AIMBOT - Left 4 Dead 2

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all right hey everybody welcome back to aimbot uh show all about fps's and third-person shooters and other shooters in general uh a couple quick announcements before we get started tonight uh frame fatales will be having its next all women's speed running event flame fatales from august 21st to the 27th uh the marathon schedule is out exclamation point ff in twitch chat or slash frame fatales for more info on that and prize submissions are open so you can check the site for more info and uh one in dunathon the marathon that i organize uh is coming up again where runners would get one submission to show off their favorite run and if they get in again that's your only appearance uh we're releasing the schedule on july 29th so uh please everyone look forward to that so we've got a pretty long one tonight but i i i think this is pretty interesting um left 4 dead is obviously a game that i played when i was younger but i was never good enough to play it solo because the bots were too dumb to save me specifically so i'm always amazed when people can do things like this so without further ado uh we've got waifu with all campaigns legacy uh solo take it away what's up everybody my name is waifu and i'm gonna be running uh all campaign solo legacy um for left 4.2 and you don't know what that means basically i'm going to run all the campaigns um solo so by myself i'm the only human player um and legacy means that it is the category that we used to run because for like nine years this game had 13 campaigns until like last year when they added last stand so the all campaigns run with all 14 campaigns which includes last stand is called all campaigns and then the category we used to run called all campaigns legacy um so i'm running the one that we used to run which is legacy and the reason for that is it's a lot shorter uh not just because of the one campaign but because a lot of the speedrun stuff is patched in that other version and also it's got it's just a very unique category for left for that it's uh it's got a little bit of everything which is what i really like about it um turn me start on the first campaign which is the passing and um time can start as soon as i gain control here um there's a couple of things that i got to go over that makes this run like really interesting if you don't know left 4 dead a ton of rng this category the world record is two hours and three minutes um my estimate is like two hours and 40. and if it goes really really bad uh i've had runs go like 250 plus but hopefully we don't get that unlucky i'll try to play a little bit safe but the reason it can go really really bad is because everything is random so common infected spawns are random special infected spawns in random tanks funds are random i have object and weapons funds are random and uh because of that it makes it really hard to do things consistently um especially when you're playing on experts which this category is any difficulty which means you can play as any difficulty that you want whatever's fastest um but in order to do team damage to kill the bots you need to be playing an expert and there's a quirk with this version of the game very nice that was very scary i needed to get that the quirk with this version of the game 2091 which is the earliest version that has all 13 campaigns you can only vote once per map or once every three minutes which means that if i start the map on expert i can kill the bots on expert and then i can vote to easy but then the next map i'll start on easy and and i won't be able to vote to expert to kill the bots so that means for the first couple of campaigns i have to play a lot of it on experts so this first map is entirely on expert which means that you take way more damage from common and special infected tanks will instantly kill you if they hit you wait how did you just run by a witch what the heck uh witches are actually pretty hard to aggro if you don't like shoot them thankfully um so yeah the first couple of campaigns are really scary because of that but thankfully we got out of the first one first map super super scary there's almost always a tank spawn on that map and since you have to play an expert because of the votes um he insta kills you so i got lucky he spawned in a spot where i could actually avoid him hello and he didn't wreck me so that's good so now i'm on expert on map two map two is really really hard so we want to vote to easy but the reason we played on export for that whole last map is so that we could kill the bots and then vote to easy and the reason you need to kill the bots is because if you get to the end of the level if you get to the safe room and the bots aren't with you then you have to either wait for them to catch up or wait for them to die otherwise it won't let you progress to the next map and that is really really really slow so when i do something like this where i kill the bots then vote to easy it's super important i don't die because if i do then i'll start back at the beginning of the level and it'll be uneasy and i won't be able to vote for like another three minutes still which means i have to do the map on easy with the bots and uh like i said before that's really slow so the first five campaigns are like that and then the other nine or eight campaigns after that are much more mellow so we're organizing the run in a way that we do all of the hardest stuff first and all of the maps that we need bots for so that we can kick all the bots with a trick into our carnival later and not have to worry about them for the rest of the run um but that means all of the difficulty is front loaded and so the first couple of campaigns are really difficult so the first one is the most rng heavy because to survive this section you basically need a boomer bile and an adrenaline i got the adrenaline which is the more important one of the two i might be able to get away with having a pipe bomb we're still going to look for a burner bile nice okay thank god uh they're all rng drops so i'm just kind of praying that i get what i need um oh my god hello witch that was scary how much shutter so we throw the bile so we can distract the commons there's a lot of water and then you don't move fast in the water it's really easy to die especially if you get ordered by a bunch of commons around you so you want a bile for the first set of water so that you can distract the commons and you can hopefully bunny hop through the water which i'll explain bunny hopping a bit more when i get the time and then the second set of water there is like a really low hanging roof and a hole where a bunch of commons come out of non-stop and so you can get stuck there and just get completely trolled for like a long time until a special spawn that kills you so you really need the adrenaline so that you can walk without the the slow movement speed from the water you don't have adrenaline you're just rocking through this at like one half movement speed and every time you get hit by a common you get wrecked okay thank god jackie's very scary since i'm alone and i don't have any bots if i get grabbed it's gg it's over i gotta do the whole map again um which makes the run really an edge of your seat ride thank god okay that was the two maps i was the most afraid of so those going well is really good um it's not always worth it to kill the bots um in some instances it is safer just to keep them with you because either the map is too difficult to do alone um or you know the way that you would have to cycle the votes makes it not worth doing this is one of those this is the passing finale we're gonna have to collect a bunch of gas cans to fill up a generator that's gonna open this bridge for us and uh we need to cross the bridge in order to finish the campaign but we're going to have to wander around and there's a non-stop horde the whole time and we're carrying gas cans so we can't really shoot zombies so that's where we're going to keep the bots with us for this and if we were to vote to expert to kill the bots then that means we would have to do this finale on expert without the bots and that this makes it a complete nightmare we're looking for adrenaline nice found one immediately it's going to help us support the cans faster we need to collect 10 and uh if you get motion sick from fps games i would suggest maybe not looking at the screen for like the next couple of minutes uh well you can look right now because i'm gonna get trolled by these bots they're not gonna save me because that's always what happens oh no they actually saved me okay cool sometimes the bots are just they just are completely ignorant and will do nothing and will let you get smoked or jockeyed or hunted like i'm right next to them and just stand next to you and just like laugh at you and be like haha you got grabs uh sometimes like that you get lucky and they actually save you so i'm going to do something called can juggling where i'm going to carry all 10 of the cans to the ends of this map by myself because bots can't carry cans and the best way to do that is by juggling so you can pick up the cans and then throw them and then melee them while they're in the air to make them fly further and so i'm going to be just like doing that over and over and over again switching between a bunch of different cans so that i can move them all fast but uh if you don't like fps like fast moving cameras you should wait for like the next minute and a half probably i'll let you know when it's over because i gotta carry all these cans by myself and i'm hoping that the bots will cover me and kill any commons or special infected that are trying to kill me while i do this and uh thankfully the bots can't shoot the cans so i don't have to worry about them causing a chain reaction oh wait and then these blow up oh they can blow up if you shoot them they'll blow up and catch on fire and then they'll spread to each other and then you blow up all the cans on accident so a mis-click here is really bad uh thankfully the bots can't shoot them though yeah the can juggling is over so we use the adrenaline and that makes it so that we can pour the cans like twice as fast i don't know how that works i guess it means that you just squeeze the gas can harder and just like pour the gas in really fast because it definitely shouldn't affect gravity i would think um and so that's going to be good enough to open the bridge and then we're going to go across and go into the next map and so you can see in the in-game chat here um my uh this is the text so like the passing is selected the sacrifice that's called a cycler we're going to be at 13 campaigns and so switching from one campaign to another is something that you want to do optimally and so we have a cycler which basically lets us use different console commands with one button press so i'm going to be cycling through which campaign i do next and the next one we're going to do is the sacrifice i'm going to say this so we just got to make sure that we get the fade out oh the bots see the bots are trolling this way they don't like buttons that's going to say the gas can one is like chronologically in the game one of like the last ones right yeah um and the sacrifices like just before it as well um but there we go we did that one uh we did the passing for the harder campaigns done with no deaths that's pretty pog uh there's only ever been one run of this there's a two runs of this category i think that have ever been done deathless because it's so rng heavy and so long for a left 4.2 category that it just hasn't been done so uh i wouldn't expect to see a deathless run here i'm definitely gonna die sometimes but hopefully the deaths will be after the first five campaigns because after that the deaths really don't lose that much time i'd say this is gonna be a thing you're on sacrifice now yeah maybe that would be sick i do have my splits up so if i pb you know i'll know um this is sacrifice this is one of the few maps where it's actually going to be worth it to just keep the bots and uh to get them to teleport so the bots if they don't know how to pass to you and you're like too far away they get obstructed or like um you're in an unpathable position then they'll teleport and so that's why you see me doing like these weird lines on like the railings and stuff and i'm gonna like stay on this boat cause i'm trying to get the bots to just like oh no i can't path to him and then just teleport because if they don't they're really slow and they're gonna be super far behind but i need the bots here because i really don't want to play this map on expert um there is a tank that's locked inside this um train car and you have to kill it to progress nicely all teleported perfect um and so having the bots being an expert obviously makes it way harder to kill the tank um and having the bots here with you and just killing them all together is a lot faster and safer so we thanks dunzo easy clap but now we don't need the bots anymore so i'm going to vote to expert and we need to kill the bots for the next map so i'm going to put them down and i want to make sure to shoot them enough so that they bleed out by the time i get to the end safe room um but now it's really scary because of course i voted expert so it's stuck on expert until i get um to the next map and kill the bots again and if i were to die then i have to restart the map and then i'm an expert and then i got to show the backup strats which are very scary so i don't want to so let's hope that we don't die thankfully they like to uh the commons like to focus on the downed enemies or the down teammates their enemies in my book um so hopefully they'll just all gather around there but i do have to worry about specials and on expert specials are really really scary because they aggro super fast and especially smokers they just they just on it's on site when they see you they got we got beef right they don't mess with us so uh if there is a smoker then he's just gonna shoot his tongue immediately and give us no opportunity to run away at all and we don't have a sharp melee weapon at the moment so really not much we could do we just kind of shoot at them and pray they died we made it so that's good is i was gonna say shoot i had a question and then i forgot what the question was if i think of it again i'll ask uh sorry for sure um so somebody's asking how i moved so fast so i'm doing something called buddy hopping um if you ever play the source game or like seen some of the speedrun source game is basically like if you're holding w your movement speed is kind of capped but if you let go of w and then strafe in the air by holding a or d and like swinging the mouse in that direction then you actually gain speed and if you jump the instant you land you can maintain that speed so i'm doing that it's called bunny hopping um left 4 dead's a special case for bunny hopping because unlike other source games you actually have to time the input perfectly as you land um to gain the speed if you this game runs on a tick based system which means 30 times a second the game runs checks for inputs and all sorts of stuff and so if you don't jump on the same 30th of a second that you hit the grounds excuse me charger then you lose all of your speed it's not like you lose some of it you lose literally all of it which makes bunny hopping really hard in this game and because of that um the only way to consistently bunny hop is to do a singular input the tick that you hit the ground and so that means that unlike other source games you can't just like buy and jump the scroll wheel and spam it you have to actually time it so every single jump i'm doing is using the space bar and um every single successful bhop is a one well think frame perfect but at 30 fps i'm playing like 300 fps but the tick rate system is 30. so every single jump is frame perfect 30 fps which makes me hopping really really hard but still very powerful that's so mean yeah i was going to ask if you could just bind it to scroll wheel but man that's that sucks yeah it's unfortunate so like if you were to bite at the scroll wheel and you jumped every single tick then the game would register it as you just holding jump for instance so so you have to manually type you can use any input like there's like one or two runners that you jump with scroll but they time it so that the first input for the scroll is the first tick that they hit the ground right and so you're gonna see a lot of bee hopping throughout the run but in a run that's this long for left for dead it's not gonna be as important it's more like an accumulative time save right in shorter categories having like perfect b hop lines and stuff is going to save one more time but not dying is like the biggest thing in all's really so it requires a lot of adaptation speaking of adaptation i need to find a propane tank oh unlucky that's okay i have a bile at least there's a trick on the next map this is a sacrifice normally the sacrifice ends with bill sacrificing himself jumping off of the bridge that we were on the last campaign so that he can reactivate the generator and save everybody but before you can do that you have to activate three separate generators that all have their own tanks and hordes attached to them and it's this big thing that takes a long time but in actuality you can just do a speedrun skip to get up to the top of the bridge right at the beginning and then sacrifice yourself immediately um skipping having to do all of the finale stuff but in order to do that we have to do a trick called a common jump and common jumps are notorious for being rng basically when oh i'm just got it basically when common effects are climbing on geometry and you jump on their head uh your their climbing speed is added to your jumping speed like that and so it can shoot you up into the air and while doing that you can actually get so much height that you jump all the way up to the top of the bridge and then you can activate the ending of the finale by pressing that button there so basically the game thinks oh he's done all three generators and now he has to sacrifice himself and so now i can jump down here and sacrifice myself and bill dies rip and run so i remembered what the question was uh is the reason you have the the on-screen text for like stuff showing up is that so you can tell when like specials spawn so you're not yes the uh the closed captions we have full captions turned on and that's because um audio in this game is very bad and so sometimes there'll be jockeys or hunters or smokers or chargers or tanks and stuff i just don't make any sound whatsoever and uh when they spawn if you're within range a lot of times the captions will actually pick it up so you can tell what specials are alive you know and roughly where they are by seeing those captions which is super super nice so normally on these campaigns you only see me down the bots um but that's because they need to be fully killed by the end of the safe room or sometimes there will be like many events inside the level uh that they have to be fully killed for and in death center one you just jump out of the window there right to the second floor which skips a lot of the level and you need the boss to be fully dead to activate the elevator and so here we're gonna get coach stuck in the elevator um so that we can get on top of it and now we're going to ride it down um and there's luckily a little hole on the other side of the other elevator that is normally used for versus but in campaigns that's there as well and what normally happens is when you get stuck inside this elevator you have to open the door and that causes a horde to spawn um but you can skip the horde and actually skip opening the elevator door if you do that oh my gosh jockey um so thankfully like the fire still here and stuff but no horde uh you can still get an rng horde of course because everything's random in this game but makes this way easier especially because it's one of the maps you have to play on expert so it's kind of a big deal and so i've been looking for resources i've been looking for a bile and an adrenaline which is exactly what we got we're going to save the adrenaline for the finale because this is another gas can pouring finale and we want the bile for saving the cola on this mission this is one of the missions where we're starting off on expert but then we're going to be switching to easy it's really important we don't die because this is one of the bigger time losses in the whole run if you die here because the level's really long and there's no really good spots to get the bots to warp at the end of the level so hopefully it'll all go good a nice bonus adrenaline [Applause] hopefully get some b-hops the the burma vial is really really nice um it's the best of the three throwables the three throwables being uh molotovs pipe bombs and burn bells that's because um the bearer biles actually don't spawn they don't oh my hops okay they don't kill the commons there can only be 30 comments on the map at a time that's the regular zombies not the special ones that are chasing me right now there'll be 30 of them on the map at a time and so if uh they're distracted and really far away from you that means that they're not in front of you stopping you and trolling you so we actually want to try to not kill too many unless we absolutely have to um so like let's say you're trying to run away from a big horde of enemies if you throw a pipe bomb yeah it'll distract all the comments for like 10-15 seconds but once the pipe bomb explodes it kills all of them and then they respawn in front of you same kind of same kind of thing for molotovs and since brewer battles don't kill the commons they let they actually distract them for a much much longer amount of time um and that's gonna be really useful for this event here you're gonna have to go get the cola deliver it to the gun shop guy you know equivalent exchange all that um and then run to the end of the level but we have to carry the cola and we don't have any bots with us and we're by ourselves so you know we're just gonna have to beat a bunch of common infected to death with the cans of cola if we don't have a bile um and when you open this door a horde spawns as well as all of the special infected on the map like despawn then respawn so if they were far away or if they're on a cool down or anything like that they're not anymore and so you can expect them to be right on you right about when you leave this area there can only be two on the map at once um in easy and uh non-realism modes once you're on expert there's three at once but they kind of cue up their spawns right so like there might only be two on the map but if you kill one and it's been too long since another one died then another one immediately spawns right so it feels like there's more than two but there actually is only two and so because of that like i saw a spitter on the closed captions right i don't want to kill the spitter because the spitter can't grab me right we have 100 though 100 something i want to kill because he can grab me and so ideally you want like a boomer and a spitter because yeah they can do stuff to you that messes you up but not anything like a full wipe does like a charger or smoker or hunter um so i'm just going to be like ignoring them for the most part nice this is a really good yeah honestly this probably's going right does healing yourself at the end there make the end screen come up faster or is that just like no it's the opposite actually so um when you're in a safe room there's it's on a cycle so every full second the game is checking for the level to end and so if you start an action like healing with a med kit before the level trigger check ends um it will automatically end it so i can get a little bit of healing for absolutely free no time loss if i start the heal after i close the safe room door and then the fade happens after that okay interesting um so that's like the perfect spot to to get the heels off um so this map this is one of the scarier maps in the run it's on experts and maul is a very scary level um because there is a crescendo event that you gotta run through which is basically a non-stop hoard until you press a button to stop and it's really common that you get double special spawns in this map in particular and of course also a tank um so you know very scary and lots of narrow hallways as well of course excuse me sir combine me it's a double special spawn this is uh you're not usually allowed to have two of the same special at the same time like if there's a charger another charger can't spawn right that's just kind of to make it a little bit more balanced but for some reason on specific maps that just doesn't apply and this is one of them so sometimes like we had a charger earlier but we could have two chargers at the same time because the game likes to troll uh so this is a crescendo i broke the glass now there's endless commons coming i got really lucky though that tank spawn was actually good tank spawns will reduce the amount of common effect of that spawns so getting a tank early like that is good because it'll make this event easier excuse me sir and that and the tank doesn't despawn right it just stays there so it's no no the tank will just chase you to the end of the level unless it gets stuck or loses line of sight for too long so if it loses line of sight for too long you'll hear the tank music stop and then it'll say tank death into closed captions and then you'll probably get a horde immediately because that's usually how that works um but yeah so if you get a tank and successfully pass them and there's no way for him to like you know cut shortcut to you then you're good actually and that's like really nice because it guarantees you won't get another tank um thankfully you left for the two you can only get one tank on a level not true for left move one in leopard and one you can get multiple things and they can teleport so if you run too far away you turn a corner oh no there's the tank that i just passed so now we did that level on expert so that we could start this level on expert down the bots and then vote to easy because doing this events um on expert is very scary we're going to collect all the gas cans it's kind of the opposite of the passing um the reason it's scary on expert is because all that's left are specials so it's rng where the cans are um but if you down the bots in the safe room on this version and then start without them the event doesn't start so the horde's not gonna spawn when these elevator doors open and stuff but also it doesn't count if i pour the gas cans until i press a button here that's a fail safe to start the forward again so basically the finale doesn't start until i press that button which is really nice and that's why i need expert so that i can kill the bots but after that i don't want to be like pouring the cans and then get smokers or something right so you want to be uneasy to try to mitigate that risk especially because if i die now then i gotta i can't down the boss which means i can't stop the horde from spawning and then i gotta do it normally with all the commons and stuff it's just a big nightmare so i gotta collect eight cans um i got bad rng so i had to go to the third floor but it's like medium bad rng so it's not that big a deal um and as you see there's like there's no comments nothing the event hasn't started yet really um the game basically thinks i'm still in the safe room excuse me ma'am did you please move thank you um but specials still do spawn unfortunately so i do get to watch out for those they like to tend to stay on the bots in the safe room thankfully so you want them to be alive as long as possible just to kind of draw aggro i'll grab like an extra can or two here just to be safe can juggling warning by the way uh maybe a lot more than passing the stun i got one i got it thankfully i have an adrenaline i've got to pour these cans faster as soon as you start the event it's kind of special to spawn though so you gotta be really really fast and careful you're that jockey this is what is this one of those like reset points if you don't get a uh an adrenaline you're just like not quite but it does make it a lot scarier trying to kill that jockey just to be safe i probably could have got away with just yoloing the cans i cannot grab way too many but whatever it's fine cool next on to swamp fever this is really good so there's only two campaigns left where we have to play some of it on expert um swamp fever and dark carnival but then after that it's just all realism easy with ilbots for the rest of the run so it'll be a lot easier after that but we haven't died yet that's really good um swamp is one of the maps that really showcases why um it's so important that we play on specific versions because has an event right at the beginning on the first map that takes about two minutes for this ferry to go across the water and there's no way to skip it on this version of the game um at least no consistent way in earlier versions of the game you could do a trick called infinite stumble uh where basically you start stumbling with a propane tank and then you can just rotate your weapons and stumble forever and that causes you to like hover over the river skipping the event stays about two minutes and this version that trick is patched so you can't get across the river unless you get a tank and if you're lucky enough to get a tank you can try to have the tank hit you across the river to skip the events um which as i'm sure you could imagine is not the most consistent thing ever especially since tank spots are completely rng it saves about two minutes so in main campaigns where you do just the main five campaigns uh you play on that version where you can do that and the reason you don't play on that version for this category is because it only has those five campaigns so you can only play on one version for the entirety of the run you can't switch versions and so for all campaigns legacy you play on the earliest version that has all of the campaigns which would be 2091 which is what we're playing on right now so i guess i should explain we get a tank obviously unlucky we can't take boost across this we got to wait for it but that means i'm going to get into a god spot and i can explain a little bit about what god's spots are so basically pathing in video games is done by something called nav meshing and that meshing is basically like a thing that you apply to a collision in a game that tells ai how to path on it so it tells them like how to climb over something or like how you can walk on certain things um but not everything is meshed by default you have to manually nav mesh everything in a game especially in this horse game so there are some spots where the nav meshing is either broken or just non-existent like the one i'm in right now and so if you stand there the ai just has no idea how to get you and so they just kind of stand around this is mostly used in finales because if a comet infected are just standing around like this and they're out of your line of sight for long enough then they'll just despawn and that actually counts as a kill when you're trying to finish finales so that's a really really convenient spot right there because we just kind of need to survive for two minutes until the float comes across that's such a clever way to show it too yeah oh my god that was scary uh i just got a jockey force field as patrick would call it in the community it's uh basically you like i don't know what it is it's like an old version thing no one really knows how it works but sometimes when you melee a jockey when they try to jump on you they just instantly die and i got really lucky and that just happened so we're good um now the problem is though normally uh in a speed run like in main campaigns you would skip this so nothing would spawn on the other side of the lake uh but now they do because we did just have to do it normally like if you were to tank boost the same thing would apply there would be nothing on this other side um so really importantly don't die here because otherwise we'll have to do that whole thing again and have to wait for the ferry to come across and whatnot as you can tell this run is full of uh i really hope you don't die here otherwise it's a huge time loss but uh it's mostly in the first five campaigns and we're on the fourth one so we're making good progress with no deaths yet it is really nice that even when the ai or when the bots like respawn that you don't have to like that doesn't count as them being alive oh yeah that would be awful they can okay they control you though and like let themselves out of the closet or like uh yeah it's like they're stuck in the closet right and if you want to save them you can like open it and they'll all come back but then you're on suck on easy and you can't vote right so like now you just have to have the bots for the rest of the level um but sometimes like you could like blow something up that blows open a door and then they're free or like you ope you like pick up an item that's close enough to the door that the game just kind of gives it to you and it's like here they're free and uh that's why i don't grab items next to that door right there on that last level because it's very likely to open the door even though you're not even near it that's that's a troll that's ridiculous yeah it's thankfully it's like right near the end of the level so if that happens it's not a huge deal but there's definitely some worse spots so this is swamp and the swamp has a lot of water water is really annoying as we saw on the passing because well you you move really slow in it um that only is the case if you miss your bhops but i got really unlucky that's almost always an adrenaline spun but for some reason it was a health kit um but yeah if you have an adrenaline it negates that slow down and so we're looking for adrenaline's a lot especially on this map in hard rain those are the two where there's like a ton of water we're going to be looking all over the place i'm going to throw this bile because i got a board and this is annoying and i don't want to die um and we're going to need to use that adrenaline oh my god hello tank i did not see you you just came out of the woodwork literally i missed the jump panic this is fine [Music] so i was gonna try to skip this plane horde by using adrenaline speed and then jumping over the top of the wall but i was scared so i didn't make it nice charge [Music] this run is basically objective survive uh the whole time panic in suits oh yeah if you actually keep your bunny hops perfectly in water you don't lose your speed this is what i was trying to say like five minutes ago where i got sidetracked by almost dying um which is really cool except for the problem is the ground underneath the water is uneven and you have to time the jump inputs perfectly and you can't see the ground so i mean good luck i guess i mean some people can do it in certain spots it's just no it's that easy just memorize the ground underneath the water and the timing for it all right so um usually we grab a melee weapon but we opt to see with a pistol on this campaign because we want to do a very specific amount of damage to the bots on the finale should be the next map on this map we want to do a very unspecific amount of damage to the bots just enough you know kill them and then we gotta worry about tank spawns and of a horde because this is another crescendo map where we're going to be activating a thing and then never ending zombies but we're going to just be running right past the thing we're supposed to wait for yep there's almost always a tag so there he is we're on expert so he insta kills us um i say there he is but i actually have no idea where he is there he is and they actually have insane like predictive aim with their rock throws on expert so you want to be very wary of that speaking of sir don't mind me so yeah normally you're supposed to like wait for this bridge to go down and stuff but actually when you activate that an invisible wall over here just disappears so you can just jump over this rock and just leave which is pretty nice and then just head to the end of the level and hopefully there's no hunter or something in the safe room but that'll lead into why we have the pistol so uh there is a mechanic in this game called a stuck warp where if you get stuck like you're stuck inside some collision or something and you can't move after 10 seconds it'll teleport you to the nearest player and that's just like you know if you're playing with your friends and you get stuck somewhere you don't want to be soft lock right that would be unfortunate um so the game does that we can abuse this to get into a really good god spot so what we do is we down nick with the least amount of damage possible so it gives us the most amount of time before he bleeds out and then we're on a run we gotta go fast because we need to go start the finale then get stuck and teleport before he dies um if we don't then we'll have to just do the finale normally um because there aren't really any good god spots inside the events but if you do it correctly then we should teleport back to him in the safe room um after the finale started and that'll just make the whole area outside of the intended finale area a god spot so this whole area i've been in this whole time will have no nav meshing excuse me sir which means that we get the faster finale ends um without having to do anything as crazy except for you know this whole nav mesh meme with the stuckwork we gotta start the events and then we're on a timer close the safe room door so hopefully no one like beats the heck out of them while they're laying on the ground [Applause] we're at the plantation house that'll buy us a little bit of time on the common infected and make them despawn faster because when you throw a bile on a nav mesh that's not there as well it does the same thing as when you run a nap mesh that doesn't work so the commons just kind of wandering around and don't know what to do i mean so that buys you a little bit of time so that by the time you get stuck and warp like this the commons are already on broken naps so they don't know how to find you yeah so we don't need them anymore their use uh has been used and so they're gone now um but very useful bots that's like a perfect example of how having bots is faster sometimes which is why we uh you know have the bots for this map that's one of the reasons why we do it early um but besides that this is a way out finale so there's two hordes and two tanks that we gotta kill and we're currently doing it this is the uh the sigma sigma male way of doing it i guess you just let's let the game do it for you you know just they're just going to despawn just intimidate them so hard that they just leave the server i do not see them as you hear the first tanks that spawn yeah no they're they're they're spawning where they're supposed to spawn but they're like where the heck is waifu i have no idea where this guy is and so they're like all right i'm going to switch servers i guess and uh we just gotta wait really that's the first tank once we hear the second tank then we know it's time to go and we get actually we gotta run across the area again to make it to where the escape is um and while you're out in broken navs or turned off navs the special effect they could still see you and they still can know how to path to you sometimes they'll get stuck walking on walls and stuff but a lot of times they can still see you so it's not completely safe i can't just like go to the bathroom right now as you like that jockey would have killed me right but i can you know do some art i practice my backwards bhops got like a minute or two here or just waiting is a is abh in this or is it still does it still count on the 130th big system it's still the 130th thing this game with abh should be very interesting but you can't do like sideways b hops and backwards b hops if you're a gamer um my backwards b-hop game is rusty i haven't done swamp isles in a while there's the second tank hear all the music it's funny the specials kind of line up in the same spots every time too when you're in that god spot like that dude's always there almost every single time there's a smoker he's standing right there [Music] charger oh my god i was gonna say there's almost always a charger at that door too that would have been a very bad death we good we good and then we're gonna head into dark carnival which is the last map that we're gonna have bots on hallelujah um but now we're switching to realism and realism is a mutation mode that makes it so that bots don't respond in uh like closets um there's no glow around objects anymore there's three special infected spawn um spaces on every difficulty not just expert um and witches are uncrownable and the reason we do that is because there's a bug on the left-footed one campaigns where um the gap between the tank spot and the horde spawn and the finales doesn't exist if you're playing on realism and so that saves 20 seconds every finale across like eight campaigns that's like two minutes so it's actually a pretty big time save um but you might be thinking this is a left 482 campaign so why are you playing on realism and that's because uh this game plays you on a local server even if you're playing in single-player mode and that means that things that happen in the server um will stay there even if you switch maps so right now we're on one server that's realism expert and we're playing on dark carnival with these bots now if i were to like do something like kick the bots for example but then vote to change maps um the bots would stay kicked even when we load onto the next map that's exactly what we're going to do in the finale of this campaign is we're going to kick the bots and then stay on the same server oh i almost got fenced up that's okay we're gonna kick the bots and then stay on the same server and so that means the rest of the run we won't have any bots but we'll be on realism and that means we can stay on easy the whole time which will make the run substantially easier but because of that that means that we got to play with realism on and on expert for this campaign for a lot of it um which makes it one of the harder campaigns for sure and that's part of the reason you do it so early i'm gonna get it out of the way yeah and so dark carnival is the only map that actually has the trick that allows you to kick the bots which is why you do it last out of the hard ones um because yeah you need to you need the bots for the other campaigns right so you do those first and then you kick all of the bots unlucky there's expert smoker for you dang well there's the first step i was hoping yeah most likely map to die on is is definitely one of the dark carnival maps yeah you're helping for another that would have been sick that would have been really cool but unless you don't want to build a monster i was expecting like four or five by now so we're good such a hot idea after all hell that's okay my hops weren't that good and this is the best hop and best map in the game for bunny hops so i get another try so a special infected um they actually don't spawn immediately when you load in they there's a timer in games it's 35 seconds after 35 seconds after you leave the safe room that's when special spawn and so that's really important because um when you encounter specials is like super impactful for how you have to deal with them like if you run into specials in a really narrow hallway you might have to kill them right it might be really scary but if you run into them in a big open area that's not a big deal and so that is going to entirely depend on how good your movement is and so that means that like the higher levels of play are playing like almost an entirely different game which is really really cool about the speed run you almost have to relearn it every time you get better at movement especially since the movement in this game is so difficult speaking of hopefully that's uh fence hop go really fast that's the trick to it hit all of your b-hops hopefully i get a slow pop here not really that is fine i'm gonna grab this actually there's a trick you can do um if there's a smoker like last time you have a sharp melee weapon you can actually look at the ground and uh break the smoker tongue with the sharp melee and you can actually do the same thing with propane tanks and gas cans so if i get a smoker here i can just look down and drop it that'll break the tongue so when you're playing on maps and expert it's actually a really good idea to carry around a propane tank if you can just in case especially just in case because of witches witches on these realism maps are very scary because you can't crown them if you don't know what that means is crowning which is where you kill it with one shot point blank and that's usually how you deal with them if they're like sometimes they could literally spawn like in the safe room door for example um and so what do you do if you can't crown them um we're playing on a launch option called lv or dash lv which is low violence mode which is why all of the zombies just like kind of disappear when i kill them instead of they're being bore everywhere and stuff that's not because i'm on gdq or anything that's just because um that's well one it's good for frame rate which is nice and then two on lv witches don't really have a death animation when it comes to explosions so if you hit a witch with a propane tank explosion or like explosive ammo or anything like that they just instantly disappear which is hilarious and super useful because like there's a witch at the end of the safe room you know you just throw a propane tank at her and shoot it and boom your problem's gone it's amazing that's what i like about uh this this category all campaigns legacy it's it literally shows everything it's got like maps of bots maps without bots it's got warps it's got low violence it's got expert it's got realism it's all over the place it literally shows like every single thing that's in the game except for you know the other campaign that's in the game but everything that was in the game before that update at least speaking of everything that's in the game i couldn't live with myself if i didn't go for this so i'm gonna try to do a skip here a tank boost there's a carousel here and uh the carousel you know you normally gotta activate it there's a bunch of comments that come it's this big deal gotta wait for the door to open but you can actually skip the whole thing um by having the tank hit you okay well so i forgot to vote back to you i was wondering i was like you're an expert i totally forgot that just shows you how easy the game is that's fine uh that death would have lost a lot more time if uh i had voted to easy but i also wouldn't die there so yeah yeah you can't do that skip on he's on expert uh because when the tank hits you that's funny oh well we get another chance maybe we get another good thing spawn oh no we didn't i got one here that's okay i was expecting dust on dark carnival so hello excuse me pardon me i really wanted to show off the tank skip i got so busy with my commentary i forgot about it that's okay though i won't have to vote ever again after this campaign so no more oopsies like that oh you know just go for it again easy just get another tank spot in the exact same place yeah exactly excuse me get off my head sir please will you die jesus there we go this man is invincible he's got more hp than the tank this is one of the downsides of playing left right too when there's no double tank spawns or anything i got that tank really early in the level thanks take boost sad but that's okay there is another campaign later in the game that has a two minute time save on a tank set if we get it we get the tank there i'll definitely go for it let's just see if i can show it off [Music] yeah so this is what you normally do you're lame you go over here press the button otherwise you fly up into that tree it's sick fly up into that tree and just walk over the wall there's a jockey right now it's scary there he is i saw him we're good probably [Applause] so normally i'd vote to expert kill the bots you know do that every couple of maps this map i'm just gonna stay on easy the whole time this map is not worth it expert on this map expert coaster no shot i ain't doing that hell nah because there's a good there's a good spot for the bots to warp to you right at the end of the map and the chances that you live if you play on expert for the first part are like very slim so i'm just gonna play on easy i'm just gonna run and pretend like this is just a normal you know online server you know just run pat run past all my teammates not help them at all hope i don't get vote kicked it's like a free weekend all over again every online group i ever played in yeah just sorry you got like oh you're down that's that sucks man uh well you'll be alive in the next map it's fine right yeah this this section in particular is very very scary on expert especially this drop down that we're about to have here is the timer just so happens to line up that like right around now is where all the special spawn as you just heard like three spawn and they like to spawn right under the drop down where you can do absolutely nothing about them so uh like we said with the broken navs before um that also works with the bots if you're on a broken nav mesh and the bots don't know how to get to you they'll teleport to you as well so we'll be using that here to help get the bots past the coaster without actually doing it because this coaster has a million and a half ways to skip it but this is the way that works on this version very iconic and cool trick poster skip um but you might see the pots just like randomly teleport to me during the trick hopefully don't fall to their death that can happen sometimes it's a big meme [Music] yeah there's one but there's another spot where they can oh or over here right at the ends but look at the ground because they can't work but they're looking at you or if you're looking at them and hopefully they work there's one or the other ones now the upside the other thing is we're on realism right so i can't even tell where the bots are there's another one i can't tell where the bots are there's no outline i think everyone's here log um and this is now we can vote to expert and so we start barnes on expert and they get the vote easy afterwards which is a huge relief because ours is even worse for being an expert than coaster is so definitely want to play barnes on easy um and that means that we need to have voted on expert on the previous map like we did there so that when i kill the bots i can go back to z and then pray that i don't die barnes is really scary because it's uh got a one of the hardest crescendo events in the game which is an event where these comments never stop spawning and you gotta run past them to get to the safe room at the end um and the map almost always has a tank as well so those two things combined can be very very scary especially on extra realism dang first try nice get out that's nice because those common jumps are rng that charges you said through that i'm out of here he ran the other direction oh now he's back yeah so we're gonna try to do a common jump here for safety nice okay this up here has broken naps so i can stand up here and the commons won't be able to get to me thank goodness i don't have a throwable which is really unfortunate i was hoping for something but it'll be okay hopefully i need to make it to the safe room once the skate all the way opens up i don't want to kill these comments because if i kill them i'll respawn in front of me right so i just want to leave them alive [Music] for as long as i can and then go when the gate's about to open my b-hops are not not on it right now there's a witch literally right there of course and the hunter all right we made it cool so i've been saying uh that this is like the hardest map of the run the whole time basically this is the last actually super hard map um this is the finale for concert it's got that trick where we're gonna kick all the bots so basically if there are players or even special affected um alive and sitting in the safe room when you start the event it actually kicks them from the server and this is a trick that used to work on online matches pvp you name it you can kick people from the server if they're standing in that part of the safe room and you started the event um fortunately for us that means that we can use it uh to kick the bots from our server and since the game is hosted on a local server when we vote to switch to the next campaign you won't have any bots unfortunately that means that we have to do it on extra realism which is absolutely terrifying especially since i don't have a sharp melee weapon oh that's good well at least we died at the beginning of the finale we have the bots already kicked so that's the big deal now that they're gone they're gone forever and as long as they don't make a new server then we'll be fine and i can grab a sniper which is good sniper's really good for uh for holding out in the valley we were in a god spot but like i said the specials could still get you one of the things that makes this map all really really difficult is that you really can't do much you just kind of sit in the god spot and pray that the specials don't absolutely annihilate you um and you can actually even if you're in a god spot get what are called bad tank spawns which is tank spawns that just have the tank spawning in a spot where they can see you and that means that the god spot doesn't work on the tank and then you have to kill them manually and if you're playing on expert tanks have 8 000 hp which is like four times more than they have otherwise that was unlucky we got booms so getting boomed in the finale makes it like 30 seconds longer and now there's a smoker and i have no idea where it is and somehow the tongue broke thank god i think gaben just shined upon me in that moment i don't know why that song broke but it did i must have shot it i guess i couldn't see i was boom that's why ideally i'd have a sharp melee because i could just break the tongue but didn't end up finding one so i just have to to pray you know is there ever a point at which like if you die you could just vote switch to easy on this or do you need a vote yes maps after three minutes after three minutes so it's the vote timer is on uh every map and every three minutes so three minutes since i called the last vote to kill the bots but i have to be careful because the way i switch to the next map has to be a phone um otherwise i'll switch servers so like after that death i could probably vote to easy right before the helicopter gets here but if i do that then i can't vote to switch to the next map which would mean i have the bots again if i well i would i would end and then i have to go to the main menu and start a new server and then i get the bots back which would defeat the purpose of kicking them um so i kind of just have to play my role is like first death just play it on expert again if i die again try to vote to easy at the start if i can then stay on easy and then i'll be able to vote again by the end of the finale because it's about three minutes long um so i only died once so i'm just going to keep it on expert because i don't want to get to the point where like oh well now i'm not easy but i can't vote to the next map which would really suck [Music] oh yeah and then after this we'll be on realism which makes the comments harder to kill and makes it so that you can't crowd witches and all that stuff but we only play on easy the whole time we won't have to kill any bots which will make it much much less stressful is there any difficult is there any differences in any of the characters with like voice line length or things like that no not really um i mean they they all have their own voice lines and stuff but nothing is tied to dialogue in this version in the newest version there are a couple of npc dialogues that are random and they have different lengths um and you're waiting on that but besides that i mean not really um rochelle is a little bit shorter than all the other survivors but that only really comes into play in co-op um because in co-op you have like grenade launcher boosts and all this cool tech um and her being shorter makes her harder to boost because you see her less like if you're looking up at the sky like this and someone walks into you you're gonna see the taller person first right so that makes it a little bit uh harder to boost rochelle goodbye tank cool mid to hard rain the first of the campaigns were i don't have to play an expert anymore thank god um vote to easy that's the last vote i gotta do besides switching campaigns to the rest of the game um so in theory it should get a lot easier now right but we still have like eight campaigns to go uh so you know it's still left for dead i mean all sorts of things could go wrong but a lot less can go wrong when you don't have to play on expert you don't have bots and realism isn't something you can vote off like you you have to play with it it is not unfortunately it's a server setting that gets set when you start the server so like actually the command i used to switch to uh dark carnival it was disconnect which just sends you to the main menu and then start a new server realism expert and then dark carnival so like it is a completely different type of server and i can't switch off of it got one adrenaline supply on the input that's good we're gonna need that later uh hard rain this gimmick is water it's like swamp fever really running out of gimmicks over at valve i guess um but also backtracking so it's all of your favorite zelda dungeons in the same left red campaign backtracking and water levels so that means that we're going to be looking for adrenaline spawns and not actually using them because we're gonna need to use them on the way back when we actually uh need the adrenaline get through the water fast next to the boost tank later nerd at least i made it so no adrenaline in the safe room which is unfortunate but we did get one in the ambulance that's good we're gonna pick up a tier two shotgun here and we're gonna be on the lookout for a propane tank uh this is hank hill's favorite left for the two campaign um and it's got one of the cooler tricks in the run it's pretty difficult um but very very cool when you're falling in this game there's a couple of things you can do to reset your fall damage um in co-op you can go idle and edge bug um but in single player there's only really a couple ways um you can hit an explosion near you on your way down by like throwing a pipe bomb or something and that's a pretty good way but it's really hard to do consistently or you can like explode a boomer next to you while you're falling or there's a couple things like that but what we're going to be trying to do is not die of this tank and then look for a propane sink because we're going to use that propane tank to break or fall and skip an event here um ice hp by the way excuse me charger another thing that stopped your fall damage is actually a charger charging into a wall it'll like stun you and stumble you oh my god rocky forcefield okay we're fine um yeah good luck setting that up to work consistently though so still looking for adrenaline spawns there's the white beauty we're looking for propane and propane accessories on their way lots of witches in this map but thankfully they're really hard to aggro unless you actually shoot them i just want to scan the area there's an adrenaline that's not what i wanted to do up here excuse me sir pardon me speedrunner coming through there's an elevator here that we normally have to activate and wait for it to come to the top but that spawns the horde and it's really slow we're just gonna do this so i actually shot the propane sink out of the air and caused the explosion which reset my fall damage and made it so i didn't die to that fall i aimed it really far below it because this game's hitboxes when stuff is in the air are really bad it's actually like kind of on purpose set that way so that when you're playing on a bad multiplayer server with a bunch of ping the hitboxes in the model kind of like meet in the middle you know and it becomes more accurate but when you're playing on a solo server on your own computer obviously that's not a big deal so the model and the hitbox are extended really far um which is why if you ever noticed that you got a melee super early when a hunter is jumping at you or a jockey that's why a lot of times you have to melee even before they pounce because the hitbox is actually like two to three hundreds lengths in front of the model of the j of the hunter and jockeys are especially bad with this because um their hitbox is like vertically descended so when you mail it and you gotta go like this otherwise they'll just go right over your melee hitbox which is why if you ever see me like fight a uh jockey i'm like because that's the only way you can get them no way to avoid riding it back up unfortunately though um but now we're just backtracking except for now it's even better there's water but we have some adrenaline spawns and some good routes that nice hops that make it so we don't have to go through the water as much this way a very common question i get asked a lot is do you crouch when you bunny hop in this game the answer is no you should like never ever crouch when you bunny hop in this game and here's why you don't go any faster when you're crouching because you're always technically in the air when you b-hop you never actually hit the ground so even though it seems like you go a little bit higher it doesn't actually translate to more acceleration because you're never actually touching the ground when you be up technically so you're gaining acceleration every tick and the other reason is if you miss a bhop when you're standing you get set your speed gets set to the default walking speed which is like 250 units or whatever something like that um if you are crouching and you miss a b-hop your speed gets set to zero and so your acceleration to get back up to walking speed is really slow and that can really really mess you up in some spots um you'll notice it more when you hit your first couple hops because you go a little bit higher um but it doesn't actually translate to going faster so i do crouch when i be hop sometimes but it's only when i'm in really specific circumstances where i need to get like a little bit more heights to make a jump or i'm trying to like change the spacing of my bunny hop so i could set up for a jump or something like that um otherwise you should always be standing so that when you miss it you aren't so punished that you like instantly die just a fun fact for people out there people are really against learning that fact for some reason i don't know why they're they're like no dude i swear you're crouching i hit all my hops way better when i crouched it's like okay that's just not true but go ahead like do what you want ouch this is why adrenaline is really important in water that is a cocky as well oh oh [Applause] this is fine yeah i was completely boned there uh that was my fault though i should have waited to bait the tank a little longer that's one of the cool things about this run is uh while it is extremely rng heavy as i'm sure you can tell um most of the time if you die it's your fault if you were just better at the game you could like adapt more you know and like outplay the situation that's not always true sometimes you're just completely boned but i would say like a good solid 90 of the time there was something you could have done if you had more foresight you were just better that you could you could actually like make that livable and some of the really high level runners of this game like mobile tech or patrick like you definitely see that it's really really impressive just like how you just sit there awestruck like how did he just survive that like what that is crazy and that was not one of those moments from so you're welcome hello tank speaking of uh truths about the game oh my god hello uh that people don't like to hear um you know how it's like oh you have your flashlight on that's like it's gonna alert comments faster and it's gonna alert witches this is a complete fabrication it's a total placebo mechanic actually it's just marketing somebody's saying that about that like you just said you could just like stare at a witch and just flash flashlight nothing will happen it's just proximity really and um like sometimes shooting um i think that only applies to sitting witches that the flashlight actually does something but it definitely doesn't do anything to comments and sanding witches they don't care at all you just stand right next to them flashing light at them and nothing happens this is pretty funny [Applause] also another thing with that uh the director this like insane computational machine that like dynamically balances the game's difficulty for you also a complete fabrication it's basically just a set of randomizers that are tied to timers like 35 seconds after you enter the safe room exit safe room spawn specials which vessels random specials but they can't overlap it's like when do hordes spawn it's like well it's random basically like if you actually look at it it's all just completely random it's literally just timers and randomizers attached to each other which is kind of hilarious and unless i add marketing genius oh yeah absolutely way to make it seem like uh you have like this insane ai director like it's insane ai that you your team has built over the decades and bought it now it's just random yeah i mean it's it's definitely set up his life you know the puppeteer overseeing you know the whatever campaign you're doing yep but nope it's just random there there's like a couple of small things you know like uh earlier i got that that uh health kit when i thought it was going to be an adrenaline that's because it's spawned in as an adrenaline but the game realized oh you don't have a health pack and so it replaced with a health pack because i forgot to grab health back in the safe room there's like a couple of little small things like that but it doesn't overall like balance the whole game around how well you're playing or anything otherwise the game would be a lot easier when you speed run because you just immediately have three players die every map right so you would think the game would take it easy on you but it seems to be otherwise most of the time anybody hear me yeah game ruined i'm sorry but not really though it's much more fun when you realize it's random you know because then you're just like it's like you're playing a roguelike yeah are uh are the maps randomized in any way or is it like the same layout every single time but like the the infected are different [Music] yeah so most maps are the same every time there are a couple of maps that have individual features that are randomized yeah if that makes sense so like dark carnival barns there's like that first area that i went through after killing the boss and switching to easy sometimes there's a gate there just random you know if there is and you got to go around the biggest one is probably quarter or uh cemetery on parish which is one of the maps we'll be coming up on in a little bit here i think it might actually be the next map the next campaign um there's like four different pathways and there's like 20 seconds worth of time saved on the best path versus the worst path um for the most part that's not as big an issue it's mostly the special infected spawns the common effect of spawns like tanks and witches and stuff like that yeah parish is the next map cool so i got to show that then so you are playing on 209.1 which is not the earliest version of the game the earliest version of the game is 200. um and so that means that there are some stuff that's different some stuff that's patched like the infinite stumble on swamp uh definitely the parish probably the most neutered map in the whole game there's a lot of skips on paris normally but most of them are patched in this version unfortunately um still looks very cool but it's one of those things i really like about left 4 dead all the categories are very different even like the 13 versus 14 campaign all campaigns runs very very different runs because of the versions that they ran on um like for example the 14 all campaigns all campaigns run which is the one that's played on the newest version of the game with last stand uh that one you can vote on every single map unlimitedly forever so you never have to worry about um playing on expert you know you can just kill the boss every single map and then vote to easy uh another thing that's different is there are no broken nav meshes in the finales so that means you have to do all of the finales normally like you would in a casual playthrough and that just makes it way slower but because of that this run and that run are very different runs which is really really cool like every single category in this game it's like completely different even the individual levels like if you just run one campaign like there is a individual uh version that you want to run dedicated wrong because zener has like specific tech that only exists on this one version and so you know that's cool and all because it makes every single one different the downside is uh if you get really into running the game you might have over like 100 gigabytes worth of different versions of leopard n2 installed uh but you know that's what external hard drives are for that is nice that like there's the rule that you can't um it did like all runs around one version down the alley because man changing that would be really annoying yeah could you imagine like switching versions to the optimal version for each campaign for every single campaign you switch like six versions throughout the run i mean there are four debates too so yeah you switch versions mid-run for for certain runs oh man that's unfortunate sounds like it's time for a rule it's it's only for the really bad ones um that there's like um like a one to max level run switch versions like three times but the red takes like 10 hours but yeah okay it's not too bad then oh my gosh i got griefed the comments walked me off the edge i was gonna do a little skip here to go over the fence um on the commons but she took me for a ride excuse me sir pardon me that dude's climbing the [ __ ] the port-a-potty he's trying to go to the bathroom and the door is locked you guys got code brown excuse me so unfortunately the skip to skip this event is passionist version so we just gotta sit in a corner over here and wait for it to end thankfully it's pretty short this is not a broken nap but the commons just have no idea how to get here they're like what how the what that freeway looks like it heads to the bridge hello oh my god that was scary the hunter just behind the corner it's just chilling specials could spawn in the safe room by the way not a lot of people know that but they they it's great sometimes you like oh my gosh this hard level thank goodness i got like this 15 second load screen so i could chill for a second and then charged like you already closed the safe room door you're just in there chilling just does it let you end the level with the excuse me with an infected in the safe room or do you like have to kill it no you have to kill it that actually happened to me today earlier i was on hard rain in a run and i closed the door and i started healing and i'm like is the level gonna end and i was like oh my god then i panicked and i realized there's a charger in the safe room i like walking around the corner and he almost killed me there we go jeez it's one of those telltale signs that you're about to get screwed that you close the same from door start healing and you're like man this is a really long uh i like hit the very end of this uh i miss the bus you know for better analogy you know the frame roll is like taking forever and you're like wait a second i'm about to die tanks could spawn the safe room too that's pretty good as well i have seen that happen when i when i played the game yeah it's a real funny yeah yeah funny left footbed too we're saving that adrenaline from a couple maps ago so here in the water can't be hop the ceiling's too low got lucky we got the tank where we did because uh it could have been here and cars can get hit by tanks it needs to kill you this makes this section really scary even on easy they insta-kill oh yeah oh hello there she was just waving at me see that's just hi so this is the rng pathing on cemetery let's see what rng we get not worse rng that's good ah dang i lost my behalf i think it's actually best for energy pog let's go yeah so there's four different rng paths you can get on cemetery here they have you go different lengths around the area that's the best rng nice unfortunately i didn't keep my behops but that's okay not having a best bhop day today excuse me pardon me oh look chicago in the safe room thanks thanks game unpleasant i think i was slow otherwise he would have spawned in the safe room right next to me and you're not supposed to be able to spawn where you're looking just out of sight but they could spawn really close to you longer outside and that was just that 35 second timer rolling to where it spawned one so it's a 35 second time so i'd love to see from there timer starts 35 seconds after that um then it's based on a cooldown versus like how many specials are alive and like it's like 35 seconds are over it'll spot all three because i'm on realism and then after one dies there's a short cooldown like if you ever play versus it works the same way okay oh yeah yeah just short cooldown and then another one is spawned in and then you know so like if the cooldown expires because they take too long to kill them then they'll spawn immediately otherwise there's a timer you know so this is quarter quarter is one of the harder maps in this part of the run because lots and lots of specials and very zigzaggy map design and specials can just climb over walls so just because you like got away from the special now it doesn't mean he's not gonna just climb over one wall and he's in front of you again which makes it very scary also there's an event here that we used to be able to skip in a ton of different ways but now the only way to skip it is to hit some sick crowd chops or to come and jump wow okay amazing backup uh that common jump is really orangey so that was good uh nice climb i hope you enjoy your stay on the roof tank i thought i was gonna hit the crowd shop and then i was very disappointed and then i hit the comment button immediately i was like oh okay basically didn't lose any time i really wanted to shoot that gas can but i really couldn't bridge stop bombing us excuse me pardon me i went in the safe room okay we're good this is [Music] this fun going pretty good honestly i mean i just jinxed it i'm gonna die like six times now but i mean those deaths in carnival were really the only thing you only had what like that was huge so far two or three yeah we could just keep it two deaths the whole run maybe i'll still pb i believe you heard the man let's get across the guy we got really good rng here we got a bunch of adrenaline spawns this uh finale is basically literally just run to the ends it's one of the hardest ones casually but in a speed run you the spawns are the most scripted out of any map in the whole game so it makes it really really easy especially when you're used to just reacting to rng spawns all the time having the spawns be scripted just makes it like very very simple to run past the ball as long as you don't stand in the back of a truck for like 20 seconds like that there's always a tank on this map and he always spawns in the same area but in randomized variations of the same area and the whole thing is flat basically so it's really good for b [Applause] ops and the special effect it almost always spawn on the second floor there so we're already ran past all of them um they can despawn and respawn in front of you if you get too far away that shouldn't really be a problem on this map as they'll just kind of stay behind us thing i hear the tank but he's gonna pay us no mind the cars he can hit into us will instantly kill us on every other map except for this one for some reason on this one they they're like okay there's always a tank here and there's always a bunch of cars so it'll be a little easy on you and it only does half your hp instead of all of it oh nice very nice but uh it doesn't matter because thanks afk wasn't paying attention he didn't watch the speedrun before he has no idea what's happening just another game of verses to him he's gonna go to the point on reddit about it is there still a pretty active community for versus around this um there was 45 000 players during the free weekend this weekend yeah i mean that was like double what it normally is but still that's that's a lot a little parish done on to no mercy [Music] uh we actually this weekend um on saturday i hosted an event on my channel at for slash waifu where we collected all 101 achievements in leopard 2. um it was the whole there's like 20 different runners and a bunch of hosts and it was a really really awesome event we did it in about 17 hours and we raised 5 000 for a really awesome charity and we actually got valve to make it a free weekend specifically for that event um so if you got the free weekend this weekend you're welcome but also uh yeah it was a super cool experience and valve is really really awesome for doing that i just wanted to shout them out and you know i mentioned if you guys didn't see that it's on my twitch channel there's a the vod to it and working on getting it uploaded on youtube as well this is really cool [Music] so around our mercy um so we're gonna finally start seeing that realism kick into play um like i said before realism makes it so that the finales are 20 seconds faster than the left footed one maps specifically i mean that's why we're playing on realism for the rest of the run because you can't switch real as a mid server so it's really not going to affect too much but the rougher had one maps are the maps that are most likely to have witches spawn in the safe room door don't ask me why but it's really really common so we might see some of that here also they have some pretty brutal skips on some of them this map in particular has a really hard common jump we should be going forward to skip the event here [Music] nothing to climb up this side oh nice first try very clean very yes i mean these common jumps are free right i've literally never seen you miss them they're completely rng um the climb animation that the common effect does is rng and the animation that they give you changes the amount of speed that you get and also the um the speed is also random on top of the variable of like what animation so you just you're jumping like the instant like a b hop the instant that the common is coming into contact with you and that'll give you upward momentum some of them are more easier than others because like the comments always path in a way that makes it easy to jump off their heads or the collision is at a perfect height that it makes it so they always have a specific climbing animation that makes it easier and stuff like that but um that one is pretty annoying because the comets could climb from like six different angles at the same time and you need them to climb from that one specifically so you can make it easier and if they hit you then you get to slow down and you can't get the jump and stuff if you get really lucky you get a tank to punch that open and it saves like 15 seconds but last you were not that lucky you can actually use a grenade launcher to blow it open in this version too but it's a it's a trap that time save is a trap you don't go for that in all campaigns this run is too long to risk for a 15 second time save because if you have a grenade launcher well you don't have a shotgun and uh that is very scary but the grenade launcher kind of sucks and you'd have to carry it all the way there just to blow open the door and then hope you get a shotgun afterwards in earlier versions you can actually just cut it open with a sharp melee it's some sort of weird bug that happens like the way they program breakable doors they actually have health and they like forget to make it so that you can't lower the health with certain actions and so they over they overlook it and then all of a sudden you're punching your way through the wall and stuff yeah i was going to ask is a reason using the shotgun just personal preference or because it's you've been determined to be the best shotguns are just objectively the best in like almost every situation because they have great crowd control they're really good at killing specials fast they do tons of damage to tanks um and uh yeah that's about it the only thing they're not good at is range but you're flying across the map but like a million miles an hour be hopping most of the time so range isn't usually an issue and some of the holdout finales where you're like in a god spot you need to kill commons and stuff it's better to have like a sniper referral or like an ak or something because you're just standing still and you need to kill commons far away but other than that you always want a shotgun and a shotgun doesn't really matter as long as this is tier two like holy auto one the xm and the spas are basically identical stat wise so that's a question i get a lot but yeah they're basically the same gun i just with a different skin and sounds so there's a little event here where we got to call the elevator down i'm sure people are pretty familiar with this but but you're not familiar with that this is not a god spot but it is very similar to that spot we were in earlier um on parish where they don't really know how to get to me but they could definitely pass to me so the commons will just kind of gather up but my feet worship me real fast for a little bit until they run out of energy and fall over and die um because you actually as you've seen with the common jumps before you stand on a common head they die and so they'll get so together that they push you up far enough that you spontaneously stand on all their heads at the same time and then they all just fall over prompts another horde of zombies to spawn but specials can still definitely get you so be careful about that [Music] it makes this hold up pretty scary they kind of like walk up to you like curious about you like a dog or something they're like what is this like um that's fine rip that charger rip elbow so i'm gonna jinx myself because this runs going so well there's a chance that a special infected spawn will spawn inside the top elevator door and if that happens the elevator door gets stuck and the door will open on my end but it won't open on the other side and i'll just be stuck in the elevator and i don't even really have a way to kill myself because i don't have them on top so i would just be actually boned i have seen all campaigns runs out like that we're just going to believe it's not going to happen it won't happen i mentioned it right that won't happen there's no way get out ahead of it there we go okay it opens yeah oh there's our tank that's actually a pretty decent spawn i want to get knocked off the map though look which almost in the safe room door here i'll try to show it off goodbye she's gone so if she was in the in the door and i couldn't pass past her that's what i would have done i just thrown the bile or thrown the pipe on matter is with low violence on let's get the hell out just disappears the wishes are just gone [Music] dude had shoulder pain so we're going to use a little bit of a grenade launcher on this map the mercy no mercy god spot's pretty good it has a little bit of a unique property too where you can actually mostly hear or see a lot of the common spawns that happen as they spawn um just because you're in a god spot doesn't mean that all the commons will despawn instantly they have to like take a second or two to de-spawn and that means that if you could see them and kill them before they despawn it's actually faster so we're gonna grab the grenade launcher it's sitting here which is the god spot and if we see it common just shoot them because that'll make them die faster and make the finale end faster and the great launcher just happens to be really good at this like these guys would eventually despawn if i just put them off camera but it is faster to kill them but we still get the safety of the godspot thanks i think uh crash course is next uh that'll be fun that maps only that campaign is only two maps long but the second map is very scary it also has the potential for a lot of time saved so a bit of a coin toss map so someone just someone were to start learning this game is would you suggest learning like individual campaigns first or just trying to string a whole run on like easy yes definitely individual campaigns first so like um the category that like so main campaigns which is the main category that most people run which is just dark carnival dead center uh swamp fever hard rain the parish main five the game came out with um that's ran on two zero zero which is the earliest patch of the game um if you're interested at all in speeder in the game download that patch from the speeder on discord because speedrun.com2 and then join the discord and then you can find the download for that there um and then just learn an individual campaign that's what everyone does like to learn like start with whatever your favorite campaign is out of those um i would suggest swamp or hard rain they're some of the easier ones um but really any of those five works because the great part is you're playing on the patch that it's done in main campaigns you'll learn to one of the campaigns now you know one-fifth of the run and uh it's a lot more digestible because it also has like it's on leaderboard it's got all these all these strats and stuff um but you get to take in just that one part of the run and it's perfect uh because that's exactly how you're gonna do the run if you were doing it in like a full main campaigns run or something yeah cause nothing carries over between campaigns right [Music] yeah exactly it's just a fresh start um in the main campaigns you don't ever kick all the bots you kick all of them except for one um so the only difference is on some of the campaigns you would have three bots instead of one but really all that changes is you take like one or two extra seconds to kill them at the beginning of each map so it really is like exactly the same as it would be in main campaigns for all campaigns it's a little bit more complicated because a lot of these campaigns we're not playing on optimal versions so there's different strategies and stuff and like realism memes and all that stuff all campaigns is something that you learn when like have a good time in means and you're like i want to do something that's going to suck personally all's is my favorite because it shows off so much of the game and i really like what i really like about it is since the game is so random and the category is so long you will never get a good run so you can just run it forever without getting tilted to time to like small time losses right you're not like oh man like dang it's i missed a b-hop like i lost 15 seconds now i'm gonna reset cause it's like dude the category is like two hours long like you probably have a couple of deaths in your run like there's so much time you never reset the stuff like that right um which is what makes it really fun for me there's always the possibility of pb until you become a god gamer and have like a 203 but even then there's still lots of time saved like this run in theory could be like 155 or even lower but you just have to have like insane rng for two hours straight and also play perfectly and this is which is just like never this is time to game time right so loads don't matter uh time without loads removed yeah um that's 203 with loads removed so i mean it's a little bit longer than that in real time but yeah it's not that much longer though the lessons are pretty short thankfully [Music] there's a lot of them uh but they're pretty short and the leaderboard manually retimes every run so you don't even need a timer on the screen console and pc are on the same leaderboard just uh submit a run you know just your your video recording of you doing it you don't even need to have like live split setup or anything it's like really approachable now the speed run itself not very pleasurable at all extremely difficult this is definitely the hardest game i've ever learned in my life uh that's also my favorite because of that um but yeah not the most accessible to pick up and play but we make it as easy as possible and i think it's worth it because it's really fun but you gotta have some nerves if you get mad really easy maybe not the game for you because uh definitely like wow that was entirely not my fault there goes a couple of minutes but i think that's kind of the fun honestly yeah so we're on the crash course finale now this campaign's only two maps long i got a boomer ball extremely important this is the most important throwable pickup in the whole game um because there is no god spot on this finale except for if you have a boomer vial um and the burner valve is gonna be used to have the common effect and open a door because the god spots behind i shot that alarm car this is actually pretty new tech right here i thought that alarm card because when a few cars have alarms that cause the horde to spawn and that horde takes up the same spotting location that the finale horde does so if i have that horde overlap the start of the finale when that horde ends the hillard on the finale ends so that means that i can actually skip the first horde of the finale saving like a substantial amount of time if i'm able to start this finale while that horde's still going um which is a pretty new time save we actually found out you can do the same thing with tanks like if i got a tank spawn before the finale i can keep it alive until the next oh well there's a tank spawn so i guess i'll i gotta go for it uh i should try to keep the tank alive until the normal spawning time of the tank in the finale or you know whatever it takes for me to not die that's what i should do i'm stuck on the cabinet and i'm spit yeah cold stream is fun [Music] but yeah you could in theory in theory uh kill the tank at the same time as the other one's supposed to spawn and then that skips the tank too so that makes ultron really unique or not cold stream i don't know i keep saying cold stream uh this campaign crash course is what it's called crash course uh really unique because you could skip half of the finale like right at the start uh if you get really lucky and set it up correctly yeah that tank just owned me so that was not going to happen i can reroll the car alarm though that car always has an alarm there which is what makes it viable oh i guess i was gonna ask when you die and restart does it give you the same uh like whatever you does it save whatever you started with if it's like the second or third okay so like whenever i started the second map on when i die and restart that's what i have with the second map excuse me sir i got a tank and the horde again so i guess it's fate i just gotta go for it again um [Music] but yeah and all of the rng is rerolled so object spawns enemy spawns all that stuff is rerolled when you die but here i'm gonna throw a biol at this door that should hopefully get the commons to beat the heck out of it yep see that the door opens the god spots behind that door so i needed that bile so that i could get the comments to beat it open i can't eat it open myself or shoot it open and you can't like bait a tank into punching it open or something like that me maybe could in theory i hate comment affected i hate special infected too so unfortunately unlike left 4 dead 1 oh this is great we got some time unfortunately unlike leopard 1 the tanks won't actually try to kill you when you're hit by a special so there's a whole bunch of overlapping beams happening here that i'll explain um maybe the spinner will save me no no the spinner will not say um so the tank won't try to hit us which is unfortunate because the leopard had one the tank would come over and like smack us and that would freeze from the smoker and it would hurt but at least we'd be free unfortunately nothing happened left for the two they just kind of stand still and let you die um there's a bug in this version of the game where if you get smoked but the smoker doesn't like constrict you i'm not getting hit by the smoke right now um then you can only take one damage at a time so no matter how many specials there are or not how many comments there are beating me up i only take one damage at a time which makes the death as slow as conceivably possible that's rough so yeah so you're just kind of chilling unfortunately and this is why everyone hates scratch horse because while it's only two maps and has the potential to have the fastest finale in the game it also only has two maps and has potential to be the fastest finale in the game uh as well as is completely terrible every way it actually doesn't even matter that i'm an easy mode i can vote to expert and i'd only take one hit per common swing like per tick or whatever it's really dumb and if i voted to expert to die faster then i had to play on expert and that's not ideal so it's actually probably faster to just let it kill me slowly our console commands allowed yes in fact i'm going to turn on sp cheats right now and turn on noclip and just fly to the ends i don't know why they're gonna uh some are there is like a list of dedicated cost commands that are allowed um like changing you can't use like kick commands yeah you could like change maps and stuff like that um but you can't like kick commands not allowed that's a big one a lot of people ask like why don't you just kick the bots it's because well you can kick more than just the bots oh the tank got hit by the boomer ball that's not good i mean it is good but the tank died but you guys open the door please somehow i don't feel like this is gonna work [Applause] time to go back and look for another doorbell i don't know how he got hit by that it was so far away [Music] that's fine there are very many we're about spawns on this map often broke comments please leave me alone don't beat me up it's rude there's one okay there's a really high density boomer belt spawns in this map thank goodness because it could be a big meme yeah if you could use kick commands then you could just literally bind kick hunter jockey smoker charger boomer spitter to a key and then just press it every time you hear something wouldn't be the fun of speedrun to watch it sure would be interesting in the sense that it would not be hard at all no same reason we uh don't play like last man on earth mutation people ask that a lot as well last minute mutations like uh alternate mode where uh there are no bots and well there's a couple reasons we don't do that well for one bots are faster in a lot of situations as we've seen um and then for two there's no commons so it's pretty boring you know commons are the things that make everything scary if there are no commons and you'd almost never die of specials usually the combination is like oh no there's a charger let me run away oh wait i'm stuck on a million commons and then you die right but there's a charger and no commons it's usually pretty easy right so that's why you don't do that also it's slow it'd be slower commons are fast too need them to common boots sometimes like good luck doing a sacrifice quickly without common effect so we're just waiting here waiting for the uh tank spawns and the horde spawns there's the first tank out of my little corner here with my adrenaline [Music] yeah i mean uh watch hands behind my head watching bill die peacefully yeah i'm not worried at all i mean uh i was fully expecting this run to go catastrophically wrong i don't think anyone's done an all campaigns run on like a marathon run before i could be wrong patrick might have done one before um but there's a reason for that it's not the most marathon safe run as you can see there things can go very very wrong but uh it is really cool because it just shows off so much and if you're good enough you can guarantee a somewhat reasonable estimate but it's definitely one of those games where it's like oh yeah the world record's two hours and three minutes let's set the estimate for like 240 to three hours you know it's just just to be safe just in case everything goes completely catastrophically wrong which honestly it's been going pretty good so far so i'm stoked yeah pb is probably dead now you never know though if you is not that good i believe i think it's possible that's one of the it's one of the things maybe maybe that's one of the things oh hello sir one of the things that's like kind of cruel about this game your pb is not a reflection of your skill ever because there's so much rng you gotta grind for the pbs so like you might be capable of like a sub two hour run in all campaigns but unless you're grinding for like six seven months or no shot you're getting that there's just no way like you might be capable of the sub two hour but you're gonna have like a 230 pb for a while probably just because that's just how the game works you know um that's why i love doing the resets of left 4 dead speed runs because there's no pressure you don't have to pb you just have a good time and quite frankly the way your pbs die in this game is freaking hilarious like 90 of the time so it's always like i've literally never seen that before like what even is that insane meme moments where you get like charged off of the map or like tank punched into a smoker and then you like get stuck and then there's no bots so you just die when he's stuck like all sorts of memes it's great as long as you're you know open to having it die you're really trying to grind for a pb though that can be very frustrating this game is known for muldering excuse me people get out of my face this is death toll death toll is that other campaign that has that really big time save on a tank spawn and of course i'll go for it if uh i got the tank it's not on this map it's on the next map the next map here uh bitrate drop warning nothing i could do about it but the bitrate is probably going to plummet for a little bit because for some reason on this version there's a bunch of water on this map in the sewers there's just no textures for them there's no texture for the water so it's going to be this bright pink and black checkerboard pattern which is going to absolutely annihilate the bitrate for a little bit but i mean it looks funny so please ignore the pink water i almost just fell in my death that was scary but there is a trick we're gonna do here we're gonna be skipping a crescendo event as always um by standing in barney's vomit and getting a common jump here hopefully this tank spawns really bad oh but we got really lucky okay really unlucky as well at the same time [Applause] thank you for getting me out of the water i appreciate that um [Applause] here this will work right oh i was too too far to the side that would have been a really good backup truck okay nice next water by the way thanks valve that's fine i almost got it a little bit too far on the side really unlucky things fun let's run it back that just means you get more purple water thank god i know i was you're afraid that it was gonna go away this is the last map it's on so just get to soak it in a little bit longer i think i want to soak in that purple water i i do i just want to know what it feels like you think it's like jagged is this checkerboard it's like pretty stagnant too maybe like really dense water [Applause] there we go last time i got stuck in a invisible wall [Applause] there we go we shall return to lands and to high quality stream bit rate and to thanks oh my god tony hawk's pro skater ready spooky on this episode of i shouldn't have survived oh my god that's really cool that's one of those situations where like it was entirely in your hands and you made the right plays yep yeah exactly like less experienced player probably would have died there but i'm just that good no not really but you know i i was able to outplay the game even though i got completely boned on the rng there and survived that somehow [Music] yeah that's always been really me with the tanks so hopefully this is the only map of the whole game that doesn't have health kits at it by the way i don't know why this game just trolls you um this is the map where we have that really big potential time save if we get a tank and do the strap um completely rng if you get the tank so you know i'll go for it if we get it i actually had a run today that was on pb pace where i got the tank and i did the trick and i got all the way to the end of the trick it's a really long trick and then you have to hit a b-hop around a corner and you're like scraping around an invisible wall and your bounce be hopping off of an invisible wall that you're standing on top of and uh you have to hit the b-hop and then straight from the corner and i miss i missed the b-hop and i just walked off the map and died it was very sad but uh now i have practice so if i get the tank spawn surely surely i'll hit it it doesn't look like it though we need the tank by around here and we got a witch witches and tanks kind of take up the same spawning locations so we got a witch right there which means we probably won't get a tank pretty unlikely to get one by the end of the level now unfortunate that's okay the strap for this is really cool anyways um so there is a guy inside of this church and he is not gonna let us in because he's afraid that we're infected um so he's gonna ring the church bell and that's gonna cause zombies to spawn and run at us until he gets overrun and he dies and then the door opens and lets us in um but we're just going to chill up in the rafters where the zombies can't get us by doing a common jump off the piano and now we're basically saved smokers are the only thing that really are scary the comments that all just kind of gather around us like we have faygo or something we're at the gathering the juggalos um [Applause] and just chill there and we're just gonna wait this one actually is on a timer so once the timer is up the dude inside will die and let us in we just got to live till then um normally the guy inside dies and turns into a special infected but on this version for some reason he doesn't turn into a special inspector i got that question a lot they're like supposed to be a special and i had no idea because i never played this map on any other version so you just you open the door and you're just gone it's kind of nice those frankful safe room i'm gonna step on all of these commons heads as soon as i'm able to it's gonna be great i'm gonna have a platform to stand on for like two seconds oh they all died [Applause] [Music] where's this charger i want to drop down and instantly get charged that would suck there he is he's just having a good time running around oh yeah outstanding outstanding i agree bill there's only 30 comments on the map at a time but as soon as you kill one another one spawn somewhere else so it feels like a lot more especially on maps where the nav meshing for their like pathing is really really good it can feel like there's a lot more ice hops i would this little skip over the the roundabout there normally we would hope that we have a bile or a pipe okay thank you game well let's see it or something uh to make this common jump easier we're gonna skip this crescendo event as well by doing a common jump over the top of this van the bile and the pipe bomb makes a lot easier because the commons don't try to run to you and hit you they run past you which makes the climb better and more consistent very convenient spawn uh spitter please i don't want to see your g-string nice random horde [Music] john [Music] goodbye why did i vote to expert that's okay instinct in main campaigns you're always like as soon as you have the same from vote to expert because you want to kill the bots immediately on the next map and vote back to easy um you don't want to do that in all campaigns because there's no upside i don't have any bots right now that's fine though at least i did it before the safer door closed so i could vote against map the only thing that could affect is if there was a tank spawn right at the beginning of the map you'd spawn with expert health which would suck but last that did not happen so we're good thing cops are okay i'm losing them when i get speed so uh this finale is to hold out finale we're just gonna have a lot of time sitting around sitting on a rock waiting for comments to spawn this one kind of sucks it doesn't like so some god spots are better than others um what makes them better is you know more or less bad tank spawns or tanks funds were the tank spawns and then it's actually able to see you um because that means that you actually have to kill the tank you can't let it die automatically as well as like common spawns that are similar where they could they could see you even if they don't know quite how to pass to you because if they're in their line of vision then they want to spawn um so this one kind of sucks there really are no good god spots here we're just gonna climb up on this rock way out here and unfortunately there was only shotguns which means that i'm not gonna have any good way of killing a lot of these commons i think that there was a deagle that's this guy in today i don't have to worry about running out in my one digs like i'm playing cs jumping around like food [Applause] why you use mouse football hob because you have to jump this very same tick that you hit the ground and if you mistime it at all you lose all of your speed and the game only registers 30 ticks a second so if you spam with mouse wheel then you will overwhelm the game with inputs and it won't read them so you have to time it correctly with a single input you can use any key that you want but you have to do like one input [Music] which makes every jump in a b hop in this game a frame perfect trick at 30 fps we don't play at 30 fps but that's like the closest the component to analogy i could come up with really are there uh they would task this game oh go ahead oh sorry i didn't interrupt you but yeah are there any tasks yes there are some pretty cool tasks the task video with commentary that you're talking about is probably my youtube video actually i didn't make the task but i did a couple of task explanation videos on my youtube channel are there uh are there like tutorials for individual campaigns available um i have a couple youtube videos that are video essays that also just so happen to like kind of double as tutorials for some of the campaigns um and there are some like basic guideline tutorials but it's really really hard to make tutorials for this game because well everything's random so you know every single run is completely different like you're going to go to the same spots and do the same tricks for the most part and there are tutorials for a lot of the tricks individually but just watching those tutorials isn't really going to be enough you kind of just have to play a lot you know uh it's one of the things that makes this one cool is that every player is kind of like a compendium like an encyclopedia of different situations and experiences and the more you experience the more you learn how to play so like vogel who's a world record holder has 9 000 hours in this game unironically dude's a machine but he can like live like any situation because he's seen all of it you know he like has been in that situation and come up with a solution to not die there and so he's like unkillable a lot of the time but if you're just starting out every single situation that you see is completely new right so you have to like overcome each of those new things and try to figure out how to overcome them each time which is really fun because you're always seeing new stuff but it can be very very punishing so if you are going to get interested in learning this game don't expect to get a good time like any time soon it's going to take a really long time just enjoy the process of getting around because that's like just what this game is about and that's what all the speedrunners in the community bond over is just how absolutely bone they get on their runs that's like half the speed of discord it's just like these insane twitch clips of like these ridiculous depths that no one has ever seen anything like that happening before and you get like three of them a day so we're on dead air which means there's only three campaigns left dead air uh dinner blood harvest cold stream so we're almost done which uh not bad pace honestly pretty good um dead air is a pretty straightforward map kind of just run to the end but there are a few cool tricks it has the hardest trick in the game mechanically on it there is a trick on the second map that we're going to be going for here that has we have to hit five b-hops in a row it's a 5 30 fps frame trip it pops in a row um to be able to clear a jump that skips a crescendo uh i'm gonna go for it saves a lot of time actually it's not too difficult we can get kind of screwed though depending on like if there's like a tank there and you know a bunch of specials and stuff makes it a lot harder to hit the trick there is a backup that is a little bit slower but a little bit safer but i honestly don't really enjoy the backup very much i think it's harder so i'm just gonna go for the standing the crazy trick i mean real i'm gonna heal here before i leave even though i have 92 hp because after we do the trick we're going to do another trick where we drop off the building and catch ourselves on like a little piece of collision and we're gonna end up with like five hp even if we have a hundred health it takes so much damage from this fall that no matter what you're gonna be really low hp so i wanna have as much as i possibly can especially since i don't have pills um because i have to run to the safe room after making this drop um and there's going to be commons and there could be a tank down there and stuff so it's really scary nice you've got an auto shotgun that's lucky a little bit easier to deal with anything that comes up so it's coming up here we're trying to jump from building the building here these bee hops nice we got it fog [Music] and of course is the tank i gotta jump off this really fast land here 14 hp don't kill me nice that map is so scary okay cool that went great [Music] pretty dope cool um the rest of them of the run basically that was like the last super scary thing in the run obviously it's left 4 dead so you know i could just die at any moment spontaneously but that was the last like big scary thing here there is another crescendo which you're supposed to shoot these gas cans here and the gaskets will burn the pallets and that'll let you progress but you can actually just common jump on top of the pallets and then go over and just leave it's really funny because that was the thing that left for that one as well but it got patched left footed one but when they ported the maps to left 402 they ported the old versions that didn't have the patches so even though it's patching leopard and one it was never patched left for the two which is just kind of hilarious that same exact skip works in early versions left for had one but not late versions even though this patches came out way before this game came out [Music] jockey jockey oh nice jump oh oh okay we're fine you can see this one has some baggage [Music] well speaking of speaking of it's a nice car though and he kind of just rounded the corner and then domed you immediately yep just like boom surprise car it's just like real life look both ways before crossing chat and be careful out here cars are zooming they're not looking out for you even in parking garages [Music] it's okay though it was only like as far as you could possibly die on the level so it was only like the maximum time loss please get off me thank you to be honest skill issue i better hops wouldn't matter smh bad runner flaming rng turn those flashlights off no no bad comments from my hops i might be fatigued potentially it's a long run there's a safe place up ahead we made it [Music] how long have i been running left for the two four i just crested a thousand hours in this game and almost all of it is speed running i had a bunch of hours on console but none of that was speedrunning that was all just casual play i actually ran this game at mainline gdq events twice i ran it once um for one of the online hd queues i believe main campaign solo and i ran at the last gdq event um four player co-op with some of my friends from the community awesome run if you haven't seen it um it was a lot of fun oh no player music you just yeah thank you this this car can it looks like it's gonna hit you but it actually just spawns invisible walls and you stand where the car is gonna go then you spawn inside the invisible walls and then the car will just push you through them which is nice um but i kind of got trolled oh my god how did i not shoot that witch nice nice charge dude really good ai uh ai director by the way um oh yeah those runs are really cool i've already left for it for a while it's my favorite speedrun this category in particular is my favorite speedrun all campaigns legacy uh left for the two i run a lot of games i run uh devil may cry resident evil i left for dead of course do maternal dead space all sorts of stuff like that um so if anyone's interested in watching some of those runs hanging out with me i do stream on twitch almost every day and uh but yeah lately i've been working on all campaigns what i'm running right now i wanna get a deathless run i'd be sick um and then after that i'm gonna start working on getting my devil may cry one through five speed runs go and i was doing some trilogy runs before definitely quite one two and three in a row got the world record on that and got a pretty decent time um but now i've been taking a break and going on some left for dead and afterwards we'll probably go back and do some dmc one two three four and five in a row this is just another hold out finale just gotta get it started and get into the god spot this god spot's pretty funny because it's like so dumb like how is this a god spot the top the hood of this truck oh that measure it's like not even remotely hard to get into yeah it's just just in the middle of the open just they forgot no one tried it in the testing normally you got to go up into some weird spot and hang off the edge of some geometry nope hang out on the hood of the truck so how do these get found is is it just like can you is there a navmesh viewer that you can use yes so um you can just like boot up console commands and uh there's like i forget the console command itself but you can like make all the now meshes appear and like you can walk around or have bots walk around and it'll like point to a square on the ground that has it's like this is the nav mesh and it'll say what type of that mesh it is and stuff um and you can just like look around and then have much fewer check to see if any of them have them a lot of times people just find them on accident because they like hide out in a spot and oh the comments are just afk you know there's a lot of them are pretty obvious there are spots that like you might try to hide it anyways this one not so much it's kind of in the middle of the open but like you can see how someone would just kind of stumble onto this eventually and once you know how they work once you know that it's an amish thing then you can actually use the console commands to go and find the ball but in the last stand update which is the newest update of the game they got rid of like 99 of them they like be nav mesh almost the whole game it's crazy um which is cool for you know having it work correctly but for speed runs it makes the finales a lot less interesting unfortunately because as boring as sitting around here doing nothing is it's a lot less boring than doing the same thing for two minutes and just the whole time with a bunch of bots at least in my opinion yeah it's i mean it's one of those trade-offs of like do you want to complete the run or not you know that kind of thing yeah yeah exactly and and it's uh it's just slow you know it the finales are already the longest maps in the run with the god spots and they're way more rng if you don't use a god spot um because like how far away comets spawn from you and how long it takes for you to kill them and all that stuff is essentially just random that like is all their spawns are random so it's like how fast you kill them is going to be random but then what guns you have that's going to influence that that's also random bot ai is random so if you have bots helping you kill them sometimes they're really good sometimes they're completely useless and so you have like crazy time saved swings when doing uh like that or normally is like 15 30 seconds max time saved so i got a fedalian on uh about version where you're doing god spots [Music] but yeah and we're also getting that extra time scene from realism because the distance normally like word spawns when you start the finale and then a tank spawns after 10 second delay after you kill the horde and then another 10 second delay and then the common spot again and then 10 second delay and then the horde so that's 20 seconds for every finale and leftward at one and if you're doing every left foot in one map and you know adds up to about two minutes of time save um which is quite a lot honestly even for a two-hour run that's a lot of times too trade-off is the commons room filming they're annoying you know the things we do for speed [Applause] so we're on the second last campaign now um it's blood harvest i try to do them in order of amount of rng and likelihood to reset speaking of [Applause] nice shock i thought i would be able to outrun him you at least walk me off the map please [Applause] so that i can die faster no no i guess i guess not i guess you just get to get slapped yeah the uh sometimes you can get freed from a special grabbing you like a classic is you get grabbed by jockey and then you walk the jockey into a tank and then the tank punches the jockey off you and you're fine that's like a legendary save and then spitters can kill jockeys when they're on you like they slightly slash at you but they do damage to you and they do damage to the jockey also if there's like a propane tank on the ground or something and it's on fire it could blow up and let you free or if the the jock is on fire it can burn to death before you go in capped there's a couple ways to save yourself but mostly it's extremely circumstantial which is unfortunate but that's fine there's actually another funny thing that can happen um so you need to have everything in the safe room dead for the next level to start um but you go down before and there's like a fade out before the level restarts when you go down so if you get jockeyed in the safe room after you close the door if you can kill the jockey fast enough while you're incapacitated on the ground then you can actually get the level to end before uh the fade out happens for restarting the level and so even though you're incapacitated on the ground the level ends and you go to the next level which is a pretty funny way to save yourself yeah one of those extremely nice close the door high play situations yeah exactly there's a million things like that in this game where it's just like if only you knew that uh you just have to like look at the longitude of exactly 65 degrees celsius and blah blah blah blah and then you can you know get out of the situation but that's kind of the fun it's really cool like you people that like play this game a lot casually then they watch speed and they're like there's so much tech in this game i just had no idea about is you're using like all of them the speedrun because it's very unfair speedrun for the player so you got to take all of it to your advantage [Music] a lot of it's pretty useful casually too honestly oh nice tank i just didn't want him to hit me with a tank rock i also kind of wanted to show off just flex in a little bit yeah just a little bit just a little bit speaking of flexing there's a really cool skip on this level it's a trend you might have noticed uh from the speedrun but um we're gonna be doing it for a long time i thought this was exclusive to the left for that one but apparently it wasn't i was just doing runs the other day and so one of the other writers was like why don't you do this trick and i was like doesn't work at this game right like no it definitely does oh which is cool except for the fact that it makes a level like five times harder not that it needs to be harder i'm gonna die yeah let's see walking backwards at you yeah he uh he's trying to flex too i guess you saw what happened last map and he's like no you can't just keep getting away with this there's no way that's not unfortunate it takes one just because like as you can see there the commons are what make it hard right like if it was just the tanks that have been easy but i just everyone's trying to give like give me a sign their autograph like give me hugs and stuff i just can't get away the crowd it's too dense that's that's why commons are the actual scariest enemy in this game not boomers not spitters but commons hey tank see look he's harmless there's no comments around but normally you're supposed to blow up this bridge and then it falls over and lets you like go up it um oh you can use you actually scale the side of it and do two crouched bunny hops to get extra speed and height on the edge of the railing here and launch all the way to where it's supposed to send you at the end like that nice i try very good um i'll just skip that whole thing it really doesn't take that much time but it's super cool also rip rip cow r.i.p i think the door stuck door's stuck [Music] actually we had our own version of doorstop recently um one of the runners was doing a run and they like were b-hopping and they like got to that safe room door and they closed it and then they closed it like on themselves in a way no one's ever seen before where the door got them stuck and then they were stuck and there was no bots so it killed them after 10 seconds so they get to the end of the level on good pace and then just literally door stuck just at this door stuck for 10 seconds and then they talked it was kind of hard i've been paranoid this whole time about you and the safe room door and yourself because like i always had a problem with that when i was playing the game oh yeah you could definitely do that and some some maps way more likely than others hey look another thing oh oh that would have been sick pretty sure that would have worked too over the map excuse me sir yeah i don't know about this path thing this pathing spawns the horde they tell them you've been telling me this is bad i don't believe them having fast b-hops here is probably better that's okay though what was that explosion hey golden that nice [Music] all right last map of blood harvest thank god i hate this campaign and then we get to do cold stream which is everyone's favorite campaign that's probably the most played campaign at leverage too old stream there's a reason that i save it for last i just don't want to play it and you know i don't get very many runs this far into the game so you don't have to play a cold stream very often you put it last it's also pretty easy and like very little rng so makes it a nice pick grenade was boomer pile in buffer dead one or is that a is that a solely left or dead do you think that is a left footed two thing same with melee yes i need that part left one also has uh yeah leopard one also has um unlimited melee there's no cooldown on melee so you can just melee forever which you might think wow that's actually broken i don't really remember that uh and yeah it's because you absolutely needed a left footed one because the commons are like a million times more annoying definitely one runs are rough and the commons are a big reason for that because they're like even worse than enough for the two comments by a lot actually like teleport in front of you the reach is like twice as long a goddamn monstrosity honestly so this is the god spot here it's kind of risky uh but it's the only god spot the reason it's risky is if you get a smoker up there and the smoker pulls you can actually get stuck here like if i wanted to i could like go crouch and like get stuck there and then i'll die after 10 seconds because i'm stuck and there's no way to get out of it so if you get smoked i'll pull you into the stock spot and then even if you free yourself you die so and be careful that thankfully we're not playing an expert so it's not a huge deal but if you're doing like extra realism runs of this level oh boy that's really scary it's like the number one thing that kills you here is uh getting smoked like that nice wobbling or the uh the wahawks so i'm assuming there's there's two different categories so like easy and then expert and then realism not really yeah so [Applause] no so it's expert realism is one category where you do everything on extra realism and then the other one is any different because if you were to just play on easy then that means you have to have the bots the whole time right and so that's really annoying um so any difficulty meaning you can switch to any difficulty whenever you want and then the other one being extra realism where you have to play on extra bills the whole thing um those runs obviously less common because it's the same run but with way more rng basically and there's already a lot of rng [Music] yeah so this is it's a mouthful but it's left 4 dead 2 solo uh all campaigns legacy any difficulty yeah that's a mouthful but i forgot to uh we just call it legacy all sort of all short as soon as i forgot to put the uh the all difficulties thing in the title or any difficulty oh no it's fine it's implied i'm not running extra realism through that also super quote-unquote marathon unsafe oh yeah yeah like this this is already pretty marathon unsafe but do an extra realism this so i've done that's kind of a thing i like to do sometimes like we did a community race where we got a bunch of people together and did an expert realism all campaigns race because you know yeah that'll be fun uh yeah and i think it took me six no it took me five four hours and 50 minutes because i just died and died and died and died and died i'm better now than i was then but still like it's just complete orangy and so punishing and honestly that doesn't sound too bad like compared to you know your time for this technically it should be the same speed or even faster than any difficulty right because it's like it's the same thing yeah and you don't have to worry about bots ever because you play an expert the whole time um but then it's just way more risky right so in theory it should be just as fast as um the 203 world record um for any difficulty obviously in execution it's not that fast because uh good luck actually getting a run like that um but the world record for extra realism all campaigns is actually like a 220 which is insane it's probably like the most impressive run on the whole leaderboard for this game honestly like that for a long time actually i think still that's better than my any difficulty to be which is just absolutely insane i like can't even fathom that hello so yeah there's actually a few world records set in this game on extra realism because so any difficulty means that you can play any difficulty right so i just got wrecked um so that means that extra realism actually falls under any difficulty because if you can play on any difficulty then you can also play an extra meals in the whole time really wanted to so there are a couple of runs that are actually world record for both any difficulty and extra realism because it's faster on extra realism than any difficulty like a couple of individual levels especially the ones on versions where you can't vote every three three minutes or once a map you know um and so it's like you just get good and play on expert realism because like me as well two categories at the same time what are we weighing that was unfortunate i was kind of kind of wrecked by that hunter oh so why is this a cold stream beta because this is the release version of cold stream and the earliest version of cold stream pultrum was in beta um cold stream is actually a map that was added in by a community vote this is the only map in the run that's not made by valve employments uh and it shows um the map's not that good but it is what they voted for in the community back when they voted for it so it's in the game and for whatever reason when it launched it was in a beta i have no idea where the smoker is because there is bushes everywhere which is one of the reasons why this map is not very light there's trees and shrubbery everywhere you can't see anything are there other fan-made maps that people run uh yeah there's a lot of workshop maps that people like to run for fun and stuff not very not very competitive so this is why this game is really good especially in particular the way jockeys are programmed i definitely so what happened there is the jockey jumped at me i meleed him you could see him stumble in the air because i meleed him but he landed on top of the comet infected's head and when a jockey or a hunter or a smoker is stumbling and they lose elevation and land on solid ground again they instantly get their ability back so the jockey landed on the head regained his ability and immediately grabbed me again because this game is really well uh let's try this again so you got to watch jockeys and hunters when you're meleeing them near elevation changes because sometimes they'll stumble off of a desk or something hit the ground immediately past you feels good man yeah i guess it does make a lot of sense it was really good there were some times when i would like melee a hunter and it would stumble and like i guess fall off a short lift or something and it instantly killed me yep and you're just like what what did i do wrong or this like thing that you did wrong was put left foot into you my friend sad to say skill issue yeah skeleton dude how old dude i'm getting wrecked on cold stream they heard me they said well you don't like this map it's time for you to play it more i don't know how that melee didn't hit but and i assumed voting to start the campaign would bring the bots back it would not but i mean it's gonna save like two seconds and then i won't have my vote either so it's like i need if i need to develop for some reason i guess i'm good but [Music] the best part is you get to watch this sick cinematic intro every time with the the big cheesy letters in the background cold stream also the comments can hit you during this sometimes which is hilarious i'm gonna grab a shotgun this time you're just standing still like literally nothing you can do you can't control in the comments just beat you up it's taking your lunch money it'd be pretty funny if you could if not only could they be you but you could move during it so like that was great you had to navigate it completely blindfolded and like backwards that would be amazing i would love that there's something similar to that in the in left-footed one like if you vote to change maps in a certain way and left-footed one uh the bots all spawn inside of each other and you gain control instantly and you don't get like an interest cinematic it's pretty awesome because it lets you uh all the bots will just be inside of each other and then that game you do insane damage to bots so you can just instant kill all three bots with like one bullet if you do the map switches correctly like that and then just immediately go there's literally zero downtime it's pretty sick it's pretty nice seeing crowds are still melee while you're opening the door yeah that's what this version exclusive thing actually it's a bug you're not supposed to be able to do that also it's a crowd surf that's the strap there it's a sick crowd sir can you guys hear me all right so now the game's gonna throw a flashbang at us this map's really good but thankfully there's guaranteed shotgun spawn here and we're going to be navigating completely blind here because the trees are going to actually destroy our vision for some reason the map editor really liked spoilage like a lot and scripted tank spawns there's gonna be a couple of those um there's gonna be one here at the top you're supposed to climb this ladder and stuff and go up top but actually just if you can see which i can't didn't just do this i'm griefing it's happened to me earlier today too never happened to me before at the nap of the day oh there we go thanks tank are we back on track do uh do il uh campaign runs ever like do they involve like getting tank punched across like stuff yes like i assume those are ridiculous yeah so i mean yeah you've seen me get some like go for some tank punch strats and stuff especially the ones save a lot of time um in ielts like yeah you're grinded for those for sure um mostly they're like the specific ones that save they don't save that much time just get regularly punched because if you keep your hops in theory it should be faster right but the ones where you could like skip events um especially the ones where you like skip waiting around for something to show up those ones yeah like super nils like the ground for those um a lot of times there's alternatives to the tank boost as well like on death toll there's that tank skip i was talking about where you can skip the uh the event there where you're waiting for the dude to open the church store you can actually do it with a bunny hop line but it's so insanely difficult that until pretty recently no one had done it in a run until this dude fryeburger just showed up out of nowhere and did it in an actual run which is insane it's like the crow my god like the craziest thing on the leaderboard besides that er all's run this man just comes out of nowhere and hits like the most insane hoplite you have to hit like six or seven bunny hops in a row all crouched with really good strafes to make it up this thing and then on top of that there's like a big out-of-bounds thing gotta do afterwards it's actually ridiculous there are plenty of individual level run exclusive tricks in this game where it's like this is not worth going for and any other circumstance except for in the individual level just waiting for the game to get to that point where it's like oh gotta do the ielts chats uh dude it's it's getting there for me in campaigns honestly there's a skip called charger skip where you actually can skip the barnes event in single player in dark carnival it saves 40 seconds but you have to get a throwable that can kill a charger and then you have to get lucky enough to get a charger and then have the charger you set up a table against the wall then have the charger charge you from the other side of the wall and kill him with the throwable after you're charged and if you do it right it'll pull you through the wall and it skips the event it seems like 40 seconds but it's like you got to get there wait till 35 seconds they're over then gamble that you get a charger spawn and then the charger has to spawn on the right side of the wall and you have to have a throwable and then there has to be like no comments around because you've got to set up a table and all this meme stuff and then you gotta actually hit the trick and it's four maps into the hardest i o in the game and it's it's just like no one goes for this but literally no one goes even world record holder doesn't go for this in like main campaigns you know um but it's getting to the point where you know if he's on a run that's like already not that good he'll just go for in maine's and he's had a couple runs of maine's that had it in it but it's just like literally no one else's everyone's like nah there's there's no reason to go it's like there's just no way how long is main campaign but it'll happen eventually main campaigns is about uh record is 46 15. so it is quite a bit faster than all campaigns obviously because it's a way less content but um it's a really nice pace run it's not too not too long not too short yeah huge for that yeah yeah 40 seconds for like a 46 minute run like absolutely huge but even that i mean there's way more time saved than 40 seconds of just bunny hops alone i mean like in theory on the first map of highway you can get a sub one minute if you just have insane bunny hops the whole time um but like most people's time there is like 130 and above just because like it's it's you know it's the first map in the run but you're not gonna sit there and grind all day till you get like a one minute flat and then you know you gotta do the whole rest of the run still this is the movement alone is so much time saved i'm not fitting through there that's not good first person in history to die this cold stream tank damn [Music] probably should have thrown the file but i don't think the comments would have stopped him in time i don't know how i can fit there that dude was chunky just blocking the way wrong safe that's fine this is the last map of the run by the way that we're closing in on the finish here almost done somebody that's on cold stream all seems like a completely free map that you never die on so i guess you know marathon luck yeah that's usually how it goes heard you uh talking trash i was like no yeah yeah yeah was very upset yeah the whole stream is is pretty bummed like wow i thought i was just one of the guys you know it turns out everyone hates me that's okay though i didn't want a pb anyways smile nothing i was going to no i mean you know i i sometimes think it's good to even like you know have rough runs sometimes because it shows off like yeah oh yeah runners mess up and that happens and that's just yeah that's what i want to be learning my favorite runs yeah exactly that's why especially if you do everything perfect then it's like oh that was easy yeah this game is easy but especially with a game that's really hard like this and a category is really hard like this you know dying not the worst thing that's one of my favorite gt heroes i ever did is i did a left footed two main campaigns run for uh west side uh marathon i forgot what it was called uh the west coast one oh yeah yeah west coast weekend west coast weekend that's what it was and i did main campaigns and it was like a perfect flawless run except for i died like four times on parish and that's time uh but yeah it was like perfect the whole way through except for this one section where i died like six times so it was like aha this is what a good run looks like and also it could go catastrophically wrong too yeah well that was time gg oh where can uh people find you if they want to watch more left 4 dead or watch more general uh so my name is waifu forward slash waifu and also i make video essays and post uh speedrunning challenge videos and stuff on youtube uh waifu runs on youtube and wife runs tv and wife runs archive um but yeah i stream most most days lately i've been doing a lot of left 4.2 all campaigns so if you enjoyed this run that's what i've been doing mostly um also big speedrunner of resident evil devil may cry do maternal if you're into any of those games super fun time love to have you and uh gq thanks for having me this one went pretty good so i'm stoked yeah and uh much love yeah thank you for thank you for coming on all right so my pleasure yeah so if you're uh just tuning in sorry this is the end of the stream but uh if you missed the left 4.2 run or the paper mario randomizer from earlier uh go to slash games on quick to check out uh the recordings of all that and if you're watching this on youtube and you want to check this out live go to slash games done quick for live content weeknights at 7pm eastern and weekends at 1pm eastern and your subs prime gaming subs gifts gift subs and bits cheered on the gdp channel help support this weekly content uh so please consider subscribing if you like these hotfix shows and you want to help us out and that's all for tonight we'll be heading off here and uh tomorrow we have mercy kill followed by never before seen starting at 7 pm eastern so we'll see you then
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 40,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun, Speedrun gameplay, GDQ Hotfix, Games Done Quick HotFix, Aimbot
Id: j3UTLr12yTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 4sec (9904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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