that's a really big cabinet all these are really deep as well so you've got plenty of space down there and then over here we've got a whole nother storage area so we've got an instant pot cleaning supplies paper towels um all kinds of stuff fits in there and then right here there's a secret drawer and again we've got some rags bags just anything we want to access easily we can put right there that's the dinette area for daytime configuration if we have guests they can also sleep right here so this dinette will drop down to this level here and these cushions just pull in here and it's actually it's really comfortable and then we've got an additional place for somebody to sleep this pulls out right here and so another person can sleep here so usually if we have another couple staying with us we'll sleep head to head like this above the dinette we've got some more storage here these are really cool sliding compartments a ton of stuff fits up there as well books dvds cameras computers all that can fit up there this is one of the main differences between the international models and the flying cloud models is you have these sliding storage compartments versus the flying cloud which flips up neither one's bad they both have their ups and downs the flying cloud's kind of cool because you can open them both at the same time and then you can access the whole cabinet whereas these you're pretty much limited to one width but i really like the look of this too so you know neither one's a bad choice so the biggest reason we chose the 27 foot air stream was because of the kitchen uh we both loved to cook and going from our big house with our really nice kitchen we felt like we didn't want to compromise being able to cook amazing delicious meals in our camper so this as you can see it's not the biggest uh there's definitely our pieces have bigger kitchens but it's a really good size and we still make pretty much everything we used to make at our house whether it's bread or muffins in the in the oven or just full on dinners that are really delicious so what's really nice about this is you have a full-size sink that's really really deep you can also put a full-size cutting board here which we often do and it's kind of a one-person kitchen so one person with a cutting board but you know you're here cooking and preparing you got everything you need boom boom you're done um three burner stove and then we have our model right here with the oven this is actually where we store our cast iron pan below here you have tons and tons of storage so these four drawers right here i'll just go through quickly so we do silverware and like little knickknacks and things and then we have lots of kitchen prep gear so just everything you would need from basters to graters to cups pretty much every utensil you can think of under the sun and then this is where we keep our little stick blender um and all of its pieces so it's kind of a shallow drawer but it's really nice and while we're down here i'll show you this as well so we keep all of our spices oil and not spices our oils vinegars you know coconut oil tamari everything you need to make really good dinners we're able to fit a lot of stuff under here so we actually have tons and tons of pots and pans we've got two nice pots um cast iron back there and a coffee grinder and bowls normally there's a trash can there it's just we're throwing it out right now so that's really nice and then one of the big differences between the international and the flying cloud i believe before the new ones have come out i think this has changed um you can actually access this all this whole cabinet from over here as well so this opens all the way um so you can get all the way back there and then you also have a nice little cubby down here so this is actually lola's cubby for all of her dog stuff food and outfits all right and so i'll also show you some little add-ons we did just to make our kitchen a little bit more livable and workable um so first and we'll include some links to these in the description below we added these little key hooks um and sunglass hooks just because we had absolutely no place to store keys and sunglasses so there's not a lot of food storage in the airstream which is a little tricky so we actually added these two baskets for all the fruit that we go to the store so we can go to the store buy about a week worth of groceries and you know put everything up there that we possibly need we also added this really nice magnetic strip here which is fantastic and uh the only thing i'd say when we're traveling we can actually leave all of this up except for this big chef nice chef knife right here we actually have to put that away because that's we've come in it's on the ground doesn't do any damage but that's the way that's the way it is where we store the bulk of our food is actually in this overhead cupboard and what's cool about this model is it's got a light up here which i really like um so it's not the prettiest i mean it's kind of a hard space to work with because it is curved but we put tons and tons of food up there all of our dried goods pretty much that we use and then we have dried beans flour everything that we possibly need and like cameron showed you we do have an instant pot which is kind of one of our luxuries and we love to make really nice fresh dried beans in that it's awesome the other awesome thing about this model in particular is it has a really good sized freezer a separate freezer and a nice fridge so you're able to put tons of stuff it's not that deep but you can fit quite a bit of frozen food in here and ice cube trays whatever you need and then the fridge is also a good size so we go like i said for about a week at a time between grocery shopping this is actually where we keep most of our bowls plates coffee equipment you know everything we need lots of coffee stuff in cups the middle compartment would normally have a microwave in it we don't really use the microwave so we took it out and just kind of rigged up this uh extra food storage area for onions and snacks [Music] and then last but not least we have the pantry and this was another add-on we did so we added these spice racks which have been a game saver game changer for us we really like having all of our spices that's how food tastes so good our food tastes so good and this is these two cabinets right here are huge very deep cabinets and i forgot one cabinet so this little cabinet i never i didn't know what i would use this for it's actually two cabinets that i forgot so this cabinet um actually stores our sodastream so when we're traveling put the sodastream up there and this is a food processor attachment for the uh stick blender and then down here we have all of our baking equipment so muffins bread tin other little baking dish so we really wanted a space that felt incredibly comfortable without having to give up some of our creature comforts and food is a really big part of that for us so we love having all of our kitchen gear we really don't feel like we've compromised at all with the kitchen in here because we can cook pretty much everything it's really really awesome that was the kitchen i'm going to go ahead and show you the in between space here on the way to the bedroom so first we have this wardrobe and this is a fantastic wardrobe you can put a ton of clothes in here what we each do is have a box here with you know socks and underwear that kind of stuff and then we hang up jackets and anything we don't want to fold or get wrinkled but this works really well for us and then down here below the level of the jackets even my jackets you know i'm pretty tall we've got all this extra space that we're not even using that right now and then we have our laundry basket right here it's full-size laundry baskets we put our dirties there and then we just pull that out when it's time to go the laundromat and bring everything with us next we have the bathroom so the two places that you probably compromise most on space in this particular airstream are the bathroom in the shower but that was an acceptable compromise to us because we figured you maybe spend five minutes a day in the bathroom and that much in the shower if you even take a shower that day so it's really not a big deal but just something to be aware of if you know tight spaces are an issue for you so a ton of storage in the bathroom just like everywhere else we've got our cleaning products this goes all the way back underneath the sink here and so we store toilet paper extra soap that kind of thing in there these doors here slide open we've got you know that's where your toilet paper roll is we just store all of our toiletries and whatnot down there and then you've got another one of those sliders down the very bottom with you know just more extra storage and then you've got a shelf here you've got this entire mirror that flips up for more storage in there we don't even use probably half of that when we were moving all of our stuff out from our bathroom and our house we were thinking how are we possibly going to fit all this and just like everything else it was way easier than we thought and we actually ended up with extra space so there's room to spare don't fear you've got a fan in the bathroom so these these work really well they'll uh pull the stank right out and then we'll show you the shower next okay so here is the shower this is about a six foot shower so i'm 6'2 and it's a little short for me but i make do again it's something that i'd maybe spend 15 minutes in a week so it's really not a big deal but you've got a fan here to pull the steam out moisture management's really important in small spaces like this so that you don't get mold i'll stand in here for you it's it's pretty roomy you know i can get in here i can wash my hair and i just kind of crash down just a little bit it's good quad workout then another feature that i like about the shower is you have this pull out clothesline right here so this just retracts right into the wall like that and you can hang some wet bathing suits or if you've got a little bit of laundry that needs to hang dry you can put it in there and then just like we did with our keys we added some of these adhesive hooks to the shower and we've had these up here for a year now and they've been fine even with the moisture so those are great you can hang your sponges your brushes shower door squeegee all that stuff just keep stuff organized and off the floor before we forget we also have two dividers in this airstream so here's one right here that completely shut the bathroom off from the rest from the living area and then we have another in the bedroom that you can use if you have guests staying with you another reason we chose the 27 foot over other sizes of airstreams is that you can walk all the way around the bed which we really like because we like making our bed every day makes the space feel tidy and it's just really easy to do when one or two people can you know walk around the bed and make it together so come on in let me show you i have to say that even though this is an older mattress we sleep so well in our airstream better than we ever did in our house it's crazy and we used to have a nice big huge king at our house with 27 foot airstream we've got a nightstand on either side which is really nice i don't actually get to use mine because uh this is actually where lola sleeps we have her we bring her bed back here and so she sleeps right next to me at night but you have a huge huge storage space underneath this nightstand besides the closet the other bulk area where we actually store our clothing is in here and these also have lights as well which is really nice so uh we just fold everything and stick it up here we haven't made it to the container store yet i know we need to go i'm a little scared to go honestly because i feel like we're gonna walk out with a container for every compartment in the airstream so that's the bedroom the other nice thing that we have here is a fantastic fan we don't really use the ac that much because our philosophy is if it's too hot and you need the ac you better get moving on to a cooler place our fantastic fan here we've got one back here or one up here because we're in the front of the airstream we've got one in the front and one in the back and in the few instances it has been kind of warm at night you can pop this one open or pop your windows open and then run the back one and bring in cool air to your whole camper which really keeps you cool at night and allows you to just you know not fry in your airstream and we even have an entertainment system from 2015. [Music] but wait that's not all we also have an incredible amount of storage space under the bed whole bed lifts up like this and then we store everything down here from yoga mats to extra blankets to winter clothing it holds it all so it's a really great space we usually just access it by opening the bed up like this but there's also this cool little door that opens there if you have bins that you want to slide in and out but like i said we just flip the bed up and then we can access everything that's down here we'll go outside in just a minute here but you can kind of get a preview of the front storage compartment as well that's got the solar system and some of our camping gear that we don't access very often here we are outside of the airstream we're just outside the back door here and i'm just going to give you a quick idea of where all the mechanical systems are located in case you're curious and then just a few storage compartments that we have on the outside so right here this is where the water heater lives we've got this sweet outlet on the outside because of the way we wired up our new inverter with our solar system this is actually powered when we're on inverter power so we can plug anything from hair clippers to instant pots and when we're outside here so coming around to the back of the trailer one nice thing about the international models is they have the full awning package that's an upgrade on the flying clouds so you have the main awning that you just saw you've also got this back awning and then when we go around to the other side you'll see there's a whole street side awning as well so right here this is where [Music] we store all of our poop hoses in the caboose yeah in the caboose there's not much else you can really do with the storage compartment they do include a really small hose area underneath the trailer but it's really not big enough for all of your hoses and accessories and all that so we just devote this back end of the trailer to that this compartment is also open to the environment so it'll get really dirty there's not really any sense of keeping anything in here besides dirty hoses anyway so you can see here this is this really nice awning that extends the full length of the trailer this is great for several reasons one is that it keeps that midday sun out of your windows and it also keeps the side of the trailer cooler because our fridge is located right here so this is the access panel for the the fridge there this here is the furnace and we've got a gas furnace that does a really great job you might have noticed when we were inside there's little ducts around the floor and there's also a duct that goes between the tanks so that when it's really cold out you don't have a risk of your tanks freezing until it gets like down in the single digits so here we've got the shower we'll pop that open in a minute and give you a quick look it's really nice for washing the dog washing bikes washing your feet when you're dirty that kind of thing this is where you fill the water this is city water connection we rarely use this because we're almost always boondocking but if you're in a campground that's where you would hook up that's your flush valve for your black tank tv and your shore power connection one of our favorite upgrades that we did on this trailer was to put a lift on it and so it raises the entire trailer by about three and a half inches and it's just a simple upgrade to the axles and so it's an axle kit that you buy and then you can diy it it's pretty tricky we had somebody do it for us all in i think it was about 800 so not bad and what it does is makes it a lot less likely that you'll scrape the back end of the trailer coming out of steep driveways and also when we're boondocking it helps us navigate the ruts and the potholes and the dirt roads a little bit better without having to be as worried about scraping the underside scraping the backside or even the front of the trailer so well worth it 100 recommend that we'll include a link for that as well now we're at the front of the trailer this is where the propane is there's two 30 pound propane canisters in here generally that lasts uh is for a month plus depending on how cold it is and how much we're using the heater this is where the stock batteries used to live but now that's just an empty storage compartment that we use to put gear like this in here is the front storage compartment that i mentioned so this is pretty hard to get to because it's behind this propane canister so we we put stuff like our camping gear that we rarely use this is like our backpacking gear and table that we don't use as often stuff like that that just doesn't need to come out too much but it's nonetheless good to have and then over on the right side here you can kind of get a glimpse of our lithium batteries and our inverter and our solar charge controller we'll do a whole video on that another time to kind of dive into those details there's a lot to it but that's a really awesome upgrade especially if you're going to be doing a lot of boondocking okay that's a wrap i hope that tour was helpful and again don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of our coming videos and go ahead and put your favorite model of airstream in the comments we really want to hear from you and don't forget to hit that like all right we'll see you next time
Channel: This Wylde Life
Views: 123,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 27fb, 27 fb, airstream, full time rv, full-time
Id: 67L6BotF1yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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