Super Meat Boy by shredberg in 1:29:05 - Games Done Quick Express 2023

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I'm treber and on my couch hey I moved from that side of the stage to this side of the stage so happy to be here speed running couches all right let's just get started this is um oh actually this is the the 13th birthday for this game it came out 13 years ago so on three can we get a happy birthday from from uh the crowd so one two three happy birthday all right and now we're going to count down from three again to get started so three two 1 let's go all right all right so as I just said platformer came out 13 years ago today um at for the start of this run it's going to be a Run and Jump platformer we're going to try to get to bandage girl uh bandage girl is our girlfriend uh Dr fetus is like the enemy you can kind of see him for a split second there he kidnapped bandage girl you're flying to the level super fast I could see anything yeah um so this is 106% we're going to beat all of the levels in the game we're going to collect you already saw some bandages we're going to collect all of those there's these warp zones uh we're going to do all of these um we're going to do everything the game has to offer even the really super hard stuff what's with the extra 6% why isn't it just 100 uh I will get to that in in a minute but that is a very good question I'll just have to sit here and anticipation it's okay yeah no it's a great question but it'll make sense when like the glitch level comes up cuz right now I just say that and it doesn't mean anything but yeah these warp zones are three levels in general they have uh three levels and two bandages um and we're going to go through these as quickly as possible um as you do in speed runs yeah and so with these you're basically locked as playing Meat Boy one of the cool things about 106 is uh you actually have a bunch of guest characters something really unique to really Platformers in general uh they all have different mechanics so we're going to be using a few of those characters to really help this Run Fly by um so this game also has I don't remember the exact number but something like 320 levels in general that we're doing in 90 minutes or less so a lot of these I'm there's going to be crazy strats Crazy Fast there's not time to explain all of the things that's happening just because you know I don't know I can't explain a level in 6 seconds kind of difficult um but you know a lot of stuff so right here actually I'm going to do something interesting where I'm going to land our ending level on the ground and I'm jumping on the air there and that's a thing called storage jump um I'm doing that in combination with thing called Auto jump which lets me jump on every single frame so there's a lot of like background Tech to this it's very simple in terms of running and jumping but there's a lot more stuff in the background I'll get to in a second but really quick there's another type of Warp Zone character Warp Zone this this is Commander video from the bit trip series he's really cool um unfortunately he's in this run for like 15 seconds and that's is this it this is the only time yeah this is all we that's it bye command video audios but yeah um so back to I guess um some of the text so Auto jump when you see me pause the game like right here it's not that I'm buffering an input but I'm actually doing a a trick that lets me jump on every single frame possible so you just press the jump button pause the game let go with the jump button unpause the game and so then you're jumping every frame possible um you can think of it like a turbo button in a way but it's actually a lot better because what you do is is every single time it's possible to jump you will jump and you you will jump yeah and so you don't have to like think of how you would jump normally um you press the jump button let go and then jump again this game you would never do the part where you um you don't have to let go right just jump that that sounds really nice so even like how difficult is that to pull off is that like a very difficult Strat is not too not too difficult to do or it's pretty easy it's forward when you it gets the second nature after a while yeah of course um especially with just remapping the pause button over to my uh right bumper makes it like pretty consistent for you yeah exactly um yeah so some of the warp zones they have this like retro aesthetic which is cool um all in all the light version of levels which actually I should probably explain what that is it'll make sense in a second when I get there but um the first 20 levels that you go through in a chapter are called light levels and the you have to get that by a certain A+ time and if you are able to do that you unlock the dark version and those are basically harder remixed versions of them so you see those they're all red and they have the A+ on it so we're having to make sure that we beat it in a certain amount of time um and we're going to come back to this actually and after we e the boss and get those dark ones um that's also nice for the Casual experience I feel CU it encourages you to do the levels over again and get better and then you unlock something for it awes and they're like perfect for that casual experience too fortunately for Speed running they're actually like really straightforward um as long as you have a strat you're going to hit those um and this is the first boss of the game already right at it this is a little Slugger it's basically an auto scroller but we can just go to the end of level end of the level as quickly as we can and just kind of chill um that's cool yeah hanging out this is yeah you're clearly very far ahead of the boss at this point that we don't see them on screen anymore we can just kind of chill here so um yeah pretty straightforward boss uh one fun thing is you can do this um and just go over the top of them technically whenever touches you're supposed to die but once it starts thatting I mean you well nice job yeah thank you all right sweet all right so now we're going to go back to Forest cuz that's only 57% complete we need each of these chapters to be 100% complete and we're going to go do these dark versions of these levels and what we're going to try to do is also um it's RNG weather it pops up but we want something called glitch girl and that's going to bring up a glitch level and that's the like six and 106 cuz there's six of these one for the first six chapters okay and um the chance of it popping up is basically your chapter completion percentage divided by 2001 so technically as the further you get along you get a slightly better chance of it happening but it's it's and it's pretty low per level that will pop up it's like 3 to 5% um all in all going through it it means that you have basically a 50% chance of it popping up um um and not all levels are actually created equal um some levels are going to be much faster to get glitch girl than others okay um so that's that's an important part of the routing is trying to make sure you get that as soon as possible pretty consistently uh yeah I mean yes but you sort of can't route it you you just have to just sort of hope that the luck is there yeah there is something that I'll be doing in Rapture that does route it to get possibly better RNG but um even so it's it's not really that much of a Time saave measure gotcha um makes sense so this level would be one where I would love to have bandage girl on cuz there's a a level when you have it through a Warp Zone uh which I'm going to unlock here War Z you'll notice that I'm going to have to play this level and then I'm going to play it again after I beat The Warp Zone if you get glitch girl there you only have to beat the level and then you don't have to play it again to get The Warp Zone oh that's nice which is a big time save for this level it would be like six or seven seconds which absolutely whenever I say that like oh it's a huge time save it's Monumental it's 9 seconds it just feels I I was I was learning spe the other day and they're like you know it's really important time save5 seconds I can't deal with you I can't it's true though like especially any percent of this game if there's a half second time save it's like that's that is notable no it is I mean these these games have been routed and and run so much that it really is a big deal especially at your level like you're incredibly high level speed running this game for sure um all right right here I'm going to go for this tricky Strat where I'm going to like just get the bandage oh no we hit the top of that corner there but you want to not hit the the corner there and then you can skip a cycle here but now we're going to have to wait for this guy waiting in my speedrun I know it's more likely than you think but all right there's another one right here where we're going to try to get in front of a saw let's see if we can do it oh oh my go that was great all right I'm always terrified this game like the character's so slippery in this game compared to a lot of the platform as I play it always scares me oh nice we got glitch girl um you can see it over there there's actually two bandage girl but you can see it early on and when there's multiple I don't even know how to explain how there's multiple bage girls in this level I was about to but I don't know you know what it's fine but yeah this is the glitch level um it is just a bonus level this one's like 10 seconds long so there's not much going on it but they're just glitch out levels so that's good RNG we started out the Run great really good so now we're just going to finish this one off strong um if let's say we were to have finished this and not gotten it we would have gone to a level that basically was allowed us to retry it really quickly and then we would just wait until bandish girl pops up or glitch girl pops up because it it shows up basically every single time you load a level um is when you have the the possibility for it all right let's see if I can get this cycle I don't think so I'll wait here super Fair super Fair all right and that's already for us so we're going to be moving on to hospital so as happens in Platformers the more chapters that go on the more mechanics that are added onto your game or maybe not mechanics but well no I guess mechanics I don't know I'm not a game designer I don't know the terminology more stuff is happening that's all that's come on we don't need to get specific about exactly so this has the piles and needles um it's going to have later on it's okay let's get this this is so tough let me get it it looks like yeah oh my gosh I got it third try let's go let's go um yeah it's going to have what does it have fans on this next level that's what I was leading up to and these listen you're having to play the game and explain all at the same time you're doing a great job I okay there we go and these fans will uh push you across and so these are uh a pretty big mechanic of this um right here we're going to go across we're going to fall down hopefully right into this bandage nope but we got that quite close getting it back on the way up is like oh whoops um getting on the way up is just as fast so uh we got it nice job and yeah so the first 20 minutes of this 30 minutes of this is going to be all Meat Boy which is or not all Meat Boy mostly Meat Boy which is cool um I love meat boy he's fast he's slippery he's red what else could you ask for but um we're getting really close to unlocking characters and that's when it's going to get good but we're going to play um a second uh character that's not Meat Boy here and another one this is Jill uh from the game Mighty Jill off um pretty good I don't know it's from like 2006 it's very like this whole game is like um sort of like a it's putting respect to these like very old school Flash and Game Maker games um I love the references I think yeah I think it's it really gives like the heart and soul of the game is is that kind of thing so this one in particular is a very like I imagine most people have not played the game but it's cool that it's in there unfortunately we also will not see Jill for the rest of the run so bye Jill bye Jill okay um let me think you think this is a chill time maybe for donation I think so all right thank you thank you so much uh just a heads up by the way the Super Meat Boy bonus glitch any percent run donation incentive just got met oh wow thank you all so much so much we didn't even get to ask about the progress on it y too fast yeah you guys all you all you all did really well um so uh just a quick uh donation reading so $20 from Comet 625 shout out to shird uh we got $50 from C the cot with no comment thank you so much though $5 from hypnotic I think we shared like one mww event in the past but shred bird you're possibly the funniest feed freak on social media what an awesome what an awesome pairing for this run good luck sherberg and Court have you got the meat boy rug with you uh we got $15 from Mom 6226 glad to be able to view gdqx this weekend thanks to the organizer participants and Runners for making this event possible good luck Gamers thank you thank you all so much for the donations so right here I'm going to do a thing it's called timer glitch so if you look at the very top of the level it's going to just stay at 0.0 and so I talked about we want to beat the levels before that A+ time and for the most part really straightforward to do there's a few of them that are not and this one has a bandage and so we got to go back and fourth on this level so doing it normally we would not be able to hit that a plus time so what we're able to do is basically pretend like we're going to exit the game um and then go out and the timer will stop you do have to pause the game before the timer starts so that it'll stay at zero Z but it just glitches out the timer that's cool yeah it saves overall in the Run probably like eight like a minute I don't know yeah that sounds pretty significant over time absolutely yeah it's a really good time save overall and also let us just not play the same level twice which I think is good for like I don't know I don't the players I mean and the viewers it's like you already did this level not having to do it again that's that's really nice exactly so true um yeah this one I'm going to try to get like right on this guy's butt oh no I went have way early that was close that was nice that was nice all right another one here I'm going to get right in this guy's face there we go got it that was clean very nice yeah just in general with this game there's one thing that's really nice about 106 is like any percent you mess up the run is so short that it's like okay runs kind of like over or I need to play Perfect um 106 you have like a lot of room to go for things that are like really challenging and if you mess it up it's like hey that's fine the run is 90 minutes long like you'll find that time save later on yep that's why I like longer categories like that a little bit more room and you get to see a lot more of the game the music in this area is really good oh the this entire soundtrack is really really good fantastic I think that it is one reason why this game has like such well first of all the game's really good but also that soundtrack is just like one of the best yeah absolutely um every single one is a banger every single person has like their own thought on what the best track is cuz like you know they're all good um it also two soundtracks as well oh um not in the version I'm playing but you can play one that has like a newer one it's a little bit like it's hotly debated on like which one if it's even like a good soundtrack which they're wrong it is all right going for a skip right here let's see okay yeah right before those go in there that saves like six seconds wow um the thing about this is that shred B is making it look way too easy uh you are just killing all of these threats it's been it's been fantastic to watch so far great job sure all right we're going to try to go like just oh hole in one right here there's a little like crevice we're trying to get trying to get that without even been able to see it I'm going to be honest even when I get that is super fun but I almost never save time on it cuz I never expected you're always just like oh man I made it yeah exactly and then I'm just like oh don't mess it up now that I'm here all right this is the second boss this is Chad there's actually a pretty big skip that I'm going to be doing here so normally it's going to go up to this section next it's going to stop in the middle um and it's going to go back and forth but if we grab this key early enough uh we can make sure that the screen keeps going um and so that looks like it's like oh okay you just jump up there but there's actually a death plane that's just like right above off screen if meat boy goes off camera so it's really tight actually so that's a um got it a big time save yeah absolutely okay we're going to be going now into unlike what we did in Forest where we went right back uh right now we want to go into Salt Factory instead of going back to dark hospital and really the big reason for this is we're going to be unlocking a character that's going to be just much faster for dark hospital so um the routing just makes it Mak sense okay well I messed up we did get us the alien homed for a second that Prett oh my God what a cameo I know um but unfortunately I messed it up so we need to on this level uh timer glitch to get this bandage um you go in this level as alien hominid because normally when you enter in with just meat boy you're not able to pause before the timer starts which is important for timer glitch so you enter in as homed which just adds in an extra like one one second versus you know if you go in his Meat Boy it takes like two or three so one of these routing like very minor times it's a very funky time save think about this whole chapter on is routed in a way that has funky time save yeah um which we'll be seeing in like a minute uh where we're going to be going like back and forth for what feels like no reason but there's a good reason for it um but right now this is the most hype part of the r we get to play as Joseph from Machinarium all right he's my favorite of this he's got so cute he is the cutest for sure in the Run um he's got this uh super jump ability so w um basically what it does is it adds a um it adds to your uh vertical speed so normally what the game expects you to do is um to jump let go of the button and so unless you're at the peak of your jump um it will make you stop going up so it makes your your velocity zero um unless you're already at the peak and that's seem super important for those kinds of levels they're much more vertical than levels to but for that one we actually have two jump buttons so if you press two the jump buttons like one right after another right after the jump you get a maximum jump okay wow so obviously jumping right off the ground you have your max speed off of the ground and um pressing another jump button right after that make sure that you get the maximum height there we're going to do a stupid thing right here where that actually has that has two bandage girls on that level again I I I don't know why but it does so actually right off screen is another bandage girl so it looks like I just ran to my death but no I was actually being very smart um oh no oh whoops okay in general if you're watching a speedrun and you ask why are they doing that uh it's for good reason I would say sometimes or you just horribly missed a strp I don't know that happens often enough for me though to where I don't know sometimes they're right 5050 yeah exactly all right that war zone is too fast but like I was saying we went back and normally you wouldn't want to do that but there's these three levels right here all of them are like really fast with Joseph which is um uh pretty rare actually and you'll see why when I unlock niga in in a few minutes they're almost always really fast with niga um this one with niga is just a little bit slower um this one is probably faster but it's like not noticeable and all three of these have bandages and so I maybe didn't explain it thoroughly but the more bandages you get the more characters you get we want to get 50 bandages as quickly as possible so that we can get to niga um and all each chapter has 20 the light sides have 11 the dark sides will have nine um and so we're basically going and stealing three of them uh from those dark levels and we're going to end up basically not wasting much time going to unlock it going back and forth there like Wast like 5 seconds but that time is more more than made up for um when we go and use niga um oh my goodness that's like a fun routing Quirk too I think where it's not just the same every time if we do all the light levels then we do all the dark levels like yeah it's really I I like it a lot that there's just some back and forth there and plus it gives Joseph a few more levels because like he deserves more he deserves the world that that's exactly what I'm saying um the next like three levels are all basically like Auto scrollers so probably good for for one or two donations all right sure thing uh we got a$ 250 uh $250 by flamethrower with no comment but thank you so much for that generation donation we have a $785 a donation from Ley Matman such a great speedrun uh thank you so much for that I really appreciate that donation so generous okay right here there's a skip right here we're going to try to go right under this so let's go no I died no okay I'm going to let you all in on a secret there I was going to pretend this Strat was really difficult I was going to pretend it was so hard but it's actually not but you know what happened I distracted myself okay now I'm not even going to go for it I distracted myself there like two different levels of meta thinking and then you actually failed the easi yeah I mean look it is not like the easiest thing in the world like it takes some thought and lining it up but like I don't know the second time it was the blood on the saw that messed it up because scary it's simple enough to where I'm not used to the the blood being there but I was going to pretend like it was super hard you played yourself there I did I know the jok's on me um classic all right we're only a few levels away unfortunately we're going back to Meat Boy for the rest of this chapter oh no um okay that level if you get that messed up it is such a nightmare like I did the wrong strp um let's do the right here like how impactful is like when you die the changing are entry cycles and death Cycles all the same does it make a difference when if you're dying you have to reset it's the same fortunately that's good um we you don't have to worry about that they there are differences between the character spawn animations that makes a difference but obviously we're just routing this as one different character we're not going to go into a different one but um it can throw you off um if you're like there's like four different versions of Meat Boy in here like the ones that you play in in the warp zones are actually like they have different spawn animations and you can actually unlock and play them in these and they spawn much quicker so you can use those in ILS to like Cycles but other than that not useful not in the long term like for f yeah that makes so normally this is like a big race that we're doing but we just go to the side and skip it I love that um you actually need to do something that's called Sprint jump which is sort of the opposite of how it sounds instead of holding Sprint while you're jumping you let go of Sprint as you're jumping and then you press Sprint um and what that does is basically you go tighter to the wall and so instead of hitting a death Plane off screen uh we're able to stay in it just enough in order to skip that whole boss and that saves like 20 seconds one of the biggest time saves um in the Run kind of reminds me of how like a regrab in Super Mario would be it's like you take off the Sprint and then Sprint again and it helps you do a little bit different momentum that the game wasn't expecting it is basically like the same in terms of input the same it's like if you're neutral in celest the all right good news we have Joseph back for a coupel huge um this is going to be the end of Joseph here in a minute but we do have I know I know no all right if we get glitch girl right here though this would be so cool it would mean one level less of of Joseph though all right let's see oh no okay okay so that is one thing that we're looking for the glitch curl RNG on this one as well yep makes sense um and I believe after after this one we're going to be at 48 bandages so we're actually only two away from getting niga and that's when things in this run get pretty crazy right now yeah right now Run and Jump you know you've seen a platformer before you know how those go um maybe one yeah with niga very I've never seen another character in a platformer that works like niga and fortunately also um this game is just a little bit rough around the edges enough to um to really have some fun strats to use abut um but we just have a couple more levels with me boy um the one after oh no I messed up here because I didn't get the jump there but yeah these next two levels also have bandages it's really fortunate and one of the things reasons why we do this later is that a lot of the bandages that are in this um in dark Hospital are really early on so um all right there we just go out of bounds okay fine uh we just go out of bounds enough again not hitting that kill plane this time a little bit slower I actually don't know how I got it so fast last time there we go nice yeah you can't see where you are for that so it seems pretty pretty precise yeah nice job you have to like right when you start falling down you have to go back towards the wall and so this is niga just a dashing character you get the dash back when you hit the ground wall a ceiling whatever um and you can also do like midair spins you can clip through walls wow um you just these levels go by like just so so quickly because you're skipping so much of this yeah um oh whoops there we go we got a float that that was not on oh gosh go go go okay we're good but yeah this so the game is really hard to control um it is it definitely has a skill um floor that is pretty high compared to almost any character I've ever played one wonky thing about it is most Dash characters right you point the direction of where the character goes you press the dash button and that's where they go and this none of that is true none of that statement is correct um so first of all how you get the what your speed is after your dash is dependent on what your speed is before your dash and what type of Dash you did so you'll notice when I Dash there's like a bubble that pops up and that like resets your speed uh sometimes we don't want that to happen um and what basically how the dash works is it adds in like a vector to it a two-dimensional Vector um I hope you guys took linear algebra this I'm just listening to your lecture right now I didn't know I was yeah this was a prerequisite you Professor sh yeah no problem um yeah a two-dimensional Vector that's added to your pre-existing um two-dimensional velocity vector and so like if you're falling down you can actually have a dash that goes downward instead of up like most of them are um this is wild to watch I'm still like I can't predict where you're going to be going now oh whoops I messed this up all right no we're fine cool um so for this this one we're actually going to try to do a thing that's called a super Dash let's see if I get it yep I did and so basically that's a dash that gives me more height and sometimes more like uh horizontal speed um and essentially it means that I didn't have that bubble to pop up um in order to uh oh no I messed it up it just gives me more speed so it's a frame perfect Dash though so you have to um I try to do it to where I only press the dash button let's go no do not die do not die okay this is probably the best you can get that's awesome you got so excited you almost died there oh my gosh I stressed myself so much that's a huge time save on that one I say huge it's like 2 seconds no no that's huge okay it's huge it's Monumental never seen before could have said five minutes I was like I believe you I was not going to hit estimate if I didn't get that RNG let's let's be real um but yeah this is that basically saves you me going into another level again now I just exit and I go to uh we're going to hell chapter 4 this is to hell right yeah this is when things get real fun especially with niga um casually this is when the game gets really really difficult I think notoriously um with nja actually I think that it makes the game a little bit easier once you have like minimal control um because you can do a lot of like skips and things you're not really having to deal with a lot of the um intended mechanics of the game um and it really does play really well with niga like we're able to climb that really fast M um give a lot of flexibility in routing with this oh which is really nice the game's just not expect you to have enough bandages for this character right kind of it um so even casually if you're going to get this character a lot of people think this character is not very good and I understand where they're coming from because it's very difficult to control yeah it's very hard to control um but once you get it down it's good got to get that there in order to get an A+ so that's good um once you have a base level understanding of the character the potential is really high yeah when I so I started I basically I was really afraid of with 106 took me a bit to uh actually like add it to the category because it is really difficult to learn um and an already difficult um category this is a very difficult category absolutely um so it really though it took me like three hours to start saving time with niga so it was very nice at first this is one that when I found out you could do this it blew my mind those don't aren't active unless they're shooting so you can just like those yeah you just hold left the whole time and you you'll never die it's awesome that's that's great o nice okay um yeah and so a lot of things with niga I'm pretty sure this went from I think my splits on this is like a 5 and 1 half minute split for this and with like Meat Boy a really good split would be like six 6 and 1 half minutes okay so it's one where like every single split it is like that you're just getting it you're just not able to get the type of speed you're not able to do skips like this that save like three seconds I love that there we go this one I oh I'm trying to hit the ceiling there off of one of the dashes that's something that a super Dash can do I'm going to try to do a a oh you know what no we're not going to do it you can clip through things in there okay so here's where I'm going to get into the wonkiness of this game it only works a third of the time it depends on the the length of your frame um some frames are like 16 some frames are 17 it has to be all frames are not created equal no I know it's so sad okay we missed up let's go it's 12 seconds is the A+ we got it cool all right nice um normally I play on Linux but this is the first Windows run I've done in a while and what's really cool about Linux is the eyeballs will disappear and that you might be like well that's not relevant to this run why are you talking about it it's because I was really excited for that eyeball to disappear because it does like half the time um and so I just really wanted to say it but um if you ever were curious about Auto jump as well and been like oh how fast is it you can this warp zone is like a perfect example of it you just see like like how fast that uh how fast me boy is just yeah flying up this next level we're going to use it in order to uh skip a couple saw Cycles oh no okay or we're going to die we're going to do it this time this time this time for sure yeah there we go it's a it's a great place to see it how you just you know just get to jump over and over again great yep and then right here so we're just like right behind it um saves a lot of time in the run and so while I am going to play Meat Boy on this level because I'm much more consistent with it in general once you get niga you're almost never using anybody else it's almost all niga all the time um which is for variety sake not my favorite thing for speedrunning sake it is awesome sick it is very fun to watch because I'm just not expecting what you're going to be able to do with this and it's it's really really neat okay so um so sad okay so what I'm trying to do here is I'm trying to clip through oh no okay um so you have to do a super Dash there and you're you clip through the ceiling um it'll make sense when it happens sometimes this level does not behave on me right here I Dash a little there we go and we got the bandage and so we go through it so normally this Strat is really good because we beat it in 11 and a half whatever seconds and A+ is 12 so it really saved some time but there didn't work out because yeah okay it was being it was being a little silly it definitely was so these turnarounds there and that stuff that you'll see it's like six or seven frames that you have in order to do these turnarounds so they're fairly tight in what you need to do on there um we get another uh guest character in here is fly wrench um I believe this character actually guessed it in this game before the game Fly wrench came out so the mechanics are like if anybody has played fly wrench it it does not play like that at all that's so interesting so fly wrench from Super Meat Boy first I mean yeah I think that there was like maybe like a flash game or something with it I don't know I'm not the biggest fly wrench lore expert expert yeah but I'm sure that I'm sure the information is out there for those who are interested um absolutely yeah um fortunately in just a bit this has my favorite um boss in this game and you'll see why in a minute it is very very very easy actually I shouldn't say that watch Mojo has this on its 10 top 10 hardest bosses um so quote from treber very very very easy we're going to see if watch Mojo is right or if I'm right so we're going to stand right here we're going to jump three times okay got to jump that's jump one this is Jump two okay okay okay it's going to slam its head it's going to do something I'm going to take out my phone right now I'm going to get my camera ready for this oh we're going to take a picture we are going to take a selfie s we're I'm going to wait until after it does a thing right here so I don't like like die on that while taking a picture is it is it third jump time it is third jump time right here wow wow all right and it's going to slam his head down and we're going to take a selfie right here what's up all right we got it wow cool gdq the most impressive thing I've se you do all day take that selfie thank you I'm not great at taking pictures so probably honestly true facts um yeah and this is the boss so I think watch Mojo's wrong and I'm right I think you're right um yeah we deserve a round of applause for that one all right next we're going up into Rapture and um Rapture is notoriously sort of casually very difficult uh for a while I was like oh actually Rapture is not too bad but we um this has a Warp Zone that probably people are thinking like oh man this took me hours to beat and um I used to be like oh no I can get that first try most of the time but I added in a strat that is like the hardest thing thing I've ever done in this game um classic that I'm going to try to get done I'm going to give myself like a minute to do it and if I don't I'll have to do the slow strap but I'm really hoping it's really cool yeah I want to see it I'm a believer I'm a Believer but until then it's like 20 seconds away but uh there's probably time for a donation yeah a quick donation here sure thing uh we got $50 from Chris s97 and we need the crowd to say happy birthday happy 13th birthday Super Meat Boy happy birthday thank you thank you for that donation all right are we approaching perf scary time we are it is it is the kid first level is fine it's the second level that I'm going to be going on us have a big skip for I mean the first level look I'm not saying it's easy it's very diff look at all these spikes kid from I want to be the guy um very fun but it's the second one where you have four elevators I'm going to try to skip these first two and this saves like eight seconds okay that's a good start oh my God nice hold up this is not a joke folks I know I'm like boy you cried wolf no I was watching you practice this as we were setting up like I know this is stuff this okay there's no way I got this that's awesome let's go that's so huge okay okay okay all right let's get this let's do death look good let's get this nice job that was sick okay that's fine it's fine you got the bar you part that part's crazy I was this run is now a success I don't this game could crash 10 times I could be overestimate I don't care this was a success for me just based off of that that was great that was really clean all right um yeah now now the rest of this runs cake like what else is there that was the thing that I was most worried about was getting that there we you have to grab that key if that key hits go it just will go into nowhere so if you miss it that's that's it um but yeah that now it's one of those things where you know you're just like not expecting it it's like okay I'm going to explain how that is but you just got it it was no problem I love that that's always how it goes right the thing you prepare for the most it it's like okay I it stresses you out so much you're like all right I got it and then something else silly we'll get you I know it was the first thing that I practiced today and I was like not getting it for like 5 minutes straight and I was just like oh my goodness gracious this is going to be so bad to be I'm like for it I know and then I get a first try that's awesome it was like it really stressed me out too okay we're going to try to get into this little whole thing it doesn't oh my you can go there we go it was being rude a little bit yeah unfortunately the way that nig's Speed Works is sometimes it's just not going to be super consistent in getting in there but we got it yeah nice this been a really clean run this been a really really clean run yeah I mean one thing that's really nice with niga is that it's just so fast well I mean this game in general is so fast that all the mistakes that you have um they don't necessarily you expect the mistakes to happen you just got to go fast and forget about it and not jump into saws like that um we just forget about it you just said that exactly the um deaths on warp zones not including character warp zones um are much worse than regular deaths because you have this life screen that pops up so you really that's the death that you really want to try to be a bit more consistent on cuz instead of losing like a half second or so on like an animation you're losing like 3 seconds just on animations alone doesn't matter how fast like or how long into the level you got um okay this level is like one of the wonkiest cuz whenever I do it I'm just kind of not sure what I mean I guess that what I did is what they expected you to do I don't know if you like especially with speedrunning do you ever like after a while speedr running something you're like what did they actually what do they actually really want me to do what do they intend and then there are times where I'll be so stuck on doing the speed Strat only I don't know I'll be like okay I got to give up on this I don't know how to beat it normally anymore yeah there was a uh um a thing in Celeste where I remember that I there's this room in Temple where I always had like such trouble on yeah and then I was like oh wait they expect you to like jump back over here onto the wall I've never done it like this I've never done that yeah so it's really easy to just get like speedrun brain yeah absolutely all right just like barely not touch mag yeah I was like this one is like you just normally there's like a whole section there that you just don't even get to see it's like a 20 second level we're just going across dashing through it making sure these saws don't go into US oh my god um yeah yeah so coming up though we do have a boss and this is like for 106 there's RNG all over the place it's kind of not as big of a deal for any percent it is like the bane of speed running in general General it's it's just RNG um basically where there's going to be three worms there's like a 50% chance that one of them per cycle will jump on the first Cy it's crazy RNG um oh my goodness I just dashed into a yeah it happens uh I was was trying to do it like right when um that popped back up but I didn't but we're going to try to get man jeez there we go okay the problem was I was doing the beginning slow and so then I had to do like a backup mhm and so now we're just going to not do it slow there we go yeah see nice now we're just not going to do it slow that's sounds like a good plan for a speedrun if you ever think that going slower is going to be better wrong wrong wrong okay I missed the dash there with a lot of these strats you're really like dashing as soon as you can off of those cuz if you start falling you just won't get it and that partly has to to do with obviously like you don't have the same positioning but you can also have like a higher downward speed and so that means you're not going to Dash as high up but yeah this is Larry we're going to do this pause Strat okay we're going to pause it early so it doesn't matter anyways I was trying to group them together and so possibly two can jump on the first um set but that's not going to matter we're basically just going to wait until these jump um you'll notice that there's like two types of cloud one of them is like a dark one and then one of them is this like light Cloud um when it's a light Cloud it's never going to jump it's going to go straight up like right here um if it's a dark cloud that means there's a 50% chance that it will jump um it'll so basically there's a 25% chance that each one of these will jump um it can go on as long as it wants there's no like yeah there's no like fail safe like they'll give it to you it just what it is it's not like oh okay after 10 times it's going to jump every single time um yeah that orang is what I that's bad RNG I think okay but it happens I we got the the 220x glitch girls so you know yeah that's that's saving us like five minutes or whatever exactly so that that doesn't matter um so now we're going to yeah we're going to go beat the game real quick so for the next actually like uh let's see 12 minutes 15 minutes we're going to be playing as as Meat Boy that's only like half true but uh we'll see in like three minutes there but yeah this is the end of the run these this chapter only has five levels instead of the regular 20 and the levels are in general a lot longer that first level we did a big skip there that's normally like a 22 23 second level but we just like do I don't know we do a quick jump and then it doesn't take that long nice as you do when skips it just simply doesn't take this long wow yeah you simply make the jump and it is fast who all right we're going to be right oh no man we want to be right in front of that one you need to be really quick in grabbing these Keys uh let's see maybe uh no I knew that one wasn't dang I didn't want to like have gotten it you know it's like would you rather have not gone for a strat when you would have gotten it or for sure not gotten it and have gone for it you know mhm the The Dilemma is it better to have Lov and lost than to have never loved at all exactly all right well normally this takes 13 instead of 21 but that's fine right we're going to go jump under these saw blades um though oh no we're going to jump into one really quick we're to jump into the saw just to prove we can there we go use oh man uh that was scary that was and now I need to do a backup I messed up on a thing all right we're good we're chilling nice so normally on this one here 65 we uh would grab a key but we're going to just do like a quick jump here in the middle and we're going to skip that key entirely we're also going to jump between these saws oh no okay you need to jump really low on that and I just missed that jump so um fairly tight yeah it seems like it all right this time oh no we're going to go back over here yeah reset it up nice there we go Auto jump there for safety and now we're going to go to the final boss so all right and that gets us to percentage wise like 75% okay so a lot of percent done yeah so we're we're we're moving through this quickly I think in terms of time it's like halfway but um in terms of percent it's not and that's because the way that the percentage Works uh the next chapters coming up are worth much less percentage got it um but hey we beat the game yeah we're going over this those things of saws which is cool and that's going to let us actually beat this like a few seconds quicker it's also like much safer and we're going to chill here and you know what's going to happen is there's going to be the saws that go pass Meat Boy which you guys have been paying attention saws kill Meat Boy Oh So in theory right I would I should die in a bit when the saws pass me um that's naturally what makes sense but we're we're going to do something here that's going to make it not kill me boy all right that's right we're going to stand there on top of that button and the button gives us invincibility I don't know why the button gives you invin ability but it does um my I think that one of the devs had told me one time and I don't remember it um but I think that they did it for that skip that's very nice there's a whole like extra side of that that I skipped and I jumped into like the abyss and it did the ending cut scene um so you beat the game yeah I beat the game that's like I don't know why that's in there actually there's like it's it's like a Dev exit or something I don't know or you just they didn't think about like the horizontal placement of the end trigger so we're just able to skip like a whole like 15sec 10c climb and going into there so now we're playing as bandage girl which is really cool um the mechanics are the exact same as me boy one of the common questions is like oh are the mechanics different no it's the exact same it's not the exact same you get to play as a girl that's a whip that's true that's huge also it's pink yeah um pink bandage Trail I guess I don't know if it's still Blood Trail see I I think both of those things are important so that that is important this maybe be a good time for a donation or two oh absolutely thank you so much uh just want to make a mention however we do have a new bid war that opened up for Dark Souls where you all get to choose the ending either dark lord or link the fire so you guys choose me you guys you all choose which is better and let me know okay oh boy I definitely Team Dark Lord yeah I've never played I've not played the game I'm going to admit something I feel like it's like silly playing Super Meat Boy a gdq I'm actually not that big of a fan of really difficult games and I know that Dark Souls people are like oh it's not that bad you just got to learn it and I played Elden ring and I played bloodborne just not that big of a fan yeah I I like super difficult games but I like super difficult Platformers I don't I don't like super difficult as games I used to think that and then I played like some fan games I'm like I want to be the guy fan games and I decided no I actually am not this super fair I'm sorry to all I want to be the guy fans out there it's a good game I love watching it I would I I don't have the patience to play that and I say that as a kaiso player like it's like another level above I was just to say the same thing with kaiso I like some kaiso other ones it's just like oh no thank you I'm not going to try to get this shell jump after like doing doing a really difficult like 45 second lead up to it but it's really fun to watch it's so yeah I love watching it um these levels actually so one like thing about them is their backgrounds are actually like they correspond like these sections are like uh Salt Factory levels later on we'll have like hell background and Rapture background um what does that really mean not much but this is like it probably would have been in that chapter if that's you know some of them are like levels that didn't quite make it into um you know the base like any percent part of of the video game sure all right oh no I missed the key that should be fine we're just going to have to do this again oh god oh oh oh this looks tight all right that scared me for a second right here I'm going to try to jump right under this thing off of the wall okay we'll get it next time there we go nice and so that makes the rest of it line up up really nicely we're just like not in any danger at all but really precise there at the beginning um this level has these orbs which I know like this was already in in uh Rapture but I know this level in particular when people are playing a game this might be one of the more difficult levels for people just maintaining balance on this thing yeah makes sense but I'll tell you one thing once you have 2,000 hours in the game actually it's pretty easy so if you're ever struggling at that just play the game for 2,000 just play the game for 2,000 hours and you'll actually be good you'll be fine you all learned something new today y really Professor shur coming back yeah okay so cotton alley in general one thing about it is it ends up having these really long levels especially in dark cotton but this next level coming up 720 again very notorious it's like a 40c Long Level a game where like this run in general average time is like 10 level yeah this one is like 40 seconds long and it has like the hardest part of the the level is like at the very end the way to describe it is none of these jumps individually are like all that difficult but you're trying to like chain together keep your momentum going um you're trying to go fast um and then you got these like really precise tiny jumps right here um oh no and then that can happen you know yeah I mean it seem it's a really narrow column there yeah it's really tough and that is like such a big time loss y um so but it is what it is probably time for a donation with that sounds good thank you uh we do have a $25 from is Lexi shred and Frozen Flygon those are my friends GL 106% see you at twitcon Alexi all right we're going to clear through this and then we're going to get through to dark cotton let's go actually say that and there's didn't you finish the jump that I had died on yeah I was like I think you need to finish the level first hold up I was right though so you good light cotton honestly my favorite chapter in this dark cotton the first half of it is like equally I think as good okay we'll see the second half is going to be it has a lot of really long levels that are essentially like you're just kind of sitting in Waiting you know that's unfortunate yeah but a lot of precise stuff here like this one you like just doing this like small tap jump you can't be too big or else the rhythm of that seems quite difficult to to maintain it is you can do a thing where you can go back and forth on this one it ends up a little bit easier but like going and doing this ends up saving so much time oh absolutely um but it is and the big problem too is if you end up jumping late on one of them um you're just you're pretty much off for the whole yeah you can't jump any like you're not going to hit the ground faster um gravity is you know only has one speed so absolutely I like this one because you're just jumping back and forth it's a really fast one oh no well I messed up the Strat but we can get the backup I'm a Believer so it's set how they move it is set yeah so you're able to really make a Dependable route here okay well I'm sorry that you can blame me for that one no you're good um I should have practiced this level more this is one of these this game in general I think it's like there's like a section of strats that like are hard but once you get it down like you feel comfy with it yeah and then there are ones where you don't play it for like a day and then it's like you never have done it ever in your life yeah and that's what that one is when you have it down it's fine but comy it's not a big deal but then you absolutely makes sense here we go we're going to go through this like really narrow one try not to hit these saw blades this is when I remember playing casually I was just like this feels like just blind lucko mhm you got to just like remember exactly which way you need to go and how far you need to go yeah and you just can get shot up a little bit faster it's you got the air time this is one where um a lot of people assume so the the the achievements in this game are also notoriously difficult because you have to go through these chapters um and you have to beat all of the levels consecutively without dying um really really hard to do um and that level that I had done which was 78 um X people think that it's like really tough for that one but um honestly it's they think before trying it that it's going to be one of the hardest ones but it's actually really straightforward gotcha yeah the achievements in this are I've never been an achievement person but like I'm not either the achievements are I think that achievements are really good when they are extremely difficult yes like um Krypto the necro dancer has one that's like really hard I'm never going to get that I'm never going to get all of the achievements there but it's fun to try it's fun to give you some motivation to it's something to dream towards you know absolutely absolutely all right um the next like three levels are pretty much Auto scrollers well okay plus there's a death there um there's a lot of Auto scrollers coming up so you probably have time for a donation or two thank you so much we do have $10 from who longtime Watcher firsttime donator finally catch you on Meat Boy run live go shreer we got another $10 from Z gear shout out to my good friend and Warcraft movie enjoyer shreer true I'm a big Warcraft enjoyer I played since Burning Crusades um you know always been a Magee guy myself I I haven't played since Burning Crusades actually but zanar I hope that your hardcore character is still alive that's all I that's all I know that's all we dream of yeah um yeah this is one of my favorite levels just because of how many how much variety you have in strats there's so many SKS there um right here we're going to like just barely squeeze through these lasers jeez that was terrifying to me this next one this is okay so we talked to before it's like what do they want you to do casually I don't know what they want you to do casually in this die a lot that's this is one where like you have these three things that are going and they shoot these projectiles I don't know what we just hide here which is cool um I'm assuming they want you to just like keep running around and avoiding the stuff but I like the sit and jump strp personally I do I do as well I just it's just so mean like I I realize that I'm saying about Super Meat Boy one of the like meaner games that have you know come out but like that's just so me that's just so mean all they took it too far they did take it that's why they gave you that little area to just jump it high oh man okay we're good all right got to just barely squeeze by these Rockets it when you're playing levels like that it seems as though they're really close and they are really close but when you're doing it it's like you don't even notice the rocket even though like one wrong move mhm oh gosh H uhoh oh oh no oh no no no no no okay I'm trying to like Wrangle these up yeah you want to get them into like one blob so you don't have to be thinking about dodging a bunch of different ones right exactly so we're going to do this okay we got him okay now we're chilling okay we're going to get a Chase over here and so we're going to do a little thing should be fine yeah oh nice job and so you there's actually like a platform underneath it you can Auto jump you get it and so that lets you like I don't know get bandage girl a half second faster it looks scary but as long as you Auto jump you're fine sure the key to this oh no I actually think that I might have been too fast there and I might have hit the tail end of the thing oh the thing that goes away yeah yeah normally I'll wait a second on part of these but it's pretty difficult to get that fast going just going for the I world record casually no and there I missed the jump oh no all right this time for sure let's go we're we're going gamer mode right now I'm a believer I'm a Believer it's so it's such a tragedy to die all the way at the end I know all right all right no all right we got this we got this we got this crowd can you give me some energy I need it right now let's get H let's go there we go all right and so this one right here is basically like it's the other one backwards yeah basically we have these saws above us that are going to chase us hopefully those don't matter at all i''d have to mess up quite a bit for that to M I'm not worried about it they seem a little little slow for your pace yeah we'll be fine um really once you get past the beginning this it's it should be straightforward so people will say like oh no this one's easier um which I think is like technically not true like if you were to ask me to if you were to give me one shot to get through both of them I think that this one's technically a little bit harder but um it's the same thing basically some of these saws are like a little bit closer together so it's not exactly the same I think this one has like an extra supery bit difference yeah all right um if you were being a very observ person you might have noticed that in Rapture I actually didn't do all 20 of the levels what and um that's for um I was about to say a very good reason but it's actually for like a moderately good reason and so I described warp girl before so when you get glitch girl on the same level as a Warp Zone you don't have to beat the level twice and so if we were to get glitch girl here it would save us like eight seconds we didn't no um the thing my and so it's like a 3% chance that that happens which is pretty low you could argue that you should not do that it's like a half second slower just don't um but it also gives you an extra like level of RNG for glitch girl um which I like that does raise your chance of like 52 to like 54% which you could also argue isn't worth it but what I argue it's worth it is cuz when you get that RNG it is just sock it feels so great that then you're like I have to do it again I have to keep doing it it's worth it I feel that and plus it's like 8 seconds even though whoa even though you will rarely get it um you know on that run where you do get that 8C time save it's awesome it's nice but we also have with that same idea of getting warp girl this one actually has the biggest time save to do that it's like 20 seconds it's at the very last level of the chapter so in a way I kind of like I would much rather get glitch girl before that but you know if we were to get it on 520x that would be that would be so sick um this level is another it makes you do it twice we got to go down here to get this bandage it has that row of saw or I said saws um spikes in order for you to uh not just slide back up you can technically actually do that but I don't think anybody has done that uh without um like save states or something but you basically it's a bunch of frame perfect slides that also are not super consistent it's it's crazy maybe one day um maybe uh when speeding has so far for this that you have to go for in 20xx mhm all right scary jump right there looks so easy but it is so scary all right now we're going to dark Rapture um more niga I think this one is uh zero Meat Boy so bye-bye Meat Boy goodbye he'll be back don't worry uh this is one where um a lot of Skips with niga very fast I thought this was the light version so I did the wrong Strat um that happens to me a lot oh cool we get to do the right Strat that's awesome all right here we go yeah now we get to do it again it's all good all right we just go into here and do a little oh my goodness I swear the hip boxes today are they're being mean know they're being a little silly it knows that I'm at a marathon yes the games do know they're aware okay this one's really mean cuz it has these like um gravity orb things and it's pushing you down into it so it's really difficult and precise but all right it's really just that right side that's super tough I should say that kind of stuff after I finish levels though yes maybe just maybe sometimes it gives you the confidence to get it and then sometimes it's like oh no sometimes you just feel silly just dying and being like oh this isn't bad by the way next level yep um this level sort of at the bottom we're going to see just like how fast niga can be horizontal horizontally um so you're basically you can Dash once you're on a ceiling like immediately so if you can chain together dashes man that saw blade today just wants to hang out it's really having it now oh let's go we got past all right and then right here is what I'm talking about yep oh that's awesome just dashing through it I love it uh that that float thing I didn't really describe but it's basically like an auto jump trick um that you use it can help you float I'll do it again later I don't know exactly how to describe it because I'm not in I feel like when you're good enough at games sometimes you feel just like I should know more about how this game works and instead you're just kind of like I don't know I pressed the button you just know how to do it listen how it works doesn't matter as long as you you get through it okay cool if you if you hold down um you know Dash and you hold down jump pause and then let go of both you can float that's all I know okay that's that's all you need to know really knowing more might be dangerous I exactly I don't we don't need that kind of kind of forbidden knowledge all right this level is super notorious cuz at the end of it there's those two like zombie boys and the zombie boys are like RNG not in a way that like really affects the time of the run but at the end of it here they can just sort of be a nuisance okay and we're going to hopefully they're not going to be a nuisance let's see um um okay maybe let's see um all right they're fine oh my God again you sa the thing right before you get past oh it'll be fine I missed the button like my I was trying to press the button again and my finger just did not it pressed the side of the controller inredible never learn no I never will okay I just ran into that here at this part we're going to like Dash over one of these saws that's going back and forth oh nice yeah that was clean oh that's nice you can just retrace your steps there thinking to go around that would have been mean a dang so right here we're going from the beginning and we're trying to do like a little U turn up here um if I can get it no okay let's go oh my gosh please ke I need you please what I think is funny is oh whoops I that was a m okay thank you game thank you so much oh my go that was a gift um I was on the wrong C took pity on you yeah it really did um one thing I think is funny about this game is the hit boxes for like keys and buttons is so generous and sometimes I'll be like I'll complain I'll be like how did I not touch it that time and I look at it and I still agree that like how did it not say that I touched it but I'll be like so far away that I'm sure that people like watching the cam like what do you mean dude what are you talking about yeah exactly you're like clearly not touching it why do you you want it uh okay uhoh why are you like this okay get away from Miss yeah these guys will chase you they go faster the closer they are oh whoops that's fine doesn't matter oh okay does matter uhoh so that right there that can happen when you die and then the level respawns they can go to the wrong place you saw them there in the correct place um there they're in the wrong place again um if you don't die that never happens but if you do die sometimes they'll just respawn in the wrong place and you have to die you cannot beat the level mhm um it's just one of the many mysteries of Meat Boy all right we are five levels away from the end of the oh gosh from the end of this and we have not seen glitch girl Yik but that does mean that we have the chance for that 520x so that's true that's true that's the point very fun bandage here it's like in the ground we have to carry this rocket oh my goodness we were like picking off oh I see what you have to do right there we go right onto it nice I can't believe that first one didn't hit oh gosh okay I messed oh my gosh I got to go repress it and I died this game is like especially with with meat boy it's really easy to go and like fix your mistakes really fix them go really fast um with niga it's not so much um in levels like these cuz you're not you can't Dash a lot um because it matters your momentum that you're carrying through and it it seems much harder to make backups and niga kind of like is like a brick in terms of the like movement not Dash mechanics okay we're going to try to not hit these saws on the way or saws uh rockets on the way back okay that sounds like a good idea it's pretty precise um no I need to please um one thing that I'm very jealous of is Platformers that have a retry button yes um cuz oh did I get the key I didn't get the the thing oh uh um this winable I don't know yes okay no I wanted to see that I wanted to see that that would have been I've never done it like that before I'm surprised it worked I mean I don't know if it works go it just happened I mean oh whoops all right there you go nice job still no whoops uhoh still no glitch C here um it's funky it's the dash okay do we may have time for a donation in here I think so all right let's do it we got uh $5 from Willy Dilly ball treberg could never finish this run loving the commentary good luck on that level with the stuff you have very accurate explanations here all right if we get glitch girl here it would be huge that would be so good please because no okay well it was because glitch girl clearly wasn't there so no no right right uhhuh you felt it in your soul and that this was all intentional and intended okay we're going to do a little clip in here oh oh no it's not there which is not the biggest you know but you guys will get to see what I mean by grinding this one actually has the slowest grind of any chapter it is the worst one to not get glitch girl in uh while just playing through it normally right okay this warp zone is like like second longest one it's kind of funky a lot of this game is designed in terms of like with me boy being able to just like stay fast and keep going and keep going and keep going this Warp Zone sort of like breaks that there's a lot of starting and stopping just on the way that it um works so it's a little bit funky um but this next level we get to use like a fan and I don't know it's it's got one of these really funky bandages that you can see up there hopefully we get it first try let's see easy going to try to go over a saw here nope oh you don't want to hit the side of that yeah it kind of ruins your momentum there I just barely did not have enough um no there we go nice and there we go nice yeah I say that that's like half of the level no no no you were just talking about that trick you weren't talking about the rest of it that trick was nice and there you go you got the level that's true thank you um all right oh gosh this one is like you just got to stay your I really am on this kind of like messing up some of these things that normally I'm like oh that's easiest straightforward everything that I was like about yeah I don't need to practice that what are you talking about you just hold the you just go on the fans yeah yeah obviously all right so here we're going to see a grind for glitch girl again glitch girl is like the six and 106 we're going to use uh runman so this is actually actually from an old uh MADD Thorson game let's go um back from like the 2000s I've never played it I haven't either um but yeah we're just going to oh there we go that's not bad okay that felt like that was like five attempts yeah um there's like once so I described it earlier in terms of your RNG as your chapter completion percentage over 2001 which is true unless you have 100% of the chapter and then it's one over 11 just straight up so um goes from like I don't know five % at best to uh much 9% yeah it was quick for you to complete those levels all right let's get out of rapture my favorite part of every single run when I don't have to worry about that anymore y um and now we're going to go to dark hell uh Banger music for sure um and just honestly favorite part of the Run awesome I'm I'm excited to see it um this is like that last chapter if I'm going really fast it's like an 8 minute segment I'm sure it was like like 12 minutes M here but this one even if I'm going slow it's like 5 minutes long it's one of those things where like um this chapter I think is so good because it's so short but sometimes I'm like man I wish that like there was more of this you want more it's like it's a really cool part of the run the levels are intense like yeah but if there was more it would not okay NAA you're going to have to cooperate right now if there yeah it's a balance of like if there was more would you like it as much is it is it just like perfect out there we go we got that that no hey Trevor Trev don't stay nice until you beat the level all right all right you want to wait we want to wait on this one nice we did it let's go okay okay we're learning we're we're learning okay all right that one so you can get like a float if you're a little bit late on your dash there so I just needed to be a little bit earlier okay let's hopefully uh okay cool nice yeah niga on this one is just going to like float above a bunch of these here you need to be a bit careful of not being too fast oh gosh this one you need to make sure that you are very fast um okay I make sure here that I'm not getting glitch girl I kind of don't want glitch girl cuz it's hard to beat this level with niga but at the very bottom you can see there's like a Warp Zone that I'm trying to get into it's very precise n please there we go nice that's rough all right um whoa okay it's just over jumping that's fine um uhoh okay so you do have lives on these let's not game over all right I'm going to focus harder than I ever have in my entire life let's go nice for your lives reset per level that's good um I'll probably be good I was nervous a little bit what happens if you came over there to restart all of it is fine thank you for giving no please yeah that one you can blame me uhoh oh okay no we're good I'm not I'm not worried I'm just I'm just adding to the tension I'm not worried yeah this is just for just for show all of it is for show okay we got hey we're not done yet okay okay all right let's go you got to really make sure to not hit bandage girl here cuz you need to grab this bandage there we go we're out of it tough as work the game we got it woo we were not stressed out at no game over that no we are professionals over here truly okay got Meat Boy again for a level all right that's it by Meat Boy by me boy technically you can do that level faster with niga it's extremely difficult though um I think I hear glitch girl but one oh yep I do oh gosh I messed this up uhoh um I does that mean glitch girl is gone that does mean glitch girl is gone dang you missed one dash on there and then your entire Strat is just not the same yeah makes sense there we go that's the Strat nice uh we just unlocked captain vidiian from VV from V yeah that's awesome uh not going to very useless in this run when I go I'm trying to do this whole game death list which if you're watching this run you're like he's trying to do this death list I get to use captain vidiian in that one so it's it's better that's cool I got it down to six I'm hoping soon to start attempts of that again and get to zero um six I mean that's that's incredible yeah and like half of those deaths were like pretty I don't know I was kind of like I should just finish a run please I'm trying to hit the the thing there in the middle there we go um you have to like spin around that that laser right at the beginning mhm um and so those lasers actually have like a half second where they are not active at the beginning of the level um so you have to get it then once that laser activates um you would have to do a very slow Strat so okay how did that one happen everything's fine okay we got it fortunately so one question that comes up a lot is there are A+ times for the dark levels but they don't actually matter for Speed runs that's good that's nice um so we don't have to worry about it l pressured about yeah exactly in general doesn't really matter um if that happens you're going to like lose the time um the ones with bandages there's a few where you're not going to get the A+ and um on those ones we're just going to timer glitch it I think that there's one coming in dark salt that we do okay we still have not gotten glitch girl we're like four [Music] levels hopefully we'll get to see her soon big skip right here not to like go [Music] under there we go that was really clean nice job okay if we get on this last level here oh no what is happening am I taking too much time I don't know yeah this last level it would be cool if glitch F came up but it's also like one of the hardest Beginnings it theor theoretically you could grind there I I don't know just difficult yeah the thing about it is that this game will like eat your dash sometimes when you're like going off of a platform um okay we get to grind again I believe this one's 49 okay here we get to dash into lava always been a dream many people wow this is content right here proba got time for a donation yep well just a couple reminders we do have the B Wars for Dark Souls which are the name the player B War currently Darko is in the lead but if your favorite name is John Dark Soul then go ahead and ra that then we got the choose the ending B war and so that's going to be chosen right at the end of the game who's winning that one uh currently they're have half oh no so my choice can still win we got it we have we got to get that the choice though the dark something people more informed than dark than us yeah figure that one out I'm really looking forward to that ending okay cool now we're going to move on to uh dark salt dark Salt's got a bunch of Clips with niga so that's fun um it's also got like a a route Strat that I think I'll go for um the other day I went for it and it just like could not have gone any worse so because it couldn't have gone worse it'll go great today exact yeah that's how it goes oh no oh I don't want that other one each time you jump off of a wall you re get your vertical speed when you're in this like float State the floaty yeah yeah I didn't want to hit that wall though yeah another clip there yeah this um Dark Soul in general probably has the most like skips per level of any of the um that's fun so it really gives you this one is like super precise let's try to oh gosh these uh conveyor are like like super glue once you're on them it's so difficult to get off okay there we go since we've played these other levels before we're actually going to go back to the map and you know those are done and so we're going to do a very silly Strat that could theoretically save us a good amount of time and I've described warp girl like four times already if we get bandage or the glitch girl on the same level as a war zone you can see The Warp Zone over there to the right um you only have to beat the level once um if I get this within the first like 15 times I'm good with RNG okay so that was probably within the first 15 times I think that was around there yeah okay that level or that rocket specifically has been it's kind of out for okay so that was good RNG there we go all right you take that we love to see it um so I need to remind myself this is actually probably one of the harder glitch levels of the the game yeah uh specifically this middle section there you can sort of see it we have to unlock it first but um it is just like one jump spikes everywhere pretty prce okay these Rockets here and on this one like if it just is very slightly different these Rockets are in like frame rules that it starts counting like on every single level that a rocket is in so it's not like you just enter and it's the same one so since Rockets have existed in levels before that it's just kind of random on when they shoot it's the same thing with this one so it can be just a little a little bit Yeah like right there um it it's like not really in my oh gosh we're good we're good that's how you do it there we go we're good this level has this level has a fun one we're just going to stand here in the air I don't know why this works but it does oh um okay sure I'm not questioning it I too like to just float in there same got to be one of my top 10 Hobbies got to destroy that dust block there very important and this level is like the epitome of these Rockets being inconsistent they're going to actually behave this time that's awesome um but sometimes they can just you called him out for it they were like um actually I can be nice that's true um and so now on this one we got we already got glitch girl wow uh we got The Warp Zone done chilling yeah we're going to do great yeah we just got uh finish the rest of the uh 11 levels this one got this fun clip oh sweet this one you just jump through these saws goes really fast there's a lot of fun skips there is technically a skip in this one but it's kind of ridiculous um you can use the float to go in between those saws I figured it was something silly of squeezing in there but I don't know it is like somewhat consistent but it's one of those where you have to get it within like your first like two or three or else it doesn't save time and it's just not that kind kind of consistent okay okay these ones seem like the most infuriating uh uh that is correct that is true wow I'm right a lot of mistakes it's just kind of like oh okay that happens and then what on this one it's just kind of like okay I waited 10 seconds for like the part of the level of challenge exactly um fortunately a lot of this doesn't have it like right here we skip a lot of waiting against pija um and and part of what makes just so fun in this run you don't have to worry about like half of what's intended uh-oh okay if I mess up I try to float from the beginning here but if I mess it up at the beginning it's like random chance whether I live let's see let's go nice all right this level has been look it's been an adventure for me okay I clipped through that yeah you went you that's not that wasn't my fault no what is happening was that that one your fault no okay okay cool cool cool just checking just checking that's not even supposed to be the hard part it's supposed to be this okay there we got that cool nice nice but we got to dash into here oh there we go no problem no problem it's cuz I got my deaths out of the whoops deaths out of the way on those clips yeah the weird Clips at the beginning exactly oh okay here we just got to stay on the ceiling a little bit there we go all right we are like one bandage away now from unlocking a Crazy Character I'm excited do you have any guesses d i of the new character yeah think about indie games from like 2005 to 2010 like name like a really big indie game character see the problem is I don't know when anything came out okay but can it just be mine's fles that's what I want that would be cool in like a time travel type yeah capacity that's that's what I'm saying I think that if this game with the guest characters came out today it would be meline Celeste who is it who is it we'll see in okay whoa y'all can get your guesses in yeah get your guesses in I'll give you there is a a global twitch emote of this character oh okay please don't die I am Hing that's right it's theve Minecraft let's go oh my God incredible lot of runs that you're not going to be able to see Steve Minecraft used but I think that we can I think that we can squeeze in some St M we can make an exception for this for the fans for the fans okay uh cuz we also have to get agmo still and so there's actually a really cool Strat here where we go we use Minecraft Steve and we go normally have to wait for that Warp Zone but we just go and clip through so actually Steve saves us like 4 seconds thank you Steve and then we got agmo this is another MD Thorson character I think that no I guess like Derek U also got two characters in this with nja is from a Derek U game Aquaria and then not in this version but in the console version of the game there's Spelunky from Spelunky spun from spun yeah might have heard of it um I love all the references it's very fun all right let's go all right nice job huge all right now we're going to get to the end of the game and we're we're right there yeah just cleaning up this last chapter right yep the thing with this is you know we've seen how the RNG has affected this run it's been it's been it's had it's up down been an adventure you know it's been an adventure this is the part of the run where the RNG matters the most okay um not only are we not going to be completing the chapter before we get glitch girl um which means that we'll always have like 4% or less um but the chances of just going up normally like just playing through it is something like 15% 12% I see so when you are running this like you need to like compare to Gold even if you play perfect just assume you're going to lose 30 seconds got it uh but if I were to get it if you if you get it on 65 or the first try on 63 you can save some time so I actually am doing this out of order you can be like well why are you doing 6 four and 65 before the rest of them and you'll see in a minute okay okay I'm going to miss that again I missed the light version's rude it is rude I'm just like a little bit late on it I okay let's see if you sing let's see oh no it doesn't help you I you got to let's see you got to yeah maybe asking more quizzically you know let's see see no that doesn't work okay um how else can we say it I don't there's other can say it when we get there okay you all have to say let's see when we get there it's just it's the power of the crowd let's see let's go okay got it there we go thank you all right we did not get glitch girl all right we're going to do one through three now hopefully glitch girl pops up please please um if not it's going to be very fun I on the beginning of 63 you will just you know retry over and over and over the most retries I've ever had was like 120 um um that that takes about two minutes of retrying to get it let's see you can see bandish SC from the beginning here nope so we are going to do a little bit of grinding okay just a little bit off there we go I at least getting that that's cool the game wants you to like land on top of that but if you just move over a little bit you can do it all smooth and sve feels good very nice okay this is one of these levels where most of the time when I like get past the beginning I'm like oh straightforward this run has been so mean that take nothing for granted exactly you got to you got to play every part of the level like it's the hard part of the level right so yeah I'm running off of this until bandage girl looks like she's glitched um that can take oh there we go that was good RNG you didn't even have time to be like oh that can take forever forever she showed up very nice okay let's not okay whatever I messed that up that's fine there's a little Skip and like a slide under a door that's fine um yeah we want to just play the safe CU we want to get glitch girl of course yeah absolutely especially with how the RNG works on that one I think that the rngs would say that you would expect it within like 20 tries okay um but you know with how statistics works that does mean that you can actually lose you have a pretty good chance of losing a lot of time yeah that makes sense it looks like you can slide under the door there but if you try to do it you will die yeah you will get smushed unfortunately that is sad all right the next level is a Mario 3 reference so that's pretty cool nice we're going to be seeing that run later that's true on tomorrow yeah I got an Airship love it this is cute got to go just under that saw blade and um this game has two Final Bosses so we're going to do the final final boss right now all right I'm ready uh yeah it is basically the same thing as the first boss there's more saws in the way um you can sort of see that even here but the Strat is exactly the same that's nice we're going to go and we're going to go over these saw blades make sure that this one doesn't hit us and then we're going to go to the end of that button and of course buttons make you Invincible in this game very nice so we can just chill there um yeah thanks um who Am I who to thank who who who to thank uh thanks to the whole Meat Boy Community everybody that helps me out thanks to my twitch chat thank you so much for always supporting me thanks to my wife um for supporting me just playing this game in a lot of my free time appreciate you thanks for being on the couch this has been a great time thanks for asking me yeah super happy to be here all right let's finish this off uh this is actually like a pretty challenging level I think the light one is you know you do it a few times it's you got it down this one stays a bit rough but let's see ah that you don't want to run off like that yeah um I don't know the cycle I'm going to wait for that guy to go okay one more we're going to fall it's good good to take a you know take it safe yeah I'd rather do that all right and then we're going to do the same thing and that is time nice job there we go all done okay oh don't forget you have the incentive don't leave I do also does anyone you can guess the deaths in this chat how many times do you think I died I'm going to guess like 220 you have like 10 seconds to guess cuz I'm going to the stat 195 anybody want to take a guess yell it out I heard 212 212 let's see whaty you're exaggerating it was a great R that's true okay yeah ready for the next one yeah I do need to delete the save and go to desktop do you need all right well then we'll I think we'll set that up and then be back okay all righty uh we do have a quick donation from Sam W with $10 uh love that gdq Express is back gdq height this Super Meat Boy R is fantastic love seeing one of the hardest games I've ever played totally destroyed good work shrey let's give another round of applause to shrey please where's the delete button all right here we go um okay make sure this is all deleted okay cool all right so we'll get this started in three two one let's go okay so this is the fastest game has ever been completed at like any marathon definitely gdq it is very very weird it is very difficult to describe exactly what I'm doing but basically I'm manipulating the memory address that the game is in so as we saw before there's two bandages in these warp zones and so that's what the game expects you to leave is with two bandages um and so it's writing those temporarily to a um a memory address that way it doesn't say you know basically you need to have beaten all three of these levels in order for these this bandage to get counted um but I'm going to play this again and get three of them so that's going to basically rewrite the memory to where the third bandage memory address is the same one as um the current chapter memory address and so what happens is is once you beat a level with bandages it will then reite that bandage to negative one so it says okay you beat it it's at negative 1 um so right now I'm in chapter1 oh um so what I need to do is I need to go in here and I need to beat the level once oh gosh I can still get it I need to beat it three times while grabbing the bandage so that's one okay try to do it much no please you'll show us a different Strat every time keep it oh gosh gosh I think I can I think I can die I'm pretty sure I've never actually died doing this no no we need that meat boy we need Meat Boy it's your birthday but I need you to behave buddy all right three okay and so what this is going to do is it's going to for whatever reason oh that's fine um unlock this glitch level and I don't know why it unlocks the glitch level actually there's I I have made a whole video like two years ago explaining why this happens but what I've found over the past two years is that you actually forget things even if you made a 20-minute video of it so if you want like a really good explanation of what's Happening uh you can go check that out on my YouTube channel see shark bird from two years ago yeah see me from two years ago uh but as we do that it's going to unlock the end um basically what we did is is we rewrote memory addresses to say that um we need to unlock chapter 5 um it tricked the game into thinking that it was in a different chapter than it really was and that we were in different levels than we really were um and with that it lets us go directly to the end and beat the game in like five minutes dang um so nothing really special is happening here in the end we are just beating it normally um so a lot of the times when people will grind out this category it's almost as a way of like um you know I need to grind the end but I also want like a category to like play around with and so this is what they'll choose that's pretty fun there's another category in this so I'm just doing wrong War but there's another way that you can get it that's even crazier so this game needs to run at 60 frames per second if not things go wild um animations go faster and all of this um in general it's just kind of unplayable but that makes the game faster because every single time you're like entering a chapter um your animations will go faster there's also a thing called alt glitch and that makes the game freeze and let you you can like walk through walls um and beat levels in like seconds um even more so than with niga um I think the world record in that is like less than 90 seconds what yeah oh my goodness it is wild that's also one of the older Meat Boy records of all time um it's pretty cool yeah all right we're really I'm going to get it this time first try let's go yes the Redemption art okay and now we're at the final boss jeez okay but yeah that's what happens when you rewrite things to memory addresses um okay and I don't I I want to make sure that I'm the really the thing is there on that workp zone all you have to do is press space when you touch bandage girl um it has to be space bar um and you it will make the level the replay screen pop up and you can replay the level so interesting there's a lot of things you can do with that you can start unlocking character early you can you know get yourself some achievements that maybe you didn't actually get there's a lot of stuff you can do with memory address rewriting um it's really cool there's like you can make the percentage counter go up to like I don't know a lot much more than yeah that's so interesting you can play as Dr fetus which is cool he's like basically Invincible the only way that he can die is falling through a hole MH um you can do that I've never done that actually actually I should do it one day you have to like go and get a bandage like 34 times or something like that after doing that whole process in order for it to to happen it is kind of wonky but yeah we're here at the the end of the end the end of the end the fastest of this game has the fastest this game fast this game has ever been completed at gdq True by at least like 10 minutes all right let's get this let's not hit that saw BL this yeah yeah yeah yeah nice easy oh those clean and that is time yeah again I it's very difficult to like I that video that I made explaining is like 20 minutes long so explaining exactly what happens in that is like impossible but um yeah you can just guess on Guess death on this one too I think it was two but you can do that um but yeah that's it for me let's see how many times I died really quick it was four I think technically there's four we we'll do it I won't explain thank you so much for having me um awesome excited for Dark Souls me too all right let's give another round of applause to shreder thank you so much for the Showcase of super me boy yeah yeah we got we got $15 from Cactus let's go sherberg amazing watching you zoom through these super super difficult level this is going toward the dark lord Dark Souls ending with a smiley face all right so we're going to be taking a quick break so see you on the other side e e [Music] [Music] [Music] e for welcome back to gdqx at twitchcon at at Las Vegas Convention Center uh we are benefiting able Gamers able gamers enables players with disability to participate participate in the Video Game World We Love uh just a couple dention $50 from Anonymous say love to see the community doing so much good good luck to all Runners left than three we got $50 from Nick saying good luck Runners always happy to see more gdq more gdq for you and me uh we got $10 from Comet 626 good uh that says good job sherberg yeah great job can we get another round of applause for shurg okay we got $50 from code Yanagi with no comment but thank you so much for that we appreciate it okay uh before we go to interview just want to say that uh this is the end of my shift for today uh thank you so much for having me and hope you all have a great day Aloha oh sorry and one more thing we have a a PRI interview with frozen Flygon thank you hello everyone I have traveled much different couches today and here I am on the prize couch at twitchcon I'm so excited my first time here at twitchcon at gamesdonequick Express showing off some amazing prizes reminder you need to get your donations in before the end of stream today for everything that I'm going to be showing you and I'll just let you know now you want to just put in a $50 donation and that'll cover everything I have to talk to you today so without further Ado let's get started talking about some amazing prizes that we have so first and foremost I I think I want to talk about one of my favorite prizes I've ever seen this tiny little laner 3D paint and spray given to us by explosive action it is you know 3D printed hand painted it also uh I'm pretty impressed has the signature from the artist and a bunch of information about sending this in to gdq express I love this $5 minimum donation we also have two coins here from cute monster prop we have dark souls coming up next and so we have uh sunlight metal from Dark Souls and a Mario coin from Super Mario World of course and so these are both $5 minimum donation thank you cute monster props for sending those out to us talking about Dark Souls that's going to be the last run we have for today more Dark Souls prize to talk about here we have this adorable wooden Sandy Lord and wooden Sandy has the bonfire and it actually like comes out you can see from the game I I really really like this one it's you can put it right next to your computer stand while you're playing the game uh $10 minimum donation ESC Studios always sent us out fantastic prizes thank you so much for this we have a few undertale related prizes as you can see Sans hanging out with us but before I talk about that one we have a $10 uh undertale sand print uh sent To Us by Vats of goop first of all the lighting on this is absolutely incredible if you've done the sand fight you know is a just one of the most memorable boss fights I have ever done before and it has even has the little fight uh UI at the bottom I it's so incredible this print is fantastic thank you Vats of goop for sending this out to us we have my two friends sitting here we've got Shovel Knight and the enchantress sent To Us by the developers of Shovel Knight yach Club games thank you so much for sending these out to us $15 minimum donation for the set of two I they're they're so cute and uh actually comes with its own uh shovel if you win this so thank you so much y Club games for supporting us here at gqx another Dark Souls prize I want to talk to you about that just came in we actually didn't have it until till just now from cute monster props this incredible resin 's flask replica I don't even understand how this is made the detail in this I love the color never really seen anything like this before this is perfect for any Dark Souls fan $20 minimum donation thank you again cute monster props one of my favorite games is Hol night it's definitely my favorite metroidvania I keep playing it all the time with my friends when I do archipelago and this iconic scene where we're meeting Hornet for the first time going into Green Path it is signed by the artist jenel juman thank you so much for sending this out to us $20 minimum donation this can be yours you can hang it up and I absolutely love this print it is so fantastic thank you so much for sending this out to us we have one prize that is a $25 minimum donation it's super high quality we have this arst Pro wless headset uh this is perfect for anyone who's looking to you know play games don't have to be connected to your computer it's just going to be really nice for you to play all your games with your friends $25 minimum donation this is sent out to us by Anonymous really appreciate everyone who has sent prizes out to us for this event all right I did mention the undertale blanket earlier it's been sitting on set with us the detailing this is absolutely amazing also sent To Us by the artists of the holiday print D Duman you got Sans staring right into the camera for you this is our $50 minimum donation for this prize and that that also gets you to win everything that I've shown you today also a really cool thing about this blanket you can flip it over and it shows it has the negative side it's all it's all blue I absolutely love it you definitely want this is just a one-of aind prize $50 minimum donation and if you put in that $50 today $50 in tomorrow $50 on our finale day Sunday you'll be entered for our grand prize this incredible chain mail in the Kingdom Hearts themed sent into us by the chain nerd first of all 177,000 chains were put together in you know perfect Precision to make this prize possible I've never seen anything like it I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan Kingdom Heart speedrunner myself $150 cely make sure you get that in before the end of the weekend so yeah that's some of the incredible prizes we have you can check out all the prizes at click on the prize button you can also see our schedule coming up of course today we have dark souls coming up next but we have two more days of gdq Express with a ton of awesome games I know that you're going to want to check out you can see all of our incentives just everything you need to know about gdq gdqx here at twitchcon but thank you so much for joining me I'm excited to see our day finale of Dark Souls I know you all are too and I'll see you all tomorrow all right twitchcon let's make some noise come on those are some beautiful prizes yeah I see some enthusiastic faces out there well it is my pleasure to join you my name is conception and it is my honor to actually be hosting our final run today which is going to be of the you know maybe maybe one or two of you have heard of it dark souls any any Dark Souls fans out there any Dark Souls enjoyers oo okay I see where you're here for I see you all I see you all well I am definitely excited to be here but I also have a mission for us that it goes for the people out there in the audience as well as the people who might be watching at home as a part of our twitch stream now if you uh take a look at our donation to we're currently sitting at $771 I think with the length of this run and what we have going on that we can realistically break $10,000 by the end into this run what do we think can we hit 10K that was like that was like a 9k clap that was like a oh we almost made it kind of can we make 10K that's right that's right I love it I love it and of course if you're not quite aware of what exactly we're raising funds for we are of course raising funds for able Gamers now able Gamers mission statement is to create opportunities that enable play in order to Foster inclusive communities combat social isolation and improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and I can't think of many more uh worthy goals than that as we're uh speedrunning games in order to make them more accessible for everybody out there who wants to enjoy them I love to see it speaking of we got some money coming in right now $25 coming through from Tris kept saying excited to see Dark Souls live from Vegas shout out to you out there in the audence good luck to the runner absolutely and speaking of I think there's somebody in my ear here that's saying it's about time are we ready for some Dark Souls let me hear you all right R is going to take us through Dark Souls all bosses show us how it's done
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 33,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Games Done Quick Express 2023, GDQx2023, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: 4nE28NOJgDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 39sec (6639 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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