Building a CARGO AIRPORT — Cities: Skylines - Airports (#15)

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hey how's it going everybody welcome back to cities skylines i hope you're having a good one because i am excited to be back today we're gonna be getting to work on the cargo expansion for the airport that we built a few episodes ago but before we get to that i want to talk about the comments on the last episode because last time i asked for some suggestions for things that we could build in the empty areas of oak district i want to say oak district is that what this place is called yeah it's called oak district we got the name right here we got an empty area down here so looking at the comments on the last episode there were a lot of great suggestions a few people suggested building things like this little parks for kids to play in and we actually obviously have one right here in victoria park and i think we have another one up here yeah in briar rose park we have this little thing right here now they're obviously not functional but i think they work really well as decorations and what i love about the two parks that we have built is that they're divided by these two roads right here we've got one in the north one in the south so we can we probably have a vicious gang war we probably have kids going around with you know makeshift shanks and firearms but that's something the police in the neighborhood can deal with it's not really my problem to worry about now i do love that idea i do love the idea of building more parks and we absolutely will do that some of the other comments suggested that we go ahead and build more shops because of course we have a couple of little tiles of low density commercial here in the middle but a few more probably wouldn't hurt so at some point i might go to the steam workshop and grab a couple of little interesting sort of low density looking shops and we'll build them out here in oak district as well and there were some other comments that said i should do more construction sites which i think i absolutely will do i love how these two turned out i think you know loading the game up a couple of days after building these and just looking at them i'm quite pleased with them they fill the spaces in really nicely and they don't feel horribly out of place they do look a little bit weird but they don't feel horribly out of place and that's that's kind of what i was going for but that's all gonna be stuff for a future episode because today well today i don't think there's too much that i need to cover that's changed since the last episode i'm pretty sure oh yeah no i built this that felt like a that felt like a really fake forest segue there genuinely i forgot that i built this uh it is just another connection to the city it's the same roundabout that we have here in the middle and by the airport it just doesn't have the raised section and doesn't have the sign and i actually want your opinion on that should we build a third nerdenburus sign for this roundabout have a face the highway like the others do as well i'm kinda thinking we do it because that's become sort of a trend with the highways into the city but i want your opinion as well to see what you think to see if that would be a bit of a good idea but with that all out of the way with all of the changes that i can remember covered let's turn our attention towards two things number one obviously we're going to be working on the airport expansion and number two the topic of discussion for today's video because today's video i've gotta be completely honest it's gonna be a bit rambly it's gonna it's not gonna be ranty i think rambly is the way i'm gonna describe this one because i'm just a little i'm i'm tired because i've not been sleeping very well and i want to just talk about that i just want to get to get it off my chest and ramble a little bit and just get things to shout into the abyss that's what today's video is going to be this is going to be my soapbox episode of this series but before i do that i want to go ahead and just take out some sections of fence here because we are not going to be needing these anymore we're going to be expanding the airport down past this fence to go ahead and build the cargo expansion and the way i want to do this is i'm going to search cargo because it makes my life a little bit easier and actually doesn't make my life easier is that what i'm looking for yeah so i want the cargo airport terminal and essentially i want to put it like right down uh right about like oh i rotated that by accident uh right down as close to the highway as i can possibly get it so what i think i'm gonna do for one is i'm gonna extend this road here and have it sort of hug the highway the entire way around but i'm also going to change i think the way the highway connects to the other section of highway so let's go ahead and start raising some things up and start getting rid of some of these slopes because i think we can pull this off in a fairly interesting way and while i do that i'm going to get started on my i don't want to say rent it's not a rant i'm not i'm not wanting to rant about anything in today's episode but i just want to talk about what's been going on with me recently because i realized i haven't really done that in a while and i know i could just make like a generic channel update video and cover it in that but i part of what i love about city skylines and what i love about this series that i do on this game is that uh and long time viewers will absolutely not necessarily back me up on loving this but they'll back me up that this is pretty much what these series become is they become you know sort of like podcasts and that was never like an intentional thing i never sat down and thought oh i'm just going to turn my cities videos into like rants and podcasts and stuff like that but it's it's kind of how i've always played these games you know i was growing up and i would be like talking to people on i don't know what would have been back in the day msn messenger probably uh you know i'd be playing simcity or i'd be playing whatever while talking to people online and just chatting and stuff so it's kind of nice to to do that to be completely honest it's just how the series turned out and i think it's it's sort of become my thing i know i know everybody rents and rambles a little bit with their city skylines videos but i like to think i know it didn't but i like to think i pioneered it a little bit it's it's a fun thought to be to be completely honest anyway so i mentioned that i've not really been sleeping properly recently and i just i just haven't and it's been kind of brutal to be uh well brutally honest because here's the thing i'm not that old right i'm 29 this year i'm 28 at the minute i don't know why i had to say that i'm 29 this year that's not the real i'm 28 years old i'm 29 in november but i've always joked that i i feel older than i am and i feel like this year just with everything that's gone on and if you've been following me on socials and you've kind of been following the channel for a bit you'll be aware of some of the stressful events in my life in the last 12 months um i've started feeling my age and i've started to appreciate sleep more than i used to because when you're growing up you're invincible right like when you're a bit younger you're invincible you're complete nothing nothing phases you it doesn't matter if you're like you know it doesn't matter how late you stay up on xbox live or playstation or whatever like it really doesn't matter you can stay up all night and then like get up the next day four hours later and be totally fine right and i say that from experience because i i did that i think a lot of us did right you know whether it was xbox live or playstation or what the hell happened that road or you know you're up all night playing in my case sometimes runescape that was a fun time you know you're a bit younger you can get a you can get away with not sleeping as much as you maybe should but i've definitely started to feel the effects of it in in the last maybe not even the last year for the last two years because what's happening now is when i when i mess up my sleep schedule instead of it being how it used to be which was like oh i've messed up my sleep schedule but i'll just stay up tonight and everything will be okay it's like a it's like a two-day process it's like a two or three day process to like get over it also this fits perfectly and i love it absolutely love that such a perfect little spot for the uh for the cargo airport now what i'm gonna do with this just real quick to be on topic for a second is i'm actually gonna go ahead and i'm going to connect that lower cargo road so this medium cargo airport road right here is just going to connect to that road there and then this guy i'm going to connect over like this as well and that i'm thinking is where my aircraft stands are going to go because i could go up this way and i could sort of put them sideways but then getting taxiways down here is going to be slightly tricky and i also want to bring a train over here so i want to leave some space for that so i think what i'll do is i'm going to extend this guy by like 10 units and then just bring this guy sort of straight over and i think that's okay so that kind of works out what i can do here as well is something like this and we can just cover that in aircraft stands which is exactly what i'm gonna do anyway my my point right to get to get to the point of my ranting and rambling i'm just not as able to like stay up all night as i used to be it genuinely used to be like go to bed at six in the morning you know we're going back a couple of years now but it was like go to bed at six in the morning and then you know get up like two hours later get dressed go to school right that was that was like that was the high school vibe and you'd be fine right you would you would get up two hours later go to school you'd be a bit groggy right you're not really paying attention during the day but for the most part you can you can get through the day right you get a red bull you get a you get a monster in my case you know back in the back in the day the whole whole emo thing was pretty it was pretty real so it was definitely monster for me but you'd be fine right you'd be totally fine you don't you don't really feel it after two hours sleep these days i get two hours sleep these days i'm like a zombie for the rest of the day i'm like a zombie for two days after it's that bad at this point and it's it's genuinely like a two-day process to fix my sleep schedule anyway the reason i'm ranting about this is because wait if i get two sets of taxiways oh god i do interesting okay uh the reason i'm ranting and rambling about this isn't just because i feel like it well it is partially but it's because recently i spent i fixed my sleep schedule right i was i was up for like 30 hours and i went to bed and i was like okay i've fixed my sleep schedule great everything is is normal now and then the next day i managed to for some reason i was awake for like i don't know for 20 hours no problem and i wasn't tired until like 20 plus hours into the day so what ended up happening was after fixing the schedule it just completely completely gone again also i'm gonna get rid of this stand here just because this all lines up a little better without it so do that get rid of you and that's fine but yeah it took it wasn't even fixed properly for a day it was just immediately gone and so this is now the day after that right this is this is the next day where it's like ah well it was it was a great idea having a fixed sleep schedule but here we are back at the uh back at square one back at having to stay up for you know 30 however many hours to fix it again and then hope that it stays that way because i'm just too old for this i'm just i just i can't man my productivity goes to zero when my sleep schedule is messed up it genuinely goes to zero and it's so frustrating because you know i took a lot of time off of uh of of youtube these last couple of years last two years for various health things and then for family things etc etc there's always been a reason or whatever and then i got back to it a few months ago and i was happy because you know i'm getting a good number of videos out here and there things felt productive it felt like i was getting stuff done i had a pretty good schedule i was relatively consistent and then just this last this last like two months have just being insomnia like crazy it doesn't matter i either sleep too long or i sleep too little or i can't get back to sleep it's just being constant and it's so frustrating because i want to be productive like i want to be back making videos all the time posting videos regularly and it just i was so close to keeping a really good schedule and then here's insomnia once again it's it's it's frustrating and i i just wanted to rent and ramble about it a little bit because if you know i i want to keep a consistent schedule with this channel you know i feel really lucky to be able to to do this at all i feel really lucky to be able to say that you know making these silly videos on the internet is uh my my job right it's it's not something i ever want to take for granted and it's not something it's not something i i am taking for granted it's just it's hard to not feel guilty because and i i've talked a little bit about this before across the the years as i've gone through this or gone through that it's it's tough because youtube for me when i was you know growing up and and when i was going through you know different tough times over the years youtube has kind of always been there as like a a way to sort of escape a little bit you know whether it was watching i don't know the back of the yogscast playing minecraft or total biscuit looking at all the newest games or whatever it might have been it was always such a great escape because it was like hey i don't have to stress about what's going on with me right now i can just chill i can just watch these funny guys playing minecraft or i can just like discover what the new cool game is that i have to play this month or i can you know get inspired to start making videos myself which was what a lot of those guys did and it's just it's tough to not feel a little defeated when like i can't do that because i you know i will occasionally get comments or like you know i've had a really rough day and this video came out exactly the right time and i love that i love that i can i can help with that because sometimes making the videos is my way to get through a rough day as well so if and i i i don't really talk about that aspect of making videos but it is genuinely sometimes making these videos is my process for getting through a tough day so not being able to do it and not being able to do it properly really really sucks because especially it's it's such a double-edged sword as well you know because what i what i need is to be able to make the videos and kind of feel productive but because i can it just it's such a vicious cycle that i need to break out of can i get the proper bulldozer there we go i need to figure out where this uh this road needs to go here so let me let me grab this guy yeah it's just it just sucks it's just it's just frustrating and it's something i'll snap out of you know it's something i've um it's something i've dealt with for for years right it's not something that's gonna go away overnight it's it's something that's just a bit of a process and it's you know it's not something that's got me like i'm i'm down about it but i'm also just kind of annoyed about it you know it's not something that's that's crippling it's not something that's going to put me in like a bad place or anything and i know every time i kind of talk about mental health people always kind of they're like oh oh here we go it's it's nothing like that it's just frustrating it is just really really frustrating anyway anyway enough about that for now what i want to figure out is how i'm gonna get this uh this train track in here and i'm looking at this spot and i'm really liking that i kind of i kind of think that's a cool spot right there now how i'm gonna handle these tracks i'm not really too sure because ideally i would just punch them straight through here so i'm wondering if i could i'm wondering if i could sink these roads here or if i could just raise them up and take them like up and over those other guys i don't know i kind of want to try and sink them but i think i have to sink this entire section of road which might look silly but i'm going to give it a go because i kind of want the train tracks to be at surface level that's that's kind of where i'm at here so let me grab all of these guys and actually you know what let me let me add a train track first so we'll bring this guy out and we'll just push it like i don't know straight to there should be fine and now what i need to do is just lower all of these until the train tracks look acceptable which is like there i think like if i turn it into a bridge i think that's probably acceptable so the question at this point is can i get like a slope that doesn't look ridiculous and that's that's the real challenge so [Music] i don't think so i don't i don't i don't know about that that doesn't really look like what i'm looking for yeah no that's uh that's not good that's that's definitely definitely not good um i think i'm just gonna have to make the train tracks go into a tunnel because otherwise this is gonna look stupid so bulldoze all of these guys and it's annoyingly just gonna have to be a tunnel so we'll deal with that let's uh let's connect this guy up as well get my ground level we'll go 10 units we'll go i guess tunnel and 10 units and another 10 right about here and i guess we just grab the two nodes and sync them until they don't look stupid so if we just say i don't know level to that height oh that did not work all right are they the same height it's kind of hard to tell i'm not i'm not really sure what's going on here with these uh with these guys let's let's try that again let's see if i can get the uh get the tunnel thing to work so that one worked that one worked that's good so if i just go to surface level grab both the nodes and it just got weird again okay well that's fine something like that's okay and i can extend these guys out further so we'll go like 10 units here and we'll go like 10 units say here they're both looking proper now so if i grab both those nodes i can sort of shuffle this one till it touches the highway and shuffle this one till it's kind of in line with the other one and it's it's not great i don't love that the cargo stuff's going underground but honestly i think it's about as good as it's going to be and then what i want to do for the rest of this train track is ground level and essentially i want it to be in line with the highway so it's gonna be like here and it's just gonna go to here it'll be elevated for that section it'll be ground level for like i don't know we'll do like five units and then tunnel for ten i'm going to cut it across and this guy's sort of just going to do like this it's not gonna be super neat but that's about as good as it you know is is gonna be so if i just go ahead and grab i guess what note am i looking for i think this one and say it's gonna be the same height as this one that looks pretty solid i could probably go a little bit lower and then i guess the rest of them just need to be the same height as the highway and we're sorting so basically this is what i'm looking for i want the train tracks directly alongside the highway i was thinking to put them in the middle but i think this lines up a little bit better and looks a bit more reasonable so that's kind of what we're going for and then i'm basically going to connect it to this section of track right here now what i want to do with this is i kind of want to say ground level from here and i kind of want to try and get away with like a big chunky curve so that basically now that's not exactly what i'm looking for but you know something like that maybe a little bit further along to about there one further back a little bit like there yeah so basically that so if i go ahead and turn straight slope on we get this and that's not bad that's that's not bad that's a pretty good looking curve and it flows really nicely into the airport it gives us a connection to this station now obviously this is not a cargo train station i'm well aware of that or sorry this is not a passenger train station it is a cargo train station that's okay because my thinking is i need to build a cargo train station and i kind of need to build it i guess probably here i think here is about the best spot for it so how am i gonna do this that's gonna be my question i guess let's take out these buildings because this is the thing i need to remember that i set myself the goal of allowing myself the room to demolish stuff so i guess that's kind of what we're doing here is we're just gonna demolish stuff and uh sort of see what happens so let me get a nice road here and bring this guy oh boy is this is this this is not gonna not gonna work out is it gonna be a bit of a pain let's see so you're gonna go oh boy this really is gonna be a pain all right um i don't need the i need that bit and that bit okay so that's fine i'm gonna get rid of that power connection i'm gonna bring this guy to like i don't know here and i'm gonna bring this down a little bit further i think so you're gonna come down to like there and then this is all going to be sort of in line with that road so i'm just going to space these nodes out ever so slightly and then you to like here and that should be fine so that gives us a road nicely along the highway these guys are all going to get bulldozed and you guys what is that that's a medical center right yeah medical clinic let's put you i guess literally anywhere else and then these guys can't get bulldozed what is this all right biofuel bus depot or depot can go again literally anywhere else so put you over there what is this small warehouse okay i don't know if we need this but i built it at some point for obviously some reason so probably gonna keep it um yeah it can live i guess in there that's that's fine so we got the warehouse over there all right so it gives us this nice clear space and i realize this needs to move i actually can't have that there so let's put it i don't know where we're gonna put this thing can i fit it in here oh i totally can okay perfect right there okay so this is gonna be the space for the cargo train station which annoyingly doesn't quite fit the way i would want it to because what i'd be looking for is for this thing to be more like here ish because then i can just run the track sort of through here gradually raise it up or take it through the buildings and do what i got to do but that well that is technically on a is it on a road i don't know if it's on a road we also don't have power for the city because i've disconnected everything so let me just uh let's fix that real quick because that is probably going to be a problem so you to there you there all right so is that technically connected to a road it is that's a little bit surprising i've got to be honest i'm i'm a little i'm a little surprised at that but i guess what i could do is use this use a good old surface tool and i guess i could just like paint in here so it doesn't look yeah oh that actually works really well that's actually that that might be my uh my saving grace here is that i can just make it look like it's all part of the same yard and i think that's kind of what i'm gonna have to do here is is make this thing look like it's all part of the same yard so let's paint all this bit as well and up to about there should be fine and yeah that kind of works okay that's surprising i wasn't i wasn't really expecting it to work that well but here we are all right so now what do i do because i'm thinking this this needs to like rise up and sort of curve around here and connect to this guy right so elevated from there like 10 units [Music] so how am i am i gonna have to lower this i think i'm gonna have to lower the highway i think that's kind of where we're at so oh boy all right i'll tell you what we'll do let's grab these nodes that cover the highway and i guess we just lower all of these sections of road until they are at a reasonable height underneath the thing oh god what i grabbed that is not what i want i want you so yeah i guess we just grab all of these i just oh my god i just deselected the ones that i needed uh what am i doing you and you let me not select buildings let me select you and you object height uh this one so they're now level so i just need to push it down right to like there maybe a little bit further like there and then just do slopes this is gonna look terrible okay this doesn't look as bad as i thought it was going to look but something's a bit weird because the physics of this tunnel don't really make sense um which is which is a bit of a problem now i could do a bridge i could turn that tunnel into a bridge i don't really feel like i want to do that so really what i'm what i'm realizing is i should have probably just sank this guy down or i don't know i i i don't i don't know how i feel about this particular setup but i'm going to allow it because i just i just want to get this going i want to get this uh this this train line in here so we're gonna go two four six that's eight meters up right about there and essentially i'm gonna see if i can if i can be so cheeky as to just get a straight shot across here with this train line so i'm thinking like here and that's that's pretty good but it is going to cut through my castle i don't know how i feel about that i really like that castle um i don't know if i'm gonna have much of a choice though unless i sort of push it this way first and then curve it back i think i think that might be what i have to do so sort of go that direction there and it's gonna just slightly clip the castle but it's not gonna be as bad so it goes to like here and then it curves again i guess so maybe enough guidelines turn on guidelines and do this it does look a bit silly but i think that's kind of what i'm gonna have to do otherwise i'm taking out a castle that i really don't you know as much as as much as we're kind of trying to you know industrialize a little bit we're trying to you know get more more cargo moving around i don't see the city getting rid of like you know a medieval castle site or something like that i just don't really see that being a thing so i think it's like weird i mean it's the train line's going over you know right by the castle but i don't think the city would like you know get rid of a medieval castle for this train line i don't i don't see that being a thing so i think this is this is probably good enough that slope is [Music] we will do this maybe that road can well actually you know what let me uh let me slope you and i'm gonna just lower the road i think is what i'm gonna do just ever so slightly i'm just gonna lower the road so that uh the trains can comfortably get over there again mess is ever so slightly with the physics of the tunnel on the right but i'm not really too worried about it because i'm already messing with it so i might as well continue and i guess we'll just uh deal with it as it is i might just get rid of the tunnel it's it's definitely possible or i'm gonna have to turn it into a bridge i think i'm gonna have to turn it into a bridge but then i have to get rid of the castle and i don't want to get rid of the castle or and i guess this is probably a better idea i could just move the tunnel to be back here and then this road gets changed into something else and looking at it actually pushing a road through here probably wouldn't be a bad idea yeah we're gonna have to do something with that tunnel it looks ridiculous but for now at the very least let me just move some of these trees and let me just see what happens with cargo trains because they should now be functioning and that's kind of the exciting thing as weird as this might look it is now going to be you know leading to functional cargo trains i should also probably put some fence hey i want to i want to detail this first before it gets up and running i wanna detail it and i'm gonna use oil industry fences because i think they're gonna look pretty good so basically we're gonna go to say there we'll do this we'll do this and i guess we can do uh this as well i'm just going to connect it around there since the trains are going to be going to a dead end we might as well and what i can do is just move this guy to be a little bit further forward move this guy to be a little bit more like say there and we'll do the same down this end as well just move everything out a little bit so it looks like this uh train station takes up this entire chunk of land which really it sort of does so that's fine now we'll move you to there we'll move this guy to about that spot and to about there so that gives us a nice kind of opening for the drains to get through and at this end basically sort of shuffle this guy down a bit grab these nodes and move those down as well and let's see to about there should be good and you come down just a little tiny bit to about there okay so that looks fine i think that's a decent kind of perimeter fence around this thing i am absolutely gonna have to go and get some trucks and things like that to make this look a little bit uh a little bit better because we don't really have any containers or anything but i guess what i can do is i can maybe put two or three of these trucks here into this space so if i go ahead and how do i rotate these again it's not that button that spaces them out that one is that's the rotate so if i do like this and i just move them closer together i don't necessarily need five of them and i should probably rotate them the other way i don't necessarily need five of them but i don't think three would look too bad if we kind of had them parked like there so park them there place them delete say two that looks alright we can maybe play some containers or some boxes or something near them and speaking of containers that's essentially what i'm gonna just dot this place with because we have a bunch of them over here so if i go ahead and place like a bunch of containers here it's just gonna make it look like the yard has more going on than it otherwise does so angle wise let's set it to i guess zero degrees and spacing wise let's just bring them a bit closer together something like this and get them kind of nicely along the fence say about uh there should be pretty good and i think i'll just go ahead and copy those and move them forward to about that spot i'll place another bunch of them as well about there and i'm gonna just go in and delete just a bunch of them to make it look like uh you know they're being picked up and whatnot so something like this so again it doesn't look completely symmetrical either and let's see let's maybe get rid of those guys as well so it just looks like there's some you know kind of laying about i think that looks pretty good we could also get some decals too to make it look like there's you know dirt or you know a bit of grime on the uh on the concrete especially where the containers are going to be getting set down and picked up and all that so we can do a bit of this to sort of sell the effect that it's uh that it's a working yard because it is right it's it's a working uh it's a working cargo yard so a bunch of these decals like that we could probably throw some over here as well although it doesn't look like it's gonna let me place them uh right where the building is but that's not really too big of a deal do something a bit like this something a bit like that let's see what else have we got around here what is this one destroyed road oh i like that one we'll just kind of throw it into a couple of spots to make it uh you know give us a little bit of variety on the on the decal so right about there seems pretty good we've got this one too which can go right by the that one doesn't look like destroyed road at all uh but this one can kind of you know give the idea that there's maybe a bit of wear and tear on the road right here where all the uh the trucks go as well and what else have we got what is this old asphalt okay i don't mind this one too much we can maybe do a little bit say there and there again to make it look like that one's a bit more worn down than the rest we could do like a little bit say here maybe it's a bit of patchwork or something they've done on the uh on the asphalt where all these trucks would have been uh would have been parked just to kind of patch it up make it look a bit less uh perfect or you know maybe that's new asphalt i don't know i just i want to do something to detail this space and that's that's helping bring it together still a lot of empty space but that's helping oh this is kind of cool we have cargo planes coming and going and they look kind of fantastic i've got to be i've got to be honest they look really really great they're also kind of huge which i mean they're cargo planes so of course they are they're they're gonna be huge the one thing i will say is that no one is bothering to use my cargo train lines which is a little disappointing i was kind of hoping they would but they most definitely are not bothering and i have added this little bit of road right here to see if that's maybe part of the problem maybe they can't actually get to the cargo train terminal i'm not really sure if that is the issue or not but we will find out i guess for now i'm just going to throw another couple of cargo containers into all of this space just to fill it up essentially just to see what we can uh what we can do to make this place look like it's you know busier and we'll do some of these guys kind of over here as well so we'll go for like a row of these uh blue containers say right about there we'll move them a bit closer to the fence something like that and i want to do some of the regular containers just in front of these guys just for a bit of variety really so we'll do something like that and what we'll do is cut maybe a few of these guys uh out of here something a bit like that just to uh change it up a little bit and i think i want to get some more trucks the problem is i don't have any other than these guys i mean i do have things like excavators i have these excavator buckets as well but what i'm really looking for i think are our trucks so i guess i mean i could place i guess i could place pallets as well might look a bit weird having some pallets down here but i don't know maybe a few pallets of uh of goods and a couple of forklifts would be kind of the way to go so something like uh something like that and maybe i don't know something about like this as well we'll just sort of dot them and next to each other a little bit and then if i go in and just tear a few of those guys out i guess i can throw i don't know i guess i can throw a forklift or two in there and we'll see what it's uh what it looks like so let's see forklift we got this guy we'll place one say there we'll place one about there that one's floating that's not exactly where i wanted that so place one down there we'll place one about say there i guess and that looks all right that helps to make it feel a little bit a little bit busier down there i'll place a forklift sort of tucked in there as well so it feels like part of the building and i'm going to place one sort of park beside the building as well so a forklift right about there seems pretty good and yeah i don't think anything is actually using this cargo train station but that's that's fine for now i guess we're just sort of gonna have to deal with the fact that nothing's using it it at least exists and we do have cargo coming and go i mean cargo is coming in via via plane which is great it is making my airport considerably busier but i guess that's fine and i guess speaking of the airport something i totally forgot to build was the airline headquarters building now this thing's kind of cool because what this thing does is it lets me have my own airline so essentially i can be like i can make my own airline i can you know do my own thing now i think it'll be kind of cool here sort of down by the cargo building because it is an admin building but i'm also realizing i could pick it up and i could put it like here and i want to say there's a better spot because we still have so much empty space over this way that we really might as well use it so i'm gonna put it here i'm gonna move it close to that path and essentially what i'm gonna do is i'm going to put another path around it so make sure it's ground level which it is we're just going to bring this guy back to like here and go across and i think that looks fine for the airline headquarters building let's lower it down at the end there and i think what i'm also gonna do is i'm gonna put a forestry fence around it so back to about there back to about there and down to about there and that fairly nicely you know surrounds it nicely encloses it makes it feel a little bit more of an important building gives it its own you know plot of land to work with so i i do like that we'll just go ahead and move the move the fence down a little bit we'll move this guy down to about here move this guy down to uh to about there i think let's see something like something like that there's pretty good i move this guy just in to about that spot and i think that's fine i think we could probably get some trees in uh in this back corner something like this and maybe i don't know maybe one of these guys or one of these smaller guys on on that corner and that one as well with maybe some color just uh hanging over as well i think that's pretty good i don't want to go too crazy with it i really don't i just want the airline headquarters building to kind of just just look nice okay that's that's what i'm going for because really i want to make an airline i'm going to keep chirp air as the name for now but do throw suggestions for names in the comments below as always and the livery on the plane i think is gonna be it's gonna be that one and the color of the planes we're gonna go for pink i think i think we're gonna go for like a light kind of pink and i think that's pretty good so not bad not bad at all i oh there's oh there's one of my planes right there uh doing some weird doing some weird stuff that that's that's definitely one of my planes that's that's what that is definitely one of mine but there we go we have an airline we have a cargo airport that's sort of working has a lot of land around it that i need to do some stuff with definitely need to um definitely need to do some stuff with that but i don't want to go crazy on hyper detailing today i don't want to be like oh we got the cargo airport we got all these trees all this stuff to go around i wanted to get this thing functional although it is annoying me how it is annoying me how barren this whole area is right now i'll tell you what i will do i'll tell you what i'll do let's let's just get a section of fence here so let me go in let me get the airport one let me go from here and i just want to run it down to about there so that this thing is at the very least secure right i think that's a pretty good idea this guy can run to here and can run to there there get rid of that bit and that kind of nicely surrounds and secures the airport now people can run underneath the highway if they really want to not that they're going to but they could if they absolutely decided that was the thing they wanted to do they could run underneath the highway hopefully they don't do that but uh we'll we'll go ahead and get a little bit of a little bit of security underneath the highway at some point as well uh for now i just want to go ahead and put this farm fence in here because to be honest i think uh i think we can probably get away with just a little farm fence separating the uh train line from the highway because no one's really gonna be out walking around here anyway so what i can do is this guy right here and i apparently missed one of the nodes that's fantastic that's totally fine though we can just move them all over one at a time uh so something like this and something like this as well and i think that looks all right it could definitely be a bit of a bigger fence we could maybe go for the zoo fence and see what it looked like but i i kind of like this one i kind of think the farm fence is the way to go i think it nicely nicely separates things without being too imposing and what i really want is people to be able to sit here and see trains go by at some point i i don't know why i think that would look cool but i think that would look kind of cool i just don't see any trains i don't see any trains happening for a while i should also really do something about this death wave and the massive garbage problem that we're having which now that i think about it is probably because i got rid of three garbage processing things and never replaced them so i should probably do that i should probably uh probably definitely definitely do that so let me go 20 units here let me do this let me do this i'm just gonna do a bit of a quick and lazy method for dealing with the garbage problems right now i'm just gonna throw a bunch of these guys in essentially and uh i will eventually get around to figuring out a more permanent solution for garbage but right now i just want to throw a whole bunch of these guys in so that we uh we don't have to worry about it right now and i mean it's gonna be it's gonna be a bit of a traffic problem but it's fine we'll just we'll deal with the garbage that's piling up and uh hopefully well hopefully that's gonna solve the money problem as well because good lord we have uh we have definitely got a bit of a money problem but i do think most of these deaths right this guy so what killed you doesn't say all right how's death care doing in general how are we how are we looking yeah crematoriums are fine there's a lot of dead people needing transported but we have enough crematoriums for it so i'm not super stressed there in terms of budget i mean i don't think i can increase the budget for death care i can increase it for medical but uh but can i increase it for death care is that a thing i don't think it is i think health care just does it so we'll be fine the garbage trucks will head out they'll do their thing and everything's gonna be all right i should probably connect this industrial area to the highway at some point but for now it's it's fine it's it's not a huge deal i'm also still noticing absolutely no one going to this this cargo train station i'm so i'm not i'm not angry you know i'm i'm not angry i'm just disappointed
Channel: ConflictNerd
Views: 17,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ConflictNerd, Dylan, Cities Skylines, Airports, Review, Preview, Series, EP1, Lets Play, Gameplay, Playthrough, Timelapse, Funny Moments, Episode 1, Part 1, Tutorial
Id: QC433rb4rZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 39sec (2859 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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