Every Mai Moment Ever From ATLA πŸ”ͺ | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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there really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place may your father was appointed Governor we're like royalty here be happy and enjoy it the targets are approaching take them out I thought my life was boring in the Fire Nation but this place is unbearably bleak nothing ever happens [Music] distance [Music] foreign [Music] what is going on down there I saw some kids yesterday who were sick with pentapox it must have spread Penta pox I'm pretty sure I've heard of that oh this is terrible what should we do drive them out of the city but don't touch them we have to rid the city of this disease fireflakes dad oh [Music] so the resistance has kidnapped my son everything's so clever so tricky just like their King boomi what do you want to do sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please tell me you're here to kill me it's great to see you may I thought you ran off and joined the circus you said it was your calling well Azula called a little louder I have a mission and I need you both Count Me In anything to get me out of this place [Music] hi everybody you brought my brother he's here we're ready to trade I'm sorry but a thought just occurred to me do you mind of course not princess Azula we're trading a two-year-old for a king a powerful earth-bending King it just doesn't seem like a fair trade does it [Music] you're right deals off whoa see you all later call me we've got to get the baby out of here it's way ahead of you oh yeah [Applause] [Music] oh my God how are you gonna fight without your bending ah I seem to manage so we're tracking down your brother and Uncle huh it'll be interesting seeing Zuko again won't it may it's not just Zuko and iro anymore we have a third Target now foreign can you make Zuko play with us we need equal teams to play a game I'm not cartwheeling you won't have to cartwheeling's not a game dum dum I don't care I don't want to play with you we are brother and sister it's important for us to spend time together don't you think so Mom yes darling I think it's a good idea to play with your sister go on now just for a little while here's the way it goes now what you do is try to knock the Apple off the other person's head like this [Music] see I told you it would work ah they're so cute together you two are such foreign [Music] [Music] well we wanted to find out who they were and we found out now let's get out of here [Music] lots of wet fur how delightful hmm they're not wads they're more like bundles or bunches it's got an ah sound clumps foreign the trail goes this way the Avatar is trying to give us the slip you two head in that direction and keep your eye out for the Bison I'll follow this Trail what is it Mama oh no Katara how did they find us APA come on we need to go faster you're too tired not good not good oh we just need to make it across that River we made it we're safe oh [Music] my God good try but now how you doing well you know I thought when Tyler and I finally caught you guys it would be more exciting oh well Victory is boring yeah thanks Alpha I don't know what we do without you was it just me or was that guy kind of cute this drill is a feat of scientific Ingenuity in raw destructive power once it tunnels through the wall our troops will storm their City the Earth Kingdom will finally fall and you and you can claim basing say in the name of your father nothing can stop us hmm what about those muscly guys down there please the drills metal shell is impervious to any earth-bending attack oh I'm sure it is war minister Ching but just to be on the safe side May and Tyler take the earthbenders out finally something to do good war minister a brace on the starboard side has been cut clean through in savitar sir let's go ladies good work team Avatar now Aang just needs to die wow you're right it is the Avatar and Friends [Music] hey guys get out of here I know what I need to do wait you need this water more than I do please [Music] follow them the Avatar's mine slurry pipeline what does that mean it's rocking water mixed together it means our way out [Music] disgusting come on you heard of zulu we have to follow them she can shoot all the lightning she wants at me I am not going in that wall sludge juice oh [Applause] we lost what do you want with us who are you the avatars fan girls oh I get it good one Azula if you're looking for the Avatar you're out of luck I knew this was a waste of time no Avatar huh well that's okay any friend of the Avatar is an enemy of mine [Music] you're so colorful it's making me nauseous in our hour of need it is with the highest honor that I welcome our esteemed allies the kiyoshi Warriors [Music] we are the Earth King's humble servants [Music] look Bosco the Kyoshi Warriors are here to protect us aren't you excited [Music] it's been a difficult week for me my most trusted advisor long Fang and his daily agents tried to take control of bossing safe from me it's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you but there is good news as we speak the Council of five is meeting to plan an invasion of the Fire Nation this summer on the day of a solar eclipse really now that sounds like a fascinating and brilliant plan [Music] presented with an extraordinary opportunity girls May finally gets to wear makeup that's not totally depressing haha I'm talking about conquering the whole earth Kingdom for a hundred years the Fire Nation has hammered away at bossing say from the outside but now we are on the inside and we can take it by ourselves gosh you're so confident I really admire that about you from the inside we're in perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the earth king the key is the dilee whoever controls the dilee controls bossing say [Music] I'm tired of wearing this girly disguise I don't know how anyone can fight in this maybe that's why it was so easy to beat the kiyoshi Warriors and take their clothes how much longer do we have to serve the earth king if I have to clean up one more pile of bear poop I'm gonna throw up princess Azula promised we would go back to the Fire Nation as soon as we capture the Avatar we just have to be patient shush up do you want the whole Palace to know where Fire Nation sorry good work girls I'm sure the dilee will deliver the message yes you're here Sookie something terrible is going on the fire nation has infiltrated the city I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle we have to tell the earth king right away oh don't worry I'll be sure to let him know so zuzu's in the city too for a family reunion [Music] he sense any disloyalty any hesitation any weakness at all I will snuff it out [Music] that is all nice speech Azula it was pretty and poetic but also scary in a good way yeah I thought you were gonna make that one guy pee his pants thank goodness we're in time in time for what yeah what are you in time for cutie uh I'm kind of involved with Suki who they're not the real kiyoshi Warriors oh sorry to disappoint you and it's easy you just walk on your front paws instead of your rear ones like this just take the bear let's go [Music] aren't you cold I've got a lot on my mind it's been so long over three years since I was home I wonder what's changed I wonder how I've changed I just asked if you were cold I didn't ask for your whole life story stop worrying [Music] orange is such an awful color you're so beautiful when you hate the world I don't hate you I don't hate you too Zuko could I have a word with you can't you see we're busy [Music] oh May Tyler needs your help untangling her braid sounds pretty serious [Music] welcome to Amber Island kids oh [Music] it smells like old lady in here gee I wonder why who are these two beautiful women but you tell me and me [Music] show bed spread are you serious it looks like the beach threw up all over it [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you here this is for you why would I want that I saw it and I thought it was pretty don't girls like stuff like this maybe stupid girls forget it [Music] wow thanks this is so pretty not as pretty as you are that Shell's not so great and shade shade [Music] I thought since it's so hot here thanks this is really refreshing [Music] hey Beach Bums we are playing next Tyler get over here now [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we defeated you for all time you will never rise From the Ashes of your shame and humiliation well that was fun I'm having a party tonight you should come by sure I love parties your friend can come too uh what about me and my brother aren't you going to invite us I don't know who we are do you don't you know who we are we're Chan and Ron Jon yeah [Music] but fine you're invited just so you know though some of the most important teenagers in the Fire Nation are going to be at this party so try and act normal we'll do our best why didn't you tell those guys who we were I guess I was intrigued I'm so used to people worshiping us they should yes I know and I love it but for once I just wanted to see how people would treat us if they didn't know who we were like waves washing away the footprints on the sand Amber Island gives everyone a clean slate Amber Island reveals the true you thank you to the party okay um you're a little early no one's here yet I heard you telling someone you'd be partying From Dusk Till Dawn it's dusk so we're here all right listen my dad's an admiral he has no idea I'm having his party so don't mess anything up hey first one's here huh he thinks he's so great well what do you think of them I don't have any opinion about him I hardly know him you like him don't you I'm bored I know I'm hungry so what so find me some food sure hey watch it that food was for my cranky girlfriend [Music] hello what are you doing stop talking to my girlfriend relax it's just a party Cuco what is wrong with you what's wrong with me your temper's out of control you blow up over every little thing you're so impatient and hot-headed and angry well at least I feel something as opposed to you you have no passion for anything you're just a big blah it's over Zuko we're done you're out of here I'm just leaving have fun by yourself loser boy nice hey where's your new boyfriend [Music] are you cold [Music] I'll make a fire there's plenty of stuff to burn in there I joined the circus because I was scared of spending the rest of my life as part of a match set at least I'm different now circus freak is a compliment yes that explains why you need 10 boyfriends too I'm sorry what attention issues you couldn't get enough attention when you were a kid so you're trying to make up for it now well what your excuse me you are an only child for 15 years your aura is this dingy pasty gray I don't believe in auras yeah you don't believe in anything oh well I'm sorry I can't be as high as strong and crazy as the rest of you I'm sorry too I wish you would be high strung and crazy for once instead of keeping all your feelings bottled up inside she just called you or dingy are you gonna take that what do you want from me you want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was well it wasn't I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted as long as I behaved and that still and didn't speak unless spoken to my mother said I had to keep out of trouble we had my dad's political career to think about well that's it then you had a controlling mother who had certain expectations and if you strayed from them you were shut down that's why you're afraid to care about anything and while you can't express yourself you want me to express myself leave me alone thank you I like it when you express yourself don't touch me I'm still mad at you my life hasn't been that easy either me whatever that doesn't excuse the way you've been acting calm down you guys this much negative energy is bad for your skin you'll totally break out bad skin normal teenagers worry about bad skin I don't have that luxury my father decided to teach me a permanent lesson on my face sorry Zuko I for so long I thought that if my dad accepted me I'd be happy I'm back home now my dad talks to me he hero everything should be perfect right I should be happy now but I'm not I'm angrier than ever and I don't know why there's a simple question you need to answer them who are you angry at no one I'm just angry yeah who are you angry at Zuko everyone the dad no no your uncle me no no no then who who are you angry at answer the question Zuko talk to us come on answer the question on answer it I'm angry at myself why because I'm confused because I'm not sure I know the difference between right and wrong anymore you're pathetic I know one thing I care about I care about you [Music] [Applause] well those were wonderful performances everyone I guess you wouldn't understand would you Azula we've got some bad news Chan he's over oh [Music] [Applause] tell me if you can have anything you wanted right now what would it be hmm big fancy fruit tart with rose petals on top you know being a principal I might just be able to make that happen that would be impressive do you think you can find fresh fruit tart for the lady with rose petals on top excellent choice sir I guess there are some nice perks that come with being royalty though there's annoying stuff too like that all-day War meeting coming up War meeting what are you talking about Azula mentioned something I I assumed you were going to I guess I wasn't invited Zuko it's just a dumb meeting who cares I don't well good you shouldn't I mean why would you even want to go just think about how things went at the last war meeting you went to no you know it will make you feel better ordering some servants around I might be hungry for a whole tray of fruit tarts and maybe a little palinking right around town double time [Music] Prince Zuko everyone's waiting for you what the high Admirals High generals the war ministers and the princess have all arrived you're the only person missing so my dad wants me at the meeting the fire lord said he would not start until you arrive sir [Music] so how did it go when I got to the meeting everyone welcomed me my father had saved me a seat he wanted me next to him I was literally at his right hand Zuko that's wonderful you must be happy thank you during the meeting I was the perfect Prince the son my father wanted but I wasn't me [Music] no I didn't do anything wrong come on Zuko we all know that's a lie me [Music] how did you know I was here because I know you so well but hell the warden's my uncle you idiot oh the truth is I guess I don't know you all I get is a letter you could have at least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart I didn't mean to you didn't mean to dear May I'm sorry that you have to find out this way but I'm leaving stop this isn't about you this is about the Fire Nation thanks Zuko that makes me feel all better may I never wanted to hurt you but I have to do this to save my country save it you're betraying your country that's not how I see it [Music] there's a riot going on I'm here to protect you I don't need any protection believe me she doesn't I'm sorry but I'm under direct orders from your uncle to make sure nothing happens [Music] I hope this thing floats [Music] what are you doing saving the jerk who dumped me [Music] who's that it's me what is she doing hmm [Music] foreign [Music] leave us alone [Music] never expected this from you the thing I don't understand is why why would you do it you know the consequences [Music] I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do you miscalculated I love Zuko more than I fear you know you miscalculated you should have feared me more come on let's get out of here you both fools [Music] shall we do it then princess [Music] put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again and let them rot oh you need some help with that me you're okay they let you out of prison my uncle pulled some strings and it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord is your boyfriend so does this mean you don't hate me anymore I think it means I actually kind of like you [Music] but don't ever break up with me again [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] Zuko stop moving I'm trying to capture the moment I wanted to do a painting so we always remember the good times together that's very thoughtful of you Saka wait why did you give me Momo's ears those are your hair loopies at least you don't look like a porcupine my hair is not that spiky I look like a man and why did you paint me fire bending I thought it looked more exciting that way oh you think you can do a better job Momo hey my belly is not that big anymore I really trimmed down well I think you all look perfect
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 349,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ATLA, Legend of Korra, The Legend of Korra, LOK, Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending, Nickelodeon, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, Ozai, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Amon, Kuvira, Zaheer, Iroh, Uncle Iroh, Leaves from the Vine, Bending, Anime, The Last Airbender, Aang vs Ozai, Agni Kai, Avatar Netflix, Avatar Studios, Fight, Fight Scene, Minecraft, Video Games, Gaming, Genji, Legend of Genji, Avatar Full Episodes
Id: SlTcWzQE9dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 50sec (2150 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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