AIM LIKE A PRO! - The Ultimate Aim Guide (CS:GO)

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hey this is vue and i've been in the lab getting every piece of information taking notes on every aim video on youtube and i'm going to come to you with the definitive guide on how to aim better in cs go now there are three main things that every single video agrees on but there's a lot of different smaller things that only some videos bring up i'd like to bring together all of these ideas or at least the ones that i think are strong and are mentioned in multiple videos but the ones that are mentioned in every video are one that you want to be doing a practice routine every day or at the very least practicing every single day stick to the practice every single day 50 minute aim training routine if you're following the regimen the main thing is to do it consistently two crosshair placement is as important or more important in fact than your actual aim cross air placement cross replacement cross hair placement putting your crosshair exactly where the enemy is going to be and the third is that accuracy is more important than speed when you're in training and when you're practicing your aim focus on accuracy first practicing my aiming consistency and remember slowly smooth and smooth is fast and i said there that accuracy of your aim should be improved by practicing speed if you're paying attention the very first thing that i need to do is talk about the difference between time to kill and point click aim the vast majority of people when they talk about their aim in cs go are talking about their time to kill and more often than not your time to kill is going to be poor not because your aim is bad but because you're putting yourself in really bad situations so time to kill is i think the more important factor here and it's going to involve a couple of things first is cross hair placement crosshair placement is simply having your crosshair on the enemy as much as possible and you want to use your movement to allow your crosshair placement to give you free kills essentially if you're peeking out looking right at someone you shouldn't even need to aim because you just have to stop moving and click your mouse you get the free kill this is optimal this is the best case scenario the less you have to move your mouse the better because your aim can never be truly consistent so using crosshair placement and movement to get yourself some free kills is the most important part the way you can do this is you want to be visualizing where the cts are going to be if you're entry fragging on t side and peek out on those angles precisely trying to hard clear them so if you're coming up cat like this you might expect to be a ct to be in this angle what you don't want to do is swing out looking at that angle that's decent crosshair placement but crosshair placement is only one part of the puzzle you need decent movement as well where you swing out and stop directly looking at that angle before you even recognize that they're really in front of you and then if they are you've got the free kill without any extra steps you want to be able to do this fluidly between multiple positions so you can do it for stairs here then on the ledge then you can move forward maybe even check the box up there to the left you can come up continue to check angles like so and you're going to continue forward checking all of these angles one by one and if a player is there you're hoping that they're in the exact position you're looking at and you're trying to get that free kill this is what most lower level players struggle with they're going to be running out in a straight line they're going to be not stopping between different angles they're not going to be jiggling at all which is very important in spots like this where you're running out and you're trying to clear a lot of off angles you want to be making sure that you're jiggling around and with that jiggle if you get it really down you can have it where just in that fraction of a second that you're stopped on a jiggle you can be hitting a an accurate bullet rather than as you're running and you're just completely inaccurate and you can have some pretty good engagements there and definitely get a lot of kills the other aspect of time to kill is making sure that you're not dying instantly when people peek out on you it doesn't really matter how fast you could have killed your opponent if they instantly kill you and i see a lot of lower level players that say they have bad aim end up being people that are in spots like this and if you're a more experienced player you know exactly why this is a bad idea you are in the middle of the open anybody can kill you and you're going to have to be looking at multiple different angles typically you want to have your back to a wall and you want to be trying to minimize the number of angles you have to worry about so that your crosshair can be on the angles that they come from right if you're over here you don't have to worry about the long corner thereby your crosshair can be on pit and if a player peeks you from pit you don't have to make a large adjustment in your actual crosshair placement and thereby your aim is going to feel better now if we're talking about actual point click aim which is you know the title of the video then you're going to want to be looking at daily routines i think daily routines are something people really miss out on it's been scientifically shown that putting in an hour a day is significantly better than putting seven hours in one day a week and that really holds true when you look at something like aim which is really based on muscle memory and simply hours put in of course there is a natural talent aspect of it some people are going to have better hand-eye coordination than others however if you put in the time and you put in the effort you can have very solid aim as well i would recommend having something like a 15 to 20 minute aim routine that you make sure you do every day even if there are days when you don't really want to play cs you just do the routine and you log back out aimbots is a really great map to use for this type of routine you've got bot stationed at different distances of throughout the map you can have it in a 360 circle or as most people do you can set it up like this the important thing to realize about aim though is that there are two types of aim there's flicking aim and there's tracking aim and i've realized in the cs community tracking aim tends to get kind of written off people don't really talk about it very much except for in all the other aim videos tracking practice like tracking the ball tracking and snapping tracking aim tracking game it comes to tracking aim but people don't talk about it all that much it's actually something that can make a big difference but the flashy kills the plays that you're really looking at in frag movies are often flick kills moving for a very crisp a very quick flick onto an opponent's head and making sure that you're you know getting three instant kills like that those are very nice to look at tracking aim is important too but first we can take a look at flick aim one of the things that is very important and pretty much everyone agrees on usain bolt is fast pretty much everyone is that you want to make sure you're focusing on accuracy before speed that means when you're a less experienced player you want to be moving fairly slowly to the head of each bot and make sure that you're practicing correct muscle memory once you get your muscle memory down at slower speeds then you can begin to speed up the problem starts when you try to go too fast too early you're going to have yourself training in an improper manner and that's going to cause you some problems down the road instead take it a little bit slow at first speed up throughout your session even i at the beginning of the day i've played thousands of hours i still go quite slow at first to warm myself up and make sure that i'm not missing any shots once you get more and more experience then you start to speed it up and you can get some very quick flicks going on with high accuracy when it comes to tracking aim aimbot certainly has its place there are certain settings you can use as well however there's another map i like to use as well and this is fast aim slash reflex training these are bots that move in a pretty linear fashion in a fairly predictable manner that you can shoot at and you can actually practice your tracking at least a little bit with these as well you can follow them around you can follow their head make sure your aim is lined up and then go for the shot afterwards there are also some specific aim training games that do things that are similar and you can really practice your tracking however i've never felt the need to actually move outside of cs to practice my aim at least not to a specific aim trainer the idea with tracking is there's plenty of situations in which an opponent might move after you start shooting at them they might you know you might need to follow them around or you might need to take a second shot with something like a deagle and you want to have the ability to follow them as you're in your downtime so tracking can be quite important it's not something to underestimate and it's certainly something you should be practicing along with your flick aim one of the things almost every video talks about is pro settings should you be copying pro settings and the answer is really no however somewhat yes one of the things you want to be doing is you certainly want to be looking at sensitivities that are within a certain range there's a very very highly utilized range of sensitivities you'll find almost every pro player is in there it's the highest you really need it and it allows you to have the best accuracy the most consistent amount of the time you're probably going to be looking for the most reasonable sensitivities would be somewhere between 400 dpi and 1.5 in game or 1.6 and 400 dpi at 2.4 you'll find most pros actually fall between 1.6 and 2.2 but this is not to say that you can't have a sensitivity outside of this range certainly if you've tried in this range and you feel something else is better that's totally fine i just think you're making a clear mistake if you've never tried something within this range and you're drastically outside of it i've found typically the people at lower levels that have really bad aim oftentimes have ludicrously high sensitivities all these guides mention having the right gear do i need to talk about that do i need do i need to tell that to you guys do i feel like it's obvious thanks for watching and if you haven't yet hit the subscribe button hit the video with the like if you enjoyed it head over to the patreon and you can support the content or to my discord and you can join the community thanks for watching
Channel: voocsgo
Views: 505,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aim like a pro, aim_botz, counter-strike: global offensive, cs go, cs:go, csgo, csgo aim, csgo aim routine, csgo aim training, csgo arm aim, csgo crosshair placement, csgo fast aim, csgo flicks, csgo guide, csgo headshot, csgo movement, csgo pre-aim, csgo preaim, csgo pro aim, csgo robotaim, csgo routine, csgo sensitivity, csgo tips, csgo tracking, csgo training, csgo wrist aim, fast aim / aim training csgo, how to aim better csgo, how to aim csgo, voocsgo, csgo aim guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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