Airport Trains! — Cities: Skylines - Airports (#11)

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hey how's it going everybody welcome back to cities skylines airports i hope you have a good one because i am excited to be back and i'm excited to show you some of what i've done between this episode and the last one i say some because i don't remember all of it if i'm completely honest you see i've had an interesting day i sat down about two hours ago to play city skylines and really that's roughly where it all went wrong i booted up the game i loaded my save and it was kind of downhill from there it was at that moment i realized that i had messed up okay it was about that moment because i had intended to build for about 15 minutes do some vocal warm-ups and kind of just get to grips with the game and you know warm up the old hands for the click you know click the clack of the keyboard and all that good stuff which genuinely is that is a list of things that i do i do vocal warm-ups and i do like you know get myself in the mood a little bit for for recording i don't know where the accent was coming from when i was saying that but you know you got to be in the right mood for sitting down and playing city skylines and faking your voice like i do sorry that was behind that was behind the scenes you don't need to hear the rest of that sentence uh the point is i meant to spend 15 minutes building okay and i did i i did spend 15 minutes building this this is my trash there's a lot of trash like it but this one is mine and this is gonna act as the template for detailing a lot of areas in this industrial zone and future industrial zones as well because honestly i think it looks cool it's just an overgrown yard with a bunch of garbage and some containers in it that's probably been abandoned for a few years and no one really knows what's in the containers and that's okay that's basically what i want to do with a bunch of the areas in this industrial area it's not gonna look amazing if you're on a train sort of going through or over one of these yards but that's okay i'm fine with that it's it's gonna look detailed and that's the point it's not supposed to look pretty at least not in the traditional sense it's supposed to look detailed i should probably also get the mod that gets rid of the purple grass from the uh the industry at some point but i'm not i'm not super worried about it right now i think it's fine anyway like i said two hours ago i booted up city skylines with the intent of building for 15 minutes well when i got done with this i thought to myself i should probably extend the train lines a little bit you know we have this one that goes through fawn and into main street and that's kind of cool and we have this one that comes into elk hills and that's kind of cool and we have you know potential for one in dale park and we have the old town one down here and then i built this okay that's long story short i built this i built a new district i built a sunken bit of train track i put some bridges over it i used some highway bridge suspension pillars to make the bridges look kind of cool i just got a bit carried away i've got to be honest with you i got a bit carried away because i just did now i will say it's not exactly the most inspired district and i know i keep throwing the word inspired around i don't know it's a bit cringe but it isn't let's be honest it's just a bit of a grid with some detailing in it and some trees and a sunken train track that i probably could have made into a video but i just got carried away so i want to walk you through this i want to walk you through what i've done with this area i want to show you the public transport connections the services you know what i'm thinking for detailing what i'm thinking for further down the river and then i want to look at trains again because i do want to connect the trains to the airports so let's just rewind a little bit and let's just focus on the old town station for a second because what i've done is i've gone ahead and turned the line that uh used to only go between old town to fawn district and main street into one that now goes from main street to fawn to old town and all the way up to here now this place doesn't have a district name at the minute but this station is very very busy it doesn't say that it's busy but it is take my word for it because what this station does is it essentially acts as a i guess a transfer point for people that want to go from anywhere else in the city to the airport you can see there's a pretty good number of people getting off of that train and they're coming around they're going to go to the tram stops and they're going to head out to the airport and likewise people going from the airport to the city are fairly regularly you know hopping off a tram getting on a train and going through the old town station and sort of doing their thing so it's doing what i wanted it to do which is that it's connecting the city to the airport it's just that this isn't the station that i had intended to use as the airport station so once we get the airport station in here i suspect this one is gonna be a lot less busy but that's okay i'm not really super stressed about that uh speaking of the airport station i should probably figure out where that's gonna go because we are gonna be sl we are gonna be hoping for the best in terms of fitting things in here because the way i'm looking at it is i i want to i'm gonna be honest i want to stations out here i want one that's by these hotels i think i've mentioned this in the last episode i want one that's like here essentially and i want one that's up by the terminal itself now i i do have some options i could for example get rid of a lot of these parking lots and put a station in there i guess i could do the same up here as well if i really wanted to i could do sort of that kind of thing and that might be for the best but then we have the multi-story parking lot so maybe well maybe we could do that maybe the station for the hotels sort of goes here and then the track sort of comes in up that way um that might actually do it that might be a bit much i i don't i'm not 100 certain that that's what i want to do but that might do it uh we do also have this guy the elevated island platform train station which is the same one that we have in the industrial area but i feel like the track's way too far out from everything and i couldn't really put it there i could sort of put it there can't really put it there and that's way too big for this space as well we do have other options of course we have the same one that we've used in phone districts the same one that we used in the district near here as well but i don't know i just i want something that looks kind of cool the ground platform stations are neat this one's kind of neat as well given that it's at an angle that's not really something we do much of but i i feel like we kind of need something elevated i feel like we need something relatively compact so i feel like it kind of has to be well it could be this guy as well this guy would uh no no it doesn't fit okay so it is essentially gonna have to be this one is is what i'm getting at oh boy so with a little bit of move it magic we can go ahead and just remove all those uh parking lots and i guess we'll do this and that connects this station to that same little intersection there which is fine it makes this a little bit more of a corridor which i'm actually okay with because i had been trying to do that with the multi-story parking lots anyway so that's fine i guess we can get more parking sort of around this thing if we really wanted to but i figure what we're gonna wanna do is probably use the same type of station well we could use this guy what if we did [Music] okay i'm gonna i'm gonna try something here i'm gonna put you there for a second and then i want to go ahead and do something like oh boy game please something like this flip this guy around or put it on that road i guess and then flip it to this side if i did this that is now gonna let me have the tracks sort of go over the parking lots and sort of curve oh you know sort of in a nice enough way up to there i think that's kind of what we're gonna have to do and it's gonna give us a new road in here which i guess is gonna be more parking i don't know if this is gonna be the greatest uh connection for this whole thing but i think it will have to do the job and then from this side we go like that so none of the zoning on either of those two roads is weird i guess we should probably put some uh some grass on this to stop people parking on it and i think that's about as good as it's gonna be although i do oh boy i do uh i do feel like we could do this and it's more central it is more central like that okay so that's fine let's just take these guys out and reconnect everything because i do think that puts the train station uh you know nicely central on that road although of course this doesn't want to uh this doesn't want to work nicely now okay let's let's just do this i guess and let's just see if i can if i can do this at all i'm kind of wanting it to be central which i think that now is so is that good sort of what if i bring this road down is that good it is all right so that's basically what we're looking for we're looking for this whole thing to be you know central between the two roads it now is probably gonna have to do some elevation changes around that but that's fine in terms of the track itself i think really we just keep it simple and see if i can get away with a big old curve which i have my doubts that i'm going to get away with a big old curve but i'm going to and get away with a big old curve which i think is what that is so that's not gonna work unfortunately that's that's a bit of a shame but i guess what we could do is well i guess we want it to be elevated obviously so i guess we sort of go here and it's gonna be a bit of a sharp turn at the end there i'm not not really sure i like that but i think it's just gonna have to be well how it is really so that curves out of there and then this guy sort of curves in like that that's that's not great is it it's not it's not great i don't know that i like that i might have to get rid of these lounges to uh make that look a bit less terrible okay so that's not too bad i don't i don't completely hate that it could be better but it's it's gonna have to do in terms of the airline lounges i mean we we are gonna be probably not getting those those back i mean we could probably get one by the looks of it and it's it's not gonna have the it's really not gonna have a great view if i'm completely honest it's not a great place for an airline lounge really is it you're kind of looking out at just trains but i mean i suppose it is gonna keep the airport sort of higher leveled so i think i think i'm going to have to uh i think i'm going to have to allow it i'm also going to see if i can kind of shuffle these together like that because i think that looks better having them sort of attach there that little window right there i think that's kind of good we'll go ahead and just level both them and we'll just sort of move this one down ever so slightly so the orange roof sticks through and i guess that's just how we're gonna do this we're just gonna have an airline lounge or two lounges there and then maybe another one just in here again not a great place for a lounge it's definitely a little miserable looking i guess is one word to describe it it's uh the the luxury that you would maybe expect from the airline lounge is is certainly not there um i think that one can go actually that does look kind of terrible but anyway we got our train lines that's what matters that's what counts in terms of actually connecting the trains to the airport that's what i'm not sure about because looking at the way i've got this set up i think what would make sense is bringing this guy down and just connecting it to that station there but my idea was that we weren't gonna do that my idea was that we were gonna have sort of a dedicated line for the the airport but i i mean i guess we can still have like an airport express that goes from the old town station to the airport but i don't know if we need to do that i guess we just connect it i guess we just sort of bite the bullet and say you know what it's it's one big line that goes from you know main street over here down through pretty much everything to the airport so you can get on this one line and kind of end up wherever you need to be which i guess is fair enough that's that's that's a thing uh so that's kind of what we're doing uh in terms of actually supporting this track though that's gonna be interesting definitely gonna have to get rid of some trees here and redo some of the uh detailing for this corner but that's fine we'll take those guys out and that's okay we can probably go ahead and just grab these guys and get them nicely leveled to this height here so it's nice and even and i think what i'd like to do is actually have this go underground for a bit and come back up about here so we have a tunnel that kind of goes into the hill i think that would be kind of cool so let's get this guy going something like this i know that looks ridiculous right now but that's that's kind of the point uh and let's have this guy just push straight through all of this so you're gonna go across the street to there you're gonna go to about there and you're gonna you know cross the the street again we're gonna have to get rid of these trees and basically i just wanted to punch a straight line the entire way through that district and that's fine yeah we're gonna get some weird zoning but honestly that's fine uh now we go to ground level we're probably gonna want to have this kind of immediately turn into a tunnel so it turns into a tunnel there this guy is gonna turn into a tunnel here and we're going to connect them together now they don't line up perfectly that's that's a that is a bit of a pickle actually i don't know how i feel about that what if this line instead sort of curved followed the road and turned into a tunnel like here so instead of it going underneath the entire mountain it just sort of went under this little bit that might be better is that that might be better i don't know if it will be better but it might be better so it turns out we didn't need a tunnel it turns out we're only shaving a tiny bit of land off the top of this hill so i'm just gonna let the tracks push straight through there they curve around follow the road a bit and then just cut through this district and do their thing so that now gives us a pretty solid connection from the city center into the airport and i think that's kind of a big deal i really do think that's kind of a big deal i think that's kind of cool so i'm expecting that this train track this train line is about to get really busy and i'd be surprised if it didn't i would be really really surprised if this train line didn't suddenly end up quite busy i'll be slightly disappointed too to be uh to be honest with you i'd be slightly disappointed if it doesn't end up really busy now i am gonna want to make sure that we have got some good connections between this station and the airport so let's go ahead and get this guy on the ground let's make sure it is on the ground and basically what i'm going to do is i'm going to lay out a section of path there and there and i'm just going to use move it to copy these and sort of just drop them where i need them so i need one there for example so i can just you know sort of shuffle it around a little bit and there you go you've got a connection from that side to the terminal and then at this end uh it doesn't necessarily look like we need to do much with it but i guess what we do at this end is we just go in and do a path that goes like this and that's fine so that's going to be another connection even though we you know we have one right next to it which admittedly is is probably going to be more popular but anyway the the point still stands it exists and that's that's what i'm going for in fact if i do that that i imagine will be quite a popular little connection as well assuming people can use it which i'm not sure they can if i'm completely honest i'm not 100 sure it's usable so if i shuffle that over a little bit oh it is oh there we go so yeah that should become a really busy area so let's oop wrong button let's go ahead and clear those guys out let's this little path here is getting used as well we have room for some trees in here we've got room for some bushes in there we got room for some detailing here so let's make this place look better right let's make this place look kind of decent so i'm going to start as i always do with some parking lots naturally because that's obviously the most important part uh so we'll go for a parking lot there we'll do a billboard we'll do a parking lot and we'll do a parking lot and i guess we could sort of go down to the well we can't go down to the smaller parking lot so that's fine and that's all right that gives us that gives us a few parking lots for uh for this little space and it gives me less space that i need to uh detail so let's figure this out what kind of fence did i use for all of this i used the the wooden one so i used the forestry fence which is probably tied for my number one favorite fence in city skylines and that's that would be that's that is that is the worst top 10 list isn't it top 10 fences in city skyland i honestly watch mojo have probably done it let's be honest it probably exists top 10 fences in city skylines if it doesn't then you're welcome watch mojo there's a video for you um hello and welcome to today we're counting down the top 10 fences in paris colossal orders city skylines leave your favorite fence in the comments below oh no oh man they would as well i'll be honest look i i will be completely honest i i am a sucker for a good top 10 list all right i i make fun but i i do occasionally enjoy it's one of those things right like you're sitting down to eat some dinner you've got nothing you can really think of to watch so it's like you know what i'm gonna watch i'm gonna watch someone count down the top ten like whatever i don't know what they're counting down but i'm gonna watch it and that's that's basically like that's basically the market that i think like watch mojo have cornered is that market of people that really don't have much that they want to watch right now so they'll just watch this crap and fair enough honestly i you know i respect the hustle it's it is what it is oh man i don't know why it's not he was not that funny i don't know why i'm still laughing at my uh my fences thing anyway yeah no this this is like tied for my top fence in city skylines the uh the other one would be the uh the aura industry fence they just look really good it's uh it's just that simple they just they look pretty good so there you go just in case you're ever curious i also keep pressing the wrong button i keep pressing v instead of b for uh for the bulldozer because v does the uh the underground one but there we go a little bit of fence going around that area immediately just makes it look a bit better and then just throwing some trees in here will help to uh tie the space together even better so let's go ahead and get a nice tree right about there let's get a nice tree right about there just a little bit close to the train track and that's okay and we'll throw some slightly bigger trees in here as well just to uh you know really bring the space together like uh something like that i think is is all right i don't like that those two are kind of doubled up i think that's fine and then down here we could maybe do this one uh maybe over here we sort of do this one we do another couple of them maybe not three maybe just two of them is all right and under here sort of a similar thing we'll do one here and we'll do one just about there and i guess back there with maybe another one of these guys just about there yeah i think that's okay i don't think that looks too bad i do want to get some color in here of course but uh let's let's see what about this guy sort of hanging out over the parking lot and hanging out just over the the path as well if it'll rotate the way i want it to go which is about there that's yeah that's fine now all we need are some bushes and while we're doing this i made a promise recently i made a promise that i was going to tell a an embarrassing story in a city skylines video because let's be honest these are the only videos that people watch in the channel so while i'm detailing this airport it's it's story time okay it's it's story time so recently i i recently got into a uh a relationship okay now the details of that are irrelevant i mean if you want to know go to twitter basically go follow me on twitter there you go that's what this is as well that's my payoff for sharing an embarrassing story follow me on twitter not conflict there you go um right recently got into a relationship and it was recently valentine's day so valentine's day is is is here and we're thinking oh what do we want to do watch a movie kind of hang out have some drinks and that was pretty much the the that was what was settled on was watch a movie hang out have some drinks and generally make idiots of ourselves which in my case oh boy but you know i'm getting ahead of myself so valentine's day is here we've gone and got some drinks you know we got um some vodka some wine some vermouth some rum some uh what else tequila and probably something else the point i should say is that this isn't all to be drank today that being valentine's day this was ingredients and still is i'm looking at them right now uh ingredients for cocktails specifically a long island iced tea which is a fantastic cocktail that i highly recommend if you're looking for cocktails although i feel like everyone that drinks cocktails knows about the long island iced tea and i feel like it's a little like i feel like people hear that and they're like oh you don't really drink cocktails you just drink the one that tastes like lemonade yes i do okay yes i do and i enjoy it okay anyway that's not the embarrassing part of the story that's that is a hill i will die on is the long island iced tea is fantastic the the embarrassing part of the story is we start you know making some long island iced teas and we're thinking oh you know well we couldn't get curacao we couldn't get triple sec but we got vermouth and we'll see if it replaces either of those things in the cocktail and spoiler it did but tasted awful but if you drink enough of them they taste kind of great so i drank enough of them i drank one and i thought you know i've had better but it'll do and i drank two and i thought oh you know i've never had better this is great best day of my life and i drank a third and you kind of get to a point with with drinking cocktails especially where you kind of have this moment of hmm i probably shouldn't do this you you kind of have that moment especially with with things that are as the long island iced tea is it's it's very um oh i haven't put palm trees anywhere in the city but i'm gonna do this the long island iced tea is one of those drinks that you don't really taste the alcohol all that much if it's made properly so when you're sitting down to drink a third one you're kind of like man i'm probably really gonna regret this but you don't stop because that would be the responsible thing to do so i drank a third one and that was about the time that i realized that i'd made a terrible mistake of course i didn't say anything um because i'm an idiot but i i'd realized pretty quickly that i'd made a terrible mistake so i finished my drink i think i had a can of guinness as well um and i think i had something else i think i had like a shot of vodka potentially with like half a kind of red bull anyway i drank a lot and i'm not a big drinker i should clarify i'm really not a big drinker i am what would you know typically be referred to as a bit of a lightweight okay so i've drank a lot more than i usually drink and i'm thinking oh this is great you know relationship's a thing the you know it's valentine's day we're enjoying each other's company and in my office at the time so it's like the office is warm and cozy and like the cat's outside the weather's a bit crap but i like the sound of like the wind and rain hitting the wind you know the windows because i'm a weirdo like that and it's just a good day right so i didn't want to ruin it by saying something stupid like i need to throw up violently that's the lesser-known lyrics of the song saying something stupid like i love you the second verse which is the lesser known part is saying something stupid like i need to throw up violently um so anyway i didn't say that i needed to throw up violently instead what i did was um we we went to bed and it was like i'll put on a movie we'll relax a bit we'll chill and not long not long later i threw up violently over the side of the bed this was our first valentine's day i should clarify um first valentine's day and uh here i am at like two in the morning throwing up violently over the side of the bed and you might think to yourself oh god at least it didn't get any worse hell let me tell you it did because it happened it happened again it happened uh so it happened again and instead of like a relaxing valentine's day where we're like talking and hanging out and you can you know it's valentine's day take think you figure out you know whatever you want to figure out you imply whatever you want to imply i will leave that up to you just don't make it weird um instead of any of the typical things that you do on valentine's day here i am cowering in a curled up in a bowl hanging over the side of the bed thinking dear god don't throw up again and i did over the other side of the bed so it was it was a good day it's a really good day really good first impression really good first valentine's day and technically just to top it all off i'm gonna i'm gonna just make it a little a little more embarrassing technically we've also now considered that as the like well it is i don't know why i'm saying we consider it it is also the um first like official day of of the relationship so it's our anniversary it's so next year next february 14th is gonna be gonna be the anniversary of me cowering in this in a bowl at the side of the bed throwing up violently because i drank too much you're welcome for that story you're welcome i realize i've stopped playing city skylines they're just ranting i i apologize that was um yeah that's that's i promised i'd tell that story so i've told that story [Music] i'm gonna regret that i'm gonna i'm gonna regret that maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but one day one day someone's gonna offer me a drink and then be like oh wait a minute ain't gonna throw up are you [Music] it was awful man it was all i have never in my life thrown up because i drank too much and i realized this is not a like this is not necessarily a pleasant topic of conversation so i might try and i'll try and remember to put like a trigger warning or something that like we're talking about me being sick because i realize that some people don't like that as a topic conversation so i do apologize um so i'll i'll try and wrap it up really quickly um my point being i've never been sick from drinking too much the most i've had is i woke up in the morning feeling groggy not with like a sore head just genuinely a bit groggy or i've like woke up and just felt really dehydrated down the bottle of water and been fine so of all the days that i could have you know too much and been sick it would be this one anyway i think i think i've made my point i think that's that's about the story told so if i've done my job properly there will have been a trigger warning on the screen and there shouldn't be any more because we've stopped talking stock stopped talking about the thing that we were talking about so uh yeah that was that was my embarrassing valentine's day is is what that was and that's a story that i promised i would tell and now i've told it i would say i feel better for getting that off my chest but i don't know that i do um anyway let's just wrap up the uh the detailing with this uh on this particular train station here which i think is going pretty well to be honest i think i think this looks kind of cool just uh all of this if it would let me do what i want to do though that'd be great so if i just do that for a second can i move i'm gonna have to do it again so put you there uh so this guy needs to move down to like here this guy needs to move down to like there and then i need to get rid of those two sections move this guy over to like there and that looks all right so it gives us a nice bit of uh fence around the front of the station it nicely encloses the plants makes the station look a little bit fancier i like that a lot actually i think i think that looks pretty good this area over here kind of needs the same uh the same treatment we've got a good few people kind of waiting for trains do we have many waiting down here we have a couple okay that's not bad that is that is not bad what where are they they going so they're going back towards the city there's not very many wanting to uh go the other way which is fair enough okay there's a good few wanting to come this way in fact what is what is this one so this is train line two can i look at all my lines so line two is the city uh airport line i guess and we'll put the airport express train on that and then what is line one i guess line one is old town uh industry is what will go for that and it can you know stay the same so there we go so this train isn't i guess gonna be getting used on that line anymore i'm hoping we actually have a look at the airports uh the airport trains i don't remember oh is that one oh i do remember this one oh and it's kind of cool looking isn't it it is it is really cool looking i wonder if i change the color of that line does it change the color of the train oh it does oh okay we got some yellow we got some blue what about like a light kind of blue for uh for that train does that look all right or like a darker kind of blue i don't know that it does i think that's that's pretty good actually we'll go oh no i want to change that back i wanted it to i want i want it blue um i think that's i think that's pretty good i think i think that'll do it so that's that's gonna be our airport train and that should now run pretty much yeah the entire length of of the city and then some so that's good we got the airport train going so let's go ahead and i guess start looking at filling up a bit more of this space over here because that is something i really want to get done i want to get you know like the river nicely bordered with things i do also want to you know detail more of this but i want to grow the city a little bit so let's try and do that you know i kind of like the idea of turning some of this space into an i.t cluster i think that would be kind of cool eventually but then i realized we still have a lot of low density housing and commercial over here as well so i would imagine a lot of this will get replaced with it as well and i don't know if i want to go into specializations just yet at least you know outside of belmont district anyway so i guess what we're doing is we're going to try and fill up this bit specifically i would like to fill up all of it but this bit's the main one i want to focus on because i want to figure out how i'm going to deal with this cliff because i don't want to get rid of it i really don't i want to keep it now i will quite happily get rid of all of these stones and props and all those rocks down here because i don't really care for those i'm not really too worried about them so those can go away but the cliff has to stay i feel like it would be cheating for me to go in and just be like yeah whatever we're gonna get rid of that entire thing so [Music] let's figure this out i guess also that's a bit of a weird bump in the uh oh it isn't that's just part of the the station i guess and then this slopes down oh man that train track is really low am i gonna have to i might have to raise that up a little bit so like this guy kind of goes to there and then i think all of these are gonna have to be raised up as well so that i can get uh some roads under there [Music] yeah i think i think that is gonna be necessary although i wonder if um yeah i think we are gonna keep that raised up for now we'll just leave it like that until we figure out exactly where these roads are going to be because i think what we can do is we could probably go ahead and bring a section of avenue into about i want to say here is is probably a good spot and then we can go ahead and i've got collisions off i need those back on uh we can go ahead and go like 10 units there we can go sort of 10 units there and then i want to have a road that's parallel to this bridge because i think that's going to be the best way to do this so we go parallel to the bridge and we'll turn off we'll turn off guidelines for a second we'll take you out again we'll run this straight up to here you straight over to there and that now gives us a way to get down to this lower area which i think is gonna be for the best and then this guy i mean it can sort of continue to come over a little bit i think the best thing to do would be just moving it down a little bit like uh probably this to get some zoning along the back of the station and then i guess we also do something like this so we get some zoning kind of along the back of those guys so i don't know that i necessarily want to do this i don't think i want to go for just sort of a straight kind of angle there so i guess 144 would do it i think that's fine yes it's gonna be weird zoning but that's that's probably okay and i'm i'm realizing that what i'm what i'm doing is i'm just surrounding the cliff i'm not actually building on it which i'm not really sure that's what i was going for i've got to be honest i don't think that was really the the brief that i was thinking of when i was like oh yeah i want to build on this i want to include it in the build i'm kind of just avoiding it but we'll see what i end up doing let's for the time being do that right there which gives us a decent little bit of space to work with we can also go ahead and just grab all of these nodes and get this to be a nice slope down here so something like that we can grab these guys as well and get that to be a pretty good slope we can do the same thing on this side and we'll do a slope there as well and i guess we're sort of doing the same thing here to turn that into a slope and probably um yeah this this bit as well actually looking at it should probably be curved right i think i think it should be curved so that it's a little bit more of a gentle kind of well slope and i think that's pretty good so now we can go in we just grab all of these guys and redo that entire section and it should look a little bit better it looks a little bit better i think that's okay uh these bits over here i mean i feel like i probably just want to do the same thing i feel like i probably just want to make it look better as well so we'll do all of this we'll go ahead and do this and this as well and then what we can do take out those baits take out those bits and we just curve around to uh to these guys so there and right there and it just looks better it really does so that's that's fine that's going to be sort of the i guess outer road for whatever this district is going to be although do i want to do a curve here as well yeah i kind of do i'm thinking all of the corners in this place are going to be curved now for some reason you know i almost wonder if i could turn this into like a touristy area but then again i look at the cliff and i think to myself there's really not the room for it is there but i i guess we'll find out so if i was to go ahead and do this that gives us a bit of zoning if i was to go ahead and do i guess that in there that would also be a bit of zoning uh if i was to go ahead and do that right there that is also a bit of zoning which is better than having no zoning i guess so that gives us some zoning on the cliff we could potentially do something like this to give us some zoning there as well not really so sure about this one but we'll see we can kind of do that maybe i just take out that bit and push this over to about there and again it's it's a bit of zoning right but it's better than having none at all uh so that gives us some room to build some stuff on the top of the cliff that gives us some room to build some down here maybe it's a touristy area that's in like the middle so like we have hotels or something in the middle of like a park maybe that's what this is there's some buildings in the middle of what's essentially just a park i don't really know i'm not not really 100 sure on this one but it's it's part of the challenge so it's it's it's gonna happen one way or other uh let's see let's do a section of key across here [Music] and i guess let's see if i can get it to curve around kinda nicely to there which it sort of does so that's good can i also by any chance level it so it's the same height as the roads at either end that way we can go ahead and just raise the entire thing up a bit and have it a little bit further out of the water it is definitely lower than the other one but that's okay and then at this end what we can do is sort of push it straight through to uh to about there and that puts that that pillar of the bridge on the uh the key as well and then at this end i suppose we do this and i guess that's okay so that kind of surrounds that bit decently well looking at it it might not be a bad idea to try and curve some of this so maybe that kind of goes away maybe this bit kind of goes i don't know let's let's see if i can figure this out um i wonder if i could just curve this sort of free hand it's it's not really well i guess that's okay yeah that's fine it could look better but i think it's fine honestly getting keys along this entire river is gonna be a complete nightmare but i'm willing to give it a shot anyway uh so let's do this as well and just while we're here let's see if i can't maybe get this to look kind of decent so you would go something a bit like that and of course it's two different types of key as well i actually can't believe i've done this oh man well that's a bit rough but we'll deal with it it looks it looks fine it's it's it's fine there's a very noticeable difference when you zoom out for some reason it's kind of more noticeable but uh it's fine as for this whole space i mean we can zone around this entire area that's kind of the annoying thing it's just we're gonna have a cliff in the middle of it and i'm not really sure i like that but i'm not really sure i get a choice in uh you know whether or not i can i can deal with that because i i think i'd mentioned i feel like i'd mentioned at one point and i sort of regret that i mentioned it at one point but i feel like i mentioned that not only do i want to make sure that i can you know go in and bulldoze things as and when i need to i feel like i also said that i want to try and not just flatten terrain because it's a little bit inconvenient right so i want to figure out how i'm gonna deal with this cliff that's that's part of the challenge for today so we'll get that going around there we'll get the the pipes coming out and connecting up so the whole area actually does have uh water which is obviously kind of important for any buildings that will be in here so now that it has water what the hell am i going to do with it so i think making a district for one is is a must-have because i think even though i'm not necessarily going to go with like an i.t cluster i feel like it should be hotels and i don't know why i feel like it should be hotels but i just get the vibe that having this be a district with a bunch of hotels in it is fair enough and i guess i mean i guess it is kind of close to it is close to the train station it's just around the corner from it so it gives good access to the hotels and it's not far from the airport it has a tram connection and technically a train connection now as well so i guess maybe that's why i'm wanting to do this so let's see because the leisure specialization is not what i'm looking for the tourism specialization is what i'm looking for so tourism right there and then in terms of other you know policies let's say big business benefactor let's say encourage biking let's say what else filter industrial waste boost connections it's outside connections though i don't think we need to worry about that uh that seems fine so that's that's pretty good and over here we have the hotels building which is actually kind of surprising given that those are actually low density uh buildings that's interesting okay so yeah we're just gonna turn this into a tourist hotspot i guess and uh see how that plays out so we'll do this we'll go ahead and do uh sort of similar down here we'll fill up all of this space and honestly building a whole bunch of skyscrapers on this ground would probably be slightly terrifying there's no way they'd be stable right there's absolutely no way this ground would be stable enough to support skyscrapers but here we are oh boy might regret this i mean they're not you know the game doesn't simulate physics but i might regret it anyway we'll we'll certainly see let's clear out that bit of zoning and i guess we put some along the water as well so we can do we can do a bit of this i guess we just surround the entire area in in skyscrapers and just see what it's going to look like i think that's that's kind of where i'm at with this it might look stupid i don't know if the buildings are actually going to get used or not i think it is going to look kind of stupid but i think having the connections to this area that we're going to have will help it to look a bit less stupid unless i just want to go in and i mean i could go in and just really intricately detail this entire space that would be an option as well so maybe less you know skyscrapers down here and maybe you know less than here as well and this turns into like a big park or something that might be the way to do it it's still probably kind of stupid to have them in this giant hill but that might be the way to do it and i guess i could use keys to like reinforce the back of them so that it looks a bit less stupid and i think that's probably what we're going to do as well so we would essentially want to go and be like you know key say there something like that and then lower it all down so it's looking like it's supporting this stuff although i also need the key to rotate which i don't know if it's gonna do oh boy i might have made a terrible mistake here i'm i'm kind of committing to this idea but it might be a terrible terrible mistake okay so throwing the keys in actually does help to make this look a little bit less terrible now it's still a bit weird that there's a bunch of skyscrapers just sort of sat on a cliff but the keys have definitely helped to make it look like it's reinforced right they've sort of secured the foundations they've still got the cliff but they're also making sure that the buildings aren't going to fall down the cliff so that's good that's that's kind of what we're looking for and i guess we just turn a bunch of this space into a park or something and i guess we could also probably go ahead and do some buildings up on the uh the avenue here just to fill in that space as well now there are a lot of people coming over that bridge right now which i'm a little worried about i'm also noticing that traffic should probably no well people shouldn't be crossing and traffic can enter that junction and same thing here no crossing and traffic enters the junction just to let a little bit more of it through we do have traffic lights here which is a bit of a worry what if i was to say that uh all of this traffic just gave way for now what exactly would that do to traffic trying to get in oh oh all of that traffic is just trying to get in there okay yeah we might need to do something about that uh let's see so let me go ahead and grab these nodes here let me lower these um lower these train tracks just a little bit get a bit of a nice kind of slope going so something like that they're still pretty far off the ground aren't they that's that's still up there a little bit what about if i did this that's yeah yeah that's better it's definitely better still quite far off the ground but uh definitely better so people can still get in and out they can still you know get a train into the area we're probably gonna want paths to connect the train tracks to the district itself but i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go and paint a park area right into the middle of this whole space so basically everything within that sort of outer road is going to be a park and hopefully i can use that as a way to fill up a lot of that space because it definitely doesn't look it doesn't look great does it just having this big empty kind of cliff area with skyscrapers on it so getting some trees in there getting some detail in there getting all that good stuff in there i think he's gonna help so in terms of parks i mean it's very tempting to go with nature reserve but i don't think i want people camping in there so let's just go with a regular kind of city park we'll go for the regular main gate and we'll just sort of do what we can to make this look as not terrible as as i possibly can so bring that out to there and i guess we're gonna just try and hug the uh the entire stretch of road here i would curve this and i could curve this but i think if i do this right it's not gonna be crazy noticeable that this isn't actually curving around the uh the road i mean the corner bit here absolutely is going to curve around the corner but uh i don't think it's gonna be crazy noticeable that like yeah this bit isn't actually curving i mean it is a little bit if you look closely but it's it's fine just don't look closely at it would be would be my advice okay so the fences and the path going through here are certainly helping to tie the space together a little bit but i do want people to come down here so i'm wondering if i can get away with uh plazas or anything that's gonna get people to actually go through this park area so what is that that's a restroom right yeah so some restrooms might be one thing this plaza i i kind of want it over here it looks kind of terrible though unless i maybe raise some uh some sections of path up a little bit but i'm not i'm not 100 sure about this because i i i just yeah it does that it does that i'm not i'm not not a huge fan of uh of the concrete in my plaza so what if i sort of move it back a bit it's still it's still workable unless i sort of shuffle it around and connect it like to the road which is where it would be connected to now but it obviously doesn't look like it's connected to the road it looks like it's just a part of the park i think i think that's maybe what we're gonna have to do with it so it's it's technically connected to the road but we're gonna just imagine it's part of the park so let me do a little bit of a little bit of just messing around here this guy needs to be at ground level and isn't that's annoying okay what about down here no that's not ground level either is that ground level yeah all right so that's what we're looking for i want to grab this path swing it around a little bit and just put it there we'll bulldoze that one and we'll grab this guy again swing it around put it there and then if i just move it over what i can do is just make it look like these are two sections of path that connect to the plaza even if they don't so that looks fine i can put a tree in there i can detail around the back of this and it should be all right people can still get to the plaza and that's gonna let me just have like a functioning little park down here and maybe at this end we go ahead and do like a you know i think this is a cafe right it's a little cafe right there and i like that i think that's fine so let's just put some trees in here let's get it detailed and let's see if it looks or if it helps to make this area look a bit less uh terrible okay so far so good on this lower part down here i think this kind of does the job brings the area together a little bit i mean it does look a bit overgrown but that's kind of the idea we also got some nature up on the cliffs a bit as well which is something i want to do more of but i'm going to sort of circle back to that because my thinking is bulldoze these guys let that rebuild so it fills up the entire space and then basically sort of do a similar thing up here so you know go to here and get a section of of fence i might actually use the these wooden ones as well just because i really like them uh so we'll do something like this we can sort of come out i guess like that and like that connect those guys together so it you know nicely borders the uh the road and then i figure what we do is just try to well i i don't know i guess we just try to turn this into something nice looking as well right so we try to turn this into something that's nicely detailed has some nice trees going on has some nice uh nice plants and wildlife and all that i don't think this is gonna be a park that people will necessarily walk in so maybe this fence kind of goes like that so it kind of cuts it off a little bit but i think that's okay and i think we could also probably bring this uh entire section in a little bit and do this end piece a bit better so if i was to go and do you know this and this we move that to kind of be there i should if i turn off node snapping just be able to do uh something like something like that and something like that and i don't think that's perfect but it does the job so that gives us a nice cap to the end of the road it gives us this space down here to play with and plain and simple i think what i'll do is one of these guys i'm gonna do one uh here as well and then to try and hide this corner completely we're just gonna go really dense on these uh these big oak trees just to try and hide the uh the very noticeable cliff and i think that does pretty well and then in terms of the rest of the space we've got one oak tree there and one there and i want to go a little bit lighter i want to go with these guys so right about there and there will go for here maybe uh down here as well and right about there and i think the rest of it can be smaller trees which are also kind of nice and nice and light and uh and bright when compared to the oak trees the pines and then just shrubs plants and of course the beautiful what's it called again uh that one okay i would say this is starting to come together kind of nicely i've gone ahead and put some parking lots in here i've detailed some little open spaces i've got a little fence back here and detailed this space as well but one thing i'm noticing is that it does do what i was hoping to do eventually which is it provides one hell of a contrast for the old town doesn't it you've got this proper old little space down here and then just off the distance is these giant skyscrapers which i mean i'm not 100 sure i love that it's it's like i've said you know it might be an idea that was better in my head than it is in practice but to be fair having these guys on a cliff is making them look bigger than they are it makes this look more dense than it actually is which is fine and i think putting the nature in here as well and obviously there is still a lot of detailing to be done in this space i think that's going to help make this look even better i do want to put more parking lots in here i do want to fill up more of the space than i have already but i think for today this is gonna do us as it is i think this space here could be some parking lots i think maybe a multi-story parking lot in here might be a good idea but for now i think this is fine so we're gonna leave it there for today i think we've got a decent little bit done you know we've obviously got concord heights which is probably better looking than the new area uh we've got the connections out to the airport which currently doesn't have power which is actually not good at all and that's because we just generally don't have enough power now is that a budget thing that is not a budget thing that is a power thing so let's just very quickly and very cheekily go ahead and throw i guess another i guess another geothermal place or something i don't really know we'll do geothermal down here for now and that should give us enough power for everything a lot of abandoned buildings going through a bit of a death wave right now by the looks of it but i'm sure we'll manage and the airport has power again so that's good so everything out here has power there are train connections bus connections and tram connections to the airport so all in all honestly i think that's that's pretty substantial and this area here from a distance i mean it could look better but i think once we get some buildings kind of on the other side you know down here and across the uh the road a little bit i think you know some good dense trees in there and some parking lots will really bring that together and i know that it's a bit of a meme that parking lots are the solution to everything but really i like to think that they probably in my cities anyway probably are so thanks for watching everybody it's been an absolute pleasure as always and as always i'll see you next time bye
Channel: ConflictNerd
Views: 24,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ConflictNerd, Dylan, Cities Skylines, Airports, Review, Preview, Series, EP1, Lets Play, Gameplay, Playthrough, Timelapse, Funny Moments, Episode 1, Part 1, Tutorial
Id: WHMiWGErk7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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