Grand Theft Auto: Vice City by KZ_FREW in 58:13 - Summer Games Done Quick 2022

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okay i think we're good i think we're good okay cool cool cool thank you thank you i think you mean to say this is it's definitively mine okay this is definitive edition all right definitively yours definitively mine thank you so we had a bid war between og or classic or 2002 or 2003 if you're talking about the pc version um we had a bid war between that game and this new release i believe this was late 2021 that uh that came out a bit of a controversial release perhaps we will touch on that during the uh the run proper but um no surprise to me although keeping an eye on the bid war throughout the week uh to this point it was pretty dead even but we had a cool thousand dollars drop from one donator that really put this over the edge proper so we're going to be definitively going through the definitive edition a couple things worth noting uh i will be playing on 30 fps because it's 2022 and you play at 30 fps and because there are some things that are going to be a little more easily done or possible no music sadly and other than that i think the most interesting thing to say about this before we get started here is that this run is totally different man well it's about 60 different the first 20 minutes are much more or less the same the back end is going to be totally different than what you've expected i also have a controller i'll be using this for 10 seconds during the run so be ready for that uh if we're ready on time i'm ready to get started so i'll give you a countdown starting from three let's go three two one go thank you thank you [Applause] definitive edition man it's real everybody's made out of wax figurines in this one we got some nice lighting though this game is based on i believe the renderer's ue4 but under the hood it is largely the same game and that was an intentional you know design feature they're like well there's there's clearly something special about old school gta that we want to make sure we preserve a good amount of that hello making friends with the taxi already man one other amazing definitive feature that i'm actually a big fan of because i'm lazy dude is that you just like never fall off the bike anymore you can just hit things head-on and an og where you would probably go soaring for miles you're just going to be glued to the seat it's awesome we've got a sticky tommy sticky hands i'm a big fan of that um this is our main antagonist here this is sonny ferrelli he is our he is our our our our boss man you know we are a mafioso tommy vercetti voiced by ray leota who yeah we missed very dear rest in peace really we miss very dearly um anyway so sunny sends you down south to conduct some business expand uh the uh the mafia holdings from liberty city down to miami or vice city as you would call it clearly inspired by miami of course i thought miami existed separately it does accept alert but i'm not gonna get into really i'm not gonna you know i'm not here to all right anyway so the first thing we're gonna do is the uh the the drugs deal that we were sent down to do has gone horribly horribly wrong so we're gonna get on our moped and we're gonna solve this crime who took our money who took our product and how about we look nice while we're doing it let's get a nice pastel outfit going on here let's get a nice harley going on here as well thank you for the kind donation man we're all about donations yeah i know thank you generous bike donation there's gonna be a lot of vehicular donations throughout throughout the run anyway you could just smash in whatever you want i'm never falling off dude if i fall off it's gonna be something else um pmc famously has issues getting this bike to spawn here i never do i don't know what you're doing wrong man i mean look i'm sure if you keep you keep saying stuff things will only get better yeah i know if i if i keep talking trash i'm sure i'm gonna get just completely slaughtered but here we are at the uh the colonel's boat party where a lot of vice city's key crime players are at uh we skipped the party because we're too cool to speak to be seen there for very long and we're gonna just drive the daughter off to the uh the nightclub she wants to get away too you know she's too cool to be seen there we're just going to slide a bit that man was sitting on the sidewalk at the intersection which i i think might be a traffic violation so we drop her off and that's mission passed all right the first one's always the hardest one as i like to say so the second one is coming up here we're just going to go right back to the lawyers the lawyer is going to be our only our only mission outlet for the first four or so but uh going back to maybe some of the differences between og and definitive some of you might have seen some of the og uh gdq runs that i've been fortunate enough to do uh throughout my years here is that one of the key features is the replay system where you can basically take a snapshot of the game of tommy standing somewhere maybe for example on a rampage like that's my og that's my og muscle memory in og you would have fallen off six times so i'm like let me just jump off so that i prevent that but i probably could have stayed on um but going back to what i was saying the replay system is not accessible to us in this version so we can't time travel we can't jump across the map we can't interact with things that we aren't actually around for we can't break the game by picking up rampages while picking up missions or starting vehicular side missions we can't do any of that stuff and it's a little unfortunate because it adds a lot of utility to the run but nonetheless um we still find ways to break the game don't worry don't don't worry this is our first friend we're gonna make unfortunately unfortunately keep your friends close but your enemies closer you know what i'm saying anyway here's chef gang chef gang is going to come after us we're we're exhausted like we actually beat them up they're chef gang you know they're a little mad uh there's a there's pool of tomato sauce that we just had to step through um you know some loose juice loose just step over it please uh so this is lance with the big arrow over his head that's me backing his car into the building so the first thing i do when i'm entrusted with someone else's vehicle is consider the amount of damage i can do before they get angry so this is lance you can see his face there yeah he's really excited to be here yeah he doesn't blink dude he's a wax figurine i'll tell you they pulled him out of a wax museum uh if you're sensitive to fast moving camera angles whenever i'm in a car i'm going to be doing this every now and again just to keep the road clear of any traffic i spaz out the camera and everyone on the road thinks we got to stay away from that guy yeah you can't skip this cut scene you could skip the synog you can't skip it here we got the spinning armor up there that's a feature that's a feature they they could they could have patched it it draws the eye i would buy that armor first you would buy that armor first yeah i mean you know i'm floating here anything you want um so we're just gonna sit here and be told this is where you buy guns and then we're never gonna buy guns um wow sorry sir you know wrong time wrong place let me tell you man it's a cold city so anyway driving back to the hotel it's just your very standard tutorial mission here's a car drive here drive here by the way this is where your first safe house is is where you save the game i'm gonna take this car right here perfect perfect i was able to make it to the hotel fast enough that the cutscene outside the hotel and inside the hotel both did not play so when when lance dropped me off there i was able to uh gain movement again and gain this person's vehicle and also do a little do a little mayhem in the process you know there's gonna be a lot of uh there's gonna be a lot of that here yeah just a little bit razor freestyle scooter i see yeah yeah yeah so this is this is how i hold my phone what's up new phone that's how i hold my bluetooth speaker right there um so we have to take some phone calls in this game to progress the story this is the first one this is uh the phone we got from the chef when we uh when we you know made him meet his mortal end uh and uh we just took his phone and this is a person be like hey you're not leo because obviously not um this is the mission that we would usually skip an og seen for the first time in gdq since i don't know when is very fury usually we would do a trick this is tragic by the way that's just really the game wants us to take that hammer but we have guns so why do you need a hammer dude i don't know what you're what you're thinking game but nonetheless um jury fury so we actually have to play this honestly for the first time in many years uh another caveat of this mission and of a few missions that you're going to see throughout the run is that they are just slightly different from the vice city that you've probably come to know and love unless you've played vice city on mobile as i think some of the changes made here in this game started with the mobile versions that came out many many years beforehand i need to aim my pistol there so one of the changes here is that this vehicle has a lot less health needed to to actually scare the juror we're doing just a little bit of um you know juror intimidation here and a little bit of stunts dude yeah we're never falling off the bike man it would take tommy 19 years to finally get acclimated to riding a bike i guess and learn how to do cool things without falling off but here we are you figure you had to get better at it at some point right i know it's you know there's so many times where i've just gone over a tiny bump and tommy flies and i'm like dude come on we i thought we were going over this yeah we've gone over this so anyway here's the the second juror we need to intimidate again we just need to fire a few bullets into his vehicle he's um you know he's trying to make friends but we're trying to make enemies i guess so we scare him off and he just there's a good noise that's a good scream noise you know give that va a bonus that's a good one so that's the mission passed if you've been keeping score at home that's three lawyer missions done we're on to the fourth one and that'll be the last one out of this uh quest giver mission mission man whoever chain mission chain uh et cetera et cetera so this is the uh cut scene where we meet avery carrington voiced by burt reynolds who we also miss very very dearly um and we'll actually be seeing them again later if this was og we would never see him again later but this is definitive and we do things entirely differently here so another um another definitive change maybe another mobile change uh you're supposed to blow up all these vans and you can do that with that barrel and that barrel that i just blew up uh normally you'd have to go in start a riot um get the security to open up the gate then you go in you you shoot them or do whatever you'd like to do but made frankly quite trivial yeah man sick unbelievable too what a great landing swag all over the place so nonetheless um we're going now to our next mission giver who we've already met uh the colonel colonel cortez here he lives on the pier he's probably never been on land in many many years at least i've never seen them on land in many many years we're going to take another phone call and fall in the bushes immediately have you ever answered a phone call like that answer my phone and trip yeah and then just jump off like that speaking of phone where is it you see it i don't see it ghost phone hand phone talk to the ground talk to the ground yeah so there's a spiking in this is just the colonel calling us and being like hey i sympathize with you i want to help you out because i know what it's like when things go bro brad when things go bad so we've got our new contact point here and i believe we go this way i've had to practice both games throughout the week and so things are slightly different i got to make sure that i'm playing the right route on the right game and uh so now we're gonna do a little bit of grunt work for colonel cortez you know fair enough he wants us to go and take care of somebody who he thinks is some manner of informant so that's all fine and dandy i'm just gonna drive my bike all the way across the city up north to uh to meet this guy and in the meantime i think we can get some donations in all right we have a and 50 cent donation from karagura my first ever gdq donation goes to kz free the only streamer i've considered a friend you've truly made a profound impact on the lives of so many people me included thank you for all you've done and best of luck in all you have yet to do love you man thank you very much kur gura um very um you know very good guy has always been very very supportive and very pleased to um uh hear from him today i need to what am i doing i'm i'm you've you've rotted my brain with sentimentality i'm supposed to be a a a conniving thief and criminal and instead i'm just like being savvy sit down for the poolside so anyway we we've we've done the job and now it's time to escape the police here and uh by way of doing that we're supposed to go to the pay and spray and uh that gets rid of all your one to level you park your car in or your bike in this case we found dude unbelievable how much is that that's good how about you just keep grinding your your sports car against the wall after it's probably the hardest thing i'll do in the run it almost happened again but uh regardless of that um we did the job and we're supposed to learn about the paint come on man really uh we're supposed to learn about the pain spray but there are uh some things you can pick up called police bribes and they limit your or they decrease your one level by one and i'm taking it very slow here are you sure you can i mean you could really go faster there no i don't i almost hit my own bike again dude so anyway uh the next one i'm gonna do some more work for the colonel here and somebody's ringing my phone i really don't care um leave me alone i'm speedrunning man come on what about your vehicle's warranty yeah i know really so anyway the next uh the next thing we're supposed to do is a little bit of chase across town a bike chase across town you know it sounds cool right we want that in our game but you know we can actually um we can actually do what we're meant to do way before the uh the guy we're chasing gets on his bike and i hope i can land it in the the sickest manner possible um we're gonna find out here but i'm gonna park my bike right around here we're gonna meet this gentleman and he has the thing that we'd like so we're going to skip that and hopefully catch some here with uh with our blade we have a chainsaw by the way i don't know if i've told you guys we were given that we were given that a while ago um batman yeah i told you dude you're not going to fall off the bike except for the time that i just did except for the time you went into the water so we're taking taking this very very slowly good good good good good i don't make the same mistake twice i just make different mistakes over and over again which is which makes it more interesting i think but regardless of that all right so mall shootout done we're going on to uh guardian angels where we uh we guardian angel a deal between um diaz who is going to be the next major player that we meet and uh and a local gang so we have to go to the car park to pick up a a weapon left by the kernel and then we're going to go into the alleyway and it's a bit of an auto scroller for the most part uh but first we have to get there do some six slides all right there we go inexplicably uh lance is going to show up here uh he he you know must be following us or something i don't know what he's what he's up to we're hogging all the action because we're the protagonists like that's what you do you know so we're gonna do uh some more sick stunts here yeah yeah yeah [Applause] easiest way to get out that's how i do it yeah no that's that's the only way to leave yep absolutely so uh we're heading up here uh to the uh to the meat just gonna slide right in all right awesome um did i introduce you no introduce yourself no i just sort of i just been sitting here you know back firing off quick hi i'm casey fruin we're 15 minutes into definitive edition i am joined by tmc trilogy all right thank you [Applause] i like to keep people in suspense you know i mean i figured you wouldn't introduce me here because this is my favorite mission in the game it is no this is my least favorite all right man a man of his word as you can see mr pmc trilogy my favorite fact about pmc trilogy is he has the world record for the sopranos road to respect congratulations thank you you know we really shouldn't clap for that but i gotta hold it for new jersey that's right so um this goes horribly wrong that's diaz by the way he's the uh he's the man of short stature here and uh they're just gonna pull up and they're gonna slam their vehicles into the backs of things which is they're a little more gentle in og i don't know how they managed to make everything just more violent in this game uh speaking of more violence i just uh i need i need their weaponry it's going to be better in my hands you'll notice that there's a little bit of an outline on these fellows here plants need some help that's nice i guess um just going to grab some some armaments here and contribute to the fight against cars yeah everybody ever said welcome to the war on cars there we go all right and this is the uh the last two that are going to show up here and yeah we're just chilling you know doing our thing uh normally there's a trick that you could do in og at this point where you could get movement in this cutscene but we have to do that by way of replay which who's leaving the tomato juice everywhere dog um anyway so i'm gonna have to do a bit of an aim check here let's get this guy we got him nice sniped sniped all right yeah i know g you're able to uh stop him in the cutscene but here we have to play a little more honestly at least for the first 20 minutes or so so this is uh diaz uh he's going to be impressed with our work and he's going to want us to uh to to join his i don't know he wants he wants to he wants us to do things for him um surely uh above board things you know tommy dude definitively get on the bike please all right anyway so we're gonna take our bike and we're going to go to diaz uh his island is locked right now you're not really supposed to be able to get there but i think if we uh just wedge ourselves in in some places here we'll knock very loudly or you could just uh you know you could also warp right across that also works so there you go we're at diaz's mansion before diaz even wants us here so he's on the phone right now he's talking nice about his colleagues very nice things great work environment a really good work environment he's going to be watching look he's watching the run watch hold on yep yeah he's watching the run yeah no he's definitely watching you right there he's like i'm on the screen all right this is gonna be easy so anyway uh we're gonna take his car because that's the price you pay he's donated he's donated his vehicle um and we're just gonna go to uh to this fellow that he wants us to track down this mission is called the chase uh as i drive to his place i believe we can get uh something red in here all right we have five dollars from redreas been watching hdq for the last 10 years and it has been a blast in no small part thanks to the always entertaining and incredibly welcoming casey fru i might always have been more of a lurker in the casey crew but i always felt like i was a part of this of an amazing community looking forward to whatever is next art thank you very much rodriguez um much appreciated as always uh here we go we're supposed to chase them across the rooftop so we're not going to do that we're we're going to we're going to have some issues getting down to street ground level here please tommy please please jump it's been 20 years getting down the stairs it's harder let's go get in the car all right hurry up clock's ticking man literally all right so we're supposed to chase them across the rooftop and if this was og we would do that because we can sprint as long as we want but here we can't because it's definitive and you have a defense definite amount of sprint power so instead we're gonna trigger the uh the rooftop to progress here and we're gonna run over to his friends um suddenly here buggy and we're gonna jack his friend he's gonna be stunned he's gonna stand up in the seat and look at us like we're crazy and uh we're just gonna have him slide on in and now we're gonna drive him to his hideout instead of chase him to his hat how do you feel about that sir you can barely see him over there that's one thing i okay literally one thing i don't like about definitive the faces are not as good you can barely see the face here in og you can see a lot more face and i love looking at the face because it's funny it's a good gag but you can barely see it here it's just i mean he'd probably be happier if he weren't constantly sticking the gun in his face we're just hitting these poles are cement man so anyway um so there you go instead of a chase it was more of a ride share and uh mission passed so we're gonna drive back to uh to colonel cortez's in og we would actually go to the next island and take a helicopter i don't i don't know man we're top-heavy all right it's the big brain um nonetheless it is actually faster and definitive to drive back to the mansion which is a bit of a drive so while we're driving i think we can listen to some more by musical daredevil all right we have 25 dollars from cubone kz free couldn't possibly fall in the water during his gdq speed run of the definitive editions could he what do you think has it happened yet stay tuned maybe it will happen what could possibly go wrong what could possibly go wrong we have fifty dollars from bard 621 i was going to put this bid towards definitive edition for vice city but since it's already in the lead let's put this money towards the bonus game because more games is always awesome i agree and checking in on that bonus game we have raised 42 000 out of 90 000 so that is about halfway there now we only have a few more runs left before we need to get that incentive met so make sure you get your donations in for the bonus game if you want to see that incentive added to the run or add to the marathon pmc what do you leave in your hedge maze uh usually uh c4 not a sniper some claymore mines maybe okay well i had to grab a sniper from diaz's hedge maze uh while we're on the phone here and this is actually sincerely going to be the last major story mission we do for quite some time that is more definitive goodness here phnom penh and we're working with lance again so what we're going to do now after we have uh basically driven our our good gang fellow to his gang house uh we're gonna do the only sensible thing we're gonna get a giant big gun and a helicopter and we're gonna rain on his parade with bullets with bullets yeah yeah exactly shouts to bulls we're just gonna throw them out of the helicopter right yeah [Laughter] so we've got a bit of a conversation going on here and we've got some uh some boats and stuff that you know the game's just kind of elbowing you a bit like hey you can you can shoot you can just let loose see those right finally they're smoking right now i don't know why they're smoking but um you know we want to conserve our ammo we want to we want to stay primed and ready for for knocking out all these dudes on these rooftops here it's actually kind of a whole compound that we're going to be infiltrating here and i guess they're ready for us because they're just hanging out on the roof with guns so here they go this mission is made very very easy in og because we can actually break out of the first person mode and fire this gun at a much higher rate of fire but we don't have such tech here in uh definitive edition we again we're gonna have to play a little honestly and we're gonna have to fight against the camera a bit too because as the helicopter rotates my camera rotates with it and that makes things a bit hard to be really precise with but i know where all these dudes are there's one back there he's cheeky he's hiding behind the gazebo of sorts got two playing tennis got two playing tennis that's right you know there we go eventually eventually we're gonna get there uh that guy this one right here he's kind of hard to hit because he can be out of rearrange actually based on where you're where you are in your helicopter uh flying pattern here so this is gonna be the last uh few we've got some on the balcony here you can see me fighting the camera here as it rotates with the helicopter if i get these three dudes it's incredible i got one yeah that's one third incredible all right so again getting those three guys much easier in og but since it took me a bit of time to actually make sure that those guys you know fell asleep or whatever it's going to take a while for us to actually get on the ground here that fade does not exist in og i don't know why they added one there so we're just going to run through and take the briefcase i guess it's full of cash probably whatever um they tried to stop me but you know we're tommy vercetti you've asked for bullets just we're the t2 000. yeah judgment day [Laughter] you can only delay it you can't stop it exactly so that's the last story mission so now this is where we deviate from og in a real major way and we do things that you really don't have to do at all i'm loading the autosave um and i'm not starting the next mission here if i do that that's really embarrassing and it's it's a huge waste of time and i'm not doing that so that's the last job we do for diaz uh instead we're gonna go to avery now actually we're gonna crash into the wall now we're going to go to avery all right avery again played by uh you know the man burt reynolds uh he is kind of a kind of a real estate baron of sorts that engages in really hostile tactics to you know uh embolden his business again i really don't care about the phone right now i just want to go to the golf course frank for iron here bro you're doing business deals what are you what are you doing yeah so we're going to park ourselves on the hide son come in and park yourself whatever that means the hide i guess this leather leather yeah yeah it's leather alright yeah so all right so he's going to want us to take out a guy on the golf course which means usually we'd go into the golf course lose all our weapons at the metal detector because when a guy walks into your golf course metal detector with an entire armament in his pockets you probably don't want him to have those on your business grounds um i can't skip this cut scene listen very closely nice ass baby i appreciate that you looked at me i don't know i i was too full of shame i couldn't look at the screen all right so anyway there you go nice yep this is where we would normally walk in but actually uh this is why we got the sniper earlier as i'm going to equip it using the weapon wheel and if you look very closely as a man you're playing golf and that's what happens when you play golf and og you can't see him you just have to set it up yeah if it works but thank you that was definitive yeah um since the draw distance is higher you can see him from that position but in og you have to line up a kind of a pixel or two pixel perfect shot uh so it has made a bit easier now everybody's favorite mission that everybody is sometimes people come my chat and ask when is he going to do the rc helicopter mission and i have to break their heart and say you actually don't have to do that mission and then they tell me you're telling me i wasted months of my childhood trying to do something that i didn't have to do and i say don't shoot the messenger man it's not my fault so anyway demolition man infamously one of the apparently regarded by many to be one of the most difficult missions frankly made more difficult by the changes they made to uh definitives the changes they made to the game's control scheme uh so i'll try and regale a little bit of what i'm doing here first things first uh you left click to ascend and you right click to descend which i'm not afraid of uh and then uh you just tilt forward here with w i'm just gonna be clicking a bit drop bombs q i guess yeah i thought i'd change that to r usually i like i like to drop bombs with with uh you know another key you're a pirate yeah right all right so nonetheless there we go so we're just gonna uh plant a few bombs here and honestly i should make uh you know this mission should go very very smoothly sincerely no problems at all um don't why are you laughing look i'm just it's gonna be great it's gonna be fine so while i'm you know committing um demolition man man uh why don't we get here some more from mr musical daredevil yeah i didn't like this mission either when i was playing it this was was very challenging we have 25 dollars from noise tank nick first definitive gift of the marathon to celebrate casey fruit definitively demolishing this definitive version of a definite classic we have one hundred dollars from roman numera 13. hey all wearing my hawaiian shirt for the vice city run to feel the vibes let's see those sick tricks let's get that five nights at freddy's incentive woo and checking in on that incentive we are almost to that halfway point we are just at forty four thousand dollars out of ninety thousand let's get that bonus run added to the marathon we have we have 500 from dfb-210 i'm a simple man i see casey for running at gdq i donate right on thank you very much for the 500. i appreciate it we have 20 dollars from rockcoin hello from germany loving the event so far i almost fell asleep but nothing stops me from watching this vice city definitive edition speed run big love for kz and the whole gta speedrun community show us those definitive strats the one thing that really is a little different than maybe a casual player would do here is i go to the uh the top floor for the third bomb and then i go to the third floor for the last one it just works out to be a little bit faster that way um so we're on the last one here it's been it's been smooth it's been we've been cruising we've just been vibing yeah um nothing too fancy here so it's about the wrap this one this might be the longest mission yeah i think i think that's definitively true thank you so [Laughter] so uh nonetheless we're just about done here and we're gonna actually be doing the last mission of the avery chain and the reason i didn't do this uh these missions earlier is because we actually didn't have all of avery's missions unlocked we needed to finish the mission in the helicopter the big one um we need to do that one to unlock his final mission as that takes place on the other island and finishing phnom penh is what unlocks the whole of ice city the the world is truly our oyster uh now so mission passed you get a thousand dollars for all of that now i'm gonna answer my phone so um that's the colonel calling us again we're not gonna do anything with his uh with his mission he's just we've just unlocked another colonel cortez mission but we won't be seeing the good colonel again sir no sir no and but we did have to answer that phone ball phone ball phone call we had to answer that because um we just have to the the phone calls are basically on a priority chain there's donald love of gta 3 and liberty city stories fame um what was i saying oh yeah so phone calls just kind of are on the same priority chain so if we want a phone call that's lower in the chain we have to take everything higher up in the chain first so nonetheless even though we're not going to do anything with the colonel's mission we still have to listen to his phone call um this is two-bit hit this is where we get into the uh the gang war missions as uh as good old avery has decided that a gang war is good for business actually it lowers property value and and he's you know the real estate baron so that's his stick so in order to uh kind of propagate this we're going to dress up as one gang member and commit to commit an act of atrocity against the other as you do again more missions you're not going to see in in a standard any percent of og any percent no ssu that is the the standard just get to the end of the game uh these are all side missions i want to stress that why am i doing side missions dog um you'll find out so nonetheless here we are we're going to stand on our car we're gonna take these guys out that guy over with the arrow you know he's the target for what i don't know for whatever reason nice i mean that was interesting not a lot not a lot happened it was a lot of noise there's a lot of grinding um so anyway we're just supposed to leave the zone and we do um it's faster to go north but actually we want to go south because that's where we're going next we've been in helicopters we've been in cars we've been in bikes now we're gonna go on a boat besides the colonel's yacht i suppose we're gonna actually drive a boat so i'm gonna grab some armor as i'm waiting for a phone call to come in it takes 20 seconds from when you pass a mission before the phone call to come in tommy puts in his bluetooth earpiece hands-free baby that's right and um we're just gonna go over to umberto's cafe so the two gangs that are at war right now thanks to us great contribution is uh auntie poulet's gang in an umbertos gang umberto is voiced by do you know danny trejo danny trejo thank you thank you thank you there he is the man right there see see all right so we are on the scene now so this is rico we uh should be able to skip this enoji but we can't do it here just another strange inconsistency but it's fine it's fine it's a fun game you know it's no problem so uh to prove our worthiness to umberto to danny trejo he tells us to get in a boat and do some cool sick stunts there we go jump the golf course buzz the tower why is a van on the golf course i mean sometimes you never brought your rompo to the uh to the golf course no driving around [Laughter] not really uh something i make a habit of oh we can go do that sure so nonetheless uh this is a pretty easy peasy mission the only thing that can really go wrong is if i flip the boat somehow which has never happened to me ever and that would never happen that's never happened super unlikely it has happened to me um but it won't happen to me now see we're good right no problem in fact we can even read a donation because nothing bad is going to happen at all nothing bad possibly could happen at all i think you're going to like this one we have 500 from an eternal enigma what is wrong with you dog where i just saw him he's impossible to miss you've distracted me i've just driven into a pier oh now it's going to happen anyway enigma says ever since i first saw you at hdq 2017 i knew i wanted to be your friend and you've been nothing short of amazing this entire time i love you and brosa forever and i will always be behind you for whatever is next for you and that my friend is definitive i've got the heart and heart of a criminal okay you cannot pierce me with sentimental words thank you though thank you for your 500 and for your very kind words mr enigma it's been an honor and a pleasure to work with you every time and we will be working together again in just a few hours he's been gracious enough to have me on the silent hill for the room couch so if you like this run and you like what i have to bring to the table you're gonna love what enigma and i and our our fellow commentators have to bring it's gonna be a great run can't wait yes yes absolutely please uh get another one in if you can we have 25 from dio you definitively thought you were getting a donation but it was definitively me dio fru do you know jojo's if you have to ask the answers no but i appreciate i appreciate the meme all right good memes are good so anyway we've proven our worth to rico here that's rico watch watch him watch his moves here he could just turn sick dude insane actually sick always facing due south you know so anyway i got to make sure i don't fall in the water here that would be embarrassing that would be funny should i do it no good all right awesome that i've done that before i've totally done that before thank you thank you thank you thank you [Applause] clapping for turning 180 degrees that's the bar is down here [Laughter] all right so the next thing we're going to do is um take a phone call from auntie poulet who we have not met yet uh we actually get to to to play both sides of this exchange here between uh umbertos gang and auntie poulet's gang so now she wants us to work for her which sure we should we're gonna we're gonna change outfit you know probably sweating a little bit in the uh in the gang clothes we're gonna wear the uh the pajamas anyway this is definitive right here this is important this is one of my favorite things okay so it's faster in this game to get rid of the door on your vehicle and here you can get rid of the driver's side door by grinding the passenger side how that happens i don't know but it's good it's a good it's a good gag yeah dude so uh auntie poulet's missions we're gonna do all of them now we're gonna pull up and uh announce our presence here i don't want to answer the phone thank you this is auntie pillay ray liotta for you right there you know academy in some of the greatest films ever hello we miss them dearly um so juju scramble is this is kind of where it gets a little crazy um so we're gonna just drive up to the roof and our objective here uh the mission objective hold on hold on okay the mission objective is to grab three briefcases each time we grab a briefcase the police presence gets increasingly obnoxious um so we got to make this quick but also we have to find a four-door police vehicle uh the reasons for that will be made apparent later that's a two-door police vehicle so i can't take it i need a four-door police vehicle so i'm looking for not that that that's what i'm looking for where are you going i'm over here please get out sorry fam it's not personal oh hold on we got a friend dude look we got the cop in here what's up dude hey frozen with fear he saw what i did to his partner he's like nope all right so you should leave us alone yeah we're good we're good okay so yo you remember the gdq cops well that's the uh they came back that's also one of the vehicles i could have taken but okay there we go like i said obnoxious i think is the word i used and that would be appropriate here so uh that actually went pretty well yeah i would call that good great so um if you remember at the start of the run i said that i'm going to use a controller for about 10 seconds in the run and that's coming up here for bombs away auntie pulley there's literally something in her t that makes us work for her that's that's the lure here so we're going to take our police vehicle here and we're just gonna go down and uh we got another rc vehicle mission this is actually this one is the bane of my existence if this goes well i'm gonna be very pleased with myself i'm so excited for this oh i'm not so i'm gonna use the controller now to fly the rc plane but only to a certain point because i've actually screwed up my control scheme when i first started playing this game i bound the like i bound there's two sets of flying controls and i bound both of them to the same set of inputs so i get like double the input so now i'm going to drop my controller he wasn't kidding i thought it would hit him thought on the floor and i'm going to very carefully hopefully uh take out every everyone with the oh i'm not dropping bombs because i drop bombs with q now instead of r i guess that was my mistake here i was not my inputs were not correct dude i need my controller man all right i didn't need my controller yeah it turns out that was a mistake we're good we're picking it up we're picking we're literally picking things up all right so anyway he's got oh my god he's all the way down there let's read some donations to hide my shame please oh boy we have a five dollar donation from grass sama whoa we're halfway there whoa praying for a fried bear and that was of course for our bonus game five nights at freddy's security breach where we are indeed over halfway there praying for a fredbear so make sure when you get your donations in you add that incentive to your donation so you can get us that bonus game we also have a 100 anonymous donation which has a haiku casey fruit blue definitive miami aesthetic chef's kiss thank you chef's kiss indeed that was probably the worst i've done in a while but it was funny so i don't really care um [Laughter] we're having a good time here so okay so the next thing we're going to do is uh this is the last auntie pillay mission first we're going to be blocked by the phone when the phone rings you can't pick up missions so you got to stop the phone from ringing in the way i do that is to just fake out entering a car just like go to enter a car and then stop that's the thing you do to prevent phone call phone calls from bothering you all right so we're going to pull up here park right around here there's a there's a proper gang war happening here and we're going to put our thumb on the scale from a distance here everybody with an arrow over their head is uh condemned unfortunately uh you have committed the crime of being marked by the game here so we're gonna use the m60 for the van i don't know where the kruger is on my weapon wheel og does not have a weapon wheel but uh i try to you know i try to keep up with the time so i use the weapon wheel a little bit it is kind of handy because the uh the the weapon order in your inventory is a little different so the radial control does help a lot there all right everybody's gone now it gets interesting now we break the game a little bit here so i needed a four-door police vehicle earlier and uh this is where that's going to come into handy the first thing that's important is the vigilante so that's why i need the police vehicle when you're in a police vehicle you have this toggle submission that you can do which is basically a switch where you can tell the game you're on a mission then you can press it again to be off a mission and that's very handy so the first thing i'm going to do is auto save by canceling it and then i'm going to line up this very precise and i want to get out equip my m60 get in perfect that's very good very good very good first try so what happened there was i started the rampage and as the rampage right before the window of picking up the rampage icon and the rampage starting um i was able to sneak in the vigilante submission and then i could cancel the vigilante submission so now i have this timer on the side that's go why don't what this thing man i don't want that i wanted this okay i need a four-door car man i need a good one not that thing sorry bro i stole this car i psyched them out it was a prank um so these guys their heads are sticking out the back that's gotta hurt so we're just gonna cruise now to uh to do some uh whoo all right no problem no problem everyone okay back there you're still okay back there all right anyway this thing is smoking but that's okay i don't need it for much longer so we're just gonna cruise up to uh to this first mission here for umberto i guess the second one really the first one where we've been initiated right um this is our friend that's our friend we have to take very good care of him treat him like a friend yep all right sorry bro um he has to go because all right listen let me make my case okay his his voice lines take a while and if he's not alive everything goes fast you're killing your friend because you don't want to listen to him when you well when you put it that way it sounds awful so he's supposed to be here but actually you're going to be able to see him here i think there he is right there he's fine he's having a nap you know sometimes you just want to bathe in some ketchup i get it fell on a deep dish all right so anyway uh we have to um progress this gang war again everybody with an arrow is condemned uh but i've got some extra friends here which is like another definitive exclusive is the bonus dudes usually you don't get bonus dudes but here you get bonus dudes and i don't know why um so we have to steal this van let's just get in and uh if i get any amount of flats that's normal yeah that's normal that's pretty normal that's pretty normal i got like two or three that's pretty normal here comes the ambulance we're gonna we're gonna go this way more flats i think they're all flat actually are they all flat oops all flats do we have oops no we got one one's made it all right this usually happens uh the cops will also try and harass me as i skid around vice city um it happens to me literally every day so um i'm gonna have to make a bit of a detour there's an invisible wall here i got to be careful of because it's definitive it's definitively invisible i'm going to pick up this rampage icon i can do that because i failed that rampage during this mission so the game's like all right you're in free roam mode now because you failed something right well that's not really the case right we kind of broke out of that intended sequencing earlier yes three flats here we go we're not stopping sometimes you just gotta charge head on i missed it look at how much space there is you could fit two of these in here there's the cops man a brother it's good it's good totally back away nothing to see here officer nope nothing to see nothing to see all right uh there's that van from earlier this might actually come in handy i'm not i'm not that was a strat that wasn't a joke that was that was actually a joke it wasn't a joke trying to help you tom is going to order a coffee luna cafe um all right let's just take this you don't want that what's going on what is that all right vice city's having a normal one what's going on i'm still hearing things so anyway uh the next thing we're gonna do is uh we're gonna go and get on a boat again uh with another gang member of umberto's every time we do a job with some of his some of his i don't know soldiers they meet a grizzly end it's no good uh but you know anyway things are going to change now this guy is also my friend but for him we're good we're good it's fine it's fine i was going to punch somebody you fell off the dock dude instead i fell instead karma happened yeah right it turns out it does come back to haunt you after a while so my rampage is about to end but before that happens i'm gonna use the weapon given to me by the rampage uh to just blow up some boats here uh now i don't have it anymore that's okay we'll use the shotgun a bit here and we'll use the uh krueger okay we're good this mission is actually quite scary so i'm gonna focus in just a little bit okay uh the outline helping very very greatly here i'm gonna really take my time with this because if if it's gonna go bad it goes bad here i know where everybody is i wanna make sure this guy is taken care of because he's got a shotgun i'm going to take care of that guy for safety and now we're going to pick up the last of our briefcases here this is unbelievable owned destroyed um so we're going to leave now and uh we're gonna pick up our last rampage here uh we're basically chaining these together right because it's gonna culminate in kind of a surprise ending here uh based on you know how you're supposed to progress to the game through the game rather how you're supposed to progress through the game they shot my tire out in mid air that's pretty good you can't even be mad okay but um based on where we're at in the story progression we're nowhere near the end we're not even close but you'll notice we're eating a little you know the time is climbing up what am i doing here yeah what's going to happen what is going to happen how am i just going to pull it out at the end well it's going to look a little strange but it is very interesting from just from a running perspective because this is so different than kind of your standard classic og gta speed run so we're going to be using this rampage here to achieve that end to get to the end they just pushed my car away they're like if we can't get home we'll get his car it's impounded now yeah it is all right so trojan voodoo is the mission that we have been trying to get to this entire time we wanted to get to this mission because this mission is the key that unlocks the end of the game so i'm going to do a very precise sequence of things that look strange and confusing and how could that progress to the end of the game at all and i'll do my best to explain it the first thing i need to do that i actually truly legitimately need to do is i need to get rid of my driver's side door so to do that i've got a few walls that are pretty good for that this one namely there we go very good that's that's it's a little difficult to do that and this one to be honest it's not like the comet where you shave the wrong side of the car it's not like that doesn't have that feature no not this one not this long boy so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm just going to get to a certain point in this mission here and that's going to be shortly after this cut scene the rampage is about to expire after the rampage expires you know i've been whining about the phone ringing the whole time this is the one time i want my phone to ring is when i leave this vehicle so here's what's going to happen i'm gonna park into this pink glow that we're about to see i'm gonna wait for a guy to talk and then when that happens i'm gonna get out of the car and the phone is gonna ring hopefully it really should so i need to focus here okay we got it yep the phone rang we're going to leave him here um and now so what's happened is when the phone rang it kind of locked the mission in place on that dialogue line i did it a little late but i think it's going to be okay um it kind of locked it in place so we're stuck at this exact specific spot in the mission script right now and what happens here is if we were to go up here and buy this property at the top of this roof i got to make sure i don't unsoft lock myself by getting out and canceling the phone call as quick as i can i'm going to buy this property you're not supposed to be able to buy properties on missions but i can do that because of the rampage thing and because i bought that property while that phone while that dialog line was playing in the mission that actually passes the second to last mission in the game so now we're at the end just out of nowhere i told you it was going to be strange and weird and random and that's how we get to the end of this game in definitive editions so now i'm just going to go straight to the end yeah because it's the last mission we just do the last mission we actually did so that sequence of events passed the penultimate mission one last spin for good measure dude one last one of those so long definitive in the grass so what we're gonna do now i know it worked by the way because the game didn't crash if you screw it up the game crashes and then i don't know they would i would go through the trap door and leave but uh we're all good here so we're gonna climb over this wall the last mission takes place inside this mansion we can't get inside the mansion because the door is shut don't do that mission but you can't do fastest boat not that one we want to do the one in here but we can clip through the wall like that we just run into it and here we are there's the last responsibility this last mission here we are here we are [Applause] keep your friends close keep your missions definitive that's right that's right all right so um an interesting little fact about this mission is that so the mansion doors were closed right i had to clip through the wall to get into the mansion because the doors were shut if you were to start this mission while the game sees that the mansion doors are closed it just deletes the mansion doors that's kind of a fail-safe that you're never supposed to encounter at all normally but it's the one like this is the one instance when that happens so because the mansion doors have been deleted this is actually the one instance where this mission works as intended because i guess testers didn't know that there were supposed to be more dudes funneling in through the door at the end of the mission and you'll see that i'll point it out to you but um normally the mansion doors would exist but they would be open and when they're they exist in their open sometimes dudes just get stuck on the doors and they bash their heads into them over and over and over again and they never make it inside the mansion this is lance he betrayed us for no reason at all really i don't even know why i can't really explain all of the actual story to you because we spent really no time doing it but lance betrays you if you want to see more of the story you can watch some of the uh some of the classic runs that we've done here on gdq i just hate the shotgun i keep pulling it out what's my weapon of choice here how do i how do i kill my friend uh i mean there's an invisible barrier here and that's probably not helping no all right we gotta go so there was an invisible wall that i had to basically stand just an inch away from so i could shoot through it um all right now we just have to wait for sunny to spawn but i'm gonna show off a little bit of a little bit of an interesting thing we got we got some let's get a gift for sunny let's get a gift for sunny i think sonny could use a new car so we're gonna go outside our mansion which is broken by the way our mansion's broken um it's not supposed it's not even our mansion it's still supposed to be diaz's where does it take our car i think i think sonny the big bad here i think this jerk can use a car straight to the face what do you think sounds good to me all right we're gonna do that we're gonna do just that here's some more dudes here right these dudes that are aiming the gun at you they get stuck on the doors that don't exist right now so anyway we're gonna gift a car to sonny there you go and we're gonna ride off into the sunset and time [Applause] thank you folks thank you thank you very much appreciate it uh i'd like to thank my co-commentator pmc trilogy for being here for being a brother to me and for um not saying anything about me introducing him for 15 minutes thank you i'd love to be there for you um yes please follow his stream uh you want to give your elevator pitch oh i mean i like to play all sorts of chaos games i like to ask what could possibly go wrong that's the best thing to do another thing that i think really warrants mentioning is um pmc uh at this point it's on a hiatus perhaps indefinite but you used to run a podcast where you would interview interview other speedrunners called overboost so if you want to get a little peek behind the scenes on some of the people you might see here or elsewhere in the community please check out overboost wherever you get your podcast right yes that's correct thank you like i said that's it's a project that's on hiatus but it's still a lot of value uh to be had there um for me you can follow me if you want but this is probably the end of my speed running road if i'm honest for the time being um i i'm gonna pause for here um just give a little bit of a light spiel i've been very gracious and very honored to have been a part of something that's been so cool for many many years this is my seventh run at gdq and that's crazy that's crazy you know the the last one is probably the most important if not more important than the first one so um to be able to marry you know uh community uplifting and community gathering gdq is so important to so many of us to marry that with a good cause that impacts the world in a way that's perhaps more important now than ever is a very very beautiful thing it's it's it's um it's it's been the honor of my life to have been a part of this for as many years as i have i think enigma said 2017 that was my first one and you know i think what i would like now is to pass the baton on i've said enough here i've done enough i've done enough runs we've even gotten the remaster done here today so i'd like to see what i'd like to see more than anything is just new fresh exciting talent to uh to take my place here because it's it's it's time i think it's time for me to to wrap it up so we're gonna do just that thank you again to you of course and to musical daredevil who is who's my first host in 2017 and is now my last host so thank you for helping me complete the circle it's been an honor kz thank you thank you guys very much i'm gonna go now stay tuned lots of good stuff to come thank you all [Applause] amazing job kz free i am so happy we got to show off definitive edition for your last run for a while good luck on your future endeavors we have a 1 000 donation from squishy flan it's time for a definitive return to donating at gdq having definitely watched this i may get this game and definitively get a taste of that sweet hype until then i'm just going to have to bear with getting that bonus game unlocked and checking in on that bonus game we have passed 47 000 we have 43 000 but we don't have a lot of time to do that we only have a couple other things to go before we get to where we need to have that bonus run met you have maybe another hour and a half so everyone chat crowd kz if you're still back there please donate and make sure you add five nights at freddy's to your donation so we can get that incentive met in the very limited time we have to do that in the meantime we're going to take a quick break so get to donating we'll be right back welcome back to summer game sun quick 2022 where we are still in pursuit of our bonus game five nights at freddy's security breach we have a couple donations that came in for that here is a 10 donation from desi bean this run is so rad it looks like it's time to hop on the definitive five dollar train for that bonus incentive here's two tickets yes you heard desi bean chat let's get a five dollar donation train for that bonus game going in the meantime here is a word from a couple of our sponsors we're called neons sinners plucked from hell to do god's dirty work but i'm finding it hard to believe we're in heaven me [Music] uh shhh [Music] [Music] all right we have a 20 donation from pseudoforkbomb hey let's get that five nights at freddy's funded so we can squeeze in as many jump scares as we can that hey was supposed to be a jump scare we have still just a little bit over forty seven thousand dollars raised we have forty three thousand dollars to go so again not much time left please get your donations in to get that bonus run added to the schedule in the meantime that is actually going to do it for me at the hosting desk for this evening i will be back here tomorrow evening at around this same time for a couple of other hype runs and so after this upcoming interview you will be hearing from our very next host and for now as i just said i'm actually going to be throwing it over to the interview area with kizuran enigma and shark hat to talk about some horror games take it away what is up summer games done quick 2022. i'm keysron and i'm joined by two lovely people we have shark hat 87 and an eternal enigma i'm just going to call you shark and i'm just going to call you jacket that will be i mean totally fine with me fantastic so i've talked to you both before i don't need to get into your origins but what i do want to get into is why horror games let's just start down and work towards me well with horror games i tend back in the back in my 20s i'm 37 now back in my 20s uh we would hang out me and my friends would just hang out on the couch at my place and we would play games like silent hill and resident evil and there would be some people who just wouldn't want to play them but they would enjoy watching people play them it was sort of like twitch in real life and it kind of got me prepared and once i started streaming on justin tv back in 2000 back in 2011 which became twitch it became something where i thought i could translate that into a digital thing where instead of people on a couch with me they'd be in a chat room and uh that was what really got me into it it's just the horror the horror games just just attracted me it was just that thing yeah for me horror games have always just been some of my favorite games to play in general casually and i think that just translates over to speed running as well because a lot of times you just want to pick games that you already like to play anyway so i part of it's just a coincidence honestly it's it's oh i want to pick up a new game well what's a game i like oh well already done dead space well outlast or you know whatever else resident evil you know and that's kind of how it happened for me now not to detract because everyone at home should absolutely watch these two runs but i have 30 minutes which one should i watch and why give me your best selling point let's start with shark well the cool thing about the the outlast run is especially this category is it gives you the option to see so much more of the game than you do in other runs because you can just skip to the end of the game in 13 seconds normally but here you get to see like a huge variety of tech lots of out of bounds cool door glitches shrinking your hitbox all these all these crazy things and going to the level backwards and uh it's just a good time okay you got my pallet wet you got my pallet wet you got some you got some competition here so silent hill four it tends to be two games in one it's an hour long and the beginning you're just by yourself but in the halfway through you pick up an escort eileen it turns into an escort quest so it becomes a game of making sure she goes fast and not necessarily you so it's kind of two games in one and it is a game full of complete randomness you don't really know what's going to happen and i i i tend to be sort of the entertainer type as well so i think it's good for the audience because you just not really the same thing happens in every single run there's just a potential for complete chaos in every run so it's sort of like two games in one and there's so much randomness that can occur it's just it's just different every time okay that didn't help me make up my mind at all you're both terrible anyway um so there's a lot of like intertwining communities between the horror game runners like it doesn't feel like it's just like a separate game like you know like you'll have the spyro crew or you'll have like the mario crew but it just seems like a lot of the horror game runners are like this tight-knit community and like you two are already friends as is so like absolutely yeah what do you think like kind of contributes to that like what makes the horror game community so tight-knit we'll just we'll start with jacket it's it's interesting to say and i don't know if there's a clear answer to it it's just we've all come together as the people that play the scary games but one of the most common refrains that we hear from people that watch our streams is horror games are ironically the most comfortable and cozy games to watch because they don't have to play it and we can sort of guide them through it and all of us tend to be cut from the same cloth so to speak so i think if you watch one of us you get a good sense of what we're all about and everybody you know tends to be of the of the same ilk and i think it's just sort of a sort of a comfort with familiarity so to speak yeah i think one thing for sure definitely too is that with uh it's it's just so opposite to the way that you would normally play horror games as opposed to a lot of other games you're also going very fast you know a lot of like a lot of these games you're supposed to be hiding from enemies and going really slow and being scared so it's always kind of interesting to then see okay well what would the game look like if you just ran through it as fast as possible and it almost not removed the horror but it sort of reveals more things about the game you wouldn't have seen before and i think a lot of people that play or watch or speed runs enjoy that that part of it too now i'm going to throw it to a social media question that we did get from at pagan0 and this is directed at the both of you so there you go same question for both runners i can read any parts of the run that could potentially be problematic and is there any preparations that could be taken to minimize any risk from those parts and you know i really like this question because it kind of just speaks to marathon preparations so we'll start with shark sure so uh there's it's funny we have this uh this drawing of traeger here from uh from outlast so in his area there's an out of bounds that we do that we can go for and if you don't do it fast enough it's not a big deal you just can't go for it because it's it's a bit on a timer the thing is uh if you do get the first part and you mess up the second part you can actually soft lock and get stuck and then you have to reload and do a whole long trick to get back there it takes a minute or two to get back so it's one of those things where i'm probably going to go for it once if i softlock i probably won't go for it again but i just got to be a bit careful and you know we'll see what happens but i think it'll be okay it's great that shark referenced this this wonderful drawing over here because next to the doctor is a twin victim and there is a room in silent hill four where there are six of those things and they start bolting towards you once it is time and you get close i was once on a gdq hotfix speed runs from the crypt hosted by ecdysis it was the first time that it ever happened in a marathon setting and sort of put the fear of god in me so to speak so that is the room where in the last week or so both on my stream practice and off stream practice i've really been focusing because that is the one room that could possibly create the most problems and in order to mitigate i would have to have an extra melee weapon to get the enemies off of eileen who is the woman that we're taking around the game and that what i what we what i just call the twin victim hallway where six of those things are awaiting is definitely that room for me now kind of like rolling off that question a little bit but changing the direction a tiny bit so is there any favorite trick or like any favorite segment of the run that you're going to like i don't know be most excited about on stage for it let's start with enigma well it may not be a trick but it is just a special part of the run and i have one of my twitch emotes dedicated to it there is a room in the hospital which is the mid part of the game there are 22 rooms in this hallway they are randomized every single time there is no manipulation there is no pattern there is no nothing to figure out what you're going to get here the the video game version of a box of chocolates we have to find the room that eileen is locked in we have to find a key and in my opinion even though that room can drive you up a wall sometimes when you're speed running for top times which i do on silent hill four it's still pretty entertaining for everybody and i love getting everybody hyped up because on some alternate universe my mom always told people that when i was growing up i told people i wanted to be a game show host so i can go in there and be like is it an l1 is it an r1 and really kind of get people involved in that and it's just a lot of fun even when it doesn't go right it's a lot of fun for everybody so i'm looking forward to doing that one for sure yeah i think one of the things i'm looking forward to the most again related to this character here his whole level the mail ward is one of the craziest levels in the whole run it's got it's so dense with collectibles and uh really difficult tricks and so the thing before the trick i was talking about we actually do a very long extended skip that skips a whole four-minute cutscene with him normally but it's just really crazy because uh we'll talk about it more in the run itself but there's a lot of uh glitches with shrinking your hitbox and you you get it so small that you fit through this like absolutely tiny gap but you have to get the hitbox way earlier so you have to go all the way up all these stairs dodge a bunch of obstacles without losing it and it's just kind of a whole crazy thing if you mess it up you have to do the whole thing over again um so it's a pretty exciting part of the run i got one last question for the both of you and i got to go back to to a cut-throat question here because you're both good friends but i gotta ask it if you both swapped games if you are doing outlast and you are doing silent hill who's gonna do better and why it's gotta be it's by a shark by default i don't i just don't know anything about outlast i would have to just say see i i've i've beaten outlas silent hill one and two um zono4 is very different no that's that from watching it that's what i've gathered so i i don't really know how it would do i'd like to think it would be okay you know it seems like it could be fun though i think it would be that'd be a good idea for another little side show to get people to play runs and see how quick they can get through that's pretty good that is a good idea yeah you're giving away like potential hotfix secrets here hey i don't know anything i don't know you asked okay i'm just answering the question i don't know anything well thank you too very much for coming up here thank you i'm excited to watch both runs reminder folks we have shark doing outlast and we have i'm i just got to call you jacket that jacket that's fine we have enigma with silent hill that's coming up really soon thanks for tuning in everyone i've been keys ron and i believe i'm throwing it over to someone enigma it's something for your run goodness there's now a seventh one over here yeah they just keep popping out of the woodwork i can't escape them hello everyone my name is scent and i'm here to tell you about some of the amazing prizes that you can all win by donating prizes like this absolutely lovely silent hill four twin victim perler people talked about them earlier come on look at how cute this thing is don't don't you just want to like give it a little headphone you can't run keys you live here that's this is your fate oh no uh huge shout outs to silent evil for uh sending it out there wasn't you mind uh holding that bad boy for us no one better uh now as a reminder all the prizes i'm gonna be talking about right now are available from now until the end of omori a little bit later tonight kind of the end of this horror block that we've got going on right now we are working to try and get a bonus game into the marathon uh five nights at freddy's security breach we are about 52 000 towards our 90 000 dollar goal to make that happen so let's get some donations in during phasmophobia and let's get them in for uh that five nights at freddy's bonus game but let's look at some of the prizes that you could uh get entered in to win while you get those donations in so for a five dollar minimum donation we have a pair of lovely pins from our friends over at fan gamer uh you can take a look at them right uh there below so somewhere one of the sides of your screen there you go we got robbie the rabbit and the door from silent hill for the room uh enigma i'm not familiar with silent hill 4 but i presume this is the room it is the room it is the room you wake up in and you just can't get out you just can't leave now can't leave you definitely can't i've heard this pin actually has real chains on it yes it does i actually i own that wow one of my great viewers got that for me a while back and it does have real chains on it it's super cool thank you so much to fangamer and konami for sending it out to us five dollar minimum donation for it now speaking of robbie the rabbit we also have this you know perfectly adorable robbie the rabbit plush it's it's great it's completely washable and it even comes with a little set of markers so you know you can just make sure that robbie has a has a nice nice big old smile nothing nothing friendlier than a bunny with a big old smile right correct yeah come on how can you not love robbie ten dollar minimum donation again comes with a set of washable markers and is fully washable himself speaking of you know fun horror themed prizes here from our friend geekish gifts we have this lovely game over tote bag would you like to continue i would i'd like to continue with this marathon and all of you would like to continue with this marathon by seeing five nights at freddy's so get those donations in 15 minimum donation for this lovely handmade tote bag thank you so much to our friends over at geekish gifts for sending it out to us now from paper meals we have uh this absolutely adorable vibe and napster blue from you know undertale deltarune whatever you like it's just vibing like i feel this is me watching horror speed runs right here you think it's scary but nah just vibing just listen to some cool people play some cool speed games ten dollar minimum donation i believe and thank you so much to paper meals for sending that out to us now i got one more prize to talk about enigma yes it is the most horror game prize available in this entire block and i think you are going to instantly understand why okay because scarier than uh you know this lovely bunny mascot scarier than that twin victim perler we have oh my goodness you gotta understa as a you know as a silent hill runner you gotta understand we have the star rod from kirby here because the only thing my god the best part of silent hill runs is of course the part where you become a magical girl that is absolutely it uh this is an absolutely amazing replica of the star rod from kirby it comes with its own little beautiful stand here it'll stand up right here on the floor next to his feet that's very close comes to us uh from flextide designs it is absolutely beautiful thank you so much for sending it out to us it's a 25 minimum donation thank you so much i mean it looks just absolutely beautiful i'm gonna hold it up again here for the camera because just a little too low to be seen there you go absolutely fantastic thank you so much and again 25 is going to get you entered into everything i just talked about and it's going to get you you know an eighth of the way into our grand prize which is a lovely pair of replicas from our friends over at heroic replicas you have of course the amazing falcion from fire emblem you know the legendary sword of marth crom lucina in all of its glory as well as sly cooper's cane a replica of that we saw the run earlier of uh episode one of sly two which was really cool i've actually never seen a sly two speed run before uh it's always fly one it's really cool seeing something different you could take home both of those lovely replicas for 200 cumulatively throughout the event so get in a 25 donation before omori but ideally as soon as you can and make sure you put that donation towards that bonus game we were talking about earlier five nights at freddy's and remember you can always head over to because it's going to let you see all the amazing speed runs that we have coming up in the marathon all the amazing prizes that you can donate in order to be eligible to win and of course all of the amazing incentives that you can put your donations towards uh keys i think that's really all i got thanks for having me as always and uh you you ready for phasmophobia are you ready for bro sencha oh i'm i'm absolutely pumped for pasmophobia absolutely wait that's it oh thank you thank you there we go [Applause] we got the audience we got to use them keys yeah keep making that noise and everyone at home stay tuned don't go anywhere you don't want to miss it welcome back everyone to summer games done quick 2022. i am nicole goodnight and i will be your host for the upcoming phasmophobia run it's so good to see you all in person again i'm so excited oh my gosh as a reminder we are at fifty two thousand seven hundred forty eight thirty out of ninety thousand needed for five nights at freddy's security breach twitch chat and crowd my birthday is tomorrow and it would mean the world to me if we got this incentive met so if you want to donate make sure you select that during your donation so we can get some more gdp more gdq more speed runs let's go we have a 10 000 donation from the yeti [Applause] they say hey all yeti here we want to awaken all the demons and ghouls for barcentia npc flannel cat and peace eggs phasmophobia run here are ten thousand ghoul bucks to make sure things get extra spooky massive shout out to kinetic games for both making this amazing game and for working us to bring the official phasmophobia tea to our collection five dollars from every shirt sold is donated directly to msf good luck to the runners and viewers at home lights off volume up we be getting spooky in here thank you so much the yeti that is amazing we have a 25 donation from nancy who says so excited for the horror block love usgdq thank you so so much for your donation i have a 15 donation from that one chelsea five nights for only 40k more what a deal what a deal indeed let's get that nut so we can have more gdq i have five dollars from mr fenord no incentive left unmet thank you so much for your donation and as a reminder all donations are benefiting doctors without borders doctors without borders or msf is an international medical humanitarian aid organization providing life-saving medical humanitarian care in over 70 countries around the world msf is committed to independence impartiality and neutrality these principles are what make it possible for msf to respond rapidly to emergencies and provide life-saving medical care in situations where many other organizations can't or won't 90 of msf staff is national meaning they live locally and are from the country where they work i have a 50 donation from zoen that says let's get that fnaf run thank you so much for your donation we are only 36 457 away from that i believe we can make that happen tonight let's go i have a 100 anonymous donation thank you so much for your donation i have 250 from plato two eight seven six more gdq let's go chat i agree let's get more gdq it has been amazing so far we have already raised two hundred and forty three thousand six hundred and twenty eight dollars and we are only on day two you all are amazing we could not do this without you thank you so so much i have a 50 anonymous donation let's get some more spooky times into the marathon i agree spooky times are the best times thank you so much for that donation i have a 25 donations from mithra was taken so glad to be hearing my favorite nicole goodnight commentating for speedrunning phasma phobia a game that carries a lot of weight and brought me to know her it's been a long journey with learning to play without sight game archival and preservation and finding out specifics before they were published with phasmaphobia all while getting to know the absolutely lovely nicole oh myth three you're so sweet wishing the absolute best to the whole team and also hey chad did you know it's nicole's birthday tomorrow so make sure to wish her a happy birthday by donating for fnaf security breach so you can hear more of her lovely voice mithra you are such a sweetheart and yes phasmaphobia is an amazing game that has meant a lot to me personally and being able to play with a friend who is someone who can't play games typically because they don't have any sight this has been something that we've been able to play so it is a very special game to me i'm so excited to be here tonight chad you have no idea thank you again mithra you're incredibly sweet i am so sorry my community is adorable i have a 25 donation from shriveling fire nicole goodnight then nicole goodnight nicole golden award good night professional golf at speedrunner nicole goodnight that nicole goodnight nicole old that will make sense during the run i promise chat good night anime girl all-around menace to society nicole goodnight nicole i respect my friend jerry and his opinions on the parabolic microphone good night that nicole goodnight she's here she's hosting she's actually the queue cool hi here's to hosting the nest game thank you so much shriveling fire i am so so excited to be here in person oh it's amazing you all are fantastic i have a five dollar donation from anonymous that simply says five dollar hype train chat if you play phasmaphobia or even if you don't if you want to hop on that hype train and tell me what your favorite ghost is from the game feel free i would love to see everybody's favorite i have a 100 donation from hofumyama never seen it before but a stuffed bear how scary can this game be oh you'll see thank you so much for that donation i have a 100 donation from java's place that simply says less than three less than three to you as well i have a 100 donation from mr creepypasta i heard there are ghosts here tonight show me the ghosts we will show you so many ghosts mr creepypasta thank you so much for your donation i have a five dollar donation from infinity fire five dollar donation tray absolutely thank you so much i have 25 from crisis wolf can't wait to watch the phasmophobia speedrun hype for fasmo's first speed run in gdq good luck with the run fast crew and don't let the ghost grab you thank you so much crisis full i have a 100 donation from rem is this enough to get a ticket into the pizza plex i know it's getting close to closing time thank you so much for your donation it absolutely is we are inching ever so much closer to that bonus game of five nights at freddy's security breach so keep them coming twitch chat i have a 25 donation from fair here are five tickets to the five dollar train thank you so so much tsunami donates two hundred dollars and says let's get that fnaf bonus game but don't forget one rule keep the lights on thank you so much for that donation
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 261,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Competitive Gaming, Fast Gaming, Fast Run, Hasty Play, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Mega Man, Speed, Speedrun, Summer Games Done Quick 2022, Super Mario 64, Video Games, Zelda, eSports, recorder
Id: KPhzyVPVspY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 47sec (5687 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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