Aidan Turner/Kili Clips From The Hobbit AUJ Extended Edition

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[Music] my Lord frundle is wise but in this instance his judgment is clouded Aiden Turner first read for an elf this is to do with you meeting MC gandal will you at least tell me what I'm seeking he literally went on the board but we didn't know where he was who he was going to play but he felt so right for the world of Middle Earth as KY began to swim into Focus this sort of sense of recklessness but joyful but also staunch we kept going back to Aiden but I kept thinking he's never going to want to play a dwarf there's no way Fran said we should ask the question and we did and he said yes and it was what's the matter you don't look very good good I thought someone was going to light a fire fire oh no oh no shouldn't have think so not for this just a bit of rain I did the audition with Aiden and the great thing with Aiden is that he and I as soon as we met we got along which I knew was going to be important for the characters um but it was nice to know they didn't have to fake it you know and I think he probably felt the same way um had a couple of very anxious days later philipper called me up and said you know we'd like to offer you the role and I was so shocked Philly and key have heard a lot of stories of heroic Fighters and and you know triumphant leaders and such and I guess Taran sort of fits in to that mold so Thorin is some that they aspire to be like and somebody they really want to impress phly and kitty are the youngest and the fittest and his best fighters Thoren is passing on all of his skill and all of his knowledge to them my head Killy is the cheeky the more audacious kind of guy he's he's kind of up for anything he's just excited to be there really Thoren is a slightly more relaxed approach to [Music] killy he's got a bit of a soft spot for him he'll let him be his own man and there isn't quite the pressure on the second Prince I'm looking at some El and girls the map we think maybe key has a little bit of Elish blood in him somewhere maybe his mother was messing around with an elf to something up because he looks a bit like an elf and he's attracted to them to everyone else's amazement that one there is not bad that's not an elf M Aiden and Dean tried to always make smart comments about everyone else so they the young Troubles of the group we should be holding Aiden Turner fantastic guy really good chap you can definitely know why he is the the hunk [Music] dwarf with his bellowing hair and very very short beard my hair the hair Aiden Turner I mean he's just a dish isn't he and why does the camera lens like him I hate him he's so [Music] beautiful makes me feel like I'm a functionin it's my one weakness oh I mean uh no it's not I'm perfectly comfortable with my chin the knives bend the smash the bottles and burn [Music] the I think you can do what you want boys cuz I've obviously killed him so he's dead already no he's not he's dead he's dead I got right between the eyes a [Music] it they set up the scene in Bag End um with the food and it looks amazing and just told okay listen just wreck it I was aiming for Ken stop cuz he couldn't take it the dude can't handle an orange to the head hit him with it leg alarm when he's not looking I mean vicious stuff nothing playful about this at all I mean I never told him this he's surely he's going to hear about it now but I was hitting him hard I think I nearly took his nose off oh this is the painted o cooling system with your hands shoved down these tubes you will never ever become overheated either in the delivery of your performance or the rubbish you speak to the camera we were the most useless race we cannot do anything when the camera's off I mean the state of us I mean we're all just half baked and dead by the side of the set and with little you know fans in everyone's faces and you know makeup artist coming over I'll get my more sweat my back my back just people cooling stuff on and Peter raring to get going again with another take it's hilarious can you feel that already it feels like I am pissing myself it's great I think in the second day we all kind of we all complaining about something about how hot it was and we thought you know we just need a big place for us to hang out a big town would just stick in loads of air conditioning put it in loads of and pump it in and we can all wait in there it was done the next day here we are in the quarantine tent what did the stunties do it and we're like we can do that we can do what the stunties did so Andy for the last take went okay yeah knock it up and they turned it up really high I mean it literally almost threw us out of the trees [Music] they can dial it up to how strong they want it so you know they turn up a little bit and the tree shakes a little bit the turn up a lot and shakes all the way across and then I sort of fell back and as I fell back the tree came forward and like smashed me on the chest and I made this involuntary squeak it kind of came out just like this it's tennis balls and sticks do you know what I mean you're told this is a troll this is what he looks like you see a little figure the wer bring over you know you see oh well okay brilliant okay that doesn't really help me at all cuz you're looking at these ten balls going holy mother of God it's going to be a we bit hard to look at that there not that Qui and fight but then you look at this playback yeah and it shows the troll moving I mean and with you in mind it completely makes sense then you kind of go all right you know relatively speaking the size they're always way bigger than you think they are even on the set troll show was the sort of defining moment as an actor for me to go wow this it is this big great to just see a big set I think we're on the K stage you know which is one of the bigger sets in Stone Street and I just remember being huge remember thinking finally made it I'm finally in a big movie the dwarves will be sometimes they'll re-elect us but of course they will far too big for horses we're also going to be using our scale doubles who will bravely stand their ground as Horses Thunder towards them we hope scales are are vitally important and uh and yeah I mean you build up a relationship with your scale cuz I mean he's watching you in the screen means all the time you're doing your stuff and he's in costume and wearing a face mask wearing a mask that is a mold of your own face with similar facial hair coloring everything but with a stern look so he's walking around with this kind of look at him this evil look the entire time and then you go all right he goes hey how's it going what and this kind of voice comes out you know and you kind of go this is weird I wish you take off his mask right now so it's quite it's quite disconcerting it's quite weird to have them walk around I mean it's uncanny how close some of them look some of them more than others are there any women [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] here see it is muscle memory and it is you're doing it so often that you don't have to think about it and that's kind of the way it works I mean to [Applause] really doing a lot of archery stuff yeah yeah Killy is he's quite a skillful Bowman good girl good girl yes big design challenge for us was giving the sternness the weight and the thickness in the forehead without causing it to overshadow the eyes we'd lost these amazing characters that have been hired to play the dwar key started off with quite a lot of Prosthetics and there was a lot of latex going on and um different dimensions a much bigger nose and a bigger forehead and different sort of shaping on the eyebrows what became uh apparent I guess to Fran and Phil is that Aiden's face had to all but 100% speak through the makeup for his handsome demeanor and twinkle that is in Aiden's eye and in the way he presents this character we had little ability to encumber that with prosthetics and ultimately Aden is wearing a cow slightly increases his head size with the extension ears out on them and just a tiny little prothetic on the tip of his nose have you seen this else aen Turner Adam Brown aen Turner Adam [Music] Brown well that's good here we go all right and [Music] action I had a few months off before the Sho and I went I bet I can grow a wicked beard and I could and but I got over here and Peter looked at me and went no I'm going to shave that we want you with some St oh I could get my hands to you my wife's a red head no hair just a red head bofer alcoholic St Patrick's Day uh-huh was yesterday first day in 29 years Boer hasn't had a drink only 2:00 typical Irish typical Irish my character is a thief he's one eye on you and one eye on what he wants to Rob which I kind of respect in a weird way I mean he'd robed from his own mother I'm actually to see how much stuff I can neck off sit Dar he's Mother Goose isn't he he will be the shop steward of the group he's the safety officer if you like Dory is quite um a loner and that was uh through many of the cast helping me to come to that decision they've been extremely mean to me he's even got a dwarf BMW with his name on the number plane oh don't tell me there's a license place really really I've heard a rumor that his license Pate is Dory I think that's a vicious rumor I think it can't be real it can't be it can't be real when did this happen this is the uncoolest thing that could possibly happen to that man he's abusive see his coat see the gra bit yeah it is abusive but then the naris had very nice costumes look at his little face body else has prosthetic hands um and I have to pull on these really enormous gloves I guess that go to just above the elbow make him look a lot cooler and he does have you know pretty decent forearms with them you see I don't really need them cuz you know girls tell me the forearms are one of my strengths I do have we're talking about a diameter of at least seven or eight inches there which is a lot more than uh anyone else would have I mean a lot more than Mark hler for instance would have I mean he wouldn't have he wouldn't have forearms like this are you kidding me not ready for what reading [Laughter] funny thing is that like everybody gets our names wrong fely oh sorry key yeah it's rock and roll that's that's what we're about rock and roll dwarves can't you see don't have the umbrellas in the movie by the way just in case you're wondering no see the colors clash action fely and hey At Your [Music] Service it's just amazing oh my [Music] God
Channel: AidanTurnerForever
Views: 829,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aidan Turner (TV Actor), aidan turner, The Hobbit (Film Series), The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Award-Winning Work), Aidan Turner Forever, Aidan Turner Fan Video, Kili, Kili The Dwarf, Fan Video
Id: -zBFdhnjTZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 06 2015
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