Expanded Polystyrene Made Dome House

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a revolution in construction the latest innovation after wood iron and concrete comes a fourth-generation building material expanded polystyrene approved by the Japanese Ministry of land and transport introducing a new habitat for the 21st century the dome house allow us to present to you the various outstanding features and limitless possibilities of the dolma house please take a look behind me so many dome houses I am here at ah so farmland in Kyushu where I'm told there were four hundred and eighty of them and to think that all these dome houses are made of expanded polystyrene the way this is finished looks quite charming let's go inside shall we you it's really spacious in here it's over 44 square meters depending on your design you can have a loft or even an outdoor spa ah I see you can even have it done like this that's right well then let us introduce to you the advantages of the dome house this is the material used in the dome house it's made of expanded polystyrene the result is a strong hard material suitable for construction here are some more amazing advantages of the dome houses building material expanded polystyrene doesn't rot like wood it doesn't rust like iron and it doesn't attract termites making it an extremely durable material because expanded polystyrene is lightweight and because a dome itself is naturally stable the dome house is very resistant to both lateral and vertical earthquakes you can live here without worry expanded polystyrene is in itself insulation we are proud of its insulating capabilities in addition it's very airtight so the amount of energy needed to cool the interior is extremely low just one air-conditioner design for 10 square meters of floor space in a regular home is sufficient for the entire 34 square meters of the dome house and one advantage of the dome shape is that its natural circulation keeps temperature differences inside to a minimum lastly because the dome house is a hemisphere wind pressure at any one point will dissipate throughout its entire structure the main portion of the dome house can be completed in just three hours each dome piece weighs only about 80 kilograms and can be carried by two or three people and because all the materials are prefabricated assembly is quite easy in addition construction of the dome house produces no waste so it's better for the environment ah I have it now but I'm just worried about one thing doesn't this material burn easily no need to worry expanded polystyrene the building material for the dome house will blackened where the flame touches but the fire will not spread and no toxic fumes will be released what's more the materials have been treated with a fire retardant the dome house has been approved by the Japanese Ministry of land and Transport so you can build it anywhere in Japan just apply for a building permit as you would for any regular house well that's good to know what I really like about this house is that there aren't any posts it feels really spacious and when I'm surrounded by these gently curving I get a kind of healing sensation it may find such practical uses as guest lodging a cottage a senior's facility a sauna a music studio or a restaurant making the best of the dome houses merits is our newest model the long dome by simply adding sections you can increase the floor space the long dome may be employed in a number of ways such as a freezer a farm building a storage facility guest lodging or a restaurant by simply combining different parts you can create various types of domes you by adding on end and joint units the variations and uses are virtually endless it's entirely up to you well there you have it limitless possibilities and endless variations highly durable earthquake resistant and energy efficient perfect for the modern age what do you think with the dome house imagine how your business opportunities can expand
Channel: Asianecohome PrivateLimitted
Views: 2,210,923
Rating: 4.8365235 out of 5
Id: 7-wCS_Srs-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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