I've Been Ordered to Stop Building by the Police

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i've been ordered to stop building by the police [Music] i'm building a law cabin or actually we're building a log cabin but i do most of the work after excavating the soil by hand [Music] and a bunch of days with a rock drill as i didn't know there was a big rock in the middle i gathered a few stones from the lands and build a foundation [Music] plus pillars for the terrace then for the first time working with a chainsaw i felt some trees for the main construction then pushed them out of the forest debarked them and built the main frame and after that the roof [Music] then a wine bottle stone wall a beer bottle stone wall [Music] and my first cord woodwall [Music] i've in order to stop building by the police let me explain this is going on for the last two weeks and i've been going from office to office to trying to figure things out that's also why last video you saw the six month video because i wasn't sure what to do whether to continue or not yeah let me explain the story so about 20 years ago on this mountain i live on a big mountain and there were 20 years ago built about 50 to 80 houses and they were built illegally and the company or the party that built them was sued but they disappeared and the town hall had to take over the fine um and for a long time the town hall has been debating whether to make this whole area legal or or to distract all the houses but you know most of the houses by the time already had like third or four donors in that who didn't know anything about it and um they decided to make it legal that's already for quite some time in the process now it is um because of that the municipality said you're not allowed to build anything on your property like not even a dog house and everybody in the neighborhood is building things and when i came here and i talked to everyone it seemed like when when you build something that is destructible it is not a problem on a property that also has a house on it i'm on a property a big property it also has a house on it which belongs to a friend of the family and there are also no roads here there's no electricity here all the houses here are on solar on solar energy so i'm using the electricity of the house [Music] it seemed like a really good idea when i started this project because i didn't have any money to buy land and i here i could build something and leave it uh forever and in and in in for that i do a bit of work on the property um and i talked to the neighbors and i knew the situation and but seeing everything was going on it seemed like an acceptable risk to take but now i found out that apparently if a jealous neighbor affords you then you do have a problem and apparently that happened so that means i last two weeks i've been going to see what my options are i've been going to to legal offices to this to that a certain moment it drove me so crazy that i let you just want to get a slash hammer and just hammer the whole thing down not going to do that but this is the story i have i have two options i can continue accept the potential fines because you know what usually happens in spain is you build something and then they they they fine you for doing something without a permission and then they you have to pay tax and in this area it's just a little bit more sensitive at this moment so when it's not finished and they come before that then it's kind of difficult because they make pictures and the thing is if i continue now then there's a big chance that everything i make from now on i have to destruct because they've made pictures and then i'm actually breaking the law and i don't think i can do an artistic good effort building something knowing i potentially probably have to destruct it again so the owner here is of the of the property is super friendly and super helpful and also he will go for me into the process of that i can continue but this is spain things take time here and after all the information i have now i know that when i continue now i will probably have that big problem and probably have to destruct what i built from now on and i don't want to do that however if i stop now then i in in like six months or a year probably that time frame i can continue again like i don't know like what would you do you know like i can finish it for the youtube videos but then i'm just building i need to district again like it's just stupid to me you know it's my house it's supposed to become my house so yeah that kind of leads me to decision that at this moment the smart and wise decision to do is to temporarily stop and i don't want to i really don't want to but i have tried everything everything i talked to lawyers and i don't see any other way at this moment and yeah how sad it is i will have to start looking for another challenge at this moment and then see how things go i have to i do have to say that in the last say whatever happens and however long it takes until i continue i do feel like i've really grown as a person i've overcome so many hurdles and issues and thing i i wasn't even i didn't even know that i could build a house or a cabin and you know it's it's it's finished for like i don't know 65 70 percent or whatever i've did the most complicated things i feel i feel i've grown so much and i've learned so much from this from this project and i feel so much more capable in my abilities to do anything anywhere in the world and i'm so grateful for that i feel like i've literally i really built on youtube a a community of of loving and supporting people for the majority at least and yeah i don't know i'm really sad i can't continue but this is what life throws at me right now and these are the circumstances i i need to embrace and this is this is this is just how it is so let's see how we get stronger out of this and continue so to be continued a big thanks to my patrons who make it possible for me to keep making these videos if you'd like to become a patron too check out the link
Channel: Huub Vlogs
Views: 839,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ordered to stop building, police, log cabin, cordwood cabin
Id: 8OoTT2n9gc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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