Air Manager 4, G1000, MSFS, Microsoft Flight Simulator easy setup

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hi this is ivan and welcome to the channel what i want to do today is talk about air manager 4 and how to install and develop a panel particularly the g1000 suite what's been interesting is within one of the recent updates the g1000 now works natively with microsoft flight simulator so i thought this would be a good opportunity to go a little more in depth in my previous video so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over the steps on how to basically install air manager how to install the plug-in and we will build a panel from scratch and this will actually work on some of their other instrument panels but i'm going to focus on the g1000 now i will say that for the purpose of this video i am primarily focusing on windows and microsoft flight simulator so this is not a mac or x-plane uh scenario but a lot of this will carry over so let's uh go ahead and get started and i'm gonna we'll start with the uh air manager so what you would need to do is download air manager and install it onto your computer they do have a demo and they also have options for windows mac and linux there's also an ipad app which i don't know fully works or if it works at all with a microsoft flight simulator but for our purposes we will just basically focus on air manager for the windows pc desktop version so to download that what you're going to do is you're going to click on support and then you're going to go to where it says wiki and from this page you can download the two programs that you need one would be air manager for desktop you would just click the download install and go through that process and then the other one which gets overlooked is the plugin and this plug-in is required to use air manager for so i'm actually going to go through the plug-in install the desktop install for the program itself is pretty straightforward so click on download and install and you'll see download the flight simulator plug-in for windows here so it's kind of easy to miss but click on that and it will download once you do that you can go ahead and click on it it's going to give you this click on more info run anyway click yes my screen may look a little bit different because i am running windows 11 so far i've not had any issues with it and if you notice it detected that i have x-plane 11 and microsoft flight simulator installed so it installed the appropriate plugins to interface between the flight sim and air manager so now i can close this out so what i'm going to do now is i am going to open up air manager so i'm going to click on that and this is air manager you can see i already have if you look to the left i already have a number of panels the one that you see is their kind of standard six pack uh they call it the demo panel what i'm gonna do is build a panel from scratch so what i'm gonna do is come up here to where it says panel i'm going to click add you see where it says blank panel i'm going to click on that actually double click on it and down here it'll say back or add click on add so now i have a blank generic panel so what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a g1000 instrument so what i want to do now is come up to instrument click on that and it takes a couple of seconds and then this list will populate if you notice this is the instruments that are currently able to be downloaded and if you notice it has icons where you can see if it works with x-plane or flight simulator prepared etc i'm going to type in g1000 and you see this g1000 overlay will will come up and it will overlay or impose superimpose this instrument over this blank panel you can see i can move it around i can also resize it so i'm going to make it as big as it can without going over the borders and the this is laid out in such a way that on a 1080p setup there's there's going to be leftover space which you can use for other instruments the trim indicator etc right now we'll just we're just going to do this so that is the layout if you scroll down and you see where it says default we're going to change that to g1000 demo so now this is the panel with the g1000 instrument so what we're gonna do now you can scroll down i have a three display setup and if you notice this shows the three displays it also gives the resolution i'm running 1080p so i will leave this at 1920 by 1080 and for now i'll put it on display one but i'm actually going to change that actually i'll just do it now it's going to be display three and i am going to check the click through you don't you can do what you like that means you can click through if there's something under this panel you can click on it and i'm gonna enable i have a knobster installed and i'm going to enable that i want the background mode to be transparent because this instrument is gonna be overlaid on top of the pop-out window from microsoft flight simulator so we can utilize the g1000 now to explain this a little more in depth this is not a g1000 in terms of the functionality this is just a interface that allows you to click on the buttons on a touch screen and that will in turn be the same thing as if you were using your mouse to click on the buttons within microsoft flight simulator so the g1000 functionality itself is strictly you're at the uh it's it's determined by what microsoft flight simulator or x-plane is capable of there's no g1000 functionality built into this interface it really is simply an interface so next thing i need to do is you see where it says g1000 demo i'm going to click this little triangle and you can see where it says g1000 overlay i'm going to click on that and the big parameter here is pilot pfd co-pilot pfd or mfd we want pilot pfd because this is the unit that sits right in front of the pilot and so this is the one that's squarely in front of me it is being it will be displayed on my small 13 inch touch panel which is mounted on a flight velocity plastic panel that is bolted to the top of my honeycomb alpha so that is the unit in front of me on top of my honeycomb bravo quadrant i have a second 13 inch panel also mounted on a flight velocity uh plastic mount and the second display will show the mfd so for this panel though i want pfd and then it pretty much saves as you go you don't have to do anything here is i'll show you some more panels while we're here this is the demo panel this is the cessna panel i use this quite frequently um this one has some of the garmin units set up the same way this part here is transparent you have to pop out the windows the garmin units from within microsoft or x-plane and because it's transparent it will overlay on that and you can see that and then here are my completed is my completed g1000 and this you see here i have a second uh instrument that i added and that was just so my trim indicator but basically the other panels are the same display three which happens to be the one right in front of me input mode i forgot to mention this is touch and mouse that means i can use my mouse on my external display as well as touch and so locked always on top and click through i have all those knobster enabled and then if i come to here click on that click on that again pilot pfd so that is basically how you would set up the g1000 what's really nice about this again is that they've now this is this now works natively with microsoft flight simulator before you had to use third-party or additional third-party plug-ins and work-arounds and there are tons of videos about how to do that but this is really very straightforward and i'm not doing any program i'm not editing any code i am clicking some parameters but but that is it so that is how we do that so i'm going to shrink this down and i'm going to go ahead and open up microsoft flight simulator so here is microsoft flight simulator and so what i have to do and actually what i will do is i will go to an external view on this for some of this but actually from here what i will do is i'll go ahead and start the plane or turn it on and you can see these panels now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pop these panels out by hitting the right alt key when i say right to the right of the space bar and that should turn to a plus sign i'm going to click on that and you see how that pops the window out now i'm going to come over here i'm going to click on this and that pops the window out problem is now they're all in the same window so i have to separate these so just click on this little magnifying glass and now i have two separate windows so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click and hold on this top margin here and i'm going to slide this over to my external monitors and let me see i've got a camera set up we'll see if this will pick up so what i'm going to do is i'm going to slide this first one over to right here and i'm going to slide this guy over to right here and actually let's go ahead and we'll just focus on the primary function so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to start up air manager and i'm going to click on the appropriate let me go back to desktop i started up air manager i'm going to come over here and click on my g1000 panel and then i'm going to click on show up here show and that's going to activate it on my third on my panel so now you can see i have the display so what i'm going to do now is and you see i had clicked always on top so you see how that pop-out goes up under and i'm just going to line it up in the corner this doesn't take very long and i'm going to bring that out like this okay and now i'm going to do the same thing on the second display the mfd let me bring that up i'm going to go actually back to the desktop i'm going to open up this again i'm going to come down here to g1000 mfd i'm going to click show and now it's down here and you can see i have added in that margin i did add some additional gauges and a flaps indicator because i had the space so i decided to do it i'm going to line this up again it goes you can see how it goes under go like that just kind of tuck it in the corner there so it'll line up appropriately and it does a really good job of lining up and there we go so now this is the mfd g1000 and if i were to let me come to an external view here and i'll kind of show you what i have so this is the knobster if you can see that it's kind of dark not a lot of contrast because it's black but inner knob i mean outer knob inner knob and then a button so if i click say on this comma this is on the mfd if i rotate that the outer one you can see the number changing the smaller numbers and if i click on that it'll go down to com2 and again i can change the numbers and here i'm going to click on that and it swapped them around so just another rundown so these panels from ebay they're touch panels they're 13.3 inches i believe and i think i paid 120 dollars each for them the plastic mounting panels from uh flight velocity were fifty dollars each i have two of them the knobster i wanna say was about a hundred and plus the cables so i you know this is three four hundred dollars for all of this but what i have is a very good um approximation of a g1000 suite that i'm not going to say is good as the real sim gear because that looks like i've not used it personally but it looks like it's really nice gear but that's also close to two thousand dollars and this is somewhere between three and five hundred dollars when it's all said and done so i'm really very happy with this and it's very easy to set up um i'll go back to the um the multi-function display and just for example what i'm going to do is i'm and i'm doing this all actually i'll do it from the external view i'm going to come over here i'm going to hit direct it's got k-top i'm going to click the fms and i'm going to put in a new destination and i'm doing this all from the panel so let's see we'll do kansas city international you see it pops up i'm going to hit enter this says activate hit enter again now i have entered in my course i'll switch over to primary now you can see on primary i'm going to click on heading again i can i can change my bug i'm going to click on the transponder i can enter the code so now i just change my transponder code to 5421 and go back to vfr change it back so really really very cool um i can do all the buttons pretty much work autopilot over here um nav radio again you can see the nav changing i'm clicking on the panel i'll do another external view you can see i am [Music] let's see i'll go back and i will change the barometer so i just clicked on barometer and you can see i'm changing my barometer so my altitude is changing it's really pretty easy to do um i'm very happy with this setup because this actually i'm i'm a student pilot and uh i fly a cessna i train in a cessna 172 with the g1000 i do occasionally use the steam gauge plane that we that my school has but primarily i fly in this and like i said this works really well and it's i think really reason very affordable again i'd have to add it up but somewhere between three and five hundred dollars and i'm comparing that excuse me i'm comparing that to almost two thousand dollars now granted it's not quite apples to apples the real sim gear has the wonderful you know tactile knobs and buttons and i don't have to you know the knobster is a little bit slower than that having said that it still works really well and so this just makes it much more uh reasonable so basically that is that is it that is how you set up the g1000 and the other instruments and uh the other panels on air manager work very similar so for example if i go um if i open up the air manager again if i was wanted to practice more in the steam gauge version i could click on this 172 panel and have this show up on panel three and it absolutely would and i can actually do that i can click on show and now it is showing of course i have to it's under the g1000 primary so i would have to hide the let me hide this just a second and close panel and i'll put this on pfd and so now you can see the panel that i would use if i was flying the steam gauge and right now it's all wonky because i haven't started at the plane so there's no vacuum that's why the instruments aren't being accurate except for the altimeter but again i could press on the the barometer and you can see i'm changing so that is pretty much how that goes so anyway i hope this was helpful just a little more in depth what i'm not doing here is i'm not programming these panels and instruments you can get really into the weeds if you know how to do code there's a there's there's tutorials out there apparently um that's not me i i like these pre-populated panels um with or the pre-populated instruments i can do that pretty easily in the g1000 since they made it native really dead simple just remember that when you're setting up your two panels again i'll go to this view when you're setting up your two panels it's you're running two instances so this panel you would set for pfd in this panel you would set for mfd and it's not very obvious that but um how to do that but i did demonstrate that earlier so again hope it was helpful please let me know if you have any questions and if i can i'll be happy to answer them not so much on the functionality of g1000 i'm learning that myself and the microsoft flight version is a little bit limited um and possibly very limited compared to the to the real thing or even to the x-plane version but this is still a really good solution to to making the flight sim more immersive so you guys have a great day and again just let me know if there's any questions down below have a good night
Channel: IvanSky
Views: 4,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ep8DSmRVosg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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