Airbender Tier List πŸŒͺ | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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ever wonder what Airbenders and Avatar are the most skillful we're throwing caution to the wind and ranking 12 Airbenders on their abilities let's see who has Avatar level skills first on our list is Avatar Aang's successor Cora three elements down one to go Cora mastered water Earth and fire early on it's time for you to begin your airbending training finally though was met with resistance when learning airbending let's do this oh none of this air bending stuff makes any sense to me these teachings will sink in over time then one day they'll just click and when a man took away her other forms of bending Cora's airbending abilities finally emerged I I can airbend I can air bend after this defining moment her skills only improved even though chorus struggled the most with learning the windy Element air vending is now a breeze for her the next Airbender on our list is tenzin's oldest daughter chinora Genora will demonstrate air bending is all about spiral movements when you meet resistance you must be able to switch Direction at a moment's notice at a young age genora's air bending skills were already at an impressive level and alongside her father she taught the next generation of Airbenders wow you really saved me down there you know you're an incredible Airbender well I've been training for a long time but what sets Genora apart from the other Airbenders is her unique connection to the spirit world the world's in trouble what are you talking about how do you know I'm feeling this light spirit will guide you out of the spirit world I have to go help Nora wait Genora is one of the only people to spiritually project and in doing so she helped Cora defeat univatu her wisdom and courage earned her the title of Master at the age of 11. a whole year younger than when we were first introduced to Aang now let us anoint the master who will help lead us in our new path even though Genora is technically an air bending Master she's still learning but the sky is the limit for this boss level vendor and to a character who acquired air bending through the harmonic convergence the heat where'd you pick up the new skills I have harmonic convergence to thank for that now that man's Elise he developed his air betting skills so quick he was able to brutally challenge Cora and tensions abilities and what's an even more incredible feat Zahir is one of the few people in Avatar history to achieve flight this is your last warning empty and become wind no stop giving him boss level status [Music] imagine how powerful he could have truly been if the Red Lotus succeeded did he just fly guess he doesn't need a ride being a respected Airbender requires having patience and composure and then there's boomi check this out I can airbend yeah wait seriously I was doing it unlike his namesake Aang's oldest child isn't the most proficient bender she can't necessarily blame him because likes are here boomi was new to airbending I told you unbelievable yeah I love boom he has his moments his inability to take them as seriously as his brother ranks him a bit lower gloomy is a lovable Airhead waiting there people I come seeking boring stories to take back to the spirit world [Music] get to fly around in our own bison like that only after many years of practice and intense training I think Petty Thief this Vandal was also gifted air bending Powers through the harmonic I want to join you guys at first he seemed more trouble than he was worth early's the boy where's Kai right here I was going to the bathroom with your sack of gold would you I found that on the road but he turned out to be a good student and a natural learner oh Kai that was just really good thanks to Nora you're a great teacher with help from Genora kayak exceeded expectations hmm did I drop my wallet I went face with danger Kai steps up and showcases an impressive skill maybe it's due to the great teachings of Tenzin and Genora but regardless Kai became a highly trusted and talented Airbender I guess I am as good as I thought moving on to the air Nomad who mentored Avatar Aang giazzo Who's That Monkey otso the greatest Airbender in the world why two three [Music] yatso also trained and was friends with Avatar Roku hey gyatsu you want to see a new glider trick he was regarded as the greatest Airbender in the world during Eng's child check this out he's air surfing I can't believe I never thought of that and even though gyotso is defeated during the Fire Nation invasion firebenders they were here he did not go out without a fight kiazzo like yatso's relationship with the avatar hey his reputation transcends lifetimes and because of Master gyotso Aang was able to fend off countless Fire Nation attacks at his young age giazzo taught me everything I know uh this isn't the Earth bending tier list right because next up is the granddaughter of Toff opal oval oh wow you really know how to sneak up on someone what are you doing opal is another vendor whose abilities were granted to her thanks to the harmonic convergence maybe because earthbending is in her family's blood opal became a skilled Airbender wow you're a natural you really think so thanks she quickly learned to create multiple air blasts even halting a fight between her mom and her aunt Lynn what are you two doing your stirs why would you want to hurt each other as well as protecting Cora attack by creating strong blood foreign naturally talented Airbender Kuan developed air bending abilities because of the spirit world Kuan has been the Talk of the Town ever since he got air bending he's like a local celebrity oh I still just think of myself as a simple farmer who can happen oh I'm so sorry I still don't have any control but unlike opal Kuan refused to join Tenzin and the others to train at the Northern Air Temple your dad is an airbender and he should learn about his culture no no sir I'm not going anywhere with you and I think it's best that you leave not sure how much you'll learn on his own so he cautious when around this unstable Farm help us rebuild the air Nation the only thing I'm planning to rebuild is my barn next on our list is Avatar Roku Roku is Avatar level skills and firebin but airbending had to be taught this was the first stop on my avatar Journey the place where I was trained to master airbending while befriending yatsu at the southern air Temple Roku seemed to master air bending effortlessly throughout his life Roku used air benefits perfectly as an experienced Avatar cook easily defeated firelord sozen using airbending even a single step out of line will result in your permanent end not only can Roku but a halt to fire lord Soze it but he can also halt lava with his breath Roku joins his old palgiatso as an air-bending master 10th on our list is the legendary lahima the wisest Airbender who ever lived being the main inspiration behind Zahir lahima's influence has been felt for 4 000 years do you know who once said New Growth cannot exist without first the destruction of the old no the wise Guru lahima an airbender he is most notably known for discovering the secret to weightlessness and unlocking the ability to fly it is said that he unlocked the secret of weightlessness and became untethered from the earth living his final 40 years without ever touching the ground mahima is arguably the most influential Airbender ever and with Avatar level skills he set the highest standard for airbending next up is Avatar Aang's youngest son Tenzin it's enough attacks a defenseless opponent but that was very good technique originally being the only child who hangs tenzen was taught by his father and became the first new air-bending master in over a century even though Tenzin is peaceful in nature his abilities are magnets and it took every single member of Red Lotus to defeat him give up for as long as I'm breathing it's not over but more importantly Tenzin is a superb teacher all right you're the master not only did he Mentor his children and Korra [Music] he brought life back into the Northern Air Temple Tenzin joins his daughter as a boss level air he stands out in his own right I am not a reflection of my father last but certainly not least on our list is Avatar Ang I'm the Avatar I'm the Avatar I'm the avatar I'm the Avatar I don't normally play this card but I'm the Avatar yes yes we know you're the Avatar but dang's credit he might be the most accomplished avatar ever and you will bring peace and restore balance masterfully gifted Airbender as a child first you form the ball then you gotta get on quick where'd you learn that tricking I made it up Ang relied heavily on his air bending to fend off the Fire Nation you're about to be firelord Ozark keep order in public city overall Eng's airbending ability arguably exceeded roku's when Aang was just 12. he was a master at a beating ah you haven't seen my staff around have you and also a Master Level air vendor just kidding thanks anyway obviously Aang is the top tier Airbender with Avatar level skills agree with our ranking no well let's ask the fans let us know in the comments and subscribe for more Avatar content here's something funny gravity
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 325,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Nickelodeon, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Video Games, Gaming, Genji, Legend of Genji, Avatar Full Episodes, best and worst
Id: oxoDAL9cL3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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