canning sale chicken from our local butcher. Canning chicken! Lets get canning!!

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[Music] hi this is Karen from White Willow and we are here at Hopkins Meat Packing in Sanford Florida so I'm going to go ahead on in and we're going to kind of look and see what they have on sale today so that we can can our meat for the [Music] future have [Music] I don't know if you can see it in here but I got 40 lb of chicken chunks chicken breast chunks for $40 so it's a dollar a pound I'm going to can this bad boy up and we're going to have a meal for a while we are ready to start packing the chicken into these bags and with some little seasoning and we're going to let it set a couple days so I'm going to take this out and we are going to pack the bags with different seasonings in each bag and this is Friday I'll probably can it Sunday so we'll be busy canning after church on Sunday and let's get [Music] started my hands are washed and this is kind of a messy process because we're going to take all this chicken these are chicken chunks again I got these Chicken Chunks at um The Butcher for A1 a pound I got 40 lb so we're going to be doing a lot of canning but it's going to be great so when I started the bags I realized that I wanted some plain chicken just some plain chicken for like um chicken parmesan casserole or chicken and noodle casserole or something so I I just wanted to do some plain so I'm going to go ahead and can some right now so I'm going to go ahead and fill these jars and then I'm going to have seven quarts of plain chicken um and you kind of want to pack this down pretty good so make sure you're getting it in there where it's uh it's it's compressed because it will shrink once it starts cooking but I really started thinking about the chicken parmesan and I'm like I don't want to can all of those with seasoning and then not have any plane after buying 40 lbs of chicken so that's what we are going to do today so before I go and wipe these rims off we're just going to add a little bit of the broth to each one um I just do this on when I have something that's not doesn't have a bone in it um if it has a bone in it then it makes its own broth so I don't worry about it but if it doesn't have a bone in it then I go ahead and put the broth in it so then we're going to go ahead and take a paper towel and we're going to just wipe off the rims with some vinegar and then don't forget to put your vinegar in your water in the caner because that'll keep the outside of the jar from looking kind of nasty and cloudy and I'm done it before or I forgot and it does look nasty and cloudy so take my word for it but you'll forget if you can as much as I do you'll you'll forget and I like to can on the weekends just when I'm doing things around the house I'll just throw it on there whatever I'm canning um and then that way I'm home I'm checking on it it's not a big deal um you'll get this you got this we're going to go ahead and put these in one by one I'm going to make sure each one is decently tight these are all B jar lids and which is good cuz if you mix your Lids some of them Buckle uh under different pressure or how much you tighten it so I like to use all the same lids for each canning so so this looks a little better maybe still a little high we're going with it we're going with it right now and then I'm going to just add the little bit of vinegar in into the jar into the caner okay we're going to go ahead and put the lid on and this is cold and cold so you definitely want to um just wait till this pipe starts to steam steady stream for 10 minutes this little button back here can you see it will go up sometime in the Midstream but it's all about this pipe right now to make sure it's getting hot and this is a steady stream for 10 minutes before we set the timer these are quart jars so it's going to be 90 minutes of canning once we put the weight on we got a lot going on so I'm just going to fill up the last few bags here I may have to add a little bit to each bag I'm not sure this is probably two quart jars in each bag maybe about and sometimes at the end I just end up if you took my can in class you know this you just end up throwing everything in one one jar everything that's left if it's Beef Pork whatever you just kind of throw it in one jar I'm going to go ahead and finish these off looks like I counted my bags pretty perfectly I'm left-handed can you tell yeah so I'm going to do three bags of each with the same seasoning so let me just make sure I some tow handy um I really like this rosemary garlic it's just tones it's nothing fancy um but man it is so good and I add a little extra garlic to it so I'm going to do these three with this seasoning I'm going to go ahead and add and this is all like whatever you like that's what this is all about right woo that went a little crazy with the garlic you will smell good after this and it smells fantastic when it's Canning too I'm going to go ahead and close these up think I'm splattering it on my face I may need a shower after this okay so we're going to close this up close this one up I just leave a little tiny bit of air in there so they can kind of bounce around I'll just show you this one and then I'll go ahead and do these other ones with I don't know I have lemon pepper I have the garlic Citrus and basil which is really good and I have a jalapeno one I don't see it here no oh that's poultry seasoning oh that's really good one too okay so I'm just gonna snash this around smash it around get that seasoning in there really good you can do it in a bowl if you want to first and then throw them in the bags but this is generally how I do it and then by tomorrow it'll create like a little wetness so we'll go ahead and just smear that around again so I'll keep wishing these every couple days well a couple times a day um just to get them good and seasoned all the way through I might need a little more seasoning in it cuz tonight when I do this this will this will flow a lot lot better I'm going to check the caner no steam yet so I'm going to go ahead and set it for another 10 minutes I kind of keep stting it to remind myself to take a peek at it because I would forget I would get into some other project and I would forget so these are going into the refrigerator I'm going to go ahead and season these and then we'll be ready um in two days to can the rest of these so excited we are rocking and rolling over here we've got a steady stream coming out of this pipe you probably can't see it but I set the timer for 10 minutes on that timer goes off I'm going to go ahead and put the weight on and okay we went ahead and put the weight on and now we're going to leave The Heat High until we get this to 10 lbs of pressure and then we're going to lower the heat okay so the gauge is between 10 and 11 we're going to go ahead and let it go up to 11 I'm going to lower the heat um it's going to go ahead I'm I'm going to set the timer for 8 minutes and then I'm going to keep checking on this to make sure it doesn't get above the 11 or below the 10 timer is off and we will wait till this gets to zero and that button goes down before we take the weight off and open the caner so we are ready this little button went down this is at zero and we're going to take this off and no steam is coming out of it that's good we're going to just open the caner I always kind of move this away from you when you open it so the steam escapes the other direction and then we are going to take these out it smells delicious woo look at that so you can see how it's settled a little bit but they're pretty packed full of chicken so these will be great for sandwiches for chicken salad um just really awesome so we're going to take these out and then in 2 days we are going to do and I won't uh do another video just to do those but we'll do the seasoned ones and then we'll have that entire 40 lb container um canned ready to ready to Chomp on ready to get busy so I hope you enjoyed this video please like share and subscribe and share this video with anybody who's interested in great canning tips um or medicinal purposes so check out my other videos on this page white willow 142 on YouTube and check out my Facebook page at White Willow Herbal Remedies as always thank you for watching white willow a
Channel: White Willow
Views: 3,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, food, recipes, jams, jellies, canning, bread, lip balm, gardening, storage, seeds, bread in a jar, dessert, pickles, prepping, preppers, be prepared, plan ahead, extract, pineapple, blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, meal in a jar, weekly food planning, disaster preparedness, bananas, banana bread, lemon blueberry bread, veggie powder, blueberry bread, canning meat, canning chicken, preserving chicken, #canningchicken, #preparewithcanning, #salecanning, #meatonsale, #canningsalemeat, #can sale meat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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