AIRLINE MEGA MARATHON - Fan Favorite Full Episodes of ALL TIME - Part 10 | A&E

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[Music] it's no laughing matter for the staff on airline they try to tell me where I was and wasn't because I know where I was from the verbal I hope your plane crashes I hope you die to the physical you know please don't hit me [Music] again on lose my mind going got to get Clos having a sense of humor at the airport these days can be very helpful but in today's world traveling by air is still a serious business you know what sir I'm going to get the police up here if you can't control yourself all right I'll get my lawyer so seats you didn't have and [Music] now at Baltimore Washington International Carol is helping a great grandmother who has been taken off a flight to Raleigh what happened was the Ops agent had already boarded her the first officer took the wheelchair down and observed that maybe she appeared under the influence of something when he got her in her seat she fell over so I went down and I said you know how you feeling day and she was like okay but her speech was slurred I could smell alcohol I said well are you on any kind of medication she named a couple medications and I said well have you had any alcohol and she said yeah I've had alcohol too so I said well we're actually probably going to have you come off the plane and take a later flight looks like maybe you're under the influence of alcohol and we can't have you travel like that at that point she smacked me you got to be an idiots you know' please please don't hit me again at Chicago Midway Colleen's been called to the jetway where passenger Larry dear has been taken off the Fort Lauderdale flight she was very rude to me when I started so help me God I swear to God I real strong did you pay for this with a real pushy tip Larry receives kidney dialysis in his arm but keeping it outstretched across the next seat has led to a dispute with the flight attendant slow because I do dialysis you know I'm very slow this is my life if I don't protect this and I can't wash my blood and my Kies I die I have no kidney and I have to have Monday Wednesday and Friday and I have to protect this like you protect a little kid you know right away she took an answer I'm going to call somebody right away about you okay it's not my fault but their their feeling and the feeling of the other um employees is that do aggressive and rude with them and so they do have the right to to request you not travel on this aircraft so right now what we need to resolve is whether they think that it's appropriate for you to travel sir yes I oh now I see what you're saying you see what I'm saying so we're going to find you could explain that to me from the beginning okay Larry must wait to see if the crew will allow him back on [Music] board at LAX Michael galindo's flight to Tucson is board in without him don't Mike cars discovered his seat was given away because he did not check in at the gate 10 minutes before departure were you in a bar or were you somewhere else I was right here in this area you weren't in the gate area you were somewhere else obviously don't tell me that I know where I was okay don't try to tell me where I was and wasn't because I know where I was where were you then I don't know I was right here line to go down you just came up now sir this already after departure time so you can see 10-minute roll well there's no more seats on this flight so you'll have to go standby on the next flight okay yes they said I was late so according to the 10-minute rule whatever that means since I was late I got bumped I have to be somewhere in Tucson at 700 p.m. tonight so if I don't make that one I'll really be mad [Applause] at the other end of the terminal Lisa and her friends Melissa and Amy have just arrived on a flight from Ohio we have to look nice cuz we're meeting boys we've never seen boys before Lisa is meeting up with her friend Ally who she met on vacation in South Carolina she hasn't seen him for 3 months they're picking us up from the airport can't look like this we just got off of a 4our flight so our hair's flat and makeup's nasty abami models and they're hot and we're southern girls and we're losers so we definitely got to look good for them they we're staying with their parents his parents in this really nice house so we're just getting ready right now trying to look pretty you know trying she says they're gorgeous so we might not get them but it's okay what is curious Yolanda checks in on the girls you're meeting your friends who you've never seen seen we never met his friends and so he's introducing your two friends to two of his friends yeah yeah ah and what are you guys going to do while you're out here just see everything I guess see all the beaches he's showing us and just [Music] partyy at BWI Mary Wow's vacation plans are on hold flight okay well at this point you're not going to be able to fly on this aircraft why because it appears as if you're intoxicated I can't do anything I have three kids I have four kids okay well kids right so what we're going to do is get you on right but what we're going to do is get you on this next flight in order to travel on that one um we're going to have to you know make sure that you don't have anything else as far as alcohol yeah they are stupid you know what I came in here going to my vacation very calmly secure and I love Southwest and all of a sudden because I've had a few drinks and I can't well I've got to show ID I got to do do this I got to do that you know what guys go out and get the bag guys not [Music] [Music] me back at Midway Larry awaits a decision from the flight crew sir are you traveling and so we're going to look at another aircraft okay your next oh we're going to have to look at what the next flight is Sir the the crew would rather that you not travel on this aircraft today because of the the way that you you're demeanor with them no I don't think that's fair I'm sorry sir there you know I mean I don't think that's fair that you could just do I mean I fine though okay but you weren't fine before when they were trying one moment she's to push me off the plane you have the right to do that we're we're going to get you there sir we're going to you're going to be on a flight in a few hours so it's not going to be that much of a delay oh that's really do you have anything on the that you're really really put me in a spot and and because you have the power to do what you're doing to me and you're smiling about you're really nice sir no I'm more than happy to go do you have any sir do you have I'm going to write your company a letter definely no just I'm going it's not a problem you have a nice life I hope your plane crashes I hope you die whatever sir sir sir you now now now you're done traveling with us today sir okay now now now how do I get home you're going to have to find another refund my money I will H be happy to refund your money sir yes sir this is unbelievable okay really just waited for me to really blow up you you're worse than her oh my [Music] God back at BWI Grandma Mary wowski is still upset about being offloaded from her flight need to give this you know what she definitely appears to be intoxicated she now is very upset cuz I guess it's sinking in that she's not getting on this flight believe me I've had you drinks I can't say that Mary do you have your ID that I could see for a moment please because I'm well I want that okay and that's fine we do want you to be able to get on this next flight which leaves at 7:05 so that's why we'd like to get you some water or some coffee or something oh Mar has a couple of drinks and that's it you got to idiot Brenda right here would like to take you to get something if you'd let her hi Brenda I asked Brenda just to intervene just because it didn't seem like we were clicking at all sometimes it's best to bring somebody else in and uh Brenda seemed like she had that motherly way about her she'd be able to click with her so we're hoping we can get her some coffee and get her on the 705 Glide at Chicago flight 1802 to Fort Lauderdale pushes back without Larry sir what you just did showed us what your behavior was like on that aircraft with that with those with those like I can't sit there like like that I can't your no sir your dialysis is not an excuse for your behavior and what you just said we're refunding your ticket you're going to have to use another carrier today I'm sorry your dialysis is not an excuse for your behavior that's fine okay that's fine I'm not using the dialysis as an excuse but I have to protect my arm and and if you push me you push me you know I'm not a well person and I don't have any money I'm I I get SSI I live on $562 a month I I can't work I'm I can't work you know now how am I going to pay for another flight I don't have the money my mom actually had those implants and um I know how how fragile you know their health can be and my mom went through similar situation but that health issue does not warrant his behavior with his refund Larry found another way to Fort [Music] Lauderdale back in La Michael Galindo is convinced he was not to blame for arriving late at the gate you didn't call my name so I want to be on that next flight because I paid for my ticket and I was here we have two issues that we need to talk about one is about you not being here the other one is that you appear to be intoxicated so I'm I'm not intoxicated Mike don't use that as an excuse for your your shortcoming I'm trying I'm trying there nothing about the shortcoming it has to do with I don't know your eyes are red it's your fault you appeared intoxicated and I just want to let you know that you cannot be in the bar area anymore today he's saying he was here I I did not see him he make himself known so we're going to have to wait and see he's waiting here for me and we'll wait and see smiling that's a good thing at BWI things have become worse for Grandma Mary Mary apparently took a fall over here attempting to get out of her wicher we just kind of sat over here with her coffee I was keeping an eye on her um and uh when she went to get up apparently she fell I don't know if her foot got caught but she hit her nose her nose started bleeding it looks like maybe she Twisted her ankle so we have paramedics coming despite her fall Mary's determined to be back on her feet back in La Lisa and her friends Melissa and Amy are getting increasingly anxious about meeting the boys look at me I'm wrecked I'm so nervous I'm like so nervous for real and that's for real I think I'm want to PUK cuz I don't know what to do when I see him should I just be like hey what's going on or should I be like give him a kiss or I don't know what to do hug him give him a hug that's all you say the moment they've been waiting for is just steps away storms are Brewing at Chicago Midway causing delays on all flights Colleen and her team BRAC themselves for a long night ahead okay we're now delayed across the board let's go tro yes yes all right let's go get him come on James I told you you weren going home hey I'm here first up is delayed Flight 438 to Long Island the flight is running 1 hour behind passenger John freed called the airline before heading to the airport but wasn't told about the delay why didn't they tell us well the time you called it was probably all right how about if I call right now and I don't ask will they tell me without my asking uh I don't know you can try I'm doing that right now as you can see okay I have the 800 iFly SWA [Applause] number yes um Flight 438 is the flight wide open 24 seats available is the flight on time uh do you think maybe you should have told me that before before I specifically asked you no you you have no obligation to tell me thank you as you saw until I asked the question they didn't tell me anything absolutely nothing and the flight is delayed an hour at right now officially thank you John's flight leaves an hour later but Colleen fears the worst is yet to come at BWI Carol has tracked Mary down to the lady's restroom I'm going to compose myself and then I'm going to get mared and we're going to go back down to the C I just needed a moment I have uh Mary if you're looking for her Brenda I have her with me thank you we got Mar was missing action well let's watch the cane I don't want you to hit anybody with it okay we're going to get you down to your chair Mary still needs to sober up to board the next flight to Raleigh um it's delayed about an hour which is probably good news cuz technically she would be leaving in 50 minutes and probably that hour is going to be good for her she's definitely doing better than she was and another hour I think she'll be good an hour later Mary is cleared for travel and heads to Raleigh [Music] back at LAX Michael Galindo waits for the next flight to Tucson Mike checks up on him we have five empty seats right now if five confirmed people show up you won to get on but you would but if one of those seats is available 10 minutes before departure I'll be able to give it to you but he needs to be in Tucson by seven my daughter she's a student at UC Berkeley and she plays women's fast pitch softball and their game is at 700 pm tonight against University of Arizona and she's the lead off hitter so I need to be there on time so I can see her I go to all her Gams in Chicago radar screens reveal the weather shows no sign of letting up and tempers are starting to flare you all have to stay in one line for me folks just take it easy I'll take it easy when you guys give a standard answer from what the lady said there and what you're saying here we're going to set up a love cart Provo can bring up some snacks and Chris is going to grab ice off the aircraft this is a love cart when we start experiencing weather delays like we're going to in the next hour or so we're going to have two and three and 4 hour delays we'll provision some of the gates so that the customers can get some snacks get a soda passenger Jason Jordan's in bound flight was delayed because of weather and he's missed his connection to Cleveland people St Louis are like why didn't you just stay on the flight tomorrow I can rebook you for tomorrow morning there's no other flights I can't switch Airlines to go on another another flight later we don't Interline with other airlines Jason U I have no money for a hotel room well I don't know my mom is is is sick with cancer back in La it's finally the moment Lisa and the girls have been waiting for where do we go Lisa outside this is Ali that's the guy we're hello what is this nice to meet you these girls came a long way I hope it's worth it they came a long way this is the one you met yeah we got friends where are they it's in that Tahoe right there okay hold out for the next [Laughter] one that's Melissa and that's all right all right now they're from the Midwest but they're not that gullible I schooled them so you take care of them okay guys I think they're excited to be here and they'll they'll have a good time I just hope they're safe and smart and all that good stuff up at the gates the flight to Tucson is ready to board Mike gives his final verdict I haven't seen him in the bar area he's not staging he's not slurring does smell like alcohol but you know we'll we'll take it from there he he tried to turn the tables on me he said he said where were you at the at the bar drinking and I said I beg your pardon I've been here Southwest is Page and passenger Michael gendo Michael gendo does that mean get no I just wanted to make sure you were still here [Applause] sir in the future if you come in and you're making a connection just walk up to the podium make yourself known because okay all right thank you very much and um all right don't forget your ID good luck in your daughter softball event all right good luck generally they provide good service but I I think I got bumped uh anyways have a good day back at Midway it looks like Jason will be spending the night in Chicago how am I going to get to Cleveland what's the easiest way for tomor morning I can put you on the first flight tomorrow morning which is 7:15 there's also an 8:00 do you want the first flight 7 of course I do if I want to leave tonight would most likely want the first flight tomorrow morning you're not helping me really by you know what I mean you're doing you're doing what you have to do for Tom morning I know but you're doing what you have to do anyway you're not you're not necessarily helping with my problem I understand that okay I understand that 100% I'm sorry Jason I really am I'm I'm sure but Sorry's not going to help me get there any soon I appreciate it I'm sorry I didn't I anticipate any of this happening I didn't I don't have the funds available to be able to do anything else other than wait for my flight in the morning and hopefully I'll be able to get on [Music] then it's a weather day weather day in Chicago I love him tonight after a long night of delays Colleen and James can finally head home this day are Friday it feels like it doesn't today is not Friday weather got to love the weather Tuesday and Wednesday spring look I need to change my days off man emotions are riding high on airline some fly off the handle okay sir you don't need to throw things at me okay some just need to get out of town we have a funeral we have a dead body laying down that we got to we got to go to and one woman is on an emotional roller coaster I hope especially my son likes me because that would be pretty [Music] flying can be an emotional [Music] business whether you're having fun stressed out just get me off the I don't care or just plain angry haven't figured it out everyone has their baggage at Midway three passengers on their way to Detroit have too much baggage to carry on we have to be in Detroit at the time that this place do we also have $50,000 worth of photography equipment here that I will not let go of okay the bin space is full then then the bin space is full and and we have no choice but to check it this is the flight that we booked I understand that Serv and because we were at the end of the line we're being told we can't we can't go on this flight yeah I apologize but there's only so much space in the bins that that that that's the the reality I can go and check with the crew again for you but if there's no space in those overhead bins you'll have no choice and I can put you on another flight I'll be happy to do that but if the bins are full they they're full and we're going to have to tag them what time is your departure that can't be right just give me a minute sir but that that that is pretty much our option I'll go and check with the crew one more time without room for their cases on the plane the three photographers may miss their Detroit deadline are you traveling today I'm going to TSA at Raleigh dorham International Carol Tarbox is checking in she's going to a family reunion but it's no ordinary Gathering thank I have three siblings one of whom I did not know about so I have two brothers and another sister that I'm going to meet with for the first time and also I'm going to meet with a son that I gave up for adoption 42 years ago whom I've never seen and the reunion isn't the only thing on Carol's mind I do not like to fly so in in fact I'm going to take another pill I've already had two this morning I'm going to take another one yeah I'm terrified to fly back at Midway Colleen tries to avoid checking $5,000 worth of camera equipment hi guys hey there's absolutely no way we can get those bags on they're saying it's really expensive um equipment overhead vins are full so okay unless unless you want to petition passengers and take it delay we're we're past departure now all right I told him I'd come up and ask one more time all right thank you okay sir I'm sorry they're saying the bins are all full really what can't you ask someone else who's got some meaningless clothing or something check I'm sorry sir we're already past departure I can't do that do you want to go on another flight or did you want to tag them we're past departure we have to make a decision I don't want him have to make this decision this is totally unfair you're at the end of the board in process if you had been here earlier and checked we were here okay but we just decided that we weren't going to fight to be in the front of the line that's all we've been here we've been waiting here for 45 minutes okay well but but that choice not to do that sir has cost you the possibility of having bin space I've never was aware that that was a possibility we I never had this happen sir are you going to take this flight then or are you going to take another flight what do you guys at LAX yolandas found a man loitering outside the Ladies Room Larry Blackwell is on his way to Phoenix with his wife Joanne he's been waiting for her to come out Joanne's in there shall we call Joanne trying to get her out of okay all right let me see Joanne Joanne I yelled her name are you sure she's in there I I called her name and there was no response are you sure she went in there that's she said she be so the search for Joanne begins did you guys have a little bit to drink little bit little bit so this is your gate down here yeah she's not here she's not here huh I think he's had a little bit more to drink than I'm comfortable with but G to see where his wife is if Joanne doesn't show in the next 10 minutes she and Larry will miss their flight back at Raleigh Durham Carol's flight to Oklahoma is preparing for take off oh my God oh my [Music] oh it's horrible it feels like you're going up a roller coaster is the main thing and I just I I have a thing of height so I mean it's like and then you're going straight up so I did get some help from this wonderful lady who has uh held my hand this stranger has come to the rescue again Carol's thoughts turned to the reunion I hope my son likes me because that would be pretty [Music] important back at LAX Larry still hasn't found his wife Joanne and now there's more bad news at this point you both of you have missed the flight it's already gone cuz it was leaving at 7:15 and it's 718 you got some bre but Yolanda's still hot on the trail well I've just been called uh to gate 4 a which is where we just left looking for his wife uh saying that there's a possible Deni boarding due to intoxication and I'm just wondering if it might possibly uh be a related situation are you Joanne oh we've been looking for you with your uh with Larry we've both been looking for you do you if you come with me I'll take you down to where he is okay okay he thought you were in the bathroom so he was waiting for you now it's the long trk to gate 12 are you okay steady you okay do you need to hold on to me no now I have to see if her traveling companion Larry is waiting where I asked him to I think I do see him down there so okay Larry we we found her where right here you know we just missed our flight I know okay let me have you all come over here for me I just need to talk to you for a [Music] second back in Chicago the photographers are still reluctant to check their bags there's no bin space everything has to be checked at this point if it'll fit under your seat well this can get checked okay sir you don't need to throw things at me okay this can go this go yeah we're tagging them now they've decided to check their bags they're not Cy so they're kind of tossing them at me but the reality is they they should have been here earlier if they needed to really have this important equipment stay with them that is the most expensive one okay we've got to go cuz we're very late we have to go so this is going to be checked underneath you cannot fit this underneath your seat yeah I've done it before I don't know about underneath the sea so that looks it's I I'm telling you I have done it before okay we need to go sir go ahead and start walking we're going to check go ahead go go in the end even the most expensive bag is checked but they all arrived in Detroit undamaged all right we're good we're out of here yeah that wasn't necessary and truly he was frustrated and angry but he had no one to blame but himself I mean not wanting to stand in line cost him that that opportunity so all right you guys good job at LAX Yolanda discovers why Joanna Larry have been drinking I'm so nervous I can't I understand she had an emergency landing on another airline 10 years ago she did a a a skid Landing here the the landing gear would not come down okay she did a bell the any here they did the foam all of that that's way she is so afraid yeah of but what I want to do is look at putting you all on the 9:00 if you still want to travel today well we have to travel today I mean it's my DA's birthday it is you know I mean we we have to go I would really love for you to maybe get get something to eat or [Music] drink meanwhile Carol has arrived safely in Oklahoma where she's driving to a state park to meet the son she gave up for adoption when my parents found out I got pregnant or my mother and my stepfather found out I got pregnant that was like this you know oh my God you know we got to hide her and put her away and you know can't talk to anybody don't let anybody know you're pregnant it really took about 5 years or so before I actually stopped crying every day I mean it really took a long long long long time you know I really really hated it I really hated it but you know in retrospect it was the best thing that could have happened for him I'm not so sure about me but for him it was the best thing because there was just no way that you know I could have taken my parents were not supported and um there was just no way that you know I mean I was 17 I was scared you know didn't just barely out of high school when he was born the Fates um somehow brought us together so I'm very grateful for that t i and I'm really excited I'm very excited I may not look excited but inside I am just shaking all over to get to it Carol will be reunited in less than an hour with all the [Music] family A look at that in La it's time for the Blackwells flight to board hey this is my final check you doing okay I'm you don't feel so nervous anymore good I'm trying to calm down good you're doing really well thanks okay enjoy your flight despite Joanne's fear of flying she'll be there for her daughter's birthday she was pretty shaking up so it's good to see she's calmed down a lot I think she'll be fine so it's kind of like a victory for her this Sumer only her second time trying in 10 years so that's a victory she got [Music] on at Baltimore Washington International Chris Ford and his family are flying to North Carolina they are carrying over 30 lers of liquor and Beth won't allow it on board we can't take more than 5 liters and it has to be packed in the styrofoam box in order for us to take it but I wasn't told that okay I understand that I apologize for that but unfortunately apolog apologize and now it's not going to help you I need to get out the I need to get on the plan the only thing I can think of is that we can confirm you on a later flight and that you guys can try and send it FedEx or some other way but we can we cannot accept the packages like this someone else I can talk to cuz I wasn't told that yeah but I I called when I brought question my ticket I called from this twice okay so I mean that's what I'm saying I'm not sure if there was a misunderstanding or not but we can only take we can only take the five lers and they have to be in a styrofoam box we can't we can't take them just like that full of full of liquor though well I was told you can't I mean so you when I'm up here you telling me now this is it's too late I got to fight in 30 minutes we do have a function that is going on later on this today and we're sitting here now arguing about taking a lter flight I don't think that's right I apologize for that you guys I'm sorry about that's not going to help res my ISS the only I mean I wish I had a different option for you guys but the only option we have is that we can book you on a later flight and you guys can try and send it FedEx or any other way or have somebody pick it up you have to make some kind of reservation or whatever you have to do for us to take this C you can't take this much look her on board with [Music] you at Chicago Midway Mary boand just landed from St Louis somewhere in transit her bag got damaged and she's lost $200 worth of rather personal items bag's torn so we were just trying to figure out how it was torn and all her undergarments are in here it's expensive so that's why they're they have to like chck out on a bunch of stuff just because of what the total comes to Nikki and Janine are trying to help track the underwear down I mean it's got to be somewhere right right exactly so that's what we trying to see if it's insane noise or here did you make any stops uhuh so it's between St Louis and here so we're trying to make sure that St Louis didn't get a whole bunch of underclothes up there with no with nobody with them scattered all over the m the trouble is how is she going to prove she had them in the first place unless if we you know have some type of proof it's hard to be able to pay you out as far as to try to help you and give you any you know [Music] compensation okay Aunt Mary this is Aunt Mary this is your Aunt Mary this is um back in Oklahoma Carol's Daughter Meredith has joined her for moral support and the reunion can finally begin there's a long lost Aunt well I used to take care of you a brother which one are you Ken [Music] Ken a new stepmom you look so [Music] beautiful and sister how are you oh I'm okay I think no I'm starting are you overwhelmed I'm shaking I am shaking like I I am too but Carol's yet to spot the person she's been waiting so long to meet and he's standing only a few yards away oh you hi I'm Claudia I talk to you on the phone back at BWI the fate of the liquor is still unresolved we have a fun going on in a couple hours and you're telling us we got to miss our function we have we're going in a burial situation we're not going for fun and this is not and right now we getting upset manager Aaron is called to the situation I they need to have more protection around them I'm sorry you got the wrong information but we have a funeral I mean right this is very emo I know I'm sorry I mean you think the first person the best thing you do is just put him back in your car yeah but I need him with me put them back in my car I'm just trying to give you more options yeah but putting in my car how's that an option I'm not going to sit there and drink all that for me it's for an occasion we going to have to work something out this is not going to work [Music] out at Midway it's not looking good for Mary there's still no proof her underwear existed which means she won't be reimbursed her $200 just if we can find something that is a loose article that kind of gives us something to go by we could be able to help you a little bit more but okay that's fine well can you guys just call my number then well I can see if he can get better yeah I mean you're more than welcome to call us too here Mary's leaving empty-handed ma'am nice how long how long are you going to be here um till Sunday I'm not really um you know I know we haven't found anything but I just like you give you like a small amount like least you know $25 or something they not going to be Victoria Secrets or something so at least we can get the six Packer weekend yeah not much but I hope get you can't stand seeing someone cry sorry there's a couple's door still open tonight thank you so much have a good night you oh she had something in there she wasn't making it up so hopefully somebody guys will be cleaning up and see some bras and panties going around and call us and we can get them T her back at BWI Chris and his family are still at a standoff what could you guys do to help us and we need this stuff we're going on a burial function we we supposed to catch the plan in minutes we're missing our flight and we're sitting here arguing and there's no help he like you got to go put no no no no no there's there's no way that we can take the box like this there's absolutely no way if you guys land and the boxes break they're going to be on 137 other passengers B if it's for today with no other options and a funeral to attend they decide to leave the liquor in Baltimore and board a later flight we're going to fly cuz we have a funeral we have a dead body laying down that we got to we got to go to so then we'll take care of what we need to take care of right now we're not even having any [Music] back in Oklahoma long lost son Greg is finally about to be reunited with his mother can you I am GRE no oh my God how are you D I don't know you all right yeah I'm fine we were just in the neighborhood you know decided to stop by so we could oh my God how you been the last time I saw you I don't remember that when I was a little young at the time oh my God just a tall growing a little soon oh my god well I'd cry but I can't cry anymore my my life has been so cried out but it's not that you ever really lost a family it's just that they come together you know now later then it's just a temporary separation I guess you could look at it like that you know catch up on some lost time yeah hopefully well maybe not that but make some new memories make some new memories make some new there you go yeah yeah the oh God oh God oh God who else are we meeting oh my God I can't remember all these [Music] names it's in sickness and in health on airline a 5-year-old flies to Phoenix for a lifechanging operation it is stressful but I'm just happy that we've got this chance there's a medical crisis at BWI when she had the seizure she hit her head on the metal railings and temperatures are rising in LA [Music] I in Portland tomara Moore and her 5-year-old son Dallas are setting off on what could be a life-changing trip for them both hi Mom I'm good things you should see Dallas he's having a ball here he's running up and down the escalators uh showing off and just being a silly guy Dallas suffers from a rare brain tumor that causes severe seizures and if left untreated could lead to permanent brain [Applause] [Music] damage while we're traveling to Phoenix um for a wonderful opportunity for Dallas to have a new chance at life Dallas is going to undergo surgery on Friday to remove his tumor aren't you Dallas I'm nervous you know I'm I'm excited I'm scared um I'm hoping that I have my little boy back that I knew a couple years ago um and I want to be able to keep him that way and make them better at Chicago Midway the last Baltimore flight is about to depart and Tim brushard can't find his ticket what flight are you getting on I'm trying to get on this 815 flight she told me I I was on a standby flight I went over to her she called my name on the standby I went there I gave her the uh ticket for the standby and she said she gave it back to me and told me I need to be scream pinky yes okay she didn't give me anything did you see did you see the I saw the actual paper ticket did he go through the screening at check no we were waiting on security and I knew that she asked for 109 so I knew it was him so I looked around for the young guy security coming down yeah Security is coming Margarita says she's calling him again okay have you been walking around just in this gate area right here and right here that's it they call my name on the PTA and I was on standby and they told me I was on the flight and I came over I gave her my license she checked me in she took my ticket hi Sue Hi it's Colleen in Chicago hang on I have to get additional screen this is this is nutty I don't understand this in La There's A Party of Three traveling from New York to Vegas on a rival Airline delayed for 6 hours they've now missed their connecting flight and are faced with an even longer wait in La desperate they turn to Mike for help be quiet for a second let me let me talk all right what's going on what's got you so upset what got so upset I've been on New York Times since 5: this morning I S have been in my destination at 10:00 a.m. this morning she's telling me now that I'm not going to leave out La time to 9:45 they have a 6 620 fight that going out they can't put us on now they telling us to get back on the way to 945 who's going to pay for my hotel let me tell a man please Glen Smith his mom constant and girlfriend Tish Mona are hoping that Mike will be able to help them get to Vegas on Southwest all right so you guys not upset with Southwest at this point you're just upset with the whole situation not Southwest the whole situation she said was going to be a supervisor down here so I can talk to I need to get compensated for my time I've been here I'm not yelling at him leave me alone please what right there I just sent I just I'm a supervisor of southw I just faced with the prospect of a further 3-hour delay mom vents her anger at the Rival Airlines representative I don't need a dam wheelchair I need a I need now you switch places you get your ass and stand over there and let me stand over here understand me what I'm saying no you stand over there where I am okay do you think I've got my money's worth in this one day I feel I should be compensating that's what I'm telling you I've never seen an air sorry this Tamara and Dallas arrive in Phoenix and meet the couple who have made all this possible Southwest pilot John soie and his wife [Music] Lisa nice to meet you their son CJ was also diagnosed with a brain tumor but at that time there was no Treatment available in the US oh this is my is that your we got the diagnosis with CJ when he was 3 months old and had been told that there really was no hope and that surgery surgery was not an option at that point in the United States it was too delicate a place to go so for about 3 years we checked every Medical Library we could got on the internet met some families that had formed a really small support group all with children that had the same type of tumor and one of the families that started to chime in was an Australian family who were going for surgery their neurosurgeon felt that he had developed a way to get the tumor out safely and to stop the seizures so when CJ's seizures really started to turn for the worst we decided to go to Australia for the surgery we did he came out wonderfully seizure free with no bad side effects at all I have so after CJ's surgery in Australia we we got the Australian surgeon hooked up with the folks here in town at the Barrow Institute and these folks have started doing the surgery thanks to the soes 45 children have already benefited and now it's Dallas's turn hello hello Dallas hello Dallas Dallas say hi to Dr rate hi how you doing okay I'm GNA nice to see you nice to see you anything this big carries a risk of not making it it's not impossible but it is a very big thing and there are big blood vessels and things there are hemorrhages and things that could happen that have never happened and I don't expect to happen and I'll do everything I can to prevent them from happening M there's still a lot of unknowns you know until they actually do the procedure and till he actually goes through it to see how how he bounces back and and um you know whether they're able to get it all or at least disconnect it all or that sort of thing so there's still a lot of unknowns but I've gotten a lot of good news today [Music] [Laughter] so back at Chicago Midway Tim's flight is about to leave without him the Hunt is on for the missing ticket we are looking for a security document that possibly was stamped through TSA for his additional screening he's claiming he was screen but unfortunately we didn't have one of these on there it wasn't scen tell we have one more Tim are you going through all your stuff I don't have tiet he's a full Fair ticket and he was a standby yeah what which I know I mean I saw the ticket and I stamped it in that's I knew everything was on is it in your last were you doing another flight at the time pink you know I just think this kid this kid he probably dropped it dropped yeah he is where's the garbage bag where the cleaning lady go with the garbage bag honey you're the one who dropped your food over here did you leave your boarding I once got I came down I dropped some fries I picks up the fries and I thre them right here what you do with the garbage bag I just told her not to take it I just told her not to take the gar French Fri attention in the airport Southwest Airlines is paging One Source cleaner return to Bravo 8 One Source cleaner return to Bravo 8 please bring your garbage bag back meanwhile at LAX the frustration continues for Mom Constance he's an idiot he haven't figured it out yet and girlfriend Tish Mona is trying to make sense of it all so the lady said go to Southwest and I'm like go to Southwest how what do the Southwest like just go to Southwest please you know like okay let's just go to Southwest maybe they already spoke with them but she made it like we're going to come to Southwest and we're going to run and get on another plane right now like a plane was waiting for us again at Southwest just to get more bull for lack of better words right now I can't even think I'm just tired I'm hungry I need a shower yeah and I know things happen I've this is not my first time flying a plane but this is the worst ever they're booked on the next flight to Vegas but their bags are still with the other Airline now see this blade is going from into la yeah and it's supposed to be your flight so they you're supposed to pick your bags up at the baggage claim in if you want to bring those over maybe one of you want to go over there and get them bring them over here so we already have send somebody we have your boarding we have your your kind of service do your airline offer why don't you send someone for our bags why should we keep walking all over East hell we're not getting any service let me ask United even they can transer would you want to do that do you guys want to wait here for now yeah okay so you going to come back excuse me you still haven't answered my question what I've been talking to you this whole time about where's your customer service at where you going to compensate me for for my bucket I just [Music] lost it's 5:00 a.m. in Phoenix and operation day for Dallas at the St Joseph Hospital it's the moment mom Tamara has waited for for 5 years take care good I am not worried I think it's going to be perfectly okay but I'm I'm just really excited for Dallas's future and uh so happy for him that he's going to be healthier and so forth than he was this is kind of exhausting cuz it is stressful but you know I'm just happy happy for him happy that we've got this chance hope he comes out as good as this one huh so you going have a buddy to play withy absolutely goofy the soes remain by Tamara's side as Dallas goes through the operation at Baltimore Washington International a woman has collapsed at the gate Gina and Carol are quickly on the scene apparently the woman that's is picking up unaccompanied miners who are now our peer at our customer service center I just asked them if their mom has epilepsy and they didn't know what I was talking about so but she apparently has had a seizure over here when she had this seizure she hit her head on the metal railings I think goodness her kids didn't see anything um we took them right over to the customer service center and they didn't see her on the ground all they can do now is wait for the paramedics back at Chicago Midway Tim might have lost his ticket but Colleen's starting to lose her patience Tim you need to come over here I need to talk to you if you want to get on this flight I'm helping you out okay you're not helping me because you lost your ticket and you need a ticket to get on this aircraft okay so you need to pay attention to what I'm saying cuz I know you keep saying she lost it she didn't lose you're say you're first off you're putting had the blame on me right off of the gecko Tim I don't need to let you go on this aircraft I'm telling you understand that you lost your ticket okay you telling me that last okay okay I'll go with that as long as I can get on this flight okay with only minutes to go before takeoff Colleen decides to get Tim cleared by security and allows him to travel ni um pinky pull a boarding card please sorry you do that's the only vage you got yep okay thank you they're waiting for you Monita wait Wanita wait wait the flight's about to depart but not without a final word from Colleen hi sorry where's Mr brashard where'd he go Mr brashard I just want to let you know your ticket was laying on the floor in the hallway we were able to find it thank you hey thank you thank you turns out Mr bashard had actually lost his ticket in The Concourse like we told him he just didn't want to listen to us and I don't think he understood how much we were trying to help him he didn't want to listen so the TSA screener was walking away and found his ticket laying on the floor in the hallway like we tried to tell him so anyway back in Phoenix Dr recate has located the tumor there's the hammera right there you can see the wall and then you see the lump the smaller they are the easier they are to do this is looking very clo this is very likely to have been a a gross total removal that little piece is all we have left from what we can see we have it all out it's a good thing I have high hopes that it will help him a lot in Phoenix Dr rate is off to give tomorrow the good news we're all done everything went beautifully it looks like we got it all anyway uh he's he he won't be until he's awake that we know but I believe we got it all in it looks great everything went fine [Laughter] Yahoo yay today we'll go home with a lot of smiles because so many of the families have been like that they show up they're nervous they're excited you know that whole gamut which is a huge range of emotions when you turn that child over to the doctors and then when they come out and have a big smile and say you know it's done everything's fine we just feel really blessed to be a part of it I love you I love you baby but it's it's very emotional along the way oh he love be too s De there still will be a range of emotions for another couple weeks and some months it's it's not over yet there's a lot of healing that needs to go [Music] on in La The Smith's bags have finally been transferred into southwest's care but too late for the next flight this like the casing from and Constance is still looking for answers don't ask a don't answer a question with a question it's a yes or a no question they should have been in Las Vegas 8 hours ago you don't have the answer to those questions so you get your supervisor you don't want to do anything for us that's fine maybe your supervisor will cuz you don't want to do maybe you don't have the authority maybe you don't have don't want to so let us talk to somebody else can I just make a suggestion I know you guys are upset anything I don't think we're going to get anywhere like you were saying downstairs at this point here did you give them something they can write into maybe give them an address or something they can write into so they can try to follow up with this CU it doesn't seem like we're going to get anywhere past this sisters are they going Bank how could you not how could you just not how could you not giving me a number I really don't trust the guy doesn't want to compensate us he didn't get the bags on time he told he was going to get our bags he never got the bags and when he got the bags he got the bags late so now he changes to another 810 fight and it started since 5 5 this morning actually out of New York back at BWI the paramedics have arrived to attend to the woman collapsed on The Concourse apparently she does have prior history of seizures she's real disoriented right now she doesn't know where she is she didn't know anything about picking up her kids and I told her where her kids are at so she's going to the hospital now the children are taken to customer services to wait for someone to pick them up we got update from the paramedics it looks like she's going to a fairly local hospital um and then they're going to give us an update once they get her there and get her situated she does seem to be doing much better than she was 20 minutes ago um but they obviously want to have her all checked out mom made a full recovery and the family was reunited at the hospital later that day back at LAX the day from hell is finally drawing to a close for Glenn tshona and Mom and it's Yolanda to the rescue okay so they've had a rough day what we're going to do is make them uh enjoy this we're going to celebrate they can start their trip off great on Southwest we're buying them a drink she's also discovered the reason for their trip all right guys we got a birthday girl on board and we're going to sing to her she's had a really rough day trying to get to Vegas one 2 three happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear tsha happy birthday to [Applause] you you guys enjoy your trip okay sorry about all I think that's great we were able to take a really not so good situation and and make it great and hopefully they'll enjoy the champagne and she can start her birthday fresh and and have a really good birthday so that's what we're hoping for happy birthday TOA Portland Oregon 5 weeks after the tumor was removed and Dallas is fully recovered and see this one I think going to be right there I don't have to worry about taking him somewhere having a seizure and him immediately falling asleep and this having to leave he's like a normal child with the ability to help himself or not be hindered by seizures press an number 20 I've got 20 if you you gave me nothing how many would I have 20 you can do it 20 just nothing make he'll continue to get better um I think he has about six more months to a year on seizure medication that does cause some problems with behaviors and so forth so I'm really really looking forward to getting them off of that would I have 18 all right are you getting them all right that's excellent that's excellent so so we're going to start with trigonometry tomorrow and then calculus will be Friday you gave me one you got to accept the rules on airlines totally in some passengers don't understand them you're not going to let me talk I'm trying to why I want to know why others are more accepting so I have no problem with your rules I just want to know what you want me to do and what passenger gears up for a lifetime of obeying them get on the bus hry up hry up [Music] go at Baltimore Washington International Gina's got a tough situation on her hands there's dead heads meaning that Southwest Airlines flight attendants that need to go to Norfolk to work a flight out of Norfolk I have no seats left on the aircraft she needs to find two extra seats on a full flight that's already boarding they're the last two people to check in and I can't get any volunteers and I'm going to have to pull you off the aircraft sir that that won't work that's unsatisfactory comp compensate you for it I'm military under orders and I need to get back you're on orders yes I am they're on orders I can't pull them right who were the last two before that Marcia James and please come up to the podium here at B5 hi is did I call your name yeah okay um right now like I made an announcement I could get any volunteers can't I'm going to Florida tomorrow I got my son waiting for me right now I can't do it um I'm going to explain what we have to do to get these flight attendants on the aircraft well I don't know why you pick me the left I'm doing it by the history that you guys checked in on the flight I got tickets here to non-refundable I have to be there understand sir I understand I don't know why you picked me my son and them waiting for me right now I can't do it can I have your can I explain first please I understand but my I'm from Elizabeth City in North Carolina they coming from l City North Carolina to norford to get me this my first time flying I don't know nothing please let me get on there yeah I honestly I can't um Carlton Carlton give him his boarding pass back I need him at the podium please the green shirt in Palmdale California Michael Lindsay is preparing to leave home for the first time he's been accepted into the Naval Academy near Baltimore the Naval Academy has always been in my mind a prestigious college to go to and I've always wanted to become a a pilot I know that they're building me up as a person trying to build me up as a person not tear me down like the saying goes whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger I think about it and I've practiced it over and over in my head that last kiss um I know he's going to be a wonderful company and I know he's like I said he's just going to grow to be an awesome young man so my tears are probably very selfish tears and Mom isn't the only one who's going to miss Michael his sister Jennifer and his dad will are also sad to see him go we've talked about this over and over and over again I says uh you know 15 20 years I can be calling you Admiral he says well 15 20 years I could be piloting the first ship to Mars it's all [Music] Pride back at BWI Todd T has been denied boarding if he misses this flight he may lose out on a $2,000 holiday I got away from me can I do this sir I'm not trying to I paid for this this is not refundable I understand that if you could let just can I to talk about I got a plane to make I got family not getting on that aircraft why you pick me I the order you guys checked in on is' I came what you got to do with me I'm not look this you cannot just pick people like that we're going to call somebody I promise we'll call I cannot do this I cannot do it that's wrong I'm denying you boarding sir and I apologize you can't apologize what you pick me for it's from the history you guys should what history man ma'am can I get on the plane please can I see your boarding pass this is what you go by Sir can I see your boarding pass man this is not right man I don't care I paid over two grand look I have to get on this plane man I understand that to her but there's no you're not understanding nothing there's it's not an option you're not getting on that air why you're not going to let me talk I'm trying to explain why I want to know why you need to lower your voice I just spent $2,000 not explain to me why okay everyone is nobody else has to hear this sir I don't care about anybody else they don't care about me all I know is I need to be on the lower your voice I ain't got to do nothing I don't have to do nothing for you sir I'm asking you to lower your voice you're going to have to make me call the police you call the police tell them explain it them why the hell you pulling me off the damn plane for hey I need the authorities to be 15 please at Chicago Midway Andrew Appleton is traveling with his son to Indianapolis this is Marcus he turn six September 13th and he has cerebal paly and so it's a neurological disease of the brain and uh pretty much travels with me everywhere I go so part of his life Andrew wants to hold Marcus during the flight but Southwest flight attendants are sticking to the letter of the law and have taken them off the flight Colleen explains why any child over the age of two must be in a seat so it's a safe for takeoff and landing and it's a saf issue it's not Southwest Airlines it's a Federal Regulation so the flight crew was questioning him for safety issues nothing more is there any way Marcus can be in his seat for take off and Landing I mean I mean if that's what you want me to do I don't think it's safe but no I I I want Marcus to be comfortable and safe as well as you with his condition he has no control so all a seat belt's going to do is gut you know wrench into his gut so I have no problem with your rules I just want to know what you want me to do right now what we're going to have to do is talk to the crew when they get here for this next flight they have to advise you the regulation just like the last flight attendant did and if you choose to I choose to not too so but so if I don't put the seab Bel on what you're saying I can't fly they just need to come up with a solution because I don't want to stop Flying and I'm sure there are hundreds other kids out there that don't fly because of this so you know I don't know what to do the Lindsay family say their goodbyes at LAX Michael and his mom start the 2500 mile Trek to the Naval [Music] Academy getting to the airport was fine but when it started getting on on the plane it started getting tougher and tougher as he progress Michael may be nervous about his new life but he's happy to talk you are you just visiting or relatives I'm going into the sure well maybe you'll be fine for us one day there we go you know hey it could happen it's really nice to have you guys with us and good luck to you good luck to you thank you ma'am this is not right this is totally at BWI Gina's called in reinforcements to help calm Todd get this whoever I don't give a name called Bush I don't care I got to rebook you sir you're going to rebook me for what can't stay here no more man oh God can I see your boarding path please see this is crazy to turn around ma'am I ain't got nothing to do look I cannot be here tomorrow I have to be somewhere tomorrow I understand that and I'm sorry that I had to do this I don't feel you're sorry I don't feel you I don't believe you what you're doing to me is you my family everybody what you're doing you don't understand what you're doing here man is this this is not customer service I know that back at Midway Andrew is giving the full story on why he and Marcus who has cerebal paly were taken off their flight so when we got on ready to take off on the runway they stopped the plane and said you got to put him in this seat Bel and I said I can't do it take us back to the gate if you want to and the pilot said we'll go ahead and go so we left the next flight to Indianapolis has arrived and Colleen decides to talk to the flight crew I have a regular car seat that I'm having baggage service bring up right and I'm I'm you know he can gladly use that to complete his trip right but he's he's clearly handicapped I don't know you know so do we stop him mid trip or do we give him the car seat and offer some assistance I don't if we're use the car seat then he'll be completely strapped in he will be strapped in but he has no support I'm going to offer the car seat to Dad and um I told him we it was just after 5 we couldn't get a hold of Dallas but I told them that you know we have advoc advocacy specialist that we can contact but I'm going to go ahead down and talk with Andrew again then okay and hopefully the car seats here thanks you guys now I have car seats in the baggage service office off that will offer some support and I'll be glad to give you one of those to use on the flight okay um it'll offer some support at least for takeoff and landing and then if you need to hold Marcus during the flight that that's not a problem that's what you want to do well that's what we have to do it's a Federal Regulation you want to get our car seat I mean it's in do you have a it's in do you have a a different car seat that we can use this car try I don't think it'll work two of it yeah at BWI Todd's flight has left and the police have calmed him down I spent over two grand to take my son to Disney World if I don't go it's over I lose my money I work hard for my money and I promis my son I don't want to let him down if I don't make it I'm I'm mud it's all over the time frame and everything is so crucial and I and I'm sorry sir this is because they're non-refundable I blow it over I know and I've never had to do this ever sir it just it never it doesn't happen a lot and I've been with the company 3 years and I never physically had to deny somebody boarding history you only have Gina has managed to get him a seat on the next flight in an hour's time I'm sorry I yell at you I know I I didn't want to call the police I hate calling you guys but I'm like calm down please disrespect I'm from New York I'm used to C Gina compensates Todd the cost of his flight for the delay if I was a passenger I would have been very upset and I totally understand the way he was acting he he just wouldn't calm down and I I understand that they were upset totally totally understand that and I felt horrible it's 6:00 a.m. Michael and his mom have arrived at the Naval Academy in Annapolis morning hi your name Mike L AB board it's definitely s in and uh I don't know I guess I just can't wait to get it going I feel like you know all the years he's grown up to be such a wonderful young man that it's time it's it's okay for to for me to let him go it's not long before the new recruits are taken for induction he's just going into a place where that he's going to be well taken care of so it's exciting Julie will get one last chance to see Michael at the end of his first day at the [Music] Academy go ahead Andrew you can go ahead back in Chicago and everyone is chipping in to help Marcus with his car seat thanks Anita for bringing that out exactly relax this is his he's a big it's not no we got to have the other it's not certif okay so we got have get the other it's not FAA approved okay we're going to need ours this one's not FAA approved we're going to have to retag it meanwhile in Anapolis Michael's New Life takes shape at the Naval Academy I think he's going to find that all that anticipation all that apprehensiveness is really not probably not as bad as he thought it was going to [Music] be Qui go hurry up come on line outside waiting on you guys some of them look so frantic and I think God if I saw that frantic look on my kid's face you know I would just it would melt you will face right file off Squad 1 2 three single file up the yellow line there's going to be stress and there's going to be Challenge and there's going to be development and we don't want it to be easy my name is m Lieutenant Junior gr Reeves I will be issuing you your first period of instruction is probably going to hear my voice and a lot of their words sir yes sir yep this is why mom told me to do this I includ you my bus one of the things that we want to do is to reassure the the parents uh we're going to take care of their sons and daughters and uh and they will become better people through the process get on the bus hurry up hurry up let's go the the the the [Music] at LAX Thomas Ling is carrying a torch lighter since 911 this type of lighter is not permitted on flights he wants Southwest to hold it until his return you know they're not expensive it's just I've had it for 20 15 years so why can't we make arang that this would be we have a place and if you don't pick it up within 60 days but unfortunately if we kept everybody's lighters hundreds of thousands a day I don't think so so it's your suggestion to hire somebody just to take care of things that little incidentals with these people that used to never be a problem and now as a problem but unfortunately with all the changes after 911 and everything and these couldn't but these terrorists are affecting everybody and it's not right that little stuff like this cuz I could have matches so where's the locker don't they have lockers that are quarter and you put a locker 11 nothing that the the mailboxes are sealed there are no mailboxes here people used to just mail things back to themselves they can't do that anymore those are sealed the lockers are sealed and those are all things that are beyond our control as a carrier using this airort this is really a a catastrophe and how many people are upset every day because of [Music] this at Midway anas found an FAA approved car seat for Marcus yeah that's what we travel weel got to put this through here should get a little more he know the best way it fits and Marcus is Cle cleared for takeoff I think it was resolved well I I think that um obviously we have to follow Federal Regulations I mean there's a reason for them and we want to do everything we can to assist people with disabilities now can I get up and leave them here and go to the bathroom yes I'll stay [Music] with back in Annapolis it's time for the Navy's oath of Allegiance ceremony [Music] candidates rise raise your right hand at the end of the oath I will give you the order to respond at that point I want you to say I do so loud they can hear you back in your hometown you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies so help you guide respond welcome to the ne [Applause] Academy Julie Waits anxiously to have a few last moments together with Michael back at LAX Thomas has a theory as to what happens to confiscated torch lighters let me ask you something don't you sell every everybody's lighter and everybody's pocket knife you got them up there by the ton and then you have a big auction at the end that's TSA what I'm saying so somebody's making don't know that they sell those items I don't know what they confiscate them I know and then they sell them by the pound or whatever until somebody's making money might want to ask them what they do with them but I know they confiscate them I don't know what they do after that okay so that's my memory and history and it's now yours right and there's no options there's no here's here's our receipt you don't get it you can't claim it it's not even an option anymore right the TSA upstairs if you would like has a bin that people put stuff in and you're more than welcome to put it up there so that you don't have to give it to Southwest airlin well it's not that it's just I me we also don't want the items because then it's our responsibility to dispose of them all right that's just exasperating I know that only voicing it's not you you didn't make the rues I feel like I'm in a foreign country now and that really is annoying and and it's not something that I've created it's something that someone else has created and really pushed me to where I went what is going wrong he hasn't flown that much since 911 and a lot of the rules have changed and he was unaware so we just wanted to try to educate him so leave these at home unless you pack it in your luggage but you probably should just leave it at [Music] home in Annapolis Julie awaits her last moments together with Michael [Music] Michael you doing okay he look so handsome it's the last time she'll see him for several months so you haven't been picked on yet cool this is a good thing I you good all right finish up the top do your best I keep smiling all right that's what's going to get you through this remember your sense of humor all right see you in August all right I did very well I just you know looking at his face and looking how confident he felt and he what didn't break down cuz I think if I had if he had broken down I would have broken [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down [Music] that was hard that was hard but I held [Music] back Let There Be Love on airline there's a dream wedding in the making it's going to be a really good month yeah very good internet romances provide something UPS I think I see him and downs I'm not going to be sleeping in the same bed I just didn't feel comfortable and there's even a love song for Yolanda To All the [Music] Girls at Baltimore Washington International Sandy stretch is traveling to Florida to meet the man of her internet dreams Sandy has been emailing and talking with him for 6 months now the time is right to meet I've been single for about 18 years and casual dating and nothing really serious and I just decided that maybe it's this time in my life it's time to think about settling down again I'm I'm excited I'm nervous uh but I think once that I see him I'm I'm going to be fine as sy's flight takes off Jim Fay is anxiously awaiting her at Orlando Airport a little nervous yeah but ready enthusiastic optimistic it really feels good you know we've been waiting for this for a long long time really looking forward to a couple of great weeks the moment of truth is only minutes away at Chicago Midway Chris Freeman can usually be found behind check-in but for 4 weeks he'll be training to become a flight attendant at the inflight training center in Dallas along with 50 other hopefuls what we're going to do today is we're going to go through step by step what you guys need to demonstrate during your unplanned evacuation drills I've been actually waiting for this for quite some time and I actually started when I first started with Southwest I considered doing inflight right away um I had a little hesitation then just from different things that I've heard the training was hard and you know it's not everything is cracked up to be then I was like okay I'm not going to let what people say just kind of deter me from it they've all been thrown in the deep end you forget that you are in training it's just cuz it feels so real it takes a strong person really to do it and it's just it's someone who has to be able to handle different type of situations you can't just say okay I'll just go out hand peanuts out today and then I don't ever have to worry about anything because people always say it can't happen to me and that's when you're not [Applause] ready in Chicago Denise is dealing with passenger Wendy Williamson who romance has left her grounded yeah we can try to sell you at the lowest fair but you would have to purchase a ticket why did you come to Chicago because this gentleman that I talked to invited me to come up and when he got here he you know I'm I'm not going to be sleeping in the same bed I just didn't feel comfortable so I said it'd be best that I go home how do you meet him the internet see I thought I'd be safe cuz he was a Chicago police officer was he actually a police officer yeah he was mhm he paid for your ticket yeah he paid for my ticket and then he's canceling it so I can't get back home so you went to his house last night and then yeah then he drove you back to the airport today right because I mean I slept in there he wanted me to sleep in the same bed with him how did you get to the airport today he drove me he never told you that he had canceled your ticket out exactly never told me Wendy's disastrous internet experience might get worse if she can't get on a flight [Music] home back in Dallas Chris has had four weeks of intensive training I don't feel you everybody find a pulse did anybody not find a pul it's funny you spend 3 weeks learning how to save a lot of lives on an aircraft and you spend about 15 20 minutes maybe 4 hours learning how to actually do an everyday activity as you know as far as serving them peanuts and serving them to pop and things like that and yet you kind of makes you step back and think what's really important here and what's really the job that nobody's really seeing yeah might have a whole there's just one more hurdle to go the final exam I'm feeling very confident about this um I've managed to get through these four weeks every exam is just another exam to me I focus on one thing at a time and as I see them rolling in the pin's going to start flowing and hey the bubbles are going to get filled in and when it's over and done with I'll see you all the next day on my first FL but as the exam begins it seems Chris's pen isn't flowing too [Music] freely in Orlando Sandy has arrived I think I see him I do see him welcome here finally made it uhhuh good with all these uh lights camera and actions let's get out of the way good trip so far so good Jim and Sandy head off to get to know each other a little better here ear it's great that you finally got here I know I was still a little nervous but I know once I saw you standing there I didn't know where you were going to be I said I told him make sure you got those Ray bands on or I'm not going to know who you are a many great years as the happy couple share a toast to their future Jim's got a surprise up his sleeve it's even better mhm back in Chicago Denise has found a ticket for the disillusioned internet dater online oh yeah email talks on the phone Che we can do is 7860 sorry you had a bad experience coming in Chicago that's all right hope you come back and visit us and it's a better experience okay so she had already checked in she says the guy that she came up meet on the internet she had some kind of controversy with him he brought it to the airport never said anything she checked in and her reservation had been cancelled so she was not going to be able to get home but before Wendy gets on the flight she's got a little bit of advice don't do it don't do the internet internet dating not a good thing to do in Florida Sandy and Jim's vacation is in full swing that hit another ball then terrible absolutely terrible one in the air no as a surprise Jim has taken s Andy to his local golf club his home away from home 4 days a week with so much time spent on the golf course where will Sandy fit in in fact I encouraged him that you know if he wants to go out with his buddies and play golf and you know to go ahead and do that because I know it's important to him he enjoys his golf I'm rubbing off on you you know I've never hit balls this bad it's like my father is very impatient he doesn't like to be kept waiting everything's just kind of fitting into place just like when we were talking on the phone um had dinner yesterday saw some of the sights and drove down between the river and the ocean and um it was real nice it was real nice but if this pair are going to hit it off Sandy will need to brush up on her stroke good shot Sam at least I hit it hey you've got a little bit more experience with this and IA there you go didn't take up too much of it this time it's a great shot you actually hit it we've had a very relaxing good time great company and it was like we've been there forever I'm enjoying the weekend too much right now to think about the future don't want to look too far ahead and what does Jim make of sy's golfing potential no comment I wanted to cook dinner again good answer good answer after a few more days together Sandy flew back home but she and Jim kept in touch and they're planning to meet up again soon back in Dallas Chris has finished the exam yeah it was it was interesting um it was interesting I did get a little thrown off by one but I went back and I had to just think about it went back and going just kind of got my boundaries again and skipped it went through the rest the ones that I knew and had that reaction to I have already told a couple of people I will do a cartw when I get my WI so some people are actually looking forward to that and he doesn't have to wait long within an hour the exams have been graded and the results are in I think Clayton and an have a message for you in the back of the [Applause] room everybody passed I'm so proud of all these guys we came in this room four weeks ago no one knew anybody's name and now we've all become one big family and it's a great thing to [Applause] see over in LAX Yolanda is dealing with passenger Bobby Collins who is desperate to get on the next flight to San Antonio t to the gate four area Bobby Collins I'm a little embarrassed here because I you know how you get something in your head that it's Friday it's Friday and I'm the opening it's a big show tonight in San Antonio and uh and they called up and they go how come you're not on your flight copy I go what are you talking about I go it's tomorrow I'll be there they go Bobby it's today are you going to like a family event no I'm a standup comic I'm the opening act for uh Julio eaus and Sher and there's a big show there tonight for a private Corporation I see and I think I could possibly lose my job oh and you're more beautiful in person oh matter of fact I got underwear older than you is it working is it working there's 99 on board it holds 137 but right now it's a little too close for me to clear anybody if I clear anybody it'll be you first I appreciate so no tickets for shares concer now we can always work the deal now we can work a deal I'd love to see sh not in San Antonio but i' love hopefully we can get him on be nice be great for him back in Dallas it's graduation day for southwest's newly qualified flight [Music] attendants Chris and his new friends step forward to receive their wings asley Chris [Music] and he remains true to his word I was going to do a car do it yeah do it oh no drum [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] roll you guys I didn't fall this time I'm rough going to fall wow this is an honor this is great it's an experience it makes the four weeks work worthwhile I love these guys I can't wait to work with each and every last one of them and when we all fly watch out cuz we're going to be a ball of energy and a lot of fun in La Bobby polishes up on his routine as he waits standby for the San Antonio flight I don't this is our country I live in California Schwarzenegger is my Governor they think he's real that scares me I think the prerequisite for being a Governor you should be able to pronounce the name of one state California I'm banging the TV I'm going what the hell did he say it's California that's Conan the speech impair I think we have a problem here I think they'll work with me they're nice and the girl's adorable isn't she cutie pie excuse me Bobby really wants to go open for share and I really want Bobby to go open for share so I'm going to do all I can you know um obviously the flight is booked full but not everybody shows up as we know so hopefully if there is one seat left even it's a it's a middle seat by the lab Bobby will get it with only 20 minutes to go before takeoff it's not looking good for Bobby in Dallas Chris reports for his first day as a flight attendant this is my training flight today um it's going to be the day that I get to work my flights going back back home um I've got about a 13-hour day so it's going to be nice little time the heart pounding there that's really starting to get to me just a little bit but I'm excited I am ready for this and so ready to go home and he'd better be because there are a few surprises in store he will have um Coke spilt on him he will have children that may spit up on him um he'll have peanuts thrown at him he can expect passengers that are going to throw everything at him in the book he doesn't know what he's entered but it's a great job Dar did you want a blanket yeah sure man that was just an awesome job there today at Chicago Midway shadia is on her way to meet a couple traveling to Las Vegas to be married hi this is sh I'm South airlin supervisor and we just found out you're going to Vegas to get married yes here can I film you while we're getting filmed congratulations where you guys getting married at Cesar's Palace really can we see the dress yeah but he I can't see you need to walk away then I'll wait I'll wait I'll watch it on TV Dennis right yeah okay bye Dennis bye hi Mom so yeah it's strapless and it's really simple has a little train some beating wow it is a beautiful dress just a little bit of a train I'm very excited can we see the ring oh this is the engagement ring the Centerstone was his um grandmother's it could probably be a little bit cleaner but that's all right yeah we do have champagne waiting on board for them but they don't know about it yet just our little Final Touch Shia's little surprise is nothing compared to the startling secret Catherine and Dennis are about to reveal back in La bobb's still cracking jokes first of all let me ask some guys that wear tpes do they think we don't know they're wearing a toue please this one guy looks like it's not a mood ring just change it here you go but you know what yes I have to have a little fun with you because I've been thoroughly embarrassed on this show before I'm going to have to have you sing a share song oh no oh yeah no I've opened no don't you dare don't you dare that's the only how about Julio I open for Julio too to all the girls I love for okay you can do one Sher verse and one Julio how's that you're embarrassing me this is for a first class seat huh to all the girls I love before who's walked in and out my door get out of here you you're terrible to thank you thank you fly safe fly safe totally embarrassed so what's that first CL uh extra extra PE can I get that one extra peanut one extra peanut thank you very much for being so absolutely thanks for being a about it thank you all righty I appreciate take care guys get a job and we will be emailing you please do we know where to find you or we don't know but we'll find out where to find you I leaving California because I am not a girly man back in Chicago as the happy couple boards the plane Catherine finally lets the cat out of the bag we actually have a secret we uh we got married last November at the courthouse in Chicago so I could have health insurance but don't tell anyone my parents don't know or mine nope she does freelance work so she doesn't have her own medical insurance so she did it so she could get on mine so um but the parents don't know and that was just in the courthouse so we so this is our wedding we got married but this is our wedding and so we'll still have like The Big Wedding where they can celebrate we'll just break their hearts later I'm just joking no they'll be fine with it they really will health insurance is important yep they know that ladies and gentlemen we want to congratulate Catherine and Dennis Cole soin if you can give us a give them a round of applause that'd be great we have some champagne up here for you for you to celebrate more aome this is awesome thank you so much thank you so much in Dallas Chris's Maiden flight is preparing for takeoff but not before a little initiation into the flight attendant Fellowship ladies and gentlemen as we can ladies and gentlemen if we oh God we're going to have to use the megaphone oh no here we go all you have to do is press this and do it like that there we go and just do the normal it happens sometimes you just have to do that so 300 300 ladies and gentlemen if we can have your attention for a moment we like to point out the safety features of our boing 73730 to fasten your SE see fell Slide the flat in into the Buckle wait a minute oh it's working there we go and on the following seven legs of his journey home the jokes keep coming and if you can see Chris in the middle he is a single male he lives in the Chicago area he's been through four weeks of training and he really really needs a date but eventually he makes it back back to Chicago Midway how are [Music] [Applause] you the practical jokes kind of help because it brought you down to an easy level it just it stopped the shaking a little bit and I loved it and I thank y'all for the jokes
Channel: A&E
Views: 49,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, airport, airports, southwest airlines, passenger, passengers, flight, flights, flying, fly, flight attendant, air hostess, pilot, plane, travel, traveling, trip, trips, vacation, vacations, Ron Pearson, airline, airlines, airline scenes, airline full episode, airline episode clips, airline clips, airline episode scenes, flight attendants, prank, airline marathon, airline full episodes, airline best full episodes
Id: 4s6fQQhLbtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 26sec (6326 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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